#fyi kylo is the second worst sick person ever he just refuses to acknowledge that
kyluxtrashpit · 7 years
Drabble prompt: Hux is sick, so Kylo and Milly take care of him. Nice and fluffy please!
I will never be able to see Hux as anything but the worst sick person ever. It really is a good thing Kylo refuses to let him make himself worse (and Millie helps too). Anyways, thank you for the prompt and hopefully this hits the spot!
Words: 944, no warnings apply
Kylo returned to the bedroom, mug of soup in hand, to seethat Hux had, miraculously, put away his datapad after informing the crew hewould be off that day. It had all started with a sneeze, one that Hux hadignored but had been a warning to Kylo. Sure enough, two days later, Kylo hadwoken to Hux sitting on the edge of the bad, a wet, hacking cough shaking hisframe and a burning fever radiating off him.
It had then taken the better part of an hour to actuallyconvince Hux to stay in bed, but Kylo was determined. The last time Hux hadbeen sick, he’d ignored it to the point of passing out on the bridge due to ahigh fever and Kylo had decided then and there that he wouldn’t let it happenagain. Fortunately, Hux didn’t get sick too often, since he rarely left the shipand was thus mostly exposed to disease only when it made it onboard, but Kylo knew it would come eventually.Now that it had, Kylo was not going to let Hux do that to himself again. Just the thought ofnot enough rest turning Hux’s simple illness into something serious made hischest tighten with concern.
Kylo handed Hux the soup and then climbed into bed with him,careful not to disturb Millicent, who was curled up in Hux’s lap, purring away.He settled in as Hux took careful sips of the hot liquid. AsKylo watched him, it became even more obvious that he needed this; Hux was evenpaler than usual with deep, dark circles under his eyes. He looked sick.
“You’re awfully close to me for me being so contagious,” Huxpointed out, clearly still a bit bitter that the possibility of infecting thecrew was the one argument of Kylo’s he hadn’t been able to counter earlier.
Kylo just shrugged. “I never get sick.”
Hux hummed an acknowledgement but didn’t press. It was truethat Kylo rarely got sick, but he would deal with it if he did. It’d be worthit, he thought as he put the empty mug on the bedside table and then wrappedhis arms around Hux, pulling him in close without disturbing Millicent. Hux wasstill frowning, his body tense, but Kylo didn’t care how unhappy Hux was to benot working. He idly played with Hux’s hair, free and loose as it always was inthe mornings, hoping the warmth and rest would do Hux good.
It took longer than was really reasonable, but eventuallyHux relaxed, his resistance melting away under the warmth and soft touches, andhe was asleep moments later. Kylo smiled to himself, pleased with his success,and let himself doze as well. The heat of Hux’s fever, while a bit concerning,was certainly warm enough to make Kylo sleepy.
When Hux woke later, Kylo fetched him some tea as well assome medication and tissues, making a little pile of supplies on the bedsidetable. Hux had tried to protest, but quickly shut up once he had his tea, thebitter tarine he preferred. Kylo also fed Millicent who, despite her capriciousnature, only left Hux’s side to eat and then immediately returned to lying ontop of him. Kylo guessed she could sense his illness and was trying to helpin her own way.
When Hux reached for the datapad, though, Kylo used theForce to float it just out of reach, earning himself a scowl.
“I’m just checking,” he grumbled, voice still raw and raspy.
“You promised no work,” Kylo pointed out.
Hux’s scowl deepened. “If there’s an emergency, I will notremain in my bed while the Order burns down.”
Kylo very nearly rolled his eyes; and Hux said he was the dramatic one. “The Order willbe fine. Peavey knows what he’s doing and if there’s an emergency, I’ll handle it.”
Hux did roll his eyes. “Oh, how reassuring.”
Kylo ignored the sarcasm, instead grabbing the datapadhimself, carefully holding it out of reach of Hux’s grabbing hands, and put on aholo to play on the wall screen. He selected one from Hux’s documentary collection,one Hux liked but had seen a few times before, so he’d still be able to sleepif he wanted to. Once it was playing Kylo put the datapad back down, pushing it far away withthe Force.
He then pulled Hux into his chest again, even as Hux was hitwith another coughing fit. Hux went with only a slight struggle, eventuallysettling in when he realized there was no escape. They watched the holotogether for a time and, sure enough, it only took another half hour before Huxwas asleep again.
The rest of the day passed much the same, though Hux didcomplain progressively less as it went on. Kylo never left his side once andneither did Millicent, both seeming to work together to keep Hux in bed, warm,and comfortable. The time passed quickly, with on and off naps for them both,lots of soup and tea, and far more cuddling than Hux would ever admit to.
It had the desired effect, though. By the next morning, Hux’scough was significantly better and his fever all but gone. He returned to work,with Kylo’s grudging blessing, but eventually admitted that yes, the bedresthad helped and yes, the Order hadn’t completely burned down in a day. All inall, it had gone as planned, and Kylo now knew exactly how to handle Huxwhenever this came up in the future.
It was all perfect until two days later, Kylo sneezed.
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