eldritch-spouse · 2 months
Okay but now I have a very cursed vision from the last Belo ask. Krulu's not even putting Belo's mouth on his body but on one of the floors of the Clergy. Belo has to find it and manually put it on his face. Unfortunately for Belo, the very last person he wants anywhere near his holes, Santi, finds it and starts using it like a fleshlight.
[This is some Dante's Inferno shit.]
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" I see you looking at that thing. " Gallon blinks at the incubus, the kind of look that says 'I will record you if you do something freakish and you know it'.
Unbothered, Santi methodically palms his slit. " What, an orifice appears before me and I'm just supposed to ignore it? "
" Yes. "
Silent seconds of uninterrupted eye contact take place.
Santi bursts into a cackle and starts caressing the luscious lips of the mouth that just appeared on the wall closest to him. He's fairly certain all he needs is a little stool and that'd be a guaranteed good time.
The mouth itself frowns and tries to shut, but the demon successfully wedges two slick-soaked fingers inside. " Huh. Teeth not too sharp, nice and hot, mmm yes. "
" I imagine you've never caught an STD. But really now, a wall mouth? You don't know what's been in there. " The bartender shudders.
" Oh but I know what will be in a second. " The demon pauses, squinting. " It's just a matter of holding it open. "
The slime leans closer on the counter. " You know, that could belong to someone. "
The incubus has already found steady footing and shuffled in front of the mouth, cock in hand no doubt. There's a spitting sound. " I hope they like the taste then. "
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Somewhere on the higher floors, Belo swipes decorations and furniture aside, every second that passes without him finding his new, vital body part is another breath he skips.
What is he going to do if he can't find it?! What's going to become of his poor charge if he fails this? He can't fail!
And for once, Belo would just like to know what it's like to taste, to feel your beautiful lips on his. They must be soft, they must be delicate, they must taste so...
Salt. He's never tasted salt before but somehow, instinctually, he knows he's feeling salt right now. But... Where? How?
Someone found his mouth.
What are they putting in his MOUTH?!
The angel stills like the stone gargoyles atop The Clergy as new sensations roll around. Something wet and salty is lodging itself into his mouth. For the first time in his life, he understands what choking truly is, but can't cough to relieve himself. It's big and mildly spongy, he feels something warm against his lips periodically as the pace of the repeated intrusion hastens, large tears escaping his holy eyes.
Belo quakes on the floor for a couple of confused, terrified seconds, enduring it.
Until it dawns on him.
It hasn't been an hour since Lord Krulu so graciously heeded Belo's wish, and someone's already fucking his mouth.
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comewithmeintothedeep · 8 months
I finished reading the story of Thava and fem reader and its so sweet. I would take her home with me if I could!
I'm very glad to hear that you liked it so much! It's a little disappointing that it's not as popular as my other ones (not shaming, people have their preferences), but it's nice to see that someone really liked it.
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all-about-bride · 1 year
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@i-drop-level-one-loot @gabi-gabriella-gaberson
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eldritch-spouse · 3 months
What was Kalymir like before he became an Icon? Was his personality mainly the same as it was back then? Dare I say, did he not speak in capslock?
Kalymir didn't change that much after his grandiose victory. I mean, his cockiness now matches his power a lot more, and he's certainly gotten wiser in his tactics, but he's vastly the same freakily intense high-ranker he was personality-wise.
Most wrathful demons have the ability to channel The Capslock from time to time, but it truly becomes a curse when they acquire the title of Lord of Wrath. The Capslock consumes them, and they lose the ability to speak normally, projecting their voice as if in a constant state of rabid anger. Kalymir had to intentionally Capslock before the became King, now it is as natural as breathing.
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eldritch-spouse · 4 months
Pinnie! I was blessed with another dream this year within the Clergyverse!
I was in hell and I starred in a play. It was in a comedy and I played the role of a stupid naive and overly optimistic human that winds up in hell via sleeping in a shell and waking up in the rings and goes on misadventures while charming the demon populous with my antics. Some of the things I remember include ending up in Kalymir's dungeons, almost getting burnt alive and skewered, winning the jackpot in a casino in greed and getting robbed, and getting married. Mainly it followed a formula of, well this thing is pretty bad but it can't get worse, proceeds to get worse but I'm still optimistic. The audience was eating it up, they were laughing so hard and me and the cast got a standing ovation in the end. (✿◠‿◠)
I want to know which demons played the roles of demonlords and how much stress they were under as the respective Kings attended the play.
You yourself would probably have been sweating yourself out of existence, so many eyes would be on you. Three of the Icons who would not miss this for the world are Vesper, Livius and Rinx, so you have at least three pairs of highly judgemental eyes poised on you throughout the entire thing. And sure, maybe Rinx is already buying merch or trying to get ownership of the theater itself, maybe Vesper has began to unceremoniously get the people around him off, but rest assured Livius will hardly blink. He could get on stage with you.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 months
Pinnie got a question regarding Mother's Island. It's mentioned in a couple of asks that angels go out and recruit inhabitants. What types of people are they looking for? People with specific skills or attitudes? And also I think you mentioned that the angels are tasked with getting supplies when they head out towards civilization, what sort of things do they get and how are they getting it?
Generally speaking, the people brought into Miara's island are people who pray to her, who she deems worthy or needful enough. The selection process is rigorous, and even the angels aren't fully sure how Mother determines a lesser or monster is apt to become a resident, they are, more often than not, just given instructions to seek certain people out and offer them a place in her island. Skills can and will be taught to these individuals according to demand and need.
It's usually almost always the warrior cast of angels going out to fetch people, as they are the most apt to defend themselves should anything happen in their relatively short trips outside, sometimes accompanied by a throne (if the scope of the operation is large enough).
The supplies often fetched are things that the island can't provide on its own. The angels who perform these tasks have been briefed on how financial transactions work nowadays, or how sometimes bartering can be quite effective to fetch less common objects. Certain ingredients have to be acquired in bulk, others don't. Sometimes an islander requests something personal, which is retrieved by one or two angels only- It differs. It may not look like it, but Miara pays close attention to what goes in and out of the island, as well as how much time her celestials spend outside. The angels that fly can carry things on their own, other times they requested to be transported until a certain location, from where these supplies are then manually taken to the island.
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months
What was Patches doing before he became involved with the Clergy's construction? And what was his first encounter with Krulu and his vessel like?
[I know I have this more organized somewhere...]
Patches was, to put it bluntly, fucking around.
Having already come into his new identity as an undead by a long while, as well as not only discovering but learning to communicate with his unrequited second, Patches' attention had deviated from his study of higher beings to the realities he was confronted with rather forcefully.
First and foremost, he had spent a decent chunk of his time documenting the changes his body underwent as an undead. Because Patches didn't just wake up green, with a pumpkin for a head and a brilliant innate ability to understand his dullahan powers. He needed to study himself, his newfound inclinations, his strange episodes of "unconscious activity" (Stitches). This helped the monster distract himself from the existential grief of being dead, of realizing he missed many opportunities when he was alive.
At some point, that study deviated from knowing himself, to knowing the types of magic he was now having a lot more ease cultivating. Because, naturally, being a monster allows him to retain a lot more magical potential. This took a massive length of time, explaining why he's as clever and apt with several types of magic as he is. Lending special attention to the undead, fire and plant types.
Patches had been living his life still pursuing his various studies and finding ways to integrate himself in various societies, in certain areas of the world where monster populations were highest.
At this point in time his perception of his identity when alive has been deteriorated. He no longer remembers his birth name (Fábio da Cruz) or his appearance, and the artifacts that would allow him to recall how he looked are gone as well. His clothes, his head/skull, his first notes, gone. He knows only the name he'd been given by some, Patches.
This, in turn, is how he meets the triplets. At a concert, actually. Although certainly not reborn in that time period, Patches witnessed the birth of metal, rock and adjacent genres. He met the demon brothers at some kind of mental concert, having lost himself in a metal head phase. One thing leads to another and he's getting drunk with the three, then his head is being used as a punch bowl, and the night ends with everyone limp as corpse on the ground.
They become unlikely friends, especially Ludwig and Patches specifically.
Becoming a trusted friend, Patches gets to witness the moment in time where Ludwig meets you/Admin. He's present when things get difficult, when Lud's crush becomes the vessel to something so much bigger than everything they'd ever seen up until then.
And the sight, the notion, of a siadar on Earth rekindles the fanatic interest he once sported, the thing that got him killed.
It can't be said that Patches' intentions to help Ludwig help you/Admin create The Clergy's Eye are entirely selfless. Sure, he wants to get his friend out of a hard time, but he mostly wants to get closer to the literal god.
It turns out his skulls are useful enough to keep him in close contact with you/Admin and Ludwig during the initial stages of The Clergy's Eye's creation. He becomes a core of the project, gets to see powers and abilities beyond his understanding, gets to have that observation-participation data he so desperately scraped for when he was alive.
Patches knows that, at some point, he was essentially selling himself to an entity of dubious moral standing for answers to questions he'd been plagued with. But why should he care, right? He's already dead, he has nothing to lose.
He's technically the second worker of the establishment. The first being Ludwig, who eventually distances himself.
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
Piggybacking off of that ask. I can think of a single scenario where this can happen. That is if Cero's obsession is someone like a member of Vesper's harem. Cero takes one look at her, falls in love, and scrunches his face knowing he's going to give Vesper the one thing he always wanted in order to get his Queen to be.
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I might do something with this. It's such a great concept.
Your brain is ginormous. This is good.
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eldritch-spouse · 8 months
I finally did it after so long! I had a dream Pinnie and your oc was in it!
I dreamed that your sona Pin was getting canceled because she drew Lacai's head too big. His head was normal size, I do not know what was going on in their noggins. There were like full scale youtube style documentary videos made about this and a lot of people were yelling on twitter. But then everyone forgot about it and decided to get mad at something else, I think it was a bowl of fruit.
[I think I'm going to get a noise complaint from the neighbors after how loud I cackled.]
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Fixer Queen, slumping over the Icon's meeting table, getting 5 minutes alone from her insane spouses after having to play some heavy demonlord wrangling during today's meeting.
Fixer Queen:...I need a vacation.
Imp: I can schedule one for you, your majesty. I'll check the other Icons avaliabili-
Fixer Queen: -from my wife and six husbands.
An imp comes into the room in a panic: My queen! My queen, I need your help! Kalymir told Vorticia she's fat and should go on a diet and then she called him the C word!
Fixer Queen: For fucks sakes. *stands up and rolls up her sleeves* Alright! Where are they?
Vorticia is fat. If you think she's going to get upset at being called fat or any adjacent words, then you'd be sorely mistaken.
If Kalymir called her fat, Vorticia, Vesper and Zizz would just start laughing hysterically at him. He'd take that L home. The diet part does irk her but she expects zero from Kalymir.
That being said, the C word is being thrown around like confetti now that you're here to do the peace keeping.
All the head imps serve you, so you at least have a mildly decent body of servants ready to give you tips on how to handle each of their awful Icons. Congrats?
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Since Sybastian is a single dad, what would he be like with a single mom as his mate? 
That's all the more reason you two should get along, right? Right?!
Of course, raising mimiclings is very different from raising a human child, and Syb knows this, which puts him a little off at first. But hey, it can't be that hard. Humans are just a little more dependant, that's fine.
He's honestly more concerned about scaring the child with his huge teeth that are kind of hard to keep hidden for long periods of time.
Sybastian is surprisingly gentle and quiet with the kiddo, making efforts to learn to play the way they do and show them cool things only a monster like him can- By playing games where he turns into different shapes. Hide and seek has never been so fun for your child!
He's not the best with cooking, no, but he can pay more attention to it to make sure your child doesn't get hungry when they're left alone with him.
Speaking of, your kid now has so many siblings. Like too many. Help. Alas, the mimiclings have accepted this kid as their sibling, and as such, all will protect and interact regularly with them. They'll be teaching your child how to hunt soon, so get ready for that.
Sybastian loves nothing more than watching all of them get along, and he makes the proudest rumbles, preening loud and clear whenever your kid says they're having the most fun day ever.
Come on, everything's falling into place, why don't you just accept it too?
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
"Thank you for being such a generous host Hudsyn, it's good to see you again. I was missing your company. Where did you get this gorgeous cup set from? I have to get myself one, you have very good tastes. And speaking of tastes I'm curious, what type of drink is this? I've never seen anything shimmer like that before and can't say I recognize the aroma either."
(He seems to snap out of the fantasizing daze, seeming immensely pleased with himself.)
" I acquired them just for the occasion, dear mentee. You have yourself a fair pair of eyes for noticing. "
(The demonoid gestures over to your cup, inviting you to take a closer look.)
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" Notice the feathers on it? A nice touch, certainly. Fine for the occasion. Oh, and the eye on that spoon- "
(He cackles, looking at the thing as if it were some hilarious, cleverly worked-out joke.)
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" Perfect. "
(As his fit dies down, Hudd regards you with a twinkle in his gaze. Tickled pink by the observation.)
" That's because you've never had it before. "
(There's a smug lilt to his tone.)
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" Doesn't it look beautiful? There's few ingredients that can make such a mesmerizing swirl of hues. Do have a taste, it'll be the rush of your life, my dea- " (Hudsyn coughs.)
" This last venture of mine has gifted me much in terms of new discoveries. What you see is a delicacy of times long forgotten, there, in the palms of your hands once already, can you believe it?! "
(He looks moments away from kicking his legs in the air like an excited pubescent girl.)
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Hey Ludwig,
In ancient Greece a man goes into the tailor's with torn clothes. The tailor takes a looks at them.
"Euripides?" The tailor asks.
"Yes, Eumenides?" Man replies.
[Fun fact, it took me fucking forever to get this one because I wasn't reading it right.]
The demon snorts loudly, he actually sounded like a pig for a second. Nevertheless, it gets him to smile, the genuine type that makes his already squinted eyes crease upwards.
" Classic... " He nods, tail swaying calmly behind him.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
I'm shedding my anonymous skin (I was the anon of the Rinx heat ask a while back, and I was the anon of the recent laccai/moth rhyme) here to tell you Pinnie that you are a wonderful and creative individual. You are one of my favorite writers on both tumblr and ao3. I was introduced to you first on ao3 browsing the original works fandom. I was a bit hesitant about going to another website to get the full context of everything, but something was telling me I wouldn't regret it. Now your ocs have given me brain rot and I couldn't be happier! (✿◠‿◠)
As for my question, what are the real names of the icons?
[Oh wow, that's extremely flattering ahdhsd :'))- I'm happy you bothered to actually see the blog! Glad you're sticking around. <3<3 To hear I'm anyone's favorite anything is rejuvenating *a heem*]
I feel like I'm handing you a cheat code list right now...
Vesper = Valz'par
Zizz = Xhi'ske
Kalymir = Khall
Livius = Lavineum
Cero = Zerhd'is
Vorticia = Wir'shio
Rinx = Rhu'vinx
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eldritch-spouse · 9 months
For name suggestions I can only think of names for two of the demon girlfriends, the Slothic girl maybe Rusilla (Drusilla) and for the succubus I had a laughing fit but Lemoana (Leona) was automatically what popped into my head😂
I don't dislike Rusilla, but the real brainchild here is the term "slothic". Magnificent. 👌
Lemoana and Lemona both work, you're still pronouncing it "Leh-moan-a" with the latter. I have the feeling her name could be Lemona but people subconsciously spell it Lemoana and that makes her laugh.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Thank you Pinnie for unleashing these tiny pocket princes/princesses onto the world. All of them are going to be my new parasites for a while. As for my question was there any particular servant that was giving you trouble when you were creating them? In terms of their identity or design wise?
I think the ones that gave me the most amount of trouble were Eleri and Flints.
Nena and Lacai came to me very organically, if I recall correctly. After that, I promised myself that I wouldn't really "bruteforce" the rest of the imps and would rather wait until funny ideas popped into my mind.
I got the mental image for Rieba while writing one of Gifted's chapters. The one where you got to choose between Pebble and Cero. I had a visual concept set for her early on but the thought of her being a glutton came to me much later.
Jayde was reused from that one ask about one of Zizz's imps going to fetch a fast food order for you and getting more than a little mixed up. You can see his prototype look there. Funnily enough, I already had a very solid idea of him as a character, the only thing that changed is I assigned him a role that's relevant.
Roch was mentioned a couple of asks ago regarding Kalymir, where I commented that him having a "little guy" sloth imp would be extremely funny. He only took a bit to design visually, ideally I had his core personality down already.
The problem came with the other two, which I hadn't thought about in the least. I figured that, since I was only drawing blanks regarding concepts, I should at least pick their types based on the one ones I hadn't done yet. And while I did consider giving Livius a prideful imp at some point, a talk with a friend made me realize that a guardian wrathful figure would stand out much more.
Flints' lore came to me first, then his personality, and finally his looks. It's odd, usually when I design characters, I start with their looks, then personality, and finally I assign them lore or a role. He was tricky, I admit.
Eleri was a cunt. For the longest time, I didn't know what they were going to be, and I considered making them a girl, then said "Fuck it, it'll be a sausage fest like the Icons", and then finally there was that eureka "Why not something else entirely?"... It's poetic that they would give me the most trouble out of all, because coincidentally, Vorticia also was the Icon that took longer for me to get done. I had them vaguely mapped out by the time I wrote Vorti's oneshot.
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