#gary sedi
smuby · 2 years
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i gave cancer socks because i dunno how to draw feet
this episode was sweet, but i don’t think i will ever watch it again. why couldn’t cancer be a reoccurring character huh. why couldn’t we see her around the prison being raised by ash HUH.
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calithecretin · 1 year
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HUMAN BIRD⁉️⁉️⁉️ 😱😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯🤯
(Yes I headcanon bird as female)
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cocobutter02727 · 1 year
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aquilachrysaetos · 2 months
Does anyone GAF about the inmates in superjail because it's the only thing I care about in that show
Anyways my yaoi truth
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innucentz · 1 year
Superjail Convict Headcanons, because Yes. (Part 1, I have so many)
Used to be fluent in Italian as a child but didn't speak it as much as a teenager and mostly forgot it as an adult
Not a dog lover but really cared and loved that dog
Only child, but lived with his cousins, uncles, aunties, grandpa and his single mom
In his mid 30s
He was never IN the mafia but definitely some of his uncles and friends are in the mafia, who were mostly associates and soldiers. He was friends with almost every criminal in NYC (mostly because of his friends and uncles) and still keeps contact with them.
He was a scammer. Used to scam people by being a fake taxi driver and selling fake tickets. He got caught by an undercover cop when he was in the airport, picking up tourist
Always skipped and Didn't pay attention to his class. Definitely cheated in every exam and passed. Was able to graduate High School but never went to College
The arm tattoo is his girlfriend, from Cleveland
Ash Firin
Long lost half brother of Nicky (this Headcanon was from this tumblr user cobalt-punk? I think. Who said that Ash's dad looked similar to Nicky and I really liked that HC, so it stuck with me)
In his mid 20s
Pushed around a lot by his "friends” and forced him to join their crimes because of his speciality in fire
Was caught by Jailbot, after he accidentally burned down the hospital when petting the pony (during s3 ep10). Also he was in that hospital because his friends left him behind and he got beaten up by the guys who were chasing them
Didn't have any extended family to take care of him, after his dad abandoned him.
His love for fire started after the incident in the theater and got his fire powers when he was in superjail (probably because of the twins)
Had a lonely childhood, most of the kids bullied or were scared of him because of his appearance (after the incident in the theater).
Might have set a kid's hair on fire when he was in the orphanage
Lived in the orphanage until he was 18. Was never adopted
Gary Sedi
In his early 40s
Was a serial killer and a librarian (idk he gives me that vibe)
Had a good childhood, never bullied or abused but was super anti social and his only friend was Bird
Lived in a small town during childhood and early adulthood
I think his real voice is soothing and he's able to change the way his voice sounds, before his old warden cuts his tongue. Because i REFUSE to believe that's his real voice
Bird has been with him since he was a kid, given to his parents as a birthday gift
His weakness: When he doesn’t have his glasses on he can’t see shit
Definitely one of the healthiest and well kept inmates. Has his American Psycho routine
Back then, even if he had his tongue and vocal cords he was a very quiet man. He was friendly (maybe not sincere) to people and talked if needed
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Dieter Rams. Uno sguardo al passato e al futuro
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Fino al 4 giugno 2023 l’ ADI Design Museum di Milano propone una mostra dedicata al designer industriale tedesco Dieter Rams, che ha progettato più di 350 oggetti per l’azienda di elettrodomestici Braun e per il produttore di mobili Vitsoe, che esercitano tuttora una notevole influenza sui giovani designer. Rams rappresenta un approccio progettuale che lui stesso ha descritto come “meno, ma meglio”, inoltre ha sempre sostenuto la produzione di una tipologia di oggetti tali da avere un uso più lungo possibile. Pioniere del design sistemico e padre delle teorie del good design, Dieter Rams è nato a Wiesbaden nel 1932, fin da piccolo fu molto legato al  padrino, che era un carpentiere specializzato nella rifinitura manuale di superfici. Da sempre affascinato dal funzionamento di oggetti e meccanismi semplici, Rams si iscrisse a 17 anni alla Werkkunstschule di Wiesbaden,  scelta per il suo approccio hands-on e lo studio di tecniche quali i giunti di legno. Appassionato di architettura Rams, dopo una pratica a Francoforte presso Otto Apel, ottenne una prima commessa dall'azienda di elettrodomestici dei fratelli Braun per l'ampliamento della loro sede cittadina. Nei difficili anni della Germania post bellica la Braun collaborava per lo sviluppo dei suoi nuovi prodotti con la Hochschule für Gestaltung di Ulm, erede dei principi e delle pratiche del Bauhaus, che puntava  a condurre la Germania verso una nuova modernità. In questo contesto, Rams nel 1954 apprese del  lavoro che Hans Gugelot stava conducendo per un nuovo tipo di radiofonografo. Le fasi di sperimentazione di un oggetto ripensato nella disposizione delle sue componenti e nel suo ruolo all'interno dello spazio domestico si compiranno nella produzione del radiofonografo Braun, co-progettato da Gugelot e Rams nel 1956, destinato a diventare icona di un'epoca e di una filosofia di design. Rams divenne il capo della sezione design alla Braun nel 1961, facendola crescere dalla collaborazione con la HfG Ulm, continuata creando altre icone del design come la radio portatile a transistor Braun T3 nel 1958 e il sistema TP1 del 1959,  che integrava una radio a transistor e un giradischi portatile con lettura dal basso. Lungo gli anni ’60 e ‘70 il catalogo Braun si consolidò con i rasoi elettrici della linea Sixtant, i primi sistemi home stereo, gli accendini da tavolo, orologi come il phase 1 del 1971 e la radiosveglia Signal ABR21 sviluppata in 1978 con Dietrich Lubs,  rendendo il marchio un riferimento per il design. Rams occupò la sua posizione fino al 1995, lasciando la Braun nel 1997, ma la sua attività abbraccio globalmente l'ambito della casa, attraverso una collaborazione che Rams cominciò nel 1959 col produttore danese di arredi Vitsœ,  portandola avanti in parallelo nei decenni, e tuttora in corso, con le sedie 601 del 1961 e 620 del 1962,  cuore di una volontà di liberare spazio all’interno delle abitazioni moderne, rendendo il vivere in questi ambienti un'esperienza piacevole. Negli anni Rams ha esercitato attivamente questo suo ruolo di ispiratore di filosofie del design, attraverso la sua attività didattica all’Università di Amburgo, e l’incarico di presidente del German Design Council. I pezzi creati alla Braun nei suoi anni di direzione sono parte della collezione del MoMA di New York, e al suo lavoro sono state dedicate mostre, come la retrospettiva del Museum für Angewandte Kunst (MAK) di Francoforte (2002), e le esposizioni del SFMOMA di San Francisco (2011) e del Vitra Design Museum di Weil am Rhein (2016) oltre a documentari, tra cui Rams di Gary Hustwit (2018). La mostra è stata realizzata in collaborazione con la Scuola Del Design del Politecnico di Milano. Read the full article
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geologyofthedas · 2 years
If there's one thing Dragon Age Inquisition did right, it's that the rocks are very nice.
Salty || they/them || white || Geographer
This is a gaming blog, I post about Dragon Age and Guild Wars 2 mostly. I also write and draw, so I may post some art occassionally. And rocks. One mustn't forget the rocks.
Dragon Age OCs: Beithir, Mheri Hawke, Gary, Briwen Lavellan, Aurelia Trevelyan, Luvian, Ellis Amell
Gw2 OCs: Thyss, Traere, Bruadar, Sedi, Ensosin, Zhexx, Nyxx
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r0tt3n-p1ckles · 3 years
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i dont know man something about him....😍😍😍
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corpsejelli · 5 years
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Twisted fucking cycle path.....
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libriaco · 3 years
Senza tetto
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Le tre figure che si alzarono dalle sedie da talk-show e vennero avanti sul palco ricordarono a Gary, stranamente, la sua luna di miele in Italia. Lui e Caroline avevano visitato una cattedrale da qualche parte in Toscana, forse a Siena, e nel museo c’erano grandi statue medievali di santi che una volta stavano sul tetto, tutti con un braccio alzato come candidati presidenziali e tutti con un pio sogghigno di certezza sulla faccia.
J. Franzen, [The Corrections, 2001], Le correzioni, Torino, Einaudi, 2006 [Trad. S. Pareschi]
Immagine: Siena, Opera del Duomo, La galleria delle statue
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corallorosso · 3 years
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Quale esercito “democratico” bombarda la sede di Al-Jazeera e AP a Gaza? La libertà d’informazione nei luoghi nevralgici per gli equilibri geopolitici vale un’ora di tempo. Un’ora di tempo, esattamente quanto è stato concesso al proprietario del palazzo al-Jala, una delle strutture centrali a Gaza, per spiegare ai giornalisti di Associated Press, al-Jazeera e altri media internazionali che era tempo di evacuare le loro sedi, portare in salvo archivi e attrezzature. Oltre che le loro vite. Israele bombarda al-Jazeera e l’Associated Press nel corso della sua offensiva contro Hamas, giustificando l’azione con il fatto che – in quei palazzi – l’organizzazione palestinese spesso trova rifugio o lancia delle comunicazioni strategiche a livello d’intelligence. Il risultato sicuro, in realtà, è quello di una guerra che – da questo momento in poi – perderà pezzi importanti del suo racconto. Al-Jazeera e Associated Press sono media internazionali, che spesso hanno condiviso informazioni con i giornali e le televisioni di mezzo mondo. Una struttura importante sul posto ha consentito loro di approfondire gli aspetti più deteriori dello scontro israelo-palestinese. Ha consentito di dare delle chiavi di lettura molto più ampie rispetto a quelle delle veline dei due fronti impegnati. E invece, Israele ha distrutto il palazzo dei media, concedendo – come unico passo in avanti – una sola ora di tempo per evitare una strage di cui avrebbe parlato il mondo. Youmna al-Sayed di al-Jazeera ha comunicato che, al momento, l’emittente lavora – in maniera molto limitata, come si può facilmente immaginare – dall’ospedale di Gaza. La posizione del network è chiara, oltre che dura: «Le forze armate israeliane hanno compiuto un atto chiaro per limitare la libertà dei giornalisti di svolgere il proprio lavoro e riferire gli eventi sul campo. Chiediamo a tutti i media e alle istituzioni per i diritti umani di denunciare questo crimine atroce». Anche il numero uno dell’AP, Gary Pruitt, si è detto sconvolto da quanto accaduto: «Il mondo – dice – sarà meno informato su quello che succede a Gaza». Possiamo concludere con le immagini davvero uniche di quanto avvenuto nelle redazioni in quell’ora di tempo concessa come preavviso. La corsa alla messa in sicurezza dei propri strumenti di lavoro, il recupero degli effetti personali e di materiali che, un giorno, potranno essere considerati storici. Ma che ieri hanno smesso di essere prodotti, almeno in quel modo, almeno in quella sede nel cuore di Gaza. di Gianmichele Laino
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smuby · 2 years
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shout out to the three Gary and bird fans out there this ones for you
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calithecretin · 2 years
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Still haven’t finished the show yet, but I just watched the magic episode in s3 that I’m too lazy to look up and wow. Gary Sedi is probably my favorite inmate for the time being! I also think it’s really cool how he’s based off a real criminal (Robert Stroud). Enjoy this screenshot redraw (OG image on the bottom lol)
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ohducknewton · 5 years
How about Argo trying to apply ship life to college life? Like waking his roomates at good awful hours to prepare for the day, dropping a sea story into every conversation he can, and of course singing any shanties at any time, anywhere. Doesnt have to be all 3, just examples of his "Years at Sea" rubbing off
‘While engaged in a fight, your hero/villain becomes trapped under a collapsed stone bridge measuring ten feet wide and forty feet long. Their arch nemesis is currently sixty-feet away from them and has a walking speed of forty feet per six seconds. Using the provided information, calculate the cost of the bridge repair for the town to the nearest-’
Whatever the next words on the page are, Argo doesn’t register them. He’s been slogging through his accounting homework for two hours and the words have all started to blend together into a jumbled mess of numbers and unnecessary information. Flopping back on to his bed, Argo takes a moment to stare up at the ceiling.
It’s quiet.
He breathes.
It’s so quiet.
Another breath.
It’s never been this quiet in his life.
Argo tries to bolt upright, but it’s too gentle- Too many years on the sea with a hammock to sleep on has trained him to not make any sudden movements while in bed unless he wants to get tipped onto the floor. 
“Gary,” he manages to get out. “Gary help.”
In an instant, the gargoyle shifts to life and Argo nearly sighs in relief at the sound of the stone grating against itself. “Ay there, whaddya need kid?”
Argo opens his mouth before realising that he doesn’t have anything to ask. 
“Hey? Genie boy? You called? Don’t got all day here. Well, that’s not true, can’t really go anywhere else but . . .”
“Oh I just wanted a friendly chat! Get to know you better! You are in a sense our fourth roommate, only kind to not leave you out of things!”
“Well let’s see. Name’s Gary. I’m a gargoyle. Part of a hivemind. Not much more to it.”
“But what of your hobbies, your predilections? Maybe a certain other gargoyle who’s caught your fancy?” Argo waggles his eyebrows and twirls the ends of his mustache, happy with this momentary distraction from the quiet.
However, never in his life has Argo seen stone look so unimpressed. “What part of gargoyle do you not understand kid? I’m permanently stuck to this wall. Not many chances for hobbies.”
“I could bring you a crossword if you want?”
“ . . . Yeah that’d actually be great.”
Argo smiles. “No problem.”
And then the silence returns, but before he can quickly come up with a new topic of conversation, the sound of stone shifting draws his attention to Gary just as he asks, “What’d ya really want?”
“I-” Argo doesn’t look at him and instead starts picking at one of his scales. “Is it always so quiet here?”
Gary pauses. “What? You think this is quiet? It sounds like your upstairs neighbors are moving all their furniture and I can hear someone asking their own Gary to give ‘em the answers to their homework. How is that quiet?”
“It just is. I mean, you have to understand, I was raised on the seas! The sound of the waves crashing against the hull, the gulls crying out, all my shipmates singing some shanty, even the damn creaking when the boat turned, it’s all I know. So this,” He motions to the empty room and laughs, though it sounds hollow. “This is maddening. I don’t know how you all put up with it.”
With that, Argo once again flops down onto the bed and tries to imagine that it’s slightly swaying with the movement of a boat.
It doesn’t work.
“Ya know,” Gary starts. “Sounds to me like you’re homesick. Completely natural, lotta students go through it. Best advice I can give is to bring those little bits of home straight here.”
He rolls over to face Gary. “And how do you suggest I do that?”
“Well, let’s see- Getting the sound of the ocean in here’s probably out of the question, closest one is about a two weeks journey away . . .”
“Thank you oh so much for reminding me.”
“Don’t think you’re allowed gulls in here” Gary continues, pretending he didn’t hear that. “Besides, the cat would eat that thing right away.”
Argo blinks. “Sorry, there’s a cat?”
He shrugs as much as a gargoyle can. “Eh, cat- Interdimensional being whose very nature is hard to perceive, whichever, she’s around here somewhere.”
Argo’s not sure how he feels about this, but doesn’t get the chance to process it before Gary continues on.
“Hmm, what else . . . Oh, well why don’t you sing? Can’t you and your little buddies, I don’t know, start an acapella group or something. Might help ya out?”
“I’m not so sure about that. Neither Sir Fitzroy or Bud really seem like the singing type.”
Another shrug. “Well I don’t know then cause if you think I’m gonna sit up here making whooshing noises, ya got another thing-”
“Wait!” Argo exclaims as bolts upright for real this time. “Gary you’re a genius!”
“Oh well uh, thank you? I think? Don’t know what I did.”
As he scrambles to put on his boots he calls over to Gary,“If Sir Fitzroy and Buddy return before I do, tell them I’ll be back at a rate of knots!”
“Yeah I don’t know what that means!”
But Argo doesn’t respond, already out the door and racing down the halls of Wiggenstaff, relishing the loud clap of his shoes against the cobblestone.
“Well how about Sediment? We could shorten it to Sedi?”
“If that is what you wish to call me.”
“So that’s a no. Alright, Fred? Would you- Is Fred alright?”
“You are one who will be using name. My opinion does not matter.”
Fitzroy groans as he and the Firbolg currently known as Buddy walk back to their dorm. “And yet you seem to have a lot of opinions on ‘Bud’, hmm?”
And whatever Bud was going to say next is cut off as they round the corner of their hallway and the muffled noises they had been hearing before come into focus as the very distinct sound of someone singing.
Or more accurately, the very distinct sound of Argo singing.
They both share a look before continuing on to their room, the singing getting louder and louder and louder until they open the door and see Argo sitting on his bed doing his accounting homework and singing at the top of his lungs.
“We're the boys that fear no noise! Whilst the thundering cannons roar!”
FItzroy raises an eyebrow. “Ahem.”
“And long we've toiled on the rolling wave!”
“And now we're safe on shore!”
“Safe and sound at h- Oh! How goes it friends?”
However, even though Argo’s singing has stopped, the noise in the room has not- As sitting on a shelf is a shiny new conch shell from which the gentle sound of rolling waves echoes from.
Fitzroy adjusts his fake glasses as he goes over to inspect the new addition to their room. “What is this?”
“Oh that? It’s an enchanted conch that mimics the sound of the sea, picked it up in Last Hope! Isn’t it just marvelous!”
And for just a moment, both Fitzroy and Buddy look on at their roommate, notice his smile, how he sways to and fro like he could start dancing any moment, how he’s the happiest he’s been since arriving. 
Any prior hesitation about the conch vanishes.
Buddy is the first to speak. “I like it. Forest is loud, I do not enjoy the quiet here. This helps.”
“Well it is rather calming,” Fitzroy adds on. “Which is- Well let’s just say that will be a boon rather than a bane to me.”
Argo beams at the both of them. “Jolly good! Now, how would you two feel about working on this accounting homework together?”
And as the three of them work through their homework together, the only silences being the brief pauses between discussions or explanations of some sailor-term, no one notices Gary the Gargoyle perched above them, humming a sea-chanty as he completes his newly acquired crossword.
It may not be the sea, but it may one day be home.
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vjchiani · 3 years
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Vignelli: Photographs by Gary Hustwit. 📚 Dal regista del documentario Helvetica, un piccolo libro fotografico, firmato e numerato dall’autore, sedicesimo di 150 copie. Un gioiellino. Una giornata di reportage fotografico trascorsa insieme a Massimo e Lella Vignelli nell’appartamento di Upper East Side nel maggio del 2013. Tazze da caffè in cucina, tazze porta penne in studio, mobili, soprammobili, tavoli, sedie, poltrone, lampade… e poi libri, libri, libri. E loro due, sorridenti, sereni, nonostante tutto. La netta sensazione di una vita ben spesa, compiendo meraviglie. Insieme. Lunedì scorso, Massimo avrebbe compiuto 91 anni. Quale modo migliore per celebrarlo? Ho molti libri dei Vignelli, ma a questo, sono particolarmente affezionato. Premetto che non li ho mai conosciuti – forse in un multiverso alternativo avrei potuto conoscerli verso i dieci anni, ma così non è stato – però poter vedere certe immagini, gli spazi, gli oggetti quotidiani (quasi tutti disegnati da loro), il tavolo da lavoro, i ricordi sugli scaffali, è fonte di grande emozione ed interesse per me. Me li rende più umani. E ancora più mitici. Dei veri maestri, da cui trarre ispirazione. Poi apro Instagram e vedo un post sponsorizzato di una sedicente nuova “digital-marketing-agency” che mi dice di diffidare dei “creativi troppo talentuosi” perché interessati solo al loro ego e mi sale la pressione… che vitaccia! #booklover #bookstagram #everymonday ••• #chiani #artdirection #illustration #creativedirection #graphicdesign #brandidentity #branding #design #visualdesign #strategy #advertising #packaging #communication #concept #photography #managers & #designers #myartismydirection #designthinking @chianidesign #designboutique #vierijacopochiani #freelance #dontwasteyourpixels #palazzoschio #creativecollective #2022 #vicenza (presso Chiani) https://www.instagram.com/p/CY0_It_I86y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lukmanpsg2 · 4 years
Byoote Menggala | 0812 – 3029 – 0077 (TSEL)
Agen Minuman Byoote Menggala, Distributor Byoote Menggala, Agen Byoote Collagen Boalemo, Distributor Byoote Collagen Boalemo, , Distributor Resmi Byoote Menggala, COD Byoote Menggala, COD Minuman Byoote Menggala, Bayar di Tempat Minuman Byoote Menggala.
Penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa perempuan yang sudah mengkonsumsi 2,5 sampai 5 gram hydrolized collagen sekitar delapan minggu berturut-turut, bakal mempunyai kulit yang lebih lembab dan meminimalisir kerutan yang lumayan signifikan. Dengan minum Byoote Colagen secara rutin, Anda dapat mencukupi keperluan kolagen masing-masing harinya Sebagai empunya brand ini, Listia Magdalena atau lebih dikenal dengan Paopao sempat merasakan kesusahan guna menghilangkan bekas luka dikulitnya.
  Byoote Menggala
Byoote Menggala
Byoote Menggala
Byoote Menggala
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Agen Byoote Resmi
 Byoote Menggala, Agen Byoote Menggala
Rata – rata ORANG JEPANG mempunyai kulit mulus disebabkan SUDAH TERBIASA mengkonsumsi makanan yang kaya PROTEIN dan KOLAGEN semacam ikan, telur, dan sayuran hijau. Beberapa makanan, terutama sup dan kulit ikan berisi zat collagen, akan berfungsi TETAPI penyerapan zat kolagen dari makanan yang dikonsumsi itu ke tubuh masih tidak cukup maksimal, dan secara umum hanya  beberapa saja yang bisa diserap oleh tubuh. Byoote Collagen ialah produk yang kaya zat kolagen alami, namun sudah diubah dengan hydrolized collagen, yang berarti bahwa zat kolagennya lebih terurai dan telah menjadi molekul yang lebih kecil, urusan ini dimaksudkan supaya penyerapan kolagen lebih maksimal masuk ke tubuh kita.
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 Manfaat Byoote
 Manfaat Byoote Menggala
Produk Byoote memiliki sangat banyak sekali manfaat untuk kecantikan dari dalam maupun dari luar. Byoote merupakan produk yang memenuhi definisi banyak manfaat dalam satu produk. Berikut manfaat utama Byoote :
Mengecilkan pori-pori
Mencerahkan kulit, menjadikan kulit bersinar, Mengencangkan Kulit dan terlihat lebih muda
Menyamarkan garis halus, kerutan dan bekasluka
Menghaluskan tekstur kulit dan lebih kenyal
Menjaga make-up lebih tahan lama
Mempertahankan kelembapan kulit
Memperlambat proses penuaan
Meredakan penyakit kulit
Memberi kelembaban dan kesegaran kulit
Meningkatkan kesehatan jantung
Memelihara kesehatan kulit dan kecantikan
Membantu menyamarkan flek-flek hitam
Membantu meratakan warna kulit
Membantu proses regenerasi sel-sel kulit
Mencegah timbulnya jerawat dan mempercepat penyembuhannya
Mengencangkan payudara dan bokong
Merapatkan Miss V
Menjaga kekebalan tubuh dari berbagai penyakit, dan lainnya
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 Pemesanan Byoote Menggala
Via Whatsapp Silahkan Klik Nomor Di Bawah Ini
0812 – 3029 – 0077 (TSEL)
Harga Produk Byoote Menggala
Di sini tersedia bermacam pake harga satuan dan paket untuk pembelian produk BYOOTE COLLAGEN ini. Lebih hematnya lagi membeli dengan harga paket. Semakin besar paket dipilih akan semakin hemat juga
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Harga Byoote Asli
 Harga 1 Box = Rp, 350.000
 Harga Paket
2 Box = Rp, 660,000 atau Rp, 330.000/box
3 Box = Rp, 930.000 atau Rp, 310.000/box
8 Box = Rp, 2.360.000 atau Rp, 295.000/box
 Cara Minum / Aturan Minum Byoote :
1 Sachet Byoote dituang ke 200 ml air putih aduk & minum
Minum Byoote 1 sachet dipagi hari seSikkam sarapan dan 1 sachet dimalam hari untuk hasil maksimal
Note : Tidak dianjurkan untuk wanita hamil, wanita menyusui, dan balita
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 Komposisi Byoote
 Berikut Komposisi Atau Bahan Utama BYOOTE COLLAGEN• Collagen : Merupakan salah satu antioksidan yang melawan radikal bebas.• Vitamin B : Berfungsi untuk pertumbuhan sel dan regenerasi kulit.• Green Algae : Berfungsi untuk mengatasi jerawat dan membantu mencerahkan wajah.• Glutathione : Zat yang memberikan detoks ke kulit agar sehat dan menganggulangi kerontokan rambut.• Vitamin C : Berfungsi untuk menunjang kinerja kolagen pada tubuh.• Snow Algae : Menstimulasi kulit agar berumur lebih panjang.• Vitamin A : Membantu kulit tetap terjaga dari racun seperti asap rokok dan menjaga vitalitas kulit.• Vitamin D : Zat atau vitamin yang membuat kulit lebih cerah.• Pomegranate Extract : Membantu kulit lebih awet muda dan mengurangi penuaan.
 Kelebihan atau Keunggulan BYOOTE COLLAGEN
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Fungsi Byoote
 Collagen Dengan Mudah diserap tubuh Byoote memakai hydrolized collagen, yang dengan kata lain senyawa kolagennya sudah diproses menjadi molekul yang kecil supaya dapat diserap oleh tubuh . Sertifikasi Halal FYI, cukup tidak sedikit suplemen keelokan dimana tidak memiliki label halal. Terlebih produk-produk suplemen import. Minuman Kolagen Byoote telah lulus label halal. BPOM 867009157575 FYI, Produk keelokan yang Sikkam terdapat BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat & Makanan) dan GMP komposisinya barangkali saja ada bahan yang dilarang. Sehingga riskan jika dikonsumsi dalam jangka masa-masa yang panjang. Minuman Kolagen Byoote telah lulus BPOM & GMP sampai-sampai bahan yang dipakai aman guna tubuh.
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 Alasan Memilih BYOOTE
Byoote adalah produk herbal yang terbuat dari bahan herbal dan terjamin keamanannya untuk dikonsumsi. Berikut alasan mengapa BYOOTE merupakan produk rekomSikkad.
Gampang diserap tubuh dikarenakan Byoote menggunakan hydrolized collagen, yang berarti senyawa kolagennya sudah diproses menjadi molekul yang kecil agar dapat diserap oleh tubuh
Masih banyak suplemen kecantikan yang tidak memiliki LABEL HALAL. Terutama produk-produk kecantikan import. Byoote Collagen telah lulus sertifikasi HALAL.
BPOM 867009157575
Produk kecantikan tanpa BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat & Makanan) dan GMP (Good Manfuacturing Practice) kandungannya bisa saja terdapat bahan yang berbahaya. Sehingga sangat berbahaya jika digunakan dalam jangka panjang. Byoote telah LULUS BPOM & GMP yang pasti bahannya terbukti aman.
Suplemen kecantikan yang baik juga perlu komposisi yang pas. Byoote mengandung Glutathione Grade A, Collagen, Alga Biru, Snow Algae, Green Algae, Vitamin C, dan Vitamin B-Complex Lengkap yang diproses menggunakan teknologi dari Jepang.
 Berikut Merupakan Review Produk Byoote Menggala
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 Pemesanan Byoote Menggala
Via Telepon Silahkan Klik Nomor Di Bawah Ini
0812 – 3029 – 0077 (TSEL)
 Cerita Dari Listia Magdalena
Listia Magdalena yang biasa dikenal dengan nama Paopao menegakkan brand ini sebab masalah individu yang pernah dialaminya pada tahun 2010 silam, Listia adalah korban penusukan sejumlah 17 kali dengan temannya sendiri. Setelah kejadian itu, menyaksikan bekas luka di tubuhnya, dia akhirnya-pun dia tersadar bahwa kesehatan kulit tersebut sangatlah penting. Mungkin secara umum, beberapa memikirkan kesehatan kulit tentunya langsung beranggapan tentang kulit di wajah, namun kenyataannya kulit tersebut ada di semua tubuh, tergolong rambut dan kuku.
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 Byoote Magdalena
 Paopao sudah melakukan sekian banyak  macam teknik untuk menutupi bekas lukanya dengan mengerjakan cryotheraphy, laser therapy, surgical removal, perawatan ke dokter kecantikan, terutama menggunakan tidak sedikit produk skincare dan make-up guna menutupi bekas lukanya, akan namun dia tersadar andai menggunakan skincare atau make-up semahal apapun tidak akan dapat memperbaiki yang apa tampak dari luar. Apa yang tampak di permukaan mesti dibetulkan dari dalam. Paopao juga percaya, bila wanita dapat percaya diri tanpa make up, maka dengan make up tentu akan lebih percaya diri lagi. Bila kulit telah bagus, secara otomatis tidak bakal taruh tidak sedikit make up.
Akhirnya Paopao memakai produk kolagen yang menurut keterangan dari dia ialah investasi terbaik yang pernah dia lakukan. Kesehatan kulitnya semakin hari semakin baik. Setiap pagi dia berkaca, kulit, dan rambutnya semakin bagus dan tebal. Dan dia semakin yakin bahwa produk berikut yang mestinya dipakai dibanding skincare dan make-up yang melulu terlihat di permukaan. Pencegahan kulit menjadi keriput mesti dilaksanakan sejak dini. Karena itulah dia terinspirasi untuk menciptakan Byoote Collagen, supaya masyarakat luas sadar akan situasi polusi dan makanan tidak sehat yang menciptakan proses penuaan lebih cepat, bahwa pencegahan bakal masalah itu harus dilaksanakan sedini mungkin.
7 Tips Cantik dalam Islam
Mau cantik namun enggak punya budget besar guna perawatan, Bun? Enggak butuh galau sebab merawat diri dapat dilakukan dengan teknik alami. Seperti yang diajarkan agama Islam untuk para muslimah.
Perlu dikenang kalau keelokan tak melulu soal jasmani semata. Karena seharusnya, cantik pun datang dari dalam hati yang dinamakan dengan inner beauty. Sehingga penting pun untuk mengendalikan hawa nafsu dan pun kedisiplinan.
Kunci guna mempercantik diri dapat dimulai dari pola hidup sehat, Bun. Di antaranya rajin mengonsumsi buah, sayur dan daging. Di samping itu, usahakan mengamalkan doktrin Rasulullah untuk santap secukupnya. Itu dengan kata lain berhenti santap sebelum kenyang. Serta membagi perut menjadi tiga unsur yaitu guna makanan, air, dan udara.
Perlu Bunda ketahui pun bahwa istri Nabi Muhammad SAW hendak tampil cantik, supaya terlihat unik di depan Rasulullah. Melansir sekian banyak  sumber, mereka pun melakukan perawatan keelokan dengan bahan-bahan alami yang tak menyalahi syariat Islam.
Bunda hendak mengikuti teknik mereka mengawal kecantikan? Berikut bahan-bahan yang dapat Bunda pakai guna mempercantik wajah yang disarankan dalam Islam.
Minyak zaitun
Minyak zaitun memiliki guna yang spektakuler untuk keelokan alami. Antioksidan dalam minyak zaitun adalah bahan alami yang bagus untuk menangkal oksidasi. Oksidasi ialah proses yang bisa menghasilkan radikal bebas, dan masuk dalam kelompok bahan kimia yang berpotensi merusak sel dan bisa berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan kanker.
Melansir Medical News Today, minyak zaitun berisi vitamin A, D, E, dan K yang larut dalam lemak. Seperti yang anda tahu ya, Bun, bila vitamin E paling bagus guna merawat kulit. Termasuk untuk penyembuhan psoriasis dan eksim.
“Minyak zaitun memiliki tidak sedikit manfaat kesehatan, khususnya untuk kulit Anda. Ini ialah antioksidan, sehingga menangkal antioksidan kulit dan dapat menangkal penuaan dini dan kerusakan dampak sinar matahari,” ungkap Diana Gall, MD, dokter umum di Doctor4U dikutip dari Good House Keeping.
Miswak atau siwak
Melansir dari Sister Magazine, semua muslimah juga dianjurkan untuk mengasuh kesehatan mulutnya. Gigi yang estetis akan menambah penampilan seseorang. Ibnu Abbas berkata, “Utusan Allah mempunyai ruang salah satu gigi depannya, dan saat dia berkata sesuatu laksana cahaya yang terlihat keluar salah satu gigi depannya.” (Darimi)
Sunah hukumnya mencuci gigi dengan siwak, tongkat kecil yang digosokkan pada gigi. Caranya dengan mengunyah di antara ujung dan mengasingkan serat. Nabi Muhammad SAWA mencuci giginya dengan siwak sebelum meMenggalaar salat (dan di waktu beda juga).
Henna tentu telah umum Bunda jumpai dimana-mana ya. Henna atau inai diciptakan dengan menggiling daun kering dari batang tumbuhan henna menjadi bubuk halus. Kemudian mencampurnya dengan air atau minyak untuk menciptakan pasta.
Pada zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW, lelaki dan perempuan memanfaatkan henna untuk mengecat rambut mereka. Pada perempuan juga seringkali menggunakan henna guna menghias tagan dan kakinya.
Kohl atau bubuk gelap halus yang diaplikasikan pada unsur dalam kelopak mata. Mengenakan celak atau kohl adalah sunnah sebagai perhiasan biasa (lihat Alquarab 24:31). Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda, ” Terapkan kohl karena tersebut membersihkan pandangan dan menciptakan rambut tumbuh.” (Riwayat Tirmidzi).
Memakai parfum pun disebut sebagai sunah dalam Islam. Tapi mesti memilih parfum yang diciptakan dari bahan-bahan halal ya, Bun. Itu sebabnya sejumlah hadis menyinggung parfum sebagai wewangian surga. Nabi dan semua sahabat disebut memakai parfum secara tertata lho. Namun guna wanita, dianjurkan untuk memilih parfum yang tidak menyengat.
Melansir Muslim Girl, terdapat banyak dalil mengapa madu dianjurkan untuk mengasuh kecantikan. Madu mempunyai sifat antibakteri dan dapat menolong mengurangi bekas jerawat.
Bunda dapat memanfaatkan madu guna mengobati kulit merah dan meradang. Gunakan pun sebagai masker yang dibaur dengan jus lemon dan yogurt guna mencerahkan kulit.
Susu dinamakan sebagai bahan alami yang bagus guna merawat rambut. Campurkan dengan madu dan pakai sebagai masker rambut guna membuatnya sehalus sutra.
Gunakan secara rutin, seminggu sekali guna mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan
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