#gees ocs rhys
topbanana-art · 10 months
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Breaking out the sketchbook for
Rhys's Hugs, Rhys's hugs
We have had a terrible time in the campaign and we've got more to unpack on tonight's session
Darcy -@kroovv
Evander -@holleydoodles
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skritt-shinies · 3 years
OC Interview: Dahlia Stonecrusher and Maxwell Stoneworker
Draw (or use an old  drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your  character in an  interview setting and make them answer the following  questions!
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1. Can you introduce yourself?
D: “Hiya! I’m Dahlia Stonecrusher!”
M: “Hello, I’m Maxwell Stoneworker.”
2. What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
D: “I’m a woman, a lesbian, and currently taken in a very happy polyamorous relationship!”
M: “I’m a trans man, gay, and single.”
3. Where and when were you born?
D: “I was born in the Black Citadel.”
M: “Somewhere in the Plains of Ashford.”
4. What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
D: “Double swords! Taste my rage!”
M: “A greatsword.”
5. Lastly, are you happy?
D: “Yes!”
M: [nods in agreement]
1. What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
D: “Maxwell is my older brother! Our father was a Gladium, and our mother was apart of the Legions. Our dad raised Maxwell away from the Legions, and our mother died after I was born.”
M: “Dahlia ended up being raised in the Legions. Our dad was disappointed, and she ended up hating him... and then he died.”
Dahlia nods.
M: “We reunited, though, and I love my sister. I also have a son!”
2. Have you ever run away from home?
D: “I eventually left the Legions. I’m now a Gladium, with my brother!”
3. Would you consider marriage or having children?
Dahlia shakes her head.
M: “I already have a son. He wasn’t... planned...” He coughs awkwardly. “But, I would like to get married eventually.”
4. Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
D & M: “Of course not!”
5. Which friend knows everything about you?  
They both gesture towards one another.
D: “We don’t have many friends...”
M: “We’ll get some.”
1. Are you literate? Have you been to school?
They both nod to confirm.
D: “My Fahrar was my school!”
M: “Our father taught me.”
2. The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
D: “Uhhh... Gee, I don’t think I’ve made any, have you Max?”
M: “No, not that I know of... but our father... he predicted our mother would die. It haunts me every day.”
3. What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
Dahlia snorts, looking over at her brother. He snarls at her.
D: “He totally realized way too late that he was having a cub.”
M: “Don’t believe her!”
4. Do you have mental health or physical issues?
M: “Dahlia’s kinda stupid.”
D: “What the hell, Max!”
Maxwell laughs.
M: “Seriously, though, mental health wise, we’d rather keep it private. Physically? Not much, as far as I’m aware.”
5. What is your current main goal?
D: “Live happily with my girlfriends!”
M: “Be a good father to Rhys.”
1. Drink or food?
D: “Drink!”
M: “Hmm... food? Nothing like a good feast after an adventure.”
2. Cats or dogs?
D: “Kitties! They’re sooo cute.”
M: “Same answer, cats.”
3. Early bird or night owl?
D: “Night owl!”
M: "I used to be a night owl, and still am, but with Rhys, I had to become a psuedo-early bird.”
4. Optimist or pessimist?
D: “I’d say I’m pretty optimistic! I like to keep things light. It... helps when things get dark.”
M: “I’m still not quite sure. A bit of both, I guess.”
5. Sassy or sarcastic?  
D: “Sassy!”
M: “Sarcastic.”
1. Been caught sneaking out?
They both nod.
D: “Multiple times as a cub, not as much but still a bit now.”
M: Just a handful of times by our father.”
2. Broken a bone?
D: “Not yet, somehow.”
M: “A few times.”
3. Received flowers?
D: “A pretty asura gave me some flowers once.”
M: “Not yet.”
4. Ghosted someone?
They shake their heads, but it looks like they might be hiding something.
5. Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
D: “Yeah.”
Maxwell nods.
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thewriterwithnoplan · 5 years
Between the Courts (Part 6)
Summary: Daughter of the Dawn, Warrior of the Night. Her Homes were being threatened. Her friend has just come home. She made a sacrifice in vain. And stole a hidden power. A new threat rises. The circle is ready. Pairing: Cassian x OC Word Count: 679 Warnings: None.
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Lucina, I groaned at the indecent voice in my head. Lucina. L... Luci!
"I'm up!" I clutched my head at the sudden movement. "What do you want?"
You were squishing me.
"Seriously Raya, you woke me up for squishing you?" I flopped back down onto the surprisingly comfortable couch. Wait. My furniture was all new, the couch feeling like a bag of bricks. "Where the hell am I?"
You seem to call it the 'town house'. She snorted. Rather boring name if you ask me.
"You're up," Rhys stood in the doorway. "Who are you talking to?"
"Unimportant." I waved off. "What you should be asking is; what the hell is that heavenly scent?"
"Breakfast is ready."
Like that was some sort of alarm I was up and in a mad dash toward the dining room. The inner circle already sat around the table, mindful of each other and the hang overs we each nursed. Mor and Amren where fine, one being a literal goddess and the other having a high tolerance. Cassian was hit worst of all and it was obvious Azriel was regretting the drinking games we talked him into. Rhys seemed fine, probably a result of him being 'all mighty and powerful' as he'd put it last night.
"Jeez Luna you look worse then me." Cassian gave a lop sided grin, barely masking the wince his loud voice caused himself. He was probably correct though, old clothes and knotted hair.
"Oh, sorry." I flicked my hand toward my face but felt no difference. Repeating the action, after yawning away some of my sleepiness, I swapped my clothes for long pants and an oversized sweater, throwing my hair into a pony tail. Taking my seat at the table I dug into my food.
"You right there girl?" Amren scoffed. "You're eating like its your first proper meal in days."
I snorted around the bacon skewered on my fork, "More like decades."
Everyone seemed to freeze but I was too busy shovelling food down my throat at the speed of light. I had of course had a few full meals since arriving back to the surface but eating the high lords cut of meat? Unparalleled. I suppressed a moan at the eggs and sculled several glasses of whatever juice sat in the pitcher in the centre of the table.
"What do you mean you haven't eaten properly in decades?" Cassian furrowed his eyebrows in concern. "You do look quite hollow. Where were you?"
"Gee thanks Cas." I rolled my eyes. "First I'm messy and now hollow."
Mor placed her utensils down, assuming a motherly expression. We may have been the same age but our different childhoods had created many differences in the group. Most of the people around me had been warriors since birth but me? I'd lived sheltered - or rather repressed - and that had made me the 'younger' one of the group even though I was a few months older then Morrigan herself.
Don't tell them, Raya interrupted my response I sent her a questioning flash, Bryaxis is a monster to the fae. You have kernels of his power inside you, to them you have a monsters power.
"If that is what you want." I dipped my head and quickly continued inhaling food.
"Excuse me?" Azriel blinked confused.
"Oh sorry." I shook my head. Forgetting that I shouldn't talk aloud in front of them like that. It was a habit I'd picked up from being down in the library's cavern. Raya was fascinated by my being able to talk aloud and I needed to ensure that my skills for language didn't diminish.
Things were silent for a moment before Mor dove into a conversation with the boys, deciding that I'd talk if I wanted to. Amren took a little more coaxing to join in but relented eventually. I was glad, they didn't need to know about it all, Raya was right. What I did could be viewed as an abomination. I'd do it a hundred times over though. Because now I had the means to get revenge...
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junkalopes · 5 years
helloo i just want to say i love your gw2 ocs a lot!! they are v cool so i was wondering if you had any other headcanons about them that you don’t mind sharing? i love jyla and im going to create a necro cat of my own so any funky headcanons you have about her i’d love to hear!!
also oh gee golly thanks!! i also love my ocs and i also love yelling about them, so Here We Gooooo
Rhysanda is Soundless, but not by choice. Something goofed while she was in the Dream, and she doesn’t remember any of it. It’s canon that sylvari like...sense each other’s emotions, but Rhys has never been able to. She doesn’t really understand why the Nightmare Court and the Pale Tree are at odds, but she knows that those that back the Pale Tree have always been kind to her and Courtiers are nothing but cruel, so she makes a point to lend aid to Wardens whenever she can.
Jyla wasn’t originally the Pact Commander. My OG Commander was a Ranger named Taru Fangdapple, leader of the Fang Warband, and Jyla was her second. During the events of HoT, Aurene chose Jyla as her champion, and Taru retired shortly after HoT ended, naming Jyla as her successor.  
The Fang Warband, or as they jokingly call themselves, the ‘Fang Gang’, is comprised of Taru Fangdapple, Jyla Ghostfang, Saella Elderfang, and Rhugara Fangsong. Some of yall may recognize Saella, I’ve posted art of her before, but I’ve never really posted anything about Taru or Rhu. OOPS. They’re a smaller ‘Band, but they’re Ash, so they mostly work alone or in pairs anyways.
Saella is Jyla’s mother. They both know this, but Charr culture isn’t huge on family units, so their relationship is more like ‘bandmates than a mother-daughter type deal. Jyla’s father deserted shortly before her birth and defected to the Flame Legion. As a result, it took her a long time to become comfortable working with a torch, but it comes as easily as breathing now.
Jyla and Rhys met during HoT: Jyla was left behind at Tarir to guard the egg while the rest of the ‘band pushed further into the jungle. Rhys had joined the Vigil and was kind of freaking out because Mordremoth was yelling in her head and she’d never really learned how to deal with it. Jyla stumbled across her in an encampment in the Auric Wilds, and the relationship blossomed from there.
Rhys mostly stays close to the Grove these days, but during PoF, she received word via Taimi that Jyla ran afoul of Bath Salts McGee and blew her savings on an airship ticket to Amnoon.
Before Jyla’s encounter with Bath Salts McGee, she had dark grey markings on her muzzle, tail, and paws, and a dark grey mane that she dyed blue. After she ‘died’, her fur turned white, along with her hair, and she no longer dyes her mane.
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hobbitsetal · 7 years
Every single one of those asks for Cahan, ~If I got his name wrong I'm really sorry I mean your mute OC with the trouble brother who really loves that one girl who's name I think starts with a P? Prya?? maybe??~
first of all, i'm absolutely delighted by all the details you remembered! my mute boy Cahan with the trouble brother who's in love with Priya...12/10 summary, pls insert wild applause here.second of all...i feel like i should've expected *someone* to ask all of them, and yet i'm slightly surprised. *cracks knuckles* let's roll B)1. what do they look like? unkempt red hair (about the color of a red fox, in fact), bony little sap, somewhat pointy face...since he's mute, Priya's family calls him Fox. personally, i sorta kinda picture domnhall gleeson, but shorter.2. describe their personality in three words: loving, indomitable, cheeky3. how tall are they? he's about 5'5",4. favorite foods? boy's got a sweet tooth. currently, his all-time fave is honey scones, but he's used to not getting enough to eat, so he will eat literally anything. *anything*. one time he probably ate grass.5. any allergies? poison ivy sucks hardcore for him.6. what is their build? slim and athletic when he's actually got enough to eat.7. do they have curly, wavy, or straight hair? tends to be wavy, but that's mostly because he doesn't comb it much.8. do they like books? if so, how often do they read? he does like books, but he lives in an age when they're still fairly precious commodities, so he reads maybe a couple times a year.9. what are their talents? v sneaky, 10/10 sneak, pretty decent burglar, good leader, good with weapons, and also ridiculously good at looking pitiful.10. two or more other fictional characters they’re similar to? oh gee...maybe Lieutenant Bush from Horatio Hornblower, and possibly Carrot Ironfoundersson from Discworld? idk, i'm making it up.11. what is one strange hobby/talent they have? does picking locks count?12. five songs that fit them: i'm gonna have to get back to you on this one...remind me later, i'll consult my muse and come up with some answers. probably along the lines of LoTR13. who do you think could play them in a live-action rendition? i'm sticking with domnhall gleeson unless somebody's got a better idea.14. do they just want to rest? YES.15. which OC did not sign up for this? he sorta signed up for this? his brother doesn't think they signed up for this, and this other dude who likes Priya (Ifan) def did not sign up for this.16. who’s their favorite person? his brother Rhys and Priya17. who do you ship them with? Priya :P18. have they experienced the death of a loved one? oh yes. he's a warrior and an escaped pow. death is a familiar horror.19. have they ever been tortured? yes. that's why he's mute, actually.20. what’s the worst thing you’ve done to them without spoiling anything? besides being tortured into muteness?21. any mental illnesses? ptsd22. what’s their favorite animal? he does in fact like foxes. i feel like he'd also be a fan of cats.23. what are their flaws? cares too much, will rush into danger for his loved ones, can be very stubborn, steals (though to be fair, that's to survive)24. what’s their favorite color? hazel eyes *stares dreamily into the distance*i'm kidding, he likes yellow and the green of spring leaves25. pet peeves? picking fights, bullying in general, people who don't know when to stop or to accept no means no26. bad habits? will steal your food, wipes crumbs off the table onto the floor, doesn't volunteer for chores27. an OC they hate: Lotaan Tiras, the reason he's mute and traumatized28. random fact about them: he used to be able to sing beautifully. he can play the harp, though29. family members? his brother Rhys, his parents back home, probably some cousins who aren't relevant to the story30. Hogwarts house? he'd be a Gryffindor31. what makes them happy? safety. food. Priya. people who are relaxed and happy. knowing Rhys is asleep and therefore out of trouble32. middle and last names (if they’re established)? don't know about middle names, but his last name is Windlow33. introvert, ambivert, or extrovert? probably ambivert leaning toward extrovert34. how old are they? 26? i'm 89% sure?35. strange quirks they have: none come to mind...36. any unhealthy obsessions? i can't think of any that i'd call unhealthy...being aware of escape routes and stuff kinda comes with the ptsd, wanting Tiras dead in about fifty pieces comes with the torture and war...personally i think that's a reasonable reaction.37. looks like they could kill but is actually a cinnamon roll, looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you, looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll, looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you, or sinnamon roll. OKAY: Luka, Cahan/Egan, Priya/Anise, Tiras, Rhys38. how smart are they? pretty darn. he's a noble, so he's educated, and he's got a decent amount of common sense.39. master planner or master improviser? bit of both, but more of an improviser40. species/race? faery--it's either faery or human in this world41. cat or dog person? more so cat42. where are they from? the Realm, the kingdom of the faeries that exists in the north of this world, in a more tropical area.43. moral alignment? i suspect neutral goodthanks, my lovely!!
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topbanana-art · 8 months
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Some Rhys sketches from last year!
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topbanana-art · 9 months
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First Sunrise ⛅
(my sweet angel Rhys' Endgame token)
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topbanana-art · 3 months
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Rhys Expression Sheet
Still reeling from last nights DnD session with my sweet himbo Rhys, I've got too many OCs fighting to be drawn at the moment
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topbanana-art · 3 months
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BG3 style, Companion approval : Rhys
Sketch I'll probably never finish- but he's almost always happy to see you!
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topbanana-art · 10 months
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(I keep forgetting to yell about streams outside of twt)
Tomorrow Me and @RBIllustration are continuing work on our Endgame character tokens for our Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign!
Wed 2-4PM GMT
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topbanana-art · 10 months
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That ship meme with some Frostmaiden Himbos
Evander - @holleydoodles (Protective Big Dog)
Rhys - me (Excited to see everyone Big Dog)
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topbanana-art · 7 months
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Finished Class swap Rhys on stream!
Trying out different pencil brush was fun too!
you can see progress shots and an extra design of 'little rhys' over on my patreon too!
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topbanana-art · 1 year
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A quick comic from our Frostmaiden campaign!
Our Paladin, Evander used warding bond on my boy Rhys before a big fight with a dragon, and damn near dies from taking on Rhys' damage. And he didn't know until seeing Evander nearly KO'd
And this is during the slow burn between our two himbos, who hadn't confessed to each other yet
Evander belongs to @holleydoodles
Rhys the Half-orc, is my kiddo!
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topbanana-art · 2 years
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Dumb lil Sketchdump of my feral echo knight Rhys and how much they get along with the rest of the party!
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topbanana-art · 2 years
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Sunshine in the snow
Messing around with watercolours
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topbanana-art · 7 months
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Hey all!
Me and @rbillustration are finishing off our class swap designs of our Frostmaiden Characters today!
over on twitch
We do art streams every Wednesday 2-4pm GMT
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