swordofthreekings · 2 years
@galahdborn gets a gremlin
He didn't know what kind of games the gods played with humans, but he was really wishing that they - or fate, or whatever - would leave him the fuck out of it.
One second, he was scouting out an old ruin, the next he was squeezing out of a fissure in the rocks, right into the middle of a dark, fire-lit battlefield. The combatants where men and women in what looked like modified Royal Guard uniforms and what looked almost like Niflheim's mass-produced army, but not. They looked... better. More fluid, more armored.
Cor didn't know what the fuck was going on, but he sure as hell wasn't going to just sit there and do nothing. He gripped his katana, launching himself into the fight. Sure enough, when his sword cut through the robotic combatants, they fell apart into a mess of metal and miasma.
At one point, he saw one of the Royal Guard being overwhelmed, jumping into defend him, cleaving apart an MT bearing down on the man. Their eyes met for a second before Cor turned away to keep fighting.
It wasn't a particularly long fight, nor a difficult one, but Cor found himself a little bit disappointed when it was over. Things were easy when fighting like this. It was clear who was an ally and who was an enemy, even if they looked a little different than what he was used to. Now that it was over, things were about to get a whole lot more complicated. He sheathed his sword and turned toward the nearest Guard. The same one he had helped earlier, he saw.
"Who's in charge here?" he demanded.
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altrxisme · 2 years
@galahdborn // cont.
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There was a lot of facets to Johanne that most tend to miss, one was that her stoic, no-nonsense nature translated word for word when she spoke. Save for a few exceptions, no one was spared from her bluntness. The insult from the Guard was nothing new, she's been called worse, and she had been about to slam her first onto his sternum when Nyx twisted the other's arm behind his back.
Johanne glanced towards him with a somewhat wide-eyed look, not having caught that. She's been in fights where numbers were against her and she knew what to do. Except now, Nyx is with her and that evened it out. Her hands flexed for a moment, glaring at the Guard that had called her a bitch.
What the hell, it's been a while.
"—Sounds good to me."
It was an absolute mess after that. The Guard she fought with had underestimated how heavy-fisted her punches were, but he did succeed in slamming her against the wall. Every now and then, she'd take a quick glance at how Nyx was doing on his end, more than happy to lend an assist if needed. The Lucian Council must've been done for the day if the fight was still going on like so. It actually concerned Johanne that this might've been planned from the start.
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ardynzunia · 1 year
@galahdborn  from here  Nyx let out a small noise of amusement when he saw what Arctus was wearing. "I don't, but I might need it back before I leave, unless you want me to walk around shirtless," he teased, though part of him was worried that Arctus would be tempted to make him do just that.
Sure, he had nothing he was ashamed of and the weather was nice, but he'd get a lot of stares and possibly a lot of questions as well – questions he didn't want to answer. "I could also just stay here, but you get to tell the Captain why I'm not showing up," Drautos might actually listen to the Prince, after all.
Arctus chuckled and took a sip of his coffee. It was certainly tempting to send him off like that. If only so people could see the little marks he’d left on his boyfriend. But then again, he rather liked such views to stay private. On the other hand the sweatshirt he’d stolen from Nyx was so comfortable he didn’t want to remove it. 
“Well I suppose I don’t want to share you,” He said finally. “ And I try not to play favorites. You could borrow something of mine? We’re about the same size. Have some breakfast and we can hitch a ride together toward the Citadel.”
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
@galahdborn x
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All this has happened before, so long ago; yet as events unfold, they become ever more familiar. The towering city buildings, the noise of the crowd outside. Luna is greeted by a voice she could place anywhere, polite and formal. It does not show in her neutral smile, but it puts her off somehow to hear the absence of that playful lilt she had become accustomed to.
Nyx takes his seat behind the wheel, and the closing of the car door plunges them into silence. There is naught but the subtle purr of the engine now, and for the first time since awakening into this old world, she hesitates.
They had worked well together, once. From the second they spoke at the gathering tonight, they shared an understanding Luna quickly came to rely on through all that followed. How is she to move forward without that? Nyx does not trust her - he does not even know her. What respect he holds is due to her title, and nothing more. And she is about to ask the world of him. Still, she knows she must do something. She cannot allow history to repeat itself.
❝I am going to tell you something that will come as a shock. I must ask that, once we reach our destination, you continue to act as if nothing is different. If I cannot convince you between here and the citadel, then I shall seek assistance elsewhere, and you may go about your business with no hard feelings. Though...I do not know who else to turn to.❞ The admission come softly as she shifts in her seat, seeking Nyx's gaze in the rearview mirror. ❝The treaty signing is a front. The Empire means to destroy the city - and they shall succeed. King Regis will fall, as will countless others. And - I am so sorry to tell you this - it will be at the hands of the traitor in your midst. Someone you trust.❞
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chosenbythecrystal · 2 years
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@galahdborn continued from here.
Noctis had long since given up on the idea of finding his soulmate. The timer on his arm would often fluctuate, counting down to zero but never quite getting there. It had always been impossible to narrow down, too, since whenever it did fluctuate, it was when he was in the presence of a large number of people.
When the timer began to fluctuate on his eighteenth birthday, Noctis didn't put much thought into it at first. The Citadel was full of people attending his birthday. It could be anyone.
As he reached the ballroom though, he couldn't help but notice that his timer was getting closer to zero than it ever had before. His soulmate was close. Very close. He was so fixated on his wrist that he was paying no attention to where he was going until a strong pair of arms caught him.
He blinked, eyes still locked on his wrist because the timer was now reading zero. Then he caught sight of the wrist of the person who was holding him. His timer was also reading zero which meant...
He slowly shook his head, eyes shifting upwards to finally look at the man. After so many near-meetings, he was a little stunned to finally be in the vicinity of his soulmate. He raised a hand when Gladio approached, signalling him to back off as Nyx pulled him into a hug.
Swallowing the lump in the back of his throat, he relaxed into the embrace, ignoring the way his cheeks burned from the embarrassment of all of this happening publicly.
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"I...yeah. We should...we should take this somewhere more private. Everyone's staring."
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generalorcaptain · 1 year
@galahdborn from here
Titus didn't react to Nyx's apparent growing upset, unfazed by the raising of his voice or the sharpness of his words. Nyx could be hotheaded. That was hardly a surprise. Could he have chosen his words better? Perhaps. But his statement still stood.
Unmoved, Titus just waited for him to stop speaking. "And what will you do if you get killed out there trying to help them? Or bring more attention to them? Getting yourself killed isn't going to do them or any of the rest of us any good. You can't help anyone if you're dead."
The injured could be found when the battle was over. Recovered and returned home. If they died... well, that was the nature of war, wasn't it? They all knew that was a possibility. They'd all accepted that. Nyx being an idiot and endangering himself, i Titus' estimation, unnecessarily wouldn't change anything in the long run.
"Orders are given for a reason, Ulric."
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ofglaiveandguard · 2 years
@galahdborn​ continued from here.
Nyx Ulric seemed to be a magnet for trouble. It didn’t matter what Titus did, it didn’t matter how many times he placed him on guard duty or how many lectures he gave him. The Glaive would just turn around and do something stupid the next chance he got.
He’d be angry if he didn’t remind him of himself. That was part of the reason he was so fond of him – why he hadn’t dismissed him from the Glaive entirely. No matter how good of a soldier someone was, frequent insubordination was usually grounds for dismissal.
“A chat, hm?” The Captain mused, only releasing his grip once they were far enough away that he was certain Nyx wouldn’t go back. He didn’t buy his excuse though, not even for a moment. ”Would that chat happen to involve fists?”
He let out a soft sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose as they walked. Sometimes he thought Ulric had decided to make it his goal in life to make his life more difficult than it needed to be. No other Glaive had ever caused him so much trouble.
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“I know it’s hard, but you shouldn’t let them get to you. They say what they say because they want a reaction. When you give them that reaction, you’re just playing into their hands. What would have happened if I hadn’t been there? You’d beat them up and then what? What would it actually accomplish?”
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caecus-scientia · 1 year
@galahdborn from here
Ignis had been aware of the person in his dreams from a young age. An older boy then, who grew steadily into a young man as Ignis did the same. He had looked it up, learned about dream walking and it's connection to soulmates, and found it quite fascinating.
There was a clear age difference between them. it did not bother him, so long as his soulmate was willing to wait, as it seemed he was. Though he occasionally saw the man looking in on him, he never approached, Ignis did the same as he got older.
Now, he was no longer a child, and it did not really surprise him that his soulmate would make contact with him. Though, he did not expect it to be at the beginning of a nightmare revolving around an exponentially growing mountain of burnt muffins, of all things.
Though he had not seen the man in his dreams as more than a silhouette before, he recognized him as he stepped in to the dream version of his apartment's kitchen. Rather suddenly, the burnt food was all gone, as was the young prince Noctis wailing at the table behind him. It was just the two of them, in the neat tidiness of his kitchen.
He huffed out a sigh, adjusting his glasses as he turned to his soulmate, taking him in for the first time. He looked familiar.
"Thank you. That was getting to be... problematic," he said. He offered a small smile. "And I would be more than happy to have your homemade baklava when we meet, so long as you allow me to bring something, as well."
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optimisticrobin · 1 year
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@galahdborn liked for a starter.
"Really Nyx?" Dick asked as he approached, a smug grin on his face as he stopped just short of him. He was still dressed in his uniform, but he'd just finished for the day meaning he could keep company. Or he could annoy him. It was a matter of perspective, really. "Guard duty again?"
He wasn't really one to judge. Perhaps it was Nyx's influence, or perhaps it was just his nature, but he could play fast and loose with rules himself. He meant well though. He had a strong moral compass.
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"What did you do this time?"
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azure-steel · 1 year
smol starter for @galahdborn
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"Yeah, I don't offer charity. You wanna use my services, then you can pay for it."
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swordofthreekings · 2 years
@galahdborn liked for a starter
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It wasn't the first time that the Cor had seen the man on guard duty either at the gate or various other places. Punishment for something, he was sure. The Kingsglaive wasn't his jurisdiction. Nor was the Border Patrol. But Cor was had seen the guard trying to get under Ulric's skin for a few minutes now, and he wasn't going to allow it any longer.
He'd deal with Titus later.
The sound of his voice made the BP guard snap to attention and Cor gave him the barest, briefest glance before he returned his attention to the Kingsglaive. "Come with me."
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altrxisme · 2 years
@galahdborn // cont.
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He stifled the chuckle at the disgruntled tone of the Hero. Nothing escaped his sight, but he kept it to himself that the pink on Nyx's ear were just the icing on the cake that he walked into. Jackson had swung by the Glaive rec room to pick up something Johanne had left in there since he was still nearby. She'd been at her apartment for about an hour until she texted him, asking if he could grab it for her.
And because he loved his big sister oh so much, he had sent her a picture of the curled up Glaive on the couch before he spoke up.
"I don't blame ya, s'little cool down here especially since you're all in your lonesome." He imagined that had there been more people present, the body heat would've warmed the room.
"Pretty damn late is what it is. Ya need a buddy ta walk ya home there?" Although he was teasing the man, he sincerely meant it as well. He'd rather not have a friend walk home on his own if he was was in need of sleep.
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sylleblosscm · 2 years
“god– i wanna kiss you.”
Kissy Starters [accepting]
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Luna stills. Her mind goes hazy and her eyes widen, and heaven help her, all she can think about is disheveled she must look.
Vanity is a foolish vice to cling to, especially now with her destiny unfolding before her. Though there are far more important things that demand her attention, it is a habit long ingrained in her. So after an unpleasant run-in with Imperial forces saw them both knocked into a lake, it was not the run-in or the biting cold from being soaked through in the early evening air that had her sighing, but rather her soaked dress and ruined up-do. After trudging from the water, she'd spent several minutes wringing out her hair and skirts on the bank, but no amount of it could quite put her back together.
It is late evening now, and they have a fire to keep warm and an expanse of stars above them. So beautiful, Luna isn't thinking about her appearance at all. That is, until their casual discussion becomes something else apart.
Luna had been naming constellations at that moment, having to scoot closer to point them out. And while she ought to be used to Nyx's flirtations by now, he's never been quite this direct. Thus, she has no retort to give him, no proper response forthcoming. Only confusion, and the vague sense that she must appear utterly unkempt.
It takes a long time for her to find her voice. ❝O-oh, come now,❞ she mumbles, turning her face away so he can't tease her for how it heats up. ❝You should watch what you say, or someone is going to get the wrong idea.❞
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chosenbythecrystal · 1 year
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He seemed to have a different guard every day. Noctis thought it was to try and throw him off – to make sure he was as on edge as possible. None of them ever spoke to him, not that he cared. It wasn't like he wanted to make friends with them. No, they just stared at him as if they thought that if they took their eyes off him, he'd disappear and their necks would be on the line.
Today's guard seemed different though. When he walked into the room, he actually smiled. Of course, the young assassin's response was to scowl and look away.
"I take it you're my warden for today?"
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generalorcaptain · 1 year
💋💋💋💋💋💋 (nyx vc: "we can go back for seconds?" owo)
everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse.
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It would serve Nyx right to tell him no. If anything, he was pretty sure that Nyx would expect him to. Which was tempting. Titus had a reputation to keep, after all. But he also didn't want anyone to say that he'd backed down.
He sighed.
He grabbed Nyx's arm, pulling him close in order to wrap his other arm around him, holding him close in order to lean down to kiss him. Deeper than the first time, he nipped at Nyx's bottom lip before slipping his tongue past them. But instead of just breaking the kiss, he kissed him again, and again.
When he was satisfied that Nyx was completely out of breath, and potentially kissed senseless, he finally let go of him and stepped back.
"Try it again, and you'll get gate duty."
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tsckcyomi-archived · 2 years
@galahdborn continued from here
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Prompto snorts sortly as he leans back against the wall. Nyx ━ all of the Kingsglaive, in fact ━ are from outside the crowncity, refugees of the war waged against Lucis and officially, Prompto is just the same as they are. Only that he has less of an affinity for the Lucian magic. And he isn't an actual refugee. Minor details. It doesn't exclude him from the comments and looks of the Insomnians, anyway, and perhaps that's why he likes spending time around the Glaives. Even if he's part of the crownprince's inner circle, there are things that none of them would be able to understand.
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"Sure have. Target practice, anyway, but that's what I'm best at." A smile curls his lips as he pushes himself away from the wall again and rolls his shoulders loosely, keeping up his act of confidence for just a moment longer. "But, like, the whole magic stuff mixed with the hand-to-hand combat? Eh. Gotta say that doesn't come as natural. I dunno how you guys make it look so easy. I only managed to warp one single time two weeks ago. Warped right into a wall, too."
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