#gemcyt apatite
arty-e · 10 months
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I’ve been really enjoying @chrisrin gemcyt au going on right now and I wanted to draw Scott and pearl cause one love their designs and two I loved them as a duo in last life and then their crazy storyline in double life. I also wanted to design them a fusion and I chose the gemstone Apatite mostly cause it was blue and I found the name funny.
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viridianscript · 10 months
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I saw a ton of Gemcyt stuff going around so I decided to take a stab at it!
This is Apatite a fusion between Cleo and Scott
Original designs by @chrisrin
AU by @sixteenth-days @chrisrin and @localwheel [I think]
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goobers but fused
I’ve been getting great feedback on both here and Ao3 for my GemCYT: Sub-Zero story and I’ve only got the prologue out! Thank you all so much! While I finally finish chapter 1, have this Thinknoodles Pearl and Larimar/DiamondTDM fusion art I made a while back: Apatite!
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mrfroag · 10 months
any chance you'd be willing to share why you made some of the design choices for the scret soulmate fusion?- it always facinates me to see why artists do certain things and your design is especially cool👀👀👀
Oh watch out you've unlocked the froag unskippable cutscene you're not safe from my abnormality about rocks now >:))))
For real though, there were a couple reasons I picked Apatite for the secret soulmates fusion, but. I'm going to put this under a cut because this WILL be long:
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I'm honestly not sure how people usually find rocks to look for for gemcyt fusions, but for me the thing I found most simple was to just. Scour geological and gemology websites for any information I could find about blue gemstones. I had a couple criteria in mind- since Grian and BigB's current designs are opposite ends of the blue spectrum (Bigb leans more ultramarine/warm blue, while Grian leans more turquoise/colder blue) I wanted to look for a stone that ideally had a good mixture of the two, and preferably with spotting or interesting color patterns to sort of match the speckled nature of blue quartzes [also I wanted to potentially give them freckles. I'm a weak guy]. So I spent a few hours looking around on various websites, comparing gemstones for their hardness, chemical properties, what their cuts were, etc? I probably went a lot deeper than I should for. A rock to make a funny little fusion guy out of, but it was basically me squinting information about a rock and thinking "hmm. can I see secret soulmates in this rock" until I found some that clicked. By the time I was done with that I had Apatite, Sodalite, and Larimar as my top three potential choices, and eventually picked Apatite:
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Number one, it looked like a really fun gemstone to pick colors from!!! It has a lot of interesting color patterns, and I especially liked the little bits of gold you could pick out in it, which would be fun to mess with. And secondly, Apatite is actually pretty fragile as far as gemstones go- it only has a rating of 5 on the Mohs hardness scale, and isn't often used for jewelry because of how brittle and easy to break apart it is. And that was a little interesting to me. Grian and BigB choose each other as soulmates, they trust each other, they go against the fate of the game to swap gifts and resources and be together. But there's also the way in which at the end of it, Grian still kills Ren and doesn't even realize he's killed BigB until it's already over. Something about the way that even if they choose each other that isn't enough to change the way the game goes, or fully break the other alliances they have. So, it was kind of inchresting to connect that fusion to a rock that's a bit softer.
In terms of the actual DESIGN for Apatite though, it was mostly just me messing around sketching until I hit something interesting? I knew before I picked the gemstone that the weapon was probably going to be some kind of bubble contraption- I was originally going to go for some kind of detachable bubble sword where you had the physical hilt, and then a bubble/water blade that could shift shapes, but that was before I dug into BigB's design and found out he actually uses a chakram [which is a sick as hell weapon btw]. So it ended up being the perfect shape for a bubble wand fusion!!
The chef theme was a silly little homage to how Secret Soulmates started because Grian and BigB exchanged little cookie gifts and promised to exchange food, and also just because. Look at these two goobers. I feel like they'd be moderately competent chefs together and it made me giggle to think about, so I went with it! Plus, having a little chef theme and tilting the bubble wand so that you could move it a bit like a frying pan, giving it exploding bubbles that could look like food- it sounded like something a little goofy and silly, which is the main theme I was going for lol.
The three sets of arms was honestly more of a whim kind of thing- I'm still sketching out and designing this dude in my brain so i might add on or take stuff away later when i give it a second pass. But I knew I wanted at least one of the sets of arms that Grian contributed to be water hands? Firstly because it'd be kind of fun for a silhouette, it'd match up with the chef theme (give this guy so many sets of hands he can be his own sous chef), and also because it'd kind of match up with the trickster, multiple sets of repeated limbs motif that other Grian fusions like marblegroves' Charoite design have, which I thought would be cool. Gonna be real most of it is because I thought it would be cool or funny.
I think that mostly covers it so uh. Hope you enjoyed unskippable cutscene if anybody has made it this far criminy. Hands you a gold star or something I guess if you're down here ^-^"
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votederpycausemufins · 11 months
okay all the gemcyt stuff made me find some art I made for a gem themed card game I made for a class I took. Here's the art for that, and I'll give the gem types after the cut
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So I had put these in alphabetical order going from left to right, top to bottom. There's repeats of gems in different colors mainly due to the game balancing, but they're all the same shape so i'll just list what the variants were when we get to them, which is quickly since the second one is one of those.
So the gems are:
Amethyst, Apatite (blue/green/yellow), Aquamarine, Augite, Beryl, Chrysoberyl, Diamond, Diopside, Emerald, Euclase, Garnet, Hematite, Iolite, Jadeite, Jasper, Lapis, Monazite, Moonstone, Morganite, Nephrite, Peridot, Prehnite, Pyrite, Quartz (black/clear/orange/pink), Rhodonite, Ruby, Rutile, Sapphire, Spessartine, Sodalite, Spinel (blue/yellow/pink), Staurolite, Taaffeite, Titanite, Topaz, Tourmaline, Turquoise, Spodumene (blue/pink/purple), Zircon (blue/brown/white)
Anyone who stumbles upon this can take inspiration from either the gem types, or their shapes. I don't exactly own those features, but ofc the art itself belongs to me. Just since i had to make the gems visually distinct from one another, I have a lot of fun shapes someone could use c:
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