#kuroo tetsurou doesn’t trust geminis
maybe-a-dinosaur · 8 months
i saw this tik tok forever ago and can’t find it now but was like “kuroo knows nothing about astrology but Swears he doesn’t trust geminis”
this has become a pivotal part of his character in my head kuroo tetsurou doesn’t know Anything about astrology but uses it to insult people and thinks he’s so fucking funny. the extent of his knowledge is the names of the signs and that’s all he needs does he know anyone’s sign? no he doesn’t need to the jabs still land he’s a Master instigator.
bokuto buys a lottery ticket doesn’t win anything complains about it over lunch kuroo raises an eyebrow says “it’s cuz you’re a sagittarius” goes back to eating. it only works bc he’s so quick with it yaku gets pissed off starts yelling in the locker room kuroo elbows lev “pisces men ammirite?” eyebrows exaggeratedly high head tilted dramatically turns away starts tying his shoes. akaashi’s talking about a restaurant he went to - the atmosphere was great but the food was just okay - kuroo scoffs “that’s such a virgo thing to say” kejii blinks flips him off keeps talking. kenma forgets his keys at home locks himself out calls kuroo “you’re such a fucking capricorn” hangs up immediately . one day at practice everyone’s off their game he calls a huddle stands with a hand on his hip looks around “guys. is it because mercury’s in retrograde?” Dead silence coach nekomata puts his head in his hands and ends practice early. kuroo meets oikawa for the first time 10 minutes in interrupts him mid-sentence finger in the air smirk on his face “i bet you’re a leo moon” “What. is that supposed to mean.”
it’s mostly for the bit though kuroo doesn’t believe in astrology by principle like “i am the master of my fate” or whatever But. but. he swears up and down he doesn’t trust geminis. daichi introduces him to sugawara (gemini sticker on his phone) kuroo narrows his eyes in suspicion no wonder he’s so good at volleyball. he claims his lack of trust is cuz koushi cheats at monopoly (he does) but no. gemini.
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Heyy can you pair me up? I'm a 21 year old girl, INFP, Gemini, 5 feet 1, short and loud and also rather sensitive. I look a lot younger than I am. Hangs more with guys and the momfriend that people come to for advice; but also easily angered and really impatient. Loves to sleep during free time, plays video games and draws. Booksmart but can't do sports for life. A procrastinator with a fear of failure. Loves food and would eat anything. I hope this is enough and thanks!
Oops just realised I should’ve specified that I hope to be paired with BNHA and Haikyuu boys, also adding that I’m doing chemical engineering in uni (I’m the INFP, gemini 5 feet 1 girl)
Hey, love! Thank you so much for your request, I hope you’re happy and satisfied with your matches! 
In the Haikyuu!! Universe
Kuroo Tetsurou would love you for eternity.
·        Kuroo would take advantage of your height and tease you all the time, nothing too relentless or hurtful, just little, playful teases while standing to his full height and leaning back further and further as you continuously try to kiss him, and if he ever did accidentally insult you, he’d apologize right away and snuggle all the insecurities away.
·        Kuroo isn’t unfamiliar with noise, he has Bokuto as a friend, after all. He’d love to listen to your voice, so be as loud as you want! He’d find pleasure in hearing you rant or fangirl! He’d sit and listen for hours, just to hear your voice.
·        Looks aren’t really a deciding factor for this boy, but he’s definitely not complaining, he loves how young you look! He adores all your lively features and compliments you daily, always kissing your cheek as he does so. He’s the kind of sap to just get lost in you, gazing lovingly at you from across the room as you get ready for the day together.
·        You two are similar when it comes to being the parental friend. Kuroo has his team to look after and the new addition of Lev revealed a whole new level of fatherly tendencies and behavior. You and he would undoubtedly be dubbed “Mom and Dad” of the Nekoma volleyball club and watch over all the younger members.
·        Kuroo would love to see you teach some poor fool their place, but if you get too fired up, he’d gently wrap his arm around your waist and start pulling you in the opposite direction, all the while chuckling fondly. Same when you get too impatient, he’d silently pull you into his side and caress your arm to distract you as you two wait.
·        He’d honestly sleep right there along with you during free time or whenever, really. Kuroo is practically a cat as it is, he’d have no problem cuddling you to his chest, snuggling you in under his chin and getting some shut-eye.
·        He’d love to sit back and watch you play your video games or even join in if you’d have him. You’d have so many competitions, and don’t put it past him to play dirty! He’d try all kinds of different techniques, tickling you, blocking your view, playful shoving, anything to distract you from your mission, and he’d defend his actions by smirking and declaring “All’s fair in love and war, love.”
·        He’d love to watch you draw, as well. He’d be right over your shoulder, resting his head on you as he watches you place each stroke carefully and with great patience. He’d be enraptured with your calm determination as you effortlessly paint what he’d deem a masterpiece. He’d buy you all the supplies you’d ever want and even a graphics tablet if you decided to go digital. He’d ask your permission to hang the pieces all over his room, so he could look at them and think of you even during the infrequent and short times you are apart.
·        Kuroo is a bookworm when it comes to science, as well. He’d enjoy studying late into the night with you.
·        He wouldn’t force you to play volleyball if you really didn’t want to, but he’d love to share his second love with you, if you’d allow him. He wouldn’t care if you weren’t the best at the sport, he’d be so very happy and content if he could just share his dream with the love of his life.
·        He’d push you to not procrastinate so much, for fear you’d stress yourself out when the workload gets too much or you have no choice but to rush. He’d have little work sessions throughout the week, much like your study sessions, where you get together to work on whatever needs to be worked on and he’d slowly push you to complete the work earlier in the week, before the due date, and he’d bait you to keep it that way by taking you out on the weekends you’d usually wouldn’t have open if you had procrastinated. He’d reward you for your hard work that week with movie nights, dinner dates, and the like.
·        Kuroo loves food, as well. He’d take you out to a nice restaurant for a lovely, romantic dinner or, if you prefer, you two would stay in and fix a nice dinner together, but watch out, Kuroo would likely eat the ingredients needed whenever you turn away. You’d be explaining the recipe as you move away and when you turn around, he’d have a half-eaten carrot in his mouth as he stared frozen at you with big, innocent eyes, daring you to blame and reprimand him even as the evidence was so very obviously there.
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Hi dear! Sorry if we’ve made you wait! I hope you’ll like your matches!
In the BnHA Universe
Kirishima Ejirou is your sunshine!
-Kirishima likes a cheerful and noisy environment. Your voice, music, people chatting…he feels at ease, it means people are alive and happy around him. He’s the type who screams from the balcony to greet you when you arrive home or to join you from the living room when you sing under the shower. If you get excited and scream, probably he’ll get excited too and make as much noise as you do. (Bakugou sometimes has to threaten the two of you to shut the fuck up)
-He loves that you’re so small! It means he can easily hug, carry, poke and tickle you as much as he wants. He loves draping himself over you and nuzzling against your neck.
-The only moment he appreciates quietness is when you are sleeping against his chest and he can stare at your calm, beautiful face. He stays still, rubbing soothing circles on your hip or brushing gently your hair.
-You both love eating and that’s fantastic because you don’t have to be shy about how hungry you are. Things get more complicated when there’s only one slice of pizza left: tickle and pillow fights ensue.
-He likes to be a gentleman and to pay for your food, but if you insist sometimes he lets you share the bill.
-You’ve fun cooking together, even if neither of you is really good at it. You try new, strange mixture of ingredients or play with the food. Playing around in the kitchen is a must-do for you.
-You’re the first one he searches for when he doubts himself or get stressed about hero-things. He feels better when he has your opinion about it too and trusts your advice completely. Obviously, he’s also there for you when you need him and tries his best to be of help: he gets very firm and serious when you blame yourself for failing at something or for a mistake; cuddles and kisses arrive only after you’ve recognized you’re worth even when making mistakes and it’s not a catastrophe.
-Kirishima being a ball of energy who wants to do, do and do, you really don’t have the time to procrastinate! Even when you’re not in the mood, he bribes you or stays with you whatever you’re doing and motivates you with food or kisses. He doesn’t like to force you, but he knows how stressed you get when you procrastinate too much.
-Thank goodness you’re book smart because he needs someone to help him. Between you and Bakugou, he arrives at the end of the semester with (soon or less) ease. Sometimes he feels very stupid for not being “brilliant like you, SO!” so you have to scold him or kiss his worries away that he’s not stupid and even if he has difficulties studying he has many other perks.
-He likes dragging you out to do sports! He knows you’re horrible at it, yet he doesn’t care. Krishna just enjoys being there with you and trying to teach you how to play, joking and playing around. He also thinks that it’s the perfect excuse for a bit of skin-to-skin contact. Half of the times you end up rolling in the grass and laughing.
-He’s protective of you, even if he knows perfectly that you can kick ass by yourself. He’d never admit it but the first time he saw you angry he felt intimidated (and a bit turned-on).
-Your video gaming nights get heated quickly. When Bakugou joins you, everyone in the Dorm doesn’t sleep ‘cause they can hear your yells and curses as if they were in the room.
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faveanimeships · 6 years
oooo hi!! can i requests for a matchup? i'm 5'7, straight, blue hair and a big smilee. i'm an INTJ, my sign is aquarius sun leo moon and gemini rising & i belong to ravenclaw. i talk a lot once u know me but some say i can be detached & unpredictable at times. i'm,,,, also weird,,, in a way that i say stuff weirdly without thinking. i hate it when people tell me what to do and i would always like to have my own way. i have a difficulty showing love thru words, shy when i like someone & i would-
stutter around my crush. love science ( major in chemistry) and also naps!! always exhausted but not at night. i like entertaining people with my jokes & i think rhat i have the best humor out here akdjajdjajdjs. my friends describe me as crazy, stupid and smart at the same time, stubborn, creative and a fun person to hang out with lol. i dont have a type i think i can handle anyone ( in the haikyuu world) except um… ushijima? because hes too serious sjjs idt he would laugh at my jokes.. -
thanks!!! i hope i made myself clear iejajdjwjj im sorry its too long u can take ur time :D!! thank uuuuu
if you’re interested in the astrology, personality types, Hogwarts house, please check out the rules!! I have included all the relevant links there
Girl we literally so alike istg also you so tall wat the hell is 170cm (sorry I had to convert TUT)
I ship you with Ennoshita Chikara !!
You’re stubborn, independent, you tend to shift between ‘ideal’ and ‘reality’, you’re creative, original, unpredictable, straightforward, you are determined and versatile. You want a smart boy, you need that intellectual stimulation, you probably look for an ‘equal’ when you’re looking for a relationship, you’re probably clueless when it comes to love and you probably want a reassuring companion who is willing to put up with your whims and keep up with you.
AND THUS, MY GOOD FREN, I ship you with Ennoshita! Ennoshita provides a very calming, assuring and reliable presence in the relationship, he acts as your ‘rock’ when you drift from reality into ideal mode. It is also canon that Ennoshita will probably end up being a director (genius director yeesh), he works in the artistic field where he is prone to encounter all types of weird and I assure you he will NOT be weirded out by you. I think he would appreciate a partner like you since he’s a director, he’s probably away for filming a lot (appreciates your independence), needs different inspirations (in which you are able to provide), and your ability to be original and creative will probably help build his career and push him further and explore different genres. On the other hand, Ennoshita will also help you push yourself further by giving you amazing advice and also be the shoulder to lean on when you’re stuck.
++Ennoshita does well in school and it is safe to assume that he understands most of your science jokes (eg: ARE YOU A CARBON SAMPLE BECAUSE I WANNA DATE U !!! him: yeesh stop) = number 1 intellectual couple #goals
NOT ONLY THAT he also really appreciates your straightforwardness, because he needs REAL opinions about his movie, and you know who doesn’t want to kiss the genius director’s ass and star in his movie?? Yes but you’re different you’d just say “I feel that part’s just weird like??? Wtf is going on” and he takes your opinion seriously = healthy relationship!! Also Ennoshita really loves the humorous side of you he uses your jokes sometimes to ease up the tense atmosphere on set !!! Also Ennoshita probably has an equally fked sleep cycle, so he’s always up at night with you and naps with you during the day uwu
Things he likes:
1.    10pm walks
2.    Subtle PDA
3.    Holding hands under the table during family reunions
4.    Face to face cuddling + yall talking about your day
5.    Mutual trust
6.    Individual time off, both of you probably need personal space, so yall would take time off to recharge yourselves individually
7.    Ice cream dates
8.    Napping when there’s a storm outside
9.    Domestic things like cleaning the house or grocery shopping
10. Making decisions together
11. Talking to your parents (lets be honest he’s like the perfect son in law)
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I will also ship you with (under the cut)
Futakuchi Kenji
He’s stubborn, provocative and an idiot really, he knows how to rile you up, but at the same time he provides you with that intellectual stimulation??? Futakuchi isn’t a big fan of affection but he shows that he cares with his actions (eg: breakfast in bed) he probably denies a lot (like you know, he deliberately woke up at 6am to prepare a breakfast in bed feast for you but he’ll say it’s because he was already awake) excuses we know you’re in love UWU!!! He lowkey loves cuddling but he will NEVER admit it. He also fixes things around the house which is super convenient, your parents probably ask him to fix their stuff, leaky taps, old car, he does it all for free (brownie points) and when you ask him why he’ll probably say “its for practice”. He will tease you A LOT!!!!!!! Because both of yalls are stubborn yall probably will fight a lot at the start, but yall will learn how to compromise and communicate with each other (–=+) so like this also improves your human communication skills.
As an ace and captain from a powerhouse school, he’s bound to have exceptional observation skills. He knows when your off days are and he will stick around to pamper you, like run a bath, give you a hug, less snarky retorts, order uber eats, cuddle with you, etc. He also understands that you need your individual space so just talk to him about what you want, and he will definitely respect that. Overall, a very respectful relationship + fun bantering. Also because Futakuchi loves volleyball a lot he is very likely to join a social team after he graduates, and he would absolutely love it if you support him when he plays.
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Akira Kunimi
He’s laid back, indifferent, emotionless, lazy, calm, efficient and smart. He has good observational skills. He knows when you’re down, and he’ll just move close to you. He dislikes loud people but he is a great listener, he might just chuckle at your jokes, but he appreciates them (in his bland life). He loves taking naps with you, and he lets you do most of the talking because he loves to listen to your voice (its defs NOT because it lulls him to sleep), he doesn’t really have a preference when it comes to things, so you’d be doing most of the decision making but unlike with Futakuchi, this relationship is really calm, almost no bickering. Kunimi respects you a lot and looks up to you because you’re diligent and opinionated (unlike him), but because of his love for efficiency and his lazy personality, he might just give you great advice (eg: how to write a simple but academically sound lab report withinin 2 hours instead of 2 days)  (A/N: YES THAT TOOK ME  DAYS TO COMPLETE ONE LAB REPORT PLZ DON’T JUDGE ME)
He’s also a big fan of cuddling and just playing with your hair, holding hands and staying indoors especially during winter. Overall it’s just a very calm and quiet relationship.
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I would also ship you with Kuroo Tetsurou !!
- nerd couple 
- dates: making weird experiments (eg: lets titrate acid and something weird together and calculate the equivalence point!!!!! u: its probably impossible him: TEST THE LIMITS OF SCIENCE), watching khan academy (nerd), talking shit about orgo, trying to create a weird element (sorry hunny not that easy), reading nature (and hoping yalls will be on it), cafe dates + buying apple pie for kenma
- kenma, kenma like your son (u: kenma plz brush your teeth kenma: k kuroo: plz be my wife)
- roasting his academic papers uWU (hahahahahaha) (OFFENDED VOICE: CONFLICT OF INTERESTTTT) (cues kuroo groaning) 
- fun couple, fun amusement park dates 
- not using gloves in the lab >:( (tbh its been a long time since i used gloves in the lab lolol) 
- cuddle bug (loves hugging you so much )
- has normal sleep cycle but is always down for naps (lazy cat kuroo) 
- loves your weird (tbh all academics are weird) 
- roasting each other
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YEET I HOPE YOU LIKE IT TUT feel free to send in more requests uwu!!!
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