#flynn x lucy x wyatt
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Fandom: Timeless
Sample Size: 2,925 stories
Source: AO3
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female-fogbank · 1 year
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Christmas In July Socmed AU: Lucy tries to organise the Christmas In July dinner and the group is not helpful at all.
Author's note: Yes, Karl knowingly baked a face hugger roast on purpose as he loves to be a dramatic bitch 🤣
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titanicnerd-blog · 2 years
Lunchtime Timeless thoughts
Because I am always thinking about this show (it seems):
S1 Wyatt deserved to get Lucy. S2 Wyatt definitely deserved to lose her in the most painful way possible and NOT get her back. S1 and S2 Wyatt are NOT the same characters (it’s like the Timeless writers were drunk when they wrote the S2 script with Wyatt).
S1 Flynn felt like he didn’t deserve Lucy, but I think he wanted her anyway. S2 Flynn had Lucy’s love (or deep friendship/respect/trust) whether he deserved it or not.
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livelovelyatt · 2 years
I know there are very very few left in the Timeless fandom (understandably so, of course) but I wanted to pass along the GoFundMe for Annie’s son and husband as they grieve the loss of their mother/wife. Please consider donating if you’re able :)
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nancyxhardy · 2 years
I think it would have been more interesting if Lucy had turned out to be Flynn's wife. And the whole time Flynn was being their 'enemy' he had to be pretending that wasn't his WIFE alive and well and right there. Like even if Lucy still ended up with Wyatt. Except also I think when Jessica showed up it should have been Amy. Like Wyatt's wife should have been Amy, and Amy should have been fully devoted to the family cult, but didn't know Rittenhouse had had Lucy and her daughter killed in the future. Also they killed the grand architect of Rittenhouse too soon, and he should have been more evil. Jiya and Rufus are perfect, no notes.
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lanistas · 9 months
A, B, D, G, Q, U, and Y for the ask game 🩷
Thank you, love <3 And sorry for the long post!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Currently I am utterly in love with Adelaide/Marcello (lovingly known as Barberasmo) from Il Paradiso delle Signore. I can’t remember the last time I was this taken by a ship, they fit all my OTP criteria perfectly.
Other ships that are on my mind right now are Helen x Will from Sanctuary and Moiraine x Lan from The Wheel of Time. Both these ships work perfectly as platonic ones, but I also don’t mind seeing them as romantic pairings.
Oh, and not so long ago I had a good cry over Lucy/Flynn from Timeless and what could’ve been, so I guess this ship also counts haha.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
This is a difficult one, hmmm… honestly, nothing comes to mind, sorry!
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Hmmm… no pairing exactly like that, but the closest thing here would be Lucy/Wyatt from Timeless. But it’s not like I wish I liked it, because yes, despite it being canon and a non-painful version, I dislike it. These two characters were forced into a relationship that does both of them a disservice, and this is the hill I will die on.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Currently my list of OTPs consists of 19 ships, so yes, you could say I have had an OTP :) My first one was Marguerite Krux and John Roxton from The Lost World. They are still on my list, as I still love them very-very much.
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Oh, I have abandonded many fandoms. I suppose I usually just lose interest in a show and leave… it happens sometimes. The most recent fandom I’ve abandoned is probably “House of the Dragon”. I still lurk in the tags, but I am not planning to watch season 2 when it comes out, so technically I am not in the fandom anymore.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
№ 3 – Delenn of Mir from Babylon 5. I admire her strength, her wisdom, and her compassion. I see her as a wonderful role model, and she has been my inspiration throughout many years.
№ 2 – Helen Magnus from Sanctuary. Well, first of all, I adore Amanda Tapping, and the way she portrays Helen is phenomenal. And, secondly, Helen as a character is so… so… urgh, I don’t even know how to describe her and explain why she is among my favourites. She is just… everything to me. Her curiosity, her genius, her determination to protect the fragile harmony between two worlds (the human one and the abnormal one). Helen is… well, Helen. And I love her for that.
№ 1 – Adelaide di Sant’Erasmo from Il Paradiso delle Signore. Her character journey is incredibly fascinating to follow, and she is definitely the one who is on my mind the most these days. Some of her actions make me want to scream in frustration, but at the same time I find myself enchanted by her complexity when her carefully crafted façade cracks and when we see glimpses of the real her. When we are introduced to her, what we see is a stuck-up noblewoman whose moral compass is kind of questionable, but then we get to know her better, and oh, the layers, the insane amount of emotional and psychological layers that surround this woman… Adelaide di Sant’Erasmo is an absolute gift of a character.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Korean and Chinese dramas are the answer to this one :) My real-life friends love them, and we discuss them sometimes.
Oh, and Farscape. Definitely Farscape. Lots of it on my Tumblr dash.
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purpleyin · 4 years
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Timeless moodboards: Multiamory March 2020 - Garcyatt 
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devilsbrokerank · 6 years
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You two are sentenced to death.
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skywinchesters · 6 years
The Red and The Blue
Hey everyone. So I’ve written Timeless fanfiction before, but have always been too chicken to post it. I think with everything that unfolded this Thursday, we’re all in need of some good old happy fanfic. I started a collection of snapshots for a Garcyatt Soulmate AU in a world where when you first look your soulmate in the eye, you see color. Without further adieu, here is the beginning of that AU, taking place during the pilot.
Thanks to @lucyxswann for reading and making me feel better about my writing. I love you, and this is dedicated to you, my Garcyatt sister. Please excuse any errors; we’re both exhausted, I think.
Anyway, enjoy, everybody - and maybe validate me please lol
When it happens, it’s not quite what she expects.
She’s a thirty-something history professor trying not to show her fear in this armored room in a strange place - supposedly the headquarters for THE Connor Mason’s company - with scary guards blocking the exits.
She’s totally fine.
But that’s why when the sleepy soldier from Delta Force opens his eyes and smirks after she tells him off about his “ma’am” bullshit and their eyes meet, causing the world to explode around her... she says nothing.
She sees blue.
So that’s it, she thinks. He’s annoying, but he’s cute and he’s the one, apparently.
And this new sensation enveloping her entire world? That’s what color is. She knows now, and it’s all because of him... her soulmate.
Three decades of black and white and not knowing who or what to expect when the day would come, and here she finally is. The world is pretty damn saturated, even if it’s different than what she had imagined. It’s definitely a nice change to say the least.
She can see from his face that he notices the shift. There’s a look that tells her that he can suddenly see colors, too. It makes her breathe a sigh of relief. Flukes had happened before to other people and as awkward as this entire situation already is, she is relieved that this wasn’t one. With her mother sick, her tenure meeting cancelled, and this ominous evening waiting to unfold in front her, the last thing she needs is more awkwardness and disappointment - especially when it pertains to have a fucking soulmate.
Before the woman from Homeland enters, she considers saying something, or at least flashing him a smile. They’re interrupted before she can even decide against it.
She knows that etiquette - hell, even basic decency - calls for her complete candor with him in this life-changing moment.
But she’s scared, and more importantly, time travel is real, there’s a terrorist to kill and history to save... so now is definitely not the time. Who knows when it would be?
They both soak in everything around them as they descend the stairs to the landing, where a team and a debrief await them. The turquoise glow of countless computer screens and the violet grey aura surrounding that... that THING would be distracting and absolutely mesmerizing if it weren’t for the tasks at hand.
She says nothing.
Besides, as beautiful as the cool tones she sees around the room are, as exhilarating as finding your soulmate is, the wonderful world of color is actually kind of disappointing. She feels just a bit let down and doesn’t know why.
They go into the past and try their best to stop that man and preserve history. And they succeed as much as they can, in a way.
The Hindenburg is down. It’s gone. The whole chronicle of disaster unfolded much differently than as history had remembered it in her time. Their terrorist is still at large after causing all this, probably somewhere amidst the rubble and flames or perhaps, far far away.
Everything is burning. The sickening, sweet smell of - oh my god - singed flesh mingled with smoke and fuel fills the still static air. Flashes of purple and navy and evergreen and silver flood her new world as she tries to find her traveling companions and figure it out: what the hell just happened?
As she makes her way through the grass, which even at night, is illuminated by the embers in a bright spring green, she stumbles over debris and passes survivors, helpers, and onlookers.
She’s still shaking because she has failed to preserve history precisely as it was. She’s still reeling from the adrenaline rush and is convinced this had to be some type of dream.
Finally, she finds them both: the ragtag, but capable team that she’s saved lives alongside and started to bond with. (She can’t help but admit that he’s not a bad person to be fated to, even if he’s impulsive and erratic. The boy is passionate, fast on his feet, and he’s got moxie.)
She stands beside them: their pilot and her soulmate - his beautiful cerulean eyes still widened in shock. She’s still adjusting to the colors against the fiery disaster zone, as is he, when they see him. A tall, mysterious, and foreboding figure with a (her?!) journal in one hand and a gun in the other.
Garcia Flynn: the handsome, raging, murderous ex-NSA agent with the brokenhearted eyes. The time bandit and terrorist of time. The enemy.
He locks eyes with her - I know everything about you - and then with him - I know for a fact that you won’t shoot me.
And with Flynn having entered their lives, rather chaotically... there it is. The second explosion that neither of them could imagine had been missing to begin with.
It’s bright and warm and golden.
Lucy and Wyatt see red.
Oh, shit.
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Special thanks to @extasiswings who helped bat some ideas back and forth with me, listened to my screaming, and was overall my beautifully patient and enthusiastic sounding board.
Rating: E
Warning: Graphic descriptions of violence, and these characters are all mafia so there is a hefty amount of gray morality in here.
Pairing: Wyatt/Flynn/Lucy with Flynn/Lucy flashbacks and references to previous Wyatt/Jess.
Word Count: 50,020
Chapters: 1/1
Summary: When police officer Wyatt Logan is tapped to go undercover and get information on the notorious Lucy Preston and Garcia Flynn, he expects it’ll be his toughest assignment yet. What he doesn’t expect is to fall for his marks—and the fallout that comes with it.
Note: Based on this amazing gifset by @koortega which was just so damn inspiring, how could I resist?
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pollyna · 3 years
It works, for a little while, between them. But Lucy doesn't stop looking for Amy and Wyatt has a baby girl who sleeps in a cribe chosen by Jessica herself. It's them, Lucy and Wyatt just like it was all the years they spent chasing after Rittenhouse but isn't just them anymore: there's the baby who still doesn't have a name, Amy and Jessica's ghosts around the house they bought and they're between them. It isn't a clear cut but it's definitive: one morning the baby is crying and Lucy doesn't get up. She doesn't want to because the baby isn't hers and she hates Jessica for the position she putted her. Wyatt gets up the moment he gets Lucy isn't gonna and he doesn't expect much the next morning but seeing her ready to leave is still a shock. He says I love you and Lucy says love is not enough and it seems a scene from a bad romcom where they both are suppose to be crying but no-one of them is near the right emotional state to do it.
Lucy ends up slipping on Agent Christopher's couch the first night, while she is waiting to find a new house and avoiding Wyatt's call. Jiya offers her a room the same Monday she has an interview for her old job and a part of her doesn't want it back, because having it back means accepting some things, people, won't be back with it. She gets the job, a room in Jiya and Rufus's house and coffee every other morning she decides to stay in bed ten minutes after the alarm goes off. She gets Jiya incessant talking during dinner and Rufus string codes on the mirror of the bathroom, she gets a home and she looses Wyatt but, at the end of her third week of her new life, she feels better. He ends up calling the baby Sarah Jessica and comes around when she's working. It weird, not always very practical but they make it work, until Lucy won't be ready to talk with Wyatt.
Garcia coming home from God knows where is unexpected and almost destabilising because, when she looks at him all she can see is his body on an autopsy table, cold and his eyes distant. No name to identify him and a non descriptive tombstone, in a cemetery four states away from where Iris and Lorena were having dinner when he died. For weeks she hears him but doesn't see him, because he spends most of his time in his own bedroom or in the garden. Jiya explains, over breakfast, that they're alive in this timeline but he was supposed to be dead and Lorena remarried and Iris is calling some elses dad now.
They come together, or better Lucy joins him, a night where she can't seem to fall asleep and he's wide awake because insomina is his best friend now. He's watching TV and nursing a beer and she bypasses the rest of the couch to sit on his lap and hug him as tight as she can. The next morning she wakes up in her own bed, a coup of coffee on the bedside table, and near it, a notes where Flynn asks her to take a walk with him that same night. He doesn't write it's a date but he writes remember to put your scarf on, it's almost winter! and the day don't seem an earculian effort anymore.
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Garcia: I don't by any.... Lucy? What... are you doing here.
Lucy: Hello, Garcia.
Garcia: But how? 5 years have passed and you should have thought me dead.
Lucy:I know the truth for a while. And as you can see, I need your help.
Garcia: Who did this?
Lucy: Wyatt...
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titanicnerd-blog · 2 years
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Timeless (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Garcia Flynn/Lucy Preston, Garcia Flynn & Karl Characters: Garcia Flynn, Lucy Preston, Karl (Timeless), Wyatt Logan, Jiya (Timeless), Denise Christopher, Rufus Carlin, Connor Mason Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, AU S1 Flynn doesn't go to jail, AU Lucy still gets kidnapped by Rittenhouse, Flynn and Karl rescue her, Hollywoodland events don't happen, Alternate start of S2, Bunker family is nice to Flynn and Karl, No Lyatt here, Mild warning for claustrophobia, Timeless from Flynn's POV, Garcy
Garcia Flynn doesn’t get arrested; arrives back at the location of the Mothership just as Emma is stealing it. Lucy still gets taken by her mother/Rittenhouse, and Flynn and Karl are the ones who bust her out. All three of them go to the bunker and fight Rittenhouse with Wyatt, Rufus, Connor, Jiya, and Agent Christopher, arriving at the bunker prior to the events of the original timeline of 2x01. Lucy consequently doesn’t go to WWI France with her mother, and she also doesn’t have her fling with Wyatt in 2x03 since she is already falling for Flynn.
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fritzen-lcaos · 4 years
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Scars of Time by Zealprophet27
Archive Of Our Own
Summary: If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. No era is safe and there doesn't seem to be much of a future to look forward to unless the wrongs are righted.
Status: Completed
Reader Note: I've loved this story for a good long while. Having been part of the Timeless fandom from day one... it broke my heart to see it go. Then, I discovered this hidden gem. And when I say hidden gem, I mean that the whole fucking fandom sleeps on it - which is truly a shame. The Timeless fandom fights hard for the renewal of the show (understandably) but totally sleeps on the wonderful content that is delivered to us by... guess what? THE FANDOM.
I can guarantee that this story fills the void that is Timeless, and offers an adventure that makes you feel like you're watching the show - it's almost as if it never left.
Many are unsure about fanfics (myself included), but this is one well worth taking the time to read - especially if you miss the show as much as I do. It has literally everything for everyone - history, adventure, drama, romance... it covers every character and ship beautifully. Lyatt, Riya, Garcia Flynn, Connor Mason, Agent Christopher - hell, you even see more of Christopher's family than you ever did in the show.
I will scream from the rooftops about this story, which is not something I do. I am very selective in what works I will brag on and damn, this is one that deserves the attention.
Check it on Fanfiction, AO3, hell... you can even find it on Wattpad! Not to mention, this book has a SEQUEL. And it's just as incredible as the first. Highly recommend giving both a read.
Book cover designed by yours truly.
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Chapter 17: Who Tells Your Story: Hamilton! Act 2
Chapter by: Burgundy_In_Chaucer, DoctorLia, RedGold, UnUnpredictableMe (DraejonSoul)
#FlynnFriday imagine: After their accidental kiss Flynn and Lucy try to find any excuse to escape the common room and their friends watchful gaze to talk about… well, everything.
... you didn't think we'd write the sequel to the Bunker Gang Watches Hamilton, did you? ^^
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devilsbrokerank · 6 years
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The three of us, together, in France... what should we do now?
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