#g3 clawdeen and kuma
kyanitedragon · 1 year
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[ID: A gif of Clawdeen and Kuma from Monster High (2022) episode The Monstering. Kuma raises a paw for a high-five, Clawdeen jumps to high-five him, and then they bump butts together. End ID]
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monsterhigh-world · 7 months
Sneak peek of the season finale of monster high, the monster ball
Im very excited for it a lot
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strawbcrrycandy · 5 months
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Rewatching the episode "Crushed" I noticed that G3 Clawdeen and Clawd have new fearleader outfits while Iris just has logo MH on her shirt and Kuma has hat. That's it
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I can't stand this injustice so with my free time and free art program I "made" fearleader outfits for them
Start with Iris.
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I added her signature "eyes" and simple greek design.
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Originally I wanted to be red outfit but its looks like Toralei's uniform so I give orange color instead
Honesty... I have difficult finding a signature fashion for someone who doesn't wear clothes...
So I added claws marks. I know its were creature thing but I think its looks great on him
Bonus: Heath
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I was inspired to G1 Heath prototype dress. It would be awesome if Abbey joins casketball ball team and Heath can cheer her up.
Last but not least: Spectra
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Thats pretty much it. I'm not best editor or artist but I have fun making this.
And I hope you like it too
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saccharinebanquettime · 6 months
Hey guys! Haven’t posted in a while but I HAVE been working on some personal Monster High g3 rewrite stuff (mainly the design but..)! Designing them was fun and easy but coloring is a separate type of hell. I have designs that have okay coloring but I feel I could do better on (Howleen and Twyla), designs that I don’t really like the color scheme anymore (Lagoona), and designs I straight up want to redo (Kuma) but here are what I have! I’ll also add some stuff that I changed about them personality wise underneath their respective pictureee
(From left to right)
Draculaura, Howleen, Twyla
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Draculaura (sophomore) is still a workaholic obsessed with being study-filled in school and work life. For the most part, she didn’t change much, but she’s more prone to being passive aggressive because of the stress that school and work can bring to her. She’s working on the anger stuff but not so much with taking a break,, (the boo crew is trying to help her don’t worry)
Howleen is also mainly the same as g3. She has a really cute sibling relationship with Romulus and Barkimedes acting as their younger sister who believes she’s the older one (she’s a freshman in my version). She also has a sibling relationship with Clawdeen and helps Clawdeen get around the wolf pack easier. She has a fat crush on Twyla too urrm lesbian??!?? In my universe of g3, there’s also a specific way that the school does the wolf pack hierarchy whatever thing. I’m not going to get too into it, but Romulus is the leader (he’s a junior and lately there have been a gap between leader and second in command with senior and sophomores) and Howleen is under his command, taking notes from him and learning from him as well!
Twyla (freshman) doesn’t have much to her yet, but she’s really fun currently! I have thought of some little gags with her and she constantly having bugs in her hair and her eyelashes always have some dust on them. She usually hides away in the library and she has a fun dynamic with the moth teacher.
Romulus, Barkimedes
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I have so much with them I’m not even going to get into it all guys (I am biased and they are my absolute favorite). But they’re fun trust (I’ll make a separate post about what I’ve planned for them in the future maybe). Also they’re dating 😁 (both are juniors)
Lagoona, Gil, Frankie
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Lagoona (sophomore) had one of the most dramatic personality changes,,, She’s a lot more airheaded and bubbly now! She can make bubbles from her mouth, she runs a bit weird (it’s always a mindless side to side I love her sm), she speaks slow but not slow enough to where it’s hard to keep up, I honestly love her. She still can get a little crazy and is constantly meat hungry! She is also NOT stupid, she’s very smart and very athletic so don’t take her for granted! She’s apart of the swim team and does tennis as well! She also has a crush on Gil ^^
Gil (sophomore) didn’t get as drastic of a personality change, but his design is a curious one! He’s from a simple but respectably small pond and is based on bottom feeder fish (hence the long mouth and always looking like he’s frowning). Compared to Lagoona, he doesn’t have sharp teeth or claw-like fingers, he’s practically harmless honestly. He’s not that athletic but he obviously does and can swim. He’s a bit of a dork but also charismatic in some ways! I still need to think more about him but that’s what I have
Oh my lord Frankie (sophomore)! They also have a noticeable change, not too dramatic though. The main difference is their Mad Scientist alter ego “Plasma K” that spawn out of them whenever they work on a project or brainstorm. A wild and lightning energetic persona pops out believing that whatever they are making is their new Magnus Opus, the new technology that people will beckon and call after, the new GOD OF THE WORLD! This persona only lasts around 30 minutes to an hour, but my god do they make an impact on everyone!
Toralei, Kuma, Spectra
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Toralei (sophomore) hasn’t changed much at all. Something new I’ve added however is a simple rivalry with Romulus and her as well as friendship between her and Heath.
I gave Kuma (senior) a human design because I’ll be so for real it’s lame as hell that he’s straight up just some bear,,, like at least give him clothes. So for Kuma I plan on changing his design and clothing a bit when I redesign this redesign,, he’s based on Teddy bear-like clothes and cabin wear,, Also he likes rocks so much!! He wants to be those scientists that study rocks (I forgot what they were called).
Spectra is a character I’m having horrible trouble with tbh. She’s going to be apart of the morning news crew (when MHG3 adds Honey Swamp it’s OVER for all of you guys I love her I love her) as well as the newspaper club. She died around 1970s ish and has been apart of Monster High for a looong time, basically a permanent member. She is a teen (junior), she will always mentally be a teen. I’m wondering if I can make her lore and involvement in MH less convoluted, but this is what I currently have for her.
Purrsephone and Meowlody!
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I don’t have much for them yet,, sorry,, But they do have relationship stuff! At first, Romulus and Meowlody started on the wrong foot but after a while they become great friends! Purrsephone and Barkimedes were friends from the start despite never knowing each other lol. Purrsephone and Howleen become friends because while Purrsephone likes drums to become a professional later in life, Howleen likes them as a hobby! Another thing, their designs are kind of like “popstar” and “rockstar” which I find cute^^
Yeah that’s basically it I am SICK of writing but I really do hope you enjoy my additions!! If there are some criticisms you want to give, just comment and I’ll take them into consideration! Hopefully I’ll make another post with some of the other characters I didn’t show! Ok bye bye
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What I love about G3 part seven: the boys
And so this series reaches its end (unless I can think of more reasons haha!) I wanted to bring up the boys - all the boys, though I only have two dolls - because I think G3 improves on all of them significantly. They feel like unique, distinct characters now, as opposed to “bully” or “class clown” or “boyfriend.” The toxic male and one-note stereotypes have been stripped away for G3 and instead offers examples of men that kids need to see and hopefully can relate to!
Manny is my favorite example of this - instead of a self-centered, sexist hothead, we now have a sensitive, shy maze-loving nerd. Just because you’re big, doesn’t mean you have to be cruel! I think Kuma is another example of this.
Clawd also is no longer a dumb jock, but a competitive, bilingual big brother struggling to adjust to a full house and new world. I love that he’s part of the main cast because he is Clawdeen’s brother, not Draculaura’s boyfriend. He’s a cheerleader too, and proud of it!
Gil is completely different: there’s no more freshwater vs salt water bigotry and I love that he uses aids to help him breathe on land. Same goes for Finnegan and his mobility aid. While not everyone agrees with his approach, I’m glad he’s at least a reoccurring character.
Speaking of disability representation, Deuce is now dyslexic and that’s amazing! He was already a favorite due to his Greek heritage but this along with his open love of baking (as opposed to hiding it in G1) and having two moms make him even more so!
I already talked about why I love Heath🇬🇷🏛️🏺and to add to that, it really is refreshing to see this diversion from the stereotype of “kid from a wealthy family.” Kudos to the team for also keeping his humorous personality without that disrespectful streak.
TL;DR, it’s important for kids of all gender to see they can be who they are no matter what, and the G3 boys are healthy, fun and diverse representations of this❤️
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demonsfate · 6 months
Wikia, remember when I showed you that pic of Kuma from the G3 MH show? I forgot to mention that he got into a fight Clawdeen in episode one. Do with that information what you will LMAO
DAMMIT. Kuma goes to school and he can't even refrain from getting into a fight on day one. Just like his old master ffs. 😔
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