#gaiant killing
noritama0301 · 1 year
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とり唐揚げ定食大盛 800円
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paultext-blog · 5 years
In a far away land of Pardon,where there is a royal family lived with serenity and generousity. There was a king named Thieves along with his wife Thora,the king and Queen had only one children named Prince Theodor he is the only son and he is also be the one to heir the throne and all the resources of his father King Thieves. In the same way Queen Thora being early died due to unexplained health illnesses after Thora died the king and the Prince will become sadly. A months ago Prince Theodor escaped going to Mt.Pharinx,he wanted to discover on what creature,or else something mystical thing lived on the Mt.Pharinx . On the way where he across Prince Theodor felt something,something that there is a creature lived on Mt.Pharinx,although Prince Theodor finely track along the way going to Mt.Pharinx top and suddenly he saw a big cave and he try to appeal hiself to enter it bring with his sword and torch. Prince Theodor softly track the cave without making any noise,along he track Prince Theodor saw a big tail and asking to hiself what kind of creature it is? He didn't know that the tail he seen,is the tail of the big dragon. Meanwhile Prince Theodor continue to,and try to discover the creature,and until such time he saw a Giant man accompanied by the dragon,the two are all sleepy in the same cave and the Prince run continously going back to his horse and go away to their Palace. After Prince Theodor back to their palace he reported it immediately to his father of what happened in Mt.Pharinx and King Thieves asked "oh! What happen to you my son?" And Prince Theodor answered "father I saw a Giant man and the dragon who lived in the cave of Mt.Pharinx " and King Thieves answered again "I didn't believe,that there's a Gaiant man and a Dragon lived in the cave of Mt.Pharinx". And the two suddenly compete their opinion and experiences. In the other day the people in the Palace fells quake and shaking and they see it outside of what happen and they saw the Giant man and the dragon is flying & sighting the prey,then all people in palace are getting worry including the king and prince,meanwhile the Giant man are devastating the houses of the palace workers and the dragon starting to blow the houses of the people until it become an ash. Months later King Thieves tasked three soldiers to go in Mt.Pharinx and search the big cave and to look if it is true that the Giant man and the dragon lived on the cave. And the three soldiers went up and go to Mt.Pharinx,after the long travel soldiers saw the big cave and they enter it along with their sword,torch, and bow and finally they see first the dragon and they plan to hunt it,but they missed it to hunt because the dragon ate them all, afterwhile the King had that this three soldiers back without missing any parts of their body.Five days later king Thieves thinking that why are his three soldiers aren't back and then King Thieves task again the two soldiers to find the three soldiers that he task first and king Thieves said to his two soldiers "You must take care of yourself" and the two soldiers start to find the three soldiers that who lost five days ago,along the way going to Mt.Pharinx the two soldiers felt something terrible,as they continue to search they saw a Giant Man guarded their way handling a big silver sword and a Giant try them to kill and on behalf of the battle between two soldiers and the Giant man the dragon occur and the two soldiers continue to fight against the Giant man and the dragon, and lastly the battle ends where one soldier eated with dragon and the one are gotten save and he ran out fastly to get out to the cave and he immediately ride his horse back to the Palace to report the incidence to the king and Prince of what happened in the cave of Mt.Pharinx. And the soldier called the king and he said "Your highness,your obe soldiervare eated with the dragon,and before he eated with the dragon we are facing the giant man who try us to kill". And the king answered "It is true that there is a Dragon and a Giant man inside the cave of Mt.Pharinx?the soldier answered him "Yes your highness it is true"!. Then the king and prince planned out on how to kill the Giant man and the dragon. Then Prince Theodor prepare and command and trained the soldiers and he said "Prepare yourself for the battle". On the battle day the king,prince and soldiers are waking up early because they want to cruise Mt.Pharinx evening before the sun starting to rise-up,and a ehile ago they are all prepared and they are ready to face the Giant man and the dragon on the cave. After the long cruise they are now in the cove of Mt.Pharinx and the Giant man and the drgon see them and the two antagonist are also ready and prepared to face them. Then the King asked to correigdor if you blown the horn, the battle is on, then the correigdor blown the horn,then the clashes between soldiers and the dragon with Prince Theodor and on the other side King Thieves fighting against the Giant man accompanied also by his soldiers. And on the battle area Prince Theodor killed the Dragon whom the companion of the Giant man until such the Prince will fighting also the Giant man with the soldiers and lastly the Giant man killed by King Thieves uses his bow and he targeted it unto head. Then Prince Theodor and King Thieves started to celebrate with their soldiers for the winning victory they got in the battle. Days after King Thieves tasked all the workers in the palace to prepare the special occasion,then on the day of occasion King Thieves turned-over his throne to his son Prince Theodor that who will be the new king of the land of pardon and the Prince theodor will also be the one who lead and geared the rules in palace and in the entire communoty of pardon. Years after king theodor had already married to Queen Alice where he is long partner in life and they got three children namely; Raphael,Leonard,Thieves jr. And as they solved the situation the Mt. Pharinx will be back to it's natural elegance while the Palace will commit their Pardon as long as serenity and generousity of the land of the pardon they lived happily forever. ~THE END~
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fsravine · 5 years
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関東予選神奈川大会 今日は女子の2回戦 さてさて、昨日、ジャイキリ読んだし GAIANT KILLING でも起こすか?(笑) 頑張ってもらおう! #ハンドボール (神奈川県立希望ヶ丘高校) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwx6xGMltDuTQEJrlYMRdpcLgqgElhCPIlIRzE0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ne6nc1i28zf1
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noritama0301 · 1 year
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ソフトクリーム 大きいー 
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noritama0301 · 1 year
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好々亭@中山  2022/09  
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noritama0301 · 1 year
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noritama0301 · 1 year
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BIGパフェ チョコ 
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noritama0301 · 1 year
高専ダゴ 新みつや 倉永店@西鉄渡瀬 
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