#gee i wonder why they can't find women to work in the mines
beardedmrbean · 2 years
KALGOORLIE, Australia (Reuters) - A top mining conference kicked off in West Australia this week with an address by global investor and economist Dambisa Moyo, the first woman to deliver the keynote in the forum's three decade history.
Yet while Moyo had top billing, she is one of only five women out of 71 speakers due to address the event in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, a fact that has not gone down well with some delegates at a time when the mining industry faces scrutiny for a perceived culture of sexism.
"There are more speakers who have the name Peter, Mark and James than there are women at the whole event," Fortescue Metals Group Chief Executive Elizabeth Gaines, who addressed the conference on Tuesday, told Reuters.
A bombshell report published in June by the state government of Western Australia, home to the bulk of the country's iron ore industry, detailed cases of "horrifying" behaviour against women and criticised mining firms including BHP and Rio Tinto for overlooking criminal behaviour.
"If you had asked me at the start of my professional career whether I thought I would still be talking about gender diversity in 2022, I would have thought that we would be living it by now," Gaines said in her conference speech.
"Unfortunately, the reality is that we are still having the same conversations about equality that we had 30, 20 and 10 years ago," added Gaines, who was forced to appear at the event virtually after her flight was cancelled due to bad weather.
In February Rio Tinto published its own report which found that nearly 30% of women employed by the global mining giant had experienced sexual harassment at work, with 21 women reporting actual or attempted rape or sexual assault.
The mining conference is the first major industry event that international visitors and regional executives have been able to attend since the pandemic began, with a record of over 2600 delegates in attendance.
Jessica Farrell, assistant president at BHP Nickel West and another speaker at the conference, also criticised the lack of female participation at the event.
"The onus for that is on both the conference itself, but also on the members," she told Reuters.
Farrell gave evidence on behalf of BHP in the West Australia parliamentary inquiry into sexual harassment in the industry.
“You look at the information there and it’s just simply got to stop. And we are the ones that can make that change," she said.
"We want our industry to be one where all people can come together and feel safe and respected at all times, and perform at their very best."
In response to the industry allegations, BHP has committed to spending about A$300 million ($208.68 million) on safety at its camps and villages.
Australia accounts for about half of the world's iron ore exports, and women have long complained of sexual harassment in mining camps and offices.
The recent findings led top miners to set diversity targets, regulate alcohol consumption in camps, and increase safety checks at camps and sites.
But the sector's Australian workforce of 150,000 is still predominantly - five-sixths - male, a gender mix that's little improved since the industry's beginnings over a century ago.
Top miners last month identified labour shortages in Australia as one of the key reasons affecting production and revenue.
There’s intense demand for people with skills in statistics, analytics, robotics and artificial intelligence, Gaines said.
"Which is why it’s more important than ever that we equip the workforce of the future for these types of jobs and attract the best and the brightest minds from across the diversity of our population," she said.
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So how does it feel being a Britt Baker stan and Sammy apologist? I am sure there's a whole bunch of shit that Ospreay will do, too.
So this has been sitting in my ask for a while and I was going to ignore it along with most of your other messages, because yeah -- I'm pretty convinced you're the same person who just seems to have a problem with me. Because there's NO way I am important enough that more than one person is wasting this much energy disliking me.
So let's go:
First of all, how have you been? My bish, my main squeeze, my most dependable relationship here on Tumblr (J/k, in the grand scheme of things, despite how much you seem to hate me, you're a gnat that I forget about every time you buzz away) -- hope you're having exactly the day that you deserve.
Note for everyone else: If you don't like the people I like, I'd like to think I have never once crammed it down your throat or tried to change your mind. This is honestly just in response to this one person who seems to dislike me and I want to clarify my opinions which are only my opinions. If you are a normal functioning person and I am blogging something or about something that makes you upset, please tell me and I will literally create a tag you can filter out. I literally enjoy being here and reading your takes and seeing your blorbos succeed even if they are not mine. This is really just me being petty back to someone who leaves me regular rude messages because I feel I have earned that right.
How does it feel being a Britt Baker stan? Great, glorious, fantastic. You know, I like the rest of the women's division too. I was ecstatic to see Shida come back and heartbroken to see Thunder Rosa relinquishing the title. I also don't particularly want Britt near the title unless it's to further a story with her versus Jamie. Because it's almost like I can enjoy someone without having them front and center or hating everyone else.
And, since I assume by your petty mean girl repetitive attempts at my inbox you should know a few things that you have not gone out and experienced and one is you're never going to get along with everyone. I think the dirt sheets are blowing this out of proportion and that the fans are only making it worse by speculating. What I'll say is I have had some interactions with Britt and heard stories that confirm her to be lovely when she is out of character. I also think stories about the women's division drama somehow also spiral more than the men (and gee I wonder why). Even if she and Thunder Rosa don't get along, they work together fine. They were even only two tables apart at my last con and no one hid in the bathroom (plus, the story is that it was over Jamie Hayter's nose, not Britt. And I personally think that if my opponent were injured in the ring accidentally and my role is really to protect my opponent, then yeah I would hide in the bathroom to collect myself. I work from home and hid in my own bathroom today when I made a mistake at work.) Everyone calm down.
And I say the women get blown out of proportion because we know all of the men don't get along either. Eddie is particularly vocal about shoot not liking someone they work with and you can't please all folks. Speaking of Eddie, let's transition.
A Sammy apologist: I have never once apologized for Samuel Guevara in the way that YOU mean and I challenge you to find one instance where I have. Yeah, Sammy and Tay are probably difficult to work with right now and I frankly would have been too coming out of a situation as hostile as the fans reacting to their relationship and having it throw a wrench into my career. Are they doing it in a mature way? Probably not. That's something for AEW management to work with and frankly I could not give two shits about it beyond that. They'll work it out if they want to remain employable. Because again -- you have to deal with shit situations and people you don't like all the time, especially at work.
From what I understand, the tipping point for this argument was a promo paired with a bad attitude from Sammy. Again, the kid's got to get that shit handled and sorted. But do I also think there is probably something to be said that if you're going to have their talent write and deliver their own promos, which we all greatly prefer to scripted ones, that there probably does also need to be some lines already in place of what's off limits for folks? Sammy and Tay asked Sammy's past relationship not be brought up. Cool. Understandable. Eddie should be able to draw a line at digs about his physique. This may not be the crux of the issue, but then you avoid people stepping over the line in already difficult situations and it escalating.
I love Eddie and am inclined to support him all the time. But, I also know he is a reactive and emotional person just like me and think that regardless of who said something wrong or acted difficult, you should also be able to go to work without the expectation of it becoming aggressively physical especially when your job depends on your physicality.
Will Ospreay: I like him. I also probably dislike some of the people you like. I also probably love some of the same people you love. I've presented my take on Will and why I still choose to enjoy himm and have never once actually tried to force him down the throat of anyone else here.
But I'm half tempted to write him a fic now just in the hopes that you completely unfollow me since you can't figure out how to scroll past content you don't like or filter out the tags and phrases I deliberately use to be conscientious of people who are not carbon copies of my interests.
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spookymultimedia · 2 years
The Feminine Touch
When Gem in unsure on how to find her own femininity, Angela helps her ease her dysphoria and gives them a small makeover.
CW: deadnaming and social dysphoria
I sat at my desk finishing up another sales call before resting my head on my chin. I was having a weird day. I came out as transgender a week ago but I was still figuring myself out. I had absolutely no idea what to wear. I had worn sweaters but that got boring really fast. Pam let me try on their clothes and test the waters. They were feminine but it didn't feel right on me. I really didn't know what to do with myself. I was too tired that morning to think about it, I just threw on a white button up, a necklace and gray slacks. It wasn't that euphoric but it was something. I looked like a man. Of course I was a woman no matter what I looked like but it didn't feel that great. 
       So I sat there feeling like I was still in the closet and stared at Dwight trying to think of some kind of prank to distract myself. I quietly took his small box of paperclips and stood up to make coffee. 20 minutes later I had a cup of coffee for Dwight. "Here, you look tired." I smiled innocently.
          "What did you do to my coffee? You took a long time. You really think I'd fall for that Gem?"
I shrugged, "I'll take it if you don't trust me."
  "I don't." 
I took the mug and slipped back the tiny box of paper clips. "I'm hurt. I thought we were getting along." I took a long sip and smiled. He stared at me wondering what I did. Ryan walked over to me, "Excuse me? Jim?"
       I turned to him, "Oh actually it's-."
"Gem! Gem, I'm sorry. Gem, do you have a spare highlighter? All of mine are dry."
I smiled politely, "yea-." my voice shook, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden, "yeah." I said in a lighter tone, it sounded worse. I handed over a yellow highlighter and gave it to him.
"Thanks Ji- er, Gem." He smiled awkwardly and turned away. It was fine. He apologized. He corrected himself. It was fair. I didn't exactly look like a woman. I was more upset at myself than Ryan.
   "Gem, you ok?"
Pam looked over at me worried. Dwight did too. I shrugged and stood up, I walked past Angela as I started to cry. I felt stupid for letting it get to me. I stopped by the restrooms and cried quietly into my hands, feeling gross and masculine. I didn't know how to make it look more like myself. Angela walked up to me, I didn't see her at first.
I looked down at it startled and wiped my eyes.
     "What's wrong?"
"I'm so ugly." I choked out. It felt really weird to be vulnerable with Angela of all people. 
      "You are not ugly."
"I feel ugly. I just want to be pretty." I sniffed and looked away from her. I felt humiliated.
      "Wait here."
I waited for an uncomfortable 10 minutes before Angela came back with a small black bag. She gently grabbed my arm, "Come with me."  She opened the door to the women's restroom and led me to the couch. "Can I touch your hair?" It stayed standing.
    "Yeah. ." I looked at her confused as she pulled out a comb. I was surprised at Angela's uncharacteristically kind gesture. She combed out my hair quietly, working out the small knots and messy ends. "How much shampoo do you use?" It scolded. 
     "A handful?"
"Gem, you are using way too much. Use a small amount of shampoo. No more than a tiny palmful. Tiny." She emphasized the word tiny. 
"It's so greasy." She winced at my hair.
        "Gee thanks." I said flatly.
"I'm helping you! Stop using so much product. It's not good for you. If you want healthier hair you need to use just enough to clean off the oil in your scalp. And comb from the tips up, not through it." My eyes widened.
    "Oh. Is that why you look so feminine?"
It gave me a weird look.
          "What? No, it's just basic hair care."
"How do you do it then?"
          "Gem, I can't answer that. Femininity is something personal. I dress the way I do because I like to look modest and feel cozy. It's completely subjective."
    I bit my lip, "I feel confused. I don't know what I want. I'll never look like a pretty girl." I sulked.
       "You will. Just keep experimenting. You will."  My hair had barely grown past my ears, she took a few bobby pins and pinned back a few sections of my hair. She took out a small box have it to me, "Pick one out, I have plenty." 
    The box was full of old looking hair clips and brooches. I took out a small bronze one that was shaped like a valentine heart. 
     "That was my mother's, it's pretty old. You can have it. I never liked heart stuff." 
I smiled and gave the brooch so she could put in it my hair. She tucked a piece of hair out of my face with the small brooch and tucked it next to my ear. I stood up. "No, wait I'm not done." She pulled my arm down. I whined.
"So fidgety." It sighed out. She took out blush and dusted my cheeks with it. "Stay still." She pulled out mascara. I accidentally bumped my eye into it. "Ow!" I leaned back. 
"Oh my goodness." It huffed. I kept blinking and despite her annoyance it managed to get mascara on my eyelashes. "Okay you're free." She sighed. I stood up immediately and dashed to the mirror. I gasped. My hair looked way smoother and nice. The brooch shined against the bathroom lights. I actually looked pretty. I tucked my shirt in more and unbuttoned my shirt a bit to let my chest show a little. I rolled up my sleeves and smiled wide. Angela smiled at me curtly. "Better?"
        "Yeah. Thank you." I smiled at her. I walked out of the bathroom.
" DAMMIT! GEM!" I looked at Dwight who had a horrible chain of knotted up paper clips that I had skillfully created flowing all over him. I laughed at him and covered my mouth. Angela shook its head at me and walked back to work. 
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