mintjeru · 8 months
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i hope they don't find out how cute you are
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leoadditions · 4 years
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➝ about
stage name | mali
birth name | mali bunmi มาลีบันมิ
nicknames | mal, li-li, smiley, seal, clappy, energizer
birth date | september 28th 1998
zodiac | libra
birth place | chiang mai, thailand
heritage | thai
height | 167 cm, 5′5′‘
languages | thai, korean, english (fluent)
➝ career
group | eros
position | lead dancer, rapper
training period | 3 years
company | bighit entertainment
➝ family
father | dusit bunmi
mother | preeda suelim
➝ traits
i can see you | mali is known by her members to be someone who is quite observant. she is good at paying attention and often sees the small details that other people may not notice. because of how observant she is, she is good at reading body language and facial expressions, so she knows what kind of moods the members are in. she knows if the members are upset just from their body language.
let’s go out! | mali is a very social person; she always likes to go out and meet new people and is often seen dragging the other members out. she’s essentially a party girl and is always down to have fun and dance the night away. she’s very good at making new friends, it comes easy to her.
tomorrow’s a new start | mali is never one to feel helpless or down about things, because she always believes in looking on the bright side. Even if she is in a horrible situation she will always try and find the silver lining and focus on that instead. Because of her optimism, she makes the others around her feel optimistic and happy as well.
i can’t stop! | mali is just a big ball of endless amounts of energy and is one of the enthusiastic people ever. she’s known as being a bundle of happiness and knows how to brighten up the room or to cheer up someone’s day. mali is known as the group’s energizer and when the members are having a low day or are tired, mali is there to give everyone the energy to get through it.
i’ll be here to listen | mali is known as the peacemaker of the group. she is normally there to help solve everyone’s arguments. She also is not one to take sides and will help the people arguing to come to some sort of agreement or compromise. She also hates when people argue as it makes her upset and anxious.
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leoadditions · 4 years
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➝ about
stage name | hana
birth name | kim hana 김 하나
nicknames | han-han, hannie, hanz, hana banana, big sister, mom
birth date | march 21st 1997
zodiac | aries
birth place | gunpo, south korea
heritage | korean
height | 161 cm, 5′3′‘
languages | korean (fluent), english, japanese (basic)
➝ career
group | eros
position | vocalist, visual
training period | 4 years
company | bighit entertainment
➝ family
father | kim hyungsik
mother | kang chaewon
siblings | kim jinwoo (younger brother)
➝ traits
put all your heart into it | hana is a passionate person as she really loves what she does and puts a lot of hard work into it. she is always focused on her goal and what she wants to achieve and so will put her whole heart into it. because she is passionate, she is also optimistic about her goals and work.
hey everyone! | hana is an extremely bright person. she is almost always smiling and laughing. her presence brightens up a room. when the members are having a bad day or they are in a bad mood, she is helpful when it comes to lifting their spirits because of her bright personality.
fake maknae | hana is admittedly quite a childish person, always joking around and having fun. She has been called the fake maknae by fans because even though she is the oldest, she always acts like the youngest. Although she does feel a certain responsibility as the oldest and will act her age when needed, but is a child at heart.
let me tell a joke | hana is a fan of jokes. she is always telling silly jokes and trying to make others laugh. she is known as the joker of the group. some of the members will laugh, and some of the others won’t. when in tense situations hana also uses jokes, mostly because she feels awkward or to brighten the mood.
look on the bright side | hana is a very positive person. she isn’t one to see the negatives in life, and always looks at the positives. she likes to let people know of all the positive things that are happening, as it makes them feel positive about life too. when expressing positivity she is able to rub off on other people so they feel a positive feeling too.
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leoadditions · 4 years
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➝ about
stage name | chaerin
birth name | park chaerin 박채린
nicknames | chae, chae-chae, rin, softie, princess, 1/3 of the three musketeers
birth date | may 23rd 1999
zodiac | gemini 
birth place | aukland, new zealand
heritage | korean
height | 160 cm, 5′2′‘
languages | korean, english (fluent), japanese (basic)
➝ career
group | eros
position | lead vocalist, lead dancer
training period | 2 years
company | bighit entertainment
➝ family
father | unknown
mother | park dahee
➝ traits
be careful | chaerin is quite a gentle person. she is gentle in the way she handles things and the way she presents herself. Like quite a dainty person. she is always careful in the way she speaks to others and in that way is quite a trustworthy and reliable person. she is not one to intentionally hurt someone.
hug me! | chaerin is an affectionate person and always wants to show her love for the members, as well as her family and friends. she will most likely always be seen hugging, holding hands, or linking arms with the members. she also has a habit of kissing them on the cheek as well. she just wants to show her appreciation.
what’s that? | chaerin has a lot of curiosity and loves to discover new things. she likes to ask a lot of questions about things that she doesn’t know about. she enjoys visiting museums or historical places where she can learn more about things. the things she is curious about doesn’t always have to be intellectual though, a lot of the times it is about things to do with the members, like how there day was or what they are doing.
nice to meet you! | chaerin is a very friendly person. she is kind, helpful and affectionate. this means that she always shows kindness to new people that she meets and because of this she is able to gain a lot of friends. She likes to show acts of kindness like smiling and greeting people politely and doesn’t like to be rude or cruel to anyone.
aweeeee! | chaerin is a complete softie. She is seen by others as very cute and adorable. She is quite soft spoken as well. she is also a softie in terms of she gets scared quite often, when it comes to things such as scary movies or ghost stories, or even things like rollercoasters. although she has learned to overcome a lot of her fears with the help of the members.
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leoadditions · 4 years
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➝ about
stage name | sooyoung
birth name | choi sooyoung  최수영
nicknames | soo, soo-soo, koala, genius, smarty pants, queenie
birth date | october 26th 1998
zodiac | scorpio
birth place | daegu, south korea
heritage | korean
height | 169 cm, 5′6′‘
languages | korean (fluent), english (basic)
➝ career
group | eros
position | leader, main rapper
training period | 5 years
company | bighit entertainment
➝ family
father | choi namgi
mother | lim yejin
siblings | choi junsang (older brother), choi manseok (younger brother)
➝ traits
well actually... | sooyoung is a very intelligent person and has quite a high iq. she was almost always top of her class growing up and worked extremely hard when it came to school. sooyoung also likes to write intellectual lyrics that have hidden meanings, and so expresses her intelligence through her music. when the members play quiz games, she normally gets the most answers right because she is very clever.
let’s be the best! | sooyoung is an ambitious person. she wants to make an impact on the music industry and wants to create something that people will remember for a long time to come. she is always working hard to be the best she can be and, although the awards are not the important thing, she likes receiving awards as they show recognition for her hard work.
i’ll do it | like mentioned before, sooyoung is an extremely hard worker. she is always working 24/7 on music or on dancing. sometimes she overworks herself and it’s up to the others to help her relax and take some time for herself to rest. all of the members are hardworking but sooyoung works the most.
i care about you | sooyoung cares a lot about her members and is always there for them. as the leader she also wants to listen to them and any problems they have and give them advice for whatever they are going through. In that way sooyoung shows her caring attitude, as well as her kindness.
follow me! | sooyoung is the best leader as she has qualities that any great leader would have. she is very decisive and is good at making quick decisions and making good decisions. she has great problem-solving skills whether it be a problem with making the music or a problem like an argument between members, she is good at solving the problem. she is also dependable and will always be there for her members.
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leoadditions · 4 years
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➝ about
stage name | taemi
birth name | jung taemi 정태미
nicknames | tae, tae-tae, mi-mi, bunny, boo, crazy, 2/3 of the three musketeers
birth date | june 27th 1999
zodiac | cancer
birth place | seoul, south korea
heritage | korean
height | 166 cm, 5′5′‘
languages | korean (fluent), english (medium)
➝ career
group | eros
position | vocalist, visual
training period | 2 years
company | bighit entertainment
➝ family
father | jung kwangsu
mother | kim yebin
siblings | jung dongha (older brother), jung bora (twin sister), jung yuri (younger sister)
➝ traits
hahaha! | taemi is probably the funniest of the group. she never fails to make any of the members laugh, whether it be because of her doing something stupid, or being an idiot, or whether she is making a funny face. there are definitely many compilation videos online of taemi just making everyone laugh, as well as many memes online of her.
omg what if we... | taemi is definitely the craziest amongst the group. she always has a crazy idea or is doing something that is slightly crazy. sometimes she gets herself, or the group into a mess because of her craziness, but it’s ok as it always makes them laugh. so don’t be surprised to enter the kitchen and see taemi dancing on the table for some unknown reason.
it’s me! | taemi is quite the confident kind of person, she is always one to express herself and isn’t shy when it comes to meeting new people or trying new things. this confidence exudes in her performances on stage and she loves being with the fans. she likes to be centre of attention, although doesn’t try and take the spotlight over any of the others.
i was thinking... | taemi is quite an imaginative person. she often has interesting and new ideas for songs or music video shoots. she is also quite the daydreamer and has a vivid imagination. this imagination also means that she is quite a creative and artistic kind of person and likes to express her ideas to the group.
no one like me! | taemi is a very unique individual, there is definitely no one like her. this includes her unique creativeness, imagination and her unique personality. she was described by fans as having a 4d personality, especially during the debut period, because of her unique personality and her ability to think outside of the box.
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leoadditions · 4 years
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➝ about
stage name | chloe
birth name | lee chloe 리 클로이
nicknames | chlo, chlo-bo, coco, angel, kitty, star maknae, crackhead, 3/3 of the three musketeers
birth date | july 29th 1999
zodiac | leo
birth place | london, united kingdom
heritage | korean/japanese
height | 164 cm, 5′4′‘
languages | korean, english, japanese (fluent)
➝ career
group | eros
position | main vocalist, main dancer
training period | 1 years
company | bighit entertainment
➝ family
father | unknown
mother | lee sophie
siblings | lee mia (older sister), lee josie (older sister), lee bethany (younger sister), lee anna (younger sister)
➝ traits
i can’t let that happen | chloe is known to have a big heart, although she is quite guarded with it and finds it hard to open up to people. this means that she has trouble trusting people and is one to believe that you should really trust no one. although, chloe has learnt that she can trust people and be vulnerable with them, and when she does trust a person then she shows them through her big heart.
i wont let anything happen to you | chloe is a protective person and will defend her friends and her family to the end. If anyone were to ever be rude of inconsiderate to someone she cared about then she would have something to say about it. she would never let anything happen to them and will always protect them from anything.
they’re my family | no one is more loyal than chloe. her loyalty also relates to her protectiveness, she will always stand by them. because she finds it hard to open up and trust people, the one’s that she does trust, she is extremely loyal to. but she also wants the people she trusts to be loyal to her, and the mostly are.
what? you wanted me to be honest | she is a very honest person and will always tell the truth, even if people don’t want to hear it. In that way she can be brutally honest. people ask her opinion on a lot of things, whether it be a new song or some lyrics, or it can be a dress that one of her friends is wearing. either way chloe will give her true honest opinion to them and doesn’t hold back.
sarcasm, oh really? | chloe’s humour is very sarcastic, which is something her friends had to get used to. her humour also means that she makes fun of people as well. the other members have caught on to her humour and sometimes use it as well, but chloe uses it the most. they describe it as her british sarcasm.
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leoadditions · 4 years
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➝ about
stage name | jiah
birth name | kang jiah 강 지아
nicknames | ji-ji, ji, ahna, tsundere, rap machine, jizzy
birth date | april 30th 1997
zodiac | taurus
birth place | florida, united states
heritage | korean
height | 163 cm, 5′4′‘
languages | korean, english (fluent)
➝ career
group | eros
position | lead rapper
training period | 4 years
company | bighit entertainment
➝ family
father | kang dongwook
mother | do siyeon
siblings | kang haeil (older brother), kang mihee (younger sister)
➝ traits
i’ll wait | jiah is an extremely patient person and has the ability to wait something out or endure something tiresome, without getting aggravated or annoyed. jiah can stay calm, even when she’s been waiting forever or dealing with something painstakingly slow. she also has the patience with her members, showing she is tolerant and accepting.
just relax | jiah can also be described a an extremely laid back person. she is normally casual, calm and keeps herself collected about most things. jiah is someone who takes things in her stride and doesn't get stressed easily. jiah gets the least pre-stage nerves out of all the members because she is so relaxed and destressed.
i think... | jiah is described by the people who know her as a very direct person. she is honest and open and says exactly what she means. she often has no filter when it comes to what she says and normally just says exactly what is on her mind, even if it may not be what people want to hear.
you can trust me | jiah is also known as an extremely reliable person. she is someone who you can trust to behave well, work hard, or do what you expect them to do. if she is asked to do something, she will normally do it very well and efficiently as well. she is someone you can also trust with a lot of things; the members trust her whenever they need help with something.
that won’t work | jiah is also a very sensible person, she knows when something is a bad decision or isn’t going to work. she is practical and reasonable and is seen by everyone as a very level-headed person as well as being calm, and almost always makes wise decisions. she is always there to help the rest of the members when they get a bit reckless or out of control.
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leoadditions · 4 years
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