#gen 2: noah
aurorangen · 6 months
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To summarise: Casper's having the time of his life, Petrah's glued to her seat and Marco came for the free food 👍 But hey everyone's having a great time and we get to meet the newest addition to the Apple family...Briar!!!
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The cousins meeting for the first time 🥺
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moonsyrups · 1 year
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when will this hoe be done with university
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ice-creamforbreakfast · 8 months
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It was time to update the tree again!
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novodontia · 1 year
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Total Drama tier list based on what YouTuber I think they would watch in 2015
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softerhaze · 2 years
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freshman year 💿✨ (♪)
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sensitive-trait · 4 months
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Feast your eyes 🥧
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millepied-legacy · 6 months
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Gen 2 beginning / previously / next
[TRANSCRIPT] under the cut.
You can translate the dialog if you want!
— Aw what a beautiful surprise. My Noah... — Hey Nana.
— I'm sorry to drop by like this unannounced. — Don't say that. You know you don't need an invitation, the doors are ALWAYS open for you.
— How have you been sweetheart? It's been a while since you last came to visit us. — I know, I'm sorry. I won't let it happen again, I'll visit more often. I promise. — That's wonderful to hear. — How's grandpa? — He's around here somewhere. You know how he is with his plants.
— Now, I believe I asked how have you been... How was the honeymoon? — I'm doing fine. We. We are doing fine, — Oh let me set the table. I just know we have things to talk about my boy.
— Ok, now sit child. Get yourself comfortable. Have some of my scones, there's a banana bread too. It's the healthy one. Specially made for you grandfather. Or would you like me to prepare something else? I have saved some stuff, just let me go get it- — Nana, it's fine. Just come here and sit down already [laughs]
— I'm very grateful, and everything looks delicious. But you know I'm on a diet because of my training. — Yeah I know. — I will have tho, your awesome mates. I can have as many as I want.
— Alright then. Let's start with: how have you been? What's going on with your life honey? Something about work maybe? — How do you just KNOW? I don have a think at work...
— A mother always know. Want to tell me about it? — I- I got an offer to play for another team. — Honey that's wonderful news. — Yeah-
— But it means moving to another city. And I don't know if it's the right move for me. For us. You know I've been travelling a lot but that's not the same as LIVING there, being away of you, my family and knowing you're not a short ride away.
— I was wondering, you know, since mom told me about you and grandpa moving here from Windenburg... How did you know-? How can one take that decision...? — Well you know who can have something to say about this...
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strangedramacandy · 9 months
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obigem · 3 months
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For some people, it always looks better in the morning.
But for Jai that unforuntatley wasn't true.
After he left the Fletcher house the night before, he just kept replaying all his moves in his head and he started to question everything.
What if he came on too strong?
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He wanted Cordelia to know his feelings, but he didn't want to make things awkward.
And yet awkward was all things were.
He had gone by her house to walk with her to school, but her mom let him know she'd left early.
Was she avoiding him now?
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As he approached the lockers, he saw her down on the end talking to Noah Kane.
Her back was turned to him, she couldn't see him. But he could see her. His heart halted as he anticipated her turning to face him and maybe give some indication that she might return his feelings.
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But Cordelia couldn't notice just yet. She was in recruitment mode.
"The Debatalions? Sounds like a fruity balet group. I'll pass."
"No, wait! If it's the name you hate, it's still a work in progress."
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"I was workshopping some new names with my dad this morning, and he came up with a really great one. How do you feel about the Master Debators? Great, huh?" "
You're kidding, right?"
"What's wrong with it?"
"That's like a masturbation joke waiting to happen! Are you stupid?"
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"What kind of way is that to talk to someone!"
"A good way especially if she comes up with dumb club names like the Masturbators!"
"That's not the name! And if you're going to be rude you can forget about joining!"
"Like I'd want to join your stinky club anyway!" Noah huffed.
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She had to admit, hearing Noah dismiss her club out right, it hurt. She wanted to get upset, but she didn't want him to see that he hurt her. Instead she took a page out of Jordie's book.
"Oh, you thought I was inviting you to join? Get real, loser. That was a joke invite."
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"Whatever. Like I said before. I didn't wanna be in it anyway." She could tell from his tone of voice that she got to him. She felt kind of bad. She didn't mean to hurt his feelings, but he did hurt hers first.
"Good. This convo never happened." Cordie triumphantly walked away.
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But before she could get very far, there right in front of her was Jai.
Her heart hiccuped, and she froze.
She hadn't prepared yet for seeing again, especially not so soon after he'd confessed his feelings to her. What was she supposed to say?
"Hi, Cordie." Jai said nervously.
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hiddenspriings · 2 years
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Long overdue post with all family members
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honeyblssom · 3 months
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i’d say he took the news quite well!
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moonsyrups · 1 year
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ice-creamforbreakfast · 8 months
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Noah and Milo accepted this fate. It was easier that way.
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sirnlish · 6 months
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The Hayes wedding album
venue: key point by @parissimmer-s4
elias legacy | chrono gen 3 | chrono elias extras
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totaldrama-mage00 · 7 months
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sensitive-trait · 4 months
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Harvestfest arrived, giving the family a chance for a much-needed reunion. Kate had agreed to host and was happy to cook for their families who would be travelling to visit. The girls even helped her start dinner. But as soon as the doorbell rang she lost both sous chefs. She pulled the turkey out of the oven before following the sounds of teenagers shrieking.
Her sister's family was the first to arrive. The girls squealed collectively before running off to Charlotte's room, to get reacquainted without the adults overhearing them. 
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Kate welcomed their relatives inside, remarking how their familiar faces had changed. The kids were taller, and her brother looked older, she pointed out with a teasing smile. Then they caught up on the year that had passed. Sharing all the little stories they’d saved for a moment just like this. Together again, it almost felt like when they were children. But the noticeable absence of their parents made the distinction clear.
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Kate called everyone to the table and as they ate Jack and Noah began recounting stories of their grandparents. Soon the whole room joined in, with James and Lucy imitating Diane and Michael, until they couldn’t breathe from laughter.
Lovingly introducing their parents to the grandchildren they hadn’t gotten the pleasure to know. 
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