#garfield: the search for pooky
vgadvisor · 8 months
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hellman55 · 5 months
Longplay of Garfield: The Search For Pooky
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blankdblank · 5 years
Glass Heart Pt 3
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Tale Teller wk 7 Prompt – It was just one layer on a grander masterpiece.
Warning – Stubborn opinionated Dwarves – Use of Graveyard - RaeLynn
Modern Thorin x my OC
Tale Teller's 52 Week Writing Challenge
All – @himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @c-s-stars 
  x Thorin – @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @queenoferebor
Atop a stool you sat pouting with arms crossed resting on the counter before you across from the equally as moody teen Thorin who couldn’t help but smirk as you mumbled, “I hate Mondays.” In a resilient funk all day as it was the one day your father would have his shift as volunteer fireman baring you from his side all day and well into the next after noon.
Lowly Thorin would glance at his Sister, your usual babysitter still trying to get Fili into his footie pajamas while his body went limp at his irritation for being woken, then to you again rumbling in his sketching his next statue idea. “Obviously, Garfield.”
Deeper his smirk etched into his face at your narrowed gaze and grumble back, “Silence, Pookie.”
Instantly his brow inched up and he lowered his pencil on its side saying, “His sidekick is Odie.”
You sharply fired back, “You’re not my sidekick.” Poking your tongue out at him, only for his Grandmother to enter with a bowl of peas she asked you to help her cut and peel them for lunch and dinner.
Shooting up in bed Thorin inhaled deeply staring at his hands rested on his lap he eyed the scar from the rose in his lapel from his taking you to the Alice in Wonderland show he regretted not thinking to keep in his jacket even with its stabbing him so he could have pressed it to have more than just a torn ticket stub. Exhaling slowly he thought back to those bright lilac eyes just a sliver past silver and those moody streaks to rival his own.
Sure you had a stubborn streak and with deep bright purple eyes to boot, but it couldn’t be you. Big Joe was broken when he lost you, how could he break so deeply without having heard of losing you in the war he was called off into right after, no, it couldn’t be you. A coincidence, slip of the tongue bringing out that nickname for him you had stumbled across by chance just to irritate him, none the wiser to how deeply that name had hurt him reminding him of his loss. Laying back again he sighed turning his head to your gift wondering why you had chosen to give him a Cheshire Cat. Closing his eyes he rolled onto his stomach grumbling into it, “Just a coincidence.” Lost in his wandering thoughts as to how he could repay you for the unexplained yet masterful gift.
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A long day of family festivities was set to begin soon and again in the dark you had been hard at work in your garden. A set of sunken supporting grooves in the raised layered stone platform were filled with the bases of your wrought iron gazebo. Under a supporting metal frame for a painter’s platform you gripped a chain tossed over it you tugged on lifting the heavy mural filled walls. Carefully you would lift them and ease them down into their grooves. One by one you would settle them all into place then raise the raised ring for the dome roof, in the distance Dwarves looked on squinting in the darkness catching only a glimmer reflecting off the small slips of blood from your pinched fingers on the chain.
In silence they watched as you secured the chain in place, the arched pieces hanging down from the ring you lifted into the correct height. Once at the right level you stood atop a step ladder you gripped the sections you would ease apart on the expanding ring that at your raising the dome piece into the right height you welded the base where it sat then shifted onto the next piece you raised afterwards. Section after section was raised while the crowd grew in their way to the opening town breakfast for all the clans until you welded the meeting frames stretching up the dome securing the structure freeing you to mentally tug the chain off you floated down to the ground beside the gazebo. Stepping off the ladder you adjusted a few small pieces then climbed down and back up again with a pack on your waist filled with the colored glass pieces for the roof. Mainly clear for the larger pieces with colored rings in diamonds layered around the base etched with sacred runes leading into the stories formed below all finished at the first glimpse of sunlight.
Lost in the moment you stepped out of the gazebo and sat by your cart waiting as the crowds did. A single glimmer of golden light and the few scattered seeds, bulbs and trees blooming already were lit up in a magnificent wave of colors. Open mouthed all looked on while the breeze caused the spinning pieces to twirl casting their lights on other key locations in the garden stirring rainbows off the fountains finally filled enough from your tap from the pipes fed from the center circle filled by the distant river tap now shut off. Thorin especially had lost all argument against your work, relenting to the truth before him, even half finished It was just one layer on a grander masterpiece.
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From morning to night you drew from the pile of stones in varied shades of grey. One by one giving a whole knew meaning to tedious you held your place wearing through your kneepads in laying them in a spiraled pattern of continuous waves following the pathway that grew both thinner and thicker around various turns and the planters and fountains around them. Miles of stones later and you had reached the end of your stones and the end of the giant circular patch of land the garden formed from above only fully appreciated from the roof of your family castle as to what it all grew into. Darkly a shadow in your deepening the groove at the end of the path you brought the final set of black stones to settle inside a shadow fell in your view and with a crack from your neck you looked up.
With a visible flash of concern on his face Thorin looked you over as you sat back on your legs seeing him in a Durin blue shirt tucked into his jeans. Unable to head home after seeing the Blacklock clan section bare at the town dinner without having said anything to you at all surely securing him terrible luck for a year if he didn’t handle the task by midnight, he said, “Have you been out here all day?”
“Don’t worry, I know the rules, I skipped the radio today so I wouldn’t disturb your festivities.”
“Why do you always act as if you know everything of our culture?”
Nodding to yourself you stand saying, “Careful, leaving an argument for your final act of the night will spoil a year for you.” A loud pop sounded from your back in your arch of it while you took a step towards your rental off in the distance.
“You should have come by. Whole town showed up, if you are part of the clan you should have held your place. My Gran made her special Rhubarb Surprise special for our new guests this year.”
With a sigh you replied continuing to move on feeling your stomach clench in a warning at its oncoming growl, “It takes three members of the clan to hold the table respectfully. You know that.”
Rolling his eyes in your continued pace he took a step saying, “Still, no use in spending the day alone slaving over this land over sharing a good meal.”
In thick Dwarvish you responded, “The town called for Shuktu, town has spoken. If you object take it up with them.”
Open mouthed he stared at your back then hurried a few steps saying, “Let me drive you.”
Shaking your head you replied, “That would fall against Skuktu laws. Thank you though.”
“Your gift.” Hurrying forward he reached your side stating plainly in locking his eyes with yours taking in your soft glow in the rising moonlight parting his lips, “It’s seated on my dresser.” In a curious nod you turned as he walked around you mentally screaming at himself at the pitiful try at a thank you.
Giggling to yourself you continued walking and called back, “Night Pookie. Glad you enjoyed it. Gonna go throw myself against a rock now.” You added reaching back to help pop your back in another forced arch feeling his eyes on you while you continued on.
Lost in his hating his pitiful try at a thank you and the clear knowledge of clan laws and Khuzdul you seemed to be fluent in his heart began to pound realizing now he would have to repeat that you in fact understood the towns ruling on Shuktu. As well as accepted the portents clearly pointing to a year alone for you as you were not able to stand up with your claimed clan, even if you were mistaken on your lineage today was a time for coming together with your neighbor.
By his guess he was the first and most likely only one to speak to you all day, no more hospitable than an old badger surely worsening your fated weight in being shunned by all but the moody Dwarf. It was going to be six months you would be forced into sharing paths until you either renewed your lease or moved on to wherever you had chosen to go. Both choices painful though so far he was altogether against your leaving until he had solved the mystery of your past.
A long night’s rest after a warm shower bled into the next afternoon while rain fell outside. Too sore to bother you sat on a stool in the kitchen peeling peas you then rinsed and boiled to add to your vegetable sides to go with your shepards pie, through the backing of which you sat on the back patio eyeing a passing group of does and their fawns you waved to in their passing in search of food. Fully fed and exhausted you cleaned and locked up returning to your closet settling in for the night.
All day you spent in the closet clinging to the ground until the stiffness of your back eased with your stretches you forced yourself through. No matter how foolish or painful it was at least the agony you forced your battered body through it muddled the pain and humiliation you felt from your old life.
An odd solace came from the shunning as in these unspeakably painful first weeks home in the absence of your father you didn’t have to share with anyone why you wanted to be alone. You didn’t have to say his name or mention what he did or why you had been so lax in leaving him sooner. Honestly you didn’t know yourself, past not wanting another failed relationship or giving your cousin the satisfaction of having him fully, but none of that mattered now, her game was through and no doubt she’d have dropped him by now and was waiting for you to choose again to begin the game anew. So silently you waited until the wailing of your broken heart would cease and you could maybe consider looking at anyone past your hired crews for conversation.
Thorin might be an ass but at least there was no game there, no lies, he honestly believed you a liar, and deep down you knew him to be true, you were lying. All you wanted was to hide away and never see another person again, you wanted to tear down every stone in this town and raze the earth left standing in hopes of saying your excruciating rage at all you had endured. Most of all you held onto the worst lie of all, a belief that you really can go home again, when quite obviously for you the proof was in the pudding.
All at once your eyes shot open and you groaned climbing off the floor to stagger your way to the kitchen at the timer sounding for you to pull your molten cake out of the oven. A large scoop of orange and vanilla ice cream later made you smirk as you eyed your dream breakfast from childhood. Teasingly you called out your breakfast choice through the house only to smirk wider in easing into the floor in front of the tv with a towel over your lap under the coffee table with fork in hand knowing no adult was around to stop you.
A ring of the bell made you groan however and you called out unable to get up, “It’s open!”
A chuckle sounded and you could hear Balin calling out, “It’s Balin, I’ve come to change your filters.”
“In the living room.” A smirk eased across his lips in seeing your meal and you pointed your fork at him, “There’s a spare cake in it for you if you don’t tell on me.”
He chuckled and held out a dish of his own, “Our gran sent me with this,”
You nodded, “Rhubarb Surprise?” He nodded, “Thank you.” He nodded and went to put it in the fridge for you, “I would get up but my feet are plotting against me. I don’t want to give them the satisfaction.”
He chuckled again, “No worries. You did quite a job yesterday. Excellent designs. Quite a number of us have stolen closer looks.”
“Thank you.”
“You rest up and I won’t be long.”
Barely ten minutes later he returned after curiously inspecting each open bedroom wondering where you had been sleeping at the untouched sheets and pillow arrangement they had set up for you before you had moved in. “Time for cake?”
“Unfortunately I do have to go.”
You nodded and seeing his remorseful expression you said, “I’ve put them in dishes already if you want to grab one to go.”
He grinned at you and went to fetch one and returned wetting his lips in a pausing moment, “Jaqiearae?” He asked timidly testing your response to the name he assumed you to belong to after the lease had only been signed to a series of Vanyar Runes they couldn’t read.
“Hmm?” In peering up at him his eyes softened in fully relaxing into your identity.
“Welcome home.” A grin eased across your lips and you nodded, “Even if it hasn’t been much of a welcome. It will pass.”
With a giggle you replied raising your filled spoon, “I know. I have to ask, why would it be impossible for me to be me?”
Balin sighed and wet his lips shifting his weight on his feet keeping a good hold on your dish, “When you left Big Joe broke. He refused to talk about you. We all took that as you had passed.”
You nodded and couldn’t help but giggle again, “That would do it.” In glancing at the dish you extended a finger, “Fair warning, it’s got honey in it. I fully expect him to storm over if he finds out.”
Balin chuckled and nodded, “Thank you. I will try to keep him from finding out.”
You waved your hand, “Ah, if he does I can tie him down and force feed him some. Grumpy goat.” Balin chuckled and made his exit thanking you again and wishing you a good relaxing day.
Lounging in the house for as long as you could muster your strength returned and with a series of stretches and a halfhearted try at repeating the poses from your one and only yoga class you were just agitated enough to head back out to the garden again. Nearing sunset you waded through the crowd of bear cubs while their fathers helped you to pull the carts and wagons of seeds and bulbs they hoped to help sweeten the honey your eager bees floated behind you to inspect themselves. In the peaceful cloud of buzzing and grunting from your playful band of bears you went from planter to planter settling each in their new homes from noon all till sundown.
More and more crowds grew and milled by your garden staring from the street hoping to see what you were doing. Happily the bees collected pollen from the buds on the fruit trees above you and the sloped covers coated in tiles resembling hives making the bees feel even more at home here. Tiny buds and stalks split through the earth at your gentle hums and barely audible Elven tunes lulling them to glow and grow in the dying light. Lastly your floating trays were added to the water filled raised planters you added special rare breeds of flowers with lilies and floating fauna into the center circle. Under which you added the starlight fish breeds into the water from the nets your bears had helped you fill from farther downstream to help keep the water clean and help keep the plants healthy. Meaning that the garden could now be dubbed as complete, with just the wait for all the plants to bloom fully in time.
The easy day bled back into a night of finalizing the last of the decorative stained windows in the castle meaning it was now mostly airtight, minus the insulation you had yet to add and the giant wall of windows for the ballroom and dining hall. Back to the shop again you went and continued to slave away on those hoping that once you could finish this it would be possible to start building a sealed area for you to stay in. It would hurt to live in the castle alone but at least it was yours, a promise your kin would return to fill it one day once the proper respect and traditions in burying your elder had been met.
A call a few days out tore your from the castle when you had finished sealing the dining hall. In a hurry you grabbed your keys and raced to your rental to change and fetch a bag from Turo’s house. Your cousin’s friend had asked you to fetch his eldest son’s bag for a summer basketball league out in a rival team’s school field. With a grin after the drive you hurried through the crowds feeling the shift of your t shirt over your middle daring to flash a glimpse of the tattoos on your hips and lower back to the Dwarves around you looking you over. Neither side certain of who you were or why you were here but straight to the assigned hall you went and gave the coaches’ lounge door a knock.
Lifting their gazes all ten coaches from the tournament looked up taking in every detail on you until you eyed the proper coach with bag raised stating the name of the teen you had brought the bag for. Relieved he stood and hurried to pass on the bag that was noticed as mistaken for another on the frantic rush to make it to the team bus the night prior. Quietly you slipped away and milled through the crowds up to the stands for the team ignoring the whispers and stares from the towns people curious of why you had shown to this and not the dinner.
The Durins especially taking special interest in you while Thorin’s head tilted slightly at the bottom of a paw print he couldn’t make out in the distance when you had leaned forward to fix the hem of your jeans over your boots shifting your shirt upwards for a moment. All around you your heart raced and you pulled up your emotional wall hearing the same whispers you always had. Teens and students from other school pointing you out especially as the ‘ugly woman’ who had brought something for Toby, who was now blushing madly in his irritated huff that he barely knew you.
You were never really the most appealing of Elves, shorter and curvier with a personality stunning many from even trying to woo you. But here to the Dwarves it all came flooding back, to the vast majority who stuck to Dwarvish partners you were downright ugly. Avoiding the tears you waited until the first quarter was over and you stood trading your spot with Turo’s parents and younger sisters faking some time sensitive excuse to leave nearly urging your grumpy goat of a Dwarf after you. In your drive home his brows sunk into deep glares at the visiting teens who dared insult you, joined by Balin who even managed to trip one in the hall after his final match drawing an apology from the teen believing it was his misstep in Balin’s dark glare.
All the way home you wondered to yourself just who the people in town would each prefer. Thorin especially being baffling as you’d caught whispers he was quite content being a bachelor. Though Dwalin and Frerin had both chosen Hobbits, not far in appearance to you past their feet while Kili had chosen an Elf, far from their mother’s choice one of the best examples of Dwarven men around, big and sturdy with dazzling eyes able to exude allure and fear in a focused gaze of the blonde bombshell. Fili took right after him though his rumored dating life you had learned from your cousins was a jumble, with humans, Elves and Hobbits alike.
Home again you burrowed into the job of securing the final windows in the castle. Another week was all it took and finally you could start to leave notes on each room as to what changes were being made. A full electrical and plumbing overhaul were to be done, New fixtures had arrived and waited in the garage and early Monday morning the crews returned easing the Durins’ worries that you wouldn’t be alone anymore. More and more they had grown worried once it was confirmed that you had known what the town had meant with those signs.
A full week was all it took to swap out all the plumbing, starting with all the water pipes, the decided greater first choice to begin with. Toilets, showers and sinks were next and fully swapped within the next week complete with the tiles, counters and cabinets swapped in partial room overhalls to save time later. Bathrooms and kitchens were partially covered and in the next week you helped to swap out the lighting fixtures and locations of more than a few wall sockets. A few dimmers and various other switch effects were swapped out for their originals now more useful.
Tirelessly the team worked with and around you, grateful of your nights of finishing the grout in the tile jobs in the bathrooms, laundry and kitchen after their day long bout of spraying insulation meaning they could begins the drywall when they arrived in the morning since the inspectors were all more than pleased at your efforts to restore your kin’s home.
With a stretch of solar panels added to the corners of the most sunlit areas new storm shutters were next. Fully secured to match the thick layer of mithril in the walls and outer doors matching those of the castles all through these lands you were fully fortified and just in time for the biggest heat wave of the year. Nice and cool the castle sat halfway completed inside and nearly empty waiting for your next step in the baking sun just barely an hour after it had risen.
Slamming hard into the earth your shovel worked the ground in the greenhouse under the formerly paved portions into more even levels. One by one you reset the heavy stone slabs across the paths between your previously tilled patches of earth already sprouting tiny buds from your agonizing night you drained yourself to the point of having to head back to your rental to eat a heaping meal before heading back for an early start you hoped to fare better in. Even mentally shifting the tiles that settled into their former places you were still wearing thin in the growing heat. Your forge was one thing but this was completely different, hard to manage even with the pitiful breeze blowing over you.
With a deep sigh you eyed the green scum filled pool in the center used to fuel the sprinkler system for your plants before you looked to the bag waiting beside it. Heavily you let the shovel fall to the ground and you moved to the rim of the pool on which you sat removing your boots, glad you had chosen your shorts today. Yanking your sweat coated shirt off you dropped it onto the pile and pulled out the goggles and breather you clipped to your waist, adding the mouthpiece to the roof of your mouth for a testing inhale. Easing back you shuddered in the cool water the bears had been lounging in and with brush in hand you tried to keep from grimacing at the sludge coated walls and floor and swam closer to begin scraping it free.
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Halfway across town aimlessly in a stop to pick up a batch of super glue for a prank for their cousins Fili and Kili strolled into the hardware store right in the middle of a brewing storm. Straight into the middle of a flurry of shouts the usual delivery man straight out refused to take your order of tools to you. Insisting the crew members willing to work with you could take them instead on their next day out.
With a roll of is eyes the owner’s grandfather, who had caught a few hints from you even at a distance ended their argument with his laughter making them both turn and ask, “What is so funny?”
He shook his head saying, “Just picturing Jaque Blacklock’s reaction when he hears the town has shunned his granddaughter.”
Open mouthed in his stroll away before the delivery man could accept it Fili and Kili grabbed the bags calling out, “We’ll take them!” Rushing out the door they hurried to their waiting truck eager to see just what they could find out about your ties to the Blacklock clan.
Curiously in the drive up to your castle they peered around wondering where you could be, the sound of music through their rolled down windows lured them to your greenhouse.
 We gather here today
To celebrate and honor
A lover a fighter
But in the end a goner
I've been asked to stand before you
And give the eulogy
She was my closest friend
But in the end, got the best of me
May my heart rest in peace
Parking outside they climbed out of the truck Fili shut off, the doors closed and with heavy bags tucked in their arm they both strolled through the windowless structure towards the playing radio. Through the front walkway into the endless building the brothers eyed the bears grunting and sniffing out at them in their easing in and out of the pool by which your pile of boots and shirt brought them closer.
At the graveyard
It's a big old box and a rusty shovel
My late heart
In a heap of dirt and a mound of rubble
Such a shame, you're to blame
Yeah you know who you are
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Nearing the pool handfuls of sludge were being drawn out of the pool by the now spinning water wheel attached to the pump system in the bottom you had cleared out and started up again. Chuckling to themselves in the third testing hiss the sprinklers gave a murky tan spray of water down in rippling waves through the greenhouse from the sprinkler heads from high above their heads helping to cool them a bit in the sticky heat. A bear from below the water rose up after dunking down to alert you to the guests and when their eyed lowered again they saw you swimming across the pool to the edge near them.
I'm praying from the pulpit
As a single tear falls down
They haven't caught the culprit
He's still runnin' loose in town
She leaves behind
That long line
Of men who act rotten
But we're on the trail of the fool
That put the last nail in the coffin
Above the water your hand broke the surface to raise your goggles as your tongue worked the mouthpiece free from the roof of your mouth you dangled from its chord around your ear. “Hi. Escaping the heat?”
Kili chuckled raising his bag, “Brought your tools.”
With a nod you set your brush down out of the pool and planted your hands on the edge, “Ah.” Lifting up to a single foot, stepping over it to reach for the bag he offered you. Peering inside it you strolled across the floor to the table after accepting the second, “Thank you. Didn’t realize you worked there.”
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Over your back the pair eyed the trails of paw prints stemming from the back of your hips up your spine in mirrored spirals up to the base of your neck where Ursa Major glowed inside the figure of a large bear under Ursa Minor, a small cub standing for you and your father. The paw prints matching those on your wrist, all marking you as a member of the Blacklock clan with your father’s runes etched into your right shoulder blade. The image was subtly captured by the brothers on their phones they pocketed as Kili answered, “We don’t. Just wanted to come and check on you.”
Fili nodded and caught your raised brow when you turned around, trying his best not to ogle your toned figure as well as the swirl of pink musical notes on a warped set of lyrics across your right ribs in a barely visible pink shade they wondered what song it could be. With only a trio of runes they could recognize under your bra strap ‘Very Good Advice’.
“Oh really?” Looking the pair over you couldn’t help but smirk saying, “Why would I need checking on?”
Kili shrugged and Fili answered, “Well, only uncles Thorin and Balin have come to see you and they’re not the most lively of company.”
“Well I would highly doubt they would appreciate me keeping you very long. Not with the ban on me.”
Instantly they inhaled deeply and Kili shook his head, “No one’s really banned you. That’s for outsiders. Everyone’s just a bit slow on catching the resemblance.”
With a smirk you nodded again, “Still, I’ve got to finish this pool and you should get out of this heat.”
Both feeling the effects of it they nodded and Fili blurted out, “But we’ll be back tomorrow, should be cooler, we could bring a lunch.” Reaching out he offered you his phone, “For your number, please.”
Chuckling weakly you nodded and punched the number in under the name of the only child of Big Joe they knew of, making you smirk as you watched him turn off the display and pocket his phone. Kili grinned saying, “Sorry it took so long to drop by JaqJaq.”
Fili, “We’ll bring a picnic tomorrow, like we used to have over by the river.”
“Sounds like fun. Drive safe boys.”
They both chuckled and watched you add your mouthpiece again sitting on the edge of the pool you lowered your legs into, “Swim safe.” Giggling to yourself you lowered your goggles and dropped into the water to get back to your scrubbing while you still had the light, hearing their rushing steps once you had dipped under the surface again. Hours of sputtering sprinklers and scrubbing later the pool was shining and the water pump was in working order with clean water washing down on the plants to the timer you had set.
“You’re going to feel like such an ass when you remember me.” The words echoed in Thorin’s mind as his heart skipped and the world muffled around him, slipping out of the room of the castle while the Durin clan all clambered for detail after detail his eyes lowered to the picture Fili had sent to him at his request while he sat on the back steps in the moonlight. Warmly a tear rolled down his cheek in muttering to himself, “Garfield.”
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Pt 4
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edwardwebb · 2 years
Garfield: The Search for Pooky
Garfield: The Search for Pooky
Game Boy Adv – Alert! We’ve got a bear-napping! Garfield’s famous stuffed teddy bear, Pooky, has been stolen. Now the lovingly lazy feline has to save his bedtime buddy! You’ll need all nine of your lives to make it though 12 levels packed with nasty obstacles and nastier bad guys. Garfield fans will be familiar with each of the six locations the game travels through, as well as a story, dialog,…
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tokka · 6 years
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Regrann 😺🐻@erinhunting - Just a reminder that my Garfield comic (It’s one of three stories in ‘Search for Pooky’) hit shelves yesterday! It was such an honour to be trusted to draw and write something for these characters that l have loved since l was a kid so l included ALL of these guys-& Jon-in my story. Thanks heaps to my wonderful editor Chris for allowing me the opportunity as well as the guys at BOOM! and Paws. . . . #Garfield #BOOM!Studios #comic (at Muncie, Indiana)
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“No. 2288: Much Better” (2015-08-24)
Strip by: Doormat
{Garfield is sitting on a torn-up couch.} Garfield: Much better. {Garfield is sleeping.} Garfield: Much better. {Garfield is walking while dripping alcohol.} Garfield: Much better. {Garfield is watching while Odie, Lyman and Jon are fighting.} Garfield: Much better. {Garfield is sitting on a torn-up armchair.} Garfield: Much better. {Garfield is holding a cup of coffee.} Garfield: Much better. {Garfield is standing behind a window, having just cleaned it.} Garfield: Much better. {Garfield is hanging awkwardly on a tree.} Garfield: Much better. {Garfield is standing before two mouse holes in a wall, one of which has a mouse poking out.} Mouse: Much better. {Garfield is wrapped in a blanket sitting in an armchair with Pooky while drinking hot chocolate.} Garfield: Much better.
The author writes:
I was flipping through old Garfields when I noticed both a strip and the strip after it used the phrase "Much better" in the punchline. Using a text search I uncovered several strips over the years using the phrase. It really shows how much the art has changed over time (but now that it's computer-generated there's hardly room for change any more, sadly).
Original strips (left to right, top to bottom): 1978-07-10, 1978-07-11, 1979-01-21, 1979-04-01, 1980-09-28, 1986-03-23, 1993-09-12, 1993-02-10, 1999-08-28, 2013-01-06.
Square Root of Minus Garfield
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rabbittstewcomics · 6 years
Episode 140
Avengers Infinity War (spoilers end at 1 hr mark), Flash 45, Batman & Signal 3, Marvel Rising 0, Hunt For Wolverine, Thanos Annual, Aliens: Dust to Dust, Star Wars Adventures Annual, Antar the Black Knight, Fear Diaries, Deep Roots, Garfield: The Search for Pooky, Goldie Vance Vol 4, News (Venom Trailer, Sharp Objects, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Eisner Noms), Reviews (Spidey Larsen Omnibus, Alex + Ada)
  Comics Credits:
Flash 45 by Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce Fernandez, Luis Gerrero
Batman and the Signal 3 by Tony Patrick, Scott Snyder, Cully Hamner, Laura Martin
Marvel Rising 0 by Devin Grayson, Marco Failla, Rachelle Rosenberg
Hunt For Wolverine by Charles Soule, David Marquez, Rachelle Rosenberg
Thanos Annual 1 by Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, Antonio Fabela, Christopher Hastings, Flaviano Armentaro, Federico Blee, Kieron Gillen, Andre Lima Araujo, Chris O’Halloran, Katie Cook, Heather Breckel, Ryan North, Will Robson, Rachelle Rosenberg, Al Ewing, Frazer Irving
Aliens: Dust to Dust 1 by Gabriel Hardman, Rain Beredo
Star Wars Adventures Annual 2018 by John Jackson Miller, Jon Sommariva, Matt Herms, Cavan Scott, Alain Mauricet, Chris Fenoglio
Antar the Black Knight 1 by Nnedi Okorafor, Eric Battle
Fear Diaries by Garrett Gunn, Nicolas Touris
Deep Roots 1 by Dan Watters, Val Rodrigues, Triona Farrell
Garfield: Search for Pooky by Scott Nickel, Antonio Alfaro, Andy Hirsch
Goldie Vance Vol 4 by Jackie Ball, Hope Larson, Elle Power, Sarah Stern
  Comics Countdown for 25 Apr 2018
Harrow County 30 by Cullen Bunn, Tyler Crook
Kill or Be Killed 18 by Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, Bettie Breitweiser
Mighty Thor 706 by Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman, Matt Wilson
Redneck 12 by Donny Cates, Lisandro Estherren, Dee Cunniffe
Flash 45 by Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce Fernandez, Luis Gerrero
Thanos Annual by Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, Antonio Fabela, Christopher Hastings, Flaviano Armentaro, Federico Blee, Kieron Gillen, Andre Lima Araujo, Chris O’Halloran, Katie Cook, Heather Breckel, Ryan North, Will Robson, Rachelle Rosenberg, Al Ewing, Frazer Irving
Goldie Vance Vol 4 by Jackie Ball, Hope Larson, Elle Power, Sarah Stern
Mother Panic: Gotham AD 2 by Jody Houser, Ibrahim Moustafa, Jordan Boyd, Paulina Ganucheau
Sacred Creatures 6 by Klaus Janson, Pablo Raimondi, Hi-Fi, Chris Chuckry, Brian Reber, Dean White
Detective Comics 979 by James Tynion IV, Phillip Briones, John Kalisz
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
garfield the search for pooky gba
garfield the search for pooky gba
Garfield: The Search for Pooky cheats & more for Game Boy Advance (GBA)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Garfield: The Search for Pooky cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy Advance (GBA). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Garfield: The Search for Pooky.
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Unknown Publisher: Game Factory ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: November 11, 2005
Currently we have no tips for Garfield: The Search for Pooky yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Garfield: The Search for Pooky yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Garfield: The Search for Pooky yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Garfield: The Search for Pooky yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Garfield: The Search for Pooky yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Garfield: The Search for Pooky yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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vgadvisor · 1 year
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zerojanitor · 12 years
Just got some GBA games.
I got:
Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
Garfield: The Search For Pooky
Kim Possible 3: Team Possible
Mario Tennis: Power Tour
007: Nightfire
My Little Pony: Crystal Princess - The Runaway Rainbow
So far, Grunty's Revenge and Mario Tennis are the winners. I had higher hopes for the Kim Possible game, since it was made by A2M, who actually made a couple of decent games.
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