eternal--returned · 6 months
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Rockin with my new buddy Seamus
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gaudiumivf · 4 months
एडेनोमायोसिस तब होता है जब ऊतक जो सामान्य रूप से गर्भाशय को रेखाबद्ध करता है (एंडोमेट्रियल ऊतक) गर्भाशय की मांसपेशियों की दीवार में बढ़ता है। प्रत्येक मासिक धर्म चक्र के दौरान विस्थापित ऊतक सामान्य रूप से कार्य करना जारी रखता है - मोटा होना, टूटना और रक्तस्राव। डॉक्टर निश्चित नहीं हैं कि एडिनोमायोसिस का कारण क्या है, लेकिन यह बीमारी आमतौर पर रजोनिवृत्ति के बाद ठीक हो जाती है।
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humanculi · 1 year
"Fragments of Insanity" by Gaudium.
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rodadecuia · 1 year
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eternal-echoes · 3 days
In the coming weeks there will be quotes from the Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes being posted in this blog. It may or may not be a good idea because I'm worried that the quotes will be taken in isolation (which have been the reason why people think it contradicts past teachings of the Church) rather than encourage people to read the whole document. I'm hoping it's the latter because it has a lot of interesting commentary on the secular world and politics.
And because I'm just a layperson with a philosophy degree, not theology degree, I'm also worried that I didn't provide enough context in the section of passages I decided to enclose in quotations. Whenever you see something that seems to be in contradiction to what you have been accustomed to understand as authentic Catholicism, please remember this passage from Pope Benedict XVI's letter to the four bishops consecrated by Archbishop Lefebvre:
"The Church’s teaching authority cannot be frozen in the year 1962 – this must be quite clear to the Society. But some of those who put themselves forward as great defenders of the Council also need to be reminded that Vatican II embraces the entire doctrinal history of the Church. Anyone who wishes to be obedient to the Council has to accept the faith professed over the centuries, and cannot sever the roots from which the tree draws its life."
We must avoid both traditionally heretical and liberally heretical interpretation and application of Vatican II.
Because as Aristotle says, "every virtue is a state that lies between two vices"
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regina-del-cielo · 4 months
Important question
Has anyone checked on Jean Alesi in these funny times
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primamchorus · 8 months
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Heart You
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apenitentialprayer · 3 months
Human beings are ends in themselves and never a means of resolving other problems. Once this conviction disappears, so do solid and lasting foundations for the defense of human rights, which would always be subject to the passing whims of the powers that be. Reason alone is sufficient to recognize the inviolable value of each single human life, but if we also look at the issue from the standpoint of faith, "every violation of the personal dignity of the human being cries out in vengeance to God and is an offense against the Creator of the individual" [Christifideles laici, §37]
Pope Francis (Evangelii gaudium, §213)
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shiroi---kumo · 10 months
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Morality Meme || Accepting
@ l/ady-quen asked:
Something he hasn't been asked before (as much): 💋: How easily is he tempted? (Absolutely does not have to be in *that* context. Think material gain, favors, etc)
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Buckle up, this is gunna be long and a RIDE.
The trick is when it comes to Kumo on the topic of "tempted" (and not that as you said) is there are two sides to this ->
The idea of tempting or the idea of giving into temptation.
Considering the original question doesn't specify which side we're going to, we're going to go with temptations.
And there are a lot of them and if you want to view things like candy, sugar, indulgences, etc - Kumo gives in often and easily.
The thing about it is though, is, that it's entirely riding on an outsider's perspective of Kumo's actions and if someone like, say Kaze, were to just let Kumo be and react to situations for a week however he so pleases and then judged him on how he reacted over that week -> through an outsider's lens it would appear that Kumo caves to temptations at nearly every turn.
But we're not going from an outsider's perspective. We're going from Kumo's perspective and that is an entirely different situation. This is also why the boys clash so often because the outsider's perspective simply doesn't know / understand why Kumo is doing what he's doing.
In Kumo's mind, he almost never caves to temptations and when you look at the world from his eyes - he's right.
It's taken over two years - real time - for Kumo to dance in front of Kaze (dance in general) totally carefree and to just move, DESPITE the fact, his body tingles and his skin prickles whenever he hears the sound of any form of tune. Kumo hears sound with his entire body but he hasn't combusted yet with his overwhelming full body urge to just move. And when he wanted to sing, he removed himself from what he assumed was Kaze's earshot because he did not want to nor did he feel comfortable doing so in front of the man. He made himself smaller instead of just caving to the urge and singing regardless of whether or not anyone could hear him.
He resists the urge to just flip himself upside down more often than not because he knows it annoys his Other to no end when he does so and he hasn't taken to the sky to just go exist inside a cloud for thirty minutes because of a previous threat to shoot him down if he flew ahead.
Kumo needs to be in the air to breathe properly but yet he has remained mostly grounded due to his extreme fear of angering Kaze. And I do mean extreme.
In Kumo's mind, he doesn't act outside of the boundaries that have been set for him, to the point of even denying his own needs to an extent, if only to keep the peace.
An Outsider's perspective would lead them to tell you that Kumo is a spoiled child that gets whatever he wants, whines and cries to achieve that and lives of sugar and candy that sleeps all the time.
Kumo's perspective would tell you, he is a terrified abuse survivor who is slowly dying due to a curse that is killing him little bits at a time so he sleeps as much as possible because he's running out of energy, who only eats what sugar they can afford and deemed acceptable despite needing it to literally function, drinks half the water he needs because of lack of storage issues, and only cries when his emotions become too much and he can no longer control them. The emotions only come out when the bottle holding them cracks.
An Outsider's perspective would tell you "Spoiled Royal."
And Kumo would even resist the temptation then to tell that person to go fuck themselves because spoiled is the last thing he's ever been. Those two words rub him raw enough to make him bleed but he won't say that either because causing confrontation is improper and he has an aversion to fighting and yelling so he avoids them at all costs.
How often and easily does Kumo give into temptation? He doesn't.
And I say this for a multitude of reasons but mostly that when Kumo "gives into temptation" for something, he's not giving in at all actually. He's been given permission to do something, so he is acting on that permission.
As a prime example, in Kumo's mind, his relationship to Kaze (not with. TO) functions solely around the sentence "I obey you." Because that is how he feels about that man at its root core. He loves him. He cares about him and one might think that his vision is being deluded by his feelings towards Rorahm, but Kumo told himself to come to terms with the fact that Rorahm was dead many months ago.
He no longer sees Kaze as that man. He sees the essence of Rorahm the person as dead but the name Rorahm remains as simply a name and that is why Pilvi and Seejvariil will still use it. But at the core of it, that's where Kumo's mind sets "I obey you." so he would never dare defy someone like Kaze - someone he holds extreme fear in even if "giving into temptation" is doing something is literally a basic need for his survival.
And he's been like this his entire life so whether Kaze is aware of it or not, Kumo was built with a foundation that tells his mind to obey before all else and that includes giving into any form of temptation that could be for his own benefit. Even at seven, Kumo would ask his teachers "Could we maybe color?" instead of just simply coloring as a seven year old should.
Even as a child, he was asking for permission before he did something and that includes: coloring, singing, dancing, drawing, painting, napping, cuddling, eating his favorite foods or really anything at all.
Kumo doesn't give into temptation because he defaults to permission before all else. Even in a relationship type context, Kumo didn't even haul off and kiss Kain. His brain absolutely thought 'I would like to kiss him' but instead of just doing so - Kumo proceeded to ask Kain "Would it perhaps be acceptable if I kissed you?"
Kumo is obsessed with the concept of consent and he means that by way of his own AND everyone else's. He does not just do things to do them. He will check to make sure he's not inconveniencing anyone by doing something. Even if that thing is a nap. He will tell someone he is going to take a nap before he does so. He will also tell that person they can wake him for any reason if they require him even if sleep for him right now is literally life saving.
Kumo's body has become a shattered broken mess of spreading soul scars because he won't fall to temptations of any kind for any reason. He will not prioritize himself for anything and his childhood had a lot to do with it. His current day issues also are what's causing this because having events like:
the 12 years of torture and abuse of all kinds in Gaudium,
Kaze's use of aggressive force, degrading language and dismissive attitude (using his body to intimidate, putting Orthrus flush to his neck to intimidate, back handing him with Orthrus for breaking eye contact, " you foolish boy"/ "spoiled royal" / "spoiled brat", calling him a liar when kumo said he loved him, telling kumo he needed to throw away his love because he was a sword, and an all around lack of general care or concern for Kumo's well being),
and the recent recapture by Anarchy
has only worked to solidify his belief that he needs to inconvenience those around him as little possible and that his existence and needs are things that can inconvenience others.
He doesn't function for material gain either. Ever. He didn't haul off and just go buy the Makea Meloni. No, he begged Kaze for it. (He asked for permission) Even with his goals to take the throne and become King of Wonderland aren't for material gain. He's literally doing this to heal the pain and turmoil in Wonderland to starve out Chaos - therefore weakening their enemy so they can stand in the face of it without causing so much death and destruction.
He's literally aiming for that seat, not for material gain or power. He's a Misterican Royal - they serve their people, not the other way around - so he's doing it to enlist himself into service of the people of Wonderland and therefore the Universe and he won't just declare himself King, even though the seat is currently empty. He is working to get Wonderland's approval before he does so.
Because at the end of everything, no matter what the situation is - Kumo operations on permission before all else.
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robots-n-sweet-tea · 6 months
Transformers Fankid Profile: Gaudium
Gaudium, They/Them --Autobot
Altmode: Daycab --Height: 26ft --74 mph --Silver/White --Blue optics
Personality --Not very sociable, especially after the incident --Tries to put a smile on but usually can’t --Depressed and quiet
Extra --Terrified of humans; severely traumatized --Guardian: Optimus Prime --Human name: Gaia --Voice Claim: Ace [Justice League (Unlimited)]
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eternal--returned · 6 months
We certainly hadn’t hit our groove yet, but guys I got to drum at the park today. It was glorious. One of the thoughts that got me through the pain of surgery and such was that I would soon be in the sun, playing the drums, making music with people I adore. I feel so lucky to have been included by them. They gave me my own drum today! These things are expensive, and they all knew I’d been saving. But the medical bills I have coming due very soon are certainly going to sink that savings. So they gave me a drum!! It’s my first drum of my own. It’s so pretty and nice and it sounds so cool and I love it. If you stay for the whole video you can catch me just barely at the end in the purple shirt with the ridiculous thing going on with the hair. I’m so happy. It was such a good day. And tomorrow it’s supposed to be warmer and we will do it all over again!
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gaudiumivf · 4 months
Infertility Meaning in Hindi: बांझपन क्या है? प्रजनन तंत्र की एक स्थिति है जिसके कारण महिलाएं गर्भ धारण करने में असमर्थ हो जाती हैं। यदि आपकी उम्र 35 वर्ष से कम है, तो आपका डॉक्टर गर्भधारण करने की कोशिश के एक वर्ष (12 महीने) के बाद बांझपन का निदान कर सकता है।
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kazeofthemagun · 1 year
In reference to [ X ]
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"That's gil. It's worthless outside of Wonderland."
A deep voice echoed behind the Seven - well, Six at the time being - with the redheaded gunslinger leaned casually against a mast. Well, he surely can't have been there more than ten seconds ago.
How had he even gotten onboard?? When had he even gotten onboard?? All very valid questions, but utterly meaningless when he was talking to his killer and his companions about his own bounty in the first place.
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"The bounty was placed by Gaudium, as they are the primary force that cares about my death, impermanent as it is." He explained in an ever-bored monotone. "You can take turns melting the coins down. Safer than all at once. Might get some gold out of doing that."
"Or if that is too much work, you can just give it to me." There really was no ounce of shame in the suggestion.
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ghost--electricity · 1 year
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eternal-echoes · 1 day
“Christians should cooperate willingly and wholeheartedly in establishing an international order that includes a genuine respect for all freedoms and amicable brotherhood between all. This is all the more pressing since the greater part of the world is still suffering from so much poverty that it is as if Christ Himself were crying out in these poor to beg the charity of the disciples. Do not let men, then, be scandalized because some countries with a majority of citizens who are counted as Christians have an abundance of wealth, whereas others are deprived of the necessities of life and are tormented with hunger, disease, and every kind of misery. The spirit of poverty and charity are the glory and witness of the Church of Christ.
Those Christians are to be praised and supported, therefore, who volunteer their services to help other men and nations. Indeed, it is the duty of the whole People of God, following the word and example of the bishops, to alleviate as far as they are able the sufferings of the modern age. They should do this too, as was the ancient custom in the Church, out of the substance of their goods, and not only out of what is superfluous.”
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regina-del-cielo · 4 months
I forced myself to go on a social media lockdown until I could watch the race because I have a delayed broadcast
But now I Have Seen It
So heads up to my mutuals: for the next two-three business days this blog is on
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