marcosfrackles · 1 year
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xobaileemadison · 1 year
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pucksandpower · 6 months
Something Sweet
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: the story of your relationship … as told through gelato (in honor of Charles opening an ice cream shop)
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The warm spring sun beats down on your face as you stroll along the winding streets of Monaco, gelato in hand. You savor each sweet bite, the rich hazelnutty flavor melting across your tongue.
This is bliss.
You just moved here to attend university and every day feels like a dream come true exploring your new home principality.
The picturesque buildings with their sun-baked stucco walls and colorful tiled roofs line the narrow alleyways. Locals bustle about, chatting rapidly in French as scooters whiz by. The air carries a tang of salt from the glittering Mediterranean just beyond the palace ramparts.
You could get used to this.
Suddenly, a body careens around the corner, slamming right into you. You stumble backward as the gelato goes flying, splattering across the quaint cobblestones in a sticky mess.
“Oh mon dieu, I’m so sorry! Are you alright?” A frantic voice rings out as a pair of strong hands steady you before you can topple over completely.
You look up, slightly dazed, into a pair of warm green eyes filled with concern. The man is clad in athletic shorts and a snug t-shirt, damp with sweat from an obvious run. Tousled chestnut hair flops across his forehead in an effortlessly tousled way.
He’s … incredibly handsome.
Like, stupid levels of handsome.
“I’m fine, really,” you stammer out, feeling your cheeks flush as his hands linger almost ... protectively on your arms. “Just clumsy me dropping my gelato.”
He grimaces, following your gaze to the melting puddle. “I’m such an idiot, let me replace that for you.” His face is the picture of remorse as he gently releases his grip.
You wave him off with an awkward chuckle. “Seriously, it’s not a big deal ...”
But he’s already shaking his head adamantly. “No, no I insist. That looked delicious and it’s entirely my fault.” He shoots you a lopsided grin that makes your heart skip a beat. “I know this amazing little place that makes the best gelato in Monaco. My treat to make up for barreling into you like that.”
You can’t help but be charmed by his earnestness as you nod slowly in acceptance. “Well, when you put it like that ...”
“Perfect!” He beams at you, that bright smile crinkling the corners of his eyes in the most delightful way. “I’m Charles, by the way.”
You introduce yourself as well as Charles begins leading you deeper into the winding backstreets, clearly knowing exactly where he’s going. You can’t help stealing sidelong glances at him as you walk, admiring the strong muscles of his arms and shoulders visible through his fitted shirt.
Finally, he ducks into a tiny alleyway, stopping before an unassuming doorway you surely would have just passed right by. A faded sign hangs above reading Gelatomania in curling script.
“This place is my favorite,” Charles confides in a conspiratorial murmur as he holds the door for you. “Family-run for generations and miles better than any of the touristy places.”
You step inside and are immediately enveloped in a thick, sugary aroma that makes your mouth water. A few little metal tables with rickety chairs are squeezed into the compact space, but it’s the immaculate glass cases lining the walls that draw your eye.
Filled with every flavor imaginable, the gelato looks utterly divine — from naturally green pistachio to decadent chocolate hazelnut to tangy lemon. An older woman with a grandmotherly face greets Charles like an old friend in rapid Italian from behind the counter.
He responds easily in kind before turning back to you. “What’ll it be? I recommend the hazelnut again if you liked your first one.”
You nod and watch, utterly charmed, as Charles places your order for a fresh hazelnut gelato with a deferential “per favore” and that knee-weakening smile of his. He gets a simple vanilla for himself before paying and leading you over to a little iron table outside in a sliver of sunshine.
You take your first bite and … oh my god. This is gelato from the heavens themselves. You can’t contain the downright blissful moan that escapes your lips as the divinely creamy, rich concoction melts across your tongue.
“Good, right?” Charles looks incredibly pleased at your rapturous reaction as he digs into his own treat with gusto.
“This might be the single most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted,” you admit fervently between increasingly enthusiastic licks and bites. “How have I survived this long without knowing this place existed?”
Charles throws his head back with a full-bellied laugh at your passionate proclamation. God, even his laugh is unfairly attractive ...
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it,” he grins around a mouthful of velvety vanilla. “I’ve been coming here since before I could walk. Quickly became my favorite gelato spot.”
“You’ve lived here a while then?” You ask between savoring bites of the impossibly luscious confection. “I only just moved for university.”
Charles nods as he licks a stray drip from his thumb. “Yeah, born and raised a few streets over actually.”
There’s a slight lull as you both focus on thoroughly demolishing your gelato for a few contented minutes, exchanging occasional muffled hums of sheer delight. The warm sun filtering through the awning casts a soft golden glow over the little alleyway, lending everything a dreamlike haze of perfection.
“So beyond being from here, do you have any exciting hobbies or interests?” You ask eventually, dragging the conversation back into the open.
“Well ...” Charles’ expression morphs into one of almost sheepish amusement as he leans back in his rickety chair. “You could say my hobby is also kind of my job. I’m actually a Formula 1 driver, believe it or not.”
You damn near choke on your next bite as his words register. “You’re what? As in ... a race car driver? In Formula 1? Seriously?”
There’s no way this stunning man is being truthful. Sure, he looks like he could be some kind of athlete with that perfectly toned physique. But a literal professional race car driver? The thought is almost too crazy to be believed.
Charles just laughs again at your dumbfounded reaction, clearly used to this response as he nods. “Seriously! I compete for Ferrari if you follow the races at all?”
You think you might pass out from shock as everything clicks into place — the athletic build, the way people seemed to stare as he passed them on the street, the laid-back confidence and easy smile of someone incredibly comfortable in their own skin ...
“Oh my god, you’re ... you’re Charles freaking Leclerc, aren’t you?” You gape at him in abject disbelief. “As in, the guy literally plastered on the huge billboard across from my apartment? Leading the championship? Incredibly talented and famous?”
He lets out an almost bashful chuckle at your rapid-fire incredulous questioning, shrugging one broad shoulder. “Well, I don’t know about incredibly talented or famous. But yes, that’s me — just your average local race car driver currently making an absolute mess while eating gelato.”
Here you sit, having just shared an utterly divine dessert while shamelessly ogling one of the most popular and well-known athletes in the damn world … and he’s acting like it’s absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Like you’re just two regular people enjoying a sweet treat together on a sunny day.
“I can’t believe I’m having this conversation right now,” you murmur, shaking your head slowly. “Do you have any idea how many people would kill to literally just ... sit across from you like this while you eat mediocre gas station ice cream, much less the world’s best gelato? I’m … stunned you’re so nonchalant about this whole thing.”
Charles merely flashes you a self-deprecating grin as he pops the last bite of cone into his mouth. “Well, to me you’re not some screaming fangirl, but just a lovely new friend I enjoy gelato with. Though my ego certainly appreciates the compliments.”
He winks at you impishly and you feel an unwitting smile tugging at the corners of your own lips despite your lingering disbelief. You suppose being surrounded by such incredible wealth and luxury every day in Monaco, Charles likely doesn’t register it anymore. Not to mention the clearly down-to-earth personality he seems to possess given that genuine humility.
The hours just seem to slip effortlessly by then as the two of you continue to chat and laugh and bask in the perfect afternoon contentment of the moment. Charles regales you with ridiculous behind-the-scenes stories about increasingly crazy bets with his friends and crew during the season. You share equally hilarious tales of your own coming-of-age mishaps as an overeager teenager.
At some point, you both reach for your long-empty dishes simultaneously, fingers brushing in a spark of contact that sends your pulse stuttering. Charles doesn’t pull back, letting his hand linger outrageously close to yours as his warm gaze stays locked intensely on your face.
You try to swallow past a suddenly dry throat as the atmosphere shifts abruptly, suddenly heavy with the hot crackle of unmistakable chemistry and unspoken tension. But then, just like that, the moment passes as quickly as it came.
Your phone buzzes loudly in your pocket with a text, the notification startling you both back to reality. Charles sits back, clearing his throat slightly as you pull your hand away to quickly check the message.
It’s from your roommate asking when you’ll be home for dinner and if you need her to start cooking.
You glance up at Charles with an apologetic grimace. “I should probably head back. I didn’t realize how late it’s gotten.”
He blinks rapidly before seeming to visibly shake himself. “Right, of course! Time really got away from us, didn’t it?”
You stand as Charles rises smoothly to his feet as well, shoving both hands casually in his pockets. “So ... I had a really great time with you today,” he says carefully, something almost hesitant flickering across his face. “And I’d love a chance to take you out again sometime soon, if you’re interested? Maybe grab dinner when I’m back in town?”
Your breath catches in your throat at the unmistakable request for an actual date. With Charles freaking Leclerc no less ...
Tamping down your sudden nerves, you nod slowly as a shy smile blossoms on your lips. “I’d really like that,” you admit truthfully. “Let’s definitely do dinner whenever you’re free.”
His whole expression brightens immediately at your affirmation, lips stretching in a wide grin of pure delight. “Perfect! I’ll be back from my next race in just over a week then. How about exchanging numbers so I can let you know as soon as I’ve returned?”
You quickly rattle off your number as Charles punches it into his phone before doing the same for you. As if sealing some unspoken deal, he sticks out his hand to shake yours, that warm roughened grip lingering perhaps a moment longer than strictly necessary.
“I’ll text you soon then,” Charles murmurs intently, that spark of heat flickering in his eyes again. “Promise me you’ll say yes this time.”
You can only nod mutely, mouth gone bone-dry at the pointed words and heated look washing over you. Charles maintains that blistering eye contact and heart-stalling grip on your palm for another loaded handful of seconds, leaving you dizzy with giddy anticipation.
Then, just like that, he releases your hand with one final squeeze before taking a step back, seemingly satisfied by your stunned agreement. Charles shoots you one last lingering look and crooked grin before turning to stride easily back the way you came.
You remain rooted in place for a long moment, utterly dazed by the entire surreal scenario as you watch his broad shoulders and narrow waist disappear down the narrow alleyway.
Today started out as any other nothing-out-of-the-ordinary spring day in your new home. But now … now you have an actual date scheduled with an unbelievably charming and disarmingly down-to-earth racing superstar.
A giddy giggle bubbles up from deep in your chest as reality finally settles in. Who could have ever predicted that bumping into your new acquaintance — quite literally — would lead to not only discovering the most heavenly gelato on the planet, but lining up a date with an internationally famous athlete?
Suddenly, your bright future studying in Monaco just got about ten thousand times more interesting …
The week passes by in a blur of anticipation after your initial meeting with Charles. You can barely focus during lectures, your mind constantly wandering to that charming grin and those warm eyes crinkling at the corners whenever he laughed.
Finally, the evening you’ve been eagerly awaiting arrives. You’ve just finished getting ready — pulling on a flowy sundress and brushing out your hair one last time — when your phone buzzes with a new text.
I’m outside whenever you’re ready for our date night. Looking forward to seeing you again 😘
You can’t bite back your giddy smile as you quickly reply that you’re heading out before taking one last steadying breath.
It’s just Charles … the internationally famous and absurdly handsome Formula 1 driver you’ve somehow managed to snag a date with.
No big deal at all.
The evening air carries a pleasantly cool breeze as you exit your apartment building, scanning the idling line of vehicles for Charles’ car. You spot him immediately, leaning against the gleaming metallic side of what you now recognize as an eye-wateringly expensive Ferrari.
Charles looks … unfairly gorgeous. He’s shed his athletic wear in favor of a simple white linen shirt and tailored slacks that somehow make him appear even more effortlessly suave. His hair is artfully tousled and damn if those clothes don’t accentuate every hard plane and corded muscle of his built frame.
You must be staring because suddenly Charles is pushing off from the car and straightening to his full height, those intense eyes crinkling warmly as soon as they land on you.
“You look stunning,” he murmurs appreciatively once you’ve drawn closer, making a show of trailing his gaze slowly up and down your figure. You’re abruptly grateful for the dusky twilight hiding your furious blush at the blatant admiration in his tone.
“Thanks,” you manage to get out without your voice shaking too noticeably. “You don’t look half bad yourself, race car man.”
Charles throws back his head with one of those deep-bellied laughs you’re quickly becoming addicted to. “Why thank you, gelato girl.” He shoots you a wink before surprising you by gallantly offering his arm. “Shall we?”
You take it without hesitation, reveling in the solid warmth of his bicep pressed against your side as Charles leads you to the waiting glossy black sports car. He opens the door for you like an old-fashioned gentleman, closing it carefully once you’re tucked inside the buttery leather interior.
The engine roars to life with a powerful rumble and you can’t resist shooting Charles an impressed look as he deftly maneuvers out onto the street.
“You know, I’m starting to think this little hobby of yours might not be too bad of a gig,” you tease lightly, waving a hand at the sleek interior compartment.
“I can’t complain,” Charles volleys back with a crooked grin, seamlessly navigating the tight turns of the old city. “Sometimes they even let me drive in circles really fast just for fun.”
You roll your eyes at his retort, but can’t quite wipe the smile off your face as Charles guns the engine, the car surging forward in a burst of speed and power. Clearly the man knows how to leverage any opportunity to show off those expert driving skills … not that you mind one bit.
Eventually, Charles pulls up in front of an unassuming doorway you never would have noticed tucked down a quiet side street. The understated sign above simply reads Trattoria Giovanni.
“This place has been run by the same Italian family for over fifty years,” Charles explains as he holds the door for you. “Best authentic cuisine in the city, but you would never find it unless you knew where to look.”
The interior appears to have been plucked directly from a rustic Tuscan villa — burnished wooden beams criss-crossing the curved ceilings and terracotta tiles underfoot. You breathe in deeply, savoring the mouthwatering aromas of garlic, tomato sauce, and fresh bread wafting from the open kitchen.
An older man with a thick mustache and crisp white apron greets Charles immediately in fluent Italian, ushering you both back to a cozy alcove table secluded in the very rear. He pours you both generous glasses of deep red wine before disappearing again with a conspiratorial wink in your direction.
“So, how was your race?” You ask between sips once you and Charles are alone, genuinely curious about the difficult career he’s managed to carve out.
He shrugs one broad shoulder almost dismissively. “Decent enough, I suppose. Grabbed another podium finish, but didn’t quite have the pace for the win.” There’s no disappointment or frustration in his tone as he speaks, just a simple statement of fact.
“I’m endlessly in awe that you treat accomplishments like that so casually,” you admit with a shake of your head. “Finishing in the top three in Formula 1 seems like the kind of thing most people would be over the moon about.”
Charles lets out a low chuckle at that, leaning towards you over the small table with eyes twinkling mischievously. “Well maybe I need to find a new way to impress someone like you then.”
You open your mouth to respond with a playful retort of your own, but Charles’ gaze has already strayed to somewhere past your shoulder.
“Ah, perfect timing then. Here’s Giovanni himself with our orders.”
Sure enough, the older man you spotted earlier bustles up with a tray overflowing with piping hot plates of food. He doles out the dishes methodically while rattling off a stream of explanations about preparations and ingredients that have clearly been passed down for many generations.
Everything looks and smells utterly divine — from the heaping bowl of glistening spaghetti blanketed in a simmering tomato sauce to the golden-baked chicken drenched in rosemary and olive oil. The endlessly affable Giovanni even sets down a small ceramic dish full of creamy pale cheese, patting Charles on the shoulder.
“The burrata for you and your lady friend. Freshly made this morning by my wife,” he declares proudly before whisking himself away again.
For the next blissful hour or two, you and Charles completely lose yourselves in this veritable feast for the senses. You savor each and every decadent bite — moaning around the pillowy strands of spaghetti and tearing off chunks of the crusty, herb-brushed breads to soak up the savory juices.
Charles, for his part, dives into the meal with just as much enthusiasm, occasionally reaching over to snag a bite off of your plate until you resort to smacking his wandering fork away between fits of laughter.
Stuffed and utterly content, you both eventually push away your long-cleared dishes to nurse the final sips of your wine as the evening stretches languorously on. You fall into these simple moments like an old habit by now — trading comfortable silences and contented looks between impassioned recounts of childhood anecdotes or musings about life.
Finally, as the candles on the small wooden tables begin to gutter and wane, Charles summons over your waiter to settle the check with a few murmured words and one of those knee-weakening smiles. Rising smoothly, he extends his hand in a wordless invitation for you to join him back out into the balmy evening.
This time, instead of heading for the car, Charles tucks your hand into the crook of his elbow before choosing a new direction — down a maze of narrow streets until you finally emerge along the harbor’s edge. Strings of twinkling lights reflect off the lapping waves while the soft strains of background music filter out from somewhere nearby.
“Feel like grabbing a little dessert to walk off that incredible meal?” Charles asks in a low murmur, bumping your shoulder conspiratorially.
You shoot him an incredulous look even as you nod. “You mean in addition to the literal feast we both just had?”
Charles tugs you closer to his side until your hips graze together as you match strides. “There’s always room for gelato,” he counters with an arched brow. “Besides, when in Monaco ...”
Any further protests die on your lips as Charles guides you around another tight corner to reveal that familiar cheerful gelato shop from your initial meeting. The old woman behind the counter greets you both like regulars already, no doubt thanks to Charles’ frequent patronage.
You maneuver through the small line until it’s your turn to order. “I think I’ll go with the tiramisu flavor this time,” you decide, mouth already watering at the prospect of that rich coffee and creamy goodness. “What about you? Mixing it up or still sticking with the basics?”
Charles shakes his head resolutely as he hands over a few crisp bills to pay for your treats. “Trust me, a heaping helping of simple vanilla is just as gratifying as all those overly complicated flavor combinations.”
You balk at his slander, bumping his shoulder with your own without any real heat. “How dare you insult my incredible palette like that?” You glare at him in mock offense. “I’ll have you know I have some of the most refined gelato taste in all of Monaco now.”
“Oh yeah?” Charles tips his chin down with a challenging smirk twisting his full lips. “Well what if I told you that vanilla is scientifically proven to be the most popular and beloved flavor in existence?”
“By who? Basic boring people?” You volley back mercilessly, eagerly leaning into the playful banter now. “If anything, those findings just demonstrated how sadly uncreative society at large is.”
Charles barks out a booming laugh as he grabs your hand and tugs you back out of the shop, gelato in the other. “You heathen! We’re clearly going to need to educate you on the finer points of flavor appreciation.”
Your eyes narrow dangerously even as you let yourself be lead to a nearby bench overlooking the gently lapping waves. “Oh, you’re on, Leclerc. Let’s see if your vanilla snobbery holds up after a taste of tiramisu heaven.”
You scoop up an exaggeratedly generous spoonful of the divinely rich, creamy gelato and make a show of savoring it with overstated moans of delight. “Oh my god, this is so good. Here, you have to try this! It’s life-changing.”
Charles wrinkles his nose even as you wave the spoonful enticingly in front of him. “Nice try but I would never cheat on vanilla!”
The two of you devolve into helpless laughter at that point, dissolving into breathless giggles over the ridiculous debate getting more outrageous by the minute. Finally, you relent in the battle, settling back into the cool metal of the bench and turning your face up to the inky sea of stars glittering overhead.
“You’re right though — sometimes simple really is best,” you admit finally in a softer tone, slowly licking another sweet bite off your spoon.
Charles hums in agreement next to you, shuffling closer until your arms brush together with body heat and contact. “The classics never go out of style.”
The next comfortable silence stretches out between you as you take your time savoring your treats while simultaneously drinking in the breathtaking view laid out before you. The water laps almost hypnotically at the shoreline, twinkling reflection of docked yachts bobbing gently on the calm surface.
A breeze skates across your bare arms, raising a faint ripple of goosebumps along your skin. Charles notices immediately, shifting even nearer until he can shrug out of the lightweight jacket he had been wearing.
Without a word, he swings the soft fabric around your shoulders, tucking it securely around your front. You burrow instinctively into the material, the lingering body heat and remnants of his cologne wrapping you up in an cocoon of soothing warmth and intoxicating comfort.
With your free hand, you toy idly with the collar until Charles’ arm comes up to curl around your shoulders, effectively enveloping you into his solid frame. You let your cheek tip onto the firm muscle of his arm as Charles squeezes you closer with a contented exhale.
Time becomes meaningless suspended in that perfect sea-side bubble, waves flowing rhythmically while you enjoy every last savored bite of your melting treats. You let the quiet inevitability of dropping your head onto Charles’ shoulder wash over you, his familiar cologne invading your senses until your entire world narrows to just him.
When Charles polishes off the final bite of his cone and you go to shift away, another cool gust skitters across the harbor. He tightens the arm curved around you, making no move to let you up or leave the cozy haven you’ve made.
“I could get used to evenings like this, you know,” he murmurs eventually, lips brushing the top of your head. “Just taking it slow and savoring each other’s company without a single worry or care beyond where to find the best gelato.”
You hum in sleepy agreement, luxuriating in the casual intimacy of having Charles wrapped so protectively around you. Part of you can scarcely believe how instantaneous and natural this connection has blossomed between you already. But another part feels like you’ve finally found your soul’s missing piece slotting seamlessly into place after stumbling around lost and incomplete for so long without ever realizing it.
The two of you remain suspended in that perfect, tranquil bubble for what could be minutes or hours more. You’ve completely lost track of any sense of time beyond the lullaby of the gentle waves and occasional murmur of Charles’ breathing ruffling your hair.
Eventually though, his stirring signals a slow return to the real world as Charles regretfully extricates himself from your entwined position with clear reluctance.
“I should probably get you back before your roommate starts to worry,” he says remorsefully as he slides off the bench to offer you a steadying hand up.
You accept it without hesitation, but can’t resist clinging to his jacket still cocooned around your shoulders, unwilling to shrug off that lingering cocoon of comfort and safety just yet. Charles notices, allowing a tiny grin to quirk one side of his mouth upwards as he takes in your refusal to part with it.
“Looks good on you,” he murmurs with unmistakable heat in those hypnotizing eyes. “I may have to let you hang on to that one for a while.”
Your mouth goes abruptly dry at the blatant implications in his tone, but you manage a coy smile in return as you turn to make your way back towards wherever Charles has his car crookedly parked.
The streets are all but abandoned by the time you arrive at the discreet entrance of your apartment building. Charles hesitates a split second before rounding the front of the gleaming Ferrari to face you properly on the quiet sidewalk.
“Thank you for an incredible evening,” you say honestly, gazing up at his silhouette in the dim glow of the streetlamps. “I don’t think I can even put into words how special you’ve managed to make me feel these past couple weeks.”
His expression softens instantly. One calloused palm comes up to tenderly cup your jaw, tilting your face up towards his with feather-light reverence.
“The pleasure has been all mine, I assure you,” Charles rumbles in a low tone that steals your breath away. “I don’t think you’ll ever realize just how remarkable you are, ma belle.”
Your eyes flutter shut without conscious thought as his nose brushes yours. Charles’ lips glide torturously against your cheek leaving a blazing trail to the very corner of your mouth.
The softest, most infinitely gentle press of satin flesh on flesh and then he’s pulling back — his ragged exhale warm and intoxicating against your tingling lips. You chase his retreat on instinct, but Charles is already withdrawing further with clear reluctance.
“I’m afraid I don’t trust myself to take things slow quite yet if I stay,” he murmurs in a strained rasp, pupils blown wide and dark. “But I do hope you’ll allow me to make this our new gelato tradition from now on ...”
It takes you several faltering attempts to find your voice again, chest rising and falling rapidly in the aftermath of that lightning bolt of affection. Finally, you manage a jerky nod, sliding one trembling hand over his where it still cups your cheek.
“I want that more than anything,” you confess in a hushed tone. “Just ... promise me we’ll see each other soon.”
He releases a shuddering breath of unbridled relief, dipping his forehead to rest against yours. “Soon,” Charles vows lowly. “I promise.”
You stare up into his earnest eyes. “I’ll hold you to that.”
Charles’ lips quirk in that lopsided grin you already adore so much. “I’m counting on it.”
With obvious reluctance, he finally steps away, snagging your hand to press one last searing kiss to your knuckles that has your heart stuttering all over again. Charles holds your gaze as you carefully back away towards the entrance, unwilling or unable to fully turn your back until the very last moment.
You chance a glance over your shoulder as you reach the front doors. Charles is still there, unmoving in a pool of streetlight beside his idling Ferrari, hands shoved in his pockets as he tracks your every step until you’ve slipped safely inside.
Exhaling a shuddering breath, you lean back against the cool stone wall, fingers coming up to ghost across your still-tingling lips almost disbelievingly.
When you finally muster the courage to peek through the glass once more, Charles has moved to lean against the side of his car, head tilted back as he stares into the lobby with an unmistakable softness etched across those chiseled features.
You can’t resist pressing your palm to the pane in a gesture you know he’ll recognize. Sure enough, Charles’ intense gaze instantly snaps to lock on you from across the quiet street, expression melting into pure adoration and wonder. His lips shape the same promise he uttered just moments ago — soon — as your own quirk in a delighted smile.
One last impulsive spark of inspiration has you playfully blowing him a single kiss through the barrier between you. Charles catches the invisible token easily, hand flying up to press over that broad chest as he throws back his head with a laugh that you can’t hear but imagine with vivid clarity.
You stand there transfixed, drinking in every last detail of him — the effortless elegance he carries himself with, the striking planes of his handsome face, and those beautiful eyes glittering with a thousand unspoken promises under the streetlamps.
Finally, with your own vow to reunite pulsing between you, Charles slides behind the wheel of his car. The powerful engine roars to life, twin beams from the headlights sweeping up to briefly wash through the windows of the lobby in a silent farewell before he’s peeling away into the night back towards the glittering city center.
You remain at the entrance for several long minutes basking in the memory of Charles’ phantom embrace still clinging to your skin. Only once his Ferrari has faded into the distance do you finally turn towards the elevator up to your apartment — every footstep lighter than air in the wake of an evening that lived up to even your wildest dreams of romantic splendor.
The simple joy and humble pleasure of a perfect scoop of creamy gelato will always hold untold meaning now as the spark marking the start of something beautiful blossoming between you and Charles.
And, as you finally drift off that night with a permanent smile etched across your face, you know without a shadow of a doubt that no flavor in the world could ever compare to the sweet indulgence of a life together just waiting to be savored and explored.
The warm spring breeze carries the sweet floral scents of the Brera Botanical Garden through the air as you stroll hand-in-hand with Charles. His fingers are laced through yours, his thumb gently stroking over your knuckles. You can’t help stealing glances at his handsome profile — the defined jawline, those soft kiss-curled lips, those kind green eyes that always seem to be smiling even when the rest of his face isn’t.
“What are you looking at?” Charles says with an amused grin, catching you staring again. You just shake your head and squeeze his hand tighter.
“Nothing. Just admiring the view,” you tease. Charles laughs that bright, infectious laugh of his that never fails to make your heart flutter.
You come to a stop beneath a blossoming cherry tree, pale pink petals floating down around you. Charles turns to face you, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“Y/N … there’s something I want to talk to you about,” he begins, suddenly uncharacteristically nervous. You tilt your head curiously. “You know how passionate I am about racing, about Formula 1. It’s been my dream since I was a little boy.”
“Of course,” you nod, unable to stop a small smile. Charles’ love for motorsports is one of the many things you have come to adore about him.
“Well, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately,” Charles continues, taking both your hands in his. “And I’ve realized that I want to have something else in my life too. A … passion project, you could say. Something that’s away from all the spotlight and pressure.”
Your brow furrows slightly as you try to imagine what he could mean. Charles has spoken before about potentially getting more involved in charity work or environmentalism on top of his racing career. But the almost childlike excitement dancing in his eyes tells you this is something different.
“I’m going to open a gelato shop,” he blurts out finally. You blink dumbly.
“A … gelato shop?” You repeat slowly. Out of all the possibilities, that was definitely not what you were expecting.
“Yes!” Charles grins broadly, clearly delighted by your surprise. “Think about it,Y/N. What’s more perfect than gelato made right here in the heart of Milano? And I’ve already found the ideal location — a little shop just across the street from here. Can’t you just picture it?”
He starts gesturing animatedly, that bright smile never leaving his face as he outlines his grand vision. You can’t help getting caught up in his infectious enthusiasm, even if the idea still seems a bit random.
“I’m going to call it Lec,” Charles says with a proud smile. You let out an undignified snort of laughter.
“Lec? Like your last name?” You shake your head in amusement. He looks almost offended by your reaction.
“No, no, not just my last name,” he corrects you seriously. “Lec as in … our last name. Yours and mine.”
The words hang in the air as realization slowly starts to dawn on you. You open and close your mouth dumbly as Charles takes a deep breath, sliding off the path onto one knee on the ground before you. With shaking hands, he pulls out a small black box from his pocket and flips it open to reveal the most stunning diamond ring you’ve ever seen.
“Y/N Y/L/N … you are my world, my everything,” Charles’ voice is thick with emotion as he gazes up at you. “I cannot imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else by my side. I want to wake up every morning and go to sleep every night with you beside me forever.”
Tears are already welling in your eyes, one hand pressed to your trembling lips as you listen to the beautiful words.
“Will you ...” Charles’ voice catches in his throat and he has to clear it before continuing. “Will you do me the greatest honor and become my wife? Will you marry me?”
The last few words come out in a rush of breath. You’re vaguely aware of several other people in the gardens who’ve stopped to watch, but all you can see is Charles’ face — hopeful and vulnerable and so full of pure adoration for you.
“Yes!” You finally manage to choke out through your joyful tears. “Oh my god, yes! Yes of course I’ll marry you!”
Pure relief and blissful ecstasy bursts across Charles’ face at your answer. With hands trembling just as badly as yours, he eases the glittering ring out of the box and onto your finger where it nestles perfectly, the diamond catching the dappled sunlight.
Before you can even look at it properly, Charles is on his feet again, pulling you into his embrace and spinning you around in a deliriously happy circle. You cling to him, laughing and crying at the same time as he peppers every inch of your face with kisses — your forehead, your cheeks, the tip of your nose.
Finally, inevitably, his mouth finds yours in a long, deep, loving kiss that has your knees feeling weak. You get lost in the warmth of his arms around you, the gentleness of his hands cradling your face, the tenderness of his soft lips moving reverently against yours.
When you finally part, you’re both smiling so much it almost hurts, foreheads pressed together as you share the same breath. Charles brushes away a few stray tears on your cheeks with the pad of his thumb.
“I love you so much, mon cœur,” he murmurs softly. You mouth the words back to him before stealing another lingering kiss.
Hand-in-hand once more, Charles leads you out of the botanical gardens and across the street. You come to a stop in front of a quaint yet sizable storefront, the windows covered in brown paper and a faded For Lease sign still hanging crookedly in the door.
“Here it is,” Charles says, gesturing up at the building with undisguised pride. “What do you think?”
You take it in slowly, trying to envision what the space might look like once renovated and filled with cozy seating and the alluring scents of freshly-made gelato.
You picture the two of you working side-by-side behind the counter when Charles doesn’t have a race, laughing and bantering as you serve up delicious treats for smiling customers.
It’s such an endearingly normal, domestic dream compared to the fast-paced frenzy of the Formula 1 lifestyle. But standing here with your new fiancé, it feels absolutely perfect.
“I think … I think it’s going to be incredible,” you lean into Charles’ side and wrap your arms around his trim waist. He responds by kissing your temple and pulling you closer.
“Just think,” he says happily, his warm breath ruffling your hair. “We’ll be the owners of the best little gelateria in all of Milano.
“Sounds like heaven,” you smile. “Just be sure to make plenty of hazelnut and tiramisu for me.”
“Done and done,” he promises solemnly. “Though you know vanilla will always be number one in my book.”
“Oh really?” You arch an eyebrow challengingly. “Is that so?”
Without warning, you loop your arms around Charles’ neck and pull him in for a long, lingering kiss. You can feel him melting into your embrace, his arms snaking securely around your waist.
When you finally manage to pull apart again, you’re both slightly flushed and out of breath. Charles’ usually perfectly tousled hair is charmingly mussed from running your fingers through it. He looks at you with such naked affection and desire that your heart flutters.
“You know what?” He murmurs huskily, resting his forehead against yours. “I take it back. You’re definitely my favorite flavor. And I can’t wait to start this next chapter with you, mon amour.”
And with that promise lingering sweetly between you, Charles takes your face in his hands and kisses you deeply once more, pouring every ounce of his devotion into the embrace.
You can taste forever on his lips.
When you finally part, grinning giddily at each other, Charles takes your hand and leads you back towards your next adventure. Whatever lies ahead, you know you’ll take it on fearlessly and joyously, side-by-side with the man you love more than anything in this world.
The reception hall is a whirlwind of joy and celebration as you take in the scene, your heart overflowing with love and happiness. The elegant decorations, the twinkling lights, and the smiling faces of your loved ones surrounding you all blur together in a beautiful haze.
You can scarcely believe this day has finally arrived — the day you’ve dreamed of for so long.
You turn to Charles, his warm green eyes sparkling with so much love, and your breath catches in your throat. He looks devastatingly handsome in his perfectly tailored tuxedo, his million-watt smile making your knees go weak.
This incredible man is now your husband.
“Hey you,” he murmurs, taking your hand and brushing his lips across your knuckles. “Having fun, mon amour?”
A joyful laugh escapes your lips as you nod enthusiastically. “More than I ever thought possible. I’m just … I’m so happy, Charles. I can’t believe we’re actually married!”
He chuckles, that rich laugh that never fails to make you melt. “Believe it, Mrs. Leclerc. You’re stuck with me forever now.” His expression softens as he cups your cheek tenderly. “I love you so much. I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
You lean into his touch, savoring the moment. “I love you too, Mr. Leclerc. More than anything.”
A throat clears behind you, and you whirl around to see Arthur, your new brother-in-law, grinning mischievously.
“If you two lovebirds are done making everyone else nauseous, it’s time to cut the cake!” He teases, jerking his head towards the lavish gelato cake that sits on the dessert table.
Charles throws his head back with a laugh. “You’re just jealous that you don’t have someone as amazing as my wife to make gooey eyes at.”
Arthur rolls his eyes good-naturedly. “Whatever. Get your butts over there before I eat the whole thing myself.”
With a wink at you, Charles takes your hand and leads you towards the dessert table, the crowd of guests parting like the Red Sea to let you through. Your heart does a little flip as the magnificent gelato cake comes into view — a towering masterpiece of creamy gelato in vanilla, hazelnut, and tiramisu, all artfully swirled together and decorated with fresh fruit and chocolate shavings.
“It’s perfect,” you whisper in awe, giving Charles’ hand a squeeze.
He pulls you into his side with a content smile. “Not as perfect as you.”
The crowd applauds as you approach the cake, and a chorus of cheers and wolf whistles rises up. Straightening your shoulders with a grin, you pick up the gleaming cake knife and lock eyes with Charles, suddenly feeling bold.
“Ready to do this, husband?” You ask with a teasing lilt.
His eyes blaze with undisguised desire. “More than ready, wife.”
Together, you slice into the towering gelato cake, the creamy filling oozing out and already making your mouth water. Once you have a generous slice on a plate, you scoop up a spoonful and lock eyes with Charles again, arching an eyebrow in challenge.
His pupils dilate as he catches your meaning, a low growl rumbling in his throat. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, mon cœur.”
“Who says I can’t finish it?” You take a step closer, holding the spoonful of gelato up temptingly.
Charles tips his head back with a groan. “You’re killing me here.”
“Good thing you have me to bring you back to life then,” you quip, pressing the spoon to his lips.
He opens obediently, letting you slide the gelato into his mouth with agonizing slowness. His eyelids flutter shut as the flavors explode over his tongue, and he actually moans — deep and guttural and utterly sinful.
A choked sound comes from somewhere in the crowd. “Oh please, get a room!” Joris, Charles’ best friend and best man, calls out with a mixture of amusement and mortification.
Charles doesn’t even open his eyes, simply raising one middle finger in Joris’ direction as he savors the last of the gelato. When his tongue finally darts out to catch a stray bit on his lips, you feel an unexpected flare of heat low in your belly.
Okay, two can play at this game.
Deliberately holding Charles’ heated gaze, you dip your finger into the gelato drippings on the plate and slowly, so slowly, bring it up to your lips. You let the very tip of your tongue dart out to catch the sticky sweetness, swirling it around luxuriously. His Adam’s apple bobs as he watches you, jaw tense.
That’s it.
You slip your finger into your mouth fully, hollowing out your cheeks as you suck the gelato off with an utterly obscene sound. Charles’ knees actually buckle, and he grips the table behind him for support, pupils blown wide.
“You are so dead,” he growls under his breath, low and dangerous.
Unable to stop yourself, you let out a breathy giggle, drunk with a dizzying cocktail of desire and sheer bliss. Charles takes a half step closer, his eyes burning into yours. You quickly scoop up another fingerful of gelato, desperate to keep pushing those buttons and draw out that delicious intensity.
But before you can bring it to your lips, quick as a flash, Charles is on you. He drags you flush against his solid form, his free hand cupping the back of your neck to angle your mouth up to his. The scorching kiss steals the breath from your lungs, leaving you dizzy and clinging to his lapels for purchase.
When he finally breaks away, his eyes are blazing with unconcealed want.
“You missed a spot,” he rasps.
Then he’s ducking his head, and with one torturously slow lick, he clears the stray bit of gelato from the tip of your nose. The heat of his tongue on your overly sensitive skin makes you whimper.
The catcalls and whistles from your guests fade into white noise as you melt against your husband, lost in the endless depths of his hungry gaze. Screw being appropriate — you’ll give them all a show to remember if you have to.
“Fuck, I love you,” Charles rumbles, his voice low and rough with barely restrained desire.
Before you can respond, he’s kissing you again — deep and thorough and all-consuming. You sigh into his mouth, bunching the fine material of his tuxedo jacket in your fists to pull him even closer. His hand slides from your neck into your hair, cradling your head reverently as he pours every ounce of his love and passion into the kiss.
An eternity later, he breaks away with a ragged breath, resting his forehead against yours. “I think it’s time to get out of here, don’t you?”
You can only nod breathlessly, already imagining the deliciously wicked things he has in store. As if in a trance, you allow him to take your hand and lead you towards the exit, shouting and wolf whistles following in your wake.
Just before you slip out of the hall, you hear Pierre Gasly’s teasing voice behind you.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, you two!”
Charles pauses only long enough to call over his shoulder, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“But there’s nothing you wouldn’t do!”
Then he’s sweeping you into his arms with a playful growl, carrying you into your new life together as man and wife. Peals of laughter and cheers chase you down the hall, but you only have eyes for each other in this perfect moment.
You’re married to the love of your life. You have forever with this incredible man. And if the wedding is anything to go by, forever is going to be deliciously amazing.
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Mora, Fico, Mango
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topaliment · 5 years
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Gelato 🍦 al cioccolato, crema, panna e..... Che gusti preferite? #gelato #cioccolato #crema #panna #icecream #crèmeglacée #アイスクリーム #παγωτό #glaciescrepito #sorvete #gelat #eis #helado #topaliment #gelatoartigianale #gelato🍦 #gelatomania https://www.instagram.com/p/B2gsng3oKgu/?igshid=6a6pycquwmc1
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waterflour · 2 years
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Mini gelati al melone con l'aggiunta dei lamponi della mia pianta 😍 link alla ricetta in bio 📝 #lamponi #melone #gelato #icecreams #strawberries #fattoincasa #giardino #garden #melon #gelatoartigianale #gelatolovers #gelatomania #icecreamsticks #icecreamlover (presso Roma, Il Cupolone) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChcT4kSs8KC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rugantino7 · 3 years
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Christmas ice cream😜😜😜🌲🌲🌲☃️☃️☃️🌲🌲🌲🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄 #christmas #christmastime #festedinatale #babbonatale #santaclaus #holiday #holidays #vacanze #vacanzedinatale #natale #merrychristmas #buonnatale #feliznavidad #bonnatal #gelato #gelatoartigianale #gelatosiciliano #gelatomania #messina #icecream #cioccolato #panna #nocciola #chocolate #nuts #whippedcream #gelatocioccolato #gelatonocciola #chocolateicecream (presso Messina, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/rugantino7/p/CYHD35ZNGM6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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carlzodin · 3 years
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Lockdown is upon us but that doesn't mean you can't live your lives 😷😷 I'm playing around with my makeup and wardrobe and reliving my sweet memory 🍨🍨 I still remember the day I tried @zelati Ooh-Be-Be burger (it really wasn't that long ago, just being dramatic) and I loved it! If they are keeping the cheddar gelato, YAAAAS QUEEN! 🍔🍔 Look at my creeper face 🍬🍬 🍫🍫 🌶 🍫🍫 Their Chocoholics Anonymous was so much fun 💜💛 So many tasty chocolatey flavours 😍😍 My favourite being the Chilli Choc, but love the others too. Nothing anonymous about my love for chocolates and frozen desserts 🍨🍨 This is no longer my dessert place, it's now my lunch and dinner hotspot 😛😛 🍔🍔 🍫 🍔🍔 #kookiekaoru #kookiefashion #ootd #chocolatedessert #chocolates #chocoholic #churros #wellingtonnz #wellington #wellyonaplate #burger #dessertburger #ube #sweettooth #himegyaru #jfashion #gelatolove #icecreamislife #gelatomania #gelateria #gelati #eglcommunity #eglfashion #egl (at Wellington, New Zealand) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS0P6p3hXMq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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razzykidz · 4 years
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Some gelato 🍨 at An’s Dry Cleaning 👍👍👍 ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #icecream #chocolatedessert #icecreamofinsta #gelatolove #gelato🍦 #gelatoitaliano #gelatos #gelatolover #gelatocrema #icecreamlove #gelatoshop #gelato #gelatotime #gelatomania #icecreamlover #gelatoartigianale #gelatolovers #ansdrycleaning #ansdrycleaninggelato #sandiego https://www.instagram.com/p/CE23oiYnl7g/?igshid=vtxj56oq80ed
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endemix · 4 years
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Just eaten yummmm🍦 It's Gruvì but Groovy, for those who like to groove. 🤪 #gruvi #gruvisammontana #gelatisammontana #icecream #icecreamlover #gelato #sammontana #gelatiallitaliana #gelatomania #groovy #buono #icecreams #summericecream #summer #yummylicious #🍦 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDi6RBSo4j5/?igshid=1for5jku4imr4
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See all the incredible COVID-19 DEALS! Shipping, bottle/case discounts, hand sanitizers + offers. Link in bio or text Pasowine to 24587 . Did you know that during WWII, when the entire country focused on the war effort, folks began growing their backyard victory gardens, + sales of red lipstick went through the roof. Why? Seeing a flash of vibrant red served as a simple + affordable morale boost, my dear! In Paso Robles Wine Country, we also yearn for a flash of red during dark times. This is an uncertain period in our nation’s history + we’re all doing our part to flatten the curve of COVID-19. But that doesn’t mean we can’t also take pleasure in the small pleasures in life (such as a nice home cooked meal, a cozy bath or a glass of fine wine). Right now, we will rely more than ever on the comfort of our friends, the support of our community + as always—brash, bold + beautiful Paso Robles wine. Keep Reading - link in bio! . Photo by Wendy Schmidt @cocavin at @lonemadronewines . . . . #specialoffer #specialofferonline #deals #specials #winedeals #winespecials #bestwine #pasorobleswineries #pasowine #pasorobles #gelato #gelatomania #gelatolove #wine #wineries #winetasting #virtualwinetasting #Virtualtour #californiawine #winecountry #wineblogger #winetime #wineoclock #instawine #vin #vino #winesofinstagram #winelover #winegeek #lovewinecountry https://www.instagram.com/p/B-xV5iSHI3D/?igshid=1ilzg0mhwatf9
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jetsliketaxis · 5 years
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I can’t have @freskurasevilla right now, but I sure can look at this picture and have amazing feels. 😊 Don’t feel guilty about making extra large sundaes for yourself this week. You made it this far and you’ve earned it. 😷 . #sevillefood #gelatomania #gelato #seville #sevillespain #shelterinplace #socialdistancing #quarantine #expatinspain (at Freskura) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9_6QxIILJX/?igshid=1f1ffge3715ri
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kerabeareats · 5 years
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Celebrating $5 FEAST WEEK with @eatclubapp and @remiconesydney 🍦 To celebrate Feast Week, EatClub is treating everyone to $5 meals all week (Mon 16th- Fri 20th)! All you have to do is order a $5 takeaway deal in-app at any of the following participating venues: @remiconesydney, @burgerproject, @gamichickenbeer, @mrbaobuns and @banhmeatsandco, and more! For more information and participating venues see @eatclubapp and find the link in bio. Pictured here: $5 Thunderbolt in Apple and strawberry flavours 🍓 — #icecream #icecreamrolls #icecreamlover #remicone #thunderbolt #softserve #softserveicecream #softserveslime #gelato #gelato33 #gelatoni #gelatomania #gelato🍦 #gelatoitaliano #gelatolovers #gelatos #icecreamporn #icecreamcone #icecreamtime #dessertsofinstagram #sydneydesserts #sydneydessert #dessertpic #asianfoodie #asianfood #icecreamsundae #icecreamday #icecreamofinsta #sydneyeats #sydneyfoodie (at Remicone Sydney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9v52LWF19V/?igshid=1erbosfn6syk7
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rugantino7 · 3 years
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Just to keep the Christmas magic, me as the Grinch lol 😜😜😜🌲🌲🌲☃️☃️☃️🌲🌲🌲🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄 #christmas #christmastime #festedinatale #babbonatale #santaclaus #holiday #holidays #vacanze #vacanzedinatale #natale #merrychristmas #buonnatale #feliznavidad #bonnatal #gelato #gelatoartigianale #gelatosiciliano #gelatomania #messina #icecream #cioccolato #panna #nocciola #chocolate #nuts #whippedcream #gelatocioccolato #gelatonocciola #chocolateicecream (presso Messina, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYHDxY5tqPE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gelateriadacarla · 5 years
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Giornata Uggiosa? Bambini irrequieti per il maltempo? Venite da Carla un buon gelato o una fetta di torta fatta in casa, vi rimetterà di buon umore Potete rilassarvi nel pergolato riscaldato mentre gustate le nostre specialità . .#gelatoporn #gelatofactory #gelato33 #prilaga #gelatos #gelatoshop #gelatopique #gelatoninitaly #gelatoartesanal #gelatolovers #gelatolover #gelatogram #gelatofestival #gelat #gelatomania #gelato45 #gelato🍦 #gelatoicecream #gelatoitaliano #gelatoartigianale #gelatoni代購 #gelato #gelatolove #gelatocake #gelatotime #gelatopiquecafe #gelatobar #gelatoalcioccolato #gelatoni (presso Gelateria Da Carla) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9MOjfCorjC/?igshid=i5hyydnv14sf
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carlzodin · 4 years
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Mmmm....DESSERT! My thoughts exactly 😝😝 At this point, my Insta account should be dedicated to #icecream #gelato 🍦🍦 I'm glad @zelati can open on Tuesdays again 🥳🥳 And with Happy Hour on Wednesdays.......weeeeeeeeee 👻👻 The many reasons to stop by and have some gelato 🍨🍨 🍪🍪 🍦 🍪🍪 I believe it's @zelati one-year anniversary? How do you know when you are a regular? It's when you notice the changes off the bat - different menu items and new glassware and cutlery are used 😁😁 Take a short walk down memory lane with the second picture 🍦🍨🍦🍨 Can you tell which ones are the latest photos? Featuring the new banana bread 🍦🍦 One word - YUMMY!!!! 🎂🎂 🍨 🎂🎂 #kookiekaoru #supportlocal #supportlocalbusiness #wellingtonnz #desserts #brownies #sweettooths #sweets #lolitagirl #sundae #chocolatedessert #sundaeveryday #gelatolove #gelato🍦 #gelatomania #icecreambrownie #brownieslover #browniessundae #gelatogourmet #newzealand #newzealandguide (at Zelati Gelato & Sorbet) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFbegh1nOs9/?igshid=289fxdowjuvj
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