yasemen-nn · 3 months
🌿🌹 Hoş Geldin Ya Şehr-i RAMAZAN 🌹🌿
🕌🕋Gel, hayırlarınla gel..🕋🕌
🏠Evimize huzurunla, bereketinle gel..
Kalbimize sevginle, şefkatinle gel..
Gün güzellikler getirsin...🌹☕️☕️🌹
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gece-nin-sesi · 1 month
,,,,,,Öyle uzaktan uzaktan bakıp durma.
Kuşların kanadına tutun gel.
Rüzgarlara katıl gel.
Özledi yüreğim🤍💙
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Seni seviyorum bitanem ❤️❤️
Sevgimle kal BUSE'M 🤍💙
@gece-perisi ☕🍩🌹🌿🦋🐦
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selin-n · 3 months
Mutlu Akşamlar🌿🍀🌹
🎼🎶 💙🥀🕊️
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Olur da bir gün ...
Mesafeleri aşıp bana gelirsen,
Yüreğinde rengarenk açan.
Aşk ile...
Keşke sen...
Ben olsan!
Seni sevmenin ne kadar zor olduğunu,
Keşke ben...
Sen olsam.
Bu kadar sevilmenin tadını çıkarsam...
Ya tam açacaksın yüreğini,
Ya da hiç yeltenmeyeceksin!
Grisi yoktur aşkın!
Ya siyahı seçeceksin!
Ya beyazı...
Işte ben söylediklerimin hepsinden,
O yüzden vazgeçtim...
Pişman oldum!
Çünkü ne sözde mana,
Ne mana da söz kaldı.
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Sevgiyle kalın mutlu olun 💙
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41-cennet-fatma · 2 months
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💙🌹🌷 🌷🌹💙
Uyanış ol, Umut ol,
Barış ol, Sevgi ol...
Hepimizin içinde
çiçekler açtıran bir
Güzelliklerle gel,
bereketinle gel,
Ama kötülüklerle gelme..
#Mutlu #Sabahlar
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ay-simay · 17 days
Gel seninle komşu olalım...
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Ban sana kül vereyim sen de bana gül... ((:
... 🌹...
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yusuf-krk · 11 months
Gönül Hanem 🌹
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Yüzüm seninle güldü
Başka sevdi kalbim seni
Umarsız çıkarsız yalansız
Açtım ellerimi yüreğimi sana..
Ya tam anla beni
Ya da gel
Tamamla beni..
Karanlık gecelerime umut ol
Körüm çünkü sensiz
Gönlümün sırça sarayına
Kırmadan dökmeden
Sev beni..
Seni Seviyorum ❤️
Sağlıklı yaşam dileği ile 🖋️ 🇹🇷🇦🇿🇹🇷🇦🇿
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1duygusalhikayem · 8 months
Tedirginim aslında, seni unutuyor olmak, Hafızamı milyon kez zorlamama rağmen yüzünü hatırlayamamak korkutuyor beni.. Gel diye beklemiyorum artık, Hatta istemiyorum gelmeni.. Nasıl olduğun konusunda ufacık bir merak yok içimde. Arasıra geliyorsun aklıma, banane diyorum Benim derdim yeter bana banane! Alıştım mı yokluğuna? Vaz mı geçiyorum, varlığından? Tedirginim aslında, Ya başkasını seversem? İnan o zaman seni hayatım boyunca affetmem
.. Kᴜ̈sʟᴇʀ ʙᴀʀɪşɪʀ ᴏ̈ʟᴜ̈ʟᴇʀ ᴋᴀᴠᴜşᴜʀ ᴅᴀ
         ʙɪ̄ᴢɪ̄ᴍ ᴍᴇsᴇʟᴇ ʙᴀşᴋᴀ
       ♥️      @1DUYGUSALHİKAYEM      ♥️
          ♥️  ♦H O Ş G E L D İ N İ Z ♦♥️
  ༄❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥          ♥️▬▬▬♡ஜ۩⬇⬇⬇۩ஜ♡▬▬▬ ♥️     
#siirlerim #şiiremeftun #hüzün  #hüzünlüvedam #kadın #adam #azerbaycan #atillailhan #sevgisözleri#aşkşiirleri #tutunamayanlar #aşksözleri #güzelsozler  #edebisözler  #followers #keşfetteyiz #siirsokakta #takipçikazan #sektör hedefkitle #marka
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34-mavi · 4 months
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Şimdi bunca
karanlığın üstüne,
oturup bir mektup yazmalı
İlkbahara ve yaza ..
"Hadi renklerini topla da gel" demeli ..
Çiçekler açsın kalplerimiz.!!
Selam tubbirin elit insanlari
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chaoticdreamfart · 5 months
Hatice Fidayda🎤🎧💯🎤🎧💯
İyi Dinlemeler arkadaşlar 🤗
Sız değerli kıymetli arkadaşlarima 😏
Armağanim olsun 🤗
Beğeniler için çok🙃😁
Teşekkür ederim 🙃
Tumblr Ailem 🤣♥️🌿.....✍️
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Ulen sigaraya zam geldi sardiniz içtiniz😁
Rakıya zam geldi yaptınız içtiniz 😁
Şimdi de yumurtaya zam geldi🤭
Hadi bakalım göreyim sizi 🤣
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Sevgilisi olanlar öhü öhü desin♥️
Olmayanlar hapşuu desin😁🤣
Ayrılanlar miyav🐈‍⬛
Evliler 🤣🤭ah ah desin 😁
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Sarı kavun yemezler😄
Beni sana vermezler😁
Gel bu gece kaçalım🤭
Karanlıkta görmezler😂
Bohça mi hazır ettim🤭
Zalimin cücüğü 🤪🤭
Delikanlı kızın şiirleri💯👌✌️...✍️
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Delikanlı kız 😁
Hem deli hem prenses 🌿♥️🌿
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mcroutfits · 6 months
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3/10 sewed roses??? m' lady🌹🌹🌹 gerard's 1800s spanish vampire visions are a thing to study, pretty hispanic but you guys won't understand why it looks like a random shirt your mom'd put you on middle school's actos de 25 de mayo. the mcr bat belt!!! omg hi!!! at least he put some effort to bring up something special for the photoshoot
2.77/10 yeah you rock mikey but your thong is showing, i hope his slicked back is hair gel and not sweat (._. ")
000ZERO00/10 for matt ray and frank fucking boring lame outfits, and frank with his hideous dreadlocks im dead you're gonna catch some juicy lice girl chop that off
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just-another-star-47 · 2 months
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Scents 🌹
How does each and every person in Hogwarts smell?
Slytherin edition 🐍
Plonbraw edition (OCs) • Gryffindor edition • Hufflepuff edition • Ravenclaw edition
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Sebastian 🦊
Its own odour tickles the nose like warm, damp earth on a walk after the first drops of rain have touched the ground. It envelops without being intrusive and awakens an indefinite anticipation of more whenever dark clouds gather in the sky.
He was and is often responsible for the fieldwork at Feldcroft, sometimes voluntarily, sometimes to escape the house and Solomon. To soften the traces of hard labour, he uses a nourishing balm for his hands, the delicate smell of chamomile and marigold accompanies him even into the castle walls at Hogwarts, as his rough hands are often seen by him as very unpleasant. He also takes care of the rest of his appearance, regularly buying hair gel in Hogsmeade to tame his slightly curly hair, the delicate smell of yang-yang is the result, mixed with the rose of his hair soap.
However, the slightly sweet note of his care products does not make the soft woody odour of his skin disappear, but rather embeds it in a sweetish warmth.
Anne 🐈
A field full of flowers in May, surrounded by the light tartness of the strawy grass - the nose can't miss it and makes anyone passing by think of cheeky children's pranks on balmy summer days.
Anne doesn't use perfume per se, but perfumed soap, in memory of her mother, with whom she associates the smell. The delicate scent of violets blends wonderfully with her own floral scent and is more restrained than overpowering. The soap is one of the few luxuries that Solomon allows and eventually buys himself, ignoring the objections of Sebastian, who was previously responsible for buying it and had often helped out in the neighbours' fields in Feldcroft to earn the necessary money.
The moment Anne's spring-like odour was replaced by the stench of medicines and hospitals was the moment when hopelessness sank its claws into the siblings' minds - the delicate smell of violets now strangely alien and a mere, sad reminder of days long forgotten.
Ominis 🐇
Fresh and cool, like the smell on a path that leads through a dense forest, where you have lost your way and yet feel only security. Ominis has a fine nose and therefore refrains from using any perfumed products - they only make him feel woozy or give him a headache. Nevertheless, the smell of cleanliness always clings to him, which seems almost minty. To escape the clammy smell of the Slytherin rooms, he stores his clothes between bags filled with lavender, which adds a hint of flavour to his watery inherent odour. In addition, the purple flower helps him against his restless states, which always afflict him.
Imelda 🐍
She spends most of her time in the air, Quidditch training not only a part of her that is ingrained in her blood, but that also affects her scent.
Leathery like a well-groomed Quaffle, slightly tart and spicy, the smell of the salty coastal wind of her home village never quite fades.
Imelda wears a perfume that her brothers gave her for her birthday - a slightly smoky note with a splash of invigorating lemon and exotic vanilla.
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kara-serkan · 8 months
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Claudia Cardinale: A shy beauty who can only live outdoors…
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"My first beauty secret is the sun. The real and natural sun, which is taken in spring in the meadows, in the countryside, in winter in the snow, in summer on the beaches. As for secret number two, I must say, as we read in encyclopedias or dictionaries, see above, it is, in reality, an intensive outdoor treatment, a treatment that I undergo as much as I can in the 365 days a year, because the beauty of a woman, in my opinion, is above all health, freshness, cleanliness, elasticity of the skin and muscles kept active."
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"In life and at work, however, I try to make the most of my eyes: I blend pencil with my finger on the eyelids to give depth to the look and I paint white under the eyebrows and on the line inside the eyes to make the eyes appear larger."
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"Only recently, after cleaning my face, do I try to remember to apply some gel around my eyes to soften the skin. This area is especially prone to wrinkles, or as in my case, expression lines (my mother told me that I had wrinkles around my eyes when I was a newborn baby) according to my humble advice, nourishing creams, serums and similar products, more or less effective, should never be used before day twenty-four." - Claudia Cardinale.
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"To photograph her well, make her feel uncomfortable. Photographically, Claudia is a very easy subject: she has no defects in her face or figure that would make it necessary to photograph her in one way and not another, or with a certain light and not another. Like everyone, it has a different profile, but of the two I couldn't say which one is better."
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/Blanche Cardinale by Terry O'Neill/
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"When taking those photographs that are defined as having character, it is best to take her from one side: when instead you want to highlight her grace, her femininity, in short her beauty, the other profile is exactly what you need. However, to be honest, I must say that to make the most of Claudia's beauty I prefer to take it in three parts. Normally she doesn't wear lipstick, she wears a small, over terracotta pink-brown one for photographs."
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"Claudia was my first model and she is, to this day, my favorite. I know that to take good photographs of her it is best if she is seated because when she is standing she becomes rigid, she loses a bit of her naturalness, while she is seated, on the other hand, she maintains the mobility that makes her one of the most lively women and actresses true ones that I have ever seen and photographed. Claudia always moves, tirelessly."
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"In my opinion as a photographer, what Claudia has most beautiful are her arms and her neckline: as her beauty is wild, strong and aggressive, I would even say primitive, it is precisely in her arms and her neckline where the most of her is contained: grace and femininity."
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"Linearize the lips and avoid interventions to highlight them with touch-ups that can modify the line and expression."
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"One of the poses that my sister instinctively assumes in front of the camera is that of biting her finger: it is not just a habit, it is a link to childhood. When her favorite pastime of Claudia was biting her nails. She only stopped doing it when she was 14 or 15 years old: taking advantage of her ambition, which was stronger then than today, our mother, brothers and me broke her habit by making fun of her and telling her that, if she continued with it, she would have the ugliest hands and nails in the world." - Blanche Cardinale, photographer.
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Credits: ▪ Summary and photos by the Italian magazine "Oggi" on 09/06/1966. ▪ First photo of Blanche Cardinale taken by Angelo Frontoni, 1962. ▪ Second photo of Blanche Cardinale taken by Terry O'Neill in 1964.
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yusuf-krk · 11 months
Gönül Hanem 🌹
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Eğer Bir Gün HisSedersem Gökyüzünde Ayın YokLuĞunu,
...::: Ne OLur GeL BaNa '' A Y '' OL...!! :::...
Eğer Bir Gün Duyamazsam SesSizLiĞin SeSini GeCemde,
...::: Ne OLur GeL BaNa '' S e S S i Z L i K '' OL...!! :::...
Eğer Bir Gün AnLaRsam Bu Dünyada Hiç SeviLmediğimi,
.........::: Ne OLur GeL BaNa '' S e V e N i M '' OL...!! :::...
Eğer Bir Gün UnuTuRSam HasretLe Doyasıya Sevmeyi,
...::: Ne OLur GeL BaNa '' S e V D i Ğ i M '' OL...!! :::...
Ve Eğer SeN Bir Gün AnLaRSan BeNim SeNi NasıL SevdiĞimi,
...::: İşte '' O '' Zaman, Ne OLur GeL...!! :::...
...::: Sadece '' B e N i M ''
#OL #SEVDAM....Seni Seviyorum ❤️
Sağlıklı yaşam dileği ile 🖋️ 🇹🇷🇦🇿🇹🇷🇦🇿
Güzel bir haftasonu...
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mnsrykt · 2 months
"unut demek kolay, gel bana sor bir de unutamıyorum işte unutamıyorum... bir şey var şuramda beni kahreden şuramda tam yüreğimin üstünde, çakılı duran bir şey var. elimde değil söküp atamıyorum. dalıp dalıp gidiyor gözlerim derinlere." teşekkür ederim. 🌹
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obenimkalbimde-kaldi · 10 months
Music: Kayahan - Seni çok özledim
💙 Özlem Sevmekle Başlıyor…
Özlem sevene yakışır,
Sevmek yaşamaya...❤️
Kal benimle desem geç,
Gel desem erken, Özlemler yeşerirken,
Çaresiz kıvranmalar...
Özlem sevmekle başlıyor...❤️
Özlemekle geçse ömür gönül bıkar mı?
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