#gabriel boseman x reader
weirdoinaband · 2 years
Vampire Gabriel Boseman x (Afton) GN Reader
Part 2:)
Lol part 2 welcome back.
"Yew bloody bastard!" I snapped. This drew the attention of everyone... including my fatha. I stamped forward and suddenly my eyelids drooped. I fell forward, face planting the ground roughly. And yeah... I passed out again.
《Like An Hour Later...》
I opened my eyes and a hazey feeling filled my head. It felt like something was missing up there. Memories perhaps? Who fucking knows anymore. I groaned a little and sat up, bonking my head on something. WTF- Foxy was literally sitting on me, wrapping my forehead up. "Twat! Your heavy!" I yelled. "Well sorry. You bonked your head and started bleeding." Foxy said. He got off of me and stood straight... just staring at me.
"Stop being creepy will ya?" I asked. My face flushed as a cute boy stood in the doorway. Woah- he's real cute. WAIT A SECOND HE'S A GINGER- GROSS!! And gingers always tend to be Irish... so fatha wouldn't let me date em anyway. "Hello..." I said awkwardly. "Uh... hi." He mumbled. "Are you okay?" He quickly asked. He came over and motioned to my head with his hand. I locked eyes with him for a second.
"Fine. Um... do I know ya? You look familar." I asked. "School maybe." He said. 'I've been skipping class lately... I dont think so.' I thought to myself. He looked nervous suddenly. "Or maybe you just saw me somewhere else." He muttered... his cheeks tinting pink. 'Better not tell Elizabeth I think he's cute. She'll tell fatha... he'll have it with me this time.' I sighed gently. "My name's (Y/n). You?" I said. "Gabriel. You can call me Gabe though." He said.
"What even happened??? I just remember face planting... and bloody hell... my neck itches so bad." I groaned. I scratched at the bandage on my throat and froze. "How the fock did I get that?" I muttered. I peeled the bandage off, the medical tape pinching at my skin as I pulled it off.
He stared blankly at me... his pupils dilating slightly. "That looks nasty." He said... sounding distant almost. "I don't even remember what happened..." I whispered. He stepped closer to me. I poked his nose. "Your real cute for an Irishman ya know." I said. His pupils went big again and his cheeks when bright red. "I- well... thank you." He said quietly.
I nodded and smiled, giggling a little. "Well... your not too bad yerself." He said quietly. I blushed and giggled some more. "Well thanks." I said. He smiled and sat beside me, glancing briefly at my forehead. "Ya gonna be okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Meh, I'm an Afton. I've got a hard skull-" My face contorted in pain after realizing what I said. "Maybe." I breathed through my teeth... the bloody scene replaying in my head.
I blinked as few times... looking back at him. His blue eyes looked tainted, his pupils small again. He bit his lip, a sharp fang showing itself. "Huh..." He mumbled. The look in his eyes fading quickly. "Well... you should go tell your Uncle your okay. He's pretty worried about ya." He said. I nodded and stood, shaking a little as I walked from the tiny staff lounge.
I felt a tiny twist in my stomach as butterflies filled it. He was awful cute. But... fatha would kill me. Literally. Like... in my sleep too. I felt my heart slow down... suddenly sad and gloomy. It would never happen. Ever.
Well well well... we've made it to part 2. Hope you enjoyed this. :)
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cooliofango · 2 years
Hello! :D can you write gabriel boseman x a female reader where there going to a haunted house and the reader is a scaredy-cat please :D
Halloween Terrors
Gabriel Bosemen x F! Reader
A little author's note. I have not read BC in a hot minute so I thoroughly apologize if the characters I write are ooc but I shall try my best! I would also like to apologize for how long its been between when this was requested to when this is posted but I hope you enjoy it anyways!!
"This is stupid," The eldest Boseman child grumbled with crossed arms as the group of four walked up to the large haunted mansion attraction in their respective costumes. The large building loomed above them, a few distant screams being heard from inside. The sound made (Y/N) tense at Gabriel's side, swallowing thickly. Cassidy scoffed at her brother's comment and pushed her way to the front to lead the way, "You only say that because you're scared!"
Halloween was by far you guys' favorite holiday, getting the chance to dress up and get free candy. However, going in a hunted house was not an aspect (Y/N)'s enjoyed. The treats of the holiday were more her forte, as well as the costumes she was able to wear.
Gabriel wore a pirate costume that year, the pirate hat resting securely on his head. Cassidy wore a vampire costume with black eyeshadow dramatically rubbed around her eyes for the extra dramatic effect. Jerry wore a clown costume that was equally as cute as it was creepy. Finally, there was (Y/N) who wore a knight costume, the fake armor strapped to her body to ensure that it wouldn't fall all over the place whenever she ran around with the three Bosemans to get the best candy on the block.
"I'm not scared!" Gabriel pressed as he walked by (Y/N)'s side and frowned at his sister. Jerry ran around them to be in the middle of the group, not wanting to be left behind or on his own. Currently, the youngest Boseman wore a cheeky smile as he walked, a large and half eaten lollipop in hand.
"Then you should have no problem with going inside," Cassidy shoots back with a sassy tone. The group walked passed the open doorway of the mansion with creaking steps. The place smelled old and of rotting wood. For safety reasons, it was obvious that it was an artificial scent for atmosphere-- but it was really well done. So much so that (Y/N) raised the hand that didn't hold a grip on the pumpkin shaped basket that was about half way filled with many types of chocolate and hard candy.
"This place reeks," (Y/N) grumbled. In her mind, perhaps distracting herself with something else that she was able to complain about would help with that fear. Just a little, that is. Nervousness still swirled within the pits of her stomach despite searching for some kind of distraction.
"You're telling me," Gabriel agreed. His nose was also scrunched up as his gaze wondered around the large attraction. The ceilings raised about two long stories high. To their right were sets of stairs against the wall that went upward to the second story. Old paintings hung on the walls as well, perhaps holding the "ancestors" that previously lived in the manor. He swore they were looking towards them. The thought alone made him go a bit ridged.
"Well, I'm splitting from you dorks. See you up front whenever," Cassidy began walking up to the second story.
"I'm coming too!!" Jerry spoke loudly, the sound nearly echoing in the seemingly empty part of the mansion.
"W-wait--!" (Y/N) began to call out, but by the time she did, the two younger siblings were already gone.
"Shit.." Both (Y/N) and Gabriel spoke simultaneously. And then their eyes met upon realizing this. The both of them quickly looked away, equally bashful from the unexpectedness of being alone together.
Gabriel cleared his throat in an attempt to regain his composure. "Let's look around down here then," Gabriel suggested in an attempt to rid of the awkwardness. (Y/N) turned back to him to find him already looking at her. He nodded a bit the direction of the hallway in front of them. It was a long hallway, littered with many more paintings. Doors branched off on the walls as well, leading to many different rooms where horrors were going to be held-- or so they thought, anyways. It was a haunted house, so it was hard not to expect something scary to happen. It was the anticipation that was eating at (Y/N) the most. She knew it was going to happen, but not when and that fact scared her a little.
"Y-Yeah.. sure." (Y/N) swallowed back the lump in her throat and moved to join his side. This shouldn't be too bad, right? It was just a haunted house that many people go through for the thrills and to laugh at the horribly made jump scares and costumes the people were in was-- that's what she told herself, anyways, as she walked by her friend's side.
Aaand that'll be it for tonight! If you like this enough, I'll consider making a part 2 for this one!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Hi! I saw that your Requests are open so I’m here to request headcanons on the Blueycapsules Kids (Evan,Boseman kids,Fritz) reaction towards meeting Grandparent animatronic Y/N?
Imma add Susie here too ^^
Evan/CC/[REDACTED] Afton
He reacts the same way at first: just crying, panicking, and trying to stay as far away from you as possible.
Ironically he has a plushie of you at home, which he brings to the diner one day (once he feels brave enough) to show you it.
If you don’t make any sudden movements when near him, he’ll slowly warm up to you, even hanging around you to avoid Michael.
He talks about a k-pop group he likes and shows you their music.
You don't think you, Fredbear, or Spring can sing in Korean. 
But you just listen to him anyway, happy to see him smiling instead of crying for once.
Fritz Valentino
This young Italian has both eyes of gold and a heart of gold!
He’s just so sweet, though he talks a mile a minute so it’s hard to keep up sometimes.
Regardless, you listen to his stories anyways and ask him questions.
The knife he keeps with him makes you nervous (about his own safety rather than yours).
He admits to being afraid of Foxy--a secret he never likes telling anyone--and he worries you’re mad about it.
But you reassure him that he’s a kind and bold sailor just like him.
Someday you’ll introduce him to the fox. Only when he’s ready.
Jerry, Gabriel, & Cassidy Boseman
This mischievous trio was always pulling pranks on William.
But one day you stepped in like “hey kids let’s not do that”. Not bc you care for William but bc you didn’t want him getting angry at them.
They initially dislike you, with Jerry going up to you all snarky like “what’s a dumb ol’ bot gonna do? Stop me?”
“Yes, actually.” And you proceed to take his wrist and dangle him up in the air.
You’ve immediately won their respect.
As they visit the pizzeria more often, you find them to be pretty cool. Like with Gabe rambling about his band or Cassidy telling you some “fortune” she read.
And, of course, Jerry clings to you all the time and demands piggy back rides. You can’t refuse.
At least you kept them off William’s back.
Susie Denver
From afar you’ve seen this sweet girl forming a close friendship with Elizabeth, hanging out at the pizzeria often.
You noticed how happier the latter seemed ever since the diner incident. She used to despise you for not stopping it but now she’s been talking to you again.
One day you come up to Susie and tell her that Liz appreciates her more than she knows, and she smiles.
“Yeah! I’m sure she does. I’m really glad to be her friend.”
Whenever she brings Thumbtack to the pizzeria he’s excited to see you, which assures Susie that if he trusts you, she can too.
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spooki-ghoztzz · 3 years
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( I made a promise and I’m gonna keep it- Enjoy your food Boseman enjoyers )
( also featuring the Boseman kids <3 )
Boseman is a romantic man to an extent, he’d love to take you out on small dates or even small park walks with his kids. ( Or he’d just take you to a fancy-ass restaurant as y’alls anniversary date or just a normal date )
Speaking of his kids,he’d wait to introduce you to them if you’re anxious about meeting them and how they’d think about you but trust me, even if they seem judgmental they aren’t. ( Jerry probably is but again he’s 7 and kids are brutally honest- )
The cuddles this man gives omg- he’s comfy just about everywhere on his body and plus he’s your own personal heater! During the winter or any cold weather, it’s nice to cuddle up close to him and just watch movies but when it’s just blazing hot I’d recommend not hugging him as often..don’t want you having a heat stroke-
He loves just talking with you, he can’t really explain why but he just loves talking about his family and past with you well..the good parts at least. If you’d wanna talk about your past also or just about anything he’s all ears! He also may or may not just love your voice.
My god this man is soft around you- he does keep a bit of a stubborn personality in front of a lot of people (mostly Freddy’s staff) but as soon as he sees you he just smiles and gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead, asking you if everything's going okay for you and if you need anything. ( William gets sour cause you get special treatment only cuz you’re Boseman's lover- )
Speaking of William,he’s probably complained over you two being all lovey in the middle of Freddy’s- Hell he even thinks a simple forehead is being too lovey-dovey.
Onto what the Boseman kids think of you:
Gabriel finds you alright, as long as you let him keep his freedom in a sense and don’t treat his father like shit, he’d see you as an actual parent. He may end up getting attached to you and end up calling you ‘ma’ / ‘pa’. If you prefer for them to call you by your name Gabe would be alright with that! He also loves to drag you and ask you if you’d wanna watch him and his band practice-
Cassidy is a bit of an asshole to you when you first started showing your face around them, saying how you’ll probably ‘just leave like how ma did’ which..yeah that’s just her being upset showing. You’d try to bond with her and even say you know you can’t replace Ivy but you’d still love to be close with her and see her as a daughter. She does warm up to you and even spends time with you at the Pizzeria with Gabe.
Jerry honestly isn’t that picky with people if his dad knows them or cares for them. As long as you give him candy and sometimes read him bedtime stories before bed he’ll be calling you mom/dad in an instant- he’s just a hyper child that needs attention and all you gotta do is make him tired-
Now back onto Boseman-
He adores just about everything about you and he’s gonna remind you about it every day. When you two wake up in the morning he always gives you small kisses on your face as he mumbled about how pretty you are even with your bedhead.
Boseman isn’t much of a morning person but you’re really the only one who can get him up and moving. If you’re making breakfast he’d just wrap his arms around you from behind and ask what you’re making. ( He’s a simple man, make him some bacon and eggs and he’ll be happy <3 )
He loves when you play with his hair btw- He’ll lay his head down on your lap just so you could play with his hair or even brush it. He just loves physical contact since it’s kinda his love language also.
He also loves being able to do small things for you and also when you do small things for him. He loves when you even try to comfort him if he’s clearly upset and how you do it,the biggest thing he does for you is just make sure your life is great with him.
( i'm gonna probably make a part two of this cuz this was fun to write- )
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asasbarbieworld · 2 years
Idk if this is how you request or not because I have never done it before but how about a boss boseman x gn reader? Just like all fluffy and stuff because I dont see enough content for this beautiful man. Ill let you decide what to do from here since I'm currently lacking creativity so go wild ig 👀
boss boseman as your boyfriend.
AYOOO BOSS !!! He's one of my absolute favorite blueycapsules characters too !! Love him. YOU'RE RIGHT, he deserves more content indeed !! Beautiful beautiful man. Hope you enjoy !
Notes: Mentions of death, alcohol addiction and violence.
Boss likes to hug you from the behind randomly.
He's a malewife. I don't accept criticism.
He always helps you or just do it himself, doing house chores and stuff.
He makes sure your bed is comfortable cuz he wants his sweetheart to have a peaceful and awesome rest.
He likes to cook for you.
I also feel like he would go out for dinner with you a lot.
You cannot tell me this man always tries cheesy pick-up lines on you.
He giggles as soon as you get flustered and all shy smiling. He thinks you're adorable.
If you flirt back tho, that's another thing.
He finds your flirting competitions very entertaining.
He really likes kissing you. Doesn't matter where or when.
He just feels the happiest man on earth, having you by his side.
He would never trade you for anything in the world.
He calls you "sunshine, darling, dear, love, honey, gorgeous".
But I have a feeling his favorite pet name to call you by is "sunshine" that's- that's it.
He showers you with compliments everyday.
He's very positive and tries his best to comfort you when you're feeling down.
He always makes you notice the positive side of things. Like, always.
He's very much golden retriever energy.
Cassidy, Gabriel and Jerry are like the test you have to pass before getting in a relationship with Boss.
They like to prank you a lot, even after you two started dating.
Jerry creates chaos anyways.
Cassidy feels distant lots of times but at the end of the day she feels safe with you. You just need to give her time since she's not a person who immediately trust someone.
Gabriel knows what kind of figure you are to him and I feel like he'd be quick at adapting to new things. So he trust you, yes. If Boss feels good with you, Gabriel follows his paws.
This is getting sad now, I warn you and I apologize in advance TT.
After his kids' death, he always searches physical affection from you. /nsx
Just hug him for a long period of time. It will help him calm him down after a bit.
He just needs to be by your side and distract himself.
Please help him with his alcoholic issues. He knows he's doing the wrong thing, but his instinct is kinda hard to stop.
He begs you to not leave him too day and night.
He wishes the future may be brighter and calmer with you.
He changed a lot since William has done the things he's done.
So be patient with him. Don't worry if he casually disappears for a bit. He just need a moment alone to figure out how to be a better person and not ruin your life because of his problems.
He's precious, never had wanted to harm you in anyway.
And if he ever sees William trying to mess with you or anything, William can already be escorted in his coffin ready by a powerful and aggressive punch. Boss just can't help it, William just get him full of anger and would never let him live down the awful things he has done. He would never hesitate beating his ass at all.
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weirdoinaband · 2 years
Gabriel Boseman x Singer Fem! Reader
Not Edited
Trigger Warnings:
- Swearing
- Blood/Murder (slight gore)
- Death Mentions
- Angst
- Vomit
- Child Murder :'(
The Fox and the Bear (part 1)
"Hello kids! A-A-And welcome to F-Freddy Fazbear's P-Pizzeria!" Freddy exclaimed, a creepy look spread across his once happy face. His blue eyes seemed different, and his hat an tie seemed stained or something. They were a dark green. The date was November 26th, 1984. I stared sourly at the table in front of me... and Cristy held a solemn expression. "What happened to that ball of sunshine..." She mumbled.
I didn't know... nobody seemed to know why the animatronics whole demeanor seemed to change. "Maybe he just misses the Boseman kids. Ya know." I said. "Girls! Can you help me move the main trio off the stage and into Pirate's Cove!?" Phillip yelled at us from across the room. "Sure Mr. Guy! One sec!" Cristy said. "I call dibs on Freddy!" I squeaked. "Of course you do." Cristane scoffed.
Phillip had already started to move Bonnie. Freddy was my favorite. Can you blame me? I really liked Foxy too... but he had been acting weird lately. Like all the crew had. It was really sad. I walked over to the stage, and my best friend followed behind me.
"What do you think happened?" She whispered. "To all the kids I mean." She whispered. I felt my heart fall into my stomach. "I think William did it... honestly. He's never liked kids... and he hated the Boseman kids." I whispered. "Why would my Uncle kill my friends?" She asked. "I don't know." I whispered. Christane Kile had been adopted by Vincent and Scott Afton after they got married. I already knew the two, and me and Cristy just seemed to click. We both had an interest in music, me being a good singer and she could totally rock out on a guitar.
But... what else could have happened to Gabriel? He wouldn't just run off would he? I mean... it was Gabriel Boseman we were talking about. He would never do such thing. There was a chance he was kidnapped... but... those words told me otherwise. "There's the most of Cassidy Boseman's blood... but there also seems to be a lot of Gabriel's." The voice said. I hid around the hall... where the "secret hideout" had been. I covered my mouth. "What do you think happened?" Another voice asked. "There's too much to say any of these kids are alive." I heard the first say, ignoring the second's question.
I felt tears clouding my eyes and I stared down. "Oi!" Cristy snapped, slapping me in the shoulder. I ran into the stage after being caught up in the flashback. I coughed in pain from running into the hard stage. "Ow. Fu-" "Please watch your mouth Miss (L/n)." Phillip said. Wow. Dad vibes (Ketchup). "Sorrry Daddd." I joked. He raised an eyebrow at me and Cristy laughed. I climbed onto the stage and stared up at the huge animatronic. "Arent these things supposed to be kid friendly? How come they're so tall? I'm sure you've asked Mr. Emily or Mr. Afton." I said. "Henry said it was because of all the programming and such. Mechanics... they work real well, they're just big." He said.
I shrugged and poked Freddy. "Come on my guy, to the other stage we go." I said. He didnt move. He just stared down at me. "Please?" I asked him. He still just stared, meaninglessly. "I'll boop your nose!" I snapped. He instantly started moving after I said that. "IT WORKED!!! HOLY SHI-" "MISS (L/N)!!! LANGUAGE!!!!" Phillip snapped. "Sorrrrey..." I said. Freddy climbed onto the stage and stood in his spot... Bonnie beside him. "Chica. Les go bish." Cristy said. She actually listened to Cristy and followed her.
《Hours Later...》 (lol last scene was pure crack)
"Everyone out please! Thank you!" I heard Phill yell. Me and Cristy were brainstorming in the girls bathroom. Which was pretty clean, being a bathroom. I sat on the counter and Cristy stood. "Come on. I have an idea." She said. We peeked out, and Phillip was stomping to Mr. Emily's office.
"Okay. Now." I said. We went over to Fredbear, who seemed to be panting. I climbed onto the stage and glanced at Freddy, who had an even creepier expression on than earlier. "Since when did Freddy have a unibrow?" I asked Cristy. She snorted. "Uh... maybe Gabriel drew it on him. With sharpie." She said. She tied her messy hair back.
"Alright. Test one." She mumbled. She knocked on Fredbear's normally hollow sounding stomach... which now it sounded full. "The hell?" I mumbled. "Language (Y/n)." Cristy teased. My cheeks tinted pink. "Aw shut up." I said. "Okay. Help me pull." She said. I nodded, and we both gripped the stomach plate of the yellow bear I noticed stains around it. We took one hard yank and we both fell back. "Ow my ass." I whined. I opened my eyes and cold, light blue eyes stared back. Cassidy's body was shoved into the bear.
A pure scream of horror escaped my lips and I fell back off the stage. As I took in the smell, vomit splattered against the ground. It burned the hell out of the back of my throat. Warm tears streamed down my face and I stared, shriveled back against the ground... at the girls body. Phillip came running, and William waltzed in right after.
"I-It's Cassidy." Cristy stammered. "I kinda like Cassidy... is that weird?" Cristy asked me one morning. "No of course not. Hey! You take after your dads I guess. Am I right?" I told her. She laughed a little. Now tears were streaming down her face as she pulled the girls body carefully from the bear. Multiple of her limbs appeared to be broken... and stab wounds littered her body. The taste of Dr. Pepper was on my tongue. Gross.
I hiccupped and William sighed. "I was afraid this would happen." He said. He made this whole speech on how Boseman broke his nose. "It was your own damn fault jackass! -hic-." I snapped. "Shut up you little brat." he snapped. "You might've killed them. That's why you don't care!" I snapped. "Come on Cristy. You need to get home." William said. "Call my dad. I want him to pick me up." Cristy sobbed, holding Cassidy's body close. My heart dropped to my stomach again.
I looked at Freddy, and his head was turned towards William. "Well then. I will." He said. He ran off to call Vincent. "Go look in Freddy (Y/n)..." Cristy mumbled. I walked over and the animateonics head snapped towards me. His jaw dropped down and his head tilted to the side. Green... they were green. The bowtie and top hat. I pulled on Freddy's stomach... and I couldn't see in properly. I reached in and my fingers touched ice cold skin. I gripped it, and it felt like an arm. I pulled and I saw who it belonged to. Gabriel's scared... pained face was staring at me. His once life filled eyes were almost white the blue was so light.
To Be Continued...
Sorry it took longer than I said it should. I got caught up in homework. School and all. Sucks right?
- Izzy :)
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weirdoinaband · 2 years
I randomly think of writing stuff for Blueycapsules then I remember I have school and chores... I'M WRITING SOMETHING CURRENTLY FOR GABRIEL BOSEMAN. It's called The Fox and The Bear. There's almost nothing out there for him and I am the hugest fucking simp for him. So basically this is a post talking about the plot of the x reader I'm writing. Gabriel Boseman x Singer Female Reader (I got really off topic up there)
(Y/n) and her best friend Cristy (Cristane) constantly stopped by Freddy's day after day. It had been the summer after all. Then when school stared back up they didnt stop by as much, being caught up in schoolwork. October 15th, 1984 was the last time (Y/n) and Cristy saw Gabriel Boseman and his younger siblings.
(Y/n) was crushed, her mind full and hazy with possibilities of what could have happened to the redhead she had such a crush on. Ran off. Kidnapped. Murdered. She didn't wanna think that way. It was really hard not to though. As her hands gripped and pulled at the stomach plate of Fredbear... she never expected to find what she did.
- Izzy :) 🍀
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Request for Blueycapsules Boseman Kids meet Grandparent Animatronic Y/N? Either Grandparent Y/N always comes in time to save them from stinky William or the kids playing with the very old Animatronic headcanon or one shot?
"Come with us [y/n]!”
“Yeah! It’ll be cool!”
“Well, I can’t say no to you three.” You chuckled as Jerry grinned, carrying a big box. He nearly tripped and dropped it, but you caught it in the nick of time.
“Be more careful there, buddy.” Looking inside, you saw that it contained an assortment of pranking tools and other things. These kids were definitely expert pranksters. You got a good chuckle out of the traps they set up for William.
Honestly? He kinda deserved it, even after that springlock incident.
But when you saw where Cassidy and Gabriel were heading and realized they intended to make a “fortress” in there, a part of you was hesitant to follow.
They shouldn’t go in there at all. 
Not only was it off-limits to guests and animatronics (except in the case of repairs), but...good things never happened back there. 
You knew that very well.
Death only awaited them-
‘No..what am I thinking?! I can’t let this happen again..’ Your hand curled around your cane as you stared at the sign, before you spotted the Puppet lurking around the corner. 
“Save them.” You recalled her whispering to you last night, while you talked to the other animatronics about Boseman’s kids.
It wasn’t even that long ago that you met them. But you felt like you had to protect them. That you couldn’t keep your eyes off of them as long as he was around.
You’ve made those same mistakes with Susie and Fritz. You didn’t pay enough attention to either of them...and now Chica and Foxy were forever scarred. 
Freddy and Bonnie would never get their bandmates back.
They’ve lost their minds, tortured by the souls of those poor kids you barely got to know.
The Puppet knew that, too, and entrusted you to help whoever is targeted next. You just had a funny feeling that these triplets are on his list.
‘I will save them. He won’t harm them.’
Jerry was confused as to why you suddenly looked so stern, but he shrugged it off and happily took your hand. You blinked and looked down at him, smiling. He was so sweet.
You remember how guilty he felt after the incident, avoiding you for a few days before breaking down and apologizing for hurting Springbonnie. But you forgave him, knowing it was only just an accident.
What bothered you most was that your bandmate hadn’t been cleaned yet. He was still covered in his blood, but he reassures you that soon enough he’ll be good as new and Fredbear won’t have to worry about a thing.
As the days keep passing by...you aren’t so sure if he’ll ever be cleaned.
You tried not to think of that too much.
Jerry led you to the backroom, excited about whatever devious plan Cassidy has in store this time around. Apparently it was gonna be the “ultimate prank of pranks”. They insisted you took part in it, and you did as long as it didn’t injure him again.
Unbeknownst to any of you, William had noticed all of you walk through the door.
‘So they’ve been using it as a playroom...how convenient.’ He grinned maliciously.
Finally. He hated those brats since the moment they showed up in the pizzeria, making his life a living hell. This was his chance to put them in their place. To show them what happens when they messed with him and his creations.
Especially that little snot-nosed Boseman who put him in the hospital. He didn’t care how “sorry” he was for nearly killing him. 
The moment he triggered those springlocks, he forfeit his right to live.
All of them did.
After acquiring a kitchen knife, he went outback to discard his crutches, picking up his trusty crank pipe. Then he returned to the restaurant, scowling as he stormed through the backroom’s door, slamming it shut.
Injured or not, he’ll kill them all.
And he’ll make sure you watch.
As Freddy, Bonnie, and Fredbear approached the closed door they froze, unsure of what was on the other side. The golden bear was a bit zooted, but even he understood you were in serious danger.
None of them have seen you, those Boseman kids, or William in a while. That scared him.
After seeing how erratic Chica and Foxy became after entering this room, and how Springbonnie was more reclusive than ever, he was anxious about what could happen to you. You’re the only “sane” member of the Golden Trio left--the only one without blood on their hands...or mouths, for that matter.
No amount of joints in the world will calm his nerves.
Freddy noticed a pin on the ground and picked it up, using it to unlock the door. Then the three of them exchanged glances, but ultimately decided to enter and walk down the long corridor.
They didn’t know what awaited them since this room’s layout was never programmed into them. So they had to be prepared for anything.
As they ventured further, Bonnie’s ears picked up the sounds of...
His eyes widened and he began sprinting down the hall, with the two bears behind him trying to keep up.
“Bonnie! What is that noise?!” Freddy asked, though soon he would have that question answered in the most horrible way.
All at once, the trio stopped and found the backroom in total disarray.
First they see the Boseman kids huddled together, crying and covered in blood. Next, they see William on the floor, who was being strangled by you.
Already your body was damaged, pieces of your casing sliced by his knife--which he stabbed into your arm in a vain attempt to hurt you. Yet you didn’t budge, as painful as it was.
You could only think of the kids behind you and protecting them with all your might.
“H-He’s hurtin’ [y/n]!! Why?!!” Jerry wailed as he sobbed into Cassidy’s arms, trembling violently.
“’cause he’s SICK!!! YOU’RE FUCKIN’ SICK IN THE HEAD!!!” She yelled at the bandaged man. “When can ya learn to take a joke?!!”
“Y-Yeah..ya douchebag!!” Gabriel sniffled with tears in his own eyes. “We w-were just messin’ around!! We would’a stopped if ya told us to!!”
“Well..you’re gonna stop alright. S-Stop permanently!!” William spat, though it wasn’t long before he noticed the trio of animatronics who had entered. And he seemed almost...awestruck, choking out laughter.
How extremely convenient was this? All of them foolishly running in here, trying to be heroes. 
Like that stupid fox.
You looked up, shocked that they were here. Why did they come?!
This is exactly what William wanted. 
“No!! Get out of here!! Get hel-!!”
But while you were distracted, William grabbed the crank and swung it across your jaw, causing you to recoil and nearly let him go. You could feel your jaw becoming loose, but you weren’t about to give him the chance to overpower you.
When he tried striking you again, you grabbed the crank and wrestled it free from his grasp. Amid the struggle it somehow whacked the side of his head, and you saw him immediately fall limp.
He wasn’t moving at all, though you had doubts he was dead.
Thank goodness he was still recovering from his injuries, or else taking him down would’ve been a lot more difficult.
Sighing heavily, you stood up slowly and took the knife away from him, staring down at the weapons in your hands. Freddy and Fredbear approached you in concern, and you turned and gave them the items. “Hide these somewhere. I don’t care where..just get them outta here asap. And one of you get the medical kits. Now.”
Fredbear grabbed the crank, while Freddy hesitantly took the knife. They quickly left the backroom alongside Bonnie, who ran to get the kits for you.
After dragging William towards the furthest wall and leaving him there, you fixed your jaw before you stumbled back to the traumatized Bosemans and knelt down. 
Seeing their terrified faces was enough to shatter your heart.
“He’s..out cold now. It’s alright-”
Jerry was the first to burst into tears, hugging you and sobbing into your plush chest. “I-It’s all my fault!! H-He...He hurt you and he was gunna h-hurt us!!” He bawled.
“Not just hurt us..blimey bastard was gonna slaughter us like pigs.” Cassidy gritted her braced teeth, tears streaming down her face. She tried yet failed to hide them with her sweater.
“H-He..He was..? I thought he was just..t-trying to prank us back! I didn’t know the knife was real.”
“Well..it was.”
“...we..w-we were all gonna die?!"
From the way Jerry got so choked up, you knew his sister wasn’t helping matters. So you huffed and looked up at her. “Cassidy, he wasn’t-”
“Don’t lie to us!! If he beat ya to a pulp, he would’a done the same to us!!” She suddenly snapped at you, scrambling to her feet and frantically brushing away her tears. “I bet ya knew..didn’t you?”
“What..?” You blinked in confusion, wondering what she was accusing you of.
“That’s why ya hesitated back there..’cuz ya knew somethin’ we didn’t!! Did you know he was gonna come here with a knife?!”
“C-Cass..just stop it.” Gabriel sobbed, finally finding his voice again. “It’s o-over..[y/n] couldn’t have known!”
“Why wouldn’t they?! Afton fucking MADE them!!” Pausing, she heard her younger brother’s cries grow louder and scowled at him. “Jerry get offa them.”
She ripped him away from your arms, grabbing the nearby broom to hit you on the head. It barely did anything to you, yet you tried getting her to stop without hurting her in the process.
You knew she was just lashing out.
Her attack didn’t last long, as she froze in place while you calmly stood up. She just stared up at you, sniffling. The tears in her eyes only grew larger. You gently took the broom from her trembling hands, setting it against the wall before kneeling down to hug her.
“I had no idea, Cassidy..” You whispered softly. "I didn’t know, and I’m sorry. I was made by him, but I am not with him. I will never be.”
Eventually, she lost all the fight left in her and slumped against you, sobbing and hiccupping.
As Gabriel witnessed his sister’s tough façade crumble, something in him broke and he ran to you in tears. Jerry returned to you as well, and for some time you consoled the three crying children, relieved they were alive and safe in your arms.
You weren’t sure how you’ll explain this to Boss, Phil, or anyone here.
But one thing’s for sure:
You saved them.
‘I did it, Charlie..I did it.’
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weirdoinaband · 2 years
Vampire! Gabriel Boseman x (Afton) Reader
Part 1! :)
Ummm, Gender Neutral. I'm also trying to get better at writing! So if your a Gabriel Boseman simp, enjoy. Because there's almost no x reader for him (check out @cooliofango tho). So... here's somethin. A vampire fanfic! :/
Warnings: Swearing(lots), Blood, Violence
"Mr. Boseman isn't that bad." I said to my father. The man turned to me with a disgusted look. "Did you really just say that (Y/n)? He's terrible." He scoffed. He turned back to what he was cooking. "Get outta here. I'm cooking." He said. I scoffed and stomped as I walked away. Where was Micheal...? Elizabeth sat in the couch, trying to find something on the telly. "Found anything?" I asked her. "Nope." She answered. "I'm gonna go find Mike." I said. I went upstairs to find my older brother. Maybe he was doing better? I went to his room and heard loud sobbing.
《The Next Night 》
"(Y/n). Go take out the trash." My dad said. "But its dark outside. Do you want me getting kidnapped or something?" I asked him. "Dont back talk me. Go take out the damn trash." He said. Oh whatever. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed one of many trash bags, dragging it across the floor, and out the front door. I closed the door behind me and dragged the trash bag over to the trash bins. "Stupid William Jackass Afton." I scoffed. I opened the trash and attempted to throw the trash bag in there. But it ripped from where I had been dragging it. "Bloody hell!" I snapped. I kicked the stupid trash can and it fell over. "Damnit." I growled.
I hated being an Afton. My fatha was always on my case about everything... and he was a homophobic bastard who made Micheal self-conscious and upset about himself. He didnt even bat an eye when Elizabeth did something amazing, and he was always an asshole! I picked the trash can and shoved the remandier of the huge bag into the can. "Why didnt he just do it 'imself?" I mumbled to myself. Soft footsteps made me perk up.
"Mike? Is that you!?" I asked. No answer. "Lizabeth!?" I said. "Fatha?" I whispered. The light on the front door light flicked on and I stared over. There was literally nothing over there. And I thought fatha turned that thing off to be an ass- I felt something brush past my back and I turned. "Bloody 'ell..." I muttered. Nothing. I ran inside and my father looked at me. "What the hell's your problem?" He asked me. "S-Something... o-outside!" I said. He got up and went into the kitchen. He returned, and handed me another trash bag and a broom (typical Will).
I now had a flashlight, and I shakily walked outside. I looked around and didnt see anything. Maybe it was a raccoon or something. I went to the second trash bin and opened it, holding the small flashlight between my teeth, and I shoved the trash in. There were more footsteps... right behind me. I turned and my flashlight slightly revealed a black shirt and a brown jacket. I trailed it up a little and then whoever was there wasn't anymore. I awooga'ed and held the broom out for protection.
Who the hell... no... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!? They moved so fast I couldn't even see them! An arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me backwards, causing me to drop my broom and flashlight. Something... no... two somethings pierced my throat and my voice didnt seem to work, causing me to only struggle. Blood dripped down my throat, and a warm tongue lapped it up. I elbowed whoever it was in the stomach and they coughed. "FA-" A hand covered my mouth. "Shut up or I'll snap your neck. Ya hear me?" A voice growled. I felt tears filling my eyes... and I tried not to cry as the pain stabbed my throat again... thick pain. I clawed at their hand and then black spots burned my vision.
I started to black out and I felt again a warm tongue lick blood from my bloodied throat. Their arm tensed around my stomach as I started to black out. "Shit... what did I do..." They gasped. I fell limp, and everything when pitch black.
《Time Unknown》 Location: Afton Household
"I think they got bit by an animal." I heard Micheal say. "But it looks like a vampire bite or something... from the movies." Elizabeth said. I moaned in pain, and my heavy eyelids opened. "You good?" Mike asked. "Far from it. Close the blinds... God." I hissed, getting away from the hot sunlight. "What's your problem?" Elizabeth asked. She opened the blinds up more and I shriveled back... covering my eyes. "Fock! I said close them Lizabeth!" I snapped.
They were both silent as I stepped back, behind the doorframe, into the dark hallway. "What happened?" Micheal asked. "I don't know. I got bitten by something." I said. "Something???" Elizabeth and Micheal said in unison. "Someone. Actually. I think it was a guy... maybe I'm wrong. I didn't see their face." I said. Elizabeth closed the blinds and I entered the room. "You've definately got some sorta bite mark on yer neck." Micheal said. "Wheres Fatha?" I grumbled. "Downstairs... cooking." Elizabeth said. "He doesnt even care." I pouted. "Kids! Yew better be focking ready! Were leaving as soon as were done eating!" Fatha yelled. "SHUT THE FOCK UP YOU ASSHOLE!!!" I boomed. I covered my mouth at my sudden boldness. "Damn-" Micheal muttered. "WHOT DID YOU SAY (Y/N)!!! (Y/N) (M/N) AFTON!!!!" My fatha yelled. "Shet-" I whined.
《6:45》 Location: Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria
I covered my eyes from the light, and the sun pricked at my skin. It hurt so bad... and I didn't know why. What was I even bitten by? An animal? Or a vampire? Weree vampires even real? I sighed as I walked back into the cool environment of the pizzeria. Fatha had me on my toes after I was rude to him earlier. Which... was what happened everytime I slipped up. Mr. Boseman and three kids turned.
"Hello Mista Boseman!" I piped. I walked over to him and he stared down at me. "Well hello (Y/n)!" He said. "What happened to your neck?" He asked nervously. "I got bit by... something... I think I'll be okay though." I said. "Okay. Great to hear- I mean... great you'll be okay... not that you got bit." He chuckled. I turned to the three kids and my eyed locked with the oldest boy. "You..." I growled. That was him!
Lol this was just sitting in my drafts-
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cooliofango · 2 years
I really like your writing! It's so cute. Can I request a Gabriel Boseman x Female reader tho. He's so stupid, but I love him. So anyways... what would it be like if he liked this girl who spent most of her time drawing or writing in the pizzeria. But then one day... he sneaks up on her and catches her drawing him playing his bagpipes. Just something fluffy. You don't have to write this, Plz and thank you (have a good day/night). 🙂
Picture Perfect
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Art by BlueyCapsules on Twitter
Gabriel Boseman x Fem! Reader
First it wouldn’t let me comment, message, or reply (thankfully this problem was fixed) and now it won’t let me see certain people’s weblogs and likes and asks?? I sent in a support request and hopefully it gets fixed soon. Like I said before, this gives me an excuse to write for a Boseman so muhaha! 
Onto the story!
‘There she is again..’
It was a thought that occurred often whenever the girl with [hair length][hair color] carrying a sketchpad and a small bag of pencils would walk into the facility. It had been at least a few months since she had captured his eye and it was only because of this girl and his damned sister’s friendship that he knew her name. (Y/N) was what Cassidy said it was, and it took a moment for him to believe this to be true or not. Cassidy could easily tell him a false name to embarrass himself when he would first speak her name. This suspicion was quickly proven wrong when the three Boseman brats hung around you. Cassidy had called (Y/N)’s name to get her attention about... whatever it is his sister  wanted to know. Gabriel didn’t remember what it was anymore. Nonetheless, the girl responded to his sister as she usually did: kindly and with a sweet tone to her voice. A voice that had slowly became music to his ears over time.
“Oi- Gabe!” The ginger snapped from memory lane as one of his band members roughly nudged his side. An off key sound played from the bagpipe he held, the sound echoing loudly in the pizzeria. A blush of embarrassment covered his cheeks when he realized how a few people looked over upon hearing this sound. Yes, this included (Y/N), much to his disliking. However, it suddenly felt worth it when he saw her smile and laugh to herself before going back to whatever she was drawing. She was always drawing something with such a beautiful smile on her face. The thought he just had made him cringe at himself. When did he become so lovey dovey?
“What’re ya spacin’ out for?” By now, their little practice had stopped. Gabriel’s father gave them permission to practice during working hours whenever the animatronics were in free-roam mode and weren’t using the stage. Most people ignored their practice while some watched and listened. Whether it was with actual interest or out of boredom with nothing else to entertain them was beyond the boy band. They never really paid enough attention to notice the reason either. They were usually too engrossed in their practice, after all. Gabriel’s gaze flickered over to (Y/N) for a quick second as he contemplated an answer. “Hungry.” He wanted to smack himself the moment that answer slipped from his lips. What an idiot...
The boys looked between each other before a couple shrugged to themselves. “I guess a break wouldn’t hurt.” The guitarist spoke his thoughts out loud, which raised a collective sound of ‘sure’s and ‘whatever’s amongst the group. Gabriel almost felt relief that they didn’t question it, and yet it also bugged him that they didn’t really question it further. Not out loud anyways. Gabriel quietly sighed to himself as he stepped down from the stage, setting his bagpipe on the wooden surface. His gaze drifted to (Y/N) once again. It felt almost habitual by this point. Like he was required to, at least, take a small glance in your direction. A question stirred in his mind as he watched her pencil dart smoothly back and forth across the page, displaying each stroke to create a piece of art.
A few of the band members stayed behind an chatted amongst themselves while others went off to do whatever they pleased during their break. Gabriel decided to indulge in his curiosity and see for himself what (Y/N) was drawing this time. She didn’t seem to realize him approaching at first. Not till he was a few steps from being at her side. Her [eye color] eyes darted up to the ginger, a bit widened in surprise. That wasn’t what confused Gabriel, however. What had confused him was when (Y/N)’s arms flew up to cover up her drawing. Usually, the girl he had come to like quite a lot would be so eager to show her drawings off to eager eyes. She never was embarrassed about them or insecure. She knew that even she had things to learn and improve on when it came to drawing, so she often took criticism to improve. That’s just how (Y/N) was.
“Whatcha hiding it for?” The Irish boy spoke with clear confusion in his voice. (Y/N)’s face was dyed with a pinkish hue as heat drew the blood to the surface of her skin. Whatever she had drawn had made her appear to be embarrassed about it. Or at least she seemed embarrassed to Gabriel. “I-It’s nothing special, really..” An anxious chuckle followed these words as she glanced away from the ginger boy. A frown tugged to his lips and his brows furrowed in frustration. She’s never acted like this about her drawings before. “Can I see it?” Gabriel leaned towards (Y/N) with his arms crossed over his chest. She backed up on instinct. She seemed hesitant and was about to answer before a hand swept under her arms to take the photo. “W-wait..!”
On the paper was a beautifully drawn picture of.. him? It was him on the stage during practice, though (Y/N) didn’t seem to bother with drawing the other band members. Just Gabriel. He held his bagpipe in his arms within the picture he held. Each detail and feature was drawn oh so carefully as to perfectly depict this boy in her eyes. Even the smallest details in his clothing and on the bagpipe was drawn. Gabriel was left stunned, as did (Y/N). Though it was for different reasons, of course. While Gabriel was stunned by the fact that the girl he liked took the time and effort to make such an amazing drawing of him, said girl was stunned by the fact that he held the drawing. She was waiting for a reaction. 
A red blush dusted his freckled cheeks, looking over to (Y/N). He cleared his throat and held the drawing out to her. Her hands hesitantly took hold of the paper. “I-It’s uh... It’s a nice picture.” Gabriel cleared his throat a tad awkwardly. He wasn’t all too sure how to properly react to it. However, he internally beamed at the expression the girl before him wore. (Y/N) was surprised by Gabriel’s words. The surprise had quickly faded to joy as the wide eyed look faded to a gentle smile. “I’m glad you like it!” A soft laugh left her lips, causing Gabriel’s blush to deepen in color. 
Ahhh I think ima start typing more on my laptop! I love how this turned out 💕💕 Writing on my laptop helped this to be longer and I love that fact- so expect me to write more on my laptop 🤭 Of course this was still a tad bit short but it’s progress!
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spooki-ghoztzz · 2 years
I'd love some hcs on Boss (+ the kids in a parent/child way of course) and an s/o who loves to cook/bake because I have been going INSANE in the kitchen I literally just got done with a batch of home made sugar cookies jdfsk
latte <3
( These types of requests are like,,my fav only cuz I'm a sucker for cooking or baking- it's pretty fun especially when ya get something good out of it! i’m also gonna go with baking since i’m a sucker for sweets myself, )
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Boss adores how much you enjoy baking,hell if you don’t after a while he’d ask if somethings wrong since you bake about every other day either it be muffins or some sugar cookies. (which are his favorite,he just won’t eat sweets very often).
He’d be happy if you give the kids some baked goods every once and awhile. He never really did mind your constant baking and sometimes enjoys seeing you so focused on something like that!
Meanwhile all three of the boseman kids just love and i mean LOVE your baking,especially Jerry. Jerry would be the one to always ask for any type of cookies or muffins,Gabriel is more simple with it though and would just ask you to maybe make him some chocolate chip cookies. Cassidy has a limit to sweets due to her braces but she does enjoy a muffin or even cupcakes every once in a while!
The kids always expect your cooking but see you more of a motherly/fatherly figure due to you baking all the time. (tiny thing,they’d always thank you for being so kind and making them all these sweets <3)
The kids and Boss are always grateful that you even spend your time on making sweets for them,they’d always try to making it up to you by trying to make some for you while you’re out but..expect the kitchen to be covered in flour whenever you return home-
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weirdoinaband · 2 years
I kinda suck at writing, but my friends think I'm good... so I guess I can post x reader on Tumblr. I'll do just about anyone from any volume for any reader. Heres a list I guess:
1. 🇬🇧 William Afton/Dave Miller 🇨🇱
2. Henry Emily
3. Boss Boseman
4. Phillip 'Gee'
6. Chauncey Bohner-Focker
7. Micheal Afton
8. Jeremy Fitzgerald
9. Joan Mudruga
10. Gabriel Boseman 🍀
11. Cassidy Boseman
12. Fritz Valentino 🇮🇹
13. I might even do the animatronics for like no reason... :/
Random Exsamples Of Platonic Stuff
1. Boseman Kids
2. Jerry Boseman
3. Susie Denver
Uhhhhh. I'm a minor... sooooooooooo... no NSFW. I might make dirty jokes, but that's it. I would feel weird writing NSFW for anyone. But uhhhh... otherwise request whatever your heart desires (yandere even. Idc)
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- Izzy ;)
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cooliofango · 2 years
Hello! im a huge fan of your writing and I get so exited when you post I was wondering if I could request a Gabriel or Boss Boseman i just cant write for life and my boys need some love. have a good day/night, if you're too busy than dont worry about it.
One In The Same
Boss Boseman x GN! Reader
I’m actually crying please- ;-;
I’ve recently finished a Gabriel one so I will write for Mr. Boss Boseman for this one. I have a little idea in mind for this- that I’ll use since the type of request wasn’t specified- that was inspired by a couple of one shots I've read a while back (If I find it then I will put the link here)!
That’s enough from Admin Ollie, ONTO THE STORY! :D
The dead leaves and branches cracked under each step that was made across the grass. In his hand was a small bouquet of flowers that swung a tad loosely in his grip as he walked with it at his side. The man looked exhausted, anyone could see this from a mile away. His hair was a greasy mess and he was a bit thin. A clear sign of struggling to cope with loss. And yet here he was, yet again, attempting to find a way to cope. Today, he had decided to visit the graves of his beloved children. It has been a few months since he was told of their deaths after Henry had given the police the evidence. If Boss hadn’t been torn up before, he sure was now. Knowing that his children were dead and not missing was a much harder pill to swallow. Not being able to have a proper funeral due to not knowing the location of the bodies made acceptance even harder.
The steps came to a stop before a short but long grave stone. The names and dates of birth and death was carved into the flat surface. From left to right, it went from oldest to youngest: Gabriel Boseman, Cassidy Boseman, and Jeremy Boseman. The children he adores so much had also been stuffed into robots and then buried elsewhere. A shaky sigh left the tired man, his figure hunching over to set the white flowers against the stone under his daughter’s name. The withered ones were brushed to the side  and out of the way of the dead ones, allowing them to decompose out of sight and out of mind. He didn’t want anything else that was dead to ruin their resting place, after all. 
The sound of the gate’s hinges squeaking filled the air. It was the same sound that filled the air when he had entered the graveyard earlier. It wasn’t anything rare for someone to show up to mourn their loved ones just as he was doing now. However, he easily recognized the face of the one who walked in the moment he looked up. He doesn’t know them personally, nor has he ever spoke to them before. But they would show up almost every time he would be there. Sometimes it would be around the same time he arrived, a little later, or a little before he leaves. They would go to the same tomb stone with the same small bouquet of flowers in hand. Daisies, to be specific. Though it wasn’t any of his business, he was curious as to why this person showed up so much. Well- less of why they are here (its obvious that they’re seeing a loved one that has passed away) and more of who they are always seeing. 
He wasn’t sure why he decided to walk over to you. It wasn’t something he planned on doing, simply because it could be seen as disrespectful to bother someone while visiting. And yet here he was, quietly walking past the gravestones a few rows in front of him to stand at this person’s side. “Is it a relative..? If you don’t mind me asking.” Boss internally cringed at the sound of his voice. It was a bit raspy and slow from how tired he has been these past few weeks. A slight look of surprise stared back at him, not expecting his presence. It didn’t take long for them to relax. Their answer was hesitant, looking from the gravestone they were in front of and back to the man who approached them. “My daughter.” They held the daisies loosely in their hands in front of them, the petals hanging downwards by their waist.
Boss cleared his throat, looking down at the gravestone as well before back at the person before him. They were kind of the same. Both of them lost their children. “It was my two sons and my daughter.” A flash of recognition washed over their face. A hand rose out to Boss. “Ahh.. It’s (Y/N). Nice to meet you.” A soft and kind smile tugged to their lips. It was certainly a nice sight to see after all of these past events. He held his hand out to (Y/N) in return, giving it a gentle shake. “Bosely- but most just call me Boss. It’s nice to meet you as well.” They let their hand drop back to gently hold the daisies. Boss looked over towards the gate they both entered the graveyard from. An idea appeared in his mind. It was one he thought to be a bit silly, especially with all that’s been happen as of late with loosing his kids and then his now ex-wife. But even so- he caved into this idea and spoke it out loud. “Can I.. take you to get some coffee?”
They look a little taken back by the question they were asked. It was expected, of course. “Sorry-.. i-if that’s a little forward.” Boss released an anxious chuckle, a hand raising to rub the back of his head. They shook their head and rose a hand. “No- No, its fine. I’d love to.” They raised the bouquet for a moment before turning to bend down and place the bouquet at the tombstone below their daughter’s name. As they stood back up, they fixed their coat and took a few seconds to look at the gravestone they had originally came to visit before looking to Boss. “Lead the way.” For what felt like the first time in a while, Boss felt himself crack a smile in return for theirs. It was almost contagious. “Let’s go then.”
The walk to the coffee shop wasn’t long, nor was it boring. It was a bit silent at first, but it wasn’t awkward. Then again, it wasn’t all too comfortable either. Like the both of them wanted to say something and yet they couldn’t find the right words to say. So they just walked side by side until they finally arrived. Boss, being the gentleman he is, opened the door for you. A chuckled ‘thank you’ slipped from (Y/N)’s lips as they entered with Boss to follow close behind. Thankfully, the line wasn’t long, so the both of them were able to get the beverages they wanted before taking a seat by the window. The silence only continued to linger for a short moment before the curious question of ‘what happened?’ hung in the air. (Y/N) started first, mainly due to the fact that it wasn’t anything too eventful or tragic that caused this loss. 
(Y/N) took a deep breath and slowly let it out before speaking. Their words were a bit slow as to not stutter or waver. They wanted to speak clearly to the kind man before them. “I was taking my daughter to school that morning about four months ago. I was crossing a four-way stop after the light had changed for my lane to go when a car crashed into us. My daughter and I were both hit pretty hard and had to be rushed to the hospital. My daughter had passed away on the way to the hospital. Since then, I would go to the grave yard once a week on my off day from work to place the flowers at my little girl’s grave and mourn before going on with my day.” Boss wasn’t too sure if (Y/N) had taken notice or not, but he could tell that letting that off of their chest had relieved a little bit of tension. He must’ve been the first they’ve told this story to since it had happened. 
Boss was hesitant, just as you were before, about telling his own story. He decided to keep it simpler than how it could actually be, especially with the evidence that was brought in by Henry a few months ago. Evidence that went into gruesome detail about how William did these experiments on these poor children. Boss tried to use a similar tone to (Y/N) as to come out clear as well. He didn’t care to stumble over his words anyways, and now was no exception. “My kids, along with two other children that weren’t mine, were killed by a former employee I had hired when I owned this family diner a while back. They had been previously been dubbed as missing until recently when the police had found notes made by the murderer in his home about the incident. The only problem is that they do not know where this employee is, though they are looking for him.” Admittedly, Boss wasn’t really supposed to say much on the incident due to it still being under investigation, but getting it off of his chest made him feel a bit better too. Things felt a bit lighter on his mind and body.
“I’m.. sorry. I bet that was hard to talk about.” (Y/N) gave an apologetic smile to go with their words. Despite that, Boss gave a kind smile. “No, its fine.. Honestly, talking about it with you made me feel a bit better.” The steaming to-go cup of coffee was brought up to his lips and he took a slow sip as (Y/N) spoke again. “Then I’m glad I was able to help.” They were also about to take a sip of their coffee before their phone began to go off. The cup was left to rest on the table top as they fished their pockets for their phone. It was their boss asking them to come into work for an extra shift. A soft, irritated huff escaped (Y/N)’s lips. 
“Something important?” Boss’s tone was laced with amusement, his own coffee cup resting loosely in his hand and against the table. “Yeah.. my manager wants me to come into work for an extra shift.” (Y/N) slid out of the booth to stand, pocketing their phone. Boss gently took hold of your wrist as you reached for your cup and prepared to say your goodbyes. “Actually- can I get your number? I’d love to get to know you.” If it wasn’t expected in some strange way, (Y/N) would’ve expressed surprise once again. Instead, they smiled with a short laugh to follow. “Sure, why not?” Their shoulders jumped in a small shrug before you searched their bag for a pen. It took a short minute, since it was at the bottom, but they pulled one out and clicked it open before scribbling the series of numbers on a napkin. “There. Text me first so I’ll know it’s you.” Boss nodded along with his words, as if he needed both a verbal and a visual way of agreeing with your short terms. “Of, course. Good luck at work!” He called out as you began to walk out the coffee shop, waving over to him with that beautiful smile to remain on your features.
Aaand done! I apologize for how long this took to get out! I had tried to regain motivation to write and I hadn’t been feeling well for a while so I took a short break before finishing this so I hope you like it!
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weirdoinaband · 2 years
Gabriel Boseman x Singer Fem! Reader
Not Edited
Trigger Warnings:
- Swearing
- Blood/Death (gore)
- Angst
- Implied Death
The Fox and The Bear (part 2)
I felt warm tears steaming down my face as Gabriel laid limp in my lap, his jaw slightly open... I held him close to me. I sat up in a cold sweat and my head hid the bunk bed in the Love Bus. I gripped my head and sat up. I panted gently and wiped my forehead. That happened a while ago. William was found gulity... and he disappeared. My parents kicked me out after I had gotten into so many fights, and I was bothering them with my nightmares... which they were assholes anyway.
I stretched and pulled some socks on, sliding my feet into my shoes, then tying them. I brushed my (h/c) hair back and tucked it all into a black beanie. I stood up and quietly opened the door to the Love Bus, walking out and standing in the parking lot of Walmart. I sighed and stared at the stars. "Gabriel... if your listening... I truly am sorry I ran off that day... when you were about to tell me something. Now I only wish I was up there with you. Life is really hard these days..." I whispered.
"I'm fourteen now Gabe... you would be too." I mumbled. "You would actually be turning fifteen soon... its almost your birthday." I whispered. I sniffled. "January 28th... your birthday is two days away... insane right?" I whispered. Tears filled my eyes and I sat down on the ground. I stared up at the bright sky. "You just slipped through my fingers... I'm so sorry you had to go through that fucking Brit killing you." I said. I took the beanie off and ran my fingers through my hair, sighing.
《A While Later...》
I looked at the new place... and bright colors seemed to splatter all across the walls and floor. Three furry looking animatronics were on the stage, and a new Fox was in kids Cove. I hated them all... because of what I found in their descendants. "Well hello little girl. What's your name?" Toy Freddy asked. "Fuck off." I snapped. "Miss (L/n)... I'd recognize that foul language anywhere." Phillip said. I turned and the short man stood but a few feet away from me. "Phill?" I whispered. The way he looked screamed 'manager'.
I fell silent and stared at my hands. "How have you been?" He asked quietly. "Just go away." I snapped. I pushed past him and walked down a hallway... quickly walking down it. I stopped in front of a door that said Parts and Service. 'Must be were the old gang is.' I thought. I opened the door and walked in. I looked around and sighed. I couldn't hardly see anything. I reached inside of my coat and pulled a tiny flashlight out of the inner pocket (kinda weird, but kinda smart).
I clicked it in and the small room lit up. Bonnie's face had been ripped off, and he was missing an arm. Freddy's whole suit was tore up somehow. Chica was missing both arms and her jaw was fucked up. Foxy was also torn up. I felt myself getting upset. "Who the hell did this to all of you?" I whispered. I then got an idea. "William." I growled. "Damnit I'm gonna kill him." I hissed.
I sat Freddy upright and grabbed his hat. I froze and pointed the flashlight at his head. A four leafed clover, drooped slightly left, was on his head. "Its stupid! Okay! Not cute! Anything but cute (Y/n)!" "It's cute and you know it Gabriel Boseman!" I stared at the bear... and reached out for his head. His hand wrapped around my wrist and his eyelids opened. I dropped my flashlight, and his blue eyes glowed in the dark room. He loosened his grip and then wrapped his other arm around me.
What the hell...? "Hey Freddy." I said awkwardly. Well. He didn't kill me at least. He let go and held his hand out. Oh. I put the hat on his hand and he put it on, covering the brown clover. That's weird. The door opened and Phill came in. I hissed at the sudden light. "Miss (Y/n)! This room is only for employees!" Phillip said. "And you say that to me of all people!" I snapped. I stood up straight... being taller than Phillip (even if it's just a little bit).
I yet again pushed past him, and then ran into a blonde man. "Oh, appologies." He said. His eyes then widened. "Do I know you?" I asked. "Nah. People say that a lot. I'm David Miller. Dave..." He said. "(Y/n)." I said, before walking past him. Weirdo. He was only a little taller than Phillip as it seemed. Like... William. I turned, and the guy had disappeared already.
The feck?
《Later That Evening...》
I went back into Parts and Service and the little blonde man from before stared back at me. "Well. Lookie who came back." He said in a Texan accent, ripping some fur off of Bonnie's remaining arm. He shoved it on his pocket and began to stick a wrench into the endoskeleton.
"Hey! Stop tearing them up!" I snapped, glaring at him. I stamped my foot slightly and he stared back at me. "What are they to you anyway?" He asked me. I clenched my fists. "That's none of your business you greasy bastard." I snapped angrily. The door creaked shut behind me and he stood up to his full height, glaring at me. "I guess it's time I tell yew something, eh?" He said. I flinched back. "David Millar... what a schewpid name... blimey... I could've thought of somethin' betta." He said. My jaw clenched. "William." I growled. "Aw calm down ya littole brat. I didnt do anything to you." He snapped. "Yes you did! You killed my best friends! Gabriel, Cassidy, Jerry... and Fritz- they were some of the only friends I could trust... besides Cristy of course. And I know you did it! But nobody listens to me!" I snapped.
His expression faltered. "Besides Phill." I growled. He walked forward and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm terribly sorry (Y/n). If I told you why I did it youd probably understand better, I pressume." He said. "Why dont I just show you. Wouldn't that be better?" He asked. He suddenly hit me across the face with the wrench he had been using. Blood dripped down my now bloodied nose and I was hit again.
Hello- I haven't posted for this story in forever. So here ya go!
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cooliofango · 2 years
Hi! Could you do another Gabriel boseman x fem reader one-shot?
Im currently not doing many BlueyCapsules requests at the moment, especially ones as vague as this. Mainly because my motivation to write for it has dropped significantly so it leaves me brain dead for ideas. However- if you still want me to make you one, you can send another ask with a specific plot in mind! :D It’s just hard to come up with things for BlueyCapsules at the moment :(
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