#gatsby: you know natalie? whatever happened to her
peachrote · 1 year
there was definitely a conversation between nick and gatsby where gatsby mentioned that he met one of daisys other cousins before and that "she was a very pretty girl" and nick didnt have the heart to tell him that was him pre-transition
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nicole-lynne · 5 years
Worlds Colliding - Chapter Fourteen
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Hi Hey Hello, It’s me, ya girl, who doesn’t know how to post chapters to stories regularly. But I can say, with great pride, that this story is finished so you will not have to wait months for new chapters. I will be posting the last few chapters in my queue
Also side note, I just discovered that my posts won’t be shown in the tags they’re tagged in if I have links to my other posts. So if you want to catch up on the story, the link to my master list is in my bio! Enjoy, like, follow, and let me know if you’d like to be tagged!!!
Relationships: Dean x OC, Sam, Stiles x OC, Scott
Warnings: death, kidnapping, violence
Description: Natalie faces something she never thought she’d have to face.
The group burst out of the vet’s office in a quiet chaos, Sam and Dean leading them straight for the Impala. Sam popped open the truck and revealed the secret compartment holding all of their hunting weapons and necessities. Scotts jaw dropped slightly as he soaked in the sight of the travel weapons vault. 
“Wow. You guys really come prepared, huh?” He chuckled awkwardly, his chocolate brown eyes darting between the men and their ammunition. His muscles were tense from the situation and this didn’t give him any reason to relax. 
Sam looked up, his hair falling into his face and his forehead scrunched as if he didn’t know what Scott could mean. He looked back down at the truck. “Oh, yeah, I guess you could say that. We go all over the place hunting down evil things, so it just makes it easier to have it with us.” 
“That’s all great, way to go fighting evil, but can we just get back on topic.” Stiles snapped at Sam and Scott. His mind was reeling with so many worst case scenarios, and now all he could think about was all the things he wished he’d said to her that morning. He wished he had taken an extra few minutes to kiss her skin and hold her body against his. There was no telling what this lunatic demon would do to her and horrible images flashed through his head. 
Dean lifted his head out of the trunk, and made eye contact with Stiles, trying to calm his own panic down. “Just hold it together. We’re going to get her, man.” He finished counting what looked like smoke bombs to Stiles and then looked at his brother. “Now let’s go over it one more time.”
Sam cleared his throat and nodded curtly. He knew that Dean needed his support so he ignored his own perturbation. “Yes, good idea. Okay, we know that they’re at an old warehouse that used to be used to store crop supplies so there’s a lot of machinery in there. It’s in the middle of nowhere, they probably chose it so no one would get suspicious.” 
“How should we go in? Won’t they hear us?” Scott asked inquisitively. 
“I think we should go in two through the front and two through the back. That way we can have the element of surprise. Stiles, you and Scott can go in the back, Dean and I will go in through the front.” Stiles opened his mouth to protest but Sam cut him off, “Just because we have experience fighting demons before and we can distract him while you guys save Nat. She’s the most important thing right now.” 
The boys nodded stiffly and Stiles’ eyes hardened slightly. It was deathly quiet before he finally asked, “Why are you so determined to save Nat? You were more than happy to leave her five years ago.” 
Sam cringed at the harshness of his tone but tears brimmed in his eyes. “You’re right. I was a stupid kid. I let my pride...and my fear get in the way of a person I cared about. Someone who was - is - family. But I won’t have a chance to make it up to her unless she’s alive. So let’s just forget about all of our petty disagreements and focus on getting her back where she belongs.” 
Dean slapped his hand on Sam’s shoulder comfortingly. This was the first time he had heard Sam say anything like that about Natalie and it felt nice to know that he had regretted the whole thing. Maybe after everything, things could get back to normal, whatever their normal was. 
Stiles and Dean’s eyes connected and they made a silent agreement that Natalie was their focus, regardless of anything else. They were going to do whatever it took to get her back. Dean slammed the trunk closed and they all piled into the Impala. It was now or never. 
Natalie slumped down in the chair, her eyes following Orobas’ every move, her eyes pinched into a hard scowl. He stalked around her like he was hunting his prey. A twitch in his lip told her that he was particularly entertained by her stubbornness. 
“Now what is it going to take for you to let go of that control?” He lifted a knife up to her cheek and dug it into her skin. She let out a gutted whimper, refusing to satisfy him with a scream. “We both know that it’s going to happen, so you might as well give up now. Ya know, before you become disfigured.” He said with a sneer. 
Her grip tightened on the chair arms. “You can do whatever you want to me, but I will never help you.” 
Orobas took Natalie’s chin in his hand and forced her to look up at him, his fingers digging into her skin. “You will help me, you impudent child. I won’t care if you don’t have all your fingers or if you’re missing a leg. I will rip you open from gut to chest and then bring you back from the edge of death. I am your worst nightmare.” Natalie gulped, seeing the truth burning from Orobas’ eyes. 
He growled at her and then dropped her chin, his nails scraping against her cheeks harshly. Natalie let her head drop down hitting her chest. She willed the tears that were forming to dry up but after what had seemed like days in this position, they were being stubborn. A small tear slipped down her cheek and she sniffled quietly. 
“If you’re quite done, we shall continue.” Orobas said. He started towards her again when the door clanged open and a woman stepped inside. 
“Uh, boss?” 
Orobas snapped his head in her direction and stared at her. She shrunk at his piercing look. The woman was short and lean, barely reaching his chest. She scuffed her shoe against the ground nervously, avoiding his gaze. He growled, angrily. 
The woman jumped at the sound. “Uh, well, there’s something going on outside. You might want to come see for yourself...” She trailed off as the burning in his eyes grew deeper. 
With a huff, Orobas dropped a pair of pliers back onto the table. They clattered loudly in the empty space and he stormed out of the room. 
Natalie gritted her teeth together and took a deep breath. She focused her mind on a happier place, home with...someone next to her, keeping her safe. She tried to block out any of the other sounds, trying to find some comfort before he decided to come back and torture her again. 
She opened her eyes after a moment and her mind continued to wander, when a head popped up in the corner of the room and then disappeared again. Her vision was all a blur, her green eyes were dull and begging for sleep. Natalie was sure she had just been seeing things, seeing the person her thoughts had been on. 
“Stiles...” She muttered.
Natalie watched that same spot for a minute but he never reappeared. Her chest tightened and a lump formed in her throat. How stupid could she have been to think that he would come for her. 
She swallowed thickly, when a hand reached up from behind and tightened around her wrist. Natalie jumped in surprise and whipped around to come face to face with Dean. He was crouched down behind her chair, trying to stay out of sight. 
Her green eyes filled up with tears as relief flooded through her. His stomach flipped at the amount of blood on her clothes and cuts all over her body. Her face was bruised and one of her eyes was starting to swell. Dean wanted to scoop her up and hold her against his chest for the rest of his life. 
“You came for me...” Natalie whispered, her lip trembling. 
“Of course I came for you, baby.” He leaned closer to her drooping body, brushing a brunette tangle out of her face. Dean rested his calloused hand against her cheek and she let her head rest on it for a moment, letting the familiarity comfort her. 
Eventually, reality began to come back to Natalie and she opened her eyes slowly. Dean was still there. It hadn’t been her imagination. Her green eyes searched his, panic creeping in. “It’s not safe here, Dean. You need to leave. Now. Before he comes back. I-I can keep refusing him and once he sees that I can’t help him, he’ll stop... But you can’t get hurt. I can’t let you get hurt.” 
Dean shushed her calmly and laid his forehead against hers. “I won’t get hurt, Nat. And I won’t leave you here alone either.”
“No buts, we’re all here to take you home.” Natalie’s eyes widened at that. She glanced around the room and saw Stiles across the room, his brown eyes never leaving her. Her heart leapt with excitement and fear. Then she looked back at Dean. His focused had moved to the restraints around her wrists and ankles. His brows were pinched with concentration and she had to smile to herself.
Natalie took a ragged breath and held it in. She tried to remember what her counselor used to tell her. Count as many good things as possible in ten seconds, and then let it out. Dean. Stiles. Scott. Sam. Waffles. The Great Gatsby. Roscoe. Baby. The breath came out shakily. 
“I love you, Dean.” His head snapped up to look at her. “Maybe things aren’t the same as they used to be, but I’ll always love you.” He realized what she was saying and he wanted to be sad, but he was ecstatic at the words. No matter how he had wronged her, she forgave him. 
“I love you too, Nat. Forever.” A huge grin broke out across his face and he moved closer, peeking a quick kiss on her lips. A kiss to say that they were still best friends and there would never be any love lost. 
With that, he bent back down and struggled to release her restraints. Stiles was moving towards her with determination clouding his features. Natalie smiled at him and his face brightened with each step. His chocolate eyes melting with love the closer that he got. 
Then Stiles’ face changed into pure shock and panic. Natalie’s eyes scrunched in confused as she followed his line of sight. She turned to look for Dean just as his body was yanked into the air like a rag doll. 
Orobas had his hand clenched around Dean’s throat, Dean’s feet dangled off the ground and he grabbed at the hand choking him. Natalie screamed at the top of her lungs and began yanking at the restraints, trying to get free. The straps dug into the open wounds on her wrists and blood began to flow freely again. 
“Let him go, you bastard!” Her voice rose up half an octave. Hatred was bubbling up in her chest. 
Sam and Scott ran into the door, their chests heaving after fighting the demons that were protecting the surrounding rooms. Sam felt his nerves sit heavy in his stomach as he took in the sight before him. Natalie struggling in a chair, his brother suspended in the air with the life being choked out of him. A strangled cry fell from his lips and Scott wrapped his arms around Sam’s waist before he could fall. 
“Please... stop...” Natalie wailed. 
Orobas slowly dropped his gaze, their eyes meeting. A smirk spread across his lips and Natalie’s heart dropped into her stomach. Orobas thrust his hand inside Dean’s chest, and with a terrifying crunch, pulled out his stilled heart. Then without another thought, he tossed him away like a piece of trash. The light faded out of Dean’s eyes and his body crumpled onto the ground with a thud. 
It was silent for a moment. Her heart was cracking into a thousand shards. The only sound was the sound of Orobas’ shoes slapping the concrete, but Natalie could only see Dean. The last time she would ever see his smile. The last look of terror that was etched on his beautiful face. His lifeless body mere feet from her. The pain crawled its way through her veins, burning like hot flames. 
Natalie tilted back her head, unable to handle the fire any more. Her mouth fell open an earth-shattering scream tumbled from her lips. The power of her scream slammed into the room as a lock was opened within her. The boys hands flew to their ears and they dropped to their knees as an excruciating pain filled them. The room around them was shaking in the foundation and the windows were rattling loudly. 
Orobas’ had a grin on his face that began to dim as his surroundings began to crumble around him. An invisible force was yanking him from side to side, his human form beginning to rip at the seams. 
“No, stop it! This isn’t possible!” 
Natalie’s eyes were a pure white and her gaze was lethal. The bonds around her wrists and ankles snapped and she stood up freely. Wind surrounded her protectively, moving around her with ease. With two steps, she stood in front of Orobas. He shrunk away from her as she reached out and gripped his arm. 
The three boys watched in fascination at how ethereal Natalie looked. A light was shining from within her, making it almost impossible to look at her straight on.  
“You will never hurt anyone else, demon.” Her voice was smooth like a melody, enchanted with magic. She opened her mouth once more but no sound came out, only tendrils of energy emerged and wrapped around Orobas’ body. The tendrils squeezed and the smoke of the demon began to leak out of all orophases. 
Energy snapped upwards and dragged the demon down, with each pulse, he was being ripped to shreds. A final cry of pain echoed loudly and then the entire room came to a halt as if nothing had even happened. 
“Whoa...” Scott uttered. 
They all watched as Natalie swayed from side to side before crumpling to the concrete. Stiles and Sam rushed forward and dropped to their knees. Stiles reached for Natalie but Sam wrapped his arms around her first, worry haunting his face, shaking his frail body slightly. 
“Come on, Nat, I-I can’t lose you too. Pl-please wake up.” His words caught in his throat as tears rolled down his face. 
Natalie’s eyes fluttered slightly before opening. She looked up at Sam’s face, a painful expression spreading. Before she could stop the urge, she turned her head to see Dean laying on his back, his eyes looking into nothing, blood surrounding his body. With a whimper, a tear trailed down her cheek, and she looked back to Sam. Her shaky hand reached up and caressed his face.
“No, he can’t be gone. He can’t be gone. He can’t be gone. No no no.”
Sam pulled her into his lap, rocking her back and forth, as the Scott and Stiles watched them in agony. The sound of both of their combined sobs lingering in the air. 
“It’ll be okay, Nat.” 
“I’m so sorry, Sammy. I’m so sorry I couldn’t save him.” 
Scott gently placed his hand on Sam’s shoulder and nudged him. In a moment, Sam scooped Natalie’s weak body into his arms and transferred her into Stiles’ arms. She melted into his chest, her tears drenching his shirt. Stiles turned to watch as Sam picked up his brother’s body and followed them toward the exit, his face now void of emotion.
@multifandomdisappointment @music-magic-mayhem @ghostaccio @screamxqueenx94 @rissyrapp20 @dark-night-sky-99 @pissoffghost-korg @lettersofwrittencollective
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