#g: D-KV Nothing
slapthebass · 5 months
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@esptechhouse on Twitter
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mosylufanfic · 3 years
Killervibe & the stars or space
For KV Week 2020, I wrote a story about an arranged marriage . . . in SPACE. Here's the sequel.
Under the Stars
The door swished open. "Cisco! Where have you been? Didn't you hear my page? You're missing the best part!"
Cisco just groaned.
"Cisco? What is it?" Caitlin crossed the tiny cabin in a couple of steps. "Are you all right?"
"Peachy keen," he moaned. "My guts are trying to crawl up my throat, but hey, who cares about that."
She sat on the edge of the rock-hard bed - no, berth, it was a berth, Cisco reminded himself. Seemed like everything had a different name in space. He pressed his face into the pillow and groaned as his stomach pitched.
"Give me your hand," she said.
"Nuh-uh." He needed it wrapped around his middle to keep everything where it was supposed to be.
"Give," she commanded, and pried his hand loose. She held his wrist and pushed her thumb into a certain spot, not quite hard enough to hurt.
"Hey. Hey, what - " He realized he'd lifted his head from the pillow. HIs stomach was settling. His head wasn't twirling around like the merry-go-round on the kids' playground at home. He actually felt like he might? Survive?
She let go of his hand. "Acupressure," she said. "Why didn't you tell me you get g-sick?"
"You didn't ask!" And if she had, he wouldn't have known what she was talking about.
"Ugh!" She jumped to her feet, easily avoiding the low cabinets that he'd already bonked his head on twice, and jabbed her finger at a loose door. "And this, I told you, nothing unlatched during takeoff!"
"Nothing fell out."
"That's not the point! It could have."
"So?" She was picky about clutter, he'd learned. Always picking things up and putting them away, sometimes before he was done with them.
“So that’s how people die!”
He gaped at her. “From a little clutter?”
“No! From - “ she waved her hands wildly. “From things that come loose and fly around during bad takeoffs and landings. I’ve seen concussions, broken bones, lacerations - I know a cargo loader who lost an eye to a stylus someone left out."
“You’re not kidding,” he said slowly.
She turned on him. “Of course I’m not. Takeoffs and landings are some of the most dangerous parts of space travel. Everyone knows that.”
"Well, I didn't! Stupid rockfoot, remember? Colony-born, never been off the planet. I don't know any of this stuff." He sat up without thinking and his head crashed into the bottom of the cabinets. He howled a curse, clutching his head.
Somewhere in the middle of the blinding pain, he felt her cool fingers, peeling his hands away from his scalp and then poking gently at his hair. "You're not bleeding," she said.
After a moment, she said, "I'm sorry."
He looked up.
She looked abashed. "I should have thought. There were so many things you had to explain to me about life planetside. I should have explained about g-sickness and why everything is locked down and - "
"You were so happy to be coming back here." He waved a hand around to indicate the ship where she'd grown up. "I didn't want to - " He rubbed his sore head and winced. "I don't know."
He did know. He'd been grumpy and sour and jealous. He hadn't felt like reminding her that her temporary husband knew about as much about space travel as she did about living planetside.
She'd lived in his house for two months, ever since they'd agreed to a temporary handfast marriage so she could be registered as a colonist on Trappist-d, and the ship she and her mother owned could make cargo runs for them. He'd shown her all his favorite parts of his home, from the mountains to the ocean to the fields, taken her to every community event from someone's (permanent) marriage to the harvest parties.
And she'd never once looked as excited about anything at home as she'd been about going back to space.
He had to go with her. If they were apart for longer than three days over the next year, their marriage was null and void, and both the colony and Caitlin's ship would have to pay a heap of fines they couldn't afford.
He'd thought it would be all right. Fun, even. But so far, his first venture into space was decidedly un-fun.
He rubbed his aching head and winced as his stomach rolled again. "I'm not dying, am I?"
"No, it's just a reaction to all the changes in gravity we get during liftoff. Most of us just feel the pressure, but some people get sick."
"I don't suppose it's like, a space virgin reaction," he said hopefully. "And I'll be . . . fine next time?"
She screwed up her nose. "Mmmmm. No. With g-sickness, you either get it or you don't."
"Lucky me."
"If I'd known, I would have given you a patch."
"There's a patch for that?"
"Of course there is! Do you think we spend every departure curled up and moaning?"
"Shit, I don't know. You spacers are weird. Do you get g-sick?"
"Well. No."
Of course she didn't. She'd been born on this ship, lived on it all her life until two months ago. She'd been everywhere, from Earth to the farthest flung human colonies, including his.
And of course her rockfoot colonial husband would get sick on takeoff.
She fiddled with a latch on a cabinet. "You said I was so excited about leaving."
"Well, yeah. And I get it. You've been wicked homesick." For a tin can, he didn't add. "Of course you couldn't wait to get off my little dustball planet."
"Your planet is nice," she said. "I - I like it there."
"But it's not home. I understand." He was trying to.
"I was excited for this trip," she said. "I couldn't wait to show you all the things I'd missed."
He blinked. "Show . . . me?"
She nodded. "You showed me all around your colony," she said wistfully. "All the places and things you loved. I wanted to show you what I loved about space."
"Oh." Okay. Now he felt like the worst husband ever.
She latched the cabinet firmly closed. "Which is why I came down here. We're still in the system and we can - well, never mind. You just need to see it for yourself. Do you feel better?"
"Yeah, I'll probably live," he said, easing out of the berth and straightening up. "Does it come back?"
"The grav field is on," she said. "You should be fine until we approach Kepler-c, and I'll give you a patch then. Don't let me forget."
"Oh trust me," he said with feeling. "I won't."
He expected them to go up to the cockpit, where she and her mom and a couple more of the crew had sat during liftoff. But she turned down a corridor he hadn't noticed and then started climbing a ladder to what seemed like blank ceiling.
"Where are we going?" he asked.
"You'll see," she said mysteriously. She hooked her knee over one rung to steady herself and reached up to a small knob in the ceiling. A few twists, and a section of the ceiling opened up to reveal a small room above them. She climbed up into it, and her voice floated down. "Come on!"
He followed, trying not to say, what's so special about a storage compartment? Because that's what it seemed like.
It was even tinier than it seemed from below. He could just about wedge his butt into a corner and dangle his feet through the opening.
"Hold up your feet," she said, reaching down for the door.
"You're shutting us in?"
"Yes, because you won't be able to see if I don't."
It seemed the other way around to Cisco, who had noticed there wasn't any lighting in this dinky storage compartment. When the door clanged shut, they were plunged into darkness. He stretched his legs and found them tangling with Caitlin's. "Oh, hey, sorry - "
"It's fine," she said, shuffling her legs around until they both fit. "Are you ready?"
"For what?"
"Do you get vertigo? Or agoraphobia?"
"Okay, now you're worrying me."
"Just tell me. I don't want to repeat the whole g-sick thing."
"Uh, no, I don't think so."
"Okay! Great!" Something clicked, and suddenly the ceiling and walls disappeared.
Cisco almost choked on his own spit before he realized that she'd just hit a switch that made the panels transparent, and they weren't about to die a hideous death in zero-g.
Then he realized what he was looking at.
They filled his field of vision, like sand spilled from a cupped hand. Millions of stars. Billions. Every speck of light a star light-years away. Some of them dead already, maybe, only the ghost of them left to reach his eyes.
Everywhere he looked, more and more and more stars. The universe all around him.
The closest he'd ever come, maybe, was when he'd be out in the fields at night and flop down in the middle of the grain to bask in the starlight. But he'd only seen half this many. Maybe a quarter. The rest all hidden behind the blanket of the atmosphere.
And he'd had the whole planet at his back, solid beneath him. Now he was just a little speck of dust, riding the back of a tin can, floating through eternity.
"You like it?" Caitlin said shyly.
He swallowed, and realized that he was crying, tears slipping down his face. "Yeah," he croaked. "Yeah. Wow. I - " He shook his head. "Wow." He scrubbed his hands over his wet face. "Wow."
It almost hurt to tear his eyes away from the starfield, but he looked at her. She was beaming at him, starlight falling over her face.
"Where are we?" he asked her.
"You mean this?" she asked, indicating their hidey-hole. "Or in the solar system?" She waved at the stars.
"Yes?" he said. "Both."
"This is the crow's nest," she said. "We're the topmost point of the ship. If you look down and to starboard, you can just see the cockpit."
"And starboard is - ?"
She pointed to his right.
He glanced that way and saw the two sets of glowing windows, just as she'd promised. "Technically speaking, isn't every side of this ship starboard?"
"No," she said, pointing to his left. "That side is port."
"You know what I mean."
"I do," she said. "But it's just the way ships work."
"So what's the crow's nest for, exactly?" The layout of the ship he'd seen so far was ruthlessly efficient. He couldn't imagine them having a whole room just for looking at stars.
"There's a gunport aft of us," she said, hooking her thumb behind her. "If we fly into systems with pirate action, we have someone stationed up here. But we don't fly those systems unless we really need a job."
"And the Kepler system is . . ."
"Pretty peaceful," she said promptly. "And as for the other part of your question, if you look over your left shoulder, you can see Trappist-d."
He twisted around and squinted. "Wait - that? That little blob there?" He'd mistaken it for an asteroid or something. "How far away are we?"
She squinted. "I'd say about three or four light-seconds. We took off at a little angle relative to the orbital disk to get a clear path in."
"In? Into where?"
She hooked a thumb over her shoulder at the smoldering red coal, burning in the sky.
Cisco considered it for a moment. Aren't we going out of the system? Like, isn't that the point of this trip?"
"Just because it seems like we're heading toward the sun."
"The star," she told him. "In space, it's always a star."
That distracted him for a moment. "Wait, even when you travel to Earth? You call Sol a star?"
"Of course," she said. "When we're in space."
He shook his head. "Okay, back to my original question, though. Why are we headed in instead of out?"
"Oh, we're going to do a slingshot around the star," she said casually, like she'd said, "Oh, we're going to stop by the commissary before we head out to go swimming."
"A what now?"
She smiled. "It's an old spacer's trick. We let gravity swing us around, and eventually eject from orbit in the direction we need to go. It saves fuel and help get us up to sailing speed."
"And sailing speed is - ?"
"Ten times the speed of light."
"Oh, is that all? We'll be cruising."
"Oh, no, cruising is five times the speed of light."
"My mistake," he said. "So what's one times the speed of light?"
She giggled at him. "Light speed."
"Obviously," he said. "But seriously? Going millions of miles out of our way to save fuel?"
"It's only a few light-minutes," she said. "And it saves a lot of fuel. A full cube easy."
A cube of fuel, he knew from listening her chatter on about it back home, was enough to get the Snowfall from one side of the system to the other, and calculating the amount of fuel needed for each run sounded like high-level mathematics. Saving a full cube of fuel wasn't chicken feed.
"So, uh, not that I don't totally one-hundred percent trust you," he said, "but out of academic interest, how many times have people miscalculated that slingshot thing and gone screaming off into deep space?"
Or plunged into the sun, he thought.
"Oh, it's happened." She'd tipped her face up to the stars again. "But never to us. Mom's a really good pilot. And she always has me double and triple check the calculations." She squinted at the star. "She'll probably page me down there in a few minutes. Which reminds me, did someone show you the paging system?"
He shook his head, and she pointed out the small speaker embedded in the wall, and the button next to it.
A few moments later, the speaker crackled to life. "Captain on the bridge, to first mate."
"You always call and answer like this," she explained, "so they know where you are." She hit the button. "First mate in the crow's nest, proceed, captain."
"Gravity assist imminent. Report to the bridge for double-checks."
"Roger, captain. Reporting." She let go of the button and sighed. "Time to go."
As she closed the windows and opened the hatch, she paused. "Do you want to see?"
"See - the slingshot thingy?"
"Mmhhm. I mean, it's a lot of math, but you're good at math, and it's kind of fun to see."
Their ideas of fun diverged wildly, but suddenly Cisco found that he did want to see. "Sure," he said. "Love to."
She grinned and reached for the button again. "First mate in the crow's nest, to the captain."
"Captain on the bridge, proceed."
"Request permission to bring passenger with me to the bridge."
"Permission granted."
She grinned bigger. "First mate and passenger, reporting."
As they climbed down the ladder and set off down the corridor, Cisco said, "Hey, Caitlin."
"Thanks for showing me that. It was . .. amazing."
She smiled widely. "Glad you liked it."
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kyotakumrau · 4 years
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ESP Shibuya Crafthouse twitter 2020.10.15
【新商品・ご予約受付中・new item・preorders open】
GrassRootsよりDIR EN GREY(薫、Die、Toshiya)のミニギターが発売!
New DIR EN GREY (Kaoru, Die, Toshiya) mini guitar from GrassRoots!
DIR EN GREY Kaoru's model
GrassRoots G-KV-MINI -Nothing II-
link to Rakuten shop
2021年1月末頃初回入荷予定となります。・it will be first in stock in the end of January 2021.
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薫モデル、G-KV-MINI -Nothing II-はD-KVの6弦仕様をサイズダウンしたミニギターです。
Kaoru's model, G-KV-MINI -Nothing II- is a mini guitar, downsized version of the D-KV 6 string model.
The print on the body is a graphic drawn by Kaoru himself.
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kob131 · 4 years
Does this thread of claims against Vic and others hold any water to you? I know the person running that Twitter is firmly on the KV side, and I'm not sure whether to to put any merit on them since KW Farms is involved. twitter(.)com/renfamous/status/1238509708073467904
A. Between the redactions and the absolute LACK of links: I have no idea if any of this is true. I looked up the first lady in numerous ways (from just her name, to with Vic’s, to adding ‘And’, to ‘Theresa Marie funimation’ to ‘Theresa Marie Denbow Investgation’ to ‘Denbow Investigation Vic Mignonga’: nothing. Same with the second girl Elizabeth Helene. In fact, considering the results I did get, I’m more inclined to believe they’re referencing a boutique and an old French aristocrat. If you ain’t backing up your points, I ain’t buying it.
B. The Farms user and Cress is connected by a screen shot showing Cress took it and the OP assuming that the screenshot was taken by the user...even though the user never says or indicates it originates from them so the connection is flimsy at best.
C. They also try connecting Vic to Cress because he praised her and thus he must condone everything about her...even though the video shows him talking about chatting with her and about her standing up for what is right. Nothing about what is shown.
D. They try to reinforce the claim by saying because the user admitted to being on the team it HAS to be Cress...which isn’t true.
E. They say their post history is full of *insert isms here* but never shows it.
F. They continue to try and connect the user and Cress even though the connection is circumstantial at best.
G. Says Vic is encouraging people to harass and dox people even though he acted against that in the past and shows NO evidence of it (not even a screenshot like all the other shit).
H. Claims the user has the same interests as Cress (even though we never see it) and outright admits the user works with Cress on the same con (meaning no shit they’d share interests: that’s what cons are built around.)
I. They claim to have confirmed that the facebook group that the only member of the con in the group was Cress...with no proof.
J. Claims that an admin admitted that they were Cress...even though they never show it and it’s all circumstantial.
And mind you, this is all assuming Vic knows about this, which was NEVER EVEN SAID. And she also tries to call out doxing while being a part of Kiwi farms, a site based SOLELY around doxing.
So no, I don’t buy this. And if I did, it would only prove that they’re both law breakers. And I’m not gonna buy Kiwi farm’s bullshit: they are the LAST ones to claim moral superiority. They attack indiscriminately and have nothing to even point them towards bad people except their vacuous whims. Fuck, they even accused Sheena (Monty Oum’s wife) of killing him for breast implants. (No I am not kidding. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/nicole-sheena-duquette-oum.20671/).
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fuzethehostagehater · 6 years
some fuze ships summarized
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T: points at picture of Fuze’s elite skin , you look just like your grandfather
F: you are my grand father
Fuze plugs his ears when he sleep because tachanka sings USSR anthem so loud while he sleep
Fuze in the morning will throw box of 7.62x54R and say, это день победы
Tachanka drives KV-2
что такое смартфон фьюз ?
wears nothing but Dp-28 mags to cover his important areas on wedding day .
they live in a nuclear bomb shelter or soviet era war bunker.
they go to a ISU-152 artillery restoration project in Volgograd together. Where tachanka was doing push ups at – 40 degrees topless so he can nail parts in  without using hammer. while fuze blows up unexploded 152 mm shells.
 is their song is белая армия, чёрный барон
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Fuze was driving to home from work when police officer maxim basuda stops him.
F:officer I am not drunk , I am doing 50 in 50 zone what’s the point ?
K:points speed gun at his heart , no sir you are going over 200 km/h
They go to the shooting range together :
Fuze:нож на потасовку с пушками ?
Kapkan: смотри и учись , нооб
Kapkan  drives RC/XD from black ops games
Kapkan carries a nokia 3310
Wears a Traps are not gay t shirt on wedding.
They don’t live in forest inside a army tent
F: hey kapkan why do you carry a shovel on your back?
K: so I can dig a trap when I run out of ammo
F: you mean our grave?
Прорвемся – Любэ is their song
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G: would you like a photo realistic portrait my good sir ?, that would be 1000 rubles
F: ok…
2 hours later.
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F:You Photoshop this right?
Fuze draws a plan of his APM-7 cluster charge mk2  then he left the plan on desk and went to sleep
Next day he finds out that it is coloured in rainbow because the touch of colour was out of place.
they live next to Hazine art gallery in kazan
they go to shooting range where glaz draws smiles on steel targets with his Ots-03
детали, меня друг ,детали,
Glaz drives a ОБЪЕКТ 120 ТАРАН coloured in rainbow
Glaz has a iphone X in red colour.
Shinwha – sniper is their song
Wears a Ghillie suit at wedding
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F: so what’s this again ?
D: 보신탕 (bo- shin tang)
F: Delicious
They live in yeong san district south korea.
Dokkaebi has a CIA level untrackerable phone no one knows the brand of.
F: ОППА , dokkaebi what the blin I am at funeral.
D: what? Call me noona …. You 멍청이.
F:Where were you yesterday I was worried about you !
D:니가 나를 걱정해? Wow 처음듣는 얘기
Dokkaebi drives a smart fortwo , actually it drives for her.
Fuze tries to work on crafting better cluster bombs before being bombarded by
Kaokao talk ! kkao talk! Kkao talk! And decides to throw a phone out the window which ends up hitting hostage on the head.
Wears a snap back ,hanbok and Gucci glasses on wedding day but guests don’t really give a damn as they are too busy turning their phones off.
Their song is Beep Beep by SNSD
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Fuze/AK-12 (T-doll)
True gopnitsa, doesn’t give a single fuck about life much. she sleeps 80% of the time and keeps her eyes closed.
They have no chairs in their house because they squat all day
Wears Adidas on wedding day.
Calls her sister AN-94 to pick them up and drive them home after their date but she is busy working so she can’t come.  instead fuze decides to carry her on his arms bridal style back home while she raises middle fingers at other couples and gopniks that looks at them.
They go to shooting range together and this happens every time.
F: wtf 12… no aimbot!
12: гит гуд , дедушка
Drives a T-90A Vladimir
Reads girl x girl rainbow six siege smut in her free time. this is only time she opens her eyes.
uamee – AKM is their song 
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FI:Takes the 6P41 lmg from fuze, ЭТО МОЯ ПУЛЕМЕТ !
Fu: Я первый его получил.
Tachanka jumps into room while soviet union anthem playing loud and yells
Fu:You see lena if you hold peestol like me you never be of shoot inaccurate for afraid of shooting fingers.
Fi:you can live without few fingers debil.
Finka wanted to boost her whole spetsnaz team with adrenaline when fuze starts singing
Пацаны - наркотик КАЛ,
В школе в коробке сдавал.
Наркота - отстойней кваса
Finka wears a hazmat suit to wedding before someone tells her to get out of here STALKER.
They live near the ZONE because such is life.
She Drives a Rkhm-6.
Their song if it wasn’t obvious is bandit radio from stalker.
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F: I don’t see anyone around …. it should be safe for me to play north Korean pop
They go to shooting range together but fuze always picks up and hides few spent casings inside his pocket and watch as vigil panic try desperately to  look for casings afterwards. then He acts like he found them and assures that everything is ok.
They live in meyoung dong district in south korea
V: I want to be a Korean batman
F:I ain’t gonna be your Alfred hwa chul.
Vigil fills fridge with san- nak ji where as fuze fills the fridge with холодец
Vigils wears a john cena shirt to a wedding before going you can’t see me cause my time is now!
V:되고파 너의 오빠가 될꺼야 두고봐 나의 마음이
F:what are you saying?
V:Do you know k-pop ?
Their song is Danger by taemin
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Fuze felt bad that the jager lost the acog sight which made him depressed for weeks. so he did the only right thing and gifted jager acog without magnification for him.
J: puts ADS on the ground / you can stop worrying about grenades now
F:you can start worrying about grenades now.
jager drives a T-V Panther 
they live in a aircraft hangar near Berlin
they play war thunder together but results are that fuze wins and jager complains there is so much Russian Bias is in the game where as fuze thinks it’s only historical
their song is  Rote Flieger 
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if you have few spare hours i love to tell you how this drone is master piece of design….. and fuze lets her go on for hours and explain what she did and what kind of problems she had to out come. before fuze asks why does it always get one shotted in the droning phase i must ask ?
they live in paris their house is full of weaponized baguettes and hostage torturing devices.
T:stay two steps a head of enemy
F:but your drone can’t jump.
when they go shooting ranges fuze wears two hearing protections because her call outs when she reloads is louder than artillery going off.
i don’t know what did i just write…
pictures belong to the actual quality content creaters o7 so get lost EU.
also if you ship fuze x ying pls fite me irl
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senzacaponecoda · 4 years
(Decided to reduce the names to E, O and S because this isn’t something that should be treated seriously or like there’s anything in particular respectable or responsible about it, but might be helpful to someone like me trying to find something out for personal reasons.) So since I finally got my hands on a copy of O and S’s reconstruction of PAA, I thought I’d go through and pick out what I thought were their best etymons against what I think are E’s best etymons. As I’ve said before both reconstructions seem to be basically mass comparison reconstructions.
The wiki page on Afroasiatic claims they agree on basically nothing, and out of 1000ish and 2600ish I still got less than 100 shared roots, so that’s probably accurate. The page and what I pulled out didn’t exactly line up though, but also there were some roots especially on E’s end (due to a need to reconstruct verbs to nominalize for his PS theories) that I outright changed the meaning of because they actually made his individual arguments stronger; like, say, if you had 4 roots that mean knife in each sub-branch, why assume the etymon means cut?
I compared the roots in case there was something that was an obvious oversight, and while I don’t think their methods were all that good (although O and S’s are a lot better), I didn’t want to discount everything in case there was something like “well their vowel systems are different so I’m not counting roots where even V[os] = V[e]” or like “O/S posit (g,x) < *q while E has (g,x) < *ÿ” being overlooked and miraculously they agreed on like 300 more roots than the page gives them credit. There’s also issues like, well, “Is this particular author doing such a bad job but the critics aren’t seeing that, that he/she/they are dragging the other author/s down by undermining their ok etymons?” etc.
So, like, I’ve messed with the data in a way that’s irrepairable and shit. Mind that. This isn’t scholarly work and isn’t intended to be. And I messed with some of the data - even if I think it’s more representative of their works at a level, from any kind of responsible position I need to make it absolutely clear that it’s not really reflective of their work, but a reflection of my amateur, shitty thoughts on their concordances.
So, for the curious:
So when putting this list together I accidentally kept mixing which side I wrote whose roots together. E tends to have labiovelars where OS have o, E has long vowels, OS don’t, E has tones, OS don’t, E has the voiced velar fricative I transcribed as ÿ and ŋ, OS have q and q’ vs k’ and k. E has p’, the rest I guess you’ll have to guess.
I also marked a few words with * for what might be imitative or baby speak words. *? like on horn is “I’m on the fence of it being imitative”
Vowels are pretty much ignored, but otherwise definite correlates:
kol-f bark (n) dam blood k'os~k'as bone naf breath ben~bin build di3, da3, du3 call dumn~deman cloud k'at' cut* 2ab father* pir fly*? ba2 go sim hear lib heart k'ar horn*? inkwal~2ankol kidney 2er~2âr know lVk'~lak lick* tir liver sum,sim~süm,sim name wan open bu~baw place dak,duk~dik pound k'u2 rise tuf spin ra3-raa3 sun dab,dib-dub tail les,lis tongue ma2 water
Close matches, differing by not a lot of phonological space, but the correlations seem unsystematic or quasi-systematic (E *k = OS *x? or the other way). A lot of this might be due to obfuscation of the subgroups; it’s known beyond these reconstructions that Semitic b, p, f correspond to Egyptian b, p, f but there doesn’t seem to be a pattern to the correspondences beyond [+labial][-nasal]=[+labial][-nasal]... except some roots where b = m, mostly Egyptian to Semitic (iirc it’s believed that snb = slm).
! maaw~mawut die ! har~heraw day ! t(l)'ok' beat ! bak~bax burn ! k'al~k'ar burn ! (t)san brother ! kor~kw'al angry #related to kidney? ! pak~pax break apart* ! yar~3er burn #n.b. OS *e = E *ya pretty consistently ! ka2(up) cover ! t'ub~duf drip* ! g'arub~ÿar(b) dusk ! 2et~iit eat*? ! gur~guud enclose ! 2ir~2il eye #2il is also given for both by the wiki author ! 2aakw~2ax fire ! ŋiiwr~gir flames ! pur~fir flower 1 k'ur~kâr go around ! ĉa3ar~ła2r hair ! qafV3~gâf hold ! qam~kam hold ! fil~bul hole ! ĉa(2i)d~gwi/ad land ! ne2ul~ñaw moist ! bakr~bar morning ! âf~2ap mouth* ! ĉer~sar,sir root ! cab~sVp sew ! sur~tsur sing ! tsoon~soon smell ! bak'~p'ak' split* ! da2~daw walk
Really kind of stretched correspondences, usually requiring twice the amount of special pleading as above:
!! rip~2erib sew !! dabn~zab hair !! yawr~yabil bull !! büł~fil skin !! 3ir~raw sky
A root that’s probably wrong but I didn’t delete it:
!!! c'eyg~c'a3ek shout
Roots on the wiki article it says are part of “the fragile consensus” but either escaped my standards for good etymologies from E and OS or were lost when I changed E or OS’s proposed definitions to fit the data they presented for etymologization:
>> (2a)bVr bull >> (2a)dVm land >> 2igar~kw'ar enclosure >> 3ayn eye #I think for both this was only found in Sem and Egn, which is proto-Sem-Egn, not PAA >> bar son >> gamm mane, beard >> gVn cheek, chin >> gwar3~(gora3?) throat #These words weren’t in E’s but look like it and I guessed on what the OS reconstruction would look like >> gwina3~(gona3?) hand >> kVn cowife >> kwaly??? kidney #that this isn’t VnkwVl damns something >> k'awal, qwar say, call >> sin tooth >> siwan know >> zwr seed >> łVr root >> šun sleep, dream
These I sort of gathered based on a decent scholarly Egyptologist’s work
** (n)i,ku,nak(u) 1sc ** nVn 1pc ** kumV, kV 2sm ** kimV, ki 2sf ** suwa, sV 3sm ** si(y/t)a, si 3sf **-ú~-aw nom (earlier an ergative) **-á abs **Egyptian had an outright ergative participle so like yeah Some AA assumptions $$ m- participle, possible 3 or 4 denoting instruments, resultatives, passive and active meanings, and more. $$ s- causative (likely su-) $$ -í nisba = adjectivizer $$ -át/-út ending for abstract, mass, diminutive, augmentative, female nouns $$ top two combine frequently $$ maybe k became a masculine? maybe u/w too? $$ perhaps an -n- passive? -t- passive? reciprocal voice? (kick each other) $$ emphatic coronal series $$ prefixing conjugation {2 t t y t n t t y t} on imperfect-type stems $$ core verb stems seem to be perfect vs imperfect $$ a lot of sources report *-r has spreading out semantics at the end of a Semitic verb and I believe it. $$ suffixing possessive pronouns $$ probably all of pAA derives its verb system from those same possessive pronouns suffixed to participles, which probably helped the ergative to nominative alignment change. Again, Egn had an ergative participle at one point. It actually used a slightly different form of the possessed agreement system for that though, maybe reflective of a dead case system. $$ personally I think egn broke off early, sem and amz were geographically between it and ethiopia, the cushitic languages broke early but stayed in contact, chadic is cladistically cushitic that broke off in the middle of the ethiopianization of cushitic in the post-islamic era, since it seems to be in cultural memory. beja wasn’t as ethiopianized and is slightly closer to semitic, amz, and in many ways egn surprisingly, omotic was probably adopted into the family, ongota is too creolized to know anything, tones, vowel rebalancing, probably influences of Central/Eastern Sudanic. I have no idea why languages with ATR (i.e. pharyngealization) distinctions would make pharyngealized languages switch to ejectives, so if sem-amz is a thing you just have to postulate why they switched, since egyptian is no help. for all i know egyptian always had an aspiration distinction (which would explain some insane correlations) and then they fell together and split again for coptic.  Don’t think this can be projected to the proto-lang: $$ ablauting everywhere, in nouns and verbs. masdars and singular nouns probably reflect original vowel patterns. !! E and OS reconstruct consonant systems similar to PS and idk about that. Both give 5 vowel core systems but for different reasons and different results. E has length and the central short vowels fall together in all but Omo. Some shenanigans happen to get Cu uu, ii, aa, ə, and ä. Ch ends up with a i u ə, and the other three a i u. OS has e yield ya and o yield wa, ü for u~i results, and does overall less movement.
These are numbers from my number project:
## tsin~tsar two ## kwrad three ## fVd'w four ## magw ten
It’s interesting that many of these shared roots are in fact Swadesh roots and that that mostly happened on accident. E reconsructed 1000 roots, OS 2600, and just using judgements like “a root needs to mean the same thing in two (standard I held E to) or three (standard I used for OS) subbranches” to sift through them brought me down to these. But like most of these roots are fundamentally two segments long. There were even ~false matches in some of them with the phonaesthetic shape of their English glosses - horn would go back to something like *karn in PIE, which looks like the root here. Maybe horns make a kar sound, but with 2iit~2et, idk, I don’t think of eating as making an “eat-eat” sound; I actually threw away a number of roots that had a “kwa-l-kwa-l” (whence Ar. 2akulu) sound which at least kind of sounds like swallowing.
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prosperices · 5 years
ok okok okok okok ok ok ok ok ok ok ook ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 
about your twitter acount 0126 oath holdings inc us track series the detour seeason 4 online (1) blogs sadtoo tumblr.keep reading title ok ok ok oko  queers against rascisism 3:34pm dust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tacs. empty lighter. duck with stuffing ripped out. no plants? no peace
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lostparcels · 7 years
IMServ Europe Ltd IMServ Metering Meter Maintenance Services Electricity Meters
IMServ Europe Ltd IMServ Metering Meter Maintenance Services Electricity Meters
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IMServ Europe Ltd IMServ Metering Meter Maintenance Services Electricity Meters
  We purchase goods from public auctions for resale that may have emanated from parcel companies. 
  Sometimes, during our product research we find the sender, the sender usually wants their goods back as our tracing back to sender demonstrates that the respective parcel companies did not take reasonable efforts to do so.
  IMServ have been informed and thus far not expressed interest in having these returned.
  This is full itemised list of all the items:
1. October 2012 Certified Z45/M12. Single Phase Watt Hour Meter. Property of: ScottishPower. L312J23185. Landis+Gyr. Type 5235A. 20-100A 50Hz. 1PH 2W 230V Cl 2 2012. 5235A022006-110912X2H. P/N: 238-97510-06
2. PRI Limited 0379651. Skyline -120. WAN. PRI29469. Part No.: PMR000-156. Mfd: 2010.
3. Siemens. 1000 imp/kWh. S2AM. Cl2. 230V 50Hz. 20-100A. EN 61036 (1996). Property of S + S. 2002. S2AM-100. F02C 53609. Certified S 09/02.
4. ABB A1700 Programmable Polyphase Meter. Made in UK. 0.04 varh / Imp. PB2CVVRCT-G 2002. SUPPLIED BY :- IMServ 02080128 invensys. Multi Utility Compatible. Certified T 10 02. Site:- Royal Surrey Hospital Guildford. MSID / MPAN:- 1900060413216. Serial No:- 02080128. Outstation No:- 002. Tariff:- E7-lmp. 1/2hr Data Y/N. CT Ratio:- 100/5. VT Ratio:- 11,000/110. Output Pulse Value:- MP71. kWh/kV Arh
5. EDMI ATLAS Mk10D. E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12. Reconnect. Display Select. Pulse 1. Pulse 2. CE M12 0120. UK/0120/SGS0009. 0,5-10(100)A. 10 imp/kWh. SN: 212433633. 1D11-1B-151-17-F11-200031-2. E12BG10083. 10D-031. Made in Singapore.
6. ELSTER A1700 PB3CABYCT-Z 2007. Property of :- Western Power Distribution K1440 K07D00450. Multi Utility Compatible. IMServ MPAN 2199989672011. Cen Day Swansea Road, Exchange. 07824463420.
7. Entity PRI. AACOP5 800/5. PRI Premier Manufactured in UK. Serial No : P99A21674. Type No: P3TA23. Part No: P3TA23/11B43EN5. Property of: London Electricity plc. 3 phase 4 wire. 3 x 230/400V. 3 x 5-6 A. 50 Hz. Lithium Battery.
8. ABB A1700 Programmable Polyphase Meter. Made in UK. PB2CBBRCT-G 2002. Supplied by: IMServ 02080129 invensys.
9. save energy. PRI. EDF Energy. PRI Sprint XP Secure Serial No : P09A11370. Type No : S3DXP210. Part No : S3DXP210/05060004/AB. Property of : EDF Energy CFS. Lithium Battery. 2009. Entity.
10. Elster A1700 CTs 1000/5. Multi Utility Compatible. Made in UK. PB3CABYCT-Z 2007. K07FB00683. Property of: Siemens Energy Services. SMSL-3000009. Siemens Energy Services, C & I Meter Operations, Woodyard Lane, Off Lambourne Drive, Wollaton, Nottingham, NG8 1GB (LAB50). Registered Office: Siemens House, Oldbury, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 8FZ. For Information 0115 906 6589. www.siemens.com
11. Elster A1100 LB3AACBS-A 2014. Property of:- SSE Metering Ltd. K14C06551. CE M14 0120. FW 2-01166-M. IrDA Tx. kWh Cl. A EN 50470. 0120/SGS0054. 4kV. 010446000559. LK0043111S.
12. elster A1700 Multi Utility Compatible. Made in UK. PB3CABYCT-ZK 2012. K12TB00395. Property of:- Siemens Energy Services. SMSL-3000009. 006677000002
13. 1PHS 1RT SSC0393. May 2007 Certified Z35/M07. Single Phase Watt Hour Meter. Installed by: OnStream. A07X121954. Type 5235A. IMServ MPAN 2199999695771. Venturin Farm, Narberth. Exchange. 5235A0707-140507
14. elster A1700. PB3CABYCT-ZK 2012. Property of:- Enterprise Metering K12M00275. 007610000039.
15. Elster Made in UK A1140. IMServ MPAN 2199995580349. HSS Hire, 5 Lovver High St, Merthyr, Faulty Exchange. Metering System Operated by IMServ Helpline: 01908 257779. www.imserv.invensys.com. LK0056467
16. GEC Meters Pocket Stradcom Modem V21/ V.22
17. Liberty 3P P10W696694 Yr. 2010. Type: E3PD14-041/M. 3Ph, 4W, 50Hz, Cl 1.0. 3X230(400)V, 20-100A. 800 imp/kWh. entity PRI. e.on… dedicated Pay As You Go business team… 0845 302 4272.
18. Swalec. Type: YL11D. Landis & Gyr. 3 Phase 4 Wire. Watt-Hour Meter. 3×240. 3×100. 50Hz. 20 REVS per kWh. The Property of:- The South Wales Electrical Board. 1711638. Made in Gt. Britain.
19. IMServ MPAN 2199998996978. First Floor, TSB Bank, Blue St, Carmarthen, Exchange.
20. ABB Made in UK. Type: E43B3B-H. 3PH 4W 50Hz. 30 rev/kWh. KG00J0… Property of Manweb plc.
21. EDMI Mk7C. CE M11 0120. UK/0120/SGS0001. 220-240V. 0.5-10(100)A. 50Hz. Class B. 3K7. IMServ MPAN 2199999765257. Communal Supply, Croft Court, Pembrokeshire Upgrade to 3PH. G4S Installation/Removal Details. Old Meter: 2109427. New Meter: 011253386. G4S Utility Services Limited, Sutton Park House, 15 Carshalton Road, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4LD. EDMI LIMITED Energy Meter Calibration Date: 30.04.2012
22. Pocket GEM II V.22 C.22bis. Dataflex CE. Made under Licence from DATAFLEX.
23. ASL Holding LTD. www.aslholdings.co.uk. ASLH306TE. The Oaks, Spring Hill Office Park, Harborough Road, Pitsford, Northampton NN6 9AA 01604 883 880. 306000049560. 07545 366623.
24. GSM/GPRS with TCP/IP ASL Delta Plus Mobile II. Communicating by Design. ASL.
25. X 55 M 11 Mar 11. ACE1000 SM0. Itron. EDF Energy S11B007364. Store code 61902E. Made in UK. 2011. 20-100A. 230V 50Hz. Meter quality checked. Mtr No. EDF Energy. BBBB00503442
26. Polyphase Energy Meter. Western Power Distribution D0350 D05D07003. Ampy Automation Peterborough PE6 8SE England. IMServ MPAN 2199999638009. Unit 56-57 Honeyborough Ind Est, Neyland, Milford Haven, Exchange. 5219A05601-220605.
27. APR8 540135020013827001. Mark Twaits. 25 Aintree Crescent. Southport. Merseyside. PR8 5NY. SWAP OUT – Do not deliver if nothing to collect. IMSERV EUROPE LTD (PACKAGE AC). Cons Number: 40135020013827. Weight 20. Parcel: 001. Telephone: 07917374646. Cust Ref: Twaits. 17/0/2016. NEXT DAY 65 PRESTON S040147/DE74 2HP
28. Actaris MC310H-R1-Z cl. 2. 3×230/400V. 20(100)A. No. 49018836. 2004. Property of Scottish and Southern Energy. S04R 36281. Certified G 07 2004.
29. AMPY Polyphase Energy Meter. Property of: South Wales Electricity PLC. 2768716. Type 5165F. 2-120A 50Hz. 230 / 400V. Cl2 2000. Made in UK. Reporter. Ampy Automation. IMServ MPAN 2199998996987. TSB Blue Street Carmarthen Exchange.
30. X 55 M05. Feb 05. ACE1000 SM0 Actaris. Property of Manweb plc. SW05J01329. Made in UK. 2005. 20-100A. 230V 50Hz. EN 61036: 1996. SW05J01329.
31. Elster EN62053-21 : 2003. A100C. Property of :- MANWEB plc. N406J29573. SJ1LACB-A 230V 50Hz. 20-100A. kWh Cl. 2.0 2006. Pseudo MJ1796.
32. Type CL 27.1 Landis & Gyr. 1 Phase 2 Wire A.C. Wh Meter Class 2.0 The Property of:- The Merseyside & North Wales Electricity Board. L71J07846. Made in GT. BRITAIN. Pseudo *MH4026*
33. 240V. 20-80A. 50 Hz. S 200.31. A.C. WATTHOUR METER. 1PH 2W. CLASS 2.0. FLOTON. Magnetic Bearing. This meter is the property of Southern Electricity Board. Sangamo Weston Ltd. Enfield. Middx. Eng. S71C 11082.
34. entity PRI Sprint SEMS. IMServ MPAN 2199994799893. Church of Jesus, Woodland Terrace, Pontypridd, Exchange. 1 RATE.
35. Radio Telemeter Series K. 1Ph 2W 50Hz 230V CL.2. BS EN61036. Made in England. Property of. Scottish and Southern Energy plc. H08C 11823. Type. K122F03. 20-100A. IC(D)100A. IC(C)25A. 2008. Horstmann. Single Element Radio Telemeter H08C 11823. Scottish and Southern Energy plc. Group Code 19. 341059. Q4. Night/Evening&Weekend
36. elster CE EN 62053-21 : 2003. A100C. Property of: Scottish Power. SJ1LACB-C. 230V 50Hz. 20-100A. kWh Cl. 2.0 2007. 4607P41826. LB0041121. 70501202.
37. 240V. 40A Max. 50 c/s. Sangamo Weston Ltd. Enfield. Middx. Eng. S 200.16 WATTHOUR METER. 250 revs/kWh. 1PH 2W. FLOTON Magnetic Bearing. S66J 00594. Property of the Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board.
38. ISKRA Made in Slovenia. AC – 3 Ph 4 Wire. Type MT300-D2A51-F. No. 29 405 126. 3×230/400 V. 40(100) A. 50Hz. Property of S+S V02C12394. 27.734.314 BP
39. elster A100C. Property of: Scottish Power. 4607P27910. SJ1LACB-C. LB0041121. 70501202.
40. Type C11B2A-H. 20-80 A. 240V 50Hz. 1PH 2W. GEC Meters. Made in UK. BS5685. K94C44879.
41. entity PRI. PRI Premier Secure Serial No : P07C 04826. Type No : P3TA23. Property of: SSE. Lithium Battery. 2007. M1 100/5. Ratio: 300/5/ 230 Volts. Tariff: M1. IMP Value: 0.5. Register Value: As Display.
42. Landis + Gyr Dialog. Certified 05/03. WATT-HOUR METER. ZMD120ASdr53. No. 77 122 932. 50 Hz. IMServ MPAN 2199990460100. St. Mary RC Primary School, Exchange.
43. English Electric. Type C31B/M. Volts 240. AMPS 40MAX. K69J 10878. R/kWh 300. Property fo The Merseyside & North Wales Electricity Board. Made in Great Britain by The English Electric Co. Ltd London
44. PRI Premier Secure Serial No : P09A22466. Type No : P3TA23. Part No : P3TA23/11B43EN5/M. Property of: EDF Energy CFS. Lithium Battery. 2009. entity. IMServ MPAN 2000054530089 Unit L917-20 St Davids Centre Cardiff Exchange.
45. elster A1700 Multi Utility Compatible. Made in UK. PB3CABYCT-ZG 2011. K11TB00018. Property of: Siemens Energy Services. SMSL-3000009. 004539000057.
0 notes
South Asia Weekly | Volume X: Issue 6
Azadpur Mandi-Wholesale Market, New Delhi
Source: IFPRI
Country Reports
Heavy clashes in Helmland
The Taliban and the Afghan security forces have had heavy clashes in the southern Helmand province as the insurgency group has staged numerous coordinated attacks in the past few days. The attacks on the military base, district centres and security check-posts highlight the deteriorating security situation in the country. The United States had earlier announced that it would be deploying around 300 troops to Helmand later this year to help Afghan forces in the province. For more information, see: “Taliban assaults district centre in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province”, VOA, 30 January 2017; “32 Taliban insurgents killed in Sangin clash”, Tolo News
Security deteriorating: US
The United States’ Special Inspector-General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) in its quarterly report has stated that 6,785 Afghan security forces personnel had been killed between 1 January and 12 November last year and over 11,000 were injured in action. The report which is largely based on data provided by US forces in Afghanistan (USFOR-A) also stated that only 57.2 percent of the country’s area was under the government’s influence or control. For more information, see: “SIGAR report notes sharp rise in security force casualties”, Tolo News
The Afghanistan Anti-Corruption Network has said in its recent report that militant groups in the country received at least $46 million in earnings from mineral and precious stone smuggling. According to the report, over 7,50,000 tons of marble and talc stones were smuggled from the eastern Nangarhar province, where the ‘Islamic State’ is active, into Pakistan. Insurgent groups and local strongmen have taken over mining operations in many areas and fixed a levy on minerals smuggled out of the country. For more information, see: “Report: Militant groups in Afghanistan get rich off mineral smuggling”, VOA
Dhaka ‘high-threat’, says US
The US state department has claimed capital Dhaka is a high-threat location for political violence and crime directed at or affecting Washington’s official interests. This observation was made in the State department’s crime and safety assessment report 2017. For more information, see: “Dhaka ‘high-threat location’, reckons US state dept”, Prothom Alo
Support for Palestine
President Mahmoud Abbas visited Bangladesh at the invitation of President Md Abdul Hamid. This visit highlights Bangladesh’s support for Palestinian nationhood. Bangladesh reiterated its stance on the two-state solution for Palestine and Israel. For more information, see: “President’s visit to Bangladesh extremely important: Head of mission”, Bdnews24.com, 31, January 2017; “Bangladesh backs 2-state solution”, The Daily Star
French fete
Les Amis du Bhoutan, one of the oldest friendship associations for Bhutan in Europe, celebrated the 30th anniversary of its foundation at a dinner in Paris on January 27, according to a foreign affairs ministry press release. The association was founded in 1987 to promote better understanding of Bhutan in France. For more information, see: “Les Amis du Bhoutan celebrates 30th anniversary”, Kuensel
Online permit welcome
Tour agents in Phuentsholing have welcomed the online permit system that the Tourism Council of Bhutan (TCB) recently introduced for regional tourists. For more information, see: “Online permits for regional tourists”, Kuensel
Missing in Bangkok
A school support staff member from Tsirang has been reported missing from Bangkok since January 23. Harka Bahadur Subba, 39, a cook with two other support staff and seven teachers of the school went to Bangkok for a school agriculture study tour that was to end on January 30. For more information, see: “Bhutanese man missing in Bangkok”, Kuensel
Defence budget up, 6%                
A modest six percent hike in defence allocation over comparable defence expenditure shows that defence spending remains a low priority area for the government. The hike is unlikely to meet the impact of inflation, depreciation of the rupee and the imposition of customs duty on military imports from last year. For more information, see: “Defence Budget up by 6 per cent to Rs 2.74 lakh crore in 2017-18 from Rs 2.58 lakh crore last year” Economic Times
Former FM’s views on the Budget
Former Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram commended the budget for not trying to be reckless. He, however, added that gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) — meaning net investment — had constantly shrunk under the Modi government and was minus 0.2% in 2016-17. He also added that a reduction in indirect taxes would have boosted demand. For more information, see: “Chidambaram pats FM for not being ‘reckless’” The Hindu
India Inc worried over proposed more powers to IT officials
The Finance Bill 2017 proposes to amend the I-T Act to give more powers to the assessing officer in cases of search and seizures. The tax officer is not required to give any reason to the taxpayer or the appellate authorities for which the search was undertaken. For more information, see: “India Inc jittery as tax officials get more power” Business Standard
Controlling ‘Goa from Delhi’     
Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi accused the BJP of giving Goa a government which is “remote-controlled” from Delhi, and promised that his party would provide a corruption-free government, which will focus on employment for youth. For more information, see: “BJP remote-controlling Goa”, The Hindu
Nasheed in Colombo
Former Maldives President, Mohammed Nasheed, now living as a political refugee in the UK, arrived in the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo to meet up with his MDP colleagues. Ahead of his current visit, the second in a few months, Nasheed had said in the US that they should be looking for a ‘common Opposition candidate’ to take on incumbent Abdulla Yameen in the presidential polls of 2018, and not hope for a ‘regime-change’ any time soon. For more information, see: “Nasheed arrives in Colombo as stalemate drags on in Maldives”, Maldives Independent, 29 January 2017; “Umar to meet Jameel in London to discuss Presidential Election”, SunOnline,  2 February 2017; “President: Maldives cannot abide by UN WGAD decision”, SunOnline, 30 January 2017; “The Government of Maldives does not agree with the Opinion of the UN WGAD on Col (Rtd) Mohamed Nazim’s submission: Foreign Minister”, Miadhu, 30 January 2017; “Maldives rejects UN decision on detained ex defence minister”, Maldives Independent, 31 January 2017; “AG: Government’s books are open, there’s nothing to hide”, SunOnline, 30 January 2017; “Maldives local council elections postponed a second time”, Maldives Independent, 2 February 2017; “Court throws out lawsuit challenging new call for candidates for local councils”, Maldives Independent
National theme
President Abdulla Yameen has proposed ‘Economic Prosperity, Social Harmony’ for 2017, the penultimate year before the presidential elections. The Government will publicise the theme on all its documents and through various other forms. For more information, see: “President Proposes 2017 National Theme”, Miadhu, 30 January 2017; “President’s anouncement revives rumours about the sale of Maldives atoll to Saudi Arabia”, Maldives Independent, 29 January 2017; “Teachers sacked, suspended for wearing niqab”, Maldives Independent
16 pacts with Thailand
Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak’s state visit to Myanmar saw the two countries sign 16 business Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) in six different business sectors including. The MoU’s are designed to foster greater cooperation between Thai Companies, Myanmar Government and Myanmar’s Federation of Commerce and Industries. For more information, see: “Burma and Thailand Sign 16 Business Agreements”, Irrawaddy
More for Mae Sot road
Thailand has approved a 1.8 billion baht ($53 million) help to Myanmar for developing part of its road along the transnational route and by means of which, stepping up efforts to boost the Rangoon-­Mae Sot trade link. For more information, see: “Thailand to boost funding for Rangoon-Mae Sot road upgrade”, DVB, 3 February 2017; “Myanmar’s road project hooks B 1.8 bn”, Mizzima, 3 February 2017; “Burma Road Project Hooks 1.8 Billion Baht from Thailand”, Irrawaddy
Ko Ni was being watched by intelligence officials
Ko Ni, the prominent Myanmarese Muslim lawyer assassinated in Rangoon, was being closely watched by intelligence agents, according to friends and colleagues, and had received past threats over his sensitive work as an adviser to Aung San Suu Kyi’s ruling party. For more information, see: “Surveillance and Threats: Slain lawyer Ko Ni felt ‘targeted’”, DVB, 1 February 2017; “The death of the rule of law’: coming to terms with the loss of U Ko Ni”, Myanmar Times
PM inaugurates Khimti-Dhalkebar Transmission
Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal on February 2 inaugurated the Khimti-Dhalkebar Transmission Line, the first 220 kV transmission line in the country. The formal inauguration of the 75-km transmission line in Khimti of Dolakha district means electricity imported from India through the Muzaffarpur-Dhalkebar cross-border transmission line can be directly linked to Kathmandu Valley, where energy demand is highest in the country. This will also help evacuate electricity from Tamakoshi-Bhotekoshi corridor to the eastern region. For more information, see: “A milestone in electricity sector in country: PM”, The Kathmandu Post, 3 February 2017; “PM inaugurates Khimti-Dhalkebar transmission line”, Republica
Pipeline work accelerates
The installation of the drinking water pipeline in Kathmandu Valley under Melamchi Drinking Water Project is moving ahead in speed. The Melamchi Drinking Water Project – 2 Implementation Directorate is installing the pipelines in 50 locations per day. The water from Melamchi will be channelled to Sundarijal where it will be processed before being distributed to 11 major tanks within the valley and supplied to every household. For more information, see:” Melamchi pipeline installation gains speed”, The Kathmandu Post The government has written formally to the Election Commission (EC) to make necessary preparations for holding local polls. However, it remains undecided over the poll date and whether the polls are to be held under the existing structures or as per the new federal setup. Some election experts and opposition party leaders have taken the government’s decision as a move to further dillydally over local polls. For more information, see:” Govt writes to EC for local poll preparations”, Republica
Hafiz Saeed in house-arrest
Pakistan placed Hafiz Saeed, the alleged mastermind of the Mumbai 2008 attacks and leader of militant group Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) under house -arrest on 30 January. Saeed who is also the founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba has ‘distanced’ himself from the group in recent years, and has claimed that that he only runs JuD as a religious charity. Two days after his house arrest at the JuD headquarters in Lahore, Saeed and his close aides’ names were also placed on the exit-control list, barring them from fleeing the country. The United Nations and the United States have listed JuD as a front for LeT and both organisations, as well as Saeed as an individual, remain under international sanctions. For more information, see: “Pakistan: Hafiz Saeed placed under house arrest”, Al Jazeera
115 accused freed from blasphemy
Pakistan’s anti-terrorism court in Lahore acquitted all 115 suspects accused on burning a number of Christian homes and shops in 2013. Judge Chaudhary Muhammad Azam ruling over the blasphemy issue cited the lack of evidence as a reason for acquittal. The incident in March 2013 involved thousands of protestors ransacking Joseph Colony in Lahore armed with stones and sticks, setting fire to a number of shops, homes and vehicles, after a rumour spread of a Christian committing a blasphemous attack. While 115 suspects have been acquitted, the Christian who was arrested was sentenced to death in 2014. For more information, see: “Pakistan court acquits 115 accused of torching Christians’ house”, Deccan Chronicle
US ban extension
In the aftermath of the US President ban on refugees from certain Muslim countries, White House chief of staff Reince Priebus has hinted that Pakistan may be added to the list of countries in the coming weeks. Sources in the Trump administration say that the President is “keenly aware” of who sheltered Osama bin-Laden and where most of the world’s terrorists originate from. The Pakistan government reacted to this possibility with a warning that in case of such a move by the US, it would reduce its cooperation with Washington in the fight against Islamist terror groups in case. For more information, see: “American visa ban on Pakistan most likely: US sources”, The Economic Times
Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan Army was not inclined to take over Jaffna initially
Declassified American CIA documents have quoted then Sri Lankan President J R Jayewardene as telling visiting US diplomat, Amb Peter Galbraith, that his armed forces were disinclined to take the LTTE-held Jaffna, owing to apprehensions of “unacceptable level of casualties”. Jayewardene also told Galbraith that his Government was forced into a deal with India, a reference this to the Indo-Sri Lanka Agreement of 1987. For more information, see: “I was forced into a deal with India, Jayewardene told U.S. envoy”, The Hindu, 5 February 2017; “India backs Sri Lanka’s efforts to enact new constitution, forge reconciliation: High level visits expected in coming months”, The Island, 30 January 2017; “NFF says govt now moving to introduce 20th Amendment: New constitution shelved?”, The Island, 30 January 2017; “Work honestly and with commitment: President tells politicians”, Daily Mirror Online, 4 February 2017; “Only united people can make Sri Lanka strong: PM”, Daily Mirror Online, 4 February 2017; “Wigneswaran boycotts Independence Day event”, New Indian Express, 4 February 2017; “Can’t solve Tamil issue by chasing me away: CV”, Daily Mirror Online, 3 February 2017; “CM mulls NPC war crimes accountability mechanism”, The Island, 2 February 2017; “CV has become a ghost: Dayasiri”, Daily Mirror Online, 2 February 2017; “Sampanthan calls for reconciliation based on equality, dignity”, The Island, 4 February 2017; GSP+: EU P’ment urged to look into HR background”, Daily Mirror Online, 2 February 2017; “Norway ready to assist in accordance with int’l procedures: Tamil diaspora role in assassination bid”, The Island, 4 February 2017; “Sri Lanka needs to walk through difficult paths – Norwegian Ambassador”, The Island, 3 February 2017; “Attempt on lawmaker’s life: Norway mum”, The Island, 2 January 2017; “Sumanthiran assassination plot a sign of LTTE re-grouping: JHU”, Daily Mirror Online, 1 February 2017; “GL wants to know why terrorists not charged under PTA: EU won’t comment on Sumanthiran assassination bid”,  The Island
‘No’ to Chinese military
Though Sri Lanka is selling up to 80 per cent of the financial stakes in the southern Hambantota Port to the Chinese construction firm, there was no question of allowing Chinese military into the port, Sri Lankan Ambassador in Beijing, Karunasena Kodituvakku, said after the nation’s Independence Day celebrations in the Embassy. Back home in Colombo, Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake said that the port stakes-sale agreement would be signed as early as this week, after being postponed once earlier, owing to local protests and President Maithiripala Sirisena’s reservations. For more information, see: “Chinese military will not be permitted at H’tota port: SL envoy”, Daily Mirror Online, 5 February 2017; “Govt. expects to ‘finish off’ H’tota Port sale deal this week”, Daily Mirror Online, 3 February 2017; “Ranil reiterates China-led projects in H’tota …reveals ongoing talks with Japan, India for Trinco port development”, The Island, 30 January 2017; “Vasudeva’s FR application against H’tota deal fixed for support on Feb. 13”, The Island, 4 February 2017; “Presence of Chinese submarines in SL purely for economic reasons: Navy chief”, Daily Mirror Online, 1 February 2017; “Indian Budget allocates INR 1.25 bn to Sri Lanka”, Daily Mirror Online
Primary Documentation
Press Releases
Lyonchhen met with the Public of Tsangkha Gewog Dagana, Cabinet Secretariat, 27 January 2017 A delegation of ambassadors from the European Union call on the Foreign Minister Lyonpo Damcho Dorji, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2 February 2017 Indian Ambassador to India calls on the Foreign Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 30 January 2017
Press Releases
President received Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, President’s Office, 3 February 2017 Press release regarding assassination of U Ko Ni, President’s Office, 31 January 2017
Press Releases
“Press Release issued by Permanent Mission of Nepal to the United Nations, New York covering the participation of the Hon. Minister for Youth and Sports in the 2017 Youth Forum of the ECOSOC”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nepal, 31 January 2017 “Press Release on the conclusion of the 2nd meeting of the Nepal-India Oversight Mechanism”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nepal, 30 January 2017 “Press Release issued by the Embassy of Nepal, Bangkok regarding the opening of new chancery”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nepal, 30 January 2017 “Press Release issued by Permanent Mission of Nepal to the United Nations covering the conclusion of the Contingent-Owned Equipment Working Group for 2017”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nepal, 28 January 2017
Opinion pieces
Barnett R. Rubin, “The art of the deal in Afghanistan”, The New York Times, 1 February 2017 Bonnie Kristian, “President Trump should take his own advice and exit Afghanistan”, The Huffington Post, 1 February 2017 Dr. Ayesha Ahmad, “Mental health in Afghanistan- when the mind suffers”, Tolo News, 31 January 2017
Opinion Pieces
Tamanna Sultana, “The path to radicalisation”, Dhaka Tribune, 1 February 2017
“Need for inclusive growth”, Kuensel, 1 February 2017 “Involve public in forming cultural guidelines”, Kuensel, 30 January 2017
“Bhutan’s environmental policy sets an example for the world: Chinese ambassador to India”, Kuensel, 28 January 2017
Opinion Pieces
Rhea Colaco, “Elections2017: New Worries Creep Into Seemingly Healthy Goa”, ORF, 03 February 2017 Ashok Malik, “Budget shows Modi’s ‘War On Cash’ is a serious one”, ORF, 02 February 2017 Pavan Srinath, “Rescuing India’s defence spending from oblivion”, LiveMint, 03 February, 2017
Opinion Pieces
N Sathiya Moorthy, “Indian concerns over Maldives island-lease: It’s not about China but about sovereignty talk”, South Asia Monitor, 1 February 2017
Opinion Pieces
Wencai Zhang, “The Myanmar link to Asia’s next big leap”, Myanmar Times, 3 February 2017 Benedict Rogers, “Assassination of U Ko Ni a severe blow to the prospects for peace and democracy” Mizzima, 30 January 2017
Opinion Pieces
Li Tao, “From yam to bridge”, The Kathmandu Post, 3 February 2017 Chura Bahadur Thapa, “The ‘English’ debate”, Republica, 1 February 2017
The Kathmandu Post, “Bad medicine”, The Kathmandu Post, 3 February 2017 Republica, “Old habits”, Republica, 2 February 2017
Opinion Pieces
Praveen Swami, “In fact: Hafiz Saeed’s recent arrest is no turning point for Pakistan”, The Indian Express, 3 February 2017 Saleem Safi, “Ghani and Pakistan”, The News International, 1 February 2017 Zahid Hussain, “Is Pakistan getting Trumped?”, Dawn, 1 February 2017
Sri Lanka
Opinion Pieces
M S M Ayub, ‘Playing politics with Sumanthiran plot”, Daily Mirror Online, 3 February 2017 Gomin Dayasiri, “The Best & Worst of Government”, Daily Mirror Online, 1 February 2017 Ranga Jayasuriya, “MR’s opportune return”, Daily Mirror Online, 31 January 2017 Dr Nirmala Chandrahasan, “National question and grievances faced by a minority”, Daily Mirror Online, 30 January 2017 N Sathiya Moorthy, “Breaking the ice for the party, or breaking the party”, The Sunday Leader, 29 January 2017
Upul Wickramasinghe, “MR’s acolytes want old regime back for survival: CBK”, Daily Mirror Online, 2 February 2017
Afghanistan & Pakistan: Kriti M. Shah Bangladesh: Dr Joyeeta Bhattacharjee Bhutan & Myanmar: Mihir Bhonsale India: Subh Soni & Pushan Das Maldives & Sri Lanka: N. Sathiya Moorthy Nepal: Sreeparna Banerjee
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