#galaxy becomes alex in an attempt to be seen as normal
illustratingwithwords · 2 months
Who was the first person to call Darlington 'Darlington'? Am I asleep at the wheel? Was that in the novel, yes or no? Or did he give himself that name because he wanted to be someone more than 'Daniel Arlington', someone more than 'Danny'?
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comicbookuniversity · 5 years
The Completely Imaginary, But Totally True Story of The Superman Summer 2021 Relaunch!
Brought to you straight out of an exhaustive chrono-psychic search of hypertime is the news from Earth 98-Branching Timeline 66A about DC Comics' new focus on the Superman line of comics and their attempt to completely revitalize it with a brand new focus and energy that Superman hasn’t seen in years with The Summer of Superman. Without any further waste of your precious seconds and neural pathways, here are the titles from this brand new team effort!
Action Comics #1050 by Al Ewing and Russel Dauterman- In this oversized issue is the start of a brand new era with an all new, all different creative team, Superman must contend with threats from the far past, outer space, and several impossible futures as he battles to save one man’s life….Lex Luthor? What secret does Luthor hold that could cause such calamity, and what does it have to do with Smallville High? Find out in this bold new start for Superman!
Superman #40 by Tom Taylor and Pepe Larraz- Clark Kent and Lois Lane enjoy some family time with their son before he heads back to the future, but for this family, there’s no such thing as normal. When Ultraboy, son of Superman’s evil doppelganger from another universe, arrives seeking help against his dad, the question becomes how far does the apple fall from the tree? Will Superboy ever be able to look in Ultraboy's face without hate for his father? Find out in this universe shaking event!
The Adventures of Superman and His Super-Pals #1 by Chip Zdarsky and Erica Henderson- Batman’s not the only one who goes across seas to punch bad guys and kick butts. These are the daring, strange, and goofy adventures Superman gets into with his fellow heroes across the Earth! In this first issue, Superman must work with Tawny Tiger while Shazam is away to stop the witch-goddess Circe from stealing the secret power of The Rock of Eternity or all of time will stop! What does she need the power for and has time already stopped between the panels on the page of a comic? Find out by buying this issue!
Supergirl #60 by Kelly Thompson and Nicola Scott- Can Supergirl gets the respect she deserves or will the half-truths and lies continue as a new chapter unfolds? Supergirl must find if she’s to be taken seriously as a new member of cosmic super-agency, The Ideal! Who is this new super-team, and does Kara Zor-El really have a place on it? Kara must work to uncover the truth, figure out who she can trust, and find a way to get people to stop underestimating her or it could mean the end of all life in the galaxy from an ancient evil lying dormant on the far side of the sun!
Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes #25 by James Tynion IV and Carmine Di Giandomenico- Superboy has been loving his time with Legion of Superheroes, but something strange is happening. Ever since he got back from a quick trip to visit his parents in the past, Superboy has been treated distantly and coldly by his fellow Legionaries. The Legionaires aren't themselves, but what could be causing the Legion act so strangely, and what plans does it have for the greatest fighting force in the 28 galaxies? It’s up to Superboy to find out and stop the Legion before they destroy everything they stand for! Can one boy, even a Superboy, stand a chance against the Legion? Find out in this brand new start for the Legion of Superheroes!
The Daily Planet Presents: The World According to Clark Kent #1 by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev- Closing out an era on a more personal note, Superman writer Brian Michael Bendis presents us with a limited series that explores the most underestimated power of Superman: his writing for the Daily Planet. Using a mixture of text and imagery by Alex Maleev, Bendis brings us the humanity Clark Kent sees in the world through his selected pulitzer nominated and pulitzer winning articles from across Clark’s long career from an early foreign reporter to his work on the city beat and his time with the White House Press Corps. Limited Five issue series.
Supermen Squad #1 By Steve Orlando and Ramon Villalobos- All across space-time, Superman has inspired many to take up his name and values. The universe needs heroes and sometimes heroes need help. Enter the Supermen Squad! A new threat from the far-off and secretive Sixth World targets the Superman dynasty, so Kal Kent gathers up a new squad of Supermen to save the universe. Kenan Kong, Apollo, The Anointed One, and The Superdemon join Kal Kent to stop this powerful threat from destroying a lineage whose existence is tied to the very fate of reality itself! Find out if this group of strange and forgotten Supermen can turn the tide against the collapse of reality in this exciting new limited series!
Steel: Family Forge #1 by Bryan Hill and Sanford Greene- Superman isn’t Metropolis’s only hero. John and Natasha Irons are in a family business of saving the day whenever Superman isn’t around. Taking a new role as a community organizer, Dr. Irons faces an uphill battle as he tries to rebuild Binder Heights, aka The Suicide Slums, in a smart and equitable manner, stop super-crime, and now has to deal with aliens. Who are these travelers from beyond the stars and what is it that they are offering to the people stepped on by society at large that threatens everything Steel is trying to build? Find out in this exciting new series!
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thedcdunce · 5 years
Saturn Girl
“ I read the mind of a robot? That's disgusting and impossible!” - Saturn Girl
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Real Name: Imra Ardeen-Ranzz
Saturn Woman
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 7″
Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Race: Titanian
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)
Legion Flight Ring
Laser Handgun
Universe: Pre-Zero Hour
Base of Operations: Legion Headquarters
Citizenship: United Planets Citizen
Marital Status: Married (Garth Ranzz; husband)
Occupation: Legionnaire
First Appearance: Adventure Comics #247 (April, 1958)
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Telepathy: Saturn Girl is a capable telepath and is considered a prodigy, even among a race of telepathic people. She has an incredible working knowledge of the average humanoid brain and the specific functions of each part.
Telepathic Communication: Saturn Girl can read peoples' minds in detail, either by consciously willing it or by mentally picking up their stray thoughts. Via her telepathy, she can also send messages into the minds of others, sounding like her own voice inside their heads, or place knowledge of certain things into people's minds. Using a combination of these methods, she can interpret unknown alien languages. She can send or receive telepathic messages to or from the Phantom Zone.
Telepathic Cloak: She can mask her presence and the use of her abilities from being detected by other telepaths and psychic entities. Se can extend these defenses to others around him as well. Cloaking via telepathy is not perfect and powerful psis may notice and "see" through this ability.
Telepathic Illusions
Mind Control
Psionic Blast
Mental Senses
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Leadership: On more than one occasion Imra has lead the Legion of Super-Heroes as both their leader and a field operative.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic): Imra has been a part of the Legion of Super-Heroes for quite some time, as such she has had basic combat training as part of the package.
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Legion Flight Ring
Laser Handgun
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Imra Ardeen aka Saturn Girl is one of the most talented telepaths among a race of powerful mentalists, and founding member of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
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Foundation of the Legion
Imra left her homeworld of Titan to join the Science Police as a teenager. However, upon her arrival on Earth, an assassination attempt was made on the life of fellow passenger and billionaire R.J. Brande. Using her powers of telepathy, Imra discovered the plot, and, with the help of two other teenagers on board, Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy, caught the assassin and saves Brande's life.
At Brande's urging, she adopted the persona of Saturn Girl, and joined Lightning Lad and Cosmic Boy in founding the Legion of Super-Heroes - an organization of teenaged heroes formed to honor the legacy of Superboy and Supergirl. They traveled back to the 20th century several times and offered Superboy and Supergirl a place on the team after they passed their tests.
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Early Adventures
When Alexis Luthor and the Legion of Super-Villains were about to kill Superman, Saturn Girl offered to die in his place, although a trick by Superman made Saturn Queen save her.
As a Legionnaire, Imra gained a reputation for self-sacrifice; just prior to the leadership elections of 2975, she learned that a Legionnaire would die during an attack on Earth and decided to take on that responsibility herself. Using her telepathy, Imra forced the other Legionnaires to vote her leader and then ordered them not to use their powers during the attack. However, Lightning Lad defied her orders and took her place in death. Distraught over his selfless act of devotion, Imra vowed to do all in her power to bring him back.
A method was soon developed which could revive Lightning Lad, but only at the cost of another member's life. Imra again interfered in the process to ensure hers was the life taken, but her plan was foiled by Proty, the telepathic pet of Chameleon Boy. Proty admired Imra and tricked her so that it could take her place. Upon Proty's death, Lightning Lad was restored. Despite this series of events, Imra's leadership was highly valued in the Legion, and her position as leader, despite its means of acquisition, was allowed to stand. She earned a second term the following year.
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Marriage to Lightning Lad
Romantically, Lightning Lad had pursued Imra for some time, but she had repeatedly rebuffed his advances. However, after he sacrificed his life for her own, she understood the depth of his feelings and came to realize that she returned them . After dating for almost ten years, Garth proposed marriage but Imra initially rejected his offer due to a Legion rule which forced married members to retire.
After consulting with her mentors on Titan, however, Imra relented. However, the couple's retirement was short-lived; a few months after their marriage, war broke out in which all active Legionnaires were captured and the reserves were forced into action. Imra's telepathic skills were instrumental in the Legion's eventual victory, and as a result the rule barring married members was repealed. The Ranzzes returned to active duty until Imra gave birth to their son, Graym Ranzz, after which they both retired in order to devote their energy to him.
Unbeknownst to the couple, however, Graym had a twin who was stolen at birth by Darkseid and transported into the past, where he was transformed into the monster Validus. Validus fought the Legion on numerous occasions, but was eventually returned as a normal infant to his parents by Darkseid at Imra's insistence.
Imra briefly rejoined the Legion again in 2987 when Universo took control of the Earth and hypnotized and imprisoned many heroes, including her. Imra's powerful mind broke free and eventually broke Universo's hold over Earth and forced him unconscious. It was then that she realized how much the Legion was in her blood, and she rejoined, this time without Garth, who was enjoying life as a father and househusband.
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Crisis on Infinite Earths
Although the Legion survived the Crisis mostly unscathed, the Time Trapper took advantage of the chaos to isolate and weaken the Legion, making them believe her fellow Superboy wasn't the the real one and forget about her recently fallen member Supergirl. Even so, the Legion endured.
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Five Year Gap
However, during the "Five Year Gap", Earth's government became hostile to the Legion, and Garth became incapacitated from the Validus plague which ravaged his native Winath. Disillusioned by the government and feeling needed more at home, Imra resigned from the Legion for the last time in 2990. Returning to Winath, she and Garth took over running a Winathian Lightning Ring plantation, which became quite prosperous. Using their new-found wealth, Imra and Garth replaced their super-heroism with simple but necessary helping of others, feeding a galaxy suffering more from hunger than from super-villains. When the Legion re-formed in 2994, the Ranzzes helped them out, but did not rejoin. Instead, they enlarged their family with the birth of daughters Dacey and Dorritt, who inherited Imra's telepathic abilities.
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Post-Infinite Crisis
A cosmic crisis brought back by a Hal Jordan mind-controlled by Parallax appeared to erase Imra and her fellow Legionnaires from existence.
Nevertheless, the events other Crisis unleashed by Superboy Prime and Alex Luthor restored the Legion with a slightly altered history as evidenced by the trip of six Legionnaires to the time present. Once again, Imra, Garth and Rokk traveled back to the past to induct Superboy, who Imra had a bit of a hero-worshiping childhood crush on. They also recruited the next Superboy and she personally welcomed Supergirl in the team when the Kryptonian girl landed in the 30th century.
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Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes
Unfortunately, xenophobia started spreading through the galaxy because of manipulations of the Time Traper and the efforts of Earth-Man. The Legion agreed the future was becoming too dangerous for Superboy and they would not visit him again after the war against the Anti-Monitor.
The witch hunt led by Earth-Man and sponsored by the Earth Government forced Imra and her closest friends to go underground. Imra and Garth's children also went missing during that period. As a result of it, Imra became more passive while Garth got more short-tempered and emotional for a while. It was when Superman returned and rejoined the Legion that their situation started to look up.
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Legion of 3 Worlds
Earth-Man had been exposed and defeated, but tension between the Legion and the United Planets was still high, and Saturn Girl often had to mediate between her husband and their beleaguered friend and team leader Cosmic Boy.
Superboy-Prime ending up in the 30th century and freeing the Legion of Super-Villains forced the Legion to recall Superman and bring two Legions of different timelines to her own universe. Imra found herself teaming up with two different Saturn Girls.
During the final battle in Vanishing Point, Saturn Girl used her telepathy to call Legionnaires of every time and universe and with their assistance defeating the Time Trapper for good.
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DC Rebirth
Imra appears locked in Arkham Asylum, now changed after the next reality-altering debacle, with Maggie Sawyer stating she was arrested for stealing a sandwich, claiming where she comes from, food is free. Imra tells the interrogator she came here to speak with Superman, and even when the interrogator states the Justice League says he could be dead, she stays calm, and says that everything will be fine. When the interrogator asks why, she says because she has seen the future. As the interrogator talks to Maggie, she says she needs mental help, and only came with what is seemingly just a ring, but is actually the Legion Flight Ring.
Later, when Batman and Punch, disguised as Commissioner Gordon pass by Imra's cell, and she breaths on the cell glass, drawing a Legion Flight Ring symbol on the glass. She is seen later watching a hockey game in Arkham, and states this is the game, where one of the teams kills a player on the other team. She states everyone is doomed to die, including the Legion and Superman.
Later, Emerald Empress broke into the Asyulum to kill Saturn Girl, claiming her Eye had shown her defeat at Imra's hands. However, upon establishing telepathic contact with Imra, Sarya discovered her vision to be false -it was Supergirl the one would defeat her- and someone had tried to mislead her into kill Saturn Girl.
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Fun Facts
Saturn Girl is the first female comic character to ever lead a super-hero team.
Imra lost her virginity with Cosmic Boy
Imra's aunt is also named Imra.
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