#gaultheria oil benefits
kavyaorganicfarm · 5 months
Gaultheria Procumbens: Uncovering The Charms Of Wintergreen
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Title: Unveiling the Enchantment of Gaultheria Procumbens: Exploring the Wonders of Wintergreen
In the crisp depths of winter, a humble evergreen plant unfurls its delicate leaves, releasing a scent that evokes memories of frosty forests and cozy evenings by the fire. Gaultheria procumbens, commonly known as wintergreen, is a plant that thrives in the cold climates of North America. Beyond its charming appearance, wintergreen holds a trove of medicinal, culinary, and aromatic treasures, making it a fascinating subject of exploration.
A Botanical Gem:
Wintergreen belongs to the Ericaceae family and is native to the eastern regions of North America, including Canada and the United States. This low-growing perennial shrub boasts glossy, oval-shaped leaves that exude a distinct, minty aroma when crushed. Its dainty white flowers bloom in late spring or early summer, eventually giving way to vibrant red berries in the fall.
Medicinal Marvel:
For centuries, indigenous peoples across North America revered wintergreen for its medicinal properties. They brewed teas and tonics from its leaves and berries to alleviate a variety of ailments, including headaches, fevers, and respiratory issues. This traditional wisdom eventually caught the attention of early European settlers, who adopted wintergreen into their own pharmacopeias.
One of wintergreen's most notable components is methyl salicylate, a compound with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties similar to aspirin. When applied topically, wintergreen oil, extracted from the plant's leaves, can provide relief from muscle aches, arthritis, and rheumatism. However, caution is advised when using concentrated wintergreen oil, as excessive ingestion can lead to toxicity.
Culinary Delight:
Beyond its medicinal applications, wintergreen lends its unique flavor to culinary creations. The leaves can be used fresh or dried to infuse teas, syrups, and desserts with a refreshing mint-like taste. Chefs often incorporate wintergreen into sauces, marinades, and cocktails to add a subtle hint of woodland freshness to their dishes.
The bright red berries of wintergreen, while mildly toxic when consumed in large quantities, can be used sparingly to make jams, jellies, and sauces. Their tart flavor complements sweet and savory recipes alike, offering a delightful twist to traditional culinary fare.
Aromatic Ambiance:
The aromatic allure of wintergreen extends beyond the kitchen, finding its way into perfumes, candles, and aromatherapy blends. The invigorating scent of wintergreen oil is said to uplift the spirits, clear the mind, and promote mental clarity. Whether diffused in the air or added to bath products, wintergreen oil infuses spaces with a sense of tranquility and rejuvenation, reminiscent of a leisurely stroll through a forest glade.
Conservation Concerns:
Despite its cultural and ecological significance, wintergreen faces threats from habitat loss, overharvesting, and climate change. Sustainable harvesting practices and habitat preservation efforts are essential to safeguarding the future of this botanical treasure. Cultivating wintergreen in home gardens and supporting conservation initiatives can help ensure that future generations continue to benefit from its myriad gifts.
Gaultheria procumbens, the enchanting wintergreen, captivates the senses with its aromatic foliage, medicinal prowess, and culinary versatility. From ancient indigenous remedies to modern culinary delights, this unassuming plant weaves its way through history, leaving a trail of fascination in its wake. As we delve deeper into the wonders of wintergreen, let us cultivate a newfound appreciation for nature's bountiful offerings and strive to protect the delicate ecosystems that sustain them.0
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galaxyhealthcare · 8 months
Comprehensive Overview of Ortholeen Active Pain Relief Oil - The Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Muscle Pain Relief
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Pain, an inevitable part of life, can disrupt daily activities and hinder one's overall well-being. Whether it's muscle soreness, joint pain, or any other form of discomfort, finding effective pain relief is crucial. In the realm of pain management, the market is flooded with various options, ranging from conventional pharmaceuticals to natural remedies. Among these, Ortholeen Active Pain Relief Oil stands out as a beacon of relief, offering a unique blend of Ayurvedic principles and modern science. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of Ortholeen, exploring its ingredients, benefits, and why it stands as the best ayurvedic pain relief medicine.
Ortholeen Active Pain Relief Oil: A Glimpse into Ayurveda's Healing Wisdom:
Ortholeen Active Pain Relief Oil is a product of Breen, a trusted name in the realm of Ayurvedic solutions. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, places a strong emphasis on the balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Ortholeen embodies the essence of Ayurveda, harnessing the power of natural ingredients to address pain and discomfort effectively.
Key Ingredients:
Nirgundi (Vitex negundo): This herb has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, making it a cornerstone in traditional pain relief formulations. Nirgundi helps soothe muscle pain and joint discomfort.
Shallaki (Boswellia serrata): Known for its anti-arthritic properties, Shallaki aids in reducing inflammation and alleviating pain associated with arthritis and other joint conditions.
Gandhapura (Gaultheria fragrantissima): This oil is derived from the leaves of the wintergreen plant and is renowned for its analgesic properties. It provides a cooling effect, making it ideal for relieving muscle pain.
Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora): Camphor acts as a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. It helps in reducing pain and swelling, providing a soothing sensation to the affected area.
Sesame Oil Base: The carrier oil, sesame oil, not only serves as a medium for the active ingredients but also adds its own therapeutic benefits. Sesame oil is rich in antioxidants and possesses anti-inflammatory properties.
Benefits of Ortholeen Active Pain Relief Oil:
Fast-acting Relief: Ortholeen is designed to provide rapid relief from pain and discomfort. Its unique formulation allows for quick absorption, delivering the active ingredients directly to the affected area.
Natural and Safe: Unlike many conventional pain relief medications that may come with side effects, Ortholeen is crafted from natural ingredients. This makes it a safe option for individuals seeking relief without the worry of adverse reactions.
Versatile Application: Whether you're dealing with muscle pain, joint discomfort, or general body aches, Ortholeen can be applied to various areas of the body. Its versatility makes it a go-to solution for a wide range of pain-related issues.
Non-Greasy Formula: The oil is designed to be non-greasy, ensuring that it is easily absorbed into the skin without leaving a residue. This feature enhances user comfort and makes it convenient for everyday use.
Why Ortholeen Stands Out:
Integration of Ayurvedic Wisdom: Ortholeen successfully marries traditional Ayurvedic principles with modern science, creating a powerful and effective pain relief solution.
Scientifically Formulated: While rooted in Ayurveda, Ortholeen's formulation is backed by scientific research to ensure its efficacy and safety.
Quality Assurance: Breen maintains stringent quality control measures throughout the manufacturing process, ensuring that each batch of Ortholeen meets high standards of quality and purity.
Ortholeen Active Pain Relief Oil emerges as a beacon of hope for those seeking effective and natural solutions to pain management. Its unique blend of Ayurvedic ingredients, coupled with modern scientific formulation, sets it apart as the best ayurvedic pain relief medicine. Whether you're dealing with muscle pain, joint discomfort, or general body aches, Ortholeen stands ready to provide fast-acting and reliable relief, allowing you to regain control of your life without the burden of persistent pain. Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda with Ortholeen and experience the transformative power of natural pain relief.
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sn0fl8k · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Guru Nanda - Aroma Guru - Muscle Ease Roll On
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eootymade · 3 years
Gaultheria oil is also known as Wintergreen essential oil. It is one of the two plants in the world that contains ‘methyl salicylate’. It is the chemical behind the strong soothing properties of Gaultheria Oil.
Gaultheria (Wintergreen) oil, like the name suggests is the oil extracted from Gaultheria (Wintergreen) herb. There are two species of Wintergreen, namely Gaultheria procumbens and Gaultheria fragrantissima. The former is native to North America while the latter is indigenous to Asia and India. If you guessed it right, here we are talking about Gaultheria fragrantissima.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Herbal tinctures to relieve anxiety, help with pain & improve sleep.
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Perhaps you have heard the word tincture but are not exactly sure what it is.  A tincture is a very concentrated liquid of an herb that preserves the therapeutic properties of the herb to make it more effective. Tinctures are taken by mouth by the dropper full which usually equals 30 drops.
Tinctures are not difficult to make and are a highly valuable addition to your natural home medicine kit.
History of Herbal Tinctures.
There was a point in history where much, if not all medicine was grown in the garden. Tinctures were common and used for a wide variety of ailments and have their ancient roots in cultures all over the world. However, after the process of alcohol distillation was discovered in Europe, they became widely popular. During the Victorian period, tinctures were readily available at the corner pharmacy and were the preferred method of delivering herbal medicine.
The use of tinctures in alternative health care practices is quite common today all over the world. Also, as more and more people discover the ease with which tinctures can be prepared at home, these are becoming a popular home DIY home remedy.
Basics of Tincture Making.
No matter what type of tincture you are making, the process is relatively the same. Here is a list of the supplies you will need:
Clean glass jar, pint size
Consumable alcohol such as vodka must be 80 proof – can also use apple cider vinegar
Clean spoon
Small glass with a dropper
Fill the clean glass jar about ½ full with dried herbs (be sure not to pack the herbs down)
Pour boiling water over the herbs just to get them wet (this will draw out beneficial properties of the herbs).
Fill the remaining part of the jar with alcohol or apple cider vinegar and stir with a clean spoon.
Place the lid on the jar and store the jar in a cool and dry place.
Shake the jar daily for at least three weeks but up to six months.
Strain the liquid through a  clean cheesecloth.
Label your jar, so you know what is in it.
Store the tincture in a clean glass jar in a cool location. If you use apple cider vinegar, store the tincture in the fridge and use within six months.
To take a tincture, it is best to put the drops directly under your tongue and avoid any liquid for fifteen minutes. This will get the herb directly into your bloodstream. You can also dilute a tincture with a little lemon or honey (this also helps to disguise the taste). You can also place a dropperful of a tincture in a cup of boiling water. This will give you an instant cup of herbal tea. Be sure to heat the water first before you add the tincture.
There are also some tinctures that are only recommended for external use. It is important that you pay attention to the best and safest method of application for tinctures.
Types of Tinctures & Their Medicinal Benefits.
Here are a few tinctures that you can make at home and the conditions that they will help.
For Anxiety.
We live in a rush-rush culture where everyone seems to be in a hurry to get somewhere or get something done. This type of environment often creates a state of chronic stress or anxiety. Anxiety can take a toll on both physical and mental health. Here are three effective tinctures that you can make at home to help relieve anxiety and promote calmness.
Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora): If you experience anxiety with restlessness, muscle tension or even jaw clenching, skullcap may be an option for you.
This perennial mint is helpful for people who feel like they can’t relax unless they are walking or moving around, toss and turn in bed and feel like they are ”climbing the walls.” Skullcap is especially effective as a tea or a tincture to reduce muscular tension and restlessness Take 20-40 drops of the tincture a few times a day – especially before retiring.
Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata): This herbaceous and woody vine produces a beautiful and intricate flower.  Although used historically as a sleep aid, passionflower is also an effective stress buster. For people who are exhausted all the time and in a constant state of stress, this tincture can help restore balance and energy.
The usual dosage is 20-40 drops for a 145-pound person. Add ten drops at a time if you don’t find some relief after twenty minutes.
Kava kava (Piper methysticum): This ancient herb from the Pacific Islands is well-known for its anti-anxiety properties. It does have a much more hypnotic effect than either passionflower or skullcap. The taste is very interesting and creates a numb like sensation in the mouth.
It should be noted that if you have liver issues you should not use kava kava. That being said, it is a highly effective anti-anxiety when used a few times a week.
To Relieve Pain.
Although there are hundreds of plants that contain inflammation reducing and pain fighting properties, a few really stand out. Many tinctures are just as good or better at easing pain as over-the-counter or even prescription drugs.
Here are two herbs that are particularly effective at fighting pain and reducing inflammation when taken in tincture form.
Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens): This tiny evergreen shrub is also known as teaberry, checkerberry, deerberry and boxberry and is in the heath family and closely related to cranberries, blueberries and huckleberries.  The berries of this plant are edible and the leaves and used in teas, extracts, and cordials. Pure oil of wintergreen is methyl salicylate which has the same anti-inflammatory and anti-fever properties as acetyl salicylate (or aspirin).  Native Americans used this herb for things such as rheumatoid and joint pain, headaches as well as general aches and pain.  Its antiseptic properties are also useful to battle toothaches, muscle pain, sore throats and sore mouths.
Take 6-12 drops of wintergreen tincture in water or juice, under the tongue. Take three times daily as needed and store in a cool, dark place.
Note: People who are sensitive to aspirin should not use wintergreen nor should people who are on blood thinning medication or those who suffer from acid reflux.
Arnica (Arnica Montana) – External Use Only
Arnica is a perennial plant that is found mostly in the mountainous regions of Canada, the northern United States, and Europe. Blooming in July and August, this flower produces a pretty bright yellow flower that resembles a daisy. For hundreds of years, the bloom of this plant has been used in a variety of alternative medicine applications. In Germany, it is very popular and used in over 100 drug preparations.
Some sports creams and rubs contain this flower and it is a popular natural pain killer amongst athletes and yogis. Although it is unclear how this herb is so effective, it clearly works to reduce the pain and inflammation of swelling of minor bruises, strains, and sprains.
Arnica tincture should be used externally only, and you must be very cautious not to get it in your nose, mouth or eyes. If you do, rinse out immediately with cold water.
Dilute arnica well before using on affected area.  Use several times a day to reduce pain and swelling.
To Help Beat Insomnia.
Do you suffer from insomnia? If so, you are not alone. Millions of people suffer from both acute and chronic sleep problems.  If you have problems falling asleep or wake up frequently during the night, you might want to try either of these herbal tinctures.
Sleep Mixture: This tincture is a combination of various herbs that work together to provide a sound night’s sleep.
Two tablespoons dried yarrow flowers
Two tablespoons dried catnip
Two tablespoons chamomile flowers
One tablespoon dried mint leaves
One tablespoon dried hops flowers
One tablespoon stevia leaf
Boiling water
2 cups 80 proof vodka
Glass quart jar with lid
Combine all of the herbs in the glass jar.
Pour the boiling water to cover them and mix well.
Fill the rest of the way with vodka.
Cap with an airtight lid and leave in a cool place for at least 2 and up to 8 weeks. Shake daily.
Strain and put into small tincture bottles.
A usual dose is 2-3 dropper full’s for adults and 1 dropper full for kids over two. Add to some juice or water and take an hour before bedtime.
Fruity Sleep Blend: This blend is light and fruity but packs a potent punch.  Note, this tincture uses food grade glycerine instead of vodka or vinegar.
Two tablespoons hibiscus flowers
One tablespoon lavender blossoms
Three tablespoons catnip
Three tablespoons chamomile
Two tablespoons passion flower
½ cup water
1 cup food grade glycerine
Pint jar with lid
Slow cooker
Add the herbs to the pint size jar
Pour boiling water over the herbs to cover them ( push them down slightly with a spoon)
Add the glycerine.
Put the lid on the jar and place it in a slow cooker ( line the bottom with a dish towel)
Pour water in until half of the jar is covered and turn the slow cooker on warm and cover
Let the jar sit for about 24 hours
Shake the jar a few times during the setting period.
Remove the jar and strain liquid using cheesecloth.
Put liquid in a tincture jar and store in the fridge.
For adults, mix three dropper full’s in water or juice and drink before bedtime. For toddlers, use half a dropper full and for older kids 1 to 2 dropper full’s.
Caution – As with any herbal therapy, check with a medical professional if you’re unsure about anything before using.
Taken from the internet this article has been adjusted slightly it was originally written by Susan Patterson.
#herbs # wellness #tinctures #witchcraft #wicca #spells #herbal medicine #magicandglitter
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upscalemassage · 4 years
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Today’s Essential Oil : Gaultheria / American Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) This is to me, the BEST anti inflammatory oil there is ! 📢👑 The smell is quite strong but so are the results... Benefits : lumbago, elongation, sprain, cramps, back pains. It fights the common rheumatisms in the cold and humid climates where the plant thrives. Tip : Mix it with Peppermint & Clove oil 😍 You’re welcome... 😏 ⁠ Reminder : NEVER use any essential oil without a “Carrier oil”, it NEEDS to be diluted. (Coconut oil 😍)⁠ •⁠ •⁠ •⁠ •⁠ •⁠ #Upscale #UpscaleInfo #Information #Gaulthérie #FromTheGarden #Wintergreen #GaultheriaProcumbens #Positivity #Massage #MassageTherapy #Osteopathy #Chiropractic #Expert #Holistic #Kreyol #Caribbean #Aromatherapy #Organic #EssentialOil #Integrative #Relax #WhoToFollow #HappyThoughtsProvider #UpscaleMassage (at Düsseldorf, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHzyX0SAWYQ/?igshid=bsym4r33qs83
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Product of the Week.....Recover Soothing Blend Roll-On – 100% Essential Oils
20% OFF While Supplies Last
• Apply to muscles after a long workout or athletic event
• Convenient, targeted application whenever needed. Perfect for gym bags!
• Mix with Hand & Body Lotion for a cooling, soothing balm
• Features a 1:1 ratio of Recover Soothing Blend and NSP Carrier Oil
100% pure essential oils of Gaultheria procumbens (Wintergreen) leaf, Cinnamomum camphora (White camphor) wood, Rosmarinus officinalis (Wild Rosemary) leaf, Melaleuca cajuputi (Cajeput) leaf, Abies sibirica (Fir) needle, Eugenia caryophyllata (Clove) bud, Helichrysum angustifolium (Helichrysum) flower, Juniperus communis (Juniper) berry, Mentha piperita (Peppermint) leaf & flower, Boswellia carteri (Frankincense) gum resin blended in a 1:1 ratio with Nature’s Sunshine Carrier Oil.
Recommended Use
Apply directly to muscles, legs or the bottom of the feet
#summersale #smallbusiness #essentialoils
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Facts To Consider About The Proper Natural Supplements And Skin Care Formula
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When it comes to choose the natural oils like essential oils, you can go for multiple formulas. There are lots of essential oils available in the recent marketplace and choosing the right one is very important.
The Wintergreen Oil is simply extracted from the Gaultheria procumbens, the shrubby evergreen plant from the Ericaceae plant family. The plant is also quite native to Eastern North America, ranging from Newfoundland to Minnesota, Tennessee and Georgia and Alabama.
Uses of this oil
Almost every individual out there opt for the best Natural SkinCare product or formula. Wintergreen's therapeutic applications have been extensively known for many centuries, particularly by the Native Americans. They also have chewed the leaves only to enhance the endurance and respiratory capacity, assisting them runs long distances.
Knowing about the supplements
The Mulberry Canada is one of the major health and dietary supplements as this comes along with the massive popularity. The health supplements also offer you the excellent health benefits too. The majority of dietary supplements are absolutely secure to use, and some of them can really deliver various medical advantages by consuming them.
The health supplements are the certain products focused on simply enhancing the daily consumption of the nutrients, normally amino acids, vitamins and also minerals. Various ingredients and substances are sold as the dietary health supplements and consist of natural organic ingredients, basic unsaturated fats and oils, amino acids, occasionally chemicals, probiotics, and even glandular concentrates. An ample amount of research circulating the internet and various health medical directories will mostly offer and outline the health advantages of dietary supplements. To know more about the supplements, you can simply go to the link of vitasave.ca. It helps you to know about the supplements properly.
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ournancy1423-blog · 5 years
Can the Internet provide a proper means to do business?
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The Internet is beneficial for the present generation. Daily activities of human beings require these online resources. Nowadays, one cannot dream about life without the Internet. Social communication uses the Internet to interact with individuals from across the World.
The Internet is a useful resource to promote and carry out different business activities. Online commercial websites can reach the World all at once irrespective of the geographical barriers.
The sale of health supplement products through the Internet
E-commerce websites offer the sale of different health supplements. They are -
1. The Konjac noodles contain high contents of glucomannan fiber. This fiber is useful to reduce weight. The Konjac Noodles appear as white and long noodles. Konjac noodles also called shirataki noodles or miracle noodles. The konjac plant roots provide the glucomannan fiber. Konjac carries significantly small amounts of carbohydrates that are digestible. Most of these carbohydrates originate in the glucomannan fiber.
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galaxyhealthcare · 9 months
Best Neck Pain Relief Oil in Madurai
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Flexileen Pain Relief Oil: Unveiling the Soothing Elixir for Neck Pain Relief 
Neck pain, a common ailment in our modern, sedentary lifestyles, often requires targeted solutions for effective relief. Flexileen Pain Relief Oil emerges as a game-changer, offering a holistic approach to soothing neck pain and promoting overall well-being. In this comprehensive review, we explore the unique features that make Flexileen the go-to pain relief oil, particularly for neck pain, and how it caters to the growing demand for convenient online access to effective solutions. 
Flexileen Pain Relief Oil: Elevating the Experience of Pain Relief 
Flexileen Pain Relief Oil is not just a remedy; it's a carefully curated blend of natural ingredients designed to provide holisticrelief from pain, specifically focusing on the often debilitating issue of neck pain. Crafted with precision, this pain relief oil embodies the essence of traditional healing practices while leveraging modern insights into pain management. 
Key Ingredients that Make Flexileen Stand Out: 
Eucalyptus Oil (Nilgiri Taila): Renowned for its analgesic properties, eucalyptus oil aids in relieving pain and reducing inflammation.
Wintergreen Oil (Gaultheria fragrantissima): This essential oil contributes to the warming sensation, promoting blood circulation and alleviating muscle stiffness.
Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita): With its cooling effect, peppermint oil helps soothe discomfort and provides relief from muscle tension.
Camphor (Karpur): Camphor is a well-known remedy for pain relief, offering a calming effect on the affected area.
Olive Oil (Jaitun Taila): Olive oil serves as the base, facilitating easy absorption and nourishment of the skin.
Benefits of Flexileen Pain Relief Oil: 
Targeted Pain Relief: Flexileen is formulated for targeted pain relief, focusing on the specific needs of individuals experiencing neck pain.
Muscle Relaxation: The blend of oils in Flexileen promotes muscle relaxation, reducing tension and stiffness in the neck area.
Anti-Inflammatory Action: Eucalyptus oil and wintergreen oil contribute to an anti-inflammatory action, addressing the underlying causes of pain.
Improved Blood Circulation: Wintergreen oil's warming effect enhances blood circulation, aiding in the healing process.
Refreshing Sensation: The combination of peppermint oil and camphor provides a refreshing and invigorating sensation, contributing to overall comfort.
Flexileen for Neck Pain Relief: 
Neck pain, often stemming from poor posture, stress, or muscle strain, requires a solution that not only addresses the pain but also promotes relaxation and rejuvenation. Flexileen Pain Relief Oil is tailored to meet these specific needs, making it a preferred choice for individuals seeking relief from neck pain. 
Unique Features for Neck Pain Relief: 
Roll-On Applicator: Flexileen comes with a convenient roll-on applicator, allowing for easy and precise application to the affected area, making it ideal for targeting neck pain.
Non-Greasy Formula: The non-greasy formula ensures that Flexileen is absorbed quickly, leaving the skin feeling nourished without any sticky residue.
Compact Packaging: The compact packaging of Flexileen makes it travel-friendly, allowing individuals to carry this pain relief solution wherever they go.
Online Accessibility of Flexileen Pain Relief Oil: 
Recognizing the increasing preference for online shopping, Flexileen Pain Relief Oil is readily accessible through various online platforms, meeting the demand for convenient solutions that can be ordered and delivered to one's doorstep. 
Advantages of Purchasing Flexileen Online: 
Convenience: Online platforms provide the convenience of browsing, selecting, and purchasing Flexileen from the comfort of one's home.
Wide Availability: Flexileen is accessible to individuals across regions, eliminating geographical constraints.
Authenticity: Purchasing from the official online store ensures the authenticity and quality of the product.
Customer Reviews: Online platforms feature customer reviews, offering insights into the experiences of others and aiding informed decision-making.
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quintinefowler-blog · 5 years
Wintergreen (Gaultheria Procumbens) Essential Oil Profile, Benefits, Properties
The main index for our Single Essential Oil Profiles is located here.
If you see a term you don't understand, be sure to check our Alternative Health Glossary of Medical Terms!
(very similar in chemistry to birch)
Additional Name(s): Teaberry, Tea Berry
Color: Light yellow or pinkish yellow
Oil Consistency: Thin
Perfumery Note: Base
Initial Aroma Strength: Strong
Scent: Intense sweet-woody.
Action: Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, liver stimulant, antirheumatic, anti-arthritic, antitussive, astringent, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, galactagogue, stimulant.
Benefits, Indications: Arthritis, rheumatism, inflammation, muscular pain, tendonitis, hypertension, cramps. May be beneficial for cystitis, bladder infection, gout, gallstones, edema, eczema, osteoporosis, skin diseases, ulcers, urinary tract disorders.
It contains an active principle similar to cortisone and is beneficial for bone, muscle and joint discomfort. Used for eczema, acne, blemishes, wounds, rheumatism, edema, headaches (liver congestion).
Chemical Constituents: Nearly 98% methyl salicylate, but may also contain triacontane, formaldehyde, gaultheriline and varies other aldehydes, ketones, alcohols
Companion Oils: Basil, birch, cypress, geranium, juniper, lavender, lemongrass, marjoram, peppermint, roman chamomile
Precautions: Do not use if epileptic. Possible skin irritant. Skin test for allergies. Wintergreen should NEVER be ingested, and only used topically in dilutions of 25% or less to limit the transdermal absorption to safe levels. Hazardous, toxic, avoid in pregnancy and with children.
Science and Research
An in vitro ULV olfactory bioassay method for testing the repellent activity of essential oils against moths.
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welovepureoils · 6 years
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Have you used Young Living's PanAway essential oil blend? Here is a brief intro: With Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove, and Peppermint essential oils, PanAway essential oil blend has a refreshing, invigorating aroma and a cooling sensation when applied to the skin. PanAway continues to be one of Young Living’s most popular products and is a must-have for every home. Apply this synergistic blend after exercise or anytime for its soothing, stimulating aroma. FEATURES & BENEFITS Offers a refreshing, stimulating aroma Cools the skin after physical activity Provides a cooling sensation when applied to shoulders, neck, and scalp Includes the naturally occurring constituents methyl salicylate, gamma-curcumene, menthol, and eugenol. APPLICATIONS Combine PanAway with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and use it with massage after physical activity for a cool, stimulating sensation. Apply it to your neck and shoulders in the morning with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex for an uplifting, refreshing aroma. Apply it to the bottoms of feet for a relaxing foot massage. Make your own bath salt by adding 10 drops of PanAway to 1 cup of Epsom salt. Add the mixture to warm bath water and relax in a spa-like atmosphere. Rub 1 drop of PanAway with 4 drops of V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex into temples for an invigorating aroma during times of stress or frustration. Add an AromaGlide Roller Fitment and use it on the go at gym or during sports activity. Ingredients Gaultheria procumbens (Wintergreen) leaf oil Helichrysum italicum flower oil Eugenia caryophyllus (Clove) bud oil Mentha piperita (Peppermint) oil #youngliving #yl #yleo #younglivingessentialoils #essentialoiltips #aromatherapy #essentialoilsrock #essentialoils101 #essentialoilswork #essentialoilblend #diffuser #essentialoil #essentialoilblends #essentialoillove #essentialoildiffuser #essentialoilsforlife #diffuserblend #diffuse #PanAway #Wintergreen #Helichrysum #Peppermint #soothing #physicalactivity #exercise #recoveryday — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2P8QwoF
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saltyloverrebel · 6 years
Homeopathy Muscle Cramps and Joint Pain Medicine Kit
Homeopathy Muscle Cramps and Joint Pain Medicine Kit
Homeopathy muscle cramps and joint pain medicine kit
Consists 5 most commonly prescribed medicines for Muscle Cramps & Joint Pain
Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus Tox) 2 Dram Pills
Zincum Metallicum (Zincum Met)  2 Dram Pills
Colocynthis  2 Dram Pills
Wheezal Relievo Pain Killer Oil
Biocombination No 19 Tablets
Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus Tox): Rhus Toxicodendron, is the No. 1 remedy for sprains and…
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lotsofdogs · 7 years
Wintergreen (Gaultheria Procumbens) Essential Oil Profile, Benefits, Properties
(very similar in chemistry to birch)
Additional Name(s): Teaberry, Tea Berry
Color: Light yellow or pinkish yellow
Oil Consistency: Thin
Perfumery Note: Base
Initial Aroma Strength: Strong
Scent: Intense sweet-woody.
Action: Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, liver stimulant, antirheumatic, anti-arthritic, antitussive, astringent, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, galactagogue, stimulant.
Benefits, Indications: Arthritis, rheumatism, inflammation, muscular pain, tendonitis, hypertension, cramps. May be beneficial for cystitis, bladder infection, gout, gallstones, edema, eczema, osteoporosis, skin diseases, ulcers, urinary tract disorders.
It contains an active principle similar to cortisone and is beneficial for bone, muscle and joint discomfort. Used for eczema, acne, blemishes, wounds, rheumatism, edema, headaches (liver congestion).
Chemical Constituents: Nearly 98% methyl salicylate, but may also contain triacontane, formaldehyde, gaultheriline and varies other aldehydes, ketones, alcohols
Companion Oils: Basil, birch, cypress, geranium, juniper, lavender, lemongrass, marjoram, peppermint, roman chamomile
Precautions: Do not use if epileptic. Possible skin irritant. Skin test for allergies. Wintergreen should NEVER be ingested, and only used topically in dilutions of 25% or less to limit the transdermal absorption to safe levels. Hazardous, toxic, avoid in pregnancy and with children.
Science and Research
Toxicity of twenty-two plant essential oils against pathogenic bacteria of vegetables and mushrooms.
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With attention like that, you can be sure you will receive only the highest-quality organic herbs, dried herbs, organic spices, therapeutic essential oils and all natural products when you place an order with Starwest Botanicals.
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[Read More ...] http://www.natural-holistic-health.com/wintergreen-gaultheria-procumbens-essential-oil-profile-benefits-properties/
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nickbatson · 7 years
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10 Health Benefits Of Wintergreen Essential Oil Wintergreen important oil comes from the leaves of the Gaultheria procumbens or evergreen plant. Native to North America, wintergreen is definitely not a selected plant however a gaggle of fragrant crops whose leaves stay inexperienced even within the chilly months.
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10 Health Benefits Of Wintergreen Essential Oil
10 Health Benefits Of Wintergreen Essential Oil
Wintergreen essential oil comes from the leaves of the Gaultheria procumbens or evergreen plant. Native to North America, wintergreen is actually not a specific plant but a group of aromatic plants whose leaves remain green even in the chilly months. For this reason, they are known as...
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