#galactica does in fact like metal
lynnpaper · 3 years
fic writers tag game :)
Thanks for the tag @ashgryff <3
State and link/explain the following:
What you’d consider your first fic: it is on ao3 and i do not understand why it has as much reception as it does! i do not like it, but sometimes i look back and smile. i think it is good to look back and smile.
Your softest fic: i went through a phase where i wrote a ton of hurt/comfort with no end in sight. yes here is the winning contestant: say no more
Fic you’re most proud of: HERE'S MY CHANCE :D
fray. because
1. lesbians (i feel like this is a good marketing strategy in itself)
2. gaslight gatekeep girlboss
3. actually something that can be so personal; touch starved wlw where u at
4. characterisation fought me all the way though. it is, in fact, outstandingly difficult for me to write mean, nasty women. please validate me
Fic which shows your progress: to those who wait. don't read my earlier work immediately after this one, because a few of your brain cells will undergo apoptosis. thank you dinluke server; godspeed
and fray. no i won't shut up i will NOT >:(
Your favourite WIP: it's like a theme park where the rollercoaster tracks are cobbled together from scrap metal. the title of the google doc is: "i make lesbian braid the main character." some tags i have listed at the top of the page are: "just realised i wrote boba feet as a massive simp" (boba FEET, you heard me) "brought to u by 1am sapphic thoughts" and "the biggest kink, actually, is discussing your feelings." under this, i have hyperlinked very very specific videos from agents of shield and battlestar galactica for reference purposes. niche toxic girlboss ship, endorsed by miss rebecca pencilscratchins and this legend. 12k words; i cry over it every day. ask me about this please i promise i can be funny
No-pressure tags: @hannah-schooler @treescape @giggles-and-freckles @tomicaleto @rexismycopilot
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 73 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Previously: Courtney committed a fireable offense when she lost Miss Fame’s sketches.
This Chapter: Bianca rides in on a white horse, and Violet says yes to cake.
BIANCA: I need Courtney’s address
BIANCA: Because she seems upset and she’s not answering and I’m worried
ADORE: What did you do?
BIANCA: I don’t think
BIANCA: Something probably happened at work
BIANCA: Adore, please.
ADORE: Fine! But if she’s mad, that’s on you
ADORE: Just to warn you, it’s a real shithole
BIANCA: Alright, alright, just please send the address
Even though Bianca felt like a little bit of a stalker just showing up at her place like this, she didn’t know what else she was supposed to do. Courtney had cancelled with those few cryptic messages and then gone radio silent. Bianca knew her well enough by now to be certain that something had gone wrong, since just hours earlier, she was sending sweet messages about how much she couldn’t wait for them to be together.
She tried calling her a few more times from the car, but there was no answer. Finally, standing in front of the crumbling brownstone, she had to come clean.
BIANCA: Look, I’m sorry for taking drastic measures, but I was really worried…
BIANCA: I’m outside your building
Seconds later, her phone rang. She answered, heart filling with relief. “Hi baby-”
“What are you doing here?”
Her voice sounded broken and raw, and it was immediately clear that she’d been crying. Bianca could feel her heart in her throat, head suddenly racing with all the possibilities of things she may actually have done wrong. Had she really fucked this up so quickly?
“I was worried about you, so I thought…” Bianca bit her lip, afraid to even ask if she was the one who had upset Courtney like this. “Are you gonna let me inside?”
There was a pause, a few beats, the sound of sniffling.
“I just...I kind of don’t want you to...see it.” She sounded choked up again, voice small and soft.
“Angel…” Bianca couldn’t help but feel a bit of relief. It didn’t sound like she was angry, at least not with Bianca--just ashamed of where she lived, which Bianca could understand. “Do you think I’ve always lived in a penthouse?”
“No,” Courtney admitted after a pause.
“No,” Bianca repeated. “Not by a longshot. Please let me in, I need to see you. I just want to talk.”
A few minutes later, Courtney appeared, opening the door from the basement level. Bianca raced down the narrow steps and swept her into a hug, trying not to fret too much about the way she hung limply in her arms.
She followed her inside, and while she’d been prepared for something small and substandard, based on everything she’d heard so far, this was far worse than her fears. A tiny basement unit, dank and dark with exposed pipes and what looked like the world’s oldest sofa bed. It was also clearly an illegal sublet with no kitchen--only a metal, industrial sink with an electric kettle and micro-fridge below.
Besides the bed, there was little furniture. Her closet appeared to be two wardrobe boxes, and a few other boxes were stacked next to the bed to create a makeshift side table. Bianca took it all in, wondering exactly how she ended up in such a dismal place.
But now was not the time to ask about that, not when Courtney looked so utterly miserable. Even in the dim lighting, Bianca could see that her eyes were red and swollen. She followed her to the sofa bed, sitting down gingerly beside her (and holy shit was that thing uncomfortable) and taking one of her hands into her lap.
“Tell me why you’re so upset, angel, please.”
Courtney took a shaky breath, fresh tears filling her eyes. “I did something...really terrible today.”
“Did you kill someone? Do you need me to get a shovel?” Bianca asked, and she was rewarded with a hint of a smile as Courtney shook her head.
“No, but…” Every trace of smile disappeared from her face as she said, “I bet Miss Fame is gonna think this is worse.”
“What happened?”
“I accidentally left an envelope with a bunch of her sketches in a cab.” A tear rolled down her reddened cheek.
Bianca’s eyes went wide, understanding why Courtney was so distraught. Fame rarely sketched anymore, but when she did, she was as attached to the original work as if it was a piece of her own body. She immediately went into problem-solving mode, trying to think of things to mitigate the damage.
“Have you tried calling the cab company-”
“I don’t know which cab company it was, I didn’t get a receipt and I can’t remember no matter how hard I try,” Courtney cried. “But I did call, I must have called a hundred different companies, but...I think they might be gone.”
“It’s not okay! Her sketches, her original sketches! How could I have done that, I’m so dumb, I’m so bad at that stupid job!” More tears poured down her cheeks, sobs heaving her chest.
“Hey, come here…” Bianca pulled her in, hushing her softly, a hand rubbing circles into her back. “I know, I get what a big deal it is, but it sounds like you did everything you could. And I promise you, it’ll be okay-”
“How?! How will it be okay?! I’m gonna get fired!” Courtney exclaimed, and Bianca had to bite her tongue, the word ‘so?’ nearly slipping from her lips.
“Okay, well...let’s say you do get fired,” Bianca said slowly. “I don’t think you will, but if you do...would that be so bad? It’s clearly not your dream job.”
“But I need it. I can’t get my new work visa without it. It’s been months and I still don’t have the answer and-”
“You don’t have a work visa?”
“Not after March. I have an attorney who’s working on it, but he keeps running into problems and he’s already charged me so much and I don’t know-”
“Hold up. Galactica hired you, but they’re not handling your immigration issues?” Bianca asked.
“Well...Violet told me not to tell Miss Fame, so I...I was afraid to bring it up with HR. But I got the number of an immigration lawyer from Miss Fame’s contacts, and...it’s all just so expensive. He keeps asking for more money, and I can’t-”
“Wait a second.”
Bianca was no immigration expert, but she knew two things: 1, getting a work visa for an entry level administrative job was nearly impossible and 2, it was actually impossible without the full support of a sponsor company.
“Whoever that lawyer is, they’re a total fraud. Don’t give them any more money, okay?”
“Oh god.” Courtney moaned, squeezing her eyes shut. “Why can’t I do anything right?!”
“This isn’t your fault,” Bianca assured her. “You trusted a professional and they took advantage of you. They could be disbarred for that. And as for the sketches...stop beating yourself up. Yes, she’s going to be angry, and upset, but things happen. People make mistakes. I’ve made plenty, believe me.”
“Like this?” Courtney asked, eyes skeptical.
“I once dropped my boss’s wife’s passport off a subway platform.”
“Did you get fired?” Courtney asked.
“No. But I did get yelled at for a solid hour. Maybe two. It wasn’t a good day. But...I got through it. And you’ll get through this.”
“Maybe. But I just know I’m gonna fuck up again. Everything is...I don’t think it should still be this hard, not after 4 months. Miss Fame even said that, earlier today. I’m not new anymore, I should know better. I should be better. What’s wrong with me?!”
At first, Bianca said nothing, simply wrapping her in an embrace. She knew that Courtney was finding the job stressful--anyone in their right mind would find that job stressful. But the fact that it was this bad...Bianca felt guilty for not noticing sooner. She rocked Courtney slowly, letting her fall apart in her arms, whispering comfort into her ear.
After a while, when she sensed that Courtney was cried out, sobs slowing down and some of the tension finally melting away, Bianca pulled back and took her by the shoulders. She paused, considering for a minute if she really wanted to get involved before saying, “Maybe this isn’t the right job for you.”
“Well, I don't have another offer, so...oh, god, what am I gonna do? Is the visa thing really bad? Am I gonna get deported?”
“No,” Bianca said with a smile, shaking her head decisively. “I’ll take care of your visa. Don’t worry about it.”
“I don’t know yet, but there are options. I promise, okay?” Bianca kissed her cheek softly, up near her ear, lips lingering on her tear-stained skin. “I’ve gotten pretty attached to you, so you leaving the country would be a huge bummer.”
Courtney finally seemed to relax, letting out a small chuckle, resting her head on Bianca’s shoulder.
“I don’t want to leave you either. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, angel.” Bianca squeezed her hand tighter, lacing their fingers together. “Does that mean you want to come home with me?”
Courtney nodded slowly, squeezing Bianca’s hand back. “Yes please.”
“Good.” Bianca tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “And, um...okay so, remember when you said that Christmas music makes you want to go to the beach?”
“Yeah…” Courtney tilted her head, puzzled.
“Well I may have booked us a little...getaway. Just for a few days. So you can have some sun and relax and get away from this dreary weather.”
“Where?” Courtney asked, eyes wide.
“Puerto Rico. It’s not that long of a flight, so-”
“But I thought you had to stay and work!”
“I can work from there.” Bianca flashed her a charming smile, adding, “I wanted to surprise you.”
“Well, you did. I’m…” Courtney took a deep breath, clearly overwhelmed, and then glanced over to where a beaten-up duffel bag lay on the floor. “I guess I need to pack some other clothes, although I’m not sure I have the right stuff here...”
“There are stores in San Juan.”
Courtney laughed, shaking her head and wiping her eyes. “I’m never gonna get used to the way you live.”
“You will. And that’s a promise,” Bianca said. “So will you come with me? Our flight leaves tomorrow at 2.”
“Yeah, of course! I just need like 20 minutes or so to pack.” Courtney’s mood already seemed to brighten as she began pulling boxes out of a stack against the brick wall.
“Of course, take your time. Mind if I use your bathroom?”
“Oh. Uh...yeah, sure. It’s uh...out that door and down the hall, on the right. I share with Fred, but I think he’s at work right now, so-”
“Who’s Fred?”
“You know what, I can hold it,” Bianca assured her, crossing her legs.
“I’ll be fast, I promise,” Courtney said, pulling a pair of sandals out of the box and tossing them to the floor. “And B...thank you.”
“For what, sunshine?”
“I’ll get to the dishes in a minute, mom!” Gigi closed the door behind her, looking around her bedroom in an attempt to remember where she had put her earpods. She crouched down, digging through her backpack. Symone had made her a playlist of music she had to listen to over the holidays, and if she was gonna be put on Cinderella duty, she might as well make it productive.
It felt strange to be home; the smells, sights and sounds were all exactly the same, while she couldn’t help but feel different, like she had grown up in the weeks she was away.
Some of her friends had reached out when they had seen on Instagram that she had returned to L.A, but she hadn’t responded yet. She was an adult now, with a real job, not a college kid that could mess around and do all the things she used to, hanging out in the skate park suddenly so lame and childish compared to all the things she was doing in New York.
She had spent the day in her mom’s studio, watching her work like she had done so many times before, her mom excitedly asking about what clothes she should make her, and showing her all of the sketches she had done while Gigi was away based on the pictures she had sent.
Gigi couldn’t wait to wear her mom's creations, the outfits more chic than anything she had seen in the multiple designer stores she had now been in. Sutan’s words that her style was her edge ones she had really taken to heart.
“There!” Gigi exclaimed triumphantly, pulling her earpods out of her backpack. She grabbed her phone, and was just about to get to the kitchen to do the dishes, when she saw that she had gotten a message from Symone, a massive grin spreading on her face as she slid back down to the floor, leaning against her bed to respond, her chores completely forgotten.
JINKX: Hey honey. Just want to make sure you made it home from the airport okay.
JINKX: I read it was snowing a ton.
JINKX: Plus you know, I haven’t heard from you in almost 4 hours so I miss you like crazy.
ALASKA: Haha, I’m fine. At a bar right now catching up with the bro.
JINKX: Tell him hi for me
JINKX: xoxo
It was Christmas Eve Day, barely past dawn, but Courtney was already awake. She’d slipped from the bed as quietly as possible so as not to wake Bianca, padding over to the big picture window to watch the golden sunlight reflecting off the buildings, admire the light dusting of snow on the trees in the park. She wasn’t used to thinking of New York as pretty, but from up here, it really was.
“Hey...good morning…” Bianca said, her voice rough with sleep, just the way Courtney loved most.
“Good morning.” She turned around, giving her a slightly apologetic smile. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“Nahh...I guess my body just doesn’t want to sleep without you.”
“I love it when you’re cheesy,” Courtney giggled.
“Oh yeah? Plenty more where that came from. What are you doing all the way over there?”
“Just...checking out the view. It’s pretty amazing.” Courtney turned and headed back to the bed, suddenly missing Bianca’s warmth beside her.
“The view over here isn’t half bad either,” Bianca told her with a wink.
Courtney giggled some more, crawling toward her across the mattress. “Happy Christmas Eve…”
Their lips met in a sweet and tender kiss, Bianca’s hands cradling her face.
“Speaking of which...how do you feel about opening one of your presents now?”
“Really? Already?” Courtney asked, eyes lighting up.
“Well, it’s kind of useful, so I think it makes sense.” Bianca got up out of the bed, pulling a huge box wrapped in silver from her closet.
Courtney sat on the edge of the bed, bouncing slightly as she ripped open the paper to reveal a gorgeous pink Fendi suitcase, covered in what had to be custom crystals. Her mouth fell open.
“I figured you could use it for our trip. You know. I’m all about practical gifts.”
Courtney couldn’t help laughing. The suitcase was anything but practical...but it was perfect, like it was designed from Courtney’s wildest daydreams.
“I don’t know if I have enough to fill this,” Courtney said, running her fingers over it, watching the way the stones glittered in the light.
“Well...that’s cool, I could use the extra space myself.”
Courtney raised her eyebrows. She’d seen Bianca’s packed suitcases, two giant Louis Vuittons and a large, matching carry-on, nearly ready to go.
“You need more space? We’re going for a week...what are you even taking?!”
“More presents,” Bianca said, dimples deepening.
“Oh my god…”
Violet chewed on her lip; sorting through Google images really not where she excelled. She was looking for pictures of Raja at the Met Ball, slowly combing through what she could find since her emails to Max and Pearl had gone unanswered. It was annoying, but expected. Pearl never missed out on the chance of ignoring her emails, and Max was british so he completely ignored both phone and computer the minute he left the office, so she was on her own.
Violet looked up from her station at the living room table to see Sutan head peek in through the kitchen door, his phone against his shoulder, the glasses in his hair betraying that he had been working  as well even though it was Christmas Eve. “My mom’s asking if you like klappertaart?”
“... Excuse me what?” Klappertaart? Violet had no idea what that was. It wasn’t unusual for either Raja or Sutan to get a bit confused when they bounced between Indonesian and English, their sentences sometimes mixed up, but that didn’t sound Indonesian at all. “Is that German?”
“Dutch, actually,” Sutan smiled. “Remind me to educate you on the thrilling saga of Indonesia's colonial history some day.”
“Ah,” Violet felt a brief stab of shame, that information seeming like something she should have known, though she had barely even been aware that Indonesia existed before she had met her boyfriend.
“So?” Sutan walked fully into the room, leaning against the doorframe, his black pants tight in the waist, and Violet couldn’t help but admire him for a second. “Klappertaart?”
“I still don’t know what it is.”
“Oh fuck, right” Sutan’s eyes widened, and Violet laughed as she heard a noise from the phone, Murni clearly picking up on her son’s swearing, Sutan quickly putting the phone against his ear.
“Ya Bunda, ya ya, maaf,” Sutan grinned, walking over to the table before putting the phone down so he could continue talking.
“Klappertaart is… It’s a cake, that’s…” Sutan paused, clearly looking for his words. “There’s coconut and… Know what, excuse me.” Sutan held the phone up again, Indonesian falling from his lips as he talked to his mom and Violet had to hide a smile, Sutan clearly never considering what was in this mysterious klappertaart.
“There,” Sutan pulled away, “It’s a coconut cake with almonds and raisins, and we usually have it for Christmas.”
“Huh,” Violet ran over the ingredients in her head. It was incredibly nice of Sutan’s mom to ask if she liked the menu, and there weren’t any of the ingredients that she hated, though warm raisins were disgusting, but she was pretty sure she could get away with picking them off, so there was no reason to create a scene. “That sounds lovely.”
“Great,” Sutan smiled, bending down to give her a quick kiss before he returned to his phone call.
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uncloseted · 5 years
Back again with the costume designer talk -- Yes, I agree with the mischaracterization of all the characters in s6. It felt like last series' plots and endings had been thrown out the window. While watching s6, it felt like a different show all together. Everything that made every character unique was gone. Was there any reason as to why Edward was gone? Also, you stated that Matty likes Victorian and gothic culture. What are other characters' interests? I know Alo's are nature/punk; Rich: metal
Totally.  I think series 5 got a lot of backlash from older fans who no longer felt like the characters were relatable and were very vocal about that fact on Twitter, and so they decided to go completely in the opposite direction because maybe people would like that instead.  And I think that’s a real shame, because like I’ve said before, I think series 5 is some of the best, tightest writing that Skins ever did.  As far as Edward goes, I think he left to work on Secret Diary of a Call Girl. My impression is that he was trying to balance both jobs in 2010 and then felt like it was too much.  Katie Newham, who took over, was Edward’s assistant costumer, so I think he assumed that she would be able to just pick up where he left off, which ended up totally not being the case (and which is what makes me think she comes from a styling/costume construction background as opposed to a costume design one). 
Canonically in terms of interests, here’s what the characters like:
Franky likes “making stuff,” The Catcher in the Rye, The Little Prince, Clockwork Orange, Graphic Novels – Dark Knight, Manga - The Rose of Versailles, Arcade Fire, Burial, Crystal Castles, Nirvana, Corpse Bride, Seven Samurai, Let Me In, Bad Santa, Spirited Away, Vertigo, Harold Lloyd!,  Dexter, The Walking Dead, Battlestar Galactica, and taking photos.  
Alo likes his weed, his van, his dog, Youth in Revolt, The Dharma Bums, The Velveteen Rabbit, Blitzen Trapper, Wolf Parade, Dog is Dead, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zero's, Fruit Bats AND Filthy filthy filthy filthy filth. Borgore, Excision, DatSikk, Funtcase, 16 Bit, Into the Wild, Grizzly Man, Where the Wild Things Are, East of Eden, The Jungle Book, Backdoor Sluts 9, The Hangover, Ninja Warrior, Party Down. Summer Heights High. Babestation. South Park. Family Guy, Lookwell, porn, and Victorian porn.
Rich is mostly defined by what he doesn’t like: he doesn’t like pop music, Simon Cowell, beautiful people, Radio 1, ITV, rapping, beatboxing, middle-class wankers, racism, sexism, Death Cab For Cutie, The Smiths, religion, Downton Abby, Tracy Chevalier, nu-metal, Empire magazine, Kerrang (wankers), drum machines (except when carefully used in Grindcore or Cybergrind – see Cutting Pink With Knives and Noism), synthesizers, Beth Ditto, public displays of affection, the city centre at the weekend, trance, techno, house, dubstep or any music made by skinny white people with computers, Kanye West, JLS, any show about fucking cooking or cooks, townies, chavs, narcissistic politicians, teachers, the song ‘Wait and Bleed’, the second solo on ‘Master Of Puppets’, artichokes, JK Rowling, any film or tv show with fucking vampires or zombies made after 1986, Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee, Glee. He does like metal (”ugly, angry music which you’d probably hate because you don’t understand it”), Atlas Shrugged, American Psycho, The Illuminatus Trilogy, Slayer, Napalm Death, Black Sabbath, Raging Speedhorn, Noism, Atari Teenage Riot, Venetian Snares, Behold The Arctopus, Godflesh, Cathedral, Sleep, Sepultura, Pantera, Soul Fly, Slipknot (2nd album only), PPK, Anal Cunt, Pig Destroyer, Jesu, Sunn 0))), James Plotkin, Earth, Brain Donor, Chrome Hoof, Hair Police, Mayhem, Wolves In The Throne Room, Burzum, Wolf Eyes, Ec8or, Dark City, Split Second, Blade Runner, Near Dark, Braindead, Halloween, The Thing, The Fly, and Alien.
Mini likes “Shopping. Shoes. Sushi. Sex. (”yes, always in that order.”) Sour apple martinis, putting effort into her appearance, Diana, Princess of Wales, Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, yoga, Pilates, fashion, fragrances, dubstep, Katy Perry, Harry Potter, Twilight, Dreamgirls, Grease, Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, The Hot Chick, Legally Blonde, Clueless, Mean Girls, Crossroads, Inbetweeners, Misfits, Come Dine With Me, Party Wars, True Blood, Gossip Girl, 90210, The Hills, and ANTM.
Liv likes dancing, HST, Philip K Dick, The Animals of Farthing Wood, Only Forward, Dubstep, Hard DnB, Die Antwoord, Kids, A Scanner Darkly, Dazed and Confused, Bright Young Things, Anchorman, Blades of Glory, The Other Guys, anything in which Mel Gibson dies, Banged Up Abroad, BSG, Firefly, South Park, Twin Peaks, Hollyoaks, The Gilmore Girls. 
Nick likes Rugby, Sex, Winning, Drinking, being awesome, “all sorts” of music, R’n’B, Mumford and Sons, Rocky, Bourne, Borat, and anything with action or the funny, Sport and Friday Night Lights.
Matty likes absurdity, Friedrich Nietzsche, William S. Burroughs, Clive Barker, Hakim Bey, Splatterpunk, Maurice G. Dantec, Anton LaVey, Robert Walser, H.P. Lovecraft, Antonin Artaud, Raymond Abellio, The Art of War, everything Edgar Allen Poe would have listened to if the synthesizer was created before 1964, David Lynch, My Own Private Idaho, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and Shortbus.
Grace likes so many things. Jane Austen, ballet, theater, lucid dreaming, not having to wear a school uniform, collecting pennies, making wishes on things, animals, vanilla ice cream, The Big Book of Fairytales, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, Northanger Abby, Mansfield Park, Persuasion, Emma, Lolita, Jane Eyre, Little Women, Ballet Shoes, Alice Through the Looking Glass, Great Expectations, Tess of The D’Urbervilles, A Little Princess, The Secret Garden, Tom’s Midnight Garden. The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, The Wizard of Oz, Tales From The Brothers Grimm, Matilda, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing, Death of a Salesman, Cyrano de Bergerac, Macbeth, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar Named Desire, Cymbeline, Twelfth Night, The Tempest, The Winter's Tale, music that moves her, Casablanca. Sabrina. 42nd Street. Meet Me In St. Louis. A Star Is Born. The Wizard of Oz. An American In Paris. Mary Poppins. The Sound of Music. Annie. Singing In The Rain. Top Hat. The Gay Divorce. My Fair Lady. West Side Story. The Red Shoes. Grease. Fame. Dirty Dancing. Moulin Rouge. Chicago. Cleopatra. The Philadelphia Story. The Shop Around The Corner. An Affair To Remember. Some Like It Hot. Roman Holiday. Meet John Doe. La Belle Et La Bete. Breakfast At Tiffany’s. Romeo and Juliet. Disney films, Jeeves and Wooster. The One Show. Strictly Come Dancing. Anything on the Disney Channel. So You Think You Can Dance. Downton Abbey. Agatha Christie’s Poirot. The Forsythe Saga. Any Human Heart. Upstairs, Downstairs.
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backintime · 5 years
snippet of Battlestar Galactica fic i probably won’t finish
“I told you before, this is only the beginning.”
Ares looked up from her mug, sitting back on her chair and setting her boots on the round, metallic tabletop with a resounding thunk.  The dissatisfied tone of her voice wasn’t lost on Apollo as he watched her from across the table.
“The Commander’s always been prone to mad-cap crusades,” she continued.  “This has just given him an opportunity.  He’s flying our fleet straight past countless serviceable planets, just to find this supposed ‘earth’ colony.  We should have set the fleet down ages ago.”  Ares glanced at the cards in her hand, shaking her head as she placed three down, face up, on the table in front of her.  “Read ‘em and weep, boys.”
“I’m sure the Commander knows what he’s doing.”  Giles sounded less than certain, and less than pleased as he looked over his own hand. He groaned, setting the cards down. “Fold.  You’re cheating.”
“Prove it,” Ares challenged good-naturedly, giving the smaller pilot a wink.  “The Commander doesn’t know where we’re going, Giles. He read some old runes on a deserted colony, and now we’re headed off on a chase with no destination, with thousands of Cylon ships on our tail.”  Her tone was considerably less jovial.  “Well, Captain?  You playing?”
Apollo barely saw his own cards.  “Would it kill you to call him Father?” he murmured.
Ares faltered, sitting up straight and taking her boots off the table.  “Alright.”  Her voice dropped lower, quieter as she looked him in the eye.  “Father doesn’t know where he’s going.  We’re lost, and he’s putting our people in danger.  If it was just a military squadron, that’d be different.  I’d trust his judgement.  But we’ve already lost too many, and we’ve got too many civilians with us.”
Apollo leaned forward. “You think he doesn’t know that?”
“I think he doesn’t care,” Ares shot back.  Her dark eyebrows knitted together as she slammed her mug on the table.  “At least not as much as he should.”
Giles reached out a steadying hand, placing it on Ares’s shoulder.  He glanced at Apollo, a look of concern on his face.  “She’s right,” he said quietly.  “The other pilots have noticed that we’re barely outrunning the enemy.”
“And it won’t stop here,” Ares added.  “Like I said, it’s just the beginning.  Even if this colony does exist, we’re leading the enemy right to them.  We don’t know if they’ve got the resources to defend the fleet and their own planet.  We’ve got too many civilians to look after as it is.”  Her voice hardened.
Apollo shook his head. “What would you have Father do? Set the civilians up on one of these ‘serviceable’ planets, and let the fleet move on ahead to draw the Cylons’ fire? Or perhaps you think we should all settle, start our own colony.  The only thing keeping us alive is the fact that we’re running.  If we stop for a moment, we run the risk of one of their patrol ships catching up and bringing the rest of their fleet with them.  We don’t have the firepower to deal with that kind of attack.  Not anymore.” He paused, swallowing hard.
Ares jerked her arm out to the side, gesturing at the walls of the pilot’s lounge.  “With enough concentrated Viper attacks, we could take out their main ship.”  She lowered her arm, fist clenching as her face tightened, voice growing hoarse.  “We could take Baltar down, once and for all. Make him pay for the lives he’s taken.”
“That’d be a suicide run,” Apollo argued.  “I refuse to lead good soldiers into that kind of maneuver.”
“You wouldn’t have to,” Ares said.
Apollo folded his arms across his chest, the weight of the Captain’s insignia suddenly feeling much heavier.  “And who would?  You?”
Ares raised her firm chin, responding with a wordless affirmation.
Giles nodded calmly, glancing at Apollo.  “The men would follow her sir.  Even if I wasn’t her wingman, I’d follow her.  She could lead us through.”
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theartificialdane · 6 years
Galactica, part 253
Vows has been exchanged, but what happens next? Follow along as we have dinner, drinks, speeches and everyone is invited to ring in the new years with our favorite couples.
Thank you @veronicasanders for working on this with me, and thank you to everyone else for your patience <3
[Oh look at you my little girl! You were so beautiful up there.] Raja smiled, bending down so her mother could hug her, the two embracing each other tight, Mani barely making it to her daughters chest. Everyone else was leaving the room, getting carefully rushed out for cocktails by Raven’s bridesmaids, the entire thing running smoothly.
[I’m 43 mom.] Raja laughed, only her tiny mom still insisting on calling her and her brother small.
[Oh hush you, you will always be my little princess.]
[Of course.]
Raja didn’t know she could feel such happiness, the fact that Raven had said yes, the fact that they were now legally married still feeling like a dream. Raja touched her wedding ring, twisting it slightly, the metal a comfort, a physical sign of Raven’s love for her, and the promise they made each other.
Mani took a step back, dapping her eyes. [Dad would have been proud.]
Raja froze, looking down at her mother. [I-] They never really talked about their dad, Raja’s heart breaking every time she thought of him, the fact that he had been dead for 11 years not making it any easier, most of all because Raja wasn’t sure that her mother was right, wasn’t sure he would have been proud of her. Her and Sutan had spent so much time hiding so much of what they were from him, Raja never even getting the chance to introduce him to Raven, her dad never getting to walk her down the aisle, Raja never getting the chance to know if he would have accepted her love of girls.
Her train of thought was broken by her mother's gentle touch, Mani taking her hand.
[He would.]
[If you say so.]
“Everyone please move closer together.”
Fame rolled her eyes. “How many pictures do we need?”
“Let her have her fun, Famie Dear.”
Detox smiled, hosting Grace higher up on his hip, the little girl’s fingers in her mouth, her mom quickly tugging on her elbow so Grace could look good for the almost endless photoshoot. The photographer was catching the wedding party, making everyone get together for several combinations of group photos.
“I’m just saying. We didn’t have anywhere near this many pictures at my wedding.”
Detox snorted, almost dropping Grace, while Patrick rolled his eyes. They both knew Fame was lying through her teeth, Patrick and Fame’s wedding almost as grand as the one they were at now.
“Okay, maybe we did.”
“And you better own it, blondie.”
Fame smiled, running a hand down Grace’s back, the little girl as bright as sunlight, and Fame knew she would have every single photo from the day framed and put up at the farm. Of course she would. These people were her family after all, and the ones she loved most in the world.
“Does my makeup look okay?”
“Let me check.”
Raja leaned in for a kiss, and Raven pushed her away, a shriek leaving her, followed by a happy laugh. “Raja!”
“You told me to check!”
Raven shook her head, the two of them standing together for the several photographers they had hired, Sutan and Violet on each side of them, Raven insisting on the pictures. Violet laughed slightly, quickly stepping in front and opening her bag, pulling out a small mirror so Raven could see herself. Raven checked her reflection, happy with what she saw, but she was still slightly annoyed with Raja.
“Everything has to be perfect you bitch.”
“Excuse me, that’s Mrs. Bitch. I’m a married woman now.” Raja put her arm around Raven.
Raven rolled her eyes, but leaned into Raja. “Alright Mrs. Bitch.” Raven smiled, Mrs and Mrs Bitch. That would make great throw pillows the next time she redid their living room.
Bianca walked into the ridiculously over the top (true to form) cocktail hour, scanning the room for Courtney. She spotted her with Adore by a tower of sushi and strode quickly over. As she approached, she gave Adore a warning look and a “get lost” gesture. Adore kissed Courtney on the cheek and scurried away.
“Adore! Where are you-“ Courtney stopped talking as arms slid around her waist.
“I’m sorry,” Bianca whispered, lips against her ear.
After a beat, Courtney replied, “I know.”
“Baby…” Bianca fingered one of the delicate silver straps of Courtney’s dress, hot breath on her neck. “Please…”
Courtney turned around to face her.
“Let’s not worry about it right now, okay? It’s a party. Let’s just have a good time.”
Bianca searched Courtney’s green eyes. She seemed far away, defeated. Bianca tilted her chin up.
“Baby, I really am sorry. Truly.”
Courtney sighed, leaning her head against Bianca’s, wanting nothing more than to melt into her arms until all of her doubts faded away.
“Yeah, me too,” Courtney replied, giving Bianca a soft kiss on the cheek. “Let’s...can we talk more tomorrow, when we get home?”
“Alright,” Bianca agreed, relieved just to be holding her again.
Across the room, a young woman watched them, running her hands through her glossy cascade of blonde hair.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please give a huge welcome to our beautiful brides...Raja and Raven!”
A thunderous cheer echoed through the hall as Raja and Raven sailed into the room, giddy and laughing, arms around each other. As glowing and beautiful as ever, Raja pushed Raven out in front of her, directing the crowd to continue cheering for her as she basked in the applause.
Adore turned to Jinkx and giggled, commenting on how of course they’d had a wardrobe change for the party.
“Alright folks,” the DJ continued. “Let’s keep the love going while these stunning ladies share their first dance as married women…” He began to play Jessie Ware’s Desire, turning up the music while the brides took to the dance floor.
You're my desire And this, I always know You've been admired And do you see me glow?
Raven laughed, so happy they had found the time to go to the dance classes together. She allowed Raja to pull her closer, the other woman leading, in total control of everything that happened, and Raven couldn’t wait to follow Raja’s lead for the rest of her life.
Raven’s head was swimming, the night going so well, everyone pulling at her all the time, congratulating her, telling her how beautiful she was (which she already knew thank you very much), and how happy her and Raja would be (which she also knew). She was drunk on champagne, her dinner dress looked fucking amazing, her boobs had healed perfectly and Raven felt like a goddess. They were finishing up the meal, the speeches even making her cry a time or two, and Raven had started to look for Raja, so they could go change their clothes a third time. Raja had laughed the first time Raven suggested it, but she had been shopping for it for over a year, and there was no way she wasn’t going to wear each and every dress she had brought for the party. This was /her/ night, and she was going to look like perfection from every angle the entire time.
Raven was just about to signal Juju that they’d like to start getting ready to change again, when Raven noticed that Violet was only picking at her food, Sutan’s arm around her shoulder, but he was clearly caught up in conversation to his right, happily chatting away. Had Violet looked sad all evening? Why was she sad? Didn’t she realise this was Raven’s wedding?
Raven was just about to be mad, when she remembered what had happened the day before, Violet trying so hard to do the speech Raven had asked of her, and then suddenly disappearing, after Courtney pulled her from the podium. Had Raven even said anything? She tried to think back, but all she could think of was how mad she had been at her mom, yelling at Bianca over her girlfriend going rogue, and then, she remembered. Raja coming to her and telling her that Violet wouldn’t do the speech at the reception. Raven felt a slight twist in her stomach. Who had even told Violet that she didn’t need to do it, anyway? Raven knew she had most likely forced Violet to do it in a fit of inspiration. She had those, and sometimes she could be quite aggressive in getting her way. Had they asked Sutan to do the speech instead?
“Hey Vivi?”
Violet looked up, surprise clear on her face at being spoken to. “Yes?”
“Thank you for being here.”
Raven watched the total confusion, Violet clearly not understanding what she was saying, but then, she smiled.
“Thank you for having me.”
“Oh god this is so good!” Pearl laughed as she cleaned her plate for the third time, and Laila was in utter awe. She had never seen Pearl eat that much before, a warmth tight in her chest as she watched her girlfriend actually not only enjoy, but also finish the food in front of her. “Why did we ever leave yesterday?”
“You insisted on it.”
“I did, didn’t I?” Pearl smirked, and Laila gulped as Pearl caught her eyes, the other woman looking at Laila as if she was a prey animal. “I did.”
“Hello everyone.” Sutan stood up, Raja groaning, but her smile absolutely betrayed her. “I’m Sutan Amrull, and as Raja’s brother, and her best friend, I figured I had to say a few words today. I’ll try to keep it brief.” Sutan reached into his suit, pulling out a few cards. “But I promise nothing.”
The entire hall laughed, a few of them even booing, but it was all in good nature.
“Raja, Raven, I have had the privilege of seeing two people, as perfect as you, not only meet in this crazy world, but also meet at the exact right time. It’s no secret that neither of you have ever been low maintenance. I think I speak for everyone here when I say that you’re both the bossiest bitches around, but somehow, that doesn’t matter when you’re with each other.” Sutan smiled. “Life is short, and today you promised to stay together through sickness and health, and after almost a decade together already, I can’t think of anyone else for either of you.” Sutan lifted his glass. “To the brides. May they live forever!”
“Raja, today you married your- wait, wait, I told myself I wasn’t going to cry.” Fame took a deep breath. “Raja, today you married your best friend-” Fame began crying for real.
Everyone chuckled as she tearily finished her toast, allowing Patrick to take her hand and hand her a tissue.
“Thank you so much, Fame, that was beautiful,” Adore said from the stage, where her band was just finished setting up. “You mushy bitch.”
Fame laughed, wiping her eyes.
“Hey also, who’s ready to fucking party?” Adore asked sweetly, as the band began to play. “Dance, motherfuckers!”
“Dance motherfuckers” was the most aggressive way Trixie had ever been told to have a good time, but he didn’t mind it at all. He had a baby free night, and an excuse to rock out with the people he loved, even dancing a few dances with Fame. He was sweaty and giggly from the alcohol he had drowned during dinner and cocktails, and he would most likely regret it all tomorrow, Ivan in a new phase of his life, were annoying dad was the funnest thing he could think of, but as Trixie pulled Katya closer, he didn’t care at all.
Courtney danced with Alaska and Tati, twirling and laughing, finally letting go of some of the tension she’d been feeling all day. Once Adore had taken the stage, the real party had begun. They were mostly singing covers, with a few of Adore’s original songs tossed in, and Courtney was filled with relief for the opportunity to really move.
She noticed Violet over by one of the bars with Sutan and Karl, taking a prim sip of her champagne and appearing slightly bored. Catching her eyes, she shimmied over and grabbed her by the hand.
“Come dance with us!”
“Oh, I don’t know if I- You’ve already done so much for me-”
“Pleeeeease?” Tati added, batting her lashes and taking Violet’s other hand, Violet’s face instantly going bright red.
Giggling self-consciously, Violet allowed herself to be dragged onto the dance floor, following Tatianna like a little lost puppy.
“I figured you could use a break from the grown-ups for awhile,” Courtney whisper-yelled over the music.
Violet laughed, slightly giddy as Tati began to twirl her around, the other girl’s perfume pleasantly invading her senses.
“Anytime!” Courtney gave Violet a quick kiss on the cheek and continued to grind against Alaska happily.
Courtney watched Bianca out of the corner of her eye. She’d seen Celia gliding over, a little tipsy, and then the gorgeous blonde was sliding an arm around Bianca’s neck. She bristled slightly, letting out a relieved sigh as Bianca carefully detangled herself and sent Celia on her way, rolling her eyes at Jinkx and continuing their conversation.
Maybe she’d been too harsh with Bianca last night, Courtney thought guiltily. Maybe she’d imagined her girlfriend’s flirting as overblown, because of how annoyed she was to begin with.
Courtney looked back over to Tati and Violet, thrilled that her friend seemed to be helping the brunette loosen up. She flashed Violet a wicked smile, as she bumped hips with Alaska. Thank god for the dance floor.
“Oh look, our stunning brides are back!” Adore called into the microphone. “Please let’s give a huge cheer for Raja and Raven, who have changed for the third time tonight. Raven, your ass looks perfect.”
Raven giggled, waving and blowing kisses, as she and Raja sailed onto the dance floor to join their guests.
Patrick slid into his seat beside Fame, handing her a glass of champagne.
“Remember our wedding?” Fame asked, smiling.
“Of course.” Patrick smiled back and puts his hand on the table, letting Fame take it, their rings clinking together. Patrick was so happy to be there with her. He could tell that Fame’s sentimental side had been triggered by the surroundings. All tension from their Christmas vacation seemed to evaporate. “It was one of the best days of my life, and way better than this whole extravaganza, just a humble wedding of us, your dad’s mansion, close friends and family and around 6000 chickens.”
Fame laughed. She scanned the crowd, hoping to see her best friends looking as happy and content as she felt. There was a beautiful, dark-eyed woman by the bar who averted her eyes when Fame looked her way.
Fame leaned over to Patrick, whispering in his ear. “What do you think of the woman over there in the blue dress?”
Patrick swallowed, unsure if this was a test. “She looks...uh, very…”
“Let’s seduce her,” Fame continues, now smirking wickedly.
Patrick clears his throat, one eyebrow lifting.
“I’ll follow your lead…”
Juju re-entered the ballroom; she’d just spent nearly an hour putting her three youngest kids to bed, with no help from her husband, and she needed a drink in the worst way.
As if reading her mind, Detox sidled up to her with a martini, looking tipsy and very pleased with himself.
“So, where do you wanna go on vacation?”
“What do you mean?” Juju laughed, taking the drink and kissing his cheek, letting him guide her to the dance floor. Detox pointed to the side of the room and Juju noticed a few iPhones out, despite the security guards who had confiscated their own phones earlier.
“Matthew Sanderson, are those reporters?!”
“No, they’re freelance writers who happened to also have enough waiter experience to be hired as catering.”
Juju hit him and Detox laughed again.
“Come on little bee, don’t be mad! Better we get the scoop than those pretentious assholes from Vanity Faire.”
Juju huffed but lets him pull her in.
“You better take us somewhere real nice.”
“You, me, our demon kids and two nannies. Believe me, this night is going to cover your wildest dreams baby.”
“Who knew you’re more than just a good designer!”
“What do you mean?”
Violet yelled over the music, her and Tatianna still dancing together.
“You’re a really good dancer!”
Violet blushed as Tatianna complimented her, then said, “And you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!”
Violet wanted to slap her hands over her mouth, her eyes going wide. What the fuck? Had she really just said that out loud? But Tatianna just laughed, still dancing.
“Thank you! I understand why Sutan loves you!”
Sutan. Her Sutan. Her Sutan who didn’t know that she was angry with him.
“I have to go!”
“Max!!” Raven squealed as she spotted the tall britt, his almost white hair making him stand out like a lighthouse. “Max!” Raven threw herself at the photographer, happily wrapping her arms around him. “You have to take our picture! Please please please please.”
“Isn’t that why you invited me?” Max laughed, clearly enjoying Raven’s excitement, the two of them knowing each other extremely well from all the hours they had spent in Max’s studio, shooting Galactica collections. He was also one of a very select few of trusted people allowed to have a camera inside the ballroom.
“That, and the fact that you’re the most beautiful Brit in all of Manhattan, now take some pictures of me and my wife!”
“Tonight is your night, Mrs. Amrull.”
“I love this party!” Pearl laughed, her body swaying back and forth. The dinner had been dreadfully boring, her boss crying and Laila not budging on her ‘no sex at an actual reception’ police, but this party was the best ones Pearl had attended in years. She had even cheered from the first row for Adore’s band, the woman smiling at her when she danced to the music. “Laila! We have to watch the ball drop!”
“That happens on Times Square, you idiot.”
“Raven had a perfect replica made for the ball room so that no one had to look away from her and Raja’s New Year’s kiss. Now come on!”
“Can I have this dance?”
“You better.”
Raja smiled as she took Raven’s hand, the two of them walking into the dance floor, Raja gently grabbing Raven’s hip as they started to sway together to the tones of the song Raven had picked for their first dance. Raja was beautiful, and Raven couldn’t stop looking at her, her wife, her legally wedded, amazing, beautiful fantastic wife. Raven knew they were being filmed, her years as a model giving her an almost sixth sense for finding any and all cameras, but it didn’t matter, not when she had Raja with her, the other leading her like she always did, and like she always would. The guested started counting down, midnight and the near year coming closer and closer, the seconds ticking past.
“I love you..”
“I love you too.”
Raja smiled and leaned forward, the glitterball exploding as their lips met and the clock struck 12.
“Happy New Year.”
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When Two Hearts Collide, Chapter 5: A Trip to the Dal
Pairing: Tamsin/Lauren- Copdoc
Rating: T, M in the future
Summary:  Looking for a place to read, Lauren finds herself in the Dal Riata looking for a certain barkeep. Too bad she doesn't remember his name, or find him immediately. What she does find, however, is a very large book all about fictional creatures called the Fae. And... Trick is right behind her with a bat isn't he?
Ao3// FF Links
The buzzing of conversation was all around Lauren as she sat in a cool patch of grass with her head in a book. One knee was hiked to her chest, the other laying in the grass underneath it, as she turned the page and did her best to shut out the noises around her. It was the first Sunday on campus, and while she did not think there would be the disturbing silence that night brought in the daytime, she also didn't think it would be bustling with students on the cusp of classes continuing.
When she awoke Tamsin was already gone, the pizza box no longer on the floor where it was thrown the night before but instead placed in the trash. The taller woman had gotten very good at cleaning up after herself in the last two days, and it pleased Lauren to the core that she was truly trying to apologize. Seeing as it was her last free day and Tamsin didn't leave her a note for another date, she decided the morning would be well spent reading under one of the large trees that was lining the sides of the quad. They were far enough away from any antics from the sororities, but not far enough so that the murmurs of students didn't reach her.
Still her eyes raced through the words, blocking out almost every distraction as she flipped the page and breathed, “Oh Diana.”
The distractions got the better of her, however, and right before she could finish the chapter a group of fraternity members whistled and hollered past her. It made Lauren's mind snap to reality, bleary eyes blinking wildly around her, before she let out a breath and allowed herself to be annoyed. Only for a moment, and whatever negativity that was buzzing in her mind was swiftly gone. In its place was simply the desire to find a place to finish her book she knew was quiet and not her dorm room. The cafe she frequented was far too loud for her, and she briefly thought of going to the clearing Tamsin had shown her. That was dashed, instantly feeling guilty for even thinking of going without the woman.
Picking up her backpack, she never left the room without it, she began walking presumably off of campus. Between the bar she was heading to and the buildings in which classes were placed in were only trees and barren land. The emergency call centers that were dotted across campus did not reach this far, and the student body didn't seem to venture out anywhere near. Though Lauren walked on the sidewalk, she knew she could probably walk on the open road with little fear of a car plowing into her.
Lauren reached the Dal Riata quicker than the first time she had come there. While Tamsin had a purpose the previous day, she still walked slowly to the bar, letting them both take in everything as they walked. Lauren hadn't been complaining since they were hand in hand for the entire journey. When she walked inside she still did not hear any commotion, making her instantly grow cheery. She was in the rising action of her book, and she wanted to finish it before the end of the day. Seeing no one sitting, playing pool, or at the bar instantly raised her mood further, though something did scratch at the back of her mind.
“Barkeep?” Lauren called shyly. She did not catch his name the first time around, making her feel out of place. It seemed to be his bar, and the fact she couldn't even call out his name was blatantly disrespectful. The door had been unlocked, but she did not wish to let herself get comfy if the barkeep didn't want her there. “Hello?”
Something metal clattered and resounded to her left, making Lauren stop in her tracks for a few moments. The room was still once more, and she placed her book onto the bar and went to the walkway in which she heard the sound. She hadn't realized it the first time, but she was sure it led into a basement of sorts, making the already enormous bar even larger. The wooden and stone interior led into the passageway, and as Lauren descended the stairs she continued to call out.
Getting to the bottom led her to another wooden entryway, and from there she walked into a study of some kind. It was a large room, with yet another door that led deeper into the ground, and there were strange objects and ancient looking books peppered around. Her boots clacked against the stone floor as she walked slowly around, taking a closer look at a rather large book bound together by withered covers. The curiosity in her was bubbling over, and she rested her voice for a moment and instead turned her attention on opening and studying the book. It had no name, and the writing was in such a scrawl that she only saw in history books. It took her brain a moment to comprehend, but soon she was reading paragraphs on different creatures.
Lauren had never read into more fictionalized fantasy writings like fairies or goblins, choosing to stick to more scientific things like Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica, though the book was certainly making her brush up on the former now. The tome had descriptions and drawn pictures of these beasts called fae, and she was currently reading up on what an Aswang was, and its physiology which she had more interest in, when she heard something like wood slap against flesh.
“I didn't realize I needed to invest in a door down here,” the barkeep said, looking like a father who had just caught their child with their hand in the cookie jar. Lauren bolted up, her gaze going between the book and the man, before he replied for her, “What can I do you for?”
She eyed the plank of woof in the barkeep's hand before hitting her hands against her thighs. “I was, uh, looking for you and I thought I heard a noise.”
“Inside my book?” The man came around the couch, placing down the wooden slab before closing the tome. He smiled up at Lauren and invited her to sit. When she did, he folded his arms and said, “Well, here I am. Your search has come to an end.”
“There might be something you could help me with,” Lauren was quick to say. When the barkeep didn't stop her, she continued, “What's... your name?”
Lauren expected the man to burst out laughing in her face, but instead he was rather calm, chuckling softly before bowing. “Fitzpatrick McCorrigan, but Trick will suffice. I will take that admission as no insult from you, don't worry.” He chuckled again, sitting down himself. “What has brought you to the Dal Riata?”
“Just looking for a place to read quietly.”
“You've found something to read too.”
Lauren glanced around, giving herself a moment to quell the guilt building in her, before asking, “What's a fae? I couldn't help notice it's peppered through the pages.”
Trick moved forward on his seat, something like pity passing over his features. “Some believe it to be just a fairy tale. Fiction, as it were. ”
“Some but not all? Is this like a conspiracy?” Lauren's eyes widened in faux surprise, leaning in slightly further, trying to suppress a stream of chuckles before whispering, “Did I just stumble onto a cult?”
“You have an overactive imagination,” Trick responded, smiling kindly. “I didn't expect Tamsin to bring you here in person, what with her failing to remember my name.”
Lauren blushed, stammering over her words, “W-well it was a really busy day yesterday. It's actually my fault, I didn't ask for your name, and I came without Tamsin today and-”
“Please,” Trick cut her off, holding up his hand, “please calm yourself, Lauren. It was merely a joke.” When he saw Lauren's body deflate, he quickly remarked, “This is called the Book of the Fae. It has everything one need know about the physicality and history of certain fae creatures. I wrote it myself.”
Lauren hummed lightly as she looked at the intricate design on the cover. She wished to touch it and study it more, but she kept her hands to herself. “I didn't know you were an author.”
“I'm not.” Trick lowly chortled as he placed a hand onto the book. “Tamsin tells me you're studying to become a doctor. A noble profession, one that we need more of in this neck of the woods.”
“She said that?” The woman went quiet, looking down at her hands. Why had Tamsin told this man about her? Were they closer friends than she initially thought? Or perhaps it was Lauren who was closer to Tamsin than she had previously theorized. They surely were getting along more, and even with her absence this morning, Lauren felt as if the tall woman was with her even in this strange chamber. “Yes, I am.”
“I have a... friend that has recently fallen ill. Perhaps you can take a look at her.”
“Oh, I'm sorry, Trick. I'm still in my first year, and haven't seen too many-”
Trick interjected, “But you've ranked highest in your class already. An impressive feat when those that go to this school are taken into consideration.”
Those that go to... “Tamsin must really like to talk,” she cautiously said.
The man smiled again, his withered round face still holding onto the whispers of youth. He had kind eyes, but a commanding tone, “Not so much, I'm afraid. I'm sorry if it seems I'm pushing you. My friend is very sick and I'm worried about her. You could take a look at her medical files she's entrusted to me before you make your decision to help.”
“Of course,” she stammered. She didn't question him any further, already feeling more drastically out of place, and she watched as Trick left the seat opposite her and towards a desk. He fumbled in it before pulling out a folder tucked tight with papers, and he handed it to her with a caring look.
“Thank you, Lauren. This truly means a lot to me.”
She nodded her head and tried to smile, getting up and walking to the entryway. Before traversing the stairs she looked back at the man and said, “Of course, Trick.”
Trick's bright and cheery disposition, that was only lightly tempered with sadness, suddenly darkened as Lauren left him. His shoulders were no longer hunched and tired, but instead commanding in presence. He waited until the bell on the door of the Dal Riata chimed peacefully before ascending the stairs and moving behind his bar. Making sure Lauren had truly gone, he picked up the ancient looking phone and began dialing.
A sweet voice cascaded over the other end, but Trick cut them off and snapped, “It's done. Our deal is fulfilled.” He hung up immediately after, uncaring of whatever response he would have received. Sad, weary eyes looked towards the door once more, before he sighed heavily, hoping that what he had just unleashed would not destroy them all.
0 notes
superautoreviews · 7 years
2019 Honda S660 Redesign, Release Date And Price
New Post has been published on http://www.hondarumors.xyz/2019-honda-s660-redesign-release-date-and-price/
2019 Honda S660 Redesign, Release Date And Price
2019 Honda S660 Redesign, Release Date And Price – A mental heir on the Honda S600 along with the Pininfarina-developed Honda Conquer, the S660 Kei-roadster went on sale in China. The little design was previewed with an excellent seeking concept car in the 2013 Tokyo Motor unit Show, so reaching mass-production standing up inside of some of many years is most likely an at first, for Honda.
2019 HONDA S660 Long-term
However, it possesses a retracting roof building, which regularly provides bodyweight, the small midsection of your the-engine roadster can be an element of your Kei vehicle category in China, analyzing lower than 2,000 weight and figuring out shown below 11.2 foot in size. Receiving part of that different classification implies that the 660cc engine does have its displacement restricted to that condition legitimately, but unconfirmed reviews state which a hotter design provided outdoors China may benefit from the turbocharged, 1.-liter engine, supplying its controlling developed in assistance with Mugen.
The 2019 Honda S660 comes in 6 tones, such as Higher-quality Mystic Nighttime Pearl and Admiral Greyish Metal. Irrespective of possessing tiny dimensions, the 2019 Honda S660 dimensions are the types of your fledged entirely sports vehicle. The rims are pressured as drastically as natural to each area of the full and small body. The front-conclusion is Honda, from some opinions harking returning to the Honda/Acura NSX. From the aspect you could potentially very easily blend up it with a far more highly efficient auto; the turbine rims and 2-environment intakes on each element give rise to its sporty looks. With pretty much low-existent front and back overhangs and an objective-type, textile roofing composition, the S660, without doubt, shows a business as drastically as styling and dimensions go.
The posterior end’s design tells me of the Cylon from Battlestar Galactica, but probably which is just me. The inner exhaust tube looks enormous. On the complete, the S660 appearance outstanding from just about every place – not completely specific through the concept car’s described. Honda claims that this S660 offers the most lightweight-dimensions regulates inside the total collection, its flat-basic part design acquiring a bit of NSX flavor. The practice from the NSX, single S660 cabin studies the absolute minimum as athletic as its bigger buddy. The center gaming console is aimed towards the vehicle proprietor, and also the gadget lot features a massive tachometer in the center. Honda designed the interior to generate a “feeling of unity within the driver as well as the automobile,” and also the driving a vehicle place seems much like that of a go-cart. The auto air conditioner is regular, as they are a rear center cup portion that may go down or up and processes as potentially an air deflector or perhaps a back windshield.
Based upon Japanese Kei vehicle policies, the 2019 Honda S660 sports activities a turbocharged, .66-liter, three-hose engine that evolves 63 horsepower and 77 lb-ft of torque. The little powerplant is mated into a half twelve pace manual transmission, which is an at the beginning with this particular location focused on Honda. Optionally, consumers will get a CVT (Regularly Varied Transmission) having a seven-speed paddle-shifter which has a athletics establishing. There are no words on speed numbers, but cars similar to this are most probably not about -60 or quarter-length periods. The midship engine design gives a lessen center of gravity plus a 45/55 entrance/backend extreme body weight stability, which in theory must provide adequate sums of satisfying around the twisties as extended because there isn’t drastically uphill driving a car included.
In China, the starting up a price to get a Honda S660 using the 6-rate handbook is 1,980,000 Yen (approx. $16,500 at the time of 3/30/2015). Irrespective of the proven fact that there is quickly no accepted want to export it, about the international business the commencing price could enhance even closer to $20,000, a development that can interact with the versions reduce body weight (e.g., a more safety features like unwanted fat and costs).
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