#gasper ofc
sleepythug · 4 months
watching pink narcissus and at one point there's a cumshot directly towards the camera and ofc a '70s artsy gay porn beat gasper noë to the punch why did I ever think he was the first to ever think of that
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gasperofc · 5 years
A verdadeira felicidade está dentro de nós .. mais até vc entender vera que já perdeu tempo com coisas desnecessárias ao invés do simples . Viver a vida e aproveitar cada momento e oportunidade que ela trás, está é a essência de ser feliz, aproveitar o presente, o agora.
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attollogame · 3 years
Listen, I have zero self-preservation instincts (ofc I don't, I made my MC a doctor) so I know I will either romance Dreamwalker or Sysba, but if given the chance, I would dump them both for Gasper. He might be the 'man who takes you out on several dates and then ends up ghosting you because he got arrested' but that's okay, I can visit him in prison and wait for his release. <3
I'd yell at you all to raise your standards, but I made Sysba and Dreamwalker RO's so I can't actually say anything bc we all collectively know Gasper has far less concerning habits
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theeurocat · 5 years
Sebastian's song about his tight pants
 The dancers with their bra things (you know what i mean)
The Israeli artists from 1991 singing the absolute banger Kan!! (Together with a weird French(??) rapper)
Zala and Gasper are “just friends”
Lake Malawi’s matching suits and giant flag
“Let’s not compare flags”
Lake Malawi is apparently representing all African people now?
“I'm stupid boy”
Zena singing songs from Moana in Belarusian
Zena singing Moana- AGAIN
Eliot wearing a raincoat
The hosts loving J’aime la vie and singing it with Eliot
Oto getting out of his car while VARADA VARADA is playing super intensely
One of the hosts loving Australia and chanting “Aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi!!” when seeing Kate
“Children and vegans should look away because our next act is really into BDSM”, guess who
Klemens: “We love talking and looking and all the rest
Trying to talk to Einar to no prevail
The Belarusian dancers showing off and doing acrobatics
Conan: “Sometimes I become a Malefic Squid from the bottom of the ocean and put ink on your face :)”
Katherine looking like a literal goddess with real flowers in her hair
Serhat proposing to examine one of the hosts’ teeth
“Everyone has its own Na Na Na”
(And almost not getting out of the car because of the floof)
EVERYONE is wearing dark blue suits
The hosts bringing up Barcelone losing to Liverpool in football, right in front of Miki (that’s low)
(in the background)PALI SIE 
Kobi lives literally one-minute walk away from the orange carpet
Eleni’s favorite song this year is Soldi
Verka shows up, runs away, comes back again
Verka just being a legend
Verka rubbing one of the hosts’ stomach...?
Carousel being described as a duo instead of a band
That one shot of the tiny little toy boat??
Sisters went to a pizzeria where they were throwing around the salad to music?
Jurgi Valenko
Roko’s white jacket with golden sequin wings on the back
The chameleon dance
Host when seeing Segey: I think this is a great time to SCREAM”
Philip Kirkorov ofc
Netta arriving in a giant black van, not doing anything that exciting
Jondita’s pride dress!!
“Keiino and their song Spirwell”
Duncan shaking hands with the dude opening the car door for him, and that guy looking so happy
Duncan loving the orange carpet because he is dutch
The guy from the North Macedonia delegation with the paper crown
Michael Rice being told to speak slower because his accent is too hard to understand
The orange carpet was just a little bit cringey but extremely entertaining at least
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gasperofc · 5 years
Antigamente eu achava que tinha algo errado comigo .. porque ficar triste do nada sendo que o restante do meu dia foi produtivo e alegre ... Daí com o tempo fui entendendo, é a lei da vida.. sabe o mundo é feito de equilíbrio, assim onde existe momentos felizes existem também os momentos tristes .. e sempre que estamos muito bem uma hora acabamos que lembrando do passado ou de algo que nos deixa triste, ou até mesmo ficamos tristes sem saber, mais hoje em dia eu entendo e sei administrar está tristeza momentâneo melhor.. afinal pra saber aproveitar e saborear os momentos felizes da vida só realmente aproveitamos quando estamos tristes.. então quando ficar pra baixo repentinamente pense em momentos que lhe tiram um sorriso, e lembre do ótimo dia que teve. 😊 Só aprendemos a ver as coisas belas da vida quando mudamos nosso ponto de vista ou até mesmo o foco.
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