#g: Gibson Les Paul CUSTOM
bushdog · 2 months
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1978 Gibson Les Paul Custom 25-50 Anniversary Flame Top ~ Natural (via G-Brat's Guitars)
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waterparksdrama · 2 years
awsten and geoff's guitars
disclaimer: honestly i don't know much about guitars but i can provide some more visuals and context from some of their gear listed here and here. i can't tell you jack shit about some other ones they haven't used as regularly bc i won't have room for that and i'm not gonna go over acoustics.
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prs guitars
both of them tend to lean towards prs guitars most of the time. there's a few ads and music videos of them using them among many live performances. during double dare, awsten used a seafoam green s2 standard 22 and geoff used an antique white s2 mira.
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during entertainment, awsten tended to use that firemist purple s2 starla before switching to the jewel lime s2 mira during fandom.
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during greatest hits, awsten used a custom s2 he spray painted himself.
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geoff tended to use that s2 mira for a while until fandom when he switched over to his se santana which he used during greatest hits as well.
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currently, he uses a charcoal cherry burst modern eagle v.
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awsten's other guitars
his fender stratocaster is probably the oldest guitar he has. awsten has made every demo for waterparks (and likely some pre-waterparks) with it.
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another notable one he used was his daisy rock stardust elite venus. daisy rock, otherwise known as daisy rock girl guitars, is a guitar company specifically designed and catered towards women for their feminine and lightweight designs.
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awsten actually had two of these guitars: the stardust elite venus is the one that he tended to use during live performances even before waterparks all the way up to cluster while the stardust elite isis is the one he broke and is memorialized on the inside of the black light cds.
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awsten mentions using a couple other guitars for recording since cluster: a suhr classic s and a gibson les paul.
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(i cannot for the life of me find an image of awsten using a gibson les paul; there's a lot of old images of him using a les paul but it was an epiphone les paul because of course an emo kid is going to use the kind of guitar frank iero is known for)
the guitar awsten currently uses is his now refurbished gibson flying v also from when he was younger.
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(it's so old that awsten doesn't have bleach patches and is wearing zebra print in that first photo)
geoff's other guitars
before the release of double dare, geoff tended to use a white epiphone sg g-310.
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he also seemed to use a see thru blue esp ltd mh-203qm, mainly around 2013-2014.
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here is awsten being a judgemental bitch about geoff's gear when they first met.
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kittysamzkewlz19 · 3 months
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‪Medusa Ex Makina‬
‪Chapter 4: Not an Instructor‬
‪Rated: M for Mature ‬
‪Warnings: None‬
‪Author’s Note: Ohoho, now we’re getting into some crazy shenanigans! The first arc is slowly coming to a close but the curtains rise on something bigger going on in the background.‬
From the morning she woke up on her new high end mattress, to eating the most extravagant breakfast, and to even getting ready in her very own private luxury bathroom, Makina felt like a fairytale princess. A very brutal, fairytale princess. She still couldn’t believe that she went from the world’s shittiest apartment, to living in a ginormous castle that was also home to the world’s most famous metal band in the universe! It was a dream come true for the rookie metal singer, and she didn’t want to wake up. It had been a whole week since she began living in Mordhaus and the first thing she wanted to do today was to check out that state of the art music room she was shown on the house tour. Makina remembered that the music room was close to one of the recording studios. The room itself had a satin red velvet carpet with the signature medieval theming on one of the walls, there was another vampiric looking sofa and sawblade coffee table near the back end of the room. There were various different instruments placed around, from hanging on display to larger instruments that took up more space. This room oozed with creativity that got the gears in her brain turning as inspiration struck. The one thing that caught Makina’s eye was the bright sunburst orange, limited edition, Gibson “Les Paul” piano. A beautiful Baldwin 243, aka a classically shaped upright piano. Pressing a G note, it showed that the piano was perfectly tuned and maintained. Makina giddily sat down and began to play a favorite song of hers. As she played, she began to sing along with her own accompaniment.
She hummed along to the instrumentals and lost herself to the melody and rhythm of the song. She was completely engulfed in her own fantasy of being on a large stage, the thousands of imaginary people watching and raising their phones’ flashlights to the sky like a sea of twinkling stars. A set of tiptoeing footsteps came way towards Makina as she began to sing the next part of the song. Makina’s eyes still shut, imagining the crowd cheering for her. Her piano playing became more intricate and elaborate as the mystery viewer gingerly opened the music room door wider. The onlooker watched on as she played with frantic precision and grace, slowly coming back down to the simple melody she was playing at the start. The figure walked closer to her, ever so slightly leaning against the piano’s body. Gently coming back down, playing the last few notes until she accidentally missed. Makina opened her eyes at the sour note and then was taken aback by the reveal of her secret spectator. “Nots bads fors a pianos players.” Skwisgaar smirked, “It ams nots the sames as playings guitars, but it ams stills verys talenteds-ka.” Makina’s face began to burn up. She didn’t know what to say to the suave swede, it was as if words of gratitude had completely been erased from her vocabulary and instead replaced with stuttering nonsense.
Deep down in the pits of her soul, Makina would have screamed like the rabid fangirl she was. To her this was cloud 9, the highest praise she was ever going to get for a long time. Skwisgaar was always her favorite member of Dethklok; not for his looks, his foreign european charm, or his supposed “raw sex appeal” that made everyone drool over him. No, she admired him for his passionate love for music. The way he talked about building custom guitars, his avid knowledge about song composition in interviews. Makina had always admired him for the skills that he possessed. And now he was complimenting her piano playing! Makina’s expression became dopey as she was completely deaf to the criticism coming from the slim man’s lips; she was far too distracted by his fervor to even care. “Ams yous listenings or watchings fairies dancings?” Makina was shaken back to reality by Skwisgaar’s annoyance. “S-sorry, I didn’t catch that last bit. Can you please repeat that?” Makina asked dumbfoundedly. Skwisgaar exasperatedly sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Oks, Ams goings to puts its in babies termkanologists. Yous gots a vibratos problems whens you do thems melotics singings. Thats ams whens yous makes yours voices sounds like you ams in an earths shakers. You ams puts too much ofs its ams in the last notes ins everys verses. You ams gots a goods voices buts stills lots of needings improverments.” And there it was, Makina finally got her wake up call.
She had a vibrato problem?! She supposed a death growling vocal set could only take her so far. ‘Wait, how come no one told me about my vibrato!?’ “Oh… damn…” those were the only words she managed to say before slouching further into her seat. Makina closed the piano, ashamed to even play anymore and leaned onto her elbows on the hard wooden cover. She was forever grateful that a musical genius like Skwisgaar would catch such an obvious problem. But boy, he placed a real shiner on her ego. “How do you suppose I fix it?” Makina questioned with dullness in her voice. “Simples fix, practice lots. Haves yous evers taken proper vocals lessons?” Makina tried to recall a time in her life where she had any form of formal training, then it dawned on her. “Well, I was in a children’s choir from pre-k to eighth grade. But that’s ‘cause I went to an all girls church school.”
“And there ams the trunks ofs thems problem. Choirs does nots shows your fullest range ofs singings, you ams playing matchings with others harmonies. Plus thems operatics mess with yous as a solo singers. So, you ams gots to retrains yous voices.” Makina’s eyes filled with a sudden burst of pluck, “If that’s what it takes, then I’ll do it!” she exclaimed with a fiery passion. Skwisgaar was taken aback by Makina’s sudden enthusiasm, he had never seen anyone determined after being harshly reprimanded. Makina was truly something else. “Skwisgaar, you should give me more pointers!”
”What, nos! That jobs shoulds bes for someones like maybes Pickle or more importantlys Nathans. Am’st he not yours mentors?” Skwisgaar questioned. “Yeah, but it’s good to get other people’s perspectives. Besides, Nathan keeps pushing back my apprenticeship.” Skwisgaar raised an eyebrow of concern at Makina’s nonchalant attitude. Back when he was mentoring Toki, there was a sense of urgency to advance his training. But since Makina wasn’t a part of Dethklok, he supposed that the circumstances were entirely different. Even still, the guitarist couldn’t stand to see Makina flounder without a sense of direction.
Meanwhile in Nathan’s bedroom, the hulking vocalist was hunched over at his desk scribbling away in a notebook. He was discussing with Pickles more ideas for a new record. “What if you added that idea you had when we were in Costa Rica. You know, the one about underbites hooking onto flesh.” Pickles suggested as he laid on the singer’s bed. “Uh… oh the anglerfish thing! We did that already.”
”Oh fuck. Guess you’re really losing your touch.” Nathan placed his pen down and put his hand on his forehead. “Don’t say that, it’s just been a bit more… I don’t know. Is stressed the right word?” He said with frustration. Pickles sat up from the bed and crossed his legs, “Stressed? About what, the record?” Nathan shook his head, he didn’t have the right words to describe what was bothering him. Before he could give his drummer a response, Skwisgaar opened his door with Makina tucked away behind him. The slender musician roughly tugged Makina’s arm, dragging her into Nathan’s room and leading her towards the singer’s desk. Pickles turned to see the younger vocalist with an apprehensive look on their face. “Medusas, tells Nathan’s whats yous needs.” Skwisgaar pulled Makina’s arm a bit more. He gestured her to speak, she sighed. “Mr. Explosion, I… I need you to… I need you to give me proper vocal lessons during my apprenticeship. Um… now would be nice.” Makina sheepishly stated, she looked away with embarrassment. The bruise on her ego made itself known as she fiddled with the zipper on her hoodie, hiding her hands in the sleeves. Nathan looked up at Pickles and pointed at Makina. “This, this is my answer.” Nathan said with a drop of frustration in his tone. Pickles scratched his beard with a wide eyed expression, he somewhat comprehended Nathan’s emotions. The ginger dreaded man hopped off of Nathan’s bed and walked closer towards Makina and Skwisgaar. “You know what kiddo, how about I take over for Nathan as your mentor for today. Is that fine?” Pickles asked warmly, Makina hummed in agreement and Pickles led the raven haired lady out of the room with Skwisgaar following suit. She took a quick glance to see Nathan with a disappointed look on his face.
“Alright so let me get this straight, you have a vibrato problem?” Makina silently nodded, “How is that possible? When you covered ‘Hatredcopter’ at Doom-opolis, I couldn’t hear any issues.”
”That’s because the song had more growling and it wasn’t as melotic. I want to be able to sing properly without having to overuse my voice with only death screams.” Pickles leaned into the music room’s couch arm and placed his hand over his mouth. “Whys don’ts yous shows Pickle.” Skwisgaar said as he leaned a bit into the piano, Makina gulped nervously and looked down at the ebony and ivory shine of the keys. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and began playing the same song as before. Taking into consideration that Pickles and Skwisgaar were watching, her concentration began to falter a bit. Missing a few notes here and there and then finally before the end of the second verse, her voice cracked. Makina stopped playing and began to cough up the saliva that was caught in her windpipe. “Geez, You got more than a vibrato issue there.”
”Ja, you soundeds worsers that times.” Skwisgaar cringed. “I don’t know about that I mean, it was more… pitchy.” Pickles said as he walked towards the piano. “Sorry, just nerves. I can try again.” Makina began playing from the second verse onward, her heart felt as if it was twisting in knots as every beat made her chest tighter. Her hands shook as Makina attempted to calm down, and once more she missed another note. “I’m sorry… I just don’t think I can do this.”
”Oh come on Makina, you got this. Here, maybe just try another song?” Makina put her hands back in the sleeves of her hoodie, Skwisgaar noticed this and realized something. “Medusas, take offs yours jackets and toss it overs theres.” Skwisgaar commanded, he pointed back to the sofa. Without hesitation, Makina did as she was told and threw her hoodie to the side. The air in the music room was much colder than she had expected, shivers went down her spine as the crisp air conditioned room touched her skin. “Skwisgaar, how the hell is that going to help?”
“Justs watchs. Ok now, sings.” Makina closed her eyes, and began to play a different song.
As she sang, something strange began to happen. The lighting in the room began to darken, with her concentration deepened Makina’s voice began to echo. Her vocals became louder and louder, the melody of the piano began to swell. But somehow, they could hear more than just a piano playing. It was as if there was a whole orchestra accompanying Makina’s song. And it was here Pickles and Skwisgaar had seen something unreal, a greenish glow began to surround Makina. They could see a faint string of lights begin to form some sort of image, but it was far too blurry for them to comprehend. Skwisgaar’s eyes widened at the display he so inevitably caused. Meanwhile Pickles was far too stunned to utter a word. He just knew something about this felt so wrong and yet, this sight felt so oddly comforting to him. As if right on cue, Nathan walked in to see the familiar display of lights. Makina began to softly sing and the green aura began to die down a bit. But then with a burst of fortissimo, the aura became clear to them. Green floating metal chains began surrounding Makina as if she was in a tangled bird cage.
The music began to die down as she was playing the last few notes of the song. She didn’t even miss one and her singing was once again, in perfect pitch. “What the actual hell was that?!” Pickles shouted. “I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Makina replied. “Oks so it ams nots a fluke, yous cans sings nots likes shits!”
”Forget about that Skwisgaar, did you hear the background music or those chains?! Makina what was that?!” Pickles exasperated, Nathan walked closer and placed a hand on the shorter man’s shoulders to calm him down. He then quietly looked at Makina, who was confused by the whole ordeal. “Makina, care to explain yourself?” Nathan questioned, Makina shook her head. “I honestly have no clue what you're all on about. I’m sorry.” Pickles and Nathan’s faces were painted with disappointment, leaving them with more questions than answers. “Medusas, I thinks yous needs more praticings stills. Don’ts overdos its.” Skwisgaar commented calmly. Nathan looked to the side in shame, he didn’t know how or what to say to his protege. He was just as completely lost as Makina was, she gave him a look of dread.
That night, Nathan restlessly stared at the ceiling. He was the one to vouch for Makina to be her mentor, he was the one who took interest in her singing abilities, so why was it that now he couldn’t speak with her about starting her training? ‘Mentor’, a word he was sort of familiar with. While the concept was easy to grasp, the idea of what a mentor was supposed to do was incomprehensible to the death metal vocalist. Nathan remembered the look on Makina’s face earlier that day; an expression of confusion and anxiety. He felt as frozen as the day he first saw her perform. Nathan desperately tried to wrap his head around how to fill that mentor role. Only problem was that he really didn’t have a mentor when he was starting out, Nathan had no one to go off of. The long haired singer shifted his weight, laying down on the side of his left arm. His mind began to wander off as he finally drifted to sleep.
Within the dream, Nathan was partially nude with only his underpants deep underwater. He was all too familiar with this setting, but something about it felt off. The whale prophet was nowhere to be seen and the oceanic waters seemed shallower than usual. The only logical explanation would be to swim upward to see what he could find. Upon swimming further up, he could clearly see a shoreline. It was unusual for him to be near the surface of the water, but then he saw her. The whale prophet breached the water and was floating next to him. Nathan swam closer to the whale and gently petted her, she clicked with affection. “It is good to see you daughter, I see you have found the egg.” The prophet whispered. “What do I do?” Nathan asked. The whale whistled and nudged the singer to the shore. “Find her before he does.” She said as a large wave washed Nathan closer to the shore. Landing on the hot warm sand, he could see in the distance Makina walking closer and closer to a cave. He wanted to get up and run to her, but was paralyzed on the beach like a fish flopping about. Nathan tried to call out to her, but his voice was suffocated by hoarse coughing. It was as if Nathan couldn’t breathe and desperately tried to reach out to her. But then…
BANG! Nathan awoke to something very loud, large beads of sweat came pouring out of him like a waterfall. He hadn’t had a dream that visceral since the eve of the Metalocalypse. Nathan rolled out of bed to see what disturbed him from his slumber, he opened the door. “Who the fuck did that!?” Nathan shouted down the hall. No answer, then a few seconds later the sound of whimpers. He rubbed his eyes, grabbed a pair of slippers, and a flashlight. ‘Probably just Toki.’ Nathan thought to himself as he followed the sound to a few doors down the hallway. Instead of Toki’s room, the sound came from Makina’s. Nathan sighed and opened her room door to find her life sized coffin shelf toppled on top of her. Makina looked up with tears in her eyes, pouting as to not make it look like she was in pain. “S-sorry for waking you. I… I fell. Clumsy me.” Makina did her best to try and make herself smile but Nathan could see right through her pained expression. The vocalist quickly stood the shelf back up and offered a hand to his raven haired student. Makina grabbed it and pulled herself up, seeing the mess around her. Nathan quickly scanned Makina to see if she was bleeding, thankfully it was only one small thin cut under the bottom of her left jaw. Nathan put his hand on her face to inspect it further, “I’m fine, really.” Makina protested, she sniffled a little bit to hide her obvious crying. “We can get a klokateer to help clean this up.” Nathan suggested, “No no, I got it. Besides, most of this stuff is very valuable.” Makina replied as she wiped away some of her tears, she knelt down and began picking up some of her belongings.
Upon moving some books around, Nathan spotted a very familiar snow globe. He knelt down to examine it further. It was a miniature Mordhaus snowglobe; the same kind of snow globe they sold at concerts, the same kind of snow globe he had given to Toki when he left for Rock-a-Rooni Fantasy Camp, and now it was shattered on the ground with the glass and water scattered on the floor. “When did you get this?” Nathan asked as Makina grabbed some tissues from her personal bathroom. “Ah, uh… well, my friend Gerard got it for me. He wasn’t able to go to the concert that year but he did buy it from the online shop. It’s too bad that I gotta toss it.” Makina said wistfully. She knelt down and began wiping the water off of the brick tile floor. Gingerly she began sweeping the glass into hand and placing it into the wastebasket by her computer desk. Nathan watched on as Makina sniffled again, tears began to flow out from her eyes. “Why were you up?” Nathan attempted to ask softly, he did his best to not push too many questions on the poor vocalist. Makina stopped dead in her tracks. “I… uh, it’s stupid and embarrassing.” The singer looked to the side sheepishly, her tears kept drizzling out from her face. “I was, I was…” Makina looked back up at Nathan and saw how concerned he looked, Makina took a breath and then spoke. “I was trying to open the coffin cabinet but it got stuck. Then everything was about to fall so I went under to try and stop it but, I got noodles for arms, and I just ended up becoming a pillow for the shelf’s fall.”
‘She was right, it was stupid.’ Nathan thought to himself as he tried to keep his composure. “Why did you want to open the coffin?” Makina looked to her right and saw the thing she was looking for. She pointed to it and Nathan picked it up, it was a crimson stained leather bound journal. Curiously, Nathan opened it up. Makina’s face flushed bright pink. Inside there were scribbles about song ideas and little doodles too. He flipped through the pages and saw a note written in red ink.
“If only Dad, Rats, and that rockstar guy could see me now. I’m sure they’d be proud.
Note to self: fix vibrato. Do it for Nathan, make him not regret choosing me!”
Nathan’s heart sank, he realized Makina was pushing herself to the max in order to impress him. But when he read over the first part again, the word ‘Dad’ echoed in his mind. Maybe Makina was homesick. “You know, you could alway call your dad.” Nathan offered, gently handing back the journal to her. Makina limply grabbed it and let it fall to the floor, “My dad’s dead Mr. Explosion, he’s been dead since I was 10.”
”You could drop the formalities Medusa.” Nathan said bluntly, “No offense, I get that you’re wanting to give me respect and all, but it’s kind of fucking weird.” Makina couldn’t hold back anymore, she couldn’t compose herself any longer and began to sob. “I’m sorry I’m not as good or as brutal as you are. I’m trying really hard to live up to your standard and I fucked up again. Please don’t kick me out!” Nathan couldn’t believe what he was hearing, her anxieties were being poured out in front of him just like back at Doom-opolis. This time he knew what he needed to do. Nathan swiftly wrapped his arms around the crying singer, her muffled screams into his shoulder now wet with her salty tears. He rubbed her back, in an attempt to finally give the singer some form of comfort. Makina’s sobs were now nothing but hushed whimpers as Nathan kept holding her. Out of instinct, Makina hugged her mentor back gripping his pajama shirt by the waist. “Makina,” Nathan said in a fatherly tone, “You’re doing a good job. Stop beating yourself up over the small shit. And you will do better, I know it. I will start your training properly tomorrow, I promise. Ok?” Makina gave a small ‘Mmm-hmm.’ And with that Nathan released Makina from the hug. He ruffled her hair a bit before helping her clean a bit of the remaining mess. Makina crawled back into her bed, “Good night Mr- I mean, Nathan.” The singer gave a small smile back and bidded his pupil good night.
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thekingofgear · 2 years
Jonny Greenwood’s Gear for The Smile’s NPR Tiny Desk Show
We’ve already posted a quick overview of The Smile’s gear for NPR’s Tiny Desk and a detailed description of Thom’s setup.
We’ll have an analysis of The Smile’s KEXP setup in the near future, but for now here’s the last post in our analysis of their Tiny Desk set:
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Robert Stillman and Jonny during Panavision (youtube). Note the extra holes in the pickguard for a “tugbar” finger rest below the G string — that means the bass is from before 1974, since that’s the year Fender moved the finger rest to above the E-string to serve as a thumb rest.
For Tiny Desk, Jonny mostly used the same gear as at live shows this year, but stripped down to the essentials for guitar and bass. He played his his 1970s Fender Precision Bass on Panavision and We Don’t Know What Tomorrow Brings, and played his vintage Gibson Les Paul on The Smoke and  Skirting On The Surface. Jonny only used his Boss RE-202 Space Echo as a reverb on The Smoke. But on Skirting, he used his RE-202 as a delay, his Akai Headrush E2 as a looper, and his Electro-Harmonix Freeze during the solo. He brought several other pedals, but sounds like they weren’t used in the released tracks. Read on for a nice photo of Jonny’s pedal setup and lots more analysis (including an exact delay time for Thin Thing).
It’s a shame they decided not to share We Don’t Know What Tomorrow Brings, as it would be interesting to hear a stripped down version of the track. It looks like Jonny didn’t bring his Studiologic MIDI pedals, so they must’ve played it without his extra synth lines (and without Thom’s intro synth lines).
Jonny’s Instruments:
Gibson Les Paul in Natural finish (late-70s)
Fender Precision Bass in Natural finish (early-70s)
Jonny’s Amplifiers (shared with Thom):
Tiny Desk’s Fender ’68 Reissue Deluxe Reverb combo amplifier
Tiny Desk’s Ampeg RB-110 combo amplifier
Jonny’s Effects Pedals:

Guitar ->
Boss TU-2 tuner
Electro-Harmonix Freeze
Boss SD-1 Super Overdrive
Boss DD-200 delay
Akai Headrush E2 delay/looper

Boss RE-202 Space Echo
-> Amplifier
GigRig Generator and Distributor power supply.
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A photo of Jonny’s 1970s Precision bass and the shared amps (joshrogosin). The mic on the Ampeg RB-110 bass amp is an AEA R84 ribbon microphone. The mic on the ‘68 Custom Deluxe Reverb is an AEA N22 ribbon microphone. The amps and mics belong to Tiny Desk, and the same ones can be seen in various performances on their channel.
The blue jewel lamp shows that the Deluxe Reverb is the ’68 Custom reissue, not a vintage silver-panel Deluxe (which had red jewel lamps). Jonny plugged into the Deluxe Reverb’s "vintage" channel, using input 1. On the ’68 reissue, the “vintage" channel is based on the original black-panel Deluxe Reverb (despite the silver design), but without the bright cap on the volume control. In contrast, the “custom” channel is based on a modified Bassman circuit.
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A photo of Jonny’s guitar pedals for the Tiny Desk show (joshrogosin).
The Akai Headrush in this setup has a bunch of stickers indicating a multi-head delay setting, but it is set to "Looper" mode. It also has a piece of foam(?) to prevent the mode switch from being hit accidentally. The Headrush on Jonny's pedalboard doesn't have those stickers, so it seems likely that these pedals are the backups for Jonny's main board. Jonny might also use these pedals to play on the band's tour bus or at their hotels. That would explain the extra strikers.
Jonny's DD-200 has some tape listing his presets:
1 - Thin Thing
2 - Opposite
3 - Just Eyes and Mouth
5 - Pillows
Presets 4 and 6 are unreadable, but they are almost certainly for the unreleased songs Read the Room (previously called either “IT” or “Flangers”) and Bending Hectic. Jonny uses his long rhythmic delay technique on both tracks.
For more ambient delays on songs like Skirting On The Surface and Open The Floodgates, Jonny instead uses the Boss RE-202 Space Echo. That’s why the DD-200 has no presets for those tracks
In the image above, the DD-200 is set to preset number 1, and the digital display shows a delay time of 779ms. But if you’ve even tapped along to a live version of that song (on every fifth eighth note), you probably figured that out already.
For power, Jonny just has a GigRig Distributor without any Isolators for his high-draw digital effects. As usual, it seems Jonny isn’t too bothered about that kind of thing, at least for a one-off gig at low volume. GigRig power supplies come with long (1.5 meter) power cables so the user can cut them to size. Instead, it looks like Jonny (or his tech) left them uncut and simply wrapped up the extra length with some black zip ties.
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slapthebass · 3 years
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sweetdreamsjeff · 2 years
Sunday Sessions: Jeff Buckley’s Guitar Gear
by JEF STONE 18th Apr 2021
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In this weeks Sunday Session we look at the late Jeff Buckley's guitar gear.
Jeff Buckley’s Grace album is a tour de force in songwriting and it also features some exceptional guitar playing and recorded guitar tones. In this weeks Sunday Sessions I’m going to go through that gear, and talk about how to grab some of those tones and integrate them into your own rig.
Jeff Buckley 
Jeff Buckley’s album Grace is often seen as the perfect debut album by many.
In the early 1990s boutique amplifiers and effects just weren’t a thing. Yet Jeff’s whole album is full of sweet guitar tones and to this day it inspires many guitarists to go seek out those guitar tones.
It features beautiful melodies, amazing song writing and moments of complete abandon on the guitar. What stands out the most for me personally, is the depth of guitar tones on the recordings. With just a small amount of equipment, and none of it particularly fancy, Jeff Buckley created something which still resonates with listeners to this day.
Jeffs Guitars
Most players will be familiar with the 1983 ‘Top Loader’ Fender Telecaster that Jeff wielded as his main guitar, along with a 1976 Gibson Les Paul Custom in the classic black finish, which he was also seen using frequently.
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The Norlin Custom
I suspect that once he had the money, he went out and purchased the Norlin era Gibson ’76 Les Paul Custom. We know its neck was completely broken off at one point, as it was repaired in around July 1995 in Amsterdam. This guitar was featured in an exhibition at the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame And Museum, in Ohio for two years, along with many of his possessions, handwritten lyrics, poems and some clothing.
As far as I am aware the this Les Paul Custom was completely stock with no modifications. These are great guitars and when you find a good one, they are worth holding on to.
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Jeff’s Telecaster
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The borrowed guitar
What is interesting is that this Telecaster was actually borrowed from Janine Nicholls, a director at a local arts institution in New York while Buckley was still playing cafe shows in 1991. This guitar is a Butterscotch 1952 style Telecaster and apart from the bridge which is a top loader and had six individual saddles, rather than three brass barrels, and that hot stacked bridge pickup its a pretty standard Telecaster to look at, just with a chrome mirrored pickguard.
The guitar was returned to its original owner, after Buckley’s tragic death in 1997 and they eventually sold it on auction in 2011, selling for over $50,000.
As we now know Muse frontman Matt Bellamy purchased the guitar in 2020 and he is now the proud owner of this instrument.
Rickenbacker 12-String
On occasion you would also see him with a Rickenbacker 360/12 “Fireglo”. Buckley bought this 12 string Rickenbacker 360 with the money from his first advance after getting signed with Sony. This 12-string was mainly kept in Open G tuning, and live he would use it on the songs ‘Last Goodbye’ and ‘Vancouver’.
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The Flower Guitar
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The Guild F-50 was his main acoustic throughout the recording and touring of Grace, and you’d often the guitar covered in duct tape to help quash feedback issues when he played it live. It’s a guitar that is similar to the twelve string model his estranged father Tim Buckley had used.
Whereas the smaller, warmer sounding Gibson L-1 which Buckley got sometime around 1994, and often used for his finger style playing. Buckley used this guitar on many of his demos and at his smaller shows.
Amp wise his usual setup was a ’90s Fender Vibroverb ’63 Reissue, and live you would also see him using a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Trem-o-verb Combo.
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Twin Amps
And in the mid-nineties the Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Trem-o-verb Combo was seen as the top end of amplifiers by many and so I can see why he used one. In the studio and live he often used these two amps together, with the Fender providing the cleans and the Mesa Boogie handling all his gain tones.
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Guitar Tunings and chords
Jeff is known to have used Dean Markley Blue Steel strings on his electrics, and I’d assume he played 10s. He used Open G on Last Goodbye, which is D-G-D-G-B-D and Hallelujah is achieved by using a capo at the 5th Fret which gives you  A-D-G-C-E-A.
He also uses a lot of 6th chords, where you use a standard triad (the 1st, 3rd and 5th) with the 6th added. With both major 6th and minor 6th chords featuring frequently in his repertoire.
These 6th chords have a lot more drama in them and so that major 6th has a nice pleasant welcoming warm sound, whereas the minor 6th has a much darker and more haunting sound.
For example Dream Brother uses Bb6 – Cm6 – Dm7 – Ebmaj7 and the song Grace uses Em – F#m6 – G6 – A6.
I’d suggest brushing up on your 6th chords will really help you to cop some of that tension and drama that Jeff always coaxes out of his songs.
Grace Tones
My advice would be when attempting to get some of the tones that Jeff achieved on Grace, don’t be afraid of reverb and letting it create space in your tracks.
Look for a good warm, Fender-style clean tone, and if you are using a modeller or software, look for something which has a Fender Vibroverb or similar, to achieve this. Fender has reissued these amplifier a few times, so you can find them, and I know of a few boutique amp builders that will make you one.
His driven tones are definitely that Mesa Boogie sound and again you can find these within software and modelling. Originals are loud, very loud, so if you re going to hunt one down be prepared for the volume.
The videos below discuss some of his recorded tones and how to achieve the ‘reverb’ sound, which he is famous for. You can certainly still pick up the Alesis Quadraverb models used, but there are also plenty of plugins which emulate them. Something along the lines of the Valhalla Vintage Verb will get you in the ballpark.
I hope this article helps you on your quest for great guitar tones, and if you have the time, pop Grace on your stereo and go immerse yourself the wonderful layers of guitar tones.
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zosociologist · 4 years
“Dating Johnny Thunders would be like...” Headcannon
(a/n: I will either be loved for finally making this, or hated because it took this long; this is also kinda longer than my usual dating headcannons because I was really feeling the first meeting idea; "MWABRIM" you know da vibes😌🍷)
Warnings: Implied smut, but nothing severe.
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You and Johnny met each other under funny circumstances
You own a nice little unisex boutique that all the lovers of ✨G L A M✨ and daring fashion are OBSESSED with
Rockers, groupies, and even big artists and musicians alike are in and out of your store daily for eye-catching and jaw dropping pieces
It only made sense to see him come in one evening with a friend of his that didn't look too bad himself
You were ringing up a customer, but not really paying attention to their advances as they were trying their hardest to flirt and fucking FAILING.
You were too busy checking out the dark haired guy staring down a pair of cheetah print platform boots that you'd love nothing more than to see him rock the hell out of😩
Everything was good until you were caught slipping and he saw you eyeing him returning a cute smirk in your direction...
In which you panicked and finally went back to minding the customer who finally gave up with the flirting
By the time you looked back over to the table stand with the platforms, he and his friend were gone, and so were the cheetah print boots (you celebrated in your head over that little detail) they had moved onto looking at blouses
About two customers later, you turned around to place a black sheer glitter and feathered robe that a customer decided they weren't getting in a basket to return to it's aisle, when you hear someone on the other side of the counter clear their throat and greet you-
Slightly startled yet hopeful you turn around a little faster than you would have liked to see the dark haired mystery man and his friend ready to check out-
"I didn't mean to scare you", "No! It's fine I was just putting away some things, you didn't scare me at all. Did you both find what you were looking for?", "Yeah everything turned out fine, this is a nice place you've got here. You don't have to worry, we weren't gonna steal anything, in case that's why you were peaking a little."
You wanted to sink into the floor-
"Oh god no, I didn't think that at all- *immediately thinks of lie to cover up that you were staring because he's hot* -I just saw that you were looking at the cheetah platforms, I'm glad you're getting them. They'll look good on you(:" *you had to take a chance bc you'd never forgive yourself if you didn't*
It payed off and THEN some. He introduced himself as Johnny and his friend's name was David. He told you about their group and invited you to see them the following night
Of fucking course you were gonna go see them, how could you say no?!
The following day you closed the shop early and rounded up some close friends for pregame and then you all headed to the club where "The New York Dolls🍸" would be playing, and to your surprise the person at the door said that you were on "the list" and guided you and your friends to one of those rounded booths close enough and with perfect view of the stage.
When the show started the boys came out and you saw Johnny. With a Gibson Les Paul Special in hand. And wearing the fucking platform boots. The match you lit to light your cigarette almost fell on you while you watched in awe. The whole show was nothing less than an out of body experience that you'd replay in your head for weeks to come.
After the show when the crowd died out, you and your friends stayed back as ordered by the same doorman.
When the Dolls came out from the dressing rooms you all got acquainted and they invited you and your friends to this cool afterparty and you and Johnny were together the entire way to the kickback just vibing off of the concert high✨
The afterparty was a blessing in disguise because in the house where it took place there where so many spots where you two could be away from the crowd and just talk and actually get to know each other
So there you both were, lounging in a poolside conversation pit just watching the stars and getting wrapped up in deep and meaningful conversation (all elevated by some trees you scored from one of your friends to smoke😌)
Okay so maaaybe you both got really into the moment. AND MAAAYBE you ended up having fucking COSMIC high sex when you both ditched the party and headed back to your place. BUT WHAT MATTERED MOST is that you really love this guy and he loves everything about you😩
He admires you and loves your bold persona and lifestyle and you love his drive and will to just exist and perform unapologetically
Johnny is a man that loves to give affirmations, he absolutely loves to praise you and give compliments whenever he can. He was over at your apartment once helping you rearrange your living room, and you were hanging up a painting that you got recently and hung it up crooked on accident....this man said that the crookedness adds 💫character💫 to the room....😗.......chile.......anyways........
You love the fact that he is actually a hopeless romantic so you don't feel cheesy when asking him out on a stroll in the park or to go stargazing, most of the time he beats you to it actually!
You are convinced Johnny is obsesssssed with your apartment. He always jumps at the opportunity of you inviting him over because you make it such a safe space. He writes a lot of his music over in this one corner of your bedroom where you managed to fit a green velvet corner sofa, next to this big window that overlooks other apartments and the city skyline.
You also have a collection of memoirs and other books that you hold dear to you and he very much enjoys laying his head in your lap while you read to him and then discuss thoughts and interpretations about each chapter. You usually follow up these literature hours by blazing some herbs while you play a few choice records. That's a typical Sunday evening for you guys.
The support you two have for each other is OFF THE CHARTS. You show up and show out for EVERY one of his shows and you'd always tell your friends, and then they'd tell their friends and the chain continues.
Johnny is in your boutique Every Other DAY. Either by himself or with one of the boys and it's worse than before now that you've given him a pass to inventory. He buys the good shit before you can even get them onto the shelves and hangers😖
He also finds it hot that you can flip the sign on the dressing room doors to occupied (he likes to see how quiet you can stay when he-....you know😉)
Did I already say that he loves everything about you? BECAUSE HE DOES. You're like a- in his words, "fucking ANGEL that was sent down as a pardon in this cruel world💞"
He absolutely adores your skin and loves to watch you take care of it, and he loves when you wash and take care of your hair as well and even asks to help you out sometimes. His favorite thing ever is helping you put curlers in and massaging your scalp with oil or grease, it feels like you're getting a spa treatment to him and honestly, it kinda makes him feel like he doesn't do anywhere NEAR enough to keep his hair healthy like he should.
He loves your smile and how you laugh at some of the shittiest jokes and even things that people wouldn't understand. Your occasional jists of sarcasm always get him too.
He also likes to hold you. There will sometimes be random points in the day where he won't say a word, just walk up behind you and rest his head on your back. You never question it, you find it wholesome and endearing. And sometimes you do the same thing. He could be in the middle of practicing on his guitar and you'll just lay your head on his shoulder and he'll put everything aside just to give you his attention because he feels you deserve that much, and then some.
You both have a passion for many interests and a passion for each other and that's why you work so well together
Call it cliche if you WANT but you were literally MADE for one another💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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kippangel · 3 years
Kipp Angel Just Love GIBSON Les Paul Custom.. WHEN ONLY A GIBSON WILL DO!!! @gibsoncustom @gibsonguitar @officialgibsongarage @lespaulofficial @lespaulshowcase @lespaulpride @lespaulworld @lespaulfoundation @lespaulsociety @ernieball @wdmusicproducts @wilkinsondirect @eastons_guitar_shackorama @thatguygregorio @marshallamps_uk @mesaengineering @splawnamplification @gruhnguitars @cartervintageguitars @normansrareguitars @chicagomusicexchange @guitarplayer @guitarworldmagazine @guitar @guitarconnoisseurmagazine @kramerguitarsus @kramerguitars @vintageguitarmagazine @vintageguitarnerds @rockhall @officialrockrevival @rockstarlifestylemagazine @rockstarguitar @wendyp_85 @paddyceo @cha_dikito @jackbruno70 @juan_rekers @strong_fitness_woman @pjbraunfitness @made2macro @highfallmedia_official_ @historicmakeovers @dabbingrocker @dominiquelaurencep @thelawlessmen @michaelanthonyalago @bluesfoundation @bluesmagazine @quinn_adams_13 @blackwolfmountain @impactpicks @vpicksguitarpicks @tonifsantoro @piercedtrash_rita @rockermissy #gibson #gibsonsg #gibsonlespaul #gibsonguitars #gibsonexplorer #gibsongram #gibsoncustom #gibsoncustom #gibsonfirebird #gibsonflyingv #gibsoncustomshop #nativeamerican #bodybuilding #loyalty #lovedogs #noexcuses #nofucksgiven https://www.instagram.com/p/CVNbuz-g-4P/?utm_medium=tumblr
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unknownpleasures68 · 5 years
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The Sisters Of Mercy performing No Time To Cry on German TV (1985)
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guitarstoriesusa · 3 years
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editors-desk · 49 years
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Gibson L6-S Electric Guitar (midnight special)*
The Gibson L6-S is a solid body electric guitar. It was the working musician's descendant of the L5S jazz solid-body electric guitar. It was the same shape, very much like a wide Gibson Les Paul, but with a 24-fret two-octave neck, the first Gibson guitar to have this.
The L6-S was the first cooperation between Bill Lawrence and Gibson. It was designed in 1972 and first released in 1973. The idea was to make a "multi-sound system" under a very tight budget.
The popularity of the L6-S gradually dropped after 1974, despite high-profile endorsements from the likes of Al Di Meola and Carlos Santana. Pat Martino, John McLaughlin, Keith Richards, Tom Johnston, Paul Stanley, Mike Oldfield, Dave Davies, Brad Delp, Rich Williams, Bob Mothersbaugh, Bob Casale, Martha Davis The Motels Allison Robertson, Angus Young and Prince also used the model during this period. All models were dropped from price lists in 1979. The L6-S Custom remained in the catalog in 1980 and was still being made in the Nashville plant.
see it live in 1975 with KISS on TV!
serial number withheld by request*
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bushdog · 2 months
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2008 Gibson Les Paul Custom 68 Historic Reissue Custom Shop 1968 Quilt Top – Cherry Sunburst (via G-Brat's Guitars)
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tmbgareok · 6 years
Over the years I've noticed you played various guitars, Danelectro, Gibson Les Paul, and now mostly the Tele. Has anyone ever approached you to create a signature JF model? Is there any chance of this? What's your perfect guitar? How would you create one? Single/double cut, solid/semi-hollow, color/flame top etc...Thanks
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I can't image a custom model because the tele is really it for me.
I started out on an ES-330 (with a mysterious “Jumbo” on the trust rod plate) which I had through college. I never even thought about other guitars I enjoyed it so much. It was very easy to play, and very light. Only later on would I find out this was essentially the same model as the Beatles' Epiphone Sheratons. It is the double speed guitar on the recording They Might Be Giants-flown in from the original demo made five years before the album) but alas it was stolen in a big apartment theft. And the wandering began...
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I have played a tele or a tele copy for most of the time since. I started on a really bad tele copy, then moved to a good copy called Fernandes in the mid 80s. (seen above, and here covered in duct tape and foam core in the shape of the future Chessmaster
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Around the time of Lincoln I got a Japanese Fender Tele custom, my first actual lefty guitar (!!!) and that was my main guitar from ‘88 to ‘95 or so when the neck broke for the third time and the whole thing was really a beer soaked wreck. (A decade later I ran across another, probably made ten minutes after my thrashed one was, and it is often my stage back up) 
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(my hard working Japanese Fender Tele Custom)
In ‘88 I also got another Fernandes but this was a metallic purple Strat (!) which is any whammy bars you hear on Lincoln (Purple Toupee) It’s on a lot of Lincoln actually-but came and went as things did.
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Unfortunately teles (especially with fuzz boxes engaged for sounds like Birdhouse or Ana Ng) are prone to buzzing in places with bad electricity, and since we were playing in a lot of places with bad electricity I had to do something if it got too crazy. So in ‘91 I got a sorta crappy Les Paul and played that from ‘92 to ‘95, at which point IT got stolen and I replaced it with the big red ES 335 (a great guitar) and carried on with that for a good decade or so. 
But as noise gates improved and I calmed down with the amount of distortion I used I realized I might be able to successfully go back to a tele, which are the funnest to play and have a simple bold sound I really like. SO I got Dennis G. at Fender Custom Shop to make me a ‘62 model in Daphne blue, and have been playing it ever since....
I’ll keep exploring other guitars but I just keep coming back.
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I tend to write on a very beat up Gibson acoustic a lot of the time which along with a Danelectro are my “couch” guitars, but those stay in the house. The Coral (Dano) that is in Don’t Let’s Start was borrowed, as was the square Bo Diddley guitar in Hotel Detective, although years later I got a similar Coral, but it was such a terrible instrument I eventually sold it after many attempts to make it practical )
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The Chessmaster was built for The Statue Got Me High and resides in my studio. It has had many unusual tunings and string configurations over the years and is the noise-making guitar of choice.
There are many other guitars I enjoy, but these are the ones that have done 99% of the heavy lifting
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girlofthemoon75 · 6 years
Collection of Jimmy Page‘s Guitars Part 3
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Vox Phantom Special VII
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1964 Fender Stratocaster Lake Placid
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Gibson Les Paul Custom VOS Black Beauty
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Roland G-707
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Gibson Les Paul Custom
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slapthebass · 3 years
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Source: vk.com
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kippangel · 3 years
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Vegan Monster Kipp Angel… Two Of The Best 86 Gibson Les Paul Custom & A Morley Power Wah @morleypedals @gibsoncustom @officialgibsongarage @gibsonguitar @lespaulofficial @lespaulfoundation @lespaulsociety @ernieball @marshallamps_uk @mesaengineering @voxamplification @sperzel_guitar_tuners @splawnamplification @wdmusicproducts @wilkinsondirect @vintage_guitars_us @vintageguitarmagazine @vintageguitarnerds @imperial_vintage @cartervintageguitars @gruhnguitars @normansrareguitars @chicagomusicexchange @sweetwatersound @moon_armada @stepaudio @guitarworldmagazine @guitarplayer @guitar @impactpicks @vpicksguitarpicks @henrettaengineering @holeyboard @kippangel @killerdwarf7 @michaelanthonyalago @paddyceo @wendyp_85 @thelawlessmen @cha_dikito @juan_rekers @strong_fitness_woman @pjbraunfitness @made2macro @dominiquelaurencep @dabbingrocker @highfallmedia_official_ @historicmakeovers @piercedtrash_rita @musiciansfriend @zblond1 @historicmakeovers @bluesfoundation @bluesmagazine @rockhall @rockermissy @rock.scene.magazine @rockstarguitar @autismspeaks @stjude @blackwolfmountain @quinn_adams_13 #gibson #gibsonsg #gibsonlespaul #gibsonguitars #gibsonexplorer #gibsonflyingv #gibsonfirebird #vintagetone #morleypedals #nativeamerican #bodybuilding #lovedogs #noexcuses #nofucksgiven https://www.instagram.com/p/CRqs4m2M4-G/?utm_medium=tumblr
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