#game of thrones leak
florisbaratheons · 1 month
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Pulled from Twitter.
I am having the biggest temper tantrum rn.
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aphrmoosun · 2 months
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peterparkersnose · 7 months
A Tale of Two Eyes
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x f!reader
word count: 2.8k
warnings: trauma, mentions of suicide, mentions of Helaemond, toxic marriage, reader has established relationship with Aemond and they have children, reader is pregnant, marriage of convenience, political marriage, arguing, undertones of an abusive relationship, selfish Aemond, hate on the Blacks (love Rhaenyra tho, just for the story themes)
a/n woah I wrote?!?! Happy birthday Ewan ily mwah
summary Aemond's son and heir just met the same fate as he did all those years ago with Lucerys.
join the tag list
read time: 10 mins 11 seconds
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That afternoon was a blur. Everything for Y/N has moved so quickly, yet so slowly at the same time. She had asked Ser Criston to fetch her sons, ten-year-old Daeron and six-year-old Aerion, for dinner. They had been playing out in the courtyard for a few hours. She had her three-year-old daughter, Visenya, sat and prepared to feast for the evening meal. Visenya wiggled in her seat, anxious for her brothers to join her to feast. The morning was rough on Y/N, as she was currently seven months pregnant with her fourth child with Aemond. Visenya had been a terror as well, as she has now taken to escaping her caretakers and seeking out Y/N specifically. Y/N was speaking to Visenya, trying to distract her from her hungry stomach and practicing her vowels when her mother-in-law, Alicent, came rushing into the dining room. The Dowager Queen looked frantic as she quickly came to Y/N’s side. 
“It’s Daeron,” she spoke, out of breath. “Daeron?” Y/N asked. Alicent motioned for her to follow her, as she did not want to alarm Visenya. Y/N immediately left Visenya with their nanny and followed her mother-in-law quickly down the castle halls.
“What has happened?” Y/N asked, holding her stomach with one hand and walking as fast as she possibly could. “Aegon and Viserys…” Alicent paused. The names of Rhaenyra’s last two surviving sons. They have always quarreled with her and Aemond’s sons, and now she truly feared the worst. 
“They have taken Daeron’s eye just as Lucerys did to Aemond years ago.”
Y/N abruptly stopped in the hallway, grabbing the wall for guidance.
“Excuse me?” she blinked a few times, angered at her mother-in-law for just dropping this knowledge on her. For the sake of her unborn child, she tried not to let her emotions run rampant.
For her first child, her first son, heir to the Iron Throne, and the beginning of the new Targaryen age has just been permanently maimed or killed. 
Aemond never attended dinners anymore. The man Y/N knew when they were first betrothed was long gone after the results of the dance. Aemond could barely deal with the grief of his siblings, niece, and nephews. Y/N had always speculated a secret love affair with her husband and his now-deceased sister, Helaena, but she never approached the subject. He was never the same after Helaena’s suicide. Aemond had been a broken man since, even though he was living out his dreams. He was now the King. The Blacks were defeated, only leaving Rhaenyra’s two legitimate sons with Daemon, as they were too young to understand the effects of what they were born into. Alicent took them in against her better judgment. 
So now, he sat in his office alone like he did most nights. The candlelight was dim and his wine glass was almost emptied. He sat hunched over letters, writing them to various Lords around Westeros. Aemond often filled his time with work so he could escape the horrors of his true life. It was pitch black outside and pouring now, as it had been hours since dinner was supposed to have happened. He heard a knock on his office door.
He didn’t expect his wife. He straightened his posture and took off his reading magnifier from the bridge of his nose. He took in her essence. She was beautiful, he had to admit. Their marriage wasn’t ideal, but she had been essential for the success of the Greens in the dance, as their marriage brought House Targaryen together with one of the most powerful houses in Westeros. Aemond took a deep breath.
“My lady wife–”
His words got caught in his throat when he saw the blood on her hands. “Is the child all right?” 
Y/N nodded eagerly to assure him that this wasn’t a complication in her pregnancy. “What has happened? Is someone hurt?” Aemond eagerly asked, standing up from his desk and striding over to her. “I-It’s Daeron…”
“Daeron?” Aemond replied, relief running over him that the issue wasn’t the child. Yet he worried for his heir. Y/N was shaking, Aemond grabbed her hands. “You mustn't freak.” she asked of Aemond. His brows furrowed. “Calm yourself, woman. Explain what happened.” 
“Him and Aerion… got in a scuffle with Aegon and Viserys.”
Aemond’s grip tightened on Y/N’s hands. If it weren’t for the grace of her and Alicent, Aemond would have had those two children’s heads on spikes before they were old enough to realize their parents' crimes. “What prompted the fight?” he asked angrily. Y/N shrugged. “That–that is to be determined. I don’t want you to freak–”
“Do not tell me what to do. What is of Daeron?” he raised his voice to his wife. “He–”
Y/N took a deep breath and paused. She didn’t know how to approach this with her husband correctly and not trigger him from his past. Her hand moved to her husband's cheek, her fingers moving over the strap of his eyepatch slowly. “Do you remember?”
Aemond scoffed.
“Of course, I remember. You don’t need to remind me.” his lips pursed as he closed his remaining eye momentarily and sighed. “Why is this relevant?”
Y/N had no clue how to tell her husband this. She was expecting him to have the same reaction she and Queen Alicent were having. 
“Our son just met the same fate.”
Aemond pondered for a moment, then turned around and brushed Y/N’s hand off his cheek. He returned to his desk. He felt sick, he had to sit down. Aemond didn’t fully understand the situation yet but feared the worst. He was silent for a great moment, hearing a small sniffle coming from his wife brought him back to reality. “What happened to Daeron? Do you mean to tell me he’s lost his eye? Don’t tell me he’s dead…”
“He isn’t. But Viserys scraped it out like Lucerys did to yours.”
Aemond slammed his fist on the desk, making Y/N jump. Aemond seethed in anger, thoughts running rampant in his head. After a long pause, he spoke. “And did you tell my mother yet?”
“She is with him as we speak.” Y/N replied, anxiously waiting to see where her husband's emotions ran at that moment. “Where is Aerion? Is he harmed?” he asked of his spare, who could likely become his heir at any moment. “Aerion is fine just… traumatized. He tried to go after Viserys but Criston pulled him away when he got to the scene.”
Aemond seethed, then suddenly threw his wine goblet to the wall. It smashed and scared Y/N. “Aemond–”
“Send Daeron to my mother’s chambers. Tell her I’ll be along shortly, I have letters to write.”
He didn’t even look up at his wife as he put his spectacle back on. 
“What?” Y/N held her stomach with one hand, the other on her hip. She was confused. “You’re returning to your work?” She didn’t even get another word in before Aemond snapped. “Send Daeron to my mother's room at once!”
She was utterly shocked. How could he? Work? His son needed his father. The only person who could relate and help Daeron through this terrible time in his life… and Aemond chose to work? “Your son needs you!” 
Aemond growled. “I’ll tend to him later. He’s going to survive, and I have work to do.”
Y/N was flabbergasted. 
“You’re the only one who can help him understand. The boy is ten and just lost his eye! That is your son!”
Y/N knew she was fighting in a losing battle. But she had to plead for her son. He had been requesting his father for some time now. Aemond abruptly stood, walking to his door. He didn’t look at her once. “If you think talking to him will do him any good, I’ll do it. I’ll write my letters and come when I can,” he mumbled. When Y/N realized this was the best she was going to get, she decided to leave. As she was exiting the door, the child kicked in her womb roughly. She groaned and Aemond looked up to her, seeing her clutching her stomach. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Y/N said coldly. He watched her exit. She wasn’t expecting another word from him. 
She could hear him before she saw him. Y/N entered Alicent’s chamber to see her son sobbing, clinging to his grandmother. Alicent brushed his hair softly with her fingers, her stare distant. Y/N could tell that Alicent had seen this story before, and she didn’t like the ending. The look of vengeance plagued the middle-aged woman's face. As Daeron heard someone enter the room, he spoke.
“Father?” Y/N’s heart simply broke then. Daeron was truly in a state of shock, he barely paid attention to anything but the throbbing sensation of the worst pain he had ever felt in his life on his face. “No, sweet boy. Your father…” Y/N caught herself. She couldn’t tell her son that his father refused to see him. No. It would simply break his heart and his spirit more than they already were broken. “I could not find him. The guards will notify him shortly when they find him.” Y/N moved to the bed, and Alicent moved so Y/N could comfort her son Daeron. Alicent gave her an honest nod and stepped into the hallway. Y/N embraced her ten-year-old in her arms, and he rested his head on the fleshy part of her arm. He was still holding a rag over his wound, so Y/N took the rag from his hand and switched it with hers so the boy’s arm wouldn’t grow tired. 
“What happened to me, mother?” Daeron spoke softly. He tried to look up at her but failed to do so. Y/N held back tears. “It wasn’t fair, my love. Viserys will pay. I will make sure of it.”
Daeron shook in her arms. “I-I’m scared.” he admitted to her. A sob finally came from the boy again, and he stopped crying when she entered the room. He was trying to stay strong for his mother. He was already showing such promising signs of a good King, even at such a young age.  “What will I do without my eye, mother? Do I still have a future, will the girls still like me? They’ll think I’m gross for sure, I just know of it–”
“My son.” Y/N cut off his rambles. “Of course not. We shall not worry about this now. You are a handsome boy, and already a great warrior.”
“But–” Daeron began again. Y/N shushed him. “No. Shh. You must remember your father has the same wound as you. And is he a great warrior?” 
Daeron nodded. “And is he married?”
Daeron nodded again. “My sweet son, my heir. Do not worry. You will be the greatest Targaryen that ever lived.” Y/N spoke. She moved closer to her son. “Don’t tell your father or siblings I said that,” Y/N whispered, managing a small smile trying to bring some humor to the boy. He desperately needed it. But it quickly faded, as the child inside of her kicked again. 
“Mother?” Daeron asked. Even in his pained state, he cared for his mother. What a good boy she had raised. “Do not worry. The babe is just wild during this time of night.” 
Y/N ran a hand over her son's bloodied hair which had now dried. She held him close until he fell asleep. Aemond never came. 
During the very early hours of that morning, Y/N had failed to find sleep. She paced her shared chambers with Aemond. He had yet to return. She grew angrier and more frustrated by the minute. And finally, as she was re-lighting the candles that should have been blown out hours ago, she heard the door of her chambers click open and then shut. She turned to her husband, who looked cowardly now, with an angered glare. “Where have you been?”
Aemond shrugged. Y/N scoffed. “Do not play this game with me right now.” Y/N approached him, he smelt of dragon sweat and the salty sea. “Did you just take Vhagar for a ride?” 
Aemond sighed. “Yes.”
Y/N couldn’t hold back the angered laugh. “You’re kidding me right now.” Aemond threw his boots from his feet against the wall. “I have my own ways of managing my–”
“Your son has lost an eye. Have you no heart?!” Y/N interrupted him. Aemond seethed silently, pausing. He then threw his jacket on the back of the couch. “I will see him in the morning.” Aemond answered tiredly. Y/N stared at him in shock. “I have no words for you.” 
Aemond ignored his wife, moving to the closet. He changed into his nightly gown and his robe. He tried to get into bed, but Y/N was already sitting on the bed when he returned. “No. Not tonight.” she said sternly. Aemond scowled. “And why not?” Aemond asked with a sharp tongue. He was almost at his breaking point with her. Couldn’t she not understand his duties? His trauma from his past? How selfish of her… 
“Why not?!” Y/N yelled “Your son has just been maimed for life and you refuse to see him! What kind of father are you?” This statement set Aemond off. All the anger, hurt, and hatred boiled over within him. He tried to keep it in for the sake that he did truly love his wife, but she failed to understand him over the years like this. Aemond took a deep breath. “Don’t you get it? I have been struggling for fucking years! Do you think I want to see my son, bloodied and broken as I once was at his age? No, you daft woman! I wish to be alone. You are incessantly bothering me and I am sick and tired of it!” he lashed out at his wife. Y/N sat in bed, tensed at his words. She didn’t know how to reply. The realization that the reason Aemond didn’t visit their son sank in; he simply did not know how to. “I cannot look at the mirror of my old self in him! For Gods sakes, he already is a copy of me! Now with this…” 
Y/N took in his words. She saw him tearing up. “Aemond–” she attempted to speak. He cut her off. “I will have that child sent to the wall along with his blasted brother,” he spoke angrily. “Do not try to talk me out of it either. I am King and I have made my final choice. I have spared their lives when they should join their bastard brother Lucerys in Vhagar’s belly.” 
“But your son–” “He will live. You cannot coddle the boy. He must grow strong.”
“How could you say that?” Y/N answered. Aemond shrugged. “My father did the same, and I will follow.”
Y/N couldn’t believe her ears. Viserys was a terrible father to Aemond and his siblings, favoring Rhaenyra. “You know damn well that if Viserys still lived, he would pardon Rhaenyra’s son and blame Daeron somehow–”
“THAT ISN’T THE POINT!” Aemond snapped at her. He knew how terrible Viserys was. He knew how damaged his father had made him. But he was the man he was now because of Viserys, and he would never be the same happy little boy he was before the loss of his eye. And now that the same had just happened to his son, his heir, he couldn’t deal. Y/N watched him in horror as he turned to violence, smashing one of the vases in the room. She held her stomach, fearing her husband in his rage. After Aemond realized what he had done and how he had scared his wife, he stopped. Aemond’s yelling turned into sobs. He collapsed on his bed. Y/N warmly opened her arms to embrace him, despite being terrified of him seconds ago. Aemond clung to her and her baby bump for dear life. 
“I’m sorry, I-I’m sorry…” he whimpered, burying his face in the crook of her stomach under her breast. He was shaking. Y/N was too stunned to speak, but she spoke softly. “I know.”
She was furious at her husband. But the effects of the dance had ruined him. This wouldn’t have happened twelve years ago when they wed. They both had to re-learn each other–him with his trauma, her with her dedication to being a mother and a Queen. They struggled too often. But at solemn moments like this, when Aemond calmed down, they just held each other. The truth was, they were just two scared kids in this world. Thrown into the grasp of something neither of them wanted or intended. And that is how they stayed the rest of the night–trembling in each other’s arms, afraid of what the future held for them. 
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annes-andromeda · 2 months
After those TikTok leaks, I would like to make it very clear that I am only a fan of Season 1/Book Alicent and Team Green, not whoever the fuck these impostors are.
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dipperscavern · 2 months
Which of the Stark men do you think are into biting (giving and/or receiving)?
the order goes robb, cregan, & jon. i don’t make the rules (i do)
don’t ask me why robb just gives off biting energy. sinking his canines into you, sometimes a little too hard if he gets carried away. but it never hurts for long cause his tongue is immediately smoothing over it, attentively soothing the angry skin. likes looking at the mark it leaves, and is completely utterly and i’m afraid totally rock hard if you ever bite him back. i do NOT make the rules (it’s the way i do though)
remember this post about cregan having a sensitive neck? yeah. walk with me here. i feel like he’s more into receiving than giving yk? that’s his kryptonite. your usual stoic, brooding, will of steel husband is not able to think properly when you pay attention to his neck. perhaps not big deep bites, but he’s definitely biting back a shudder when you lightly nip at his neck a lil. eyes shut, brows furrowed (duh), nose lightly scrunching at the feeling. are we picking up what i’m putting down??
and for jon, i just don’t really think it crosses his mind. you’d catch him completely off guard the first time you nipped him (and he probably moaned too) (slut). if you realllyyy wanna get jon worked up/in that cant-form-a-thought-what’s-my-first-name-please-don’t-stop mindset, a few well delivered nips are how u get there. and honestly…. wait. LINDA. CAN WE GET MEAN JON SNOW ON FHE PHONE? mean jon snow would bite the inside of your thighs to tease you before he eats you out WHAT WHO SAID THAT?! GUYS IM SERIOUS FESS UP
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manderleyfire · 4 months
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I will do all this, I will get all this blood on my hands, and you are able to plead naivety.
#welighttheway#hotdedit#larys x alicent#larys strong#alicent hightower#larycent#alicent x larys#alicenthightowerdaily#hotd#matthew needham#i fuckng need to tag the man himself because all those quotes? still! so! striking! HONESTLY i pepper his brain with kisses#'he makes himself indispensable to her ties them together in blood in this extraordinary act of will'#'he can see what she’s capable of and he wants to draw it out. they’re both outsiders among the natives'#'she gets to say 'i didn't want it' and i KNOW she did'#'that’s the thing about assault like that it makes the victim’s body the scene of the crime'#rent fckng free forever#larys wants her to feel the same shame wants to break her chaste royal placid exterior and peel the layers off. manually#he wants to creep inside of her mind and rearrange what he finds there#and mr needham is the only larycent fan who gets it to the core!!!!!!!!#THE matthew of the cast i'm so sorry *or am i??*#is this my way to ignore the leaks??? who knows#tbh i was overwhelmed by the urge to give our tiny larycent circle SOMETHING before the new season starts#for better or for worse i am not sorry for my crime#sooooo i'm afraid this post is not for normies it's for sickos#LIKE CALLS TO LIKE#dolores <3 mariana <3 alyssa <3 bia <3 val <3 nina <3#trashfam *affectionate*#game of thrones#shitty things i do for love#me in s1 DON'T FEED THE RAT ALICENT!!!! me now: FUCKNG FEED THE RAT ALICENT *before this particular determined rat chew its way through*
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The "Rules" to Targaryen Dragon Blood, Dragon Riding and Dragon Taming Explained ! SPOILERS!
The Velaryons have been intermarrying with the Targaryens prior to Aegons Conquest. Aegon's mother was a Velaryon who in turn was half Targaryen; their continued condition to marry the Velaryons after the conquest further affirms this. The Velaryons at this point have a little "dragon riding blood" within them, whatever the amount in Addam allowed him to tame the Seasmoke without issue. I'm primarily a book reader. Moreover, generally, the "blood of the dragon riders" is a hand wavy concept in the books itself. It functions as George wants it to function. The function of the dragon seeds narratively is to pointedly undermine the Targaryen doctrine of exceptionalism. They were given said exceptionalism by the High Septon because they had to intergrate with Westerosi Feudalism that strictly follows the faith of the seven (incest =bad but ok for the targs), but moreover, it is a concept by which George can critique those with perceived absolute power being the same as everyone else in reality.
On the topic of dragon taming/riding, there is no clear or even definitive answer to this; the entire narrative point of the Dragonseeds (Bastards with a trace of Targaryen blood; Addam, Hugh, Ulf etc) is to highlight said point - what we can come to generally agree upon is that anyone with a smidge of Targaryen blood increases the chance of taming a dragon but does not guarantee it's assurance. In the show, we have both Rhaena and Steffon Darklyn - Rhaena was noted to almost have lost her life in several attempt's and we see Steffon lose his to Seasmoke. Dragon's are capricious creature's thus there can not be any true way to know what actually goes into taming a dragon. Intriguingly, in his most recent blog post, he dove into the subject of dragons which contained potentially massive revelation for the widely accepted Targaryen (Valyrian Dragon Lord) blood = necessary to tame a dragon belief;
If dragons were nomadic, they would have overrun half of Essos, and the Doom would only have killed a few of them.   Similarly, the dragons of Westeros seldom wander far from Dragonstone.  Elsewise, after three hundred years, we would have dragons all over the realm and every noble house would have a few. 
George is a very deliberate and pointed writer - he says, "every" noble house in Westeros would have a few. If this very specific ascertain is true, it could be interpreted to totally shatters the aforementioned belief that Valryian Dragon blood was necessary to tame a dragon. It's incredibly huge. We will find out the exact specificities later as quoted below;
They bond with men… some men… and the why and how of that, and how it came to be, will eventually be revealed in more detail in THE WINDS OF WINTER and A DREAM OF SPRING and some in BLOOD & FIRE.  (Septon Barth got much of it right). 
At this point, we can only really wait for winds and speculate but the new information provided has somewhat shaken the idea of Valryian Supremacy to it's core, which ironically seems to be inline with his message to start. Only the release of the THE WINDS OF WINTER can provide the answers we really want.
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desireofthestage · 2 months
rhaenicent parallels are going absolutely insane this season like they always have. god i love them so much.
from the very beginning we’re shown that alicent is perpetually trapped, while rhaenyra has a false sense of freedom; and that, despite their differing viewpoints on the world, they both suffer due to the patriarchy that oppresses them. the season 1 scene that stuck out to me the most is also the one that i found the most uncomfortable to watch. in 1x04 when it flashes between rhaenyra with daemon in the brothel and alicent getting maritaly r4p3d by viserys, completely blank faced, you see rhaenyra feel empowered, a strength that viserys has been denying her, even, when in reality, she is being groomed by daemon. like alicent, she is also a victim, even if she doesn’t realize it.
and throughout season 2, we see this idea of the patriarchy being enforced on both of them ring true. alicent, despite ruling while viserys was sick, despite quite literally being the most qualified person to rule in the entire small council (especially now that otto is gone), is constantly belittled and ignored. she craves power. she wants her sacrifices to be worth something. rhaenyra, on the other hand - despite being queen by name, despite having an entire army of people fighting for her, does not actually have power, something she is slowly realizing. this is why the whole team black/team green argument is so dumb. team black is not team feminism, because team black is not team rhaenyra.
if the leaks are true (rhaenyra and mysaria kissing?!?!) then rhaesaria can parallel alicole very well. mysaria and criston have sex with rhaenyra and alicent respectively as a way to attain power and potentially appropriate control. alicent uses criston and has sex with him as a form of self punishment. it is quite literally self-harm, something we’ve seen her do several times throughout the show. on the other hand, rhaenyra kisses mysaria to unbound herself, maybe? she has realized that daemon does not have the best interests for her at all... either way, neither of them are getting what they really want: liberation, and each other.
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thestarlightforge · 2 months
I remember the days when Game of Thrones leaks were about almost all my faves dying awful deaths after having their story arcs rotted either into ooc villainy/cowardice/murder and/or ships they’d dropped seasons prior. This week, I was terrified it had happened again.
But no, my sweet summer children. The internet is on fire today because a queer person is in charge and their relationships are important.
Gamers, have we FINALLY dropped into the Right Timeline? 😭
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If i had a nickle for everytime my favorite character in a grrm story had their genitals mutilated... id have two nickles, which isnt a lot, But its weird that it happened twice
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neonsentient · 2 months
Okay so this is regarding show cannon and the ep8 leaks:
So Aegon has said it himself that he's now sterile and we haven't seen any sings of Maelor, meaning that right now he only has Jaehaera.
What is he fighting for still? He doesn't have any sons to pass on the crown, he will never name a girl his heir and he sure as hell doesn't want Aemond to be king. Yes, there's Daeron, but to name him heir he'll need to get rid of Aemond, something that I can't see him being able to do unless he uses posion or better assassins than Blood and Cheese, and I can def see Show!Aemond pulling a Rook's Rest on Daeron if he starts seeing him as an obstacle.
The thing is, at this point Aegon knows that no matter what he does, his legacy is death, Rhaenyra's blood has a better chance of ending up in the throne even if he wins.
So his options are limited to:
A) Keep fighting even though Rhaenyra's family will most likely be the one to continue the dynasty
B) Be king for a while until his psyco brother grows impatient and kills him.
At this point I'm like "Dude, just give up. It's over"
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florisbaratheons · 2 months
I have my doubts on Cregan actually coming back in the final season, now that we know he's not being combined with Roderick Dustin.
They already cut Alysanne Blackwood, his canon wife, from the story. They cut his connections with Jacaerys. They erased the whole plot that showed his actual loyalty to Jacaerys and why he came south in the first place.
So, what is the point in the long run? If they do shove him in in the last season - which might actually be season 5 instead of season 4 - the audience is gonna be clueless on who he is. Tom Taylor is going to look majorly different because the final season will be 4-6 years from now. They'd have to cover him with the wolf sigils so the audience can at least put it together that this is a Stark.
And also, the show has effectively thrown the book in the trash.
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aphrmoosun · 3 months
The '15 seconds' of Helaemond we are getting on Episode 5???? We WON!!!
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peterparkersnose · 10 months
Ewans dream sigil be like (Aemond+Aegon)
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witchlingcirce · 4 months
Okay so, according to recent leaks we have a verryyyy big change to Rhaena’s story.
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I am a massive Rhaena fan, I love the twins! So I wanted to share my opinions on!
Pros: It allows Rhaena to be a more present character, I think they definitely want Rhaena to have more of a character and I think giving her a dragon earlier on opens opportunities to give her fight scenes of opportunity’s to fly and or bond with Daemon.
Cons: literally everything else. I don’t think Rhaena and Nettles are interchangeable characters at all, because they were not similar characters at all. Giving Rhaena sheepstealer completely ruins and steals Nettles storyline. The whole point of Nettles is that she literally worked for her dragon, not to mention it’s unknown if she even had Valyrian blood. Nettles is a cool character, and I feel like getting rid of her is a massive missed opportunity.
Overall, I’m not particularly happy about this change. I love morning, I love Rhaena’s pink dragon!! I love her being the last person to hatch an egg before Daenerys. Right now it’s hard to judge, maybe watching the show I will actually like the change but so far I’m not tooo excited for this bit in particular. However, I am excited to see the Vale again!
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annes-andromeda · 2 months
Season 1 Greens, Book Greens, and Greens stans watching the episode 8 leaks (and the entirety of Season 2 like:
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