#ganpati names
Hey I absolutely adore your Indian James headcanons can you do some for Harry too please <33
Okay this got too long so it's only Harry's first year at Hogwarts. At some point I might do the rest of his years but yeah. Here you go, i hope you like it :)
The first time Harry noticed his skin was darker than the people on Privet Drive was when he was four. The first time he noticed people sneered at him for it was when he was five and a half. He didn't understand it; why did they think the colour of his skin meant that he was inferior to them? He heard the words chee-chee and brownie thrown around like Dudley threw his food, and quietly pulled his shirt tighter around himself.
When Harry is eight, Dudley and his gang throw him in a ditch and throw dirt and soil on him till he's coughing and tears are running down his face. "You blend right into the mud," Piers laughs at him. The next day, the boy turns up to school with black skin. Harry sits in the corner and turns his face away, a secret grin playing on his lips.
He comes to Hogwarts, and there are so many colours. He is approached by Parvati on the second night, and she asks him if he's excited for Ganpati Chaturthi. He stares at her, and then says, "I'm sorry, but I don't know what that is." She gets offended, but they haltingly talk it out, awkward and stilted like most eleven year olds. When she realises that he's been kept from his heritage and his magic, she flies off the rails with anger. "That's it," she says, "we're friends now. No arguments."
Harry loves talking to Parvati. She's the one that tells him his father was from India. She's the one that tells him the names of his grandparents, that tells him of the importance of heritage in the magical world. They talk about religion and food and all sorts of things, and within two weeks Harry is asking her to teach him Marathi. It's hard at first; the grammar structure is more like French than English, the alphabet sequence is weird and complicated and has too many letters, but he keeps practising his svar and vyanjana and kana and matra. He will do this, he tells himself. (He doesn't tell Ron. He wants this for himself, he thinks. His family, his heritage. He wants to learn before he shares, and so he doesn't tell Ron. For now. He will, when he knows enough.)
Slowly, he starts talking to other Indian kids at Hogwarts. Padma, a seventh year Slytherin named Aarzoo who's Muslim and always has the prettiest hijabs, Gryffindor Kalyani from fourth year and Hufflepuff Rushabh from the third. Kalyani is from Maharashtra just like the Patil twins and Harry, Rushabh is from Gujarat and Aarzoo from Punjab. Harry finds it fascinating that India has so many different cultures and religions, and demands knowledge from them. Aarzoo laughs, and tells him he should have been with the 'Claws.
Harry disagrees. He was supposed to be in Slytherin, he knows, but he is in Gryffindor, where his family had been. His family had been Indian. He wants to know everything about it. If he couldn't have his parents, he would have that which had been a major part of his father's life. And so he reads and observes and studies and asks questions— hesitating at first in case they yell at him (Aunt Petunia hated questions and he feared these people would be the same), but slowly he asks more and more. He talks for hours with Kalyani and Rushabh, and they tell him about Garba and Dhol Tasha, Ganpati Chaturthi and Diwali, Eid and Gudi Padwa. They talk about the languages of India, and Harry immediately asks Aarzoo to teach him Urdu and Hindi. She laughs, and says he should focus on Marathi first. He pouts, but nods.
The Mirror of Erised shows him his father, and he can't take his eyes off. James Potter is a tall man, bulky frame covered in muscles and warm brown skin that seems to glow with happiness. His eyes are light brown, and the bold black lines drawn under them make the green specks stand out. He's dressed in what Harry knows is called a kurta, white and gold threads woven to form images of peacocks and elephants and other intricate designs. The next day, Harry asks Padma what she lines her eyes with, and she promptly hands him a little round metal box and a tiny wooden stick. "It's called kajal." She tells him the differences in pronunciation between Hindi and Marathi, and shows him how to apply it. Harry wears it everyday. It makes his eyes look bright, brighter than they already are, and he falls in love with it. Kalyani presses a kajal covered finger behind his ear every morning. "For good luck," she tells him, a grin playing on her pretty lips. Harry flushes, and smiles back shyly.
For Christmas, Aarzoo gives him perfume. It's chandan and mogra with hints of rose, she says, "and your grandfather made it. His name was Fleamont Henry Potter, and he was an exceptionally talented potioneer." Harry wears it religiously. Padma and Parvati band together and get him books on the Potter family and their historical importance, and he almost cries. Rushabh promises to teach him how to play Garba, and Kalyani gives him a cookbook for everyday Indian foods— breakfast and lunch and a few fancy stuff. Harry hugs it to his chest and thanks her with shining eyes. (he may have a bit of a crush on her. He can't help it— she's really smart, and she's pretty.)
Throughout the year, all of them work to introduce him to Indian food. At first, he thinks it will be easy. It is not. There is no such cuisine named Indian, Parvati tells him sternly. There is Punjabi, South Indian, Mughlai, Maharashtrian, North Indian, Bihari, Bengali and so many more. "The food in India changes with every twenty kilometres of travel," Aarzoo says when he mock complains about it. "It's never the same, and that's what makes it so special." He agrees.
The end of the year arrives, and Harry is still weak from his tryst down the trapdoor. When Ron and Hermione aren't present, his friends from home (because that's what India is, isn't it? His home. The home he never got to see, but is no less a part of him.) crowd around his hospital bed and have long talks with him, filled with banter and laughter. His Marathi is so much better now than it was in September, and he blushes when Kalyani compliments him on it. Rushabh winks at him, and Harry throws a pillow at him, feeling the blood rush to his cheeks at being caught out.
On the last day of school, he hugs Aarzoo around the waist and cries into her stomach. It's the first time he calls her "Aarzoo Tai", and she smiles widely, her own eyes dripping tears. "You will write," she says sternly, "okay? This might be the end of my Hogwarts years, but you are my little brother." He cries harder and nods, refuses to let go until the very last minute.
Harry goes back to Privet Drive with a heavy heart and a proud smile. He isn't inferior to the people there, he knows. He's special. He's Indian. He's James Potter's son, and he's going to live up to it.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Ganesha ॐ Talon Abraxas
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi! May Lord Ganesha bless you with joy, prosperity, and success! 🌿🐘🏵 Ashtottara Shatanamavali Of Lord Ganesha: 108 Names Of Ganpati With Mantra
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khwxbeeda · 7 months
The Almost Wedding (Ch.I)
Arjun was this close to murdering someone.
More specifically, he was close to grabbing his dear darling sister by her perfectly styled hair and sticking her neck onto a guillotine. At least then she would shut up and stop bothering him.
"Arjun I swear," Tanishka said for maybe the millionth time in the last two hours, "you had better be on your best behaviour, I won't have you- I don't know- flirting with anyone or something even stupider—"
"Aga majhi bai, I got it," he finally snapped, smacking his palms together in a sarcastic namaskar, making her click her jaw shut. "I'll be quiet the entire time. And Tai, why would I flirt with some random boy? He's probably homophobic, anyway."
Her hazel eyes narrowed in a glare, and he returned it with a flat look before turning around to look in the mirror, running his hands through his hair to separate the wavy black strands and checking his subtle eye makeup again. It looked good— just a little gold glitter on the lid and a smudge of kajal on the lower lash line, bringing out the soft golden specks in his eyes. His lip gloss was transparent, but it was enough to make his Cupid’s bow pop.
Tanishka, finally realising she was being ignored, huffed and strode away. Arjun snickered as the sound of her paayal grew fainter and fainter, then went back to applying concealer. College was a harrowing experience, especially for post graduate medical students, and Arjun was not getting enough sleep. At least the concealer helped hide the designer under-eye bags.
He jerked in surprise, and glared at the open door of his room, cursing under his breath. He almost messed up his makeup, dammit!
"EK MINUTE ALO," he yelled back, twisting his concealer tube shut and throwing it onto the dresser, then slipped out into the hallway.
He rushed down the set of staircases three steps at a time, tugging at his collar and adjusting his jeans so the multi-coloured rhinestones on the back pockets arranged in the bi flag were visible.
He had chosen the basic white shirt and baggy jeans on purpose, because while the rest of the family was wearing traditional clothing, he did not have a single kurta to his name and he had been too busy with his studies to go out and buy one. He often thought he had made a mistake by saying he wanted to become a doctor. He really should have followed Krushna into the modelling industry. At least then he would not have to bust his brain— just his body, and he would have had his best friend with him instead of halfway across the world.
He jumped the last seven steps, and was immediately met with a resounding smack upside the head.
"Aai ga," he whined, rubbing his hand over the back of his head and scowling playfully at his snickering aunt as she walked past, the pallu of her baby pink saree swinging left to right. "Chinu Maushi, don't you get tired of being annoying?"
She tossed her hair over her shoulder and winked. "Nahi. Ata chal, get a move on, they'll be here soon."
Ah. Right. His sister’s suitor.
The Kulkarni family had agreed to a rendezvous to decide if their youngest was compatible with Tanishka, and Arjun’s mother had been going crazy setting the house to rights and getting the servants to clean out every single room of the mansion. Even the unused ones. Arjun had made the mistake of asking if the guests were to be hosted in the second basement, and had gotten a chappal thrown at his head for his troubles.
"Yeah, yeah, coming," he muttered, sticking his hands into his pockets and following her out into the kitchen, where his mother was already directing the servants to prepare food and drinks for the Ganpati festival, which was in less than a week, and for the guests that were set to come in about five minutes.
“Hi, Aai,” he said, leaning down to press a kiss to his mother’s temple, and grinned when he received the weird combination of a harried glare and a soft pat to his cheek.
Lavanya Deshpande was one of the most influential actresses in Bollywood, and at the ripe age of fifty-seven, was the richest producer of the Hindi film industry. Despite being married off at the young age of nineteen into a family that did not treat her well and popping out her first baby at twenty, she had risen to national fame and become a household name by the time she was twenty-six, having acted in over a hundred films and produced several blockbusters through the course of her career. She had divorced her husband at twenty-eight and taken her two kids away, changed her surname back to her maiden name, and proceeded to take the international film industry by storm in a short five years.
“Hi, babdi,” she replied, and promptly shoved something into his mouth. “How does it taste?”
Arjun chewed on the thing for two slow seconds, then brightened when he realised it was a gulaab jamun. He nodded enthusiastically and snapped off two quick finger guns.
“Kadak,” he said through the mouthful of the mithai, and she smacked him upside the head. He yelped, but she smacked him again, the look on her face halfway between fond and exasperated. “Swallow your morsel before you speak, murkha!”
Arjun whined in outrage, but one sharp look from her and he subsided, muttering complaints under his breath and rubbing his head. The kitchen— a large white tiled room with two island counters and a whole baking station that was actually used for making festival faraal and mithai rather than cakes and pastries— had been overtaken by the two workers who were cooking up a storm for the festival, and Arjun sniffed appreciatively at a container filled with saffron milk, only to be pushed away by Aai.
“Nahi, Arjunie,” she said sternly. “This is for the guests, you can have as much as you’d like afterwards.”
Before he could reply, the bell rang.
His mother rose to her feet and glided out of the room, the skirts of her baby blue Anarkali flaring out behind her, and a minute later Arjun heard the front door open and the muffled sounds of greetings from the receiving hall. He exchanged a grimace with Chinu Maushi, and exhaled through his nose. She poked him in the back to make him straighten his posture to appear at least halfway polite, and beckoned him to follow her to the living room.
He took a stand next to one of the sofas and stuck his tongue out at Tanishka, just as Aai walked in with the guests.
Four people— siblings, because the parents had passed away. They walked in behind his mother, who had her socialite smile pasted on her beautiful face, and Arjun's breath caught.
All of them were utterly, absolutely gorgeous.
The two women and two men were wearing well fitted casual ethnic clothes, with the older man and woman dressed in identical royal purple kurta and trouser sets with delicate silver embroidery at the collar, and the younger two dressed in white with purple embroidery. They had matching arched eyebrows, smooth skin, oddly perfect noses, and pink lips that were pulled up into polite smiles that made their dark eyes crinkle at the edges, giving the impression that they were actually paying attention to whatever Arjun's mother was saying.
Bappa knew Arjun was not paying attention.
No, he was distracted by the visitors' sheer beauty as they pressed their hands together into a namaskar and bowed their heads. If Tanishka was marrying into this, he was envious, because those were some magnificent genetics. Yes, he grew up around big name actors and actresses walking in and out of his house on a daily basis, but that just made it easier for him to recognise real beauty when he saw it.
"—and of course, my son, Arjun." He snapped back into focus and sent his most charming smile towards them.
"Everyone," his mother said, "these are the Kulkarni siblings. Chandan, the oldest—" the criminally handsome man waved— "Charuta, Charita, and Chaitanya, the youngest."
A chorus of greetings echoed around the room, and they all sat down as the house workers placed trays piled with food and drinks on the teapoy in the middle of the set of sofas.
“So, Chaitanya,” Lavanya began, a large, genuine smile curving up her red-painted lips, “how are you, my child?”
Chaitanya gave her wide smile, and Arjun was pretty sure he felt butterflies in his stomach. The boy was pretty, with almond shaped deep brown eyes, pouty rosebud lips and a pointy chin that would have made him look delicate if not for the sharp cut of his jaw and the intelligent curve of his eyebrows. "Mi masta, Madame, what about you?"
The older actress’s smile widened. "Oh, no need to call me Madame, my dear. Lavanya is fine, and I’m doing good as well.” She extended her hand out towards the food. “Please, do eat your fill, and now, shall we begin with the ‘interrogation’?”
She winked at the last word, and the siblings let out identical amiable laughs. Charuta reached forward and picked a banana chip off one of the plates and popped it into her mouth, pretty glossy lips twisting into a pout as she crunched the thing between her teeth. Arjun forcefully dragged his eyes away from the visual and focused on Chandan, who had begun speaking.
"How are we to do this, then?"
He had a curious accent— somewhere between Indian and French, Arjun realised a second later. He exchanged a look with Chinu Maushi, who smirked at him like she knew exactly what was going through his mind. He turned away without giving her the honour of a reply, but he could feel his cheeks heat up. Thank the Gods for his dark complexion that made it difficult for his blush to be visible, or she would never let him live it down.
"How about you ask first?" Lavanya suggested. "Tanishka asks the next question. Both of you have to answer all the questions posed."
Chandan raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at Chaitanya, who somehow managed to make his shrug look elegant. Arjun honestly had no idea whether to be jealous of or attracted to the man. Both men.
"I don't mind if you don’t," he answered, in the same hot accent as his older brother, and Tanishka nodded.
"I don't mind either. Ask away."
"What are you doing, currently?" he asked, tongue curling deliciously over his R's. Arjun had to forcefully drag his eyes away from that pretty mouth. Chinu Maushi gave him a significant look behind his mother's back that said he needed to stop, and he exhaled with a shake of his head— drop it. Thankfully, she did, but not before she gave him another look. Arjun rolled his eyes went back to the Q&A.
"I'm working as a freelance influencer and content creator as of now," Tanishka replied. “I won’t be signing onto Aai’s company, but hopefully in a few years I’ll take up a contract with a reputable agency as an actress. What about you?”
Charuta and Chandan exchanged discreet looks above Chaitanya's head, who was hilariously short compared to his older siblings. Even Charita was a couple inches taller than him. Arjun had no ground to stand on, however; he was the same height. He had no doubt that if Krushna met Chaitanya, he would tease him for his height the same way he did to Arjun.
Gods, he could not wait to tell Krushna about this.
"I'm in the last year of my Master’s degree,” Chaitanya said, leaning forward to wrap slender fingers covered in silver rings around a glass of chilled panha. Arjun’s eyes tracked the movement, only half focused on the rest of the words he spoke. He glimpsed a small tattoo on the inner side of the wrist, but the sleeves of the kurta shifted before he could get a proper look. “My subject is Physics.”
Oh, pretty and smart.
And so the interrogation proceeded, with Tanishka and Chaitanya taking turns in asking questions and answering them. By the end of the hour, half the plates and glasses had been wiped clean, and Arjun knew the general details and history of the Kulkarni family.
Chaitanya was twenty-five years old, and the youngest of the siblings. Chandan was thirty-nine and married with a seven year old daughter, and Charuta was not aiming to marry at all. She was thirty-five, had passed the UPSC exams on her first try after her LLB, and was working as a diplomat in Delhi at the Italian Embassy in India. Charita was a famous actress who mostly filmed in England and France, and had married her husband two years ago at the age of twenty-seven. Chaitanya was currently teaching maths and physics to school students when he was not working on his thesis for his Masters.
Their parents— Nayantara and Dhruv— had passed away in a car accident sixteen years ago, and Chandan had taken the younger two siblings to Paris to live with their maternal grandmother, while Charuta attended National Law University in Mumbai. The three siblings had stayed in Paris for ten years until Chaitanya completed his high school, and then moved to Pune for his Bachelors degree at Fergusson College.
“And what will you do after your Masters?” Tanishka asked him, leaning forward in her seat with a manicured finger subtly twirling with a strand of her hair. Arjun had seen her use that trick before, and he smirked when he noticed Chaitanya’s eyes follow the slide of the edge of the short square nail through the black curl before flicking back to her face.
“Ah, I’m hoping to continue on to a Ph.D,” he said, and picked up his glass of panha to take a sip. “What about you? Are you planning on getting another degree or—”
“On, no,” Tanishka replied, shaking her head so her curls bounced just enough to attract attention. “I have a masters, and that’s enough for me. Frankly, I’ve had enough of being yelled at by professors.” She chuckled faintly as if letting the others in on a joke, and Arjun stifled a snicker when Chaitanya echoed the sound, eyes never leaving his sister’s pretty face.
“Shall we talk alone?” He asked her, and Tanishka smiled her most charming smile, but there was a gleam in her eyes that Arjun recognised— the one that made an appearance when she had gotten what she wanted. “Why not? I know a cafe ten minutes from here that has excellent French press, if you’d like.”
Chaitanya glanced at Charuta for permission, grinning boyishly when she nodded. When he turned back to offer his hand to Tanishka, his grin was a little shy. It was endearing, and Arjun exchanged a look with his mother, who looked like she had won three Oscars in one go. He stifled another laugh.
Tanishka winked at Lavanya as she slipped out of the living room with her hand in Chaitanya’s, Arjun politely excused himself by citing his studies as a reason and slipped back up the stairs and into his room. He shut the door behind him and threw himself onto the bed, pushing aside the mass of textbooks, and unlocked his phone to hit the speed dial for his best friend.
“Haye tauba,” he breathed the minute Krushna picked up the phone, “they’re all so damn hot.”
The laugh that Krushna let out felt like it was setting off the butterfly effect.
Taglist: @orgasming-caterpillar @h0bg0blin-meat @musaafir-hun-yaaron @mrunmione @girlatreus @shanti-ashant-hai @yehsahihai (lmk if you wanna be added/removed)
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litairian · 2 years
Top 16 Ganesh Mantras for Wealth and Success Greetings and Karya Siddhi
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In addition to rewarding one's efforts, the Ganesh Mantra also speeds up advancement and aids in personal improvement. Lord Ganesha can bestow wisdom, concentration, money, and academic success. In addition, he bestows luck, wisdom, and a sharp mind.
One can obtain success, money, abundance, and happiness with the aid of the Ganesh Mantra. Ganesh Mantra can help people gain success, intelligence, spirituality, and many other things. Please read on to learn more about this subject:
Lord Ganesha: Who is He? Powerful Hindu deity Lord Ganesha is highly revered in Indian culture. He is the child of Lord Shiva, the universe's masculine strength, and Goddess Shakti (the feminine power of the Universe).
He is represented by his religious appearance, which resembles an elephant's trunk and a human body with sweet Modak (or Laddu) in his hands and, shockingly, a small rat serving as his vehicle. Every portion of Lord Ganesha's body is thought to represent something mystical, such as the yearning for truth, wisdom, and worldly happiness, as symbolised by his large belly. In a unique way, his trunk represents an elephant's perception, physical strength, affection, and indifference.
Lord Ganesha, on the other hand, is more commonly referred to as Ganpati, Ganesa, Lambodar, Vighneshwar, Ekdantaaya, and Ganaraja, among other names. He is also revered simultaneously throughout the entirety of Indian civilization.
Nevertheless, Ganesha is also revered in Indonesian, Buddhist, Burmese, and Sri Lankan cultures. He is a Lord who can remove any barrier and also grant wealth. Numerous stories about Lord Ganesha revealed that he is a Lord of Mind (Buddhi). Since Lord Ganesha is also regarded as the Lord of the Base Chakra, he bestows all material success.
Benefits of the Ganpati Mantra and the Lord Ganesha Mantra-
He bestows money, wealth, luck, prosperity, abundance, riches, happiness, and all material triumphs with the help of his stepmother, the goddess Lakshmi.
2. He bestows spirituality, wisdom, intelligence, focus, and achievement in the classroom with the help of Goddess Saraswati.
3. Lord Ganesha is venerated in Hindu culture at the start of any important project, including religious work and new endeavours.
4. Chanting any Ganesh mantra is, without a doubt, thought to be extremely lucky and holy.
5. I observed that individuals never recite his mantra for health-related problems, yet interestingly, when reciting the Ganesh Mantra, the chanter's nervous system and blood circulation experience immediate healing.
6. By repeating his mantra, the chanter vanquishes all of his enemies.
7. On the plus side, his followers experience clarity and focus.
8. His mantras can be recited to eliminate phobias and fears.
9. Chanting the Ganpati Mantra helps get rid of every difficulty.
10. Chanting the Ganesh-Ganpati Mantra every day might boost your finances.
11. Chanting the Ganesh mantra or the Ganpati mantra will help you land a wonderful job.
12. The Ganesh Mantra recitation makes achieving objectives very simple.
13. The Ganpati Mantra aids in increasing revenue and luring in new clients.
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samyak · 2 years
Ganesh Chayurthi Celebartion In India
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What is Ganesh Chyurthi ?Why do celebrate it?
Ganesh Chaturthi is a ten-day Hindu festival celebrated to honour the elephant-headed God Ganesha's birthday. He is the younger son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Ganesha is known by 108 different names and is the Lord of arts and science and the deva of wisdom. He is honoured at the start of rituals and ceremonies as he's considered the God of beginnings. He's widely and dearly referred to as Ganapati or Vinayaka. 
There are two different versions about Ganesha's birth. One has it that Goddess Parvati created Ganesha out of dirt off her body while having a bath and set him to guard her door while she finishes her bath. Shiva who has gone out, returned at that time, but as Ganesha didn't know of him, stopped him from entering. An angry Shiva severed the head of Ganesha after a combat between the two. Parvati was enraged and Shiva promised Ganesha will live again. The devas who went in search of a head facing north of a dead person could manage only the head of an elephant. Shiva fixed the elephant's head on the child and brought him back to life.
Some facts about Ganesh Chathurthi:-
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The First Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration Dates Back to The Era Of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaja.
 Lord Ganesha Is Worshipped In Countries Like Thailand, Cambodia, China, Japan, Nepal & Afghanistan.
 It’s Considered Unlucky To Look At The Moon During Ganesh Chaturthi.
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There Are 16 Ways Of Paying Tribute To Lord Ganesha some of the ways are :-
Educate yourself about Lord Ganesha.
Study the idol, photo or painting of Ganpati.
Collect all the requisite items.
Light the diya.
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Bhog Prasad Is Not Limited To Modaks
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Ganpati Is Worshipped Before All Gods
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jothishi · 19 days
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Manakula Vinayagar Temple was constructed during the French territory of Pondicherry that dates back to 1666 years ago. This majestic building is named after a pond (Kulam) that used to be located inside the temple with sands blown in from the seashores.
It is believed that the Ganesha idol here was being thrown into the sea several times, but it reappears in the same place every day, making the place famous among worshippers.
Till date, the idol is positioned at the same spot in the center of the French Colony. Brahmotsava, and Ganesh Chaturthi are two most important festivals of the temple, celebrated with great fervour and zeal by the people of Pondicherry.🙏😇
#ganpatitemple #ganpati #ganesha #manakulavinaygartemple #pondicherry
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accuratesteels · 2 months
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One name that stands out amidst the competition is Ganpati Industries — your trusted SS sheet supplier in New Delhi. As the go-to destination for quality stainless steel solutions, GanpatiIndustries combines innovation, reliability, and a commitment to customer satisfaction.
Visit- https://ganpatiindustries.in
Contact- +91 9312876097
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bhajanmandalilucknow · 2 months
Bhajan/Kirtan Group in Saharsa Bihar
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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Poeple mostly like to call us at the time of Weeding, Engagement, Birthdays, Anniversaries or during Ganpati Pooja and Navratri festivals and we promised to serve a memorable Jagran or Chowki. Working for over a decades, we are having the experience to make it more devotional and memorable when we organised it. Our party has experienced chorus group, vocalist, musicians and artists which are required to make it successful. Its main origin is based in Lucknow and we operate almost all the States in India. Pooja Sargam is the Director and also a Lead Singer of the "Sargam Jagran Party" organiser. Starting from the Pooja Aarti to the Bhog or Prasad everything is done by our organie team.
From last 10 years we are providing the best Mata Ki Chowki, Mata Ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandhya also currently dealing in the Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) and to the another State's.
So next time whenever you are planing to conduct Mata Ki Chowki, Mata Ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandhya, make sure to contact us and make your spiritual experience more devotional and delightfull.
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If there is any most efficient way to please Hanuman Ji, then it is Hanuman Chalisa followed by the Path (recitation) of Sunderkand. Doing these with reverence and devotion pleases Bajrang Bali, and he rectifies all the troubles of his devotees. The Ramayana shows the virtues of Shri Ram and his efforts. The entire life character of Maryada Purushottam Lord Shri Ram is contained in the Ramcharit Manas composed by Goswami Tulsidas. Although reading each of its chapters is virtuous and will take one closer to Lord Shri Ram, Sundarkand has been considered the best. Sunderkand is a part of Shri Ramcharit Manas, composed by Tulsidas Ji. The great works done by Hanuman Ji have been described in Sunderkand. Sunderkand is the chapter in Ramayana, which focuses on the story of the power and triumph of Hanuman Ji.
Maharishi Valmiki wrote the entire Ramayana in the Sanskrit language. After that, Tulsidas Ji wrote Ramayana (Shri Ram Charit Manas) in the Awadhi language. Sunderkand is the fifth chapter (kand) of Shri Ram Charit Manas.
Sundarkand describes the departure of Hanuman Ji to Lanka, meeting Vibhishan, meeting Sita and giving her the ring of Shri Ram, the killing of Akshay Kumar, Lanka Dahan, and his return from Lanka. In Sunderkand, Hanuman Ji reaches to the rescue of Mata Sita and provides her with hope of Shri Rama’s long-awaited arrival. The Sunderkand has a special significance for the devotees of Hanuman Ji. By reciting Sunderkand, one gets freedom from fear, strengthening his/her confidence. Those who recite the Sunderkand, especially on Tuesdays and Saturdays, get rid from all the diseases, plagues, troubles, and misfortunes and good news starts knocking on the door for them.
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Hanuman Ji discovered Sita with his intelligence and strength. Sunderkand describes the success and valour of Hanuman Ji as he went to Lanka in search of Sita Mata. Ashok Vatika was situated in the beautiful mountain of Lanka where Hanuman Ji met Sita Mata. Their meeting is beautifully described in this episode. Due to this major incident, and the beauty with which Mata Sita and Hanuman Ji meet, as if the meeting of a Son and Mother, this chapter of the Ramayana was named Sunderkand.
The main events of this chapter of Shri Ram Charit Manas include Hanuman Ji’s departure towards Lanka, meeting Vibhishana, meeting Mata Sita, giving her the ring of Shri Ram, Lanka Dahan (burning), and return from Lanka. The entire story of valour gets the well deserved name of Sunderkand
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hellooo with your permission, i am coming back to bother you with the Indian James headcanons 🙏
assuming they're from Maharashtra and they speak Marathi (and Hindi? i'm assuming most families know more than just one language) at home, what would he call his parents? and what would they call him and each other? I've heard "jaan" a lot but I'm not sure how accurate that is and whether that works for Marathi too. are there any other endearment terms they could use? like love, sunshine, darling etc in English.
also i've been wondering if there's any exclamations/expressions etc that can be used within English speech without making it sound unnatural. like in Arabic we say "basmala/mashallah" for good luck or "inshallah" when we hope that something happens etc and it's integrated in English speech very naturally. wondering if there's anything of that sort?
Okay imma go step by step here. In India, especially where I live (Maharashtra yay hehe) it's pretty normal to know like three or more languages. I myself— plus my family— speak Marathi, Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati and Marwadi, and even though we can't speak them we understand Punjabi and Bengali. So you assume correctly that they speak more than one language at home. Especially my family, where we know a bunch of non Indian languages as well, for business purposes.
Assuming James is Maratha, he would call his mother Aai (pronounced Aa-ee) and his father Baba (Mum and Dad). I have this headcanon that when he wants to annoy them he calls them Matoshree and Pitashree lmao (formal terms for Mother and Father in Hindi/Sanskrit).
"Jaan" means "life", and it's pretty accurate even if it's Urdu tbh, a lot of parents call their kids stuff like jaan, hayat (which you already know the meaning of), laadli (darling in Hindi), maajha baal (my baby- Marathi). If you wanted nicknames in Marathi you'll be good to go with bubdi (bubba), laadkaa or laadki (darling in masc and fem), or sonpari (golden fairy, usually for girls) and Sonu (dear, used for children).
Exclamation sounds can be "arey!" (uh-ray) which is "hey!" and "aai ga!" (aa-ee guh) which is like "oh mother!". They're just one word each, but they can be used in like 50 different situations lmao. Arey can be used for calling someone's attention ("arey come here a second will you?"), to express frustration with someone ("areyyy, why are you like this?"), exasperation ("arey yaar!" yaar is slang for friend) and a bajillion other stuff. Aai ga is used as an exclamation mark for when you're surprised, or got hurt, and in place of "oh God!". We don't have specific phrases that mean good luck or inshallah, but Urdu still uses both mashallah and inshallah so you'll be okay i think. But James probably wouldn't use them bc he's not a Muslim yk, and Hindu people usually use the name of the god they're praying on on swearing on, so there's that. We say stuff like "hay bhagwan" ("oh, Vishnu". Bhagwan is one of the innumerable names of the Lord Vishnu). Or "har har Mahadev" ("glory be to Lord Shiva". Maha-dev literally translates to Great God, but it is one of the well known names of the God of Destruction). We do use "arey deva" (oh god) as well. "Jai shree Ram"(hail to the Lord Ram) or "jai shree krishna" or "jai shree ganpati" (ganpati is what most marathi people call Lord Ganesha) is used when we're beginning something and we want to make the start auspicious. The phrases are kind of used as "may this go well and end well" ykwim? This is hard to explain I hope you get what i wanna say lol.
Anyways, this is it, I hope this helps, and you can ask me anything and i will answer. Not always so quickly but I will. Have a good day!
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ganpatiplastfab1 · 4 months
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Ganpati Plastfab is a trusted name in the manufacturing and supply of premium FIBC Bags. Our durable and reliable bags are perfect for storing and transporting a variety of materials. Choose Ganpati Plastfab for top-notch FIBC Bags that meet your specific needs with precision and quality. Visit us:
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ecpenkraft · 4 months
Penkraft Madhubani Painting on Tray Workshop
Listen to what Sonali has to say about her experience for #Penkraft #MadhubaniPainting #Workshop conducted by Penkraft Master Trainer Vishakha Kalangan . Begin your new year with new skills with #Penkraft #ArtWorkshops and unleash your creativity! Here are the details of upcoming #PenkraftArtWorkshops. Please click on the link in front of the workshop name to register for that workshop:- 23 Feburary, 2PM To 5PM - Resin Art Photo Frame (https://www.penkraft.in/WorkshopDetails/index?id=955) 24 Feburary, 11AM To 5PM - Mosaic Art Utility Bowl (https://www.penkraft.in/WorkshopDetails/index?id=957) 25 Feburary, 11AM To 5PM - Gond Art Painting with Photo Frame (https://www.penkraft.in/WorkshopDetails/index?id=960) Fee (Including all materials): ₹ 2,999/- For Resin Art- Photo Frame. ₹ 2,499/- For Each Resin Art Ocean Pour, Pen Mandala Wall Decor, Kerala Mural Art -Ganpati, Russian Sculpture Paste Art, Resin Art Mantra Frame, Water Colors on Canvas, Pichwai Painting, Knife painting, Shivrajmudra - Acrylic Painting, 3D Lippan Art, Pencil Shading (Landscape), Gond Art Painting with Photo Frame. ₹ 1999/- For each Lippan Art Wall Decor, Cut-Nib Calligraphy(With Photo Frame), Tanjore Painting (On Jharokha), Fabric Painting (on Dupatta), Meenakari Art on Jewellery Box, Decoupage Art on Serving Tray, Mosaic Art (Utility Bowl). ₹ 1499/- For Each Glass Painting, Dot Mandala (on Coaster), Coffee Painting (on Canvas), Meenakari Art on Jewellery Box, Decoupage Art on Serving Tray, Mosaic Art (Utility Bowl). Available in #Online and #Offline Mode. Material needed for the workshop is couriered to your address for the online mode. Venue - Penkraft, 703, Durga Niwas, Tembhi Naka, Thane (w). For manual registration/queries, please contact us at +91 9136024969. For more Art #Workshops by Penkraft, please click; https://www.penkraft.in/Workshops
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smvmelodiesbhojpuri · 5 months
MORYA RE | Official Bhojpuri Video Song | Manoranjan Jha | Ganpati Bappa Song 2023
Original Bhojpuri Ganpati Bappa Song. This festival enjoy the amazing new songs of Ganpati Bappa as this song is also available in 3 Main Languages that is Marathi , Hindi and Bhojpuri . Links will be provided here -
Comment Below Ganpati Bappa Morya
Marathi -
• MORYA RE (Official Marathi Song) | Ma...
Hindi -
• MORYA RE (Official Hindi Song) | Mahe...
Song Credits:- Song name - Morya re (Bhojpuri Version)
Singer- Manoranjan Jha
Chorus by - Prateek Joshi, Ashutosh Nirbhavne, Rajendra Salunke, Mahesh Matkar.
Music composer - Mahesh Matkar
Lyricist - Pahal Priyadarshni
Music Produced & Mixed by - Mahesh Matkar
Assisted by - Ashutosh Nirbhavne
Banjo- Anand Pawar
Vocals recorded at - RB Recording Studio
Video Edited by - Rajesh Shah
Video shoot by - Mohit Solanki, Sai dalvi
Produced by - Vishwas Khot
Music Label - SMV Melodies Bhojpuri
SMV Team - Mahesh Matkar , Ashutosh Nirbhavne , Bhumit Markad , Affan Shaikh
Youtube Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xGzGgqeETU
Welcome to SMV Melodies – Your Ultimate Musical Journey!
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Discover the perfect blend of rhythm, emotion, and harmony right here on SMV Melodies! Join us as we explore the boundless realm of music, transcending genres and eras to bring you the most enchanting and captivating tunes. Whether you're seeking soul-soothing melodies, electrifying beats, or heart-touching lyrics, our channel is your haven for musical inspiration.
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If you're as passionate about music as we are, hit that subscribe button and ring the notification bell to never miss a beat. Join us on this harmonious journey as we celebrate the magic of melodies and the emotions they evoke. Let the music play on SMV Melodies!"
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ganpatiagribusiness · 6 months
Ganpati Agri | Menthol Manufacturing Company in India
Ganpati Agri Business Private Limited came into being in the year 2011, and under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Atul Kumar Singh (MD) who possesses sound experience in the Rice Bran & other Agro base industry including mint, flavor, and fragrance industry, we picked up the tremendous pace. Our modernistic plant is situated at Barabanki, Dewa Road, Uttar Pradesh, which is known as a mint growing area internationally.
Ganpati Agri Business Private Limited came into being in the year 2011, and under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Atul Kumar Singh (MD) who possesses sound experience in the Rice Bran & other Agro base industry including mint, flavor, and fragrance industry, we picked up the tremendous pace. Our modernistic plant is situated at Barabanki, Dewa Road, Uttar Pradesh, which is known as a mint growing area internationally.
Menthol Crystal Manufacturers in India
Menthol Crystal Manufacturers in India– Menthol crystals are a natural product. Menthol crystals appear colorless prism-shaped or needle-shaped crystals, which is solids at 42. Temperature melts slightly above. Menthol crystals work well in any product that has a strong taste and the ability to relieve pain and soothe the body.
A menthol crystal is an organic compound derived from the Indian Mentha arvensis oil. Menthol has been studied as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. Menthol crystals can be used in perfumes, cosmetics, analgesic balms, ointments, lotions, creams, toothpaste, shampoos, and conditioners. Apart from this, menthol crystals have many diverse applications in pharmaceuticals, food additives, flavors and fragrances, oral care, and many other industries. Menthol crystals are also used as a cooling agent.
Menthol Powder Manufacturer in India-
Menthol Powder Manufacturer in India- Owing to a modernized infrastructure for trouble-free processing & post-production, we are instrumental in offering Menthol Powder. The offered crystal is processed with a mixture of peppermint and other compounds in adherence to set industry norms. This crystal is widely used in different pharmaceutical and chemical industries for different purposes. We offer this crystal to our esteemed clients in different packaging options in order to provide safer delivery at the user’s end.
Peppermint Oil Manufacturer in India
Peppermint Oil Manufacturer in India- Peppermint oil is one of the most versatile essential oils out there. It can be used aromatically, topically and internally to address a number of health concerns, from muscles aches and seasonal allergy symptoms, to low energy and digestive complaints. It’s also commonly used to boost energy levels and improve both skin and hair health.
Cis-3-Hexenol Manufecturer in India
Leaf Acetate or CIS -3- Hexenol is derived by the process of Fractional Distillation of Mentha Oil. We can provide CIS-3- Hexenol 95% and 98%. It is mainly used in flavor and fragrances this has the smell of fresh grass or leaf.
We manufacture and export Cis-3-Hexenol, which is extracted from the natural herb Mentha arvensis. This chemical compound is also acknowledged by the name of leaf alcohol. It is an oily, colorless liquid with an intense odor of fresh green grass. It is derived by making use of the Fractional Distillation Process of Mentha oil. Slightly soluble in water, this chemical is widely used in flavors and the composition of high-quality perfumes.
Mint Terpenes Manufacturer
Mint terpene is naturally obtained by the fractionation of Mentha arvensis oil, which is obtained by the steam distillation of overground parts of the Plant, Mentha Arvensis. Mint Terpene is a mixture of Terpenes; the basic constituents of these Terpenes are L-Limonene, Alpha Pinene, Beta Pinene, Cineol, and Octanol. It is a colorless, clear, and transparent free-flowing liquid and has Terpinic, characteristic odor.
Mustard Cake Manufacturer in India
We are offering the best quality Mustard Cake to the clients, Keeping it in compliance with the international quality standards. The Mustard Cake supplied by us is obtained as a by-product during the Process of extraction of Oil from Mustard Seeds. Still, Mustard Cake contains 8–9 % of oil after extraction as full oil of mustard seed cannot be extracted by normal process. The raw material used to manufacture the product is of high quality due to which we are capable of delivering only quality products. We are the best Mustard Cake and Rapeseed Manufacturer In India.
Our company Ganpati Agri is regarded as the most reputed Mustard Cake Supplier, Manufacturer and Exporter from Barabanki, India. We employ authority-approved techniques in the extraction of our Mustard Cake/ Sarson Khal. Furthermore, avail from us these very nutritious Mustard Cakes, at very reasonable prices.
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ushapolycrafts · 7 months
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Shampoo Bottle manufacturers & Suppliers | UshaPolyCrafts 
UshaPolyCrafts  -  is a trusted name in the industry, recognized worldwide for manufacturing top-quality Shampoo Bottle manufacturers Explore top Shampoo Bottle. offering premium packaging solutions for the cosmetics industry. Discover a wide range of innovative and customizable shampoo bottle designs to enhance your product's appeal and functionality. Get the best in quality, sustainability, and design expertise with our trusted shampoo bottle suppliers.
Visit:- https://www.ushapolycrafts.com/shampoo-bottle.html
Address: - 520A/14, Ganpati Compound, Dilshad Garden Inds. Area, East Delhi-110095
Call Us: - +91-9810119413, +91-9971176633,
UshaPolycrafts - Other Manufacturers & Suppliers Like:-
Dropper Bottle Manufacturers
Tablet Container Manufacturers
Plastic Cap Manufacturers
#Dropper Bottle Manufacturers#Shampoo Bottle Manufacturers#Tablet Container Manufacturers
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travelnew · 8 months
Heritage Walk in Pune
When there was sweltering heat in Mumbai, the weather in Pune was a bit pleasant.
I decided to walk around the area and just soak in the heritage vibes this place has to offer. I will not be adding stories of the places, just photos and the names.
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Shree KASBA Peth GANPATI Mandir:
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Those who are interested in more heritage places to explore in Pune, may check this photo.
SHANIWAR WADA deserves a separate post here in this blog.
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blogynewz · 9 months
"Pune's Iconic Ganesh Pandal Witnessed an Astonishing Ritual: A Devotee Presents a Massive 301 Kg Modak (Mouth-Watering Video Inside!)"
During the annual Ganesh Utsav festival, numerous Ganpati Pandals in India attract a large number of devotees who offer fruits, flowers, sweets, and donations. In Pune’s well-known Shrimant Dagdusheth Halwai Ganpati, a local food merchant named Nikhil Malani presented a massive modak, weighing 301 kilograms, to the deity. A video from the site showed individuals carrying the oversized motichur…
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