#gatheringstars: claire redfield
redactar · 1 year
[ DINNER ]: having learned that the receiver has had a difficult time lately, sender arrives at their door with their favorite dinner and drinks. // Claire @gatheringstars
She was the last person he wanted to see at his doorstep, and the only person he wanted to see all at the same time. He wasn't expecting her, having dodged text messages with vague "cant talk right now" and emails with "they have me running around, be back soon". All instead of the jealousy reeked what do you want to talk with me for, Claire, focus on your new boyfriend. Move on without me like you should. He had more self control than that, and it wasn't her fault she caught them on her doorstep when he'd tried to surprise her.
He was glad he didn't, because she wouldn't be here right now.
There was nothing he could do to cover up the waxen paleness of his skin, or the gauntness of his cheeks, or the darkened circles under his eyes. He hadn't even bothered to make himself look all that presentable, clearly having gotten out of bed only to get the door. As if suddenly self conscious, he took a hand through his unusually messy waves.
It was two months after Spain, and he had gone on three different assignments since. She must have gotten in contact with Hunnigan, who had insisted someone have her number for when he just couldn't answer the phone.
He was finally on furlough for a few weeks (hopefully).
The smell of Chinese take out made him both curious and vaguely nauseated. He couldn't remember the last time he had something that wasn't crackers, toast or plain eggs. He had been in and out of the hospital lately, still sick from Spain and everything else on top.
"Hey," Leon said, a little smile quirking his lips as he stepped aside. "Did I miss your call?"
His usually spotless apartment was a bit of a mess. Not quite a depression den, but give or take another week like this and it might be. The small dining table still had the remnants of his last attempt at breakfast and lunch. Leon cleared the two plates into the sink with the three cups and various cutlery. He would get to it. He would get to it when he didn't feel like a run over pile of dog shit.
"Sorry about the mess." Leon shrugged, didn't have a lie. "I'm not feeling too well."
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