#g-d i hope this is coherent. and understandable to singlets (which it sounds like you are one?)
evilneo · 11 months
Abt your info post, what do you mean "body is white"? Are u talking about race? Why don't you just say you're white then? Im genuinly curious like are you trying to seperate yourself from your race or something? From your lived priveledge?? Do you think you're any less white or any less capable of racism because your queer and disabled or whatever? Like what.
I get it might be a system thing like when you said ur body is 19, but if that's the case why didn't you just say your body needs a cane to function instead of just "cane user"? Is it because you actually want to identify with that because it makes you feel special?
I'd appreciate if this got answered. Maybe it's just something I don't understand about white people yet. Guess I'm open to be educated or whatever
"body is white" = "all alters in this system benefit from white privilege and have only the lived experience of a white person, because however they present in headspace, the body, which is how we are all perceived as, no matter our connection to it, is white"
its not that we think were less white, thatd be. really stupid. its meant to be acknowledging our collective lived privilege of being white no matter how we look in headspace. weve never said or implied being queer or disabled makes us less white? weve always been solid on the stance that while yes we are at a disadvantage from our queerness and disability, we still benefit from white privilege.
other alters do actually phrase it as "the body is a cane user/disabled"*, but i also use a cane in headspace and this is my personal blog, hence the more personal language of "cane user"
*one of our cis alters phrases it like this too↓
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TLDR: what im trying to say is that its not a phrase trying to induce separation, its a phrase that binds to every single alter in the system
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