#gaara gets normal on this once they are like Actually 'Close' bc he gets the closeness in a regular way but
l0gitex · 2 years
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normal normal normal it’s normal we’re normal and it is fine. lookat my tags boy.
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
Asdfhjkrmtby hi baby I'm still on my Naruto bullshit 💀💀💀 feel free to ignore this too, don't feel obligated to do this just bc I'm your partner ✨n e wayz✨ headcanons for Gaara meeting Reader-chan, and he immediately takes an interest to them, but homie doesn't know his own feelings so he thinks he wants to kill them. So they get into a brawl, and Reader-chan is able to break through his sand guard without even trying and he's just like "damn... I see you"
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BABY! Ah I love getting requests from you 🥺😘 (itmakesmefeelvalidated-) Anyways, yes! I got this for you, I hope it wasn’t too short, I just don’t know his personality well enough anymore BUT I’M LEARNING AGAIN (and I want to make a part 2 because this ended on a MAJOR cliffhanger imo. I hope I didn’t disappoint you with this one 😭 And I love you my sweet little pebble 🥺✨❤️
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It really was just a normal day in the village- besides Naruto straying from the Hidden Leaf to hang out with Gaara.
He really didn’t know much about friendship or love or anything like that, but he knew that he wanted to kill Naruto just a LITTLE less than he wanted to anybody else.
You were there, naturally, being one of Naturo’s friends. You’d never been outside of the Hidden Leaf, being a shinobi in training.
He decided that, just this once, he’d let you out and that’d give you time for some training as well.
“It’s a different environment so you’re gonna have to regulate yourself- and we’re not allowed to damage any property!” He said in that anime protagonist tone of his.
You understood, already knowing that the Sand Village people were infinitely stronger than you were at the moment.
You both venture into the village and are greeted by Gaara who was using his sand, making shapes in the air with it, having it form into armor over certain parts of his body and then having it melt to the ground ready for its next task.
You could help but to stop and stare at Gaara even though you could only see his back and watch him, watching the total control he had over the sand.
Then he turned so you could see his face, and your eyes lit up and your jaw dropped a little.
He didn’t notice you- yet- but he noticed Naruto and he recalled all of his sand back to him and cheerfully, as cheerfully as he could be, made his way over to Naruto who greeted him with a hug.
“Naruto,” he said with a small head bow. “What… Erm… Why are you here today?”
You didn’t even realize that you weren’t breathing until you started to stumble a little and you fell into a wall nearby.
The two boys looked up at you, Gaara extra cautious because you were in his home and he heard an unfamiliar sound.
The moment his eyes locked onto yours, you gasped a little, Naruto rushing to your aid and checking you for injuries.
You could observe a small blush under his darkened eyes as he stood there with his arms crossed and his lips pursed in a straight line.
“Oh fuck he hates me,” you thought to yourself as Naruto helps you stand up and you wave a little.
Truth is, he actually doesn’t hate you. He feels SOMETHING but he doesn’t know what it is, so what does he do when he can’t figure something out?
He fights, of course.
Once you’re standing straight, you adjust your headband and jolt a little feeling Gaara’s ice cold gaze piercing you and you wince a little.
His left eye squints some and he holds his hands behind his back, his gaze only getting more intense.
There was a sort of pang that hit you before a wave of sand separated into strands, morphed into hands, and headed straight towards you at an impeccably quick pace.
“Oh shit,” you thought as you looked around and then an idea popped into your head.
You slid a kunai out of your utility belt and you hurdled it right past him.
Of course, he was a little cocky but also offended, a sadistic slight grin growing on his face. “You missed…”
Before you could answer, you made a hand sign and tried your hardest to concentrate before wincing a little “SUBSTITUTION JUTSU-“
You and the kunai had switched places and you landed on a nearby wall trying to gain high ground against him.
Of course, a fight with someone besides Naruto wasn’t what you expected, but you could feel Naruto’s expression close on you, not expecting this either.
“Hey! W-What the hell man?!” You ask, crouched as you run against the wall and lunge towards him quickly only to be snatched out of the air by one of the sand hands.
You whined quietly and managed to keep one arm free, your elbow plunging into the hardened sand, the sand breaking and cracking, letting you drop to the ground.
A quick move of you weaving through the reaching hands ended the fight as you kicked him in the throat and pinned his arms to the ground with your feet.
Of course, you were still wondering about how he could do that with his sand, but you were wondering exactly how you managed to pull off that substitution jutsu.
You had a kunai tip in the middle of his eyes threatening to pierce his skin and with a soft grunt he gave up and his body went lax.
“… How? How did you… Break through my sand,” he questioned softly, his lips barely moving. “Who the hell are you,” he continued.
“(L/N, F/N) Hidden Leaf Shinobi Genin,” you say with a slight huff, clearly agitated at this point, a small drop of sweat teasing your browline. “Who the fuck are you?”
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bitchiha · 4 years
A/N: So I wrote this instead of doing any of my psych assignments which is fine by me. Im a little bit rusty with one shots bc the last one I did was a Harry Potter angst with Draco and that was on a diff blog a few months back. Any who, enjoy and thank you for requesting!!
Request:  I would like to order a Gaara x Reader where Gaara and Reader are dating, but she is a Leaf Shinobi, and she she is always very talkative and smiling, but one day she is serious and quiet, and he is worried, but finds out that she is only concerned with something kind of silly, and then he is relieved and realizes that he really loves her.
✎ Worry (Gaara oneshot)
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You didn’t get to see your boyfriend all that often, being that you were a Leaf ninja, constantly on missions and he was a Kazekage, constantly protecting his village. However, whenever you did reunite it was always memorable. In fact, Gaara would be lying if he didn't count down the days to your arrival. 
He always looked forward to seeing you. He would stand at the gate of his village, waiting for your body to slowly become visible through the winds of the blowing sand. He loved the face you would make when you finally discerned his shape in the distance: your eyes would brighten and a smile would spread rapidly across your face. Even if the journey was long, seeing him waiting there always gave you a burst of energy. You would then squint your eyes to shield them from the sand and run the rest of the distance towards him. 
However, when Gaara spotted your figure in the distance today, you seemed a little tense. In fact, when you spotted him you didn't make that signature facial expression he loved so much or even start running towards him.
Something was off.
He watched you carefully as you got closer and frowned. He lacked a lot of emotional experience with others, but there was no denying that you looked worried.
Seeing you like that made him panic a little bit. Again, Gaara has never been very good with emotions - if anything he relied on you to be the one to help him navigate peoples feelings. So seeing you in such a worried state made him really, well... worried. He didn’t know what to do.
Once you finally arrived face to face at the gate you greeted him with a small smile and he guided you into the village. He gave you a little perplexed look in return before weeding the two of you out of the way of villagers and back towards his apartment.
I should say something, he thought to himself almost awkwardly, but he just didn’t know what. 
Normally you would have started a conversation with him and he would have listened carefully, not saying much himself as he preferred hearing your voice as opposed to his own. However, you didn't seem in the mood to do that today, meaning it was his turn to pick up the slack. 
“Erm- Temari and Kankuro will be happy to see you. Kankuro has been working on a new puppet and he has been dying to show everyone in the village how good it is.” 
You laughed at that, which made his heart warm a bit, but he couldn't help but sense a possible hint of distractedness in your tone. You were gnawing at your nails too - he picked up that it was your nervous habit -  which made him fall back into silence again. 
What am I supposed to say? What do people do in these situations? 
Gaara lead you up to his apartment, knowing that you were tired and usually fell asleep upon arriving at the village.
Typically after you woke up from a nap you two would eat dinner together and then you would really start to catch up on things. You would talk about eventful things that happened on your missions and he would talk about Kank and Temari or some of his own eventful occurrences as the Kazekage in return.
Your naps usually lasted pretty long after your 3 day journey. That would give Gaara just enough time to drop by Temari’s and see if she could assist him with how to deal with this whole situation. She was always the one he fell back on for relationship advice. Deeming Kankuro useless in this field, as he talked more to puppets than to actual human beings.
He opens the door for you upon arriving and remains at the enterance, when you realize he isn’t coming side with you, you turned to look at him. You stared at each other from your respective points in the apartment: him at the door and you just outside his bedroom. 
“Gaara?.. Aren't you coming inside?” 
“...No, I need to, uhm, finish some paperwork. In the meantime you should really take a nap. I’ll be back by the time you wake up.” He said awkardly as he closed the door.
With that, he left you to sleep as he paid his sister a visit, asking her for some needed advice.
Temari was surprised at the visit, it was always very rare for Gaara to ask her for this kind of advice anyway, let alone for him to have a worried look on his face too.
When she lets him inside, he recalls the events that have transpired so far, sitting across from eachother at Temaris dinner table. There was a guide book on Shogi sitting atop the table, which Gaara knew she was reading just to impress a certain Leaf ninja. Anyway, when she caught him staring at it she batted it away embarrassedly and cleared her throat, her face growing hot. There was a moment of silence in the room as she thought about what Gaara had told her. 
“Hm... Well, did you ask her whats wrong?”
“...No.” He realized that would have been an important piece of information to ask.
Temari shook her head, but then proceeded to give him a simple rundown of what to do. 
Step one: ask whats wrong
Step two: ask how you can make her feel better 
It seemed so simple when Temari said it, honestly he felt a little embarrassed that he couldn't manage to think of it on his own. He wasnt going to waste anymore time now that he knew what to do though.
As he was leaving Temaris apartment she smiled at him.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that...”
“Oh, its nothing...” she giggled. “Well actually Gaara, you know, going out of your way like this is something people normally do when they care about someone.” Then she closed the door with a cheeky grin, leaving Gaara to blush at the face of a wooden door. 
On his way back to the apartment he thought about what Temari said, going out of your way like this is something people normally do when they care about someone... Of course in his head he always knew he really cared about y/n, but having someone else notice it too really made him stop and think. 
He remembered when he fought Naruto back when the sound village attacked the Leaf. Naruto had opened Gaaras eyes to a lot of important things. He had shown him that you needed to have people important in your life. People that you would fight for and even die for... And for the first time, Gaara realized that y/n ticked all those boxes.
As he arrived back at his apartment, he opened the door quietly, not wanting to wake you up. He could hear your gentle snores as he made his way to your bedroom, holding a medium sized box in his hands.
After leaving Temari’s he had wandered the village a bit, thinking over a few things and clearing his mind, he had passed by your favourite dessert place in his village and figured that it would be a good gesture if he got you something. Afterall, Temari was always so happy when got sweets from anyone.
He opened the bedroom door carefully only to see you curled up on his bed sleeping. It made his heart feel all funny when he seen you sleeping. You looked so calm and fragile. He couldn't really admire it for all that long though because His presence must have alerted you. He watched your eyes open groggily as you sat up.
“Gaara? Is that you?” you asked, letting out a yawn. 
“Yes. I uhm... I got you something.” he placed the white box on the bed next to you. 
 You opened the lid curiously, to reveal your favourite dessert staring back at you. It made you smile widely, as if nothing was wrong in the first place, but in a few seconds the worry crawled back onto your face. This time though, Gaara didn't get discouraged. 
“Something has been bothering you since you got here, y/n. I want to help you, but I can't if you don't tell me whats wrong.”
It was strange seeing him so forward with feelings, but you liked it. In fact it made you feel relieved that you could tell him about your predicament.
“I guess you're right... Well, you see I guess its kind of... A bit silly but I got you a gift a while back. It was so pretty... You see, it was this necklace I found in a village I was passing through for a mission, it was this red gem wrapped around a sort of turquoise wire and it made me think of you instantly. So, I bought it and I was so excited to give it to you I kept taking it out of my backpack to look at it on my way here. Then when I woke up this morning and checked out of the Inn I stayed in, I went to look at it one more time before I arrived and it was gone!” you sighed, falling back onto the pillows. 
“It would have looked perfect on you, Gaara. I just wanted to give you something special for you to remember me by for when Im not visiting. I don't know I guess its kind of a stupid thing to be upset about, but I just can't help it.” You covered your face with your hands. 
There was a dip in the bed and you felt Gaara lay down beside you, causing you to peek at him through your fingers.
He was relieved to say the least, in fact he may have even been smiling a little bit. This was all she was worried about? It wasn’t about anything that he had done, it was just about a necklace!
“Thats all that was worrying you?” He asked as he looked at you with an almost soft expression, he gently removed your hands from your face. 
“You know, y/n, I’m sure the necklace would have been nice, but all that really matters to me is that you're here now and we can spend some time together.” 
He thought about what you said: I just wanted to give you something special for you to remember me by for when Im not visiting. 
“And you don't need to give me anything to remind me of you while you're away because I think about you all the time when you're not here with me.” He blushed a little bit after he said it, but refused to get all shy about it. 
When you heard that, a big smile appeared on your face, the same one that he always saw when you ran towards him at the villages gates. It was a huge relief to see you like this again, it felt as though there was a crack of sunshine in the middle of a storm of dark clouds. He could see the worry and frustration in your face slipping away slowly. 
It made him feel happy, to be able to make you feel better again. He really did care about you.
“Come on then, eat your dessert and then we’ll go see Kankuro. Like I said earlier, he wants to show you his new puppet.” 
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artlessictoan · 6 years
Day 4 - Uncle Kankuro
some kank&yodo silliness, bc I will never get tired of writing these two interacting nor will I ever get tired of pointedly ignoring canon and supplanting my own fics in its place
(ao3 version)
Day 4 - Uncle Kankuro
Yodo had been sitting quietly in the living room since he got home, lying on her stomach in the middle of the floor, idly flicking through an old novel.
She was up to something. She was definitely up to something.
Not that her reading was unusual, or her ignoring his presence as he flopped down in his lounge chair with a mumbled ‘hey brat’, but there was just something too… perfect about the scene, like she was acting bored and aloof, instead of just being bored and aloof as she normally was and, as many painful, embarrassing experiences had taught him, when in doubt, always assume she was up to something.
So, all that remained was to figure out whatever nasty little scheme she’d put into play this time, hopefully before he fell right into it.
Frowning, he stretched one of his long legs forward to prod at his niece’s foot.
She immediately kicked him back.
Not ready to accept defeat just yet, he nudged her again, big toe seeking out that ticklish spot right in the middle of her sole, he didn’t quite manage to get it before she brought her other foot into the game, trapping his awkwardly between her ankles. He snorted and easily pulled himself free, retreating back to his chair as he thought up a new tactic.
Yodo was still refusing to even turn her head in his direction, still pretending to be completely engrossed in her book; he could easily use that to his advantage though.
With stealth instilled in him over decades of hard training, Kankuro slowly, silently raised himself out of his chair, stepped just close enough that she wouldn’t notice him, balanced himself on one leg and gently smacked his foot in her face.
“GAH! You fu-!”
Letting out a scandalised gasp as he smooshed his foot against her nose, he called over his shoulder, “Gaara, quick, get in here, Yodo was about to curse again!”
The girl’s skinny little rat-claw fingers finally managed to pry him away, shoving at him until he toppled to the floor in a cackling heap. Finally free from his onslaught, she spluttered and rubbed harshly at her face. “Ugh, I was gonna say fungal infection ooze, ya donkey-pit!”
“Y’know,” he managed to say between laughs, “I think that swapping ‘ass’ and ‘hole’ with synonyms still counts as a swear.”
Her glare was sharp enough to cut glass, apparently she’d been taking notes from her father.
“Relax kid, I’m not actually gonna tell on you-” because he had no doubt Gaara would blame his potty mouth “-but I am gonna need you to tell me what horrifying prank you’ve got cooking this time.”
She rolled her eyes, fussed her hair back into its artfully dishevelled style and returned to her book. “Ain’t got nothin’ cooking,” she said.
“Riiight, and I’m the greatest Hokage who ever lived.”
“You wish,” she snorted, flashing him a quick, toothy grin, “Aunt Sakura’s way cooler than you are, talk to me when you’ve punched a god.”
His face dropped into an expression of blank horror as he pondered what the ramifications of the next generation growing up around such impossibly terrifying powerhouses might be. Damn, I’m getting old, he thought, before sitting himself upright and staring at Yodo once more. Ok she wasn’t gonna tell him what she’d done, that was fine, he could figure it out, no problem.
If she wasn’t bothered about moving from her spot, then that meant that, a) she didn’t need to do anything herself to put her scheme into motion and b) the trap was somewhere in this room – no way would she want to miss out on her victim’s reaction.
Disguising the movement behind a yawn, he scanned his eyes across the lounge, looking for anything wrong, any signs of disturbance at all.
Nothing unusual about the TV or the kids’ game consoles, Gaara had cleaned the floor this morning, so no dust-tracks to speak of, some books had been moved on the shelves, but given that she was currently reading one that could easily be put down to her choosing something to read – he mentally filed it away anyway, just in case – table looked untouched, chairs were exactly as he remembered, damnit, he couldn’t pick out anything, but she was just lying on the floor, legs idly kicking at the air as she flipped another page, cheek puffing up where she was resting it on her hand, exuding an aura that just screamed ‘trouble’.
Maybe that was her plan, deliberately act all suspiciously innocent until he was seeing traps in every shadow, almost pranking himself with his own paranoia! It was an advanced technique, but she was a quick learner and had a serious devious streak, he had no doubt she’d be capable of it… or maybe that’s just what she wanted him to think.
Damn it all.
Just as he was standing up to leave – because he had better things to do, definitely not because he was being outsmarted by a snotty little brat – Yodo had the audacity to snicker into her book, flashing one of her too-toothy grins up at him.
Oh, he was not going to take that; her book was yanked away in under a second, pulled effortlessly into his hand by a chakra thread.
“Oi, I was just gettin’ to a good bit!” she snapped, growling and jumping up to swipe at it.
He held his arm above his head, grinning wide as he said, “What’re you gonna do about it kid?” Before she could leap on him like she was clearly planning, he planted his hand right on her face, gently pushing her back even as she kept pushing forward. “C’mon, do you even want it ba-ACK! What- did you just lick me, brat?!”
While he was rapidly removing his hand from her slobbery maw and rubbing it harshly on his shirt, she managed to clamber onto his back and was just centimetres away from reclaiming her stolen property.
Still shuddering at the dampness on his skin, he tried to claw her off – carefully avoiding going anywhere near her mouth again – flailing limbs and clawing fingers grasping at the corners of the book. In all the confusion, he wasn’t sure who managed to send it flying into the air, but, following its path, he suddenly couldn’t care less, even as Yodo leapt from his shoulder and landed on it with a cry of triumph.
He was much too busy staring at the unnatural shadows hidden away in the ceiling’s air vent; normally they would allow for the cool air captured from the wind towers dotting the building’s roof to flow into the house, offering relief from the burning sun, but he was only just noticing that it was a little less draughty in here than it should be.
Flashing a quick, victorious grin at his niece, he casually leapt to the ceiling – chakra-coating a hand and his feet to stick in place – and reaching into the dark pit to discover what she’d hidden away there.
When he pulled out a cluster of familiar, disembodied puppet limbs, he had to stare at them for a good long minute just trying to process everything.
Seriously? She was gonna try and scare him with this? He regularly fell asleep cuddling a puppet head that Temari had once described as ‘the physical manifestation of all humanities sins’ and often found random arms and legs in his dresser when he was looking for clothes, even with the element of surprise, he was literally incapable of being scared by it.
He looked down to deride Yodo for her weak attempt, but she wasn’t there, book lying abandoned on the carpet. Frowning, he turned to find her, but was met with a blank stare.
“…What are you doing?” Gaara asked, tone suggesting that he’d had a very long day at work and would very much like to not have to navigate his brother’s eccentricities today if at all possible. Beside him, Yodo was rocking on her heels, hands clasped behind her back.
“Uncle said he wanted to play a prank on you, he was gonna make all that stuff fall on you when you sat down on the couch.”
Oh shi-
The smirk on his niece’s face was positively devious; he wasn’t sure whether to be horrified, or proud.
But he definitely knew how to feel about his little brother’s expression; the years had not dulled his death glare in the slightest. “Kankuro, what is the meaning of this?”
“N-no, Gaara you don’t understand, she set me up!”
That girl had the ‘cute pout of innocence’ act mastered. He’d taught her well – perhaps a little too well – but… he hadn’t taught her everything.
Revenge was gonna be sweet.
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lacnunga · 7 years
quick run down of my boruto ocs in the cnm timeline:
Naruto oc Boruto cnm charas
 Chuufuku Hyuuga/ Chuufuku Kyoganno / Ooyama Setouchi || main character. Female, Iwa/Konoha citizen/spy. Has a lot of Defection Issues but always comes back because she loves Sarada. Pretty but also Pretty Bitchy. Actually most an asshole but is actually Very Sensitive. Both parents are alive, although she sometimes wishes they weren’t. Is a Neji type.
Dream: to serve with dedication and die for an important cause.
Horu Yamanaka || main character. Male, part of Team Kiba with Tentou and Chuufuku. A girly boy who likes to laugh while he punches your teeth out. He teases his ‘little’ cousin Inojin although they’re the same age. Is heavy crushing on both Tentou and Chouchou but is so allergic to embarrassment that he’ll never make a move unless one of them carves their intentions on a stone before smacking him with it.
Dream: to get into the top three in the fire country bingo book, beating the strongest yamanaka who was #4
Tentou Aburame || main character. Male, part of Team Kiba with Horu and Chuufuku. Prizes integrity over intelligence. When in the mood, he can bulldoze talk over you; he’s not very loud, but he cant talk-in-an-incredibly-unbroken-sentence-moving-from-topic-to-topic-so-nobody-has-a-chance-to-interrupt-it-is-really-quite-hypnotic. His middle name is Cutting Sarcasm. It’s on his birth certificate. Adopted by Shino and his boyfriend.
Dream: to breed a universal receptor bug that, through interbreeding, will allow any Aburame to carry any type of kikaichu regardless of toxicity or temperament.
Shiri Inuzuka || Female, likes to be clean, sleek and sophisticated. Her canine partner is based off of one of those afghan hounds, a new breed raised by Hana Inuzuka with some lightning country dogs. Highly intelligent. Mutually dislikes Horu bc Horu feels like she wants to take his place on Team Kiba to make the new Team 8, while she couldn’t really give a hoot. She’s the only one who gives actual helpful reviews of the beta versions of video games in development by the Aburame clan.
Dream: to develop her sound-based genjutsu techniques into viable field jutsus.
Raiden || Male. A mysterious boy with a dislike for the Uzumaki family. Bonded with Chuufuku while being Salty about Boruto. Covers his face completely. Has miswired tenketsu, making his chakra react in wild, unpredictable ways.
Chan Ji || Female. A girl with no ninjutsu talent on Team Anko with Mirai Sarutobi and Tosa Inuzuka. As a deadlast, she was placed on a team with class topper Mirai and struggled for over a year to keep up with her teammates. She was spotted by Tenten, who tried to train her before realising what type person she is. She introduced her to Lee who coaxed her out of her shyness and she bloomed into a powerful taijutsu user. Unlike Lee, she can use nin/gen jutsu to a minor degree. Brash and excitable. Has a bad case of hero worship for Gai. Likes to pick people up people she likes. Gives bone crushing Hugs Of Love. Is a senpai to Metal. Falls in love with Netsui and despite having her heart broken, eventually has her feelings returned. Collects tattoos, especially from foreign countries.
Tosa Inuzuka || Male, on Team Anko with Mirai and Chan Ji. Feels his heart flutter a bit whenever Chan Ji picks him up. Argues almost non stop with Hanmaru, his dog, about everything from dinner to tactics. Has the most lax personal hygiene ever encountered. He teases his team but if anyone else so much as breathes wrong in their direction, talk shit get hit. Often times just sleeps outside – with as many siblings as he’s got, it takes time for people to realise he’s not at the dinner table.
Harigane || Male. A boy from a powerful Wind Country clan who died in the clan wars. He’s trapped in a kokeshi doll by an old woman witch but when Chuufuku takes the doll with her as she escapes, he accompanies her on her adventures. Is very fond of riddles. Salivates whenever anyone eats anything around him. Is very nostalgic about the Old Days and sometimes talks about them in present tense. Can possess people but doesn’t have a malicious bone in his body, luckily. Once possessed Gaara, his descendant, and made him pick his nose in front of the other kages.
Shimenawa Senju || Female. A lateral descendant of the Senju clan, she is a nun on the border of Fire Country. She is a practitioner of ninshuu and possesses the ability to manipulate time to various degrees. However, she is afraid of the outside world and does not leave her home very often. She is enlisted by Chuufuku to defeat the demon Yatagarasu and by Sarada to find Chuufuku later on.
Netsui || Female. Daughter of Omoi and a prominent female member of the village council. She is very work orientated and, while cheerful and upbeat, sometimes loses herself in her duties and the responsibilities she knows she’ll have to adopt when she inherits her mother’s position. She is taken aback by Chan Ji’s love confession and turns her down sharply. Their friendship deepens, though, and she feels her own feelings appear for Chan Ji. She is pretty deep in denial though, having always had a solid future with a politically motivated hetero marriage in the future for her. When Chan Ji almost dies protecting her, she realises the true depth of her feelings, and can’t deny their bond anymore. A very strong negotiator and talented kenjutsu user. Loves flower arranging, the brighter the blossom the better, something hard to come by in Kumogakure.
Kannon || Female. A ‘failed’ experiment by Orochimaru. Considers herself Mitsuki’s big sister although they look nothing alike. She’s a cannibal that can absorb kekkei genkai by eating the respective individual’s flesh. Is a talented bento artist, something she practices to give to Mitsuki. Is freaky looking, and loves it. Has trouble with empathy, but is working on it (Dummies Guide to Normal People Ethics – Lesson 1: Don’t Eat people).
Kepura Ba-Kari || Male. A Suna ninja from a scarab-users clan in Suna. Is Shino’s age, and his lifepartner. He embarrassed himself trying to traditionally woo a completely oblivious Shino, before Kiba cleared up the situation for them because it was That Painful. He has to stop his bff Hatoru threatening Shino that she would tear out his intestines if he hurt Kepura. Kepura, as the head of his own clan, spends quite some time in Suna, missing Shino all the while. Still, the periods of separation works for them, as they are both the type to believe that absence makes the heart grow fonder. After Tentou’s parents died, he and Shino adopted him. Sometimes Kepura does feel a little left out because Tentou was raised as an Aburame before the adoption, so Shino is the one he comes to most about his kikaichu problems. Still, Kepura can pass on some of his own scarab orientated techniques that Tentou has adapted.
Ankaa Setouchi || Male. One of Chuufuku’s ‘cousins’ in Kiri. They became close during her stay with him and his parents, to the extent that he helped her escape before her father could get to her. Chuufuku still holds some mistrust towards him for his initial deception, but their relationship held. In the shinkaiden line, Ankaa is her closest confidant and the only person she’ll tell her secrets and fears too, although he is killed when the ninjas from Sun Country attack.
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artlessictoan · 6 years
Do you have any more detailed headcanons on the life before the orphanage of the sand sibs 2.0?
yes I absolutely do! potential spoiler warning for breakingthe cycle?? I’m honestly not sure how much of this is actually gonna come up inthe fic, since I haven’t really got any set plan for it, I deliberately wantedto keep Shinki’s past in particular kinda vague bc I wanted to depict a characterwho doesn’t have to disclose alltheir trauma, even to those closest to them, and have that decision respectedby their loved ones, so I guess if you’re really curious about him then thiscould be the background that helps you understand the parts of his characterthat will only be hinted at within btc? Yodo and Araya’s bits are the mostlikely to actually be explored in the fic, so yeah maybe kinda sorta spoilers ifyou’re willing to wait 500 years for me to get my act together kjdfhg
(tw for child neglect, homelessness and physical abuse)
Araya had the most normal and healthy childhood of thethree, he had loving, low-ranking ninja parents and was a sweet – if very shy –boy, money was always a bit tight and he had some anxiety to deal with, but atthat age neither really affected him much.
That changed a few months after his he turned six, when afire started in his home; his parents managed to get him out, but not before hereceived severe burns, in the process they both inhaled significant amounts ofsmoke and both died later in hospital, Araya himself survived, though he had extremescarring across much of the right-hand side of his body – and particularly onhis face – and was left partially blind in his right eye (can just see coloursand unfocused shapes). No one in his extended family was either willing or ableto take him in, especially with the medical care he still needed, so, after he’drecovered as much as he could, he was sent to Suna’s orphanageand we know what happened from there
She had a much more.. complicated childhood. She wasabandoned at birth, left in an alley in an area where Suna’s homeless tended tocongregate, she was discovered and taken in by a kind man before she starved,though she was already weak and quite sick. He cared for her for a short time,but died before her first birthday, she drifted around between various carers andhad a few short stints in the orphanage though she quickly learned how to lookafter herself and never stayed in one place very long before she was eitherabandoned or ran away herself (to pre-empt the inevitable abandonment she’dcome to expect), the times she was sent to live with foster parents endeddisastrously, as she’d become accustomed to living on the streets, stealing toget by and fighting for herself, so she spent most of her early years homeless,living in harsh, poverty-stricken places.
Of the people who helped raise and teach her, the one who affectedher the most was an older boy who let her hang around when she was about five,he was in his mid-teens and the youngest of her street friends and he wassimilarly cynical and distrustful of adults and the world at large, so sheautomatically felt a bit of kinship with him. They didn’t ever intend to becomeclose, they just happened to be squatting in the same building and wouldoccasionally do each other a solid without being asked, sometimes one or theother would disappear for a while, but they’d eventually come back to a (relatively)warm welcome, playing card games, teaming up for big thefts, etc.
After a few months of getting to know each other, they’d startedto open up about all the people who’d hurt or left them and Yodo started tothink of him as her big brother, but when he was caught by a local thug who they’dstolen from, he ran away, leaving her to take the beating meant for him, afterthat, she found a new place to sleep and decided that absolutely no one was everworth trusting. She saw him a few times afterwards, always flying into a rageat him, but she didn’t really blame him at the time, it’s just the law of thestreets to always look out for number one after all.
She soon found herself back at the orphanage though.
Ok so I’ve mentioned before that my version of Shinki isactually related to Gaara? First cousin once removed to be exact, not thatGaara knows that (Shinki is vaguely aware but prefers not to think about it).
The kage line is a lot more lineage-tied in Suna than othernations, and the council tends to be rather conservative, so when the third Kazekagehad a child with a mistress, they ‘encouraged’ him to disown the boy, not evenallowing him to support him or his mother; the son in question was always incrediblybitter about that and, when the third eventually went missing and was officiallydeclared dead, he vied with the legitimate son (Rasa) for the kage title, butlost, partly because of his birth but also because he didn’t inherit the magnetrelease, something he had tried and failed to activate since he was a child.
When Rasa came into power, he pushed his half-brother’s familyfurther and further into destitution, until they were completely powerless. Unableto reach the position of Kazekage, the son eventually married and had a childof his own, but remained an unpleasant, cold man to everyone around him.
When Rasa died, he once again tried to claim the title, thenwhen that failed pushed his daughter to compete against Gaara for it, she hadat least a modicum of self-preservation and didn’t bother – though she was alwaysone of Gaara’s most persistent detractors, not agreeing with his pushes forpeace and internalising a fair bit of her father’s old grudge against the kage family.Some time after the last great ninja war, she had a son, Shinki.
His parents were always quite cold with him, broken peoplefrom broken families themselves, neither one was really interested in having achild, so outside of basic care, they just left him to himself. When he turned three,his father died while out on a mission, unable to cope with the loss, hismother tracked down his killers to get revenge, but ultimately only got herselfkilled; with no other family to take care of him, Shinki was sent to live withhis maternal grandfather, Rasa’s half-brother.
At first there was very little difference between livingwith his parents and his granddad, they were all distant and had little interestin him, but when Shinki one day stopped a metal pan falling off the countermid-air, his grandfather lost it, inhis youth he’d been denied the position of kage in part because he hadn’t inheritedthe third’s abilities, but this strange, silent boy who could hardly even walkup and down stairs was exhibiting the magnet release? All his deep-seated rageand inadequacy came out and he hit Shinki. Then it happened again a few dayslater. And then it kept happening,every time he showed any sign of moving metallic objects, then any time he wasa bit too loud, or got in the way, or was just in his line of sight on a badday.
It continued through the ages three to seven, when hisgrandfather finally grew ill and died (natural causes, he was getting very old).He hadn’t bothered to inform the hospital staff that he had a child in hiscare, so eventually when the food left at home ran out, Shinki went out to buysome more, attracted the concern of a shopkeeper who, after being unable to geta word out of him, took him to the authorities. When it became clear that noone was looking for a missing child and Shinki didn’t seem at all concernedabout finding his parents, he was sent to the orphanage, to eventually meet Araya,Yodo and Gaara and discover what family reallyis.
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