#garcyatt colors au
skywinchesters · 6 years
The Red and The Blue
Hey everyone. So I’ve written Timeless fanfiction before, but have always been too chicken to post it. I think with everything that unfolded this Thursday, we’re all in need of some good old happy fanfic. I started a collection of snapshots for a Garcyatt Soulmate AU in a world where when you first look your soulmate in the eye, you see color. Without further adieu, here is the beginning of that AU, taking place during the pilot.
Thanks to @lucyxswann for reading and making me feel better about my writing. I love you, and this is dedicated to you, my Garcyatt sister. Please excuse any errors; we’re both exhausted, I think.
Anyway, enjoy, everybody - and maybe validate me please lol
When it happens, it’s not quite what she expects.
She’s a thirty-something history professor trying not to show her fear in this armored room in a strange place - supposedly the headquarters for THE Connor Mason’s company - with scary guards blocking the exits.
She’s totally fine.
But that’s why when the sleepy soldier from Delta Force opens his eyes and smirks after she tells him off about his “ma’am” bullshit and their eyes meet, causing the world to explode around her... she says nothing.
She sees blue.
So that’s it, she thinks. He’s annoying, but he’s cute and he’s the one, apparently.
And this new sensation enveloping her entire world? That’s what color is. She knows now, and it’s all because of him... her soulmate.
Three decades of black and white and not knowing who or what to expect when the day would come, and here she finally is. The world is pretty damn saturated, even if it’s different than what she had imagined. It’s definitely a nice change to say the least.
She can see from his face that he notices the shift. There’s a look that tells her that he can suddenly see colors, too. It makes her breathe a sigh of relief. Flukes had happened before to other people and as awkward as this entire situation already is, she is relieved that this wasn’t one. With her mother sick, her tenure meeting cancelled, and this ominous evening waiting to unfold in front her, the last thing she needs is more awkwardness and disappointment - especially when it pertains to have a fucking soulmate.
Before the woman from Homeland enters, she considers saying something, or at least flashing him a smile. They’re interrupted before she can even decide against it.
She knows that etiquette - hell, even basic decency - calls for her complete candor with him in this life-changing moment.
But she’s scared, and more importantly, time travel is real, there’s a terrorist to kill and history to save... so now is definitely not the time. Who knows when it would be?
They both soak in everything around them as they descend the stairs to the landing, where a team and a debrief await them. The turquoise glow of countless computer screens and the violet grey aura surrounding that... that THING would be distracting and absolutely mesmerizing if it weren’t for the tasks at hand.
She says nothing.
Besides, as beautiful as the cool tones she sees around the room are, as exhilarating as finding your soulmate is, the wonderful world of color is actually kind of disappointing. She feels just a bit let down and doesn’t know why.
They go into the past and try their best to stop that man and preserve history. And they succeed as much as they can, in a way.
The Hindenburg is down. It’s gone. The whole chronicle of disaster unfolded much differently than as history had remembered it in her time. Their terrorist is still at large after causing all this, probably somewhere amidst the rubble and flames or perhaps, far far away.
Everything is burning. The sickening, sweet smell of - oh my god - singed flesh mingled with smoke and fuel fills the still static air. Flashes of purple and navy and evergreen and silver flood her new world as she tries to find her traveling companions and figure it out: what the hell just happened?
As she makes her way through the grass, which even at night, is illuminated by the embers in a bright spring green, she stumbles over debris and passes survivors, helpers, and onlookers.
She’s still shaking because she has failed to preserve history precisely as it was. She’s still reeling from the adrenaline rush and is convinced this had to be some type of dream.
Finally, she finds them both: the ragtag, but capable team that she’s saved lives alongside and started to bond with. (She can’t help but admit that he’s not a bad person to be fated to, even if he’s impulsive and erratic. The boy is passionate, fast on his feet, and he’s got moxie.)
She stands beside them: their pilot and her soulmate - his beautiful cerulean eyes still widened in shock. She’s still adjusting to the colors against the fiery disaster zone, as is he, when they see him. A tall, mysterious, and foreboding figure with a (her?!) journal in one hand and a gun in the other.
Garcia Flynn: the handsome, raging, murderous ex-NSA agent with the brokenhearted eyes. The time bandit and terrorist of time. The enemy.
He locks eyes with her - I know everything about you - and then with him - I know for a fact that you won’t shoot me.
And with Flynn having entered their lives, rather chaotically... there it is. The second explosion that neither of them could imagine had been missing to begin with.
It’s bright and warm and golden.
Lucy and Wyatt see red.
Oh, shit.
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Prompt: Garcyatt at Hogwarts
A quick shout-out here to the lovely @maiasromanoff, my sweet darling who is writing a Garcyatt Hogwarts AU as we speak! You can read it here. However, she has them as teachers, and for this prompt I’m writing them as students. Story below the cut!
“You’re staring,” Flynn notes idly.
Lucy has, in fact, been staring, while lounging against Flynn’s chest and letting him stroke her hair. It’s a warm spring day and everyone’s outside, and they’re at their favorite spot under a tree by the lake, supposedly doing homework but really just trading lazy kisses and soaking up the sun like cats.
“You’ve been staring too,” she retorts. “Don’t think I haven’t seen you watch him during Potions.”
The ‘him’ that they’re discussing is Wyatt Logan, a Gryffindor, and while Lucy would usually never sleep with a Gryffindor on pure principle, Wyatt is this delightfully blushy puppy who looks quite dashing during Quidditch and would, she suspects, look wonderful all mussed and panting after a good kiss.
It’s thoughts like this that make Flynn say she should’ve been with him in Slytherin, but the Sorting Hat let her choose and Lucy chose Ravenclaw and that matters more to her than she could quite possibly ever admit--being given that choice.
Mother was quite upset that Lucy wasn’t in Slytherin like the rest of the family (and yet only put up half a fuss when Amy was sorted into Gryffindor two years later). But Lucy stands by her choice. It’s one of the few choices she’s gotten in life.
“Do you think he’d even be interested?” Flynn asks.
“I think so. It needs a careful touch, I don’t think he’s admitted that he likes you.”
“Oh, he likes me, does he? Could’ve fooled me with all the glaring.���
“It’s because he likes you that he glares, Garcia. And you aren’t exactly easy to have a crush on.”
“You managed just fine.”
“Do I really need to remind you of our disastrous first year?”
Flynn snorts, still running his fingers through her hair. “No.” He raises her and to his lips, kisses her knuckles fondly.
Lucy loves him impossibly.
“I think you should approach him,” Flynn goes on.
“I don’t want him just for a night, Garcia, I think we could keep him if we’re careful.”
“So, what, the long game?”
“Yes.” Lucy reaches out with her wand, and mutters a spell.
The ball that Wyatt and Dave Baumgardner have been playing with goes sailing wide, over Rufus and Jiya’s heads, and rolls to a stop at Lucy’s feet.
She stuffs her wand in her robes as Wyatt comes running up. “Sorry about that,” he says. He’s blushing, carefully avoiding their eyes.
“No trouble at all,” Lucy purrs. “We have Ancient Runes together, don’t we?”
“Well, I’m not allowed to have Garcia as my partner since we’re dating.” A blatant lie, but whatever. “Perhaps you’d care to be my partner for the midterm presentation?”
Wyatt’s blush deepens. “I--um--sure.”
“Oh good.” Lucy smiles sweetly at him. “Library, four o’clock tomorrow?”
“Ah, yeah, that’s--sure.”
“Find a nice quiet corner where we won’t be disturbed.”
Wyatt looks like he might pass out. “O-okay,” he manages, his voice strangled, and then he’s running off again, ball clutched in a death grip in his hand.
“I suppose you’d like me to crash this study session halfway through?” Flynn notes.
“Oh, yes. And be sure to wear burgundy. It’s your best color.”
This will be quite fun.
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Oh! Oh! And also! Jaaaaaamyyyyyyy
When I started shipping it if I did:
I was writing the fake-dating-roommate-au for Garcyatt and Jess came over in the scene to make fun of them, all well and good according to plan, and Amy was there, and suddenly Jess started flirting with her and I was like wait--what--what is happening--and I realized that hey this would actually work out really well, and so my tiny li’l ship was born.
My thoughts:
I am inordinately proud that I got people (like, ten people and a mongoose, but still) to ship a couple that is a) femslash which is the least popular type of ship in fandom (don’t @ me people have made studies you know it’s true) and b) made up of two characters that have never and probably could never meet in canon.
I have them as a background pairing in pretty much every fic, I love them that much. I think they balance each other out well. Amy is rebellious and stubborn and speaks up for herself, but is a bit wide-eyed and young. Jess is morally ambiguous and pragmatic and sarcastic, but struggles to let go of people and to do what’s really best for herself. And we need more wlw couples in this show/fandom, dammit.
What makes me happy about them:
THEY ARE FUCKING HILARIOUS. They have no problem roasting the rest of the bunker family together. They know what it’s like to have someone you love lose you but you can’t remember that loss so you’re feeling adrift.
What makes me sad about them:
They never got any scenes together and so it’s impossible for me to use that as a jumping-off point for my interactions between them and it’s pretty much impossible to gif them and also I am all alone on my little Jamy tugboat paddling furiously.
Things done in fanfic that annoy me:
Nobody writes fanfic for them and IT ANNOYS ME. MUST I DO EVERYTHING MYSELF AROUND HERE? *grumbles*
Things I look for in fanfic:
Jess and Amy are kind of an instalove ship for me, not in the sense that they always get together right away, but in the sense that they take one look at each other and go, oh it’s you. Unlike, say, Flogan who spend two thirds of every single fic hating each other’s guts in public and freaking out about their feelings in private. But it can be hard to get a good ratio of instalove-to-slow burn with a ship like that to make it believable, so that’s what I look for. Also humor. Jess and Amy are totally the comedic relief ship.
Who I’d be comfortable with them ending up with, if not each other:
I ship Amy with Dave a bit. I have them end up together in the i carry you in my heart series. Otherwise I don’t ship her with anyone. Jess can end up with Lucy or Wyatt honestly, I really was excited to see what happened with WyJess in season three of Timeless, pity we never saw that what with the season two cliffhanger. I think that’s about it, haha.
My happily ever after for them:
Amy is brought back from nonexistence while Jess has been going through her redemption arc, and they end up meeting towards the end of it all, and bond over being ‘dead’ and brought back for their loved ones, and feeling a little on the outside of the super close-knit time team, and Jess ends up opening her own bar and inspiring Amy to be a reporter and they are stupidly in love and Jess and Wyatt’s daughter grows up with two mommies and they spend the rest of their lives happy together and making fun of Wyatt because they love him but he deserves it.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Jess is totally the big spoon. She was the big spoon for Wyatt, and she is the big spoon for Amy.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Watching deliberately crappy movies and howling with laughter the entire time, making color commentary like they’re on Mystery Science Theatre 3000.
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Mads, a wild thought, if I may: Garcyatt The Greatest Showman AU - because that's what my stupid brain supplied out of the forking blue and since you're the Captain of this Ship, I was curious about what would you think of it. I'm not sure that it would fit the characters, but the visual of Flynn in Barnum's circus clothes was quite... Something.
First of all. We all know Rewrite the Stars is THE Garcy song of songs. But also, consider: The Other Side is THE Flogan song of songs. “You run with me and I can cut you free out of the drudgery and walls you keep in”? I mean? HOW IS THAT NOT FLYNN @ WYATT???
So. Consider.
Garcia Flynn has worked his ass off and has built the Circus from the ground up, to give Lorena and Iris a better life, the life he promised Lorena way back when Maria was just the seamstress for Lorena’s father. Wyatt and Jessica Logan are the dynamic acrobatic duo, training together since they were kids and using their skills to get them to New York, out of Texas and away from Wyatt’s abusive father.
But not everyone likes the idea of a home for ‘freaks’, Flynn’s immigrant status doesn’t help, and a lot of people say the circus breeds immorality--showcasing people of color like Mason the Magician and his lovely assistant Jiya is just one example. It all builds to a head when someone sets the theatre on fire.
Most people make it out.
Lorena and Jess don’t.
Lorena ran back in for Iris, thinking she was still inside, only for Iris to emerge with Wyatt moments later from the other side of the building. The firemen wouldn’t let Flynn go in after his wife. Nobody knew where Jess was--Wyatt lost her in the smoke.
The two men lost everything.
But unlike Flynn, Wyatt’s not giving up, and neither is the rest of the crew, so Wyatt convinces Flynn to recruit Miss Lucy Preston, daughter of two powerful, rich families, who clearly needs a way out of her stifled life and arranged engagement. Flynn and Lucy hit it off in the wrong way immediately, and Wyatt has to stop Lucy from killing Flynn a couple of times, but when she meets the rest of the circus crew, she thinks she might have finally found the family she’s been longing for and so whatever she feels about Flynn, she’s determined to use her inheritance to get the circus running again.
Cue Wyatt and Flynn realizing they’re coming to view each other as more than friends and freaking out about it, Flynn being garbage as per usual, Lucy nearly tearing her hair out over these two idiot men, tons of UST, Rufus and Jiya and everyone else rolling their eyes because could these three GET more obvious, and eventual happy ever after because we light it up and won’t come down, and the walls can’t stop us now!
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