maybe-a-dinosaur · 8 months
i saw this tik tok forever ago and can’t find it now but was like “kuroo knows nothing about astrology but Swears he doesn’t trust geminis”
this has become a pivotal part of his character in my head kuroo tetsurou doesn’t know Anything about astrology but uses it to insult people and thinks he’s so fucking funny. the extent of his knowledge is the names of the signs and that’s all he needs does he know anyone’s sign? no he doesn’t need to the jabs still land he’s a Master instigator.
bokuto buys a lottery ticket doesn’t win anything complains about it over lunch kuroo raises an eyebrow says “it’s cuz you’re a sagittarius” goes back to eating. it only works bc he’s so quick with it yaku gets pissed off starts yelling in the locker room kuroo elbows lev “pisces men ammirite?” eyebrows exaggeratedly high head tilted dramatically turns away starts tying his shoes. akaashi’s talking about a restaurant he went to - the atmosphere was great but the food was just okay - kuroo scoffs “that’s such a virgo thing to say” kejii blinks flips him off keeps talking. kenma forgets his keys at home locks himself out calls kuroo “you’re such a fucking capricorn” hangs up immediately . one day at practice everyone’s off their game he calls a huddle stands with a hand on his hip looks around “guys. is it because mercury’s in retrograde?” Dead silence coach nekomata puts his head in his hands and ends practice early. kuroo meets oikawa for the first time 10 minutes in interrupts him mid-sentence finger in the air smirk on his face “i bet you’re a leo moon” “What. is that supposed to mean.”
it’s mostly for the bit though kuroo doesn’t believe in astrology by principle like “i am the master of my fate” or whatever But. but. he swears up and down he doesn’t trust geminis. daichi introduces him to sugawara (gemini sticker on his phone) kuroo narrows his eyes in suspicion no wonder he’s so good at volleyball. he claims his lack of trust is cuz koushi cheats at monopoly (he does) but no. gemini.
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twinknote · 1 year
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can we also just talk about this karasuno gemini dream team?
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junosmindpalace · 3 months
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🎧 it's so sweet, knowing that you love me.
synopsis: celebrating their birthday...w/ the hq gemini men!
pairing(s): timeskip/present!hajime iwaizumi, koshi sugawara, shoyo hinata
content: references to 2024 dates but doesn't need to be strictly speaking (iwa's is more 2021), food (in suga's and hinata's), very short and brief angst(?), otherwise all fluff and fun!
total wc: 3.6k
a/n: it was my birthday a few days ago (june 17th) and i thought i would celebrate by writing for some gemini characters! i know shoyo is a cusp but i wanted to write him too </3 also this was my first time creating a graphic please be nice i am aware its a little plain </33
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The clock in your living room reads 11:55 in the evening; Hajime’s birthday is five minutes away. 
You both have work in the morning, so you should be in bed sound asleep. Everything has been done as normal; the whole nighttime routine of eating dinner (that you insisted on making) together, showering, brushing your teeth. Except instead of completing the routine by cozying up in bed, you’re cozying up on your living room couch, the light in the kitchen on, and the blue light from the TV keeping your tired eyes in a trance. 
Hajime’s arm is lazily outstretched over your shoulders, your fingers intertwined with the hand that dangles beside your head. His other arm is bent sideways on the couch pillow, head against his fist as he watches through bleary eyes the movie in front of him. Though your eyes are trained on the action on the TV, your ears don’t process the mumbling that pairs with it, too engrossed in your low conversation about each others’ day. 
“—and Hinata wanted something more to do for himself, so I’ll be reviewing his progress and seeing what I can do. Seriously, the guy is a monster at times. Sometimes it’s hard to believe I’m really looking at him, with how far he’s come since his high school days.”
“They all seem to be of another caliber now,” you replied somewhat drowsily, yet no less engaged.
“They’re intense, that’s for sure,” he sighs, bringing his head to rest behind the cushion and leaning closer toward your own. “But they’ve always been like that.” 
He’s completely unaware of the time and date approaching as he drones quietly about the day he’s had. He notices, on occasion, your glances up at the wall where your clock was located, and thought you were anxious to get to sleep.
“Hey,” he nudges your knee with his own. “you wanna head to bed?”
“Hm? No, no, not yet. Keep talking, I wanna hear.” 
Upon your insistence, he obliged reluctantly, resuming his chatter for a little while longer as you hum and nod. 
He feels comfortable like this, with your head against his chest, body snuggled close to his side, the low hum of the TV, the dim light. He, for a moment, finds his eyes gently closing unconsciously. You wait for him to continue his explanation at a pause, but are only met with the quietness of the TV. A slight stir prompts Hajime’s eyes to open immediately, and he shifts a little as he takes in your face, peering up at him through small eyes.
“You sleeping?”
You placed a hand on his chest as you turned your body to look at the clock. It now reads 12:04 in the morning. You rub your eyes and reach for the phone on the coffee table in front of you, and when it blinks to life, it blinds you with the time and the new date.
June 10. 
“Ugh, put that away,” Hajime groaned as he turned away from the straining light on your phone, lolling his head to the other side against the couch cushion. You quickly slid it back onto the table, and then collapsed again against your boyfriend’s chest, hugging his middle tightly and digging your chin into his chest as you looked up at him with a wide smile.
“Happy birthday, Haji.” 
His eyes reopen slightly, and he angles his head toward the clock to view the time for himself: 12:05. 
He tucks his chin in so he meets your gaze and the sweet, tired smile on your face, and finds one of his own, tired yet tender, slowly propping up the apples of his cheeks. So that’s why you had been eyeing the clock, all for him and his silly birthday. Of course it would be you who remembers his birthday before he even does. You were sweet and thoughtful in that way.
“So that’s why you wanted to stay up a little longer, huh?” His tone is a faux annoyance for only a moment before his arm around your shoulders curls a little tighter in endearment, and he knocks his forehead against yours, gently and playfully, as you let out a short giggle at the gesture. “Thank you, baby.”
“What do you wish for?”
“To get some rest,” he yawned as he pulled away, going to sit up from the couch. 
“Why would you say that? Now it won’t come true!”
Your weight on his lap and arms now thrown around his neck anchored him to the couch. He gives you a deadpan look as a hand finds its way rubbing gently up and down your lower back, while the other slowly snakes itself under your legs.
“Oh, I’ll make it come true.” 
You squeal when he sits up and scoops you up in one swift motion, and you throw your head back in quiet laughter as he walks the two of you to your bedroom. 
“Haji, you know, it's your birthday. I should be the one carrying you.”
He snorts, and shakes his head. “ It’s my birthday, right? I get to do what I want.” 
Sugawara was dejected when he realized he had to work on his birthday.
As if the universe was taunting him, this year it fell right on a Friday, just one day off from the weekend. 
If he were honest, however, it wasn’t too much of a bother. He mentally groaned about it the evening before and morning of, but all in all, his birthday was a fleeting thought in his mind. Work and everyday busyness replaced the thought with lesson plans and mental preparedness to handle a classroom of young children after an exhausting week. 
He hoped, at the very least, however, that you would recognize the oddness of the day, do a little something to acknowledge it. Maybe a small cake or a nice breakfast. Maybe a little present. Hell, just a small, intimate murmur of a happy birthday accompanied with a sweet kiss would elevate his heart. Yet every time he looked on at you, you were preoccupied with preparing yourself for work, just as Suga was. No fancy breakfast was prepared, no gift sat on the table by the door, and the only kiss he was able to snag was a hurried one on the cheek as you wished him a good day, and headed out the door and into your car. 
So Suga’s birthday was not off to a great start. 
But again, it’s only a birthday. He almost feels a little dumb, getting all worked up over it, especially as an adult. So he makes the most out of the day as he always does with his kids and their lively attitudes, plus the wind down time and lack of work reserved for Friday’s brightens his special day from the dejected morning he experienced earlier.
Little did your boyfriend know of the plans you had in store for him.
As humble as Sugawara attempted to be about his birthday, you knew that he liked having it acknowledged. He was appreciative of any and all kind birthday gestures, from simple greetings to thoughtful presents. And you wanted your present for him to be thoughtful. Memorable. Surprising, exciting, and able to convey the sheer amount of affection you hold for him, though you doubted that any gesture could entirely convey such a thing. But your mission this year was to sure try.
You had taken the day off to get everything under way. Pick up a nice cake you ordered a few days before, with Suga’s favorite flavor of icing and batter, along with a neat and heartfelt Happy Birthday written on top in cursive. 
Once the cake was tucked away in your fridge, your next stop was a party store. Perhaps you may have overdone it with the decorations, you had thought to yourself when you examined your two (full) shopping bags as you walked back to your car, but there was just so much to choose from, and you were sure Suga would like it all! Banners, balloons of impressive and wacky sizes and shapes, streamers, confetti, party poppers; you couldn’t pass up a single thing, not when you imagined his enthusiasm over each one. 
Your final stop was for restocking on foods and drinks. Besides the cake, you bought a couple of bottles of fancy alcohol (the one’s he’ll often eye and make fun of how posh they sound), a couple of his favorite snacks and beverages, and the like. 
By the time Suga arrived home from work, he’s exhausted, yet somehow invigorated by the idea of seeing you. He lets himself into the house with his key, letting out a tired I’m home, heart picking up when he spots your shoes neatly organized in the genkan, and joins his own beside them as he pads further into your home toward an alluring smell. 
The light is low in your living room. It’s enveloped in a yellow glow compared to the blinding bright white that startles him awake and strains his tired eyes in the morning. The first thing that comes into his line of sight, besides you, already in comfortable clothing with your back turned and managing something on the table in front of you, is a neat and beautiful cake on the coffee table in front of your couch. 
Your living room is full of more animated color than usual; batches of balloons occupy the corners and a few are scattered, some hovering aimlessly, on your floor. A Happy Birthday banner hangs from above the threshold into the room. Suga, once the initial shock and surprise wore off and was able to fully comprehend that it was all for him, felt that he may burst into tears. 
You hurriedly turned around upon sensing a new presence in the living room, and gasped when it was none other than your boyfriend, briefcase in hand, and staring dumbfounded at you and the sight of your decorated living room.
“Ko! I didn’t expect you to be home this soon!”
“Traffic was sparse.” He managed to get out past the lump in throat, but once he realized how stupid he appeared, he shook his head in an attempt to feign nonchalance. “So! What is, uh…what’s all this?” 
Your brows shot up, and you gave him an exasperated smile before walking over to him. “It was supposed to be a surprise,” you said slyly, wrapping your arms around his neck, with Suga immediately reciprocating with a hand to your back. “I was still setting up some stuff because I was under the impression that I still had some time before you came home.”
“Oh, so you wanted me to get stuck in traffic, is that it?” He teases in a faux annoyed tone, but it’s quickly betrayed by the smile that immediately stretches back over his face. 
“In this instance, yes!” You laughed, grinning yourself when he began to pepper kisses all over your neck and face, curling his arm around your waist to keep you secure against him. You laughed breathlessly through the assault, attempting to push away the ticklish sensation. But Suga’s energy had just been replenished fully, and his heart elevated the highest it ever could. 
“It’s perfect, all of it. Thank you.” he halts his assault to mutter against your skin through his lovesick smile, and it brings a grin to your own lips as you bring him in for one final kiss on his lips, one he immediately attempts to deepen. 
“Okay, okay,” you laugh as you pull away when he whines and chases after your lips. “Now that you’re here, let’s sing!”
He laughs too, letting you drag him further into your living room, abandoning his briefcase by the wall as he sat himself down on your couch, and you came over with the lighter you were previously fiddling with to light the candles on the small cake. 
All he could think about as you sang to him enthusiastically was how giddy he felt, and how lucky he was that he was spending his birthday in such a manner with you. And when he blew out his candles, the wish at the forefront of his mind was to spend many more birthdays with you in this manner
(and maybe a new car). 
Even as you shooed him into the bathroom to change into more comfortable clothes as you cut yourselves slices to enjoy by the TV, and afterward retreated to bed, he muttered, “I’m still mad that you tricked me, by the way.” as the two of you closed your eyes.
Which earned him a swat to the chest. 
Shoyo absolutely cannot deny the fact that he’s had a great birthday since the moment the sun rose in the sky.
His special day began with an influx of texts and calls from family and friends to wish him a happy birthday, and use the opportunity to catch up with him. Nearly every moment of his morning was taken up by a different phone call that he took as he prepared himself for the training he had that day. When he arrived at the training center, his team immediately pounced on him, greeting him with enthusiastic cheers and a round of singing. 
And while he can almost say his birthday was perfect, with all the texts and calls he received and the thoughtful birthday treatment, his one and only regret was the fact that you weren’t there to celebrate with him.
His birthday this year happened to coincide with travel for upcoming tournaments, which unfortunately meant that you wouldn’t be celebrating alongside him in person. But just because you weren’t there in the flesh to hug him tight and sing loudly in his ear, it didn’t prevent you in the slightest from doing whatever you could virtually to make him feel good on his special day. 
At least, he had hoped it wouldn’t.
He had picked up your call eagerly on the day of his birthday, and grinned from ear to ear as you sang to him loudly and exaggeratedly. When you finished your song and exchanged all your morning pleasantries, to his absolute dejectment, you had informed Shoyo with a guilty tone that you would be unable to call or text for the majority of the day. 
“I’m sorry, Sho, something suddenly came up for work, and I’m going to be swamped. I’ll call you tonight, I promise!”
The disappointment he felt was tremendous, yet he easily covered it up with an understanding nod and reassuring words that he’d stay up to catch your call. It wasn’t like he was really expecting your schedule to be free the entire day so he can call and text whenever. Besides, he was miles away from you; it would be selfish for him to expect that your schedule would be all free for him when his wasn’t. 
So Shoyo made the most out of his birthday without you, and there wasn’t a moment where he wasn’t grinning. Enjoying delicious meals, being on the receiving end of all sorts of enthusiasm,  excitement and birthday traditions from friends, family, colleagues and fans alike; each kind birthday gesture lifted his heart to Cloud 9. 
The day concluded, after practice in the training facility when the sun began to die out in the sky, with Shoyo’s team insisting that they treat him to a celebratory dinner at some nice restaurant with some excellent international cuisine, allowing him to get a small taste of home. And Shoyo’s stomach was starting to churn, and it wasn’t like he was about to pass up a free meal…
The company took cramped spots in a booth inside the restaurant, bringing a few spare chairs to form a full circle around the large, polished wooden table jutting out from the wall. The setting sun meant that there was still some time before the restaurant could anticipate a more busy dining area.
Shoyo was spoiled with trays of meat, bowls of rice, and all sorts of other cuisine that he sampled from the plates of his colleagues. By the time the sun had nearly fully disappeared beneath the horizon, each one of their appetites was satiated, full and content with their meals.
As if Shoyo’s birthday couldn’t get any better so late into the day, it was about to become complete in the most unexpected and perfect way imaginable. Though the team was full, they could spare the appetite for a dessert, the most fitting conclusion for a birthday: because what’s a birthday without a cake? 
Shoyo’s team accompanied him home with eager conversation, yet strange occasional whispers among themselves. Perhaps all the celebration was all a little too much? 
When they arrived in a large group by his front door, Shoyo took notice of poorly hidden sly smiles and eager eyes from the teammates across from him, exchanging them among themselves as he fiddled with his keys. 
He’s the first to step inside the dark room, calling out to nobody in particular an I’m home!, as was routine for him to do. His heart suddenly stops, however, when he hears a voice answer. 
“Welcome back!”
His teammates burst out into chuckles and giggles. “Ah, it looks like our dessert is here!” One of them nodded his head toward the living room. 
When Shoyo makes his way reluctantly further into his apartment, initially confused, his furrowed brows immediately relax when he turns on the overhead light, and he feels as though the breath had been stolen from his lungs and hitched in his throat. 
At first, he thinks that perhaps he’s gotten a little homesick being without you, his special person, on his special day. He’d been thinking of you in intervals at every peak of his day. Surely now his exhaustion is crashing down on him, making him see things?
But your eager grin and short laughter as you took in his shocked expression tells him otherwise. You were here, in the flesh, standing right before him--
He all too suddenly finds himself squeezing you tight in his arms, and you immediately reciprocate with one hand coming around his neck, collective aww’s and teasing ew’s going round at the affectionate sight.
“Hold on there, Shoyo, the cake!” 
He quickly steps away when he suddenly feels an object collide gently with his side, and he only partially lets you go as he steps back to look at a box you were holding in your other hand. You grinned at him. 
He doesn’t dare let go of your hand even when you set the cake down and urge him to take a seat on his couch, taking an electronic candle you had bought on your way to his apartment and placing it at the very center. His entire team begins to sing to him once more as they crowd around him on the couch and around the table, this time with you joining in standing beside him, and his smile feels almost painful with the way it doesn’t falter for a second. 
When the song ends, a round of cheers go around the table, and you remove the candle to place it in a napkin. You turn toward each other, and you place a hand on his shoulder as you lean down to give him a kiss on his temple and mumble a more quiet, personal happy birthday. 
And just as he was about to lean over to capture your lips in an enthusiastic kiss, let thank you after thank you fall from his lips for such a grand surprise, all for him, you grabbed hold of his head, turned it back toward the cake, and shoved his face right into the center of it. 
Gasps and cheers alike went around the table, and the rest of his team laughed at the bold and sudden gesture. He could hear your own soft laughter as his face gradually emerged from the cake, and the shrills and hollers from his teammates grew louder as they took in the sight of the icing and chunks of cake sticking to various sides. They continued to bark out laughter as he wiped the chunks away from his eyes, staring at them on his fingertips before turning toward you, hiding a smile behind your hand as you mouthed over it an I'm sorry.
Shoyo rose silently halfway from his seat, leaned over toward you, and before anyone could properly call on what he was about to do, smeared the cake on his hands onto your own face, and a new wave of audible surprise and amusement went around the table.
“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?”
“I hear you, Shoyo,” one of his teammates hovered over his seat as he took a large chunk of the cake with his bare hands, and immediately smeared it onto his colleague beside him. “You look better like this, anyway.”
The table erupted into chaos, with the remainder of the unassualted teammates running away from the assault. 
“Quick, scatter, before they get us too!” 
“Oh, you aren’t escaping that easily!” 
Running, breathless laughter, and shrills of alarm rang out in a chaotic symphony throughout the apartment, but amidst the chaos, only you and Shoyo remained by the couch side by side, hunched over laughing at each other’s ruined faces. Despite the ruined cake, the madness in his home, and the icing running down your faces, Shoyo’s heart thrums with love and happiness, and he steps forward to cup your cool cheeks and halt your giggles by capturing your lips in a deep and (literally) sweet kiss. 
Now, perhaps, Shoyo could say his birthday was perfect.
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return to masterlist.
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realcube · 3 months
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ matchup for @blu3cr3am
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you would like a matchup, read this!
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'My Zodiac is Leo and my MBTI is INFP'
𓆩♡𓆪 i'm pretty sure suga is a gemini
𓆩♡𓆪 i'm no zodiac expert which is why i am now going to show you an excerpt from the cosmopolitan
𓆩♡𓆪 "Both are incredibly playful, creative, and outgoing. If they're interested in a serious, long-term relationship, they'll need to learn to really hear each other out, and find a compromise on some of their differences—like Gemini's spontaneity vs. Leo's need for stability. All in all though, these two are a great pair."
𓆩♡𓆪 however i think in the case of you and suga the leo and gemini roles would be switched
𓆩♡𓆪 according to the personality database, sugawara is a infj which means you have identical types besides judging/perceiving
𓆩♡𓆪 your j/p determines how you interact and view the world: judging types (suga) tend to look at it from a more rational, decisive way, while percieving types are more spontaneous and adapt better to change
𓆩♡𓆪 so what the zodiac excerpt says is definately true but i think the roles are switched, with you (the leo) being the spontaneous one and suga (the gemini) being the one who needs stability
𓆩♡𓆪 but yeah i think you are still a great match in that way so when suga gets in his own way by overthinking things: like he probably struggles to plan important dates (like anniversaries or birthdays) because he just wants everything to be perfect and when he's not 100% confident in what he is doing, he'll become sooo frustrated
𓆩♡𓆪 or like if he has planned the perfect picnic date, and one the day the weather defies the odds and it starts raining, he will smile on the outside but on the inside he will legit be panicking and dying over the perfect date being ruined
𓆩♡𓆪 so you're great for him in a sense you'd be able to calm him down and adapt better to the change and reassure him that it's not the end of the world
'My ideal date would be us together, enjoying peace and quiet and watching a movie. Candles light as we cuddle.'
𓆩♡𓆪 literally perfect for suga
𓆩♡𓆪 as i just mentioned, i can defo imagine him to be the type to bust his ass to plan the "perfect dates" all the way down to even the smallest, most minute details
𓆩♡𓆪 like if y'all are going on a bowling date, he WILL go and check that they have your preferred bowling ball weight before he books
𓆩♡𓆪 and being so thorough if obviously really taxing so he needs someone who could encourage him to just ... chill
𓆩♡𓆪 not that he minds planning big, elaborate dates for you, but if you preferred staying indoors and chilling, that would take a huge mental weight off of his shoulders
𓆩♡𓆪 and he'd so enjoy that too
𓆩♡𓆪 ESPECIALLY post time skip suga that works as a elementary school teacher oh lawd
𓆩♡𓆪 like yes he loves putting in the effort to dress up nice and go on cute dates to fancy restaurants, or going on fun bowling/mini-golf/physical activity dates
𓆩♡𓆪 but after a long day of having the life drained out of you by children and having your patience TESTED, he does not have the energy for all that
𓆩♡𓆪 so the fact he knows you're comfortable and really enjoy movie dates is perfect. he's happy to just lie down with you on the couch, cuddle and watch anything you want to show him
𓆩♡𓆪 (just not a disney movie though.. please.. as an elementary school teacher, the whole frozen soundtrack is probably burned onto the surface of his prefrontal cortex)
𓆩♡𓆪 oh and he might fall asleep halfway through the movie :P
'i most likely will be the one to yell first but I am always the quickest to apologise and realise my wrongs'
𓆩♡𓆪 okay so at first i was thinking yaamguchi for you but this is the statement that IMMEDIATELY made go with suga
𓆩♡𓆪 because boy needs someone that can match his energy
𓆩♡𓆪 he can be so hot-headed at times so if he was with someone who was very calm and reserved then that would just be cruel
𓆩♡𓆪 but the fact you are able to dish back out what he is serving is sooo *chef kiss
𓆩♡𓆪 also though he is never really aggressive, he just has little out bursts sometimes so the fact you are willing to deescalate the situation first is good because sometimes he'll yell and say stuff he doesn't really mean
𓆩♡𓆪 to be honest though, when that happens you probably won't even get the chance to apologise first because literally as soon as something remotely mean leaves his mouth (and he realises he said it to you and not the 1st years), he'll instantly slap his hand over his mouth and say sorry
𓆩♡𓆪 plus it doesn't happen all that often anyway
𓆩♡𓆪 sometimes though, (esp post timeskip) whenever he is in a bad mood and complaining about the most trivial things it'll dissolve into a screaming match which always ends in a fuckton of laughter
𓆩♡𓆪 like after a while neither of you can take the other one seriously when they yell
for @blu3cr3am: sorry this is 2 years late but better late than never, amarite?
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sxnii · 3 months
Hello I think your matchups are so cute and would be honored if you could do one for me!! I would like a matchup please! Post timeskip, haikyuu and long!!
Name: Averie
Zodiac: Cancer 🦀
MBTI: INFJ, the advocate
Likes: reading, video games, legos, cute stationary, Taylor Swift, Barbie, pink, glitter, tea, dogs, tan lines, the beach, strawberries, anything strawberry flavored
Dislikes: black licorice, super spicy food, horror movies, thunder storms (beyond terrified of them), cold/winter (I’m always cold), grape flavored anything
Hobbies: reading (I mostly read romance novels and mystery books)
Video games (I’ve been into animal crossing, stardew valley and legend of Zelda)
Skin care/nails/journal/yoga (all stuff I sweep under self care)
Ideal traits: love languages:
Giving: words of affirmation and acts of service
Receiving: words of affirmation and quality time
Personality: someone who is sweet, and thoughtful, but not afraid to break me out of my shell sometimes. They would need to be patient with me because I am the type to overthink. I can be a ball of anxiety sometimes so someone who is patient and understanding with that would be great! Someone who’s funny and isn’t afraid to be silly sometimes, but also knows when to be serious. I would also love someone who’s also a hopeless romantic, but tends to keep the romantic gestures more private, I’m not big on pda due to worrying about making others uncomfortable, most I’ll do is a kiss on the cheek or holding hands.
Height: I don’t mind!! I love a short king, and I also love tall guys too, as long as they love me I’m cool with it yknow??
Other: also I love when people are like wow the way he just looks at you, that’s how you know he loves you. I want a guy that looks at me like I hung the moon. A soulmate if you will LOL
Personality: I have been told when you first meet me I come across either super nice or really disinterested. I have the worlds worst rbf and the most deadpan voice, but most times I’m trying very hard to come across nice! Once you get to know me I think I am very sweet and thoughtful, I try to remember little things about all my friends like favorite candies and snacks for gifts. I also am going to school to be an elementary school teacher, and currently work at a daycare! Due to working with kids, I like to think I’m pretty patient and don’t get angry very easily. Though I tend to thrive on routines and lists, and love cleaning and keeping myself extremely organized. I also am a very hard worker, despite working full time I still manage to maintain all As in grad school, and have and still would work myself to the point past burnout if someone does not make me take a break. I am caring, kind and empathetic, and try my best to stay positive in all situations!
Preference: male please!
I appreciate you if you’re able to do this!! Matchups are my favorite thing ever, I think the people who do them are so talented frfr 😚🙏
omg when i read what your future occupation was gonna be one i just knew who it i am actually geeking over it rn😭🙏 BUT I GOTCHU!!
Your matchup is: Sugawara Koushi!!
Bro like its actually so perfect i cant rn😭 No cause i legit searched on google the compatibility of cancers and geminis(suga is a gemini btw) and it said geminis bring cancers out of their shells!! its a match made in heaven i cant😭
Suga is also an infj and two infjs in a relationship w each other will make an insightful relationship which is stable. since you both are infjs you will be able to understand each other on an emotional level!!
and when i read that you were going to school to be an elem teacher i was like “its perfect how.” cause suga is also an elem teacher😭
i can imagine that would be how the two of you met and i think its really cute!! because like he would be nice and easy to approach and you guys would just compliment eachother so well i cant anymore🙏
imagine playing stardew w suga😋 thats actually so cute
sugas love languages are definately words of affirmation and quality time because i think he would love to spend his weekend afternoons alone at his house with his partner just spending time together!!
since suga is on the more caring type i think he would also know how to make you take breaks from overworking yourself!!
And since he is an infj he would know that you are trying your best to seem nice and as smn who is also like that(pls send me a suga irl i need it) its really refreshing to have smn who understands that you are not trying to be rude or look rude its just that you cant help it!!
Thats all i hope you enjoyed ur matchup!!
pics of suga btw!! (hes so cute😭🙏)
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Lover: Koushi Sugawara
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Birthday: June 13th Star Sign: Gemini Compatibility: Bad Age Difference: 2 years + 3 weeks + 5 days MBTI: INFJ Compatibility: Good Height Adjustment: Ace 5'8" (-2"); Koushi 5'10" (+2")
Current Status: Life Partners; Living Together; Chaos Incarnate; Sickeningly Sweethearts Previous Status: Classmates; I Don't Want to Ruin Our Friendship; Mutual Pining; Friends
Library Stamps: #acesuga, #daisugace
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Instagram Feed Meme: ✓
Wedding Instagram Feed Meme:
Camera Roll Meme: ✓
Wedding/Engagement Rings:
Boyfriend/Husband Status Ranking: ✓
Bingo Card:
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 8 months
Hey Patchy! You know I can't resist a sleepover (especially with the coolest person ever aka you 💕). So Sugawara and I are bringing a Disney double feature (because we're both Geminis who couldn't decide lol). Gotta start off with the classic Hercules and then a more modern day Princess and the Frog. Hope you don't mind us humming/singing along~
Bokuto reminds me of Hercules, so I'll definitely will keep my eye on him to see if he makes that connection too! And Princess and the Frog is my favourite Princess movie!! So happy you love it too!
And sing as much as you like, cause I certainly will be as well! 💛
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come join my cozy fort~ 🔮
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
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name ◇ kel
age ◇ 30+
location ◇ us
day job ◇ data analyst
pronouns ◇ she/her
mbti ◇ infj
enneagram ◇ 5w4 sp/sx
astrology big 3 ◇ cancer sun · gemini moon · pisces rising
self-ship ◇ honestly a toss-up between zhongli/morax and kaeya alberich (don't make me choose, i cry)
genshin impact kins ◇ sucrose · nahida · kamisato ayaka
anime kins ◇ itachi uchiha (naruto) · koushi sugawara · keiji akaashi · kenma kozume · tadashi yamaguchi (haikyuu!!)
girl crushes ◇ kuki shinobu · lady ningguang
random fun facts ◇ milf · reiki II certified · vegetarian · astrology/mbti/enneagram nerd · tattoos/piercings · specialist in overthinking · plant mom · drives a golf gti · what else do you wanna know?
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sugawara-levi · 1 year
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Ingri | she/her | infj
99line: ☉ Leo | ☽ Aquarius | ↑ Gemini
Kpop content over at @hwa-hyun !
❁ multifandom: Haikyuu!!, SnK, Tokyo Rev etc.
❁ knitting and drinking tea while staring at the rain
❁ comes of as an eren, is a levi / golden cat energy
❁ this blog is my safe-space, first and foremost, and I will treat it as such, I also write for myself mainly
also available on ao3 and ko-fi<3
most of my work is aimed at mature audiences only, you’ll find a full list of warnings and triggers at the top of each work
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©sugawara-levi: all my works are strictly mine, do not copy or republish as your own
interactions are very welcome ❀
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sunkingwrites · 2 years
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Hello hello, I'm Kasper- you can call me Kasper (obvi), sun, king, or literally any cheesy petnames!
If you call me a slur, I will not hesitate to block you!
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☀ I'm a trans dude, he/him and they/them pronouns are fine
☀ May 13 (Taurus sun, Taurus moon, Gemini rising)
☀ I'm panromantic and polyamorous (aka I shove poly bakusquad in your face and you enjoy it)
☀ Inhabiting Canada, where the lakes flow with maple syrup and poutine, the beavers sing their silly tunes, and petting the foxes is sadly off limits
☀ I use petnames for a lot of my mutuals so so often, so lemme know if you're uncomfortable with me using petnames for you!
☀ I'm fluent in English (even tho sometimes I don't act like it), and I have intermediate French,, I'm trying to learn Spanish and Japanese but I'm so easily distracted and can't retain information to save my life 😅
☀ Avid enjoyer of spicy foods, sour candy, artificial banana and strawberry flavours, and cheesecake
☀ If you send me an ask, I will almost always do a little happy dance-- but no, you don't get to see it ;P
☀ I'll add more to this when I remember more things about myself :')
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Kasper's Bakusquad - me x the entire bakusquad (this includes bakugou, kirishima, sero, denki, mina, jirou, and shinsou) they're my poly bunch of loovvess
Kassou - me x Hitoshi Shinsou (apocalypse au)
Yasper - me x Momo Yaoyorozu
Kashima - me x pre transition!Eijiro Kirishima, prob happened in highschool or smthn
Kasawara - me x Koshi Sugawara
Katsukatsu - me x Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu (soul eater au)
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My Hero Academia: Denki Kaminari, Neito Monoma
Bungo Stray Dogs: Chuuya Nakahara
Haikyuu!: Kozume Kenma, Tadashi Yamaguchi
Demon Slayer: Zenitsu Agatsuma
The Way of the Househusband: Masaru Akamiya
The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting: Toichiro Aoi
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video games
Baldur's Gate 3, Beat Saber, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Among Trees, Firewatch, My Time at Sandrock, Slime Rancher (1+2), Civilization (mostly III cuz nostalgia), Red Dead Redemption II, Graveyard Keeper, Kynseed, Don't Starve, Terraria, The Sims (mostly 4), Genshin Impact
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My Hero Academia, One Piece, Haikyuu!, SK8 the Infinity, Fairy Tail, Bleach, Demon Slayer, Bungo Stray Dogs, Cowboy Bebop, The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting, Hunter x Hunter, Cells at Work!, Zombie Land Saga, The Devil Is a Part-Timer!
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☀ navigation ☀ rules ☀ about me ☀ masterlist ☀
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Koushi Sugawara
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hi, hi Han! Could I make a romantic male match up request for haikyuu please :)
I go by they/them, I'm a infp, gemini sun + gemini rising and aquarius moon :)c
I value confidence, outgoing honest personalities or just people that can be patient with shyness
I don't think I have a preference for types! ><
I'm kinda soft spoken, independent, and nervous kind of person. I'm usually restless (I pace a lot), and can be somewhat self critical but I try my best to be an optimistic and a sincere person! I usually listen to music, love sweets, and I'm an avid reader
I'm an artist, and currently getting an art degree ! I have a huge passion for all art mediums, especially animation: love analysing the creation process from every level :p
Maybe a date scenario
Tysm!!! Also, huge congrats on the 1000 milestone!!! (•ө•)♡
1000 Follower Even Matchup #17
This event is CLOSED. You can see the masterlist here.
Note: Heyyy. Sorry for the long wait :(. Hope you enjoy.
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I match you with KUROO
Runner-ups were Sugawara and Daichi
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The king of confidence
I immediately thought of him being a perfect match for you
He’s friends with one of the most introverted people, Kenma, so he has experience dealing with people who are a little more shy
Kuroo manages to get you out of your shell a little and helps build your confidence
Not that he wants to change you, he loves you as you are, but you naturally feel more comfortable and confident around him since he exudes the same energy
He loves how optimistic and kind you are about everything, it makes his heart do little flips
As a studious guy, he’s not really creative, but he admires your artistic side and will support your career goals the whole way
Dates with Kuroo are average, but enjoyable
He’ll take you to an art studio since you love art so much as he fails to follow instructions and paint the correct thing, but he’d have fun seeing how good you are at this
Afterwards he’ll take you to a restaurant or maybe even street food like those cute food stands they have in Japan where they sell all kinds of comfort food (especially on a cold day, it gives him an excuse to hold you close and stuff your hands in his pockets)
Walks you home like a gentleman, gives you a goodnight kiss, and doesn’t leave until you’re safely indoors <3
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Posted: 5/25/2023
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letmesleep333 · 2 years
Sometimes I'm minding my own business and then I remember Sugawara from Haikyuu! is a Gemini and an INFJ.
Like, same but also how the hell does Asahi and Daichi deal with him?
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realcube · 2 years
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ matchup for @littlelilbun
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you would like a matchup, read this!
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‘i’m a girl, aries, enfp’
𓆩♡𓆪 suga is a gemini 
𓆩♡𓆪 aries and gemini have very high compatibility overall 
𓆩♡𓆪 they are both considered upbeat signs, which seems to be very accurate to both of your characters, so you both have very similar communication styles and approaches to dealing with difficult situations 
𓆩♡𓆪 here are some quotes i found off of zodiac sign sites: 
𓆩♡𓆪 ‘The overall impression of this couple would be good, exciting and challenging, a relationship where both partners can learn a lot and be active in a healthy way.’
𓆩♡𓆪  ‘The spontaneity of the Aries native works well will the unpredictability of the Twins, which is the main reason for the vivacious nature of their relationship. This is a bond that will never be mundane or boring. Both of you will always have a trick up your sleeves to keep the relationship lively and more often than not, you will thoroughly enjoy the company of your partner even after you have been together for years.’
𓆩♡𓆪  ‘As per Aries and Gemini’s compatibility in love, they are a great match because they have so much in common. For instance, both of them value freedom and intellectualism way too much.’
𓆩♡𓆪 Suga is an INFJ , according to personality database
𓆩♡𓆪 the only differences is with him being an introvert (debatable , lol) and you being an extrovert, although i don’t think that would really matter in terms of your relationship. extraversion/introversion really determines how one interacts with others, the public, not each other since you are both going to be familiar with each other and we have all seen how suga is with his friends and teammates 👁👁 
𓆩♡𓆪  you are different in your last types too, however, i think that is probably better for your relationship. differences are really good sometimes, and since judging types to be neat and orderly, while perceiving types enjoy things that are flexible. so you being a perceiving type will definitely help his loosen up and become more spontaneous 
𓆩♡𓆪 it is good that you are both feeling types though, this means you make decisions mostly based on emotions, which means you’ll both be very considerate of each others feelings when making decisions and resolving issues in the relationship 
‘my love language is physical touch!!!’
𓆩♡𓆪 i’m not sure if you mean giving or receiving so i am just going to assume you mean both !!
𓆩♡𓆪 i hc that his biggest love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation 
𓆩♡𓆪 he is a big supporter of random acts of affection, such as hugs from behind and kisses when you least expect it !!
𓆩♡𓆪 but he is also a traditionalist 🙏 cuddles on the couch and on the bed are also appreciated
𓆩♡𓆪 he’s a squeezer though, he suffers from a chronic cuteness aggression though 
𓆩♡𓆪 so if he sees you looking exceptionally cute, he need to fight every urge in his both to squeeze your cheeks with his whole strength 
𓆩♡𓆪  as for words of affirmation, i think that is like a secondary love language of his when he’s unable to express his feelings through physical touch 
𓆩♡𓆪 so instead of squeezing you half to death, he’ll just tell you how cute you are like a normal boyfriend
𓆩♡𓆪 (he also likes to hear how good of a setter you think he is too) 
‘my ideal partner is someone tall and protective, who would take care of me and be attentive to me and my feelings’
𓆩♡𓆪 that is so suga !! 
𓆩♡𓆪 i mean he is 5ft9 before timeskip so you can imagine he will be pretty tall after timeskip too 
𓆩♡𓆪 as for protective, he is the epitome of protective
𓆩♡𓆪 maybe overprotective sometimes.. but mostly just because he cares about you a lot and he wants you to be safe !!
𓆩♡𓆪 especially after he gets a job as an elementary teacher lol, being protective is a second nature to him 
𓆩♡𓆪 i don’t know what you mean by take care of you but suga is definitely one of the most caring and giving people, so he would definitely be tending to making you sure you are as happy as you deserve to be; scheduling dates, ordering presents, writing love poems etc
𓆩♡𓆪 and as i said before , he’s an infj, hence a feeling type, so he will be very attentive and considerate towards your feelings and emotions in a relationship
for @littlelilbun​: it was basically between bokuto and sugawara when i was reading your request but as soon as you mentioned bunnies, immediately suga !! haha
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rivereclipse · 6 days
About Me
Hi everyone! I just wanted to post something here on my newly created blog and I wanted to share some of bits of myself before I start posting my thoughts about IR.
Name: River
Age: 20s
Zodiac Sign: Cancer Sun, Gemini Moon, and Aries Rising
MBTI: I actually don't believe in MBTI but for fun sake it's ESTP.
Favorite Anime: I just recently started watching long run episodes anime like Bleach but my favorites are Haikyuu, My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, Lovely Complex, and Jujutsu Kaisen.
Favorite Characters: I honestly can't think of since most of the characters that I liked are my anime simps as well. Probably the ones whom I genuinely like without simping them is Pieck Finger, Itadori Yuuji, Hinata Shoyo, Yuu Nishinoya, Ryuunouske Tanaka, Kotaro Bokuto, Akashi Keiji
Anime Simps: Kuroo Tetsurou, Daichi Sawamura, Sugawara Koshi, Iwaizumi Hajime, Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Fushigurou Toji, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, and Kurosaki Ichigo
Favorite Ships: BakuDeku, EreHisu, IchiRuki, OiKuroo, KuroTsukki
What's the backstory of this account or why did you decided to create this account?
I already watched Bleach when I was in 5th or 6th grade. It was aired here in one of the major broadcasting TV channels here in our country but I was not able to watch the starting episode or follow through. I just watched them when I don't have any classes or if I'm absent that day since it is always aired on the morning.
I remember I bought a CD of some of the episodes of Bleach and I think that the episode that truly hooked me up was the backstory of Toshiro Hitsugaya, which is my childhood anime crush, and I was heavily focused on him. I was not able to dig deeper on IR but I know they were the main protagonist. That's the only episode that I watched before since the CD that I bought was incomplete and it kinda hassles me to binge watch Bleach from the start since I was not a fan of shounen animes. I was heavily fan of shojo animes only but Bleach caught my attention back then. Although Naruto is the most popular anime here and next is Bleach but I don't know why it kinda catches my attention.
I started to re-watch anime back in 2020 and I tried to watch shounen animes since I kinda no longer interested in shojo anime. I just recently started watching Bleach this year since the manga had already finished and the older episodes as well. Surprisingly I was caught by the chemistry of Ichigo and Rukia. I just learned that they were not the end game (yeah spoiler alert) and it kinda makes me question why. I mean yes, Rukia is not the typical girl that the MC would end up but I think their relationship and dynamics tells a lot which I'll be sharing when I finished watching Bleach. I read a lot of analysis for IR and I also wanted to share my thoughts. There will be inclusion of spirituality and esoterics so if you are open to that, that would be great. I will try to incorporate my knowledge on spirituality to IR and stuffs.
Message to readers:
I will try my best to sound objective and rational as possible especially I know that there are fan wars between IR ships and IH ships but I'm not sure if I can do that. If you happened to read my post and don't like it, please just take it with grain of salt. This is just for entertain purposes only and Kubo has already decided that Ichigo's end game is Orihime and we folks, can't do anything about that but to relieve our feels and thoughts here in this community.
I will not engage or encouraging you to throw degrading words for IR or IH as I wanted to have my own space to be a safe space for everyone.
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ladylunavoodoo13 · 2 months
Izumi Ōyama
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Name Meaning: Izumi - spring, fountain
Ōyama- Big Mountain
Iz or Zumi by friends and family
Japanese and Greek.
She’s a third year who’s been at Inarizaki since her second year. Izumi lives in an Inn run by her Mother’s family. She lives with her grandparents, mom, older sister (Noriko), older brother (Tristan), younger sister (Daika), and younger brother (Kenji). Despite being the middle child, she often takes on the role of older sibling and parent in the house. She joined the art club and decided to take on being Inarizaki’s manager since she had free time. Her past wasn’t great.
Current Concern:
Getting milk tea or a lemonade.
August 23
Izumi is a person who has a motto of going-with-the-flow with an open mind and inquisitive attitude. At first she’s a bit shy but tries her best to be friendly and make everyone comfortable, giving her a warm presence. She’s rather observant and analytical despite the usually “daydream” look on her face. Her RBF makes her more intimidating than she actually is, and despite her openness, she’s not open about how she might truly feel. As sweet as she is, she’s ten times as sassy and twenty times as scary when she’s mad. She can be a bit of a silly goof when comfortable with someone and often flirts with people for fun (if you flirt back she either gets flustered or flirts even harder). She’s a busybody who doesn’t like being bored. Even on self care days, she’s thinking of new hobbies she might try and see for fun. She jokes about her trauma for fun and invalidates herself to avoid getting upset.
Love Interest(s):
Osamu Miya and/or Tobio and/or Shōyō Hinata and/or Koshi Sugawara.
Love Language (GIVING):
ALL but especially Gift Giving.
Love Language (RECEIVING):
ALL but especially Acts of Service.
Family Relations:
Yuna - Grandma
Masahi - Grandpa
Akemi - Mom
??? - Father
Noriko - Older sister
Tristan - Older Brother
Daika - Younger Sister
Kenji - Younger Brother
She’s rather short and petite. She’s toned, especially in her forearms and right arm (dominant for art) and left leg (just puts more weight there). Bruises easily.
Her hair is naturally wavy and black. She’ll dye it different colors from time to time if she’s bored and it reaches her waist. Her eyes are hazel, although mainly browns and ambers with a little bit of green at the edges. She has a greek nose bridge and small but full lips that are often glossed baby pink. She’s got light olive skin and an angular but delicate face that’s oval. She has pink glasses that she wears at home due to not wanting her contacts in all day.
She has a beauty mark on her right temple, right forearm, above her left elbow, a thin scar on the right side of her jaw (forgot to draw it) and a burn scar on the back of her shoulders that looks like leopard prints kinda. In the locker room, you might catch a glimpse of a scar on her chest and under her chest, as well as one on the right side of her hip. She’s also got a scar on her right index finger and palm. Other scars are too faded to see on her arms and legs.
Although she doesn’t wear earrings often, she has her lobes done. She hasn’t gotten any tattoos yet but she has given people stick and poke tattoos. She’d like some in the future.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Clinical Depression
Breathing Issues (due to being a preemie, she has underdeveloped lungs)
Anorexia (In and out of Recovery)
• She has several hobbies that she switches between
• Has an assortment of random knowledge and facts and skills
•Her huge purse carries things for all her friends; their favorite snacks and distractions, a sewing kit, a first aid kit, inhalers, medicines, books, sketchbooks, etc. It’s like Mary Poppins’ bag.
• She loves animals more than humans
• Severely caffeine and boba addicted. Severely.
Two - Sleeping at Last
Casual - Chappell Roan
I will follow you into the dark - Death Cab for Cutie
Work Song - Hozier
Cinnamon - Lana Del Rey
Go Off - Doja Cat
Dark Necessities - Red Hot Chili Peppers
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