#gackt music
I saw a post giving a little taste of Gackt's work cause we started talking about him and Yoshiki again and I'd like to join the bandwagon for a post cause most are too focused on his Malice Mizer releases or the first solo album and I think it's unfair. He has some bangers that came out later in his career too. I think his last one was Original Sin and it was sooo good. I don't know why people are sleeping on it. (I'd add an mv but apparently it's age-restricted now *rolls eyes*. It's got a bit of blood in it wow)
Another good one is Arrow, however I personally prefer the symphonic version to the original.
Now for older stuff that isn't from the "Mars" album...I live and breathe for this song, Setsugekka - the end of Silence:
There is a lot of stuff if you search. He has fun songs, dramatic ones, rougher ones...He's a complicated person and sure controversial, but as an artist he's really somebody you shouldn't skip, I think. Of course, everything is a matter of taste but well. :P
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zegalba · 6 months
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Gackt: Love Letter (2005)
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belial-piety · 2 years
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make men dress like sluts again 2022
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pepsimanan · 17 days
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#3 kamui gakupo
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the-misfortunates · 10 months
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✩* m a l i c e m i z e r ✩‧*˚ I haven't used tumblr in a long time! I wanted to make my first post back about my favorite vkei band, Malice Mizer!
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I always get so happy whenever I see pics or vids of my fav band's members interacting and having fun cuz I already love them like crazy AND you're telling me that they love each other too? WOAH.
examples <3
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they have my heart.
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vkeistems · 1 year
MALICE MIZER - Throughout The Years
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scorpionatori · 2 months
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matoba is once again dragging natori to harajuku in cosplay
(reference images under cut)
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radio-ghost-cooks · 7 months
utau/vocaloid I want to see used more often
I've found that the male/masculine voicebanks are often under-appreciated, and I really love the sound of a lot of them!! my favorites:
Matsudappoiyo (utau)
VY2 (vocaloid)
all of the Zola Project (vocaloids; Yuu, Kyo, and Wil)
Dex (vocaloid)
I'm gonna include Fukase and Oliver here bc as popular as they're becoming, I still feel like they're underutilized (vocaloids)
Longya (vocaloid, CHN voicebank)
Yukone Ruko's masc voicebank!!! people use their fem one a lot but i'd love to see some really skilled masc tuning too!! (utau)
im also gonna include Gakupo bc I feel like he was big in the 00's-10's but I don't see him much anymore (vocaloid)
shuu mawarine (utau)
KYE (utau)
i understand that some of the vocaloids fell out of favor after their voicebanks were never updated, but in some cases it couldn't be helped (like in Gakupo's case; GACKT literally can't sing atm, he developed a serious case of dysphonia about a year ago and several other autoimmunity issues. I feel bad for him :[ )
if anyone has song recommendations for either og songs or covers let me know!!!!
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marquessnyx · 4 months
Sometimes babygirl just so happens to be a middle-age man who just so happens to be around my dad’s age.
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yumikii · 3 months
Dude id fight god to hear Gackts Kioku to Sora in higher quality I really like how he sounds even in this microwave recorded version
Like the beggining of it?? Cold
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mouldymp3rotations · 8 months
I had prepared a whole other thing for my first rotation, and then I realized it was october, so I changed the whole theme to go for a vampire theme lmao
Song titles have the links to individual songs, link for all 5 of them at the end
So in this pack, there is :
藍華柳~aikaryu - ヴァンパイアで満杯や! (VAMPIRE de manpai ya!) This song is the first song that came to mind, when I decided to go for a vampire theme lol VANPAIA de manpai ya! was a live-distributed single released in 2005 (i had to write it in romaji at least once because it's a pun huhuhuhuh)
Aural Vampire - Hot Blood Workout I could honestly have put any Aural Vampire song tbh, but I decided to go for one of the first song I heard from them :) Hot Blood Workout appeared on a self-titled, self-released EP released in 2008 (although my brain wants to say it might have been released on like myspace first or something ? i remember that song being older than 2008, but oh well)
Gackt - Lust for Blood This is the culprit for the theme change :D Now I dont particularly listen to a lot of Gackt's music, but Lust for Blood had followed me ever since I first heard it, about 20 years ago :) Lust for Blood appears on Crescent, released in 2003 (if you have just one gackt album to look up, maybe look this one up ?)
Kaya - Carmilla (my rip) I couldn't make a vampire theme and not include that one lolz :D It was the first time that Hizaki was composing for Kaya, at the time, and I just immediately fell in love with it, as it was pretty much tailored for me (it wasnt but you know....) Carmilla was a single released in 2007 and this is the version you're getting here ! (not that the album version is that much different, it mostly is longer iirc... i have not listened to the album version in forever oops)
Luci'fer Luscious Violenoue - 翼を折られたヴァンパイア (tsubasa wo orareta VAMPIRE) That's the second song that popped in my mind to go with the vampire theme lol. That too is a song that I have been listening to for 20 years lol Tsubasa wo orareta VAMPIRE was found on a matina omnibus/box set released in 2001, and then on an album in 2002
Get the full pack here ^^
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zegalba · 4 months
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Gackt: Love Letter (2005)
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diggity-didge · 9 months
She malice on my mizer till i gackt
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literallybyronic · 4 months
reddit post title: dress astarion in 00's goth clothes!
me: let them cook
reddit post: i put him in clothes like the guy from HIM!
me: ...this is fucking raw
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dull-is · 7 months
spent the whole day rediscovering old jrock/gothic punk bands I was obsessed with in middle school, reverting back to my ROOTS. rest in peace atsushi sakurai :( was always so enamored by his voice & beauty.
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