babiskavvadias · 1 month
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Fylis street, Athens, July 2024
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On September 28th 1864 Charles Murray,, a  poet who wrote in the Doric dialect of Scots, was born at Alford, Aberdeenshire.
I’ve posted a few times about him, but since then have found a biography of him written in the dialect he knew and worked with, for all the Aberdonians out there I hope you like this, for those not too familiar with “The Doric” enjoy…..this has played havoc with my spellcheck, but not for the first or last time!
Charles Murray is easily the maist-kent and maist popular Scots makars fae 1910 tae the 1960s; bit his scrievin wis modest, three sma buikies o verse.  Though there wisna onything amateur aboot his wark, Murray wisna professional screever and hid tae scrieve fan iver he hid ony spare time, fittin it aroon his wark life first is a prospecter and heid-chiel o a mine then as a heid colonial civil servant in the new-biggit Union o Sooth Africa.
Three individual collections cam oot in his lifetime - Hamewith; A Sough o War  and In the Country Places - the latter twa the traditional ‘slim volumes’ in fit verse afften appeart. The poems fae a three were vrocht the gather in Hamewith and Other Poems in 1927 fit bed print till the 1960s.
Charles Murray wis born on this day 1864, oot by Alford and wis the second bairn an only loon o Peter Murray, a jyner turned grieve.  His mither Margaret deid fan he wis three and he vrocht up be his aunt, Mary Robbie.  Efter skweel it Gallowhill, he served his time for five eer at Walker and Beattie, land surveyors in Aiberdeen.
He mynt later thit 'I came to Aberdeen, a country lad of sixteen with a “cockit” bonnet and, because it was winter, a big “gravit.’  His only worry in the big city 'was when the chief’s bell rang and I had to go to him and try to say a few sentences in what I thought to be English… The difficulty of translating my thoughts… was a real trouble.’
​Bit that worry didna last lang and Murray seen got lairnin aboot his chosen wark and despite his modest backgrun, became a richt social success.
​Ae freen mynt thit he, in nae time, became the maist popular member o the maist hail gran club o West End young chiels syne apairt fae his rare personality he hid a kyne o gifts:
'He was… a good shot, a keen angler, played several games well, could take his part in amateur theatricals, even took prizes at athletic sports such as throwing the hammer, played the fiddle, did pen and ink caricatures, was a good hand at bridge.
Efter three eer o wark in Aiberdeen, he went tae Sooth Africa, far he wis tae bide for neist 25 eers.  He landit it Cape Toon in Januar 1889 an, efter a fylie there, set oot for Kimberley, the diamond toon far he visited the De Beers Mine.  Efter this he went on tae Johannesburg and worked in mines in the Transvaal and Mashonaland.  He served in the Second Boer War and wis eventually appyntit Deputy Inspector of Mines. Within ten eers was Secretary for Public Warks for the Union of Sooth Africa.  He wis made a CMG (Companion of St Michael and St George) in 1922 and came hame tae Scotland we his wife, Edith, an settled in Banchory. He deid there on 12 April 1941.
'the vernacular was under a cloud…tabooed and frowned upon by most of our educational mentors. Hamewith helped to change attitudes in schools and in many…some or other of [Murray’s] poems are being committed to memory by the pupils’ and 'even HM Inspectors hail the "Hamewith” ​ Alexander Mackie.
Bit Murray’s wark wisna confined tae Doricland in e North East; mony of his poems - lik his maist popular The Whistle - became weel-kent far ayont Aiberdeenshire.   Murray follaet the gran echteenth century predecessors Ramsay, Fergusson and Burns and creatit a poetic tung fit wis draan on the Scots he heard arooo him as he wis grouwin up. Mony o the wirds and phrases he uses belong tae the Doric o his ain Aiberdeenshire bit he wis canny tae mak his Scots open tae fowk fae ither placies an a.  So, like Mary Symon, he bytimes uses the regular north-east 'f’ for 'wh’, and his best known poem is 'The Whistle’ and not 'The Fussle’.  Mony a Doric reader tho will ayewis read it as Fussle.
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deandacosta · 1 month
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GREECE: Police assist in evacuations as wildfires continue to spread
Greek firefighters, aided by aircraft, are continuing to battle spreading wildfires near Athens and in the north of the country. The police have assisted hundreds of people who had to hastily evacuate as fires erupted on Saturday. About 150 people were evacuated from Menidi’s nursing homes, seeking refuge in hotels and care facilities. Fyli village residents were forced to escape on foot, some…
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traveltourismnews · 1 year
Ο σύλλογος ΕΠΟΣ Φυλής βοήθησε στον καθαρισμό των Μονοπατιών της Τήνου
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romios-gr · 1 year
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https://youtu.be/IHtath152Z0 Προφητικά λόγια του Οσίου Γεώργιου Καρσλίδη. Ο Όσιος προφητικά έλεγε: «Την Ελλάδα η Ρωσία θα την υποστηρίξει. Η κόκκινη φυλή θα βοηθήσει την Ελλάδα. Θα γίνει πόλεμος στην Κωνσταντινούπολη και η κόκκινη φυλή θα φωνάξει τον βασιλιά, για να ‘ρθει και να καθίσει στην Πόλη…» Περισσότερα εδώ: https://romios.gr/i-kokkini-fyli-tha-voithisei-tin-ellada-tha-ginei-polemos-stin-agios-georgios-karslidis/
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fitfemalesbyvr · 1 year
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#Dancing @studiorassias presents the professional dancer and model @katerinamaragkaki coming soon in a workshop-tour ''From Fylis Castle to Plataies'' A photographic tour as a workshop to discover unknown historical landscapes of Attica and Boeotia where we will integrate human existence as dance and fashion into the landscape and the abandoned architectures of ancient Greece.Μια φωτογραφική περιήγηση ως workshop,για να ανακαλύψουμε άγνωστα ιστορικά τοπία της Αττικής και της Βοιωτίας όπου θα εντάξουμε την ανθρώπινη ύπαρξη ως χορό και μόδα στο τοπίο και στις εγκαταλειμμένες αρχιτεκτονικές της αρχαίας Ελλάδας. info insta @vangelis_rassias_photography fb studiorassias https://www.facebook.com/AdvertisingArtPhotography email [email protected] supported by @photometron_ @hasselblad @monikarubberdolly
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@studiorassias presents a photo tour workshop in Attika and Viotia. Theme: ''Fylis castle to Plataies'' by @vangelis_rassias_photography dancer and fashion model @katerinamaragkaki A photographic tour as a workshop to discover unknown historical landscapes of Attica and Boeotia where we will integrate human existence as dance and fashion into the landscape and the abandoned architectures of ancient Greece.Μια φωτογραφική περιήγηση ως workshop,για να ανακαλύψουμε άγνωστα ιστορικά τοπία της Αττικής και της Βοιωτίας όπου θα εντάξουμε την ανθρώπινη ύπαρξη ως χορό και μόδα στο τοπίο και στις εγκαταλειμμένες αρχιτεκτονικές της αρχαίας Ελλάδας. info insta @vangelis_rassias_photography fb studiorassias https://www.facebook.com/AdvertisingArtPhotography email [email protected] supported by @athina.pappa.5 @photometron_ @hasselblad @monikarubberdolly
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frenchbulletin · 2 years
Le «grand exode» de 300 entreprises de transport d'Eleonas à Fyli
Le «grand exode» de 300 entreprises de transport d’Eleonas à Fyli
De Foti Fotinos La première étape importante a été franchie hier pour la relocalisation des sociétés de transport d’Eleonas vers la municipalité de Fylis. Hier, le contrat a été signé entre la Municipalité de Fylis et l’Unité des Contrats d’Importance Stratégique de TAIPED pour le projet : “Relocalisation des entreprises de transport Eliona dans une propriété de la Municipalité de Fylis”, qui a…
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gemsofgreece · 2 years
Hello! I would like to ask if you know or have any pictures of folk costume from the Fyli municipilaty, specifically Ano Liosia. If not that, just different stuff from north-western part of Attica ;^^
We're mostly talking about those regions with the exquisite Arvanite folk clothing, right?
Fyli or Phyle is a municipality that encompasses the regions of Phyle, Ano Liosia and Zephyri. It is a suburb of Athens in West / Northwest Attica.
Fyli has two main cultural associations, I believe, Ghriza and Phylasia, and the photos I found are from their participation in various events and festivals.
The women in folk clothes of Ano Liosia are traditionally called γριζοφόρες (ghrizophores) and their attire is called γρίζα (ghriza).
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From Fyli municipality's archive.
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From evima.gr.
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From doxthi.gr.
Just gorgeous!
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Hi I just found your account a few days ago and I’m in loooooove with your writing! Also Fearing you, loving you has me DEAAAAAADDDDDD AHHHHHHH ok love u bye
thank you babe 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I'm so happy you like fyly since I wasn't sure if people will give the same love to the sequel or not
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spoilersgr · 4 years
Στο σημείο επιχειρούν 4 οχήματα με 12 πυροσβέστες Πυρκαγιά ξέσπασε το βράδυ του Σαββάτου στη χωματερή του Δήμου Φυλής, στα Άνω Λιόσια. Σύμφωνα με την πυροσβεστική, στο σημείο επιχειρούν 4 οχήματα με 12 πυροσβέστες. Μήνυμα από το 112 στους κατοίκους της περιοχής Μήνυμα προς τους κατοίκους της περιοχής έστειλε η Γενική Γραμματεία Πολιτικής Προστασίας, μέσω του «112». Η Πολιτική Προστασία ζήτησε από τους πολίτες να κλείσουν τα παράθυρα και τις πόρτες και να αποφύγουν τις μετακινήσεις, λόγω των επικίνδυνων καπνών από τις πυρκαγιές στον ΧΥΤΑ.   (πληροφορίες απο το makeleio)
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ayuki-dream · 3 years
Datos de mis OCs que nadie pidió xdd
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Fyli: Es nocturno, duerme en el día y esta despierto en las noches, por eso tiene ojeras aunque no se noten. A y duerme en el techo de un restaurante :>
ADI: Varias veces ocurre que tiene fallos en su sistema, por eso su creador l@ abandonó ú-ù
Colin: Sip ya tiene nombre :D. Su pan favorito es el Baguette uwu.
Isak: Cuando se pone nervioso o le aterra algo se agarra su cola. Ya es algo habitual x"d
Ayuki: Puede cambiar de formas, pero por ahora solo a animales uvu
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GREECE: Athens suburbs told to evacuate as wildfire spreads
Residents in parts of Ano Liosia, on the northwestern edge of Athens, have been told to evacuate as a new wildfire rages in the area on Tuesday, August 22. A wildfire that broke out at the foot of Mount Parnitha, has already burnt through some buildings in nearby Fyli, according to reports. It also forced the evacuation of the Kleiston Monastery earlier in the day. Both the Gennimata and Kanala…
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traveltourismnews · 1 year
Καθαρισμός των μονοπατιών της Τήνου από τους εθελοντές του Ε.Π.Ο.Σ Φυλή
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waffepurge-art-fr · 4 years
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Fylis Dragon 
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