versios · 3 years
@galaxywon​   //   alexsandr kallus.
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there was nearly too much going on for her to keep her head straight, and iden felt an immense amount of pressure to get things done in a more than timely manner. what had happened with her mysterious imperial contact looking to sabotage sloane couldn’t sit on the back burner anymore, even with the disaster that had occurred at the hapes consortium. another defector like kallus might have better information for a next step. “i need to pick your brain.” he’s not getting much choice on this, but at least a warning. “zeb tell you about the mission we did together, like, two months ago?”
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nightsfirst · 3 years
@galaxywon​   //   poe dameron.
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“poe! oh, thank the force,” fee gripped onto their arm, fingers digging in tightly to his bicep for a moment. she’d had no intention of being drawn out of the private first order base, hidden away, but staying put had ceased when it had begun to put their own life in danger. unfortunately, being back in public meant the act was back on, her own private reprieve ended. “what happened in there? i stepped outside for one minute and all hell breaks loose.”
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sacreficied · 3 years
@galaxywon​   //   hera syndulla.
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had he not already known about the anti-jedi sentiment, kanan was certain that he still would’ve been aware of it coming off the guards of the event, rolling in waves toward him from the moment that he checked his lightsaber ( begrudgingly ) at the door. he felt naked without it hanging on his hip. “have you seen sabine anywhere?” the slightest bit of worry underneath his tone, though it was only habitual that he tried to hide it. “i have a feeling they’re going to themself into some trouble.” hopefully not without the rest of them. 
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spectreoflasan · 3 years
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Zeb never really enjoyed these uptight receptions, even when his job with the Lasan royal guard made him a regular. Fading into the background came naturally; celebrating didn’t. Even with that, though  —  karabast, even after the hells their last few missions put them through —  it was impossible not to celebrate with the full Ghost crew back together. Relaxed as he’d been in months, Zeb passed out champagne flutes as midnight approached. Their stomach felt light when they found Kallus.  “Here’s hoping this party goes better than the last one.”
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cravked · 3 years
@galaxywon​   //   luke skywalker.
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premonition had always been something that came natural to trilla. to be so blindsided: it was alarming, for more reasons than one. to not feel these –– things in the force... she couldn’t afford to think about it now. what she could still feel in the force was the call of her saber from another room, no matter the walls between them, or the corruption of the kyber crystals. as the wall next to them comes down with an explosion, she called out to the force. blood red spun through the room as her saber ignited, slapping against the palm of her hand and spinning wide once more. “how many of them are there?”
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fearlessenator · 3 years
@galaxywon​   //   luke skywalker.
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comms being down across so much of the galaxy, naboo very much included, had set fire to a paranoia inside of her that padmé had not missed. she was grateful that luke regularly spent time on naboo now, that he was easy to track down without much technological assistance. still, she pulled her son in for a desperate hug. “it’s good to see you,” she murmured. “are you okay? how is your new prosthetic?”
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generally-scheming · 3 years
cptfulcrum // re: Alexsandr Kallus
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Kallus’ back straightened as he turned to meet the eyes of the other man, raising his brows. “ Who are you ? “ he said aloud. No one called him that anymore, especially not someone he didn’t know. The Fulcrum codename was drenched in secrecy, the idea being to keep their spies alive when they were across enemy lines. It wasn’t used un casual conversation. A hand to his holster quickly, he draws his weapon. He wished for the familiarity and comfort of his bo-rifle, but he would make do. “ It’s rather unkind to sneak up on people, you know. “
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“As unkind as it is to point a blaster at them? My apologies. I’ve grown accustomed to treading carefully as of late.” He resisted the urge to reach for his own blaster. A calm facade would do him more favors here. Hux’s gaze darted from the blaster up to Kallus’s face. He’d recognize the man anywhere, even without an Imperial uniform or his hair slicked back to comply with regulations. After Ren’s little coup, Hux had spent hours going over every scrap of information he could scrounge up on the Fulcrum agents, studying them for inspiration and methodology. Enough that Hux had no illusions about his chances if it came to a fight. Kallus had spied from the heart of the Empire and lived to tell the tale; Hux had... not. So he spoke quickly, maintaining a familiar alcoholic rasp and a deeper tone, hoping the beard he’d grown out would take care of the rest. “My name is Brendol Hux. I’m familiar with your work. I’d like to do something similar.”
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mvchinery · 3 years
continued from here for luke skywalker / @galaxywon​​​ !
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she’d tried so hard. she’d restrained herself twice now --- on the falcon, at the party. ignored the fury roaring in her ears, unlike anything she had ever felt before. mara wasn’t a darksider, not quite. she was the emperor’s experiment, somewhere in between. she was fallen, but not too far. this anger --- this power --- this was all dark. it choked her, twisting through her system, awful & exhilarating & overwhelming, polar opposite to her characteristic restraint.
she had ignored her master’s last order long enough. she had spent her whole life following him, given him her loyalty, not the empire. & now, with their bond exploited, forcing his feelings, his will upon her in this cloud of anger --- she didn’t suspect it for a moment. why would she ? she had always been able to feel him so strongly. her purple saber hummed in her hands, the light jagged on her sharp features. it felt right. skywalker had taken everything from her, hadn’t he ? hadn’t he ? she would have his head.
“the emperor wants you dead.” he would always be a living thing to her, his ghost on her shoulder. her guide. this was not how mara would have done it --- as much as she liked her vengeance, she was a clever killer, a trained assassin. someone as dangerous as skywalker would not have been given a chance to see her coming. but the fury was roaring in her ears, making her head spin with it, & she couldn’t stop herself. “i’ve never failed him. i won’t now.” mara was a good soldier. a good daughter.
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“Do I look like the kind of man who dies?“ ( from poe )
“If your flying is really as good as half of the Base makes it out to be, then death shouldn’t even be a concern of ours. Besides-- this mission is supposed to be a piece of cake!”
Still, the shuddering of turbulence gave her reasonable pause. Surely everything would go smoothly on an operation as simple as this...right?
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jedisensitive · 2 years
POE DAMERON SAID: “I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.”
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all the doubts she’d had, all the discomfort she felt in this universe, even among the people she knew, seemed to evaporate. rey had really only known poe for a short amount of time, but he sounded so much like himself that she almost laughed. she didn’t – their conversation was not the sort for laughing – but the stiffness in her shoulders eased. “you are a survivor, poe dameron.” she smiled and looked down, shaking her head. “and if you are made of anything, it’s certainly fire.” rey looked back at him and her smile softened. “poe, i... know you’re not stupid. i know you know i’ve been avoiding you. i’m sorry. this whole thing just feels so... strange. i thought i understood where my path was taking me, but...” she half laughed and waved her hand around her. 
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threeofsabers · 3 years
dooku  |||  unidentified temple
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Yet another remote temple. Yet another dead end. Third Sister has had little success in her search for the Sith gauntlet that pairs with the one on her left arm. Although perhaps their presence here is not wholly wasted. The gauntlet thrums at her side, stirring faint ripples of interest in the energy around her, like a panther purring. Another Force user is here—and a formidable one, by the power they sense. Though attuned to the light, like that of the Jedi, a subtle current of darkness runs through it.
“You have a curious energy about you, my dear stranger. I sense the Force has drawn our paths to cross here today by no mere coincidence. With whom do I have the pleasure?”
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versios · 3 years
@galaxywon​   //   hera syndulla.
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versios did not do nervous.
there were many emotions that iden had been taught to deny herself, and that had been high on the list. slowly, she’d allowed some of them back into her life in the last few years, but that was not one that she had allowed in by choice. that very choice had seemed to be stripped from her now, damn butterflies in her stomach that she couldn’t suppress. she didn’t even know if it was physical or mental. kriff, she hated this. there was only one person that she could think to talk about it with, but... she still didn’t want to. needed to, yet loathed the thought of it. her approach was strategic, waiting for kanan to get the hell out first before swooping in, “hey, do you have a minute?”
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nightsfirst · 3 years
@galaxywon​   //   alexsandr kallus.
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a sullen sigh passed through their lips as they looked at the imagining of his knee. kallus was a traitor, surely he deserved the pain. but anyone in their right mind would have come to one simple conclusion, and if she didn’t, it would earn scrutiny that fee had managed to avoid thus far. “you’re not going to like this,” she warned, setting the tablet down and straightening up to look at him. “if you want to walk again, your best bet is amputation and a prosthetic. you could try with a surgical droid and years of physical therapy, but you won’t be able to continue working, not as you are now.”
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sacreficied · 3 years
@galaxywon​   //   hera syndulla.
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parenthood wasn’t a role or construct that kanan had ever expected himself to fall into. there was the relationship between master and apprentice, something that as a young child, he assumed that he would’ve been at some point in the far future. that was the way of the order. that had still happened –– not in the way that he’d quite expected, of course, after the fall of the other and with ezra. ezra and sabine had both in many ways drawn out that paternal instinct inside of him, but kanan had not been their father. they both had their own parents, their own families that had raised and loved them, before they had ever met him. this was... this was something different.
even if biology didn’t match, kanan knew intrinsically, in the force, jacen was his.
“he reminds me of myself when i was younger,” kanan admitted, the slightest bit sheepish in his words. he wondered for a moment what depa might have thought ( looking past the obvious... pretty big discrepancy in his relationship with hera and the jedi code ). control over his emotions had been taught and encouraged, not suppression. he felt in control, he felt balanced, here and now. 
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chaotickylia · 3 years
Closed Starter | @galaxywon​ | Kallus
Her gaze lightens and she looks out over the balcony. The temple was her new home. It was the place she's been for awhile now and it's where she felt most comfortable. She felt most connected to the Force here, as if all her worries could melt away, but she knew that wasn't the case. She knew that the temple was about to become a lot more busy and she was accepting of that. She was rather happy that thee would be more people to walk it's halls and that others could find sanctuary amongst it's walls. She did not mind if they were strangers or not. All deserved a place to find comfort and care. They all deserved a place that would welcome them with open arms. A breath and she turns her gaze to look over at the other that came out for the air, probably. "Hello." She greets, a smile upon her lips and she tries her best to keep her voice with a happy tone. "Did you come out here for room to breathe as well? Or do you just simply enjoy the view like most?"
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cravked · 3 years
“Pay a man enough, and he’ll walk barefoot into Hell.“ ( from dooku )
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there’d been a brief time where trilla had been fine with such a thing theirself –– money to keep things afloat, to keep far away from the empire’s radar. there’s not purpose for that now. but the words, and perhaps their own large bias that already existed against him spark a line of thinking that spilled past their lips without much regard. “is that why you did what you did, then? for some kind of payment?” there’s bite in the delivery, a cold edge they’d maintained even through all their other changes.
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