#gael 002
darcyxpalmer · 1 month
status: closed with @lapsus-memoriae-gael where: on the beach, near the that-must-have-hurt-for-maria-explosion
Well, there was a lot of things that Darcy expected - it was easy to say that this was not one of them.
A woman, Maria - she seemed really nice, the little Darcy talked to her while she got a few bites to eat in the evening -, actually blew up. No joke, no magic trick (as far as anyone could tell), no fake effects revealed later.
No, she fully blown up into pieces and Darcy was sitting a couple of feet away from where it happened, where she spent the entire night just watching the water and the night sky, unable to sleep.
She knew that something would happen, if she was being honest. Them just waking up and figuring things out on their own couldn't have been just it. But she figured there would be some new messages coming from the speakers, informing them of the next job. Maybe even a couple of days of silence, so that they could acclimate to everything on the island before the next steps would come.
Somebody blowing up? It was not on Darcy's list of things she assumed would happen sooner or later.
Most people were openly, clearly upset over what happened, and don't get her wrong, she also was extremely upset, but her ear was ringing, she was half-disassociating, her mind racing trying to make sense of it. If they were meant to be here, if all of this was meant to happen, how could one of them just-- blow up in so many pieces?
But before she could really think through the possibility that this woman was nothing more than planted among them for some reason, she noticed a more familiar figure (at this point, those she talked to before and it didn't result in disaster, she more easily picked out of everyone - the disasterous ends too, but for a whole different reason, really) heading towards the last remains of Maria.
There, somebody she could talk to. If he didn't fear going near, that said something of him, in her eyes. "Crazy morning start, yeah?" she said as a way of greeting when she stopped next to him. "I don't think any of us really had casualties coming from random self-combustions on their bingo cards for this island."
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"You doing okay?"
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visxionaries · 8 months
who: @gael-hightower where: the bustling great hall of the red keep, in which the court of thorns and roses is in attendance of one of the later wedding festivities of king jaehaerys targaryen; in which a hightower page arrives, taking the lord gael hightower from the room. another enters, offering cedric a letter - the news from oldtown.
the words etched upon the parchment were immediately in a hand he recognised was not the hand of his master of coin; a cerulean gaze sweeping briefly over the parchment before noting the correspondence from the hightower was from another, another that was not the ruling lord. the sounds of the celebrations continued, a celebratory flute that seemed to fill the room with a sense of mirth, a flurry of colours upon the dance floor with each spin that was taken.
and if one looked closely within the coloured spins, they would have seen the hightower page speaking with the thirdborn son of the hightower, before both ventured towards one of the quieter exits of the hall.
on the other end, one would have saw the way in which cedric tyrell remained comfortably within his chair, a hand resting upon his jaw as it always done when he was deep in thought: and he read. and he continued to read. cedric tyrell felt no sense of loss to hear the ruling lord of oldtown had been murdered within his own tower; there was no sense of harrowing numbness that seemed to creep from the depths of his gut and engulf each vein in his body, until the blood itself ran deathly cold.
where else would garland hightower have died, if not in the tower that burned green; in the tower the man chose to make his prison, rather than his seat of power. a cunt, whose core memory to cedric tyrell would be dying the edgy contrarian. screaming about chamberpots.
and yet, despite literally being so high above the entirety of the realm, garland hightower had ended on his knees: as bad as the one was. a failure, in more ways than one: and he thought not of the morality of the man in question, but in regards to his essence of duty. his practicality. what it meant to have such immense influence over not just the rolling fields of the reach, but each corner of the realm if the cards were dealt with well. garland hightower did not know how to truly play cards.
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keeping alicent hightower alive, in his attic of all places: as though he had made it his life's mission to continue the shame she had brought upon her own house. if he were alone, he would have found his expression changing to one of disbelief: and yet, the strings remained loose. he read the words. he read them again. the lady herself was being held by the guards of the hightower, who now needed an heir. omer florent and lucrezia redwyne had the heir. the heir's braavosi mother was no longer a subject in his realm.
cedric had never needed braavos. he had never need the trade of the braavosi. and as he moved to rip the paper over the sound of laughter and singing casually, he turned towards the queen, muttering something about them needing to return home soon. before their could be any further questions asked, the king had taken to his feet, climbing down from the steps to make his way through the marble floor towards the master of arts. house hightower had definitely mastered the art of pointless cunning. of dealing the wrong hand. of not knowing how to play cards. the doors opened, and lord gael hightower found himself approached by the king.
"with me." cedric spoke, his tone detached; it was clear to see gael had just received the news of the death of his brother. his mother too. cedric tyrell found his patience had run out with the hightowers some weeks prior, when three brothers seemed unable to do the task allocated to them. now, he found himself distrusting them. what position was more dangerous? the beacon had burned green too long, and if he needed to snuff it out and scald himself in the process, let it be done.
the men left the hall entirely, and he knew not to try to talk within the halls of the keep. they walked in deathly silence back towards the private audience quarters of the king of thorns and roses, and by the time the door closed behind them, cedric found himself looking upon the hightower with a pair of deadset orbs. "it would be in your benefit, lord hightower, to persuade me you did not know."
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akhilaasthana · 24 days
Location: Warehouse @lapsus-memoriae-gael
It was a real pity that whilst the medcenter had a staff lounge, there was no tea stocked anywhere. The exhaustion floodgates had opened, her eyes had grown too heavy to blearily search through what she could access. So much of the centre was locked, and Akhila was beginning to sense she’d need to descend a floor, or look elsewhere. Perhaps one of the bungalows was inhabited by the previous consultant. Looming on the mid-morning horizon was a building she’d yet to explore. Akhila shielded her eyes against the sun, and marched. Evidently the building wasn’t just a blemish on beauty of the place, it was a warehouse. Filled to the brim. Akhila stood in the doorway, dazed by the assorted items, all neatly laid out for them. Why. How.
The more she implored these questions, the greater her head spun and so she put them to rest. If she couldn’t find the keycard, maybe she might find tea at the very least. Akhila scoured down one end of the warehouse, but drew blanks on anything of interest to her. There was neatly folded slacks in a rather awful shade of beige. No different really to the scrubs she’d found in the medicentre. They were just as boxy and ill-fitting. Akhila rounded back on herself and came face-to-face with Gael. He was stood in the doorway, much like she had, and seemed to be clutching something.
“Morning,” she called, polite, as fresh as she could manage. Least this morning the muzak had stopped, she could appreciate the quiet moments, even with next to no sleep. “Have you slept?” An olive branch, and some sincerity backing the question. Sleep would not come easy for any of them, she suspected, the stark unfamiliarity of this undisclosed location. It was certainly a marker for those that may need a sharper eye looking out for them.
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@daringsunflowers Gael squeezed ketchup over his steaming hot scrambled eggs and looked over at Jasmine. There was something he’d been thinking about ever since they got back together and now that he’d looked into it, he was ready to break the news to her. It was part of his plan to be a better person for her and for himself. He absentmindedly planted the fork into his eggs and brought it to his lips. “I think I’m gonna apply to community college”.
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tempestaslokni · 9 days
Status: closed for @lapsus-memoriae-gael Location: The Book Section in the Warehouse The smell of dust and books was different from what Lokni was used to, but there were similar tones to nature that he could pick up. After all, trees played a large role in making books and all. That, however, was not why Lokni was here. He was looking for someone. Someone with a much higher mental capacity than his own. As time progressed on the island, and Lokni had managed to make himself a small encampment, he decided that it was time to hunt more than just animals; he was hunting for answers. Why were they all here? Why were these people chosen? Many nights had passed and Lokni had turned over the thoughts in his head while gazing at the stars, but none of the pieces were fitting together. Surely Gael could help Lokni find some similarities. He had gotten a heads-up from some of the other islanders that Gael had been seen heading toward the warehouse, so naturally, Lokni went right there. Upon entering it was quiet, and the sunlight filtering in from the yellowed glass windowpanes cast everything in a strangely golden light. Dust particles hung in the air like snowflakes frozen in time. As he approached he could make out Gael's frame in the dim light, turned towards the shelves, apparently engrossed in a large, worn book. From this distance, Lokni couldn't make out what kind of book it was, but he was interested to see what Gael was perusing so enthusiastically. Not wanting to startle Gael, Lokni cleared his throat to announce his presence before beginning. "Good to see you. It's been a while, how've you been holding up? Lotta' new people coming in, and no lack of things to do around here, but I was wondering if I might have a bit of your time?" Lokni leaned against a shelf, trying to appear at ease and lax.
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armaans · 1 year
who: @opheliafowler where: the chambers of the lady ophelia fowler, following the announcement of her betrothal to lord dastan allyrion. lord fowler has entrusted armaan to be ophelia's guardian until she is formally wedded to dastan allyrion.
the lord of skyreach had stayed in sunspear for a number of days to formally discuss the betrothal of his daughter to the ruling lord of godsgrace: a worthy match, for house allyrion had proved itself time after time in all of the conflicts dorne had found itself wrapped up in. that, and the fact she would become the goodsister of the princess consort of dorne: it was a rise in station, and would benefit house fowler greatly. though, that did not mean armaan entirely saw where lord fowler was coming from.
"hm." the only noises and responses the lady of skyreach were getting from the bloodroyal as she began to ramble about something. was it to do with those birds she had developed an apparent obsession with? he had seen the birds she spoke of. they were nothing special to him. "mhm."
concern for his daughter and her close association and affection for a particular hightower lord she had been writing to had caused him to make a somewhat hasty decision. if anything, it were being made out as though a naive fixation that played out in the form of letters, letters armaan himself had burned, were causing the fowlers to panic. perhaps because house allyrion, whilst entirely loyal to the ruling martells, had found themselves falling from grace as a result of certain spawn which had settled comfortably within the walls.
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"are you still writing to him?" armaan asked, his tone blunt as he looked up at ophelia fowler sat across a small, decorative table from him within the fowler apartments in sunspear. his mind had not focused on anything that was coming out of the mouth of ophelia fowler; it were not as though the girl spoke a million words with each breath she seemingly took, but armaan was thinking only of where he would be most likely to be able to find the master of coin.
"when was the last time you had communication with gareth? gerald?"
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mincedoaths · 10 months
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last update: 11/17/23
oscar isaac. 44. cis male. he/him. ┊┊ cerberus corp has been watching GAEL ESAI TIUL-XOL.  some of the public has dubbed them DEAD RINGER because of ALTERNATE SELF-RESONANCE gifted by A CAR CRASH. having been an extra ordinary since 1995, they’re doing a good job at hiding THAT HE IS UNABLE TO SUMMON SPECIFIC ALTERNATE SELVES ON COMMAND. when they aren’t working their day job as a PROFESSOR OF ETHICS AT NYU, they are fond of JOURNALING and are never seen without A SCRAP PIECE OF PAPER WITH A NAME WRITTEN ON IT. at first glance they seem WITTY & PLAYFUL, though their close friends know them to also be NOSY & REBELLIOUS.  they consider themself a VIGILANTE ┊┊
name: gael esai tiul-sol | nicknames: n/a | age:  44 | date of birth:  2/2/1979 | zodiac  aquarius sun, aries moon, cancer rising | place of birth: huehuetenango, guatemala | current residence: alphabet city | gender:  cis man | pronouns:  he/him | sexuality:  demisexual | occupation:  ethics professor at nyu | faceclaim: oscar isaac | height:  5'7" | tattoos: n/a | piercings:  n/a
distinguishing features:  wavy grey hair, beard, glasses, various scars parts on his body positive traits:  persuasive, independent, diplomatic, observant, empathetic negative traits:  pushy, impulsive, judgemental, mischievous, deflective labels / tropes: eccentric mentor, cool teacher, the idealist, the mccoy, to be lawful or good, beware the honest ones, sliding scale of idealism versus cynicism, talking to themself likes:  cats, train rides, the rain, old books, jazz, blues, dad rock, hole-in-the-wall restaurants, trying new recipes, photography, reading dislikes:  the concept of fate, being told what to do, silence, apathy fears:  losing himself hobbies:  he is constantly picking up and dropping new hobbies; most recent were learning guitar and photography habits:  taking off his glasses and cleaning them, putting a hand to his chin when he's deep in thought, scratching his cheeks lightly when he's embarrassed, pinching the bridge of his nose when he's feeling annoyed or overwhelmed
near death experience… 
[ tw car crash, references to drunk driving, death, parental death, bodily harm, blood ]
The memory is not one Gael cares to think about very often. The scars of that night are etched into the flesh of his face and arms, the depths of his heart, the very core of his entire being.
It started off as any regular night, a family of seven squeezed into an old beat up pick up, happy despite the limited space. His father was at the wheel laughing and promising that they almost hand enough for the down payment for the van he had been promising for the last five years. Gael, fifteen and forced to sit in his older sister's lap, rolled his eyes in mock annoyance only to get kicked by his younger sister laying over their older brothers' laps. He had laughed then, grabbed the ten year old's foot and attempted to pry her shoes off as she continued to kick once she realized he intended to tickle her. His mother had turned around in the front passenger seat to tell them to cut it out while the backseat erupted into chaos as his older siblings jumped into the fray. He remembers his father deep rumbly laughter, his mother breaking into titters and swatting at his father, telling him to stop encouraging them. He remembers how happy he felt, his own wheezing chortles as his two of his older sibling poked at his ribs and under his arms.
He knows it wasn't fault. Countless people have told as much. His siblings, his friends, the various therapists he's met throughout his life, the other Gaels in his reflection. So, yes, on a logical level he knows there was nothing he could have done differently to change the outcome of that night. That doesn't change anything for him, though. Doesn't remove the guilt. The worry that maybe if he hadn't distracted his parents, one of them would have noticed the other driver speeding towards them before it was too late.
The drunk driver hit the front of their truck at full speed killing his mother instantly and causing the truck to flip multiple times ejecting him and his little sister out of the car. He had felt helpless as he laid in the gravel and glass, his ears ringing and covered in his own blood. Lifting himself up with his arms into a sitting position he began to shake uncontrollably as the adrenaline drained from his body. His younger sister was wailing somewhere in the dark and he didn't know what to do or how to help.
Looking around he matched gazes with himself in the shattered glass around him and wished he knew what to do, that he could be a different person who could save everyone.
There was a set of eyes looking back at him in one of reflections that stood out; hard, steely eyes that were a complete contrast with the wide-eyed fear in Gael's. A voice that sounded like his own asked if they could help and Gael didn't know what else to do but say 'yes.'
[ /end of tw ]
Alternate self-resonance allows Dead Ringer to communicate with and transfer control of his body to other versions of himself from other dimensions as long as there is a reflective surface within eyesight. This gives him access to abilities and knowledge that the 'prime' version does not have. He can speak with alternate selves at any time, so long as there is a reflection and all other perimeters are met. And while there is a hypothetically unlimited number of alternate selves he can contact and speak to, only a handful of them have ever actually been given full control of the prime version's body.
The alternate version Prime is trying to communicate with must be sleeping or otherwise unconscious in their dimension in order for him to talk to them/transfer control. Because contact is made while the others are dreaming, the majority of the alternates do not realize that being contacted by Prime is anything other than a vivid dream when they wake up. However, while dreaming/unconscious the alternates do remember/retain memories of previous encounters with Prime.
The alternates have been given code names as they are all 'Gael.' The following is a list of the Dead Ringers that are most likely to be encountered in the field:
Sergeant: A soldier of some sort. First alternate self that has ever taken control of Prime's body and because he has the most well rounded skills, he is the one who gets tagged in the most often. He doesn't like to talk about himself much but it seems that he's had military training from a young age. He used to be a fun guy but recently he's gotten really gloomy and it's becoming harder and harder for Prime to contact him so the other alternates have had to step in more often. Proficiency: HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT, FIREARMS, GUERRILLA WARFARE, WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, BOMB MAKING AND DISARMING, INFILTRATION, WIRETAPPING, RECONNAISSANCE, COUNTERINTELLIGENCE, SURVEILLANCE, PERSUASION, DIPLOMACY, LEADERSHIP, PHYSICAL ENDURANCE, BASIC FIRST AID
Anon: A hacker. Because he lucid dreams, he understands how Prime's powers work even when awake and is the one who is around the most. He works as the command center for Prime during missions to give call outs and figure out who else is around and could help during a specific situation. Proficiency: HACKING, COUNTERINTELLIGENCE, SURVEILLANCE
Scout: An urban explorer. He and Nomad tend to be the ones who get them to and from places depending on the landscape they are in. Thinks that they're a superhero in Prime's world is cool. Proficiency: PARKOUR, FREE RUNNING, ROOFTOPPING, ESCAPE ARTIST
Nomad: A mountaineer. In charge of getting them up to places that would be too dangerous for Acrobat or Scout to climb unassisted. Team mom. Proficiency: FREE CLIMBING, AID CLIMBING, KNOT TYING, PHYSICAL ENDURANCE
Bruiser: A mixed martial artist. Ironically, he is one of the most bubbly alternate selves. Proficiency: HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT, GRAPPLING, SUBMISSION HOLDS, TAKEDOWNS, PHYSICAL ENDURANCE,
Técnico: A high-flying pro wrestler. Only speaks Spanish. Hates that Dead Ringer's colors are all black. Proficiency: HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT, PHYSICAL ENDURANCE, GRAPPLING, SUBMISSION HOLDS, TAKEDOWNS, CUTTING PROMOS (INTIMIDATION, ENCOURAGEMENT), TAKING/SOFTENING BUMPS
Bolt: A triathlete. He doesn't really approve of the whole vigilante thing but cares about Prime's well being so he'll jump in to bail if need be. Proficiency: PHYSICAL ENDURANCE, SPRINTING, CYCLING, SWIMMING
Envoy: A stunt driver. Adrenaline junkie, he loves getting tagged in. That being said, he won't take unnecessary risks that would injure other people or Prime. Proficiency: MOTOR VEHICLES
Trapper: A huntsman. Rarely speaks when controlling Prime's body but more chatty in the reflections. Proficiency: WILDERNESS SURVIVAL, TRAP MAKING/DISARMING, KNOT TYING, FIREARMS
Acrobat: A gymnast. Kinda stuck up but a showoff so he helps out occasionally. Proficiency: ACROBATICS, ROPE/WIRE WALKING, PHYSICAL ENDURANCE
Doc: A emergency room doctor. Complains a lot. Team Dad. Proficiency: MEDICINE
Dove: A street magician. Just happy to be here tbh. Proficiency: SLIDE OF HAND, ESCAPE ARTIST, PUBLIC SPEAKING
drawbacks / vulnerabilities… 
Prime cannot summon his alternate selves on command and cannot compel an alternate self to take control of his body or even speak to him, they must also be willing and can 'leave the call' if they want to. Though Prime is not 100% certain how exactly initial contact is made between him and the alternates, the others have described it as an innate feeling of being needed and choosing to 'answer' the call. And because the majority of the alternates don't realize the are Dead Ringer while awake, there is no incentive for them to sleep in order to help Prime.
In order to transfer control with an alternate Prime, has to maintain contact with his alternate self in a reflective surface for three seconds. The reflective surface that is acting as a conduit for the alternate self in question must remain undisturbed/undamaged or the link will break. So while something like water could work as a means for a transfer, because the surface of water is easily susceptible to ripples that would distort the connection to that version of himself. If the reflective surface is something like a mirror, if the mirror is broken the alternate will be forced out and Prime will be back in control. And while the shards of this mirror could hypothetically be used as a conduit afterwards, it would require a new link to be created between Prime and an alternate.
The abilities that are transferred to Prime are limited to things Prime can realistically achieve with his own body. So in other words, he cannot gain the power of flight from an alternate who is also an EO in their dimension, but he could transfer control of his body to an alternate version of himself who is pilot and then fly a plane.
Communication between the alternates is not telepathic. Whoever has control of the body must speak out loud to talk to the alternates in the 'call' and whoever is in control is the only one who can hear the alternates if they speak back. Hypothetically speaking, an EO with telepathy may be able to hear the alternates since they are technically all talking to Prime from inside his head.
(if applicable)  cerberus corp… 
Dead Ringer has been approached in the field by Cerberus Corp but has rejected any recruitment attempts. He strongly opposes the current model/tactics Cerb Corp employs and hates that the level system is more about finding idols/brand ambassadors than people who can do the job well.
The name 'Dead Ringer' was given to him by civilians after it was understood that the group of vigilantes they were seeing were actually just one person in different costumes.
003.  EXTRA
[ tw car crash, death, parental death ]
Both his father and mother died in the car crash that caused his NDE. After Sarge was given control of the body he was able to pull everyone else from the car and administer first aid.
Once emergency crews showed up, Sarge relinquished control of Prime's body. And it was assumed that adrenaline allowed Gael to save everyone despite his own injuries.
Gael's eldest brother (24) took custody of the minor siblings and he along with Gael's older sister (20) dropped out of college to be able to work to raise the others.
[ /end of tw ]
Immediately after the accident, Prime avoided interacting with Sarge as much as possible though he would see Sarge frequently. Sarge mainly just observed.
After a therapist encouraged him to try speaking to Sarge they both realized that something was up.
He wears a disguise while in the field which was made by another EO with the power to imbue the fabric with the ability to change to suit when an alternate swaps in. it's not particularity hi-tech looking so the base aesthetics are similar between the different alternate Dead Ringers.
Prior to the realization that Dead Ringer was one person it was thought that they were a coalition of vigilantes who dressed similarly to confuse Cerb Corp.
He has a tabby cat named 'gordita.' (chubby little girl)
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someotherdog · 8 months
🎰 hehehe me too
send 🎰 for five random pairings:
001. jamila & jeannie — either they're bitchy best friends or they're constantly fighting lol. i guess jeannie would be pursuing college after her failed figure skating career? maybe her dad made it a condition for her to go to school if she was going to live in his house. they're a senior or already working on their phd and jeannie would be starting out as a freshman so i'm thinking maybe there's a local legend at their college kinda like mothman and jeannie is dared to go into the woods thinking she'll be totally safe? and then she's attacked and mila, folklore extraordinaire, interviews her about it or WAIT FORGET ALL THAT BC I JUST REMEMBERED THE MOVIE URBAN LEGEND!! jeannie is alicia witt and mila is j*red l*to omg 002. joey & mokhtar — okay my mind immediately goes to southbound ofc. i'm going to assume mokhtar got stuck in boot hill by accident? he was just driving back to la or vegas or somewhere when he got onto the southbound highway after getting gas and then getting lost on how to get back onto the real highway. so he's just hanging around boot hill with no idea what to do with himself, so he's constantly going to the turquoise star for a cup of coffee and some hash browns! if margie isn't his waitress, then it's joey, and maybe he writes her a lil poem on a napkin one day and she treasures it even if she's not romantically interested in him bc it's just nice for someone to notice her when she's spent most of her adult life taking care of her siblings/sister's kids. #shamelessvibes 003. selena & barbie — hmm so they're already in necropolis together? so in that verse, i'd say they're probably friendly but not besties by any means. i think they hang together in crowds whenever they're something going down in the casino OR barbie tries to talk shit abt azucena bc she hates rich people to selena and at first selena is like haha yeah she sucks but then she's like well she's technically my sister so don't talk abt her like that?? but for something normal verse, maybe selena got into some sort of lobos/cucuys drama out in vegas, fell in love with a gangster or mc member (bill perhaps? 👀) and moved out to encantadora, needed a roommate and found barbie! so they're friendly roommates who go out to the bar together sometimes but barbie's very guarded bc of her parents and also she's constantly dealing with dan's shit lol so they're not as close as they could be 004. leticia & gael — she's desperate for love and he's a hot-and-cold player douchebag lmfao. i can see him getting involved with leticia without knowing anything about her past and he's so used to schmoozing with people in the casino that he's probably not too concerned about what happened to her, so she likes that he doesn't make a big fuss about it. he would def give her lots of love and compliments so she can overlook him texting other girls behind his back i think. sorry girl lol. i believe they met at the gym tbh! 005. clementine & jesse/frank — alright so i'm cheating on this one but! i have a reason for this, bc the first muse that came up on my side, jesse, i can't see him in any sort of normal verse where he'd run into clementine as they're on opposite coasts and live in totally different worlds. however!! i absolutely see it in an apocalyptic scenario, where it's after the compound falls and it's just jesse left, and clementine stumbles along and she's been robbed by raiders or something and/or hurt pretty bad and she needs a place to stay. then he'd be incredibly gruff and grumpy while she's a bartender/hairdresser that can talk to anybody, so i'm imagining some comedy here. bc i could only see them interacting in an apocalyptic scenario, i did another just for some normal verse fun, and i got frank which is perfect bc she's on the run!! and he's a private investigator!!! so obvs he's on her trail and it either leads to boot hill (which gets him stuck there and either rick is already the sheriff there or that's what makes rick move to boot hill) or some other shanty town where clem easily outsmarts him but he's hot on her heels.
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bornetoblood · 1 year
002 for Gehrman or Maria?
Link to the questions!
I'll do Gehr cus I have done Maria already!!!
How I feel about this character:  I fucking love Gehrman and he deserved everything that happened to him <3 <3 Old man who suffers at the fault of his own hubris... Guy who has weird (but well meaning) thoughts about women... geezer with a grim reaper motif and a merciful view of his work... He sees himself as sooooo self sacrificing GIRL YOU ARE PERPETUATING THE CYCLE !!!!!!!
All the people I ship romantically with this character:  Laurence (obvs), Ludwig, probably Flora too. I think Gehrman dated around in his early 20s too so like... all of those mystery people too.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:  Maria!!! Just a very compelling, self destructive 'guy who projects onto his daughter' story!!!
My unpopular opinion about this character:  He's not just an old creep. He can be read that way I guess but that's by no means his only character trait. He's awful in lots of other, funner ways!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish we got a gayass Gehrman flashback or something. I just want his homoerotic conversation with Laurence to be cannon.
my OTP: Moon Divorce. I liked it so much I gave it my own name. Not gonna type out all my thoughts again I'm just gonna link the essay where I already did that. They have IMMENCE tragic potential it's so good.
my cross over ship: Old man polycule. I think him, Isshin, Gael, Allant and Gwyn should like make out or go for coffee or something. It'd do them good.
a headcanon fact: Although he's very adept at hunting and woodworking and sewing, he sucks really hard at most other things. Can't make toast.
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skjeggestads · 4 years
x || @haevatein || tore, sans psilocybin
He'd never done anything like this without entheogens to ease the process, to let his mind slip free of his body and seek beyond himself into the world beyond. Summoning spirits from beyond their world was difficult, and the out-of-body experience helped to make that connection. But given the last time he'd done this, he'd either hallucinated the most realistic spirit he'd ever encountered in his life, or summoned the Actual God, Loke, into his house, he really wanted his mind to be clear. To either set to rest his mind, or genuinely pull the god into his house to confirm it.
Offerings were set out, runes were drawn and cast, the distaff was spun with the threads to represent his fate at his feet - it was just like when he was first learning, going through the motions without the out-of-body experience that came with the mushrooms, practicing in preperation for the real thing - except this was the real thing. He muttered a prayer under his breath, breathed in deeply, and reached out beyond himself with his mind, chanted--
--and waited, until the hairs on the back of his neck stood up.
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cardest · 4 years
Ireland playlist
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Pog my thoin! It’s my Irish playlist. My precious treasure has been opened! Inside my pot of gold lies an Irish playlist of songs I put together. Forget the diamonds in Antwerp! It doesn’t matter if you are from Rhode Island or South Korea, this is the only Irish playlist you need and for your travels across the green hills. Play the songs here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_4UCcVH8Jcka-whydlPzH6 So load up your iPods and whatever you use and enjoy this with a pint of Guinness! Stay safe. Stay at home. Wash your hands. Burn a bra.
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001 Carrentouhill - Welcome to Ireland 002 Thin Lizzy -  Do Anything You Want To 003 Makem & Clancy - The Rocky Road To Dublin 004 Ash - A Life Less Ordinary 005 Absu - Tara 006 Type O Negative - Be My Druidess 007 Dexy’s Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen   008 Horslips - Dearg Doom 009 Boomtown rats - Banana republic 010 Dublin City Ramblers - Dicey Reilly 011 Simple Minds - All The Things She Said 012 Cruachan - The Brown Bull Of Cooley 013 Ween - The Blarney Stone 014 Primordial -  Where Greater Men Have Fallen 015 The Pogues - Dirty Old Town 016 Van Morrison - Cyprus Avenue 017 Wings: Wild Life - Give Ireland Back To The Irish 018 Devin Townsend - Irish Maiden 019 The Rumjacks - An Irish Pub Song 020 Dominic Behan - Biddy Mulligan 021 Waylander - Brú na Bóinne 022 John Lennon - The Luck Of The Irish 023 Gary Moore ft. Philip Lynott - Out In The Fields 024 Whiskey on a Sunday - Irish Rovers 025 Týr - The Wild rover 026 Sleep - The Druid 027 The Waterboys - Fishermans Blues of Gael Bay 028 Clannad - Siúil A Rún 029 Leprechaun in the Hood - The Leprechaun Rap   030 Leaves' Eyes - [feat. Carmen Elise Espenaes] 031 Thin Lizzy - Dublin 032 Cruachan - The Marching Song of Fiach Mac Hugh 033 Fairport Convention - She Moves Through The Fair 034 My Bloody Valentine - Soon 035 Steve Earle - Galway Girl 036 The Wolfe Tones - A Nation Once Again 037 Mael Mórdha - Cluain Tarbh 038 Celtic Legend - Irish Drinkin Song 039 Therapy? - Auto Surgery 040 Bob Geldof - The Great Song Of Indifference 041 Makem & Clancy - Little Beggarman 042 ABSU - Of Celtic Fire, We Are Born - Terminus (...In the Eyes of Ioldánach) 043 The Nolans - Gotta Pull Myself Together 044 Johnny Cash - Danny Boy 045 Dropkick Murphys - Fields Of Athenry 046 Ahab -  Red Foam (The Great Storm) 047 Omnia - Fee Ra Huri 048 Banba Óir - Clannad 049 Maighread & Triona Ni Dhomhnaill - The Spanish Lady 050 Gary Moore - Over The Hills And Far Away 051 Slomatics - Electric Breath 052 The Irish Rovers - Finnegans Wake 053 The Cranberries - Dreams 054 Orthodox Celts - Star Of The County Down 055 Mamas Boys - Mama Weer All Crazee Now 056 The Dubliners - All for me Grog 057 Gems of Ireland - The Last Of The Irish Rover 058 Paddyman - The Leprechaun Song 059 Primordial -  Heathen Tribes 060 Beithioch - Ghosts of a world long forgotten 061 The Wolfe Tones - Come Out Ye Black And Tans 062 Diddler on the Hoof - Some Say The Devil Is Dead 063 Planxty - The Bonny Light Horseman 064 Sinéad O Connor & The Chieftains - The Foggy Dew 065 The Berry Swine Liners - GO ON HOME BRITISH SOLDIERS 066 Scath Na Deithe - Unrecognized disease 067 No Spill Blood - White Out 068 Irish Music - Ancient Druids 069 The Corrs - Toss the feathers, go braless 070 Cruachan - Diarmuid And Grainne 071  The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Blarney stone 072 Gama Bomb - Three Witches 073 VAN MORRISON      - Bright Side of the Road 074 Rory Gallagher  - Bad Penny 075 Feargal Sharkey - You Little Thief 076 That Petrol Emotion - Hey Venus 077 Absu -  Manannán 078 Mike Patton - Catholic Tribe 079 Skyclad -  The Widdershins Jig 080 Tom Waits - Rain Dogs 081 Virolac - Masque 082 Phil Lynott - Old town 083 Leaves' Eyes - Amhran (Song Of The Winds) 084 Cruachan -  The Sea Queen of Connaught 085 Dread Sovereign - Cathars to their doom 086 Pagan Altar -  Dance Of The Druids 087 Planxty - The Jolly Beggar/The Wise Maid 088 The Kilkennys - Will You Go Lassie Go 089 Anneke van Giersbergen, Árstíðir - Londonderry Air (Danny Boy) 090 The Dubliners - In The Rare Old Times 091 Louis Armstrong - Irish black bottom 092 Wolfe Tones - The Boys Of The Old Brigade 093 Primordial - Fuil arsa 094 The Undertones - My Perfect cousin 095 Therapy? - Acellerator 096 Cheap Trick  - O Claire 097 Malthusian - across deaths 098 Absu -  Bron (Of the Waves) 099 Mourning Beloveth - Theories of old bones 100 Thin Lizzy - Whiskey in the jar 101 Zom - Tombs Of The Void 102 Scáth Na Déithe - This Unrecognized Disease 103 TEN TON SLUG - Unit 104 Altar of Plagues - God Alone 105 DEVO - I'm a Potato 106 Beithíoch - Ghosts of a World Long Forgotten 107 Mahavishnu Orchestra - A Lotus On Irish Streams 108 Sacrilegia - Beyond the Fouler's Snare 109 Dread Sovereign - Cathars to Their Doom 110 Corr Mhona - Dair 111 Coscradh - Disappeared 112 The Undertones - Julie Ocean 113 Sirocco - Lambay 114 Mourning Beloveth - Theories of Old Bones 115 VAL DOONICAN WITH HIS GUITAR - THE AGRICULTURAL IRISH GIRL 116 Malthusian -  Remnant-Fauna 117 The Wheels - Road Block 118 Rudimentary Peni - Ireland Sun 119 SOOTHSAYER - Cephalopod 120 Vircolac - Tether-Wane 121 Thin Lizzy - She Knows 122 Zealot Cult - Spiritual Sickness 123 Killing Joke - Wardance 124 Walpurgis Night - Ghost of Dublin 125 Absu - Bron (Of the Waves) 666 The Irish Rovers - Finnegans Wake
May the lilt of Irish laughter lighten every load. May the mist of Irish magic shorten every road... and many thanks to James (Groningen) , Garaidh & Lynda (Sydney), Nathan (Brisbane), Arto (Helsinki)  for your awesome contributions to this playlist. Feck yeah! Hit play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_4UCcVH8Jcka-whydlPzH6 What songs did I miss? What bands are missing from this list? Let me know! No matter where you are on Earth. Stay safe Clíona!
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wcva · 5 years
Pobl, pwrpas, prosiectau: NewLink Cymru yn ail-ennill nod Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr am y Pumed Tro
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Am y pumed tro'n olynol, mae NewLink Cymru wedi derbyn nod Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr gan CGGC, ar ôl bod y sefydliad cyntaf yng Nghymru i dderbyn y Dyfarniad yn 2005. Dyma Laurence Shanahan o Newlink i esbonio mwy.
Mae'r Dyfarniad yn cydnabod ein hymrwymiad parhaus i'r bobl rydyn ni'n gweithio gyda nhw ar draws ein prosiectau, ac yn helpu i ddangos ein penderfyniad i barhau i arloesi, i gynnal safonau uchel, ac i wneud yr hyn a wnawn yn well nag erioed o'r blaen.
Y bobl sy'n bwysig
'Rhan bwysicaf rhedeg ein prosiectau yw bod â dealltwriaeth glir o bawb sydd yno,' eglura Mel, cydlynydd ein rhaglen Mentora â Dysgu ac Addysg, sy'n paratoi pobl sy'n adfer ar ôl heriau lles ar gyfer gwirfoddoli a gweithio yn y sector lles. 'Does dim un dull sy'n addas i bawb; mae'n rhaid i chi weithio yn ôl sgiliau a chryfderau pob gwirfoddolwr. '
Canolbwyntio ar gryfderau, anghenion a galluoedd unigol sydd wrth wraidd y ffordd rydyn ni'n gweithio, yn ogystal â gonestrwydd llwyr a bod yn agored gydag aelodau ein prosiect. Mae ein proses asesu yn caniatáu i ni leoli pobl yn y prosiectau sy'n mynd i weithio orau iddynt yn ystod eu cam presennol o adfer. Mae hyn yn golygu os nad yw unigolion yn barod ar gyfer y prosiect roedden nhw'n gobeithio cyfrannu ato, gallwn eu cynnwys mewn gwaith a fydd yn eu helpu i gymryd cam ymlaen.
'Mae defnyddio'r ffordd hon o weithio yn golygu y gallwn bob amser gynnig cyfleoedd i bobl sy'n rhai cyraeddadwy, ac sy'n addas ar eu cyfer nhw fel pobl,' esbonia Erwan, cydlynydd y prosiect NewSteps, sy'n fan cychwyn i bobl sy'n dechrau eu taith adfer. 'Mae'n rhan fawr o feithrin eu hyder a'u hunan-gred, ac mae hynny'n gwbl hanfodol i'w twf.'
Allwedd arall i'r elfen hunan-gred hon yw gallu pobl i reoli eu lles eu hunain a'r prosiectau a'r gwasanaethau maen nhw'n rhan ohonyn nhw. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth rydyn ni wedi canolbwyntio arno yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, yn enwedig gyda'n Grŵp Llais a Dewis a'n rhaglen Buzzin Buddies.
Mae Buzzin Buddies yn rhoi cyfle i wirfoddolwyr ac aelodau eraill o'n prosiectau gynorthwyo â'r gwaith o redeg ein prosiect cadw gwenyn, Buzzin, ac i annog aelodau eraill i helpu hefyd. Grŵp o aelodau prosiect yw Llais a Dewis sy'n rhoi adborth ar brosiectau o safbwynt y rhai sy'n gysylltiedig â nhw, gan helpu i ddatblygu'r prosiectau hynny a dylanwadu ar ein dull cyffredinol o weithredu. Mae'r ddau grŵp yn adnodd hynod werthfawr ac yn helpu i sicrhau bod ein prosiectau yn gweithio ar gyfer y bobl y dylen nhw fod bob amser.
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Beth mae'r nod Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr yn ei olygu i ni?
Mae'r nod Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr yn ffurfio rhan o enw da a hunaniaeth ein gwasanaethau, ac mae hefyd yn helpu i ddangos i asiantaethau partner ein bod yn gweithio'n galed i sicrhau ansawdd ein prosiectau. Ar gyfer ein gwirfoddolwyr lleoliadau allanol sy'n chwilio am waith yn y sector lles, mae hefyd yn dangos eu bod wedi'u hyfforddi a'u paratoi i safon uchel, ac mae'n helpu i ychwanegu at yr ymdeimlad o falchder maent yn ei deimlo ar ôl cwblhau ein rhaglenni.
Mae hefyd yn bwysig i ddarparu set graidd o feincnodau fel sail i dwf ein prosiectau yn y dyfodol; gwaelodlin i anelu ati ac i'w chynnal.
'I ni, cyflawni'r nod Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr yw ein ffordd o ddangos faint rydyn ni'n gwerthfawrogi pwysigrwydd gwirfoddoli a chydnabod gwerth gwirfoddolwyr yn ein helusen ac ar draws y sector' meddai'r cyn-Brif Weithredwr John Lowes. 'Mae pobl anhygoel yn rhoi o'u hamser i helpu i gefnogi achosion da, a gall profiad gwirfoddoli da wneud cymaint o wahaniaeth i'r sefydliadau a'r gwirfoddolwyr eu hunain.
Sicrhau'r safonau gwirfoddoli gorau, drwy Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr, yw un o'r ffyrdd y gallwn ddweud 'diolch' ac ymrwymo i hwyluso'r cyfleoedd mwyaf gwerth chweil.'
Beth sydd nesaf ar gyfer ein prosiectau?
Yn ddiweddar, mae NewLink Cymru wedi dod yn rhan o Platfform, yr elusen dros iechyd meddwl a newid cymdeithasol. Mae ychwanegu ein prosiectau at ystod eang o brosiectau Platfform yn ein galluogi i fod yn rhan o dîm sydd hyd yn oed yn gryfach, a chael mwy o rym dros les a sicrhau newid.
Yr elusen dros iechyd meddwl a newid     cymdeithasol yw Platfform.  Mae Platfform yn gweithio gyda phobl sy'n     wynebu heriau gyda'u hiechyd meddwl, ac yn gweithio gyda chymunedau sydd     am greu gwell cysylltiadau, perchenogaeth a lles yn y llefydd maen nhw'n     byw. www.platfform.org 
Mae NewLink Cymru yn elusen lles sy'n gweithio gydag unrhyw un yr     effeithiwyd arnynt gan ymddygiad sy'n niweidiol i iechyd a lles, neu sydd     mewn perygl o hynny. Cenhadaeth yr elusen yw helpu i adeiladu newid     cadarnhaol a chynaliadwy hirdymor ar gyfer unigolion a chymunedau. www.newlinkwales.org.uk 
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â Swyddog Cyfathrebu NewLink     Cymru, Laurence Shanahan: [email protected] neu 029 20 529 002
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emmaleewatches · 7 years
Movies - January 2018:
001. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (4/5) [Jack Black, Bobby Cannavale, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart, & Nick Jonas]
002. The Greatest Showman (4/5) [Zac Efron, Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams, & Zendaya]
003. Coco (5/5) [Gael García Bernal & Edward James Olmos]
004. The Post (4/5) *Steven Spielberg [Alison Brie, David Cross, Tom Hanks, Bob Odenkirk, Sarah Paulson, Meryl Streep, Michael Stuhlbarg, Bradley Whitford, & Zach Woods]
005. Phantom Thread (4/5) *P.T. Anderson [Daniel Day Lewis]
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