#gender is a spectrum and it's 90% vibe based in my mind
frostfireft · 3 years
what are your gender headcanons for the pink haired Fairy Tail characters?
Okay because I know who sent this, and I know you’re expecting my long winded bullshit, you’re getting my long winded bullshit and weird way of describing gender that probably only half makes sense. 
1: Natsu Dragneel  
Genderqueer, All pronouns, he/she/they/it/neopronouns, doesn't matter. Gender is a spectrum and they're the whole fucking thing all at once. Feral energy. non-symmetrical clothing, but all matching colors. Feminine in the way guys are feminine and masculine in the way girls are masculine all at the same time. Long hair with an undercut and braids vibe. Skirts and thigh highs and doing ballet in black platform boots vibe. Would also kick your ass in the same outfit. Somehow graceful while causing utter chaos.
2: Chelia Blendy 
Demigirl, shey/they pronouns. Soft chaos and wildflower kind of vibe. Flannels tied around your waist and hanging over long skirts vibe. hidden thigh strap with a dagger sharp enough to to cut steel energy. Falling short of graceful the same way Icarus fell from the sun, lost only at the last moment and when they reached too hard for it, but keeping all the grace in the world when not trying. 
3: Sherry Blendy 
Trans woman, She/her. Lyon helped her transition and became her first real friend in a long time this way. Reds and pinks and soft purples swirled together on cupcake icing vibe. Paper hearts and secret wishes vibe. Platonic cuddles and whispered reassurances. Pink leather chokers with hearts that hide bruises vibe. killing fear and fighting trauma with all kinds of love (romantic, sisterly, platonic, motherly ect).  Strong in ways that people mistake for weakness.
4: Aries 
Genderqueer, She/they. Soft cottagecore and butterfly pea tea on a warm summer afternoon. Light filtering though a stained glass window and onto the hand wuilted blankets vibe. Cotton candy and sweets until your teeth hurt. The way the sky looks when the sunset has just begun and the sun is barely touching the horizon, but trapped in a tiny bottle of mirrors and worn around her neck. Softeness when the word is harsh
5: Virgo 
Genderqueer, they/she. Leather straps hidden under cute dresses. Unapologetic and unwilling to falter. A lighthouse in a storm so all encompasing that the light is barely visible though the rain, but nevertheless it persists and you will see flashes of it until the rain is gone and it stads tall and bright once more. Loud and proud no matter how many hits they take. Strong and unflinching. 
6: Porlyusica 
Trans woman, she/her. Silk hidden under leather vibe. Tough as nails and harder than steel vibe. Could and would flatten you like a pancake, and only the laws of the land hold her back. And her status as a healer of course. A rose bush with no roses, only thorns, because the world has pulled away all the petals and left behind only what they believe to be undesireable. But there will always be those who love the thorns just as much. 
7: Ikaruga
Trans woman, she/her. Femme fatale vibe. Acrylics coated with cyinide. Pretty in the way that Oleander is beautiful. Bright and eyecatching and sweet until you make the mistake of trying to use it. Toxic in a way that that pulls you under as it slowly kills you without you knowing. Needles and vengence against the world vibes. 
8: Meredy 
Trans demigirl, she/they. Thought she was just a girl at first and then realized she wasn’t quite at the end of the scale. Plush stuffed animals handsticked by friends and colored to match an aesthetic you feel most. Mood rings and tarot cards with mood descriptors. poloroid photos taken and burned slightly at the edges from dropping them too close to the campfire while making smores vibe. Emphathetic yet preserving every detail of everything and accepting it as is.
9: Ginger 
Demigirl, she/her. Fire and ice, yin and yang, two sides of a coin. Duality in way that’s unexpected. dresses feminine but it doesn’t stop her from doing anything. Fights like a feral cat, all instinct and pride. 
10: Cosmos 
cis woman. She/her. flowers and kisses in the sunrise. Cafe au lait and crepes for breakfast. A meadow full of flowers as you run though, butterflies flying upwards behind you as you disturb them. A knife stabbed upright in the cutting board as a reminder than no matter how gentle she is, she can still fight anyone and win. Several more in the bullsye of a practice target outside as a promise she won’t miss. 
11: Mary 
Trans woman, she/her. Wild as a large cat but just as graceful. Just as playful. could follow you through the night and you wouldn’t notice. Could do it during the day too. some one could pat her head without realizing the danger. Gentle until provoked. Power and adorableness rolled into one. 
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streamworthytv · 5 years
Leave Netflix’s “Locke & Key” UNDER lock and key...for MANY reasons.
So...after FINALLY finishing #Netflix’s Locke & Key - I say “finally,” because it seemed to take FOREVER - I want to apologize for even KIND OF recommending this show on my FB/IG accounts (Tumblr was not yet up at that point). I mentioned that the show was slow to start, which is true - but as I continued to watch the show, I found that this was not just a “setting up the premise” issue. A pattern, throughout the entire series, is that there are whole periods of the show that seem to be filler - with characters that you’re not made to care about - while you wait for the “WOW, something’s happening!!” plot points to come up. I really got SO tired of waiting for this points (but wanted to fight through it, so you won’t have to!!).
And that’s not the only biggest problem (nor the biggest reason that I want to apologize for recommending this show!). There are many problems with stereotypes in this show, especially impacting people with differences (such as a character that is neurodiverse, & seemingly on the spectrum...as well as a non-verbal character that is in an asylum, that is only seen in a wheelchair).
These characters, and their differences/disabilities, are used SOLELY as plot devices in the show, in an insulting manner, with ZERO character development. As someone that’s both an Aspie AND a chair user, I found this to be both disappointing AND irresponsible. (I can make a separate post or video about WHY, for anyone that is interested.)
As well, without spoiling the storyline, I feel that certain parts of the show could ALSO be highly problematic for people that LGBTQ (particularly those that are trans, genderqueer/genderfluid, bi-gender, non-binary, agender, etc.). There are scenes, & comments, that illustrate a view that someone is a he or a she, based on trivial, stereotypical aspects of appearance. Being a he or a she DOES NOT simply boil down to changes in one’s jawline, facial structure, body type, etc. However, Locke & Key manages to boil gender down to these simple differences, and I found it to be ignorant, & perhaps more than a bit upsetting for some.
There are some scenes that may also be upsetting to people that are trans or genderfluid, as they may be upset or irritated not only by the above, but by how their OWN gender transition journeys compare to scenes related to the notion of “gender transition” employed on the show. (I’m not comparing them in a serious way, but referring to the changes one needs to apparently make to be called “he” or “she.”)
The issues with this show also extend to those that are non-binary or agender (many of whom are often misgendered as he or she - based on appearances or assumptions - when they are neither). For instance, after more than 90% of the series has passed, with ALL of these issues, a SIDE character uses the word “non-binary,” but this is AFTER trying “she/he/IT...non-binary...? I don’t what pronoun to use.” (Um...did they/them ever come to mind...?) It’s also, sadly, said in a way that’s meant to convey that this should be a humorous statement. There’s also an earlier reference to “he, or she, or whatever.” And THAT line, full of MASSIVE misunderstanding and assumption, is set up to be uttered by the neurodiverse character, seemingly so they can maybe blame it on figuring that “well, we figured someone ‘like that’ wouldn’t understand.” WOW. 🤦🏼‍♀️
So, again, my apologies for the show rec AND this long post. I’m new to this gig, & I wanted to share something current; & the premise for the show seemed to be really interesting, with endless ways for plots to twist & turn, via the keys. My full apologies on this. I had no idea that a show could POSSIBLY be this much of a letdown in terms of enjoyment, nor how insulting it could be to the neurodiverse, the disabled, & the LGBTQ community. TOTAL dumpster fire in terms of inclusivity/level of understanding. I’d definite leave “Locke & Key” UNDER lock and key. 🔐🤨
**NOTE: Please know that this channel is TYPICALLY meant for streaming-related news & entertainment, and is not meant to be in the business of policing shows. My goal is to let people know what’s new, what to catch before it’s gone, & what I’d recommend vs. what I’d avoid. Especially in terms of the upcoming YouTube channel, rating-type videos will be mostly for comical/satirical value, and I don’t want to give off a “harshing your buzz” vibe.
However, there was just TOO MUCH about this series that disservices/over-simplifies/misrepresents concepts related to the experience of SEVERAL marginalized groups. And that’s something that I needed to say, after initially telling people to give it a try - I like to admit when I make a mistake.
(If there IS anyone that’s interested on my views on marginalized groups being misrepresented, or used as a prop on TV...please DM me and let me know. Based on level of response, I’ll let you know if I’ll include it on the channel, or maybe add it to a channel that I had started a while back, to discuss my own life, & disabilities...I want to give you all whatever you want to see!!)
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