shadowlight-week · 1 year
Shadowlight Week 2023
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Event Fan Art by @oryu404​
Welcome to Shadowlight Week 2023, a celebration of the friendship/relationship between Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney of Sabertooth!
We’re back, baby! It's been a while, and a little quiet in this corner, but we're hoping you are just as excited as we are! The event will run from October 27 - 31 this year.
Our prompts are:
🖤 Rebel / Dare
🤍 Thrill / (Un)dress
🖤 Haunted / Watch
🤍 Potion / Monster
🖤 Sweet / Spice
Of course, these are for inspiration only. Feel free to submit other prompts if they work better for you!
We’ll be accepting:
Fanfics (any length and in any language)
FanArt (any kind)
Edits (edits, aesthetics, videos, memes)
Social Media Posts
Incorrect quotes
Manga Coloring
Event Rules:
All content must be original and previously unpublished. Updates to an existing multi-chapter fic are not eligible, but standalone one-shots from an established work/AU are fine.
Pairing or Brotp only.
There should be no character bashing of any kind. This event is meant to be fun and positive.
Please tag all triggers and adult content appropriately.
We will not accept any work that contains incest or pedophilia.
You may enter as many times as you want!
Late entries will be accepted!
We will track the tag shadowlightweek2023 so make sure it’s in your first five, or mention @shadowlight-week​ in your post. Fics posted to AO3 can be added to our Shadowlight Week 2023 Collection.
If you have any questions, you can reach out to us through Asks. We’ll be happy to answer them.
Our event page has a complete list of rules and answered questions.
Have fun, and please reblog to help us get the word out!
@fyeahstingue @faneventshub @ft-reboost @ftmlmages @ftlgbtales
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krystledraws · 4 years
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Stingue Fall Equinox, Day 1: Celebration 
I had to participate in at least one of the days for these beautiful boys! Special thanks to @fyeahstingue ​for preparing this event! I had quite a bit of fun with this one! (And don’t worry... our little exceed buddies are just drinking milk. 😺)
Daily Ink Challenge, Day 2. #KrystleInks2020
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ft-dads-au · 4 years
Kiss Me
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Fanart by @oryu404​, do not repost without their permission. A collaboration by @mdelpin​ and @oryu404​
Stingue Fall Equinox 2020 Prompt: Warmth Pairing: Sting x Rogue, Sting & Orga
AO3 | FF.Net
Summary: Sting has one thing on his mind when Rogue shows up at his dorm room unexpectedly: the kiss they'd shared at the end of a week spent studying together for midterms. He's dying to get Rogue alone again, but first he has to get past the embarrassment of his messy room, and his nosy roommate.
October 27, 2012
“Check this out,” Orga laughed as he showed Sting yet another silly TikTok on his phone. He had to raise his voice a little to surpass the sound of the music he’d put on- some kind of rock band Sting knew most songs from by now. “I’ve already seen that one, blockhead. You bombard me with so many of these that you can’t even remember which ones you’ve already sent me?” Sting groaned when his roommate shrugged at his comment and started singing along to the music, “Turn it down, people are still asleep! It’s barely past 10!” He had just finished speaking when they heard a loud banging against the wall. “See?” he flashed him a look that said I told you so, feeling rather victorious when Orga turned the volume down a little. Sadly enough, he didn’t stop singing. “Whoa-oa-oah, so hun-gry~” “The-eh-eh-en get fucking dre-essed~ We’re all out of...everything.” Sting checked the minifridge and the small cabinet they used for snacks, pouting in disappointment when all he found were empty wrappers and some leftovers from a salad that looked like it was ready to crawl out of its container. He pulled a face as he dumped it into the trash, “Nasty…”
“Or-” Orga swiped across the screen of his phone, “we could get some lunch delivered! What’re you up for? Pizza? Burgers? Ooh! You should try 8-Island!” The idea of getting delivery was very tempting, but they’d done that so many times already over the midterm week that Sting was almost looking forward to the crappy dorm food. He could hear his mother’s voice inside his head, giving him a lecture about the importance of healthy meals. Oh well, what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. “But-” he was cut off when Orga raised the volume again. “This is the best part!” “Normally, yes! Your caterwauling kind of ruins it for me, though!” Sting noticed Orga was busy singing into the TV-remote for an invisible audience, so he took his chance and dashed for the computer. He was able to lower the volume to a more acceptable level again, despite Orga’s sung protest, but a loud knock at the door told him the damage was probably already done. “Great, now we have pissed off people at the door, which I have to answer because you’re still not dressed.”
Plastering a smile on his face, he opened the door, ready to charm his way out of yet another noise complaint. His smile widened as he recognized the person standing on the other side. That was until Orga opened his mouth.
“Is that Dobengal whining again? Cause if it is, tell him he can suck my big fat -”
Sting waved at Rogue cheerfully and put his hand up in a wait-one-sec gesture, quickly closing the door before Orga had a chance to finish that statement.
“It’s not Dobengal,” Sting hissed, “and can you put some clothes on?”
“Fine, fine. What’s got your panties in a bunch?” Orga muttered, searching through the pile of clothes that lay at the foot of his bed for a pair of pants. “There, happy?”
While Orga got dressed, Sting grabbed all of his clothes and threw them into his wardrobe in a last-ditch effort to make the room look somewhat habitable.
“Are, like, your parents here for a surprise visit or something?” Orga asked.
“No, worse. Rogue,” Sting explained, continuing to throw the contents of his floor into his wardrobe. He pushed all his weight against the doors to force them to shut, and when that didn’t work, he hooked his desk chair with his leg and dragged it towards him in an attempt to lodge it under the handles.
“You mean the guy you’re always talking about?”
Sting didn’t like the gleam in Orga’s eyes at the news or the way he made kissy faces at him. “Oh, come on, don’t be an asshole for once. Please?”
“We have a guest, and you shouldn’t leave him waiting outside. You wouldn’t want Dobengal to have a go at him, would you?” Orga smiled sweetly, and with that, Sting hurried to the door. He could only hope the wardrobe would hold.
Giving himself a quick once over in the mirror that hung behind the door and deeming himself presentable, he opened the door again and leaned against it. “Hey there! Sorry about that, loud roommate, and all that.”
“Hey,” Rogue replied, looking slightly uncomfortable but happy to see him.
“Uhm, do you wanna come in?” Sting almost wished he’d say no so that they could get out of there, but he knew it would be rude not to ask, especially after nearly slamming the door in his face. “Actually, I was just wondering if-”
Sting was ungraciously shoved aside, nearly faceplanting on the floor when Orga joined, “Are you Rogue? Nice to meet you. I’m Orga!” He gave Rogue a handshake that had his whole arm moving up and down and flung the door wide open. “Come in, come in!” Sting watched with growing dread as his roommate pulled his crush inside their room and showed it off. He didn’t see why. There was nothing worth showing off. His efforts to get his clothes out of sight barely made a difference. “Take a seat!” Orga gestured from Sting’s bed to the chair that was cranked underneath the wardrobe door handles, offering both as viable options even though he could see Sting waving his arms and shaking his head. “So, Sting told me you were in a band. Are you guys still looking for members?” “Don’t-” Sting quickly blocked the chair before Rogue would sit on it, “uhm...invite him to your band! He’s basically tone-deaf!” He regretted his words the second he saw Orga’s challenging smirk. The gloves were off. He needed to get them out of there quickly before Orga had a chance to humiliate him further.
“We’re all set, actually,” Rogue replied, eyes drifting across the room and taking in the mess with obvious distaste.
“Too bad, you guys are really good.”
“Oh, have you seen us play?” Rogue asked curiously.
“Not seen exactly, as much as heard,” Orga grinned cheerfully, “Sting plays your music all the time.”
That bastard!
Rogue was gazing at him, a surprised expression on his face, but at least it didn’t look like he thought he was a weirdo. There was still a chance to get out of this without suffering too much ego damage. He just had to get them out of there before Orga could say anything else.
“Guilty,” he smiled, “I like to listen to it sometimes, helps me get in the groove to study.”
“Sometimes?” Orga chortled. “Anyway,” Sting coughed into his hand, “What are you up to?”
“Oh,” Rogue focused on him once again, “I was running some errands nearby and thought you might like to get some coffee.”
“That sounds great!” Sting agreed readily, “Just let me grab my stuff.”
He scrambled to grab his phone, keys, coat, and wallet from their various locations around the room, having no trouble finding them despite the mess.
“Oh, can I come too?” Orga asked in a tone that Sting immediately did not trust.
“No!” Sting answered, grabbing Rogue by the arm and pulling him towards the door.
“Oh, you’re right. You probably want some private time to suck face again, my bad.”
Sting stopped mid-step, not sure what to do with himself after his roommate blurted out that little tidbit, and not wanting to look at Rogue’s face either. It proved to be a mistake as the chair holding the wardrobe closed slid out of place and fell over, hitting the floor with a loud smack. The doors flew open, and an avalanche of dirty laundry cascaded out onto the floor.
Orga’s laughs echoed in the room, and Sting could feel his cheeks burning from mortification, but to his great relief, he could hear Rogue laughing along.
“Let’s-uh... go,” Sting managed to get out, still feeling like he’d like to find a hole to crawl into. He flipped Orga off and closed the door behind them, muffling the loud love song blasting from the computer speakers to accompany their departure.
“God, I’m so sorry for him, he’s-,” Sting gestured with his hands in frustration, not able to come up with a word to adequately describe his roommate and still flustered by what the idiot had said.
“That’s nothing, trust me, my older brother can be worse,” Rogue chuckled. “How did your midterms go?” “I’m not sure, but I think I did okay?” Sting threaded his fingers through his hair. In truth, there were a few he wasn’t so confident about, and he’d been somewhat on edge waiting for the professors to post the results, but he didn’t really want to talk about that.
There was only one thing that had been on his mind since they’d last parted ways, and it was the kiss they’d shared. He’d worried about it, relived it, and pretty much obsessed over it since it had happened, but there had been no time to talk about it during midterm week.
Now he had all the time in the world, but no idea how to bring it up casually. God, he wanted to do it again, and he had a feeling Rogue did as well. The fact that he'd shown up on his doorstep the day after midterms were over at least betrayed that he'd wanted to spend time together, didn't it? But of course, Sting had no way to be sure, so he decided he’d let Rogue lead the conversation. ”What about you?”
“I’m only worried about Bio. The rest were pretty easy.”
As they discussed the Biology test, they reached the dorm’s exit, and Sting hurried to hold the door open for Rogue, smiling slightly when he saw the other’s eye roll at the gesture. His smile disappeared completely when a gust of cold air blew past him, making him grab onto his open coat and fold it tightly closed over his chest. “C-c-cold!”
“I have no idea how you’re going to survive the winter, if you think this is cold,” Rogue teased.
“You mean it gets worse?!” Sting replied in mock horror.
“Maybe we can find you a wool crop top,” Rogue snorted, “Come on, let’s go get that coffee before you freeze to death.” After weeks of being cooped inside studying for midterms, many students were out enjoying what was a rather beautiful day for this time of year. The sun was out, and despite Sting’s complaints, it was relatively warm.
A short walk brought them to the campus coffee shop, a busy place called Heavenly Brews, which sadly did not live up to its name. It was convenient though, not to mention cheap, and as expected, it was full of other students who’d had the same idea. But the service was fast, and in less than ten minutes, they each had a large cup of piping hot coffee.
Sting insisted on paying, still wanting to make up for Orga’s...well, everything, and Rogue let him. Once back outside, they began walking in a random direction, moving away from the hustle and bustle around campus to more quiet places.
“Every damn time,” Rogue shook his head as he showed Sting his coffee cup, turning it around so it showed the name written on it. Rouge.
Sting giggled, receiving an elbow to his side for his response. “What? It’s funny! Besides, that’s nothing. Try growing up with a name like Sting.”
He wrapped both hands around his drink, feeling its warmth seeping through the double cup as they walked. He recognized the area they were in from his morning runs. There was a small park further down the street that he’d often visited with Orga to throw a frisbee around when they were getting stressed.
Sting took in their surroundings, swiftly realizing he’d been so busy studying the last few weeks that he’d barely noticed the telltale signs of fall. Even though the leaves were not as brightly colored as those he was used to seeing in Edolas, they were still quite beautiful, covering the ground in a blanket of browns, yellows, crimsons, and oranges.
They reached the park entrance, and Sting decided it would be a nice place to talk. They walked past a game of touch football, making their way towards the small duck pond. The sound of the leaves crunching under their feet was satisfying, and he was pleased to find that with the ducks having already left to migrate south, the benches facing the pond were unoccupied. He immediately claimed one that was slightly hidden behind the thick trunk of a large oak tree, and Rogue sat beside him.
The air might be cold and crisp, but the sun’s rays warming his skin through the barren branches made it still pleasant enough to be outside. Or maybe, he guessed as he looked to his side, eyes drawn to Rogue’s lips as they blew small white clouds into his coffee cup, it had nothing to do with the sun at all.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Rogue asked when he caught him staring, lowering his coffee until his hands were resting in his lap. Fuck it. Sting put his coffee down next to him on the bench, freeing his hands so he could cup Rogue's rosy cold cheeks. He leaned in and kissed him, all sense of cold disappearing when Rogue deepened the kiss.
"I was just thinking about how much I've wanted to do that again," he confessed, still close enough for their lips to brush against each other with every word he spoke.
Rogue smiled sheepishly and asked, "And you really thought I'd get up before noon on a Saturday just to get sub-par coffee?"
"Hmm… true, you’re not a morning person at all,” Sting chuckled, “so I guess I should make it worth your while, then.” He pressed his lips against Rogue’s again, soon forgetting the rest of the world around them. He had no idea how long they stayed lost in each other, but by the time they broke apart, their coffees had gone from scalding hot to barely warmer than the heat that was burning under his skin.
Sting was about to risk spoiling the moment by saying something possibly sappy or cliche when his stomach spoke up in his stead, unleashing a loud roar that made Rogue hack up a laugh. “Wanna go out for lunch with me?” he asked when he was done laughing, finding it hard not to start all over again when he saw Sting’s pouty face. "I think you already know the answer to that.” Sting got off the bench, pulling Rogue along with him, and despite feeling a bit nervous about it, he kept holding his hand as they passed other people enjoying the outdoors on their free Saturdays. As they walked back towards the park’s entrance, Sting noticed kids playing around in the leaves, gathering them into big piles and throwing them around, reminding him of afternoons spent with Yukino when they were younger.
“I used to do that with my best friend when we were about that age,” The corner of his mouth curved up at the memory. “Did you do stuff like that?”
Rogue laughed heartily, “Every year. My dad and his best friend were the biggest kids in my family. So his daughter, my brother, and I would help them make these huge leaf piles. We’d come up with some rather creative jumps. My poor mom would totally lose it when she saw what we were up to.”
Sting snorted, thinking of how childish his own dad could be at times. It was something he’d always loved about him. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” His eyes twinkled with mischief as he pointed at a large leaf pile that sat a ways from where the kids played.
He was pleased to feel Rogue squeeze his hand briefly before issuing him a challenge, “Last one in pays for lunch!”
Rogue had already started his approach as Sting watched mesmerized until the words sunk in, “Hey! That’s cheating!”
He chased after him, overtaking him easily and laughing at Rogue’s protests. In the end, Sting slowed down and grabbed Rogue’s hand, counting down to one so they could both jump in at the same time.
Leaves flew all around them in a swirl of colors before blowing away. Sting stretched his body, much like a cat searching for a sunny spot, while still holding on to Rogue’s hand. When he was satisfied, he rested his head on Rogue’s shoulder, content to just lay there snuggled together for the time being.
When he’d first gotten to Magnolia for his exchange year, Sting hadn’t been sure if he’d made the right decision. He hadn’t made many friends, the weather was uncomfortable, and everything had been more difficult than he was used to.
Meeting Rogue had made him feel a little bit more at home in a foreign place, and although he knew he'd be moving back to Edolas at the end of the school year, he refused to deny the feeling that was bursting inside of him whenever they were together. So even though falling in love had never been part of the plan, it was far too late for him to resist. Not that he really wanted to.
Sting turned over on his stomach, captivated by the warm fall tones reflected in Rogue’s eyes. “I missed you this week,” he admitted, nudging their faces closer together and running his fingers through Rogue’s hair, gently picking out some leaves.
They stared at each other until Rogue grabbed hold of Sting’s jacket, pulling him in for another kiss.
“Me too,” Rogue’s contented hum at their closeness warmed Sting’s heart, chasing away any lingering chill he’d felt.
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becausesin · 4 years
Snow made his way down the sky with slow, peaceful steps, one by one until it reached the ground, covering it with a white blanket. Winter was sometimes pretty, especially when there was no rush to leave the home. 
After so many years of fights, blood and wounds, and even with a strong will, a wish for adventure, resting was as much for the soul as it was for the body. And the last war had been painful, in ways nothing was ever before. Not as oppressive as his teenage years had been, but still hard to deal with, the aftermath still reaching for him with long and cold fingers. There were some nights when he woke up feeling the taste of blood on his lips, his friends and love dead in ten thousands different ways. There were nights when he woke up because Rogue was the one trashing on his sleep, similar and different scenes playing on his dreams.
It got better with time, Sting knew that, but knowing didn’t always help. 
Resting usually did. Staying in bed, surrounded by his loved ones, feeling them close after everything and against everything was a balm on his heart. 
His arms, his whole body, had a lot of scars, some older, some new. Silvery lines or raised pink, some hurting and some not anymore. A crisscrossed map on his skin, one with many stories behind, so many that he wasn’t sure he remembered all of them. Rogue probably knew them, after tracing them many times, in so many contexts.
Sting at least could, with the ones his husband had.
Maybe it was a little morbid, all things in mind, but he enjoyed exploring them. It was funny on the good days and reassuring on the bad ones. It was calming after the nightmares. 
Winter was sometimes pretty but it also had many dark, cold memories of bloody snow and aching limbs. It was easy for phantom pains to sneak in at those days if they let them in. And that’s why they didn’t.
It was a season for early nights and late mornings, fuzzy blankets and hot coffee. It was a time for whispered secrets and kind words, ‘I love you’s that came from the heart and muscle memory, deeply ingrained in their whole beings. 
Winter was for peace and warm and that’s why when Sting woke up, his nose freezing and his breath showing as a cloud in front his eyes, he didn’t stand up. Instead, he tugged at the blankets and buried his face on Rogue’s chest, who dragged him closer not even waking up. This was his life now, and he was going to enjoy every second.
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ft-stories-lgbt · 3 years
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"'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine
And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile"
Sting closes his eyes as he lets his forehead rests against Rogue's. There's a gentle smile playing on his lips and he can feel his lover's hands sliding on his hips, warm and comforting.
It's peaceful around them. They can only hear the birds and the whisper of the wind. The last remain of sunlights are caressing their skin in soft manners.
And for a moment it's like there's only the two of them in the world.
The pictures are not mine. The lyrics are from Ruth B- Dandelions. Only the texte is mine.
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fairytailevents · 4 years
FT Summer Events 2020
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July 1-July 7 - Nalu Week 2020 - Hosted by @nalu-week
July 2 - Natsu Day
July 3-July 5 - Gajevy Love Fest - hosted by @gajevyevents
July 5-July 11 - Slayers Week - hosted by @fairytailevens
July 14-July 22 - Fraxus Week - hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus
July 16-July 22 - Gratsu Week - hosted by @gratsu-week​
July 26 - Nalu Day
July 29 - Gratsu Day - hosted by @fuckyeahgratsu
August 1 - Levy Day - Hosted by @gajevyevents
August 2-8 - Poly Ships Week - hosted by @fuckyeahft-poly-ships​
August 9-15 - Jerik Week - hosted by @fuckyeahjerik
August 9-15 - Lisanna Week 2020 - hosted by @welovelisanna
August 11-18(19) - Cojeel Week - hosted by @fuckyeahcojeel​
August 18-24(25) - Grayza Week - hosted by @grayzaweek​
August 23-29 - Erzajane Week - hosted by @fuckyeaherzaxmirajane
September 1 - Gray Day
September 1-September 30 - Slash September - hosted by @ftmlmages​
September 1-September 30 - FT Reverse Bang Posting Dates - hosted by @ftguildevents​ ​
September 6 - Graylu Day
September 7 - Mescana Day (Mest x Cana) - hosted by @tobethefairybest​
September 21-September 23 - Stingue Fall Equinox - hosted by @fyeahstingue​
September 22-September 28 - Sinfully Nalu - hosted by @thenaluarchive
These are the events we are aware of for these months, if you know of any that are missing please let us know in an ask or in the comments and we’d be happy to add them.
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ftlgbtales · 4 years
Fairy Tail LGBT Friendly Blogs
While Pride month may be over, there are still many fairy tail blogs dedicated to producing lgbt content. This is a list of all the currently active fairy tail blogs for lgbt ships and events. If you would like to be added or removed from this list please let us know!
W/W focused
M/M focused
General blogs that are lgbt focused or lgbt friendly
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ao3feed-stingue · 5 years
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New blog announcement! We have decided to move the ao3feed out of @fyeahstingue and into its own blog.
If you want to continue receiving notifications for new stories tagged Rogue Cheney/Sting Eucliffe on AO3 follow this blog!
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gaymirajane · 6 years
Fairy Tail Fandom ‘FuckYeahShip’ Blogs
Fuckyeah- blogs tend to act as a hub for certain ships. To my knowledge, these are the only ones that exist within the Fairy Tail fandom. If anymore are created or I have simply missed them from the list, do dm me and they will be added. Equally if you know a blog to be inactive, please let me know. 
W / W 
@fuckyeahervia (inactive as of 2019)
@fuckyeaherzajane (formerly - inactive as of 2019)
M / M
@fuckyeahgrayxnatsu (formerly - inactive as of 2019)
M / F
@fuckyeahgruvia (inactive)
@fuckyeahgruvia-ft (inactive)
@fuckyeahnali (inactive)
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ft-dads-au · 4 years
You Read My Mind
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A collaboration by @mdelpin and @oryu404
Stingue Fall Equinox 2020 Prompt: Celebration Pairing: Sting x Rogue
July 23, 2021
“See you on Sunday!”
Sting and Rogue waved from the front door opening as Mika backed her car out of the driveway. Two identical faces and two tiny hands just reached high enough to peek through the back seat window and wave back at them.
Sting melted at the sight and pouted, waiting until Mika’s car had disappeared around the corner at the end of the street before closing the door. “I’ll miss them,” he let out a melancholic sigh.
“Yeah, me too,” Rogue smiled fondly as he slid the locks in place.
They looked at each other, silently joining hands and lacing fingers together, taking a moment to realize how quiet the house was. No toys going off, no Alexa playing kids’ tunes, no screaming, crying, laughing, singing…
Not even the sound of tiny feet pitter-pattering across the floors.
“THEY’RE GONE!!!” they cheered in unison.
"A whole weekend of no kids, no jobs, no nothing!" Sting said, jumping up and down in the hallway while still holding on to Rogue's hands.
"We can read or watch grown-up tv without being interrupted every 5 seconds!" Rogue fake sobbed as he jumped along.
"We can eat as much junk as we want in plain sight!" Sting added excitedly, "and we can drink without care!"
"We can fucking curse," Rogue gasped, his eyes widening as he realized he wouldn't have to watch his words for a few days. "There's so much shit we can do this weekend. Just you and me..."
They stopped jumping and let that sink in for a moment, running countless options through their minds trying to figure out what to do first. Sting looked into Rogue’s eyes, smirking as he pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around his waist.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Fuck yeah,” was the only reply Rogue gave before he crashed his lips on Sting’s, dragging him along through the house. Clothes were dropped carelessly on their way to the bedroom because being tidy wouldn’t be a concern until at least Sunday morning when they’d probably rush to do a last-minute cleaning spree before Mika would return to bring back the twins again. But that wasn’t on their minds for now.
"I've been looking forward to this," Sting murmured into Rogue’s ear as they snuggled together under the covers, limbs tangled together.
"God, me too."
And smiling clumsily into a kiss, they settled for hours of intensely satisfying, undisturbed sleep, only keeping their eyes open long enough to watch the bliss that adorned the other’s features as they exchanged I love yous and sweet dreams. 
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becausesin · 4 years
Rogue fixed his long sleeves as he waited for the gate to open. Weeks, months and years of preparations culminated at this exact moment. Or, well, maybe not ‘that’ moment but back on the past. The past that would soon be his present and future. Details, irrelevant details.
The important thing was his plan, his careful plan drew up years ago and finally coming to life. It was a bet. His best and only bet to leave back this empty world, covered in pain and blood, meaningless. A chance to make things right, mend what was broken, get back what was his by right.  
If he was the King he wouldn’t need to be alone anymore. He wouldn’t have to lose anything.
His memories of the events were a bit blurry, so many things happening at once. Things that seemed big, important at that time but he couldn’t remember very well right now. Maybe he didn’t want to remember those. Those were tinted with colours lost ago, some of them eradicated by his own hands. So many people, noises, smells had swirled around him at that time that thinking about it made his head hurt, now used to the silence of the absence. 
One he brought over himself, first by accident, then by neglect and then by sorrow. It wasn’t his proudest moment, that last one, but he didn’t exactly regret it. What was done was done and it would be fixed with everything else anyway so it didn’t matter. 
They would be back, everyone of them. And him.
The magic sizzled inside his body as he thought of him. It always did. He didn’t like it very much, so that specific consequence of he changing the past was usually skipped and ignored but now he was so close to finally doing it that he couldn’t avoid it anymore. 
The magic was bright and warm, as he had been too. It was nothing else than a tool, but it was a double-edged one, that could easily chip at his resolve, distract him from his goal. Made him think of smiles or strong hands, easy banter and safety. Long lost laughter rang in his ears, almost making him turn around to chase a ghost that didn’t exist anymore. One that, if anything, only lived in his veins, fused into his blood.
The magic was powerful and useful but it used to knock on his deeper walls, trying to release feelings buried deep enough that were as good as dead. It was tangled with his own and by all means it was also his own, but he had never been able to call it like his magic. It was enough he had stolen it, teared it away from its rightful owner and corrupted it to this tamed version that still liked to shine from time to time. 
“A gift” something whispered, low enough that he could ignore it, another figment of his own imagination. Years of loneliness and war were a fertile ground for hallucinations. “Only a gift.” 
A shudder crossed his body, from head to toe, and another source of magic awoke. Stronger, older, darker and welcomed, not like the other one. The one that shouldn’t be his and yet it was.
His magic was inside him but it shouldn’t, it was wrong, a mistake. And he was going to fix it, whatever the price. His only eye reflected the light coming from the opening door and he smiled as he crossed it, not looking back.
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becausesin · 4 years
If you think you could get rid of me just because I don’t use tumblr anymore, guess what bish. GUESS WHAT. Anyway, all my works are unbetaed and I’m drowning on multiple stuff but as long as there’s an event going for the bois I’ll do my best to join in any way I can.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first Rogue saw Sting, it was in between brown and yellow hues, in a chilly afternoon that made him burrow his nose into his scarf. To be precise, he had heard him before seeing him, a over the top laugh grating on his hearing, loud enough to make him turn around and look for the source. One of his best decisions ever, honestly. 
And the first sight, he thought he won’t be able to ever forget it. Not that he wanted to anyway.
He had been walking at that time, he forgot about his destination and everything else when he found the blond head, still laughing and clearly underdressed for the weather. The world quieted around and Rogue wasn’t able to see, hear or think about anything else but him, tunnel vision fixed on the target.
It got worse but also better, because just a second before Sting stopped his laugh and frowned before turning around. Their eyes met. And when he smiled at Rogue something fell into place.
It didn’t take long for them to intertwine their schedules and their lives, getting to know each other. Although “knowing” seemed like a wrong way to describe the relationship between them because he couldn’t think about a time when Sting felt like a stranger. And they had also just fit into each other. as if being away had been the actual mistake.
Seeing him that day, in the middle of fall, had felt like coming home, like sighing after a long time holding his breath. And just like that, a lot of things had made sense and felt natural and obvious. So much that he didn’t need to think about them before he had done or said. It was like a permanent and pleasing deja vú.
None of them ever felt the need to look for an explanation. They had always just meant to be, one way or another. 
Rogue sometimes had fuzzy dreams, with blurred images and underwater voices, with things he knew he had never seen, and he knew Sting had them too. They had talked about them but never found an answer. The dreams didn’t make any sense but they were still unsettling enough to shake him until he could see the blond, feel his body in his arms and smell his hair.
And every year, when the leaves started to brown and fall, the same feeling came again. Melancholy settled on his bones, the need to let something go and embrace the present for what it was. 
The equinox felt like a good time to reminisce, even if it wasn’t a date for anything exactly. It felt like the right time, the same way everything else had felt right. It felt like the end, of what he couldn’t say. It also felt like a start.
Autumn was the season when he first saw Sting, and he always thought it would be the season when he would see him for the last time. When he saw him for the last time. It had been the ending, it had also been a start and it would be both again, at some point.
Therefore, every year, they lit a candle and let it be consumed by the flame through the night.
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ft-stories-lgbt · 4 years
Hi! When you are able, can you do Stingue with the song Control by Halsey and the keyword Demons? Please?
Hey there! First of all, i'm really sorry to give you an answer this late. I really hope you'll like it. Also this drabble was not looked over by anyone but I tried to do my best, so if you see anything that sounds off, please tell me.
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“Who is in control?”
He is running. It’s hard to breath and his heart is ponding so hard in his chest that it makes everything even more difficult to bare. It’s dark around him, he can barely see where he is going, but it doesn’t really matter, as long as he gets away. He is shivering but he doesn’t know if it’s because he is so scared or of how cold it is.
“Why are you running, little one.”
He trips over something and with how fast his feet were moving, he finds himself on the ground, face hitting the hard surface of the cement. He groans as he tries to get up, he has no time to dwell on the pain he is feeling on his cheeks.
He needs to get away from here.
But before he is able to stand, he can feel something grabbing his ankle and he is being pulled backward. There’s a laugh ringing in the air around him.
“How many time? How many time do I have to tell you that there’s no need for you to run?”
The voice is gentle and sweet, and if he didn’t know any better he might have stop trying to get away but he knows. He knows how it works, how everything works.
“Come on little one, you are not stupid. Let me help you. Let me take it from you.”
His ankle is all of the sudden free, and the dark around him start to dissipate a little. He almost wants to laugh, because really, this could be his chance, his final chance to get out of here. But once again, he can’t do much about it before he is flipped on his back and he comes face to face with himself. A version of himself that has a demonic smile adorning his lips while flames are dancing in his eyes.
“Let me take the pain away. The doubts, the fear. Let me take it all.”
There are black veins forming on his neck and slowly making their way to his face while his shadow self smiles. And he feels the urge to cry, because this can’t be happening. He can’t let this happening, because he promised.
He promised he will never give up.
But there’s that laugh again. A laugh that makes him understand that he lost this battle. A laugh that says he already gave up.
“Let me take over. Give me the control Rogue.”
“You can trust me. I’ll take care of everything for you.”
“Rogue, baby-”
“You know it’s for the best. You gave up once, you can do it again.”
“Come on, you need-”
“Do it.”
“Rogue, you need to wake up.”
“Let me in.”
“Let me in!”
Sting is in front of him now. It is strange in a sense, to see him. Sting was never there before.
What changed?
“Thank the gods your finally back. You scared me baby.”
There’s a gentle hand caressing his cheek, tender blue eyes, watching him with worry and precaution. The fingers are warm against his skin and the body pressed to his side, is comforting, in a way. Grounding him. And it’s at this moment that Rogue understand, he came back, from wherever he was.
He releases a shaky breath, he doesn’t even remember holding in the first place. He can feel the aftermath of the whole experience crushing him. He can feel how his body is trembling, and how his eyes are getting filled with water, making Sting look blurry all of the sudden.
“It’s okay. You are okay. I’m here.” Sting tells him.
He feels the way Sting rests his forehead against his, his fingers travelling from his cheek to his neck, securing his head in position as Sting breath slowly. He knows the gesture, familiar with it, more than he would like to admit. This isn’t the first time, and Rogue is not sure if there’ll ever be a last time either at this point.
It’s suffocating, frustrating and scary how things easily go to south these days. How one day, everything seems fine and the other is just a never ending nightmare. He is exhausted, and at lost of what to do.
Because the more he tries to get away from his demons, the more they seem to have control over him.
“Focus on me Rogue. I’m real, focus one me.”
And he tries, shutting his raging thoughts and taming his heart. It’s painful, as the latter seems to beat its way out of his chest, but he tries. Not for him. But for Sting.
Because he promised.
“Whatever were happening in your dreams, were just that. Dreams. It’s not real, it’s not our reality Rogue. You can trust me. I’m here. I’ll always be there.” Sting says again, his voice hushed and soft, soothing the remaining of his fear away.
He forces himself to match his lover’s breath paces. He closes his eyes, hoping that it will help. And after some times, it does. His body seems to recover from the previous storm. Everything seems a little easier to handle now.
“Lets go back to sleep, love. We will talk about it later okay?”
Rogue finds the strength to open his eyes, Sting’s face is slightly away from his, and he can’t help but fall deep in the ocean of his eyes. He knows it’s safe here, always will be.
He doesn’t want to talk about it, to talk about anything actually, he just wants to stay here, and starring at those eyes for the rest of his life. Maybe he is being dramatic, but Sting always been his whole, his universe, his home. Which is why he ends up nodding to Sting’s request. Because even if he would like to forget about everything, there’s no hiding from the very person who knows all about you.
Sting smiles at him, and lets his head rests against his shoulder as he arranges himself on the mattress so they are basically melting into each other and Rogue lets him do it, lets him being his anchor to this reality, as he closes his arms around the blond’s waist.
“I love you Rogue. Always remember that, even when everything around you seem dark.”
He tightens his arms around him a little, as a pleasant warmth fills his heart.
“I’ll remember.”
Everything is mine except the images from the aesthetic. They are from Pinterest.
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shadowlight-week · 5 years
Shadowlight Week 2020
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Event edit by @oryu404​
Welcome to Shadowlight Week 2020, a celebration of the friendship/relationship between Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney of Sabertooth! 
We’re very excited to run this event again and we hope you can join us! Our prompts are for inspiration only, so please feel free to submit others if they work better for you.  We’ll be accepting pretty much anything to do with this pairing:
Fanfics (any length and in any language)
FanArt (any kind)
Edits (edits,aesthetics,videos,memes)
Social Media Posts
Incorrect quotes
Manga Coloring
Event Rules:
All content must be original and previously unpublished. Updates to an existing multi-chapter fic are not eligible but standalone one-shots from an established work/AU are fine.
Pairing or Brotp only
There should be no character bashing of any kind, this event is meant to be fun and positive.
Please tag all triggers and adult content appropriately
We will not accept any work that contains incest or pedophilia.
You may enter as many times as you want!
Late entries will be accepted!
We will be tracking the tag shadowlightweek2020 so make sure it’s in your first five, or mention @shadowlight-week​ in your post.If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us through Asks. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Our event page has a complete list of rules and answered questions.
@fairytailevents​ @fyeahstingue​
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ft-stories-lgbt · 4 years
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"I wonder what kind of story we tell, when people lay their eyes on us."
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fyeahstingue · 5 years
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Just a quick note to let you know that fuckyeahstingxrogue is now @fyeahstingue! Everything else should stay the same
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