#gender neutraul!reader
lover4st · 2 years
could you write just steve being really soft with the reader?
it would be so cute and i need more 😊
"Please come back."
It was Steve's day off, and he is a little upset that you weren't lying down in bed next to him. Your excuse was that you weren't feeling well, and you weren't lying.
Every morning you would start feeling nauseous and some foods that you made you sway when you could only smell it, started to make you feel unwell.
Steve knows you weren't lying. He is certain, but he doesn't care if you don't feel well. It's not an excuse to not give him cuddles, especially on his free day. He says that his comfort and touch will make you feel better.
It was getting hard ignoring your pretty boy's pleas. He sounds so childlike, and you just wanted to give him anything he desired. But you didn't know if what you had was contagious, so you decided to stay away.
"Would you come here? Baby please."
That made your knees wobble. So soft, and tired. That is how he sound saying that just then. You can't resist anymore. Ugh, you felt so guilty now. Steve is the cutest man ever. He deserves everything he wants,
including kisses.
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gumnemo · 2 years
random drabble #1. 
notes: nothing too crazy, just a tiny drabble that was lingering the back of my mind. i might not be the huggest ayato simp in the world but i know a few people that are. so if you happen to see this, this is for you.  
 ・↷ prince ayato x royal reader. ! - if you enjoy, please like & reblog!  . . . ₊ ˚.⁀➷
when you first laid your eyes on kamisato ayato, you were absolutely smitten. you remember running to his little sister, eyes big with glee and saying how you would marry him when you were older. she’d gag, nudging you with her elbow and tell you to act like the young princess you were. yet you never missed the smile that was drawn on her face. she secretly hoped that you would. only for the sole fact that you two would be sisters and she didn’t have to wait months on end to see you. (even if you two wrote horrible letters to each other daily.)
“i swear, he grows prettier with time.” you tell his sister and she can’t help the fake gag that leaves her mouth. she’s hiding her face, as always, behind her gentle fan but you could tell that she was laughing at you. not in a mean way, of course, but your crush on ayato had gone on for ages now. it started when you were barely five, now you were almost twenty and up to the brim with marriage proposals. to be frank, you had no idea how you even managed to get so many of them. ayaka had gotten a bunch of them as well, but after her confession to being in love with her personal housekeeper, they had all died down. you were unknowing of the snooping brother behind the door, eavesdropping on your conversation and the knowing smile on his face.
the same knowing smile he had once he sees you at the wedding. it’s a huge ball. there’s so much white, yellows and blue that it’s crazy. it’s simply crazy how lumine made all the colors match without much of an effort. even glitter on the tabletops. you could only assume that paimon was the one behind it all. truly.
your best friend couldn’t stop smiling either. her eyes were sparkling with pure joy and thoma looked a little too happy to be human. you swore. their hands were tangled together, fingers dangled and ayaka had to lean upwards to get a kiss. only a small peek that had the entire room cheering, making her blush and thoma laugh.
you clapped, unaware of the beautiful prince sitting behind you and once you were; you couldn’t help but be absolutely floored. he was prettier in person. well, prettier when he spoke to you and said more than two sentences. 
“wow, if i knew my sister had such pretty friends; i would’ve asked thoma to propose faster.”
your cheeks burn a bright red and you can’t help but look at him. only for a minute, before looking away. you couldn’t keep eye contact with him for the life of him. 
“are you bothering my friends, ayato?” a voice comes, her voice high on euphoria and you two turn to the beautiful bride. her hair is resting on her stomach, the golden band visible to the both of you and she looked absolutely stunning. her hair was cascading down her shoulders after a beautiful dance ceremony that had thoma sobbing her eyes out. 
“hm... am i bothering you, pretty?” he asks, a knowing smile on his face and you can’t help the smile that slaps itself on your face. he knows and so do you. 
you shake your head. “no, not at all. we’re talking about how pretty the ceremony was. i promise he’s not bothering me, ayaka.” you say with a wide smile and blushed cheeks. she catches the sight and puffs her cheek without a second thought.
“now, now ayaka. don’t you have a husband to attend now? he won’t stop crying.” ayato says, pointing to the blonde who had latched onto yoimiya. both of them were bawling and ayaka couldn’t help the sigh that left her mouth. she pats down her dress, trying to play off her own eyes watering and gives them both a small bow. “excuse me.”
she was firm.
“ayato, if i hear how you bothered her, i’ll kill you.” under her breath and behind her fan. her eyes feigning innocence before she rushed to her newly husband. those words made you laugh.
ayaka doesn’t hear a single word about that. not even a peep. however, she does hear about the way he pressed you on his bedroom wall, lips soft as petals and planting kisses from you as the others seemed to dance the night away.
“was it as you always dreamed?”
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ycnderes · 6 years
Any character but as a yandere Naga hcs for reader?
Gonna be real with you, chief, i haven’t read like any naga fics, but hopefully this still works! Naga!Max/gender neutraul!reader
There’s something about your face, about how you hold yourself, how the world has shaped and molded you through your life, and you carry it on your face and in your shoulders and the way you walk.
Max is entranced by it, by how a simple human can capture her attention and hold it, that tinge of something beautiful below your soft-skinned surface that speaks to her.
So she watches you from afar, thankful that you like the forest enough to come out almost every week for a hike.
Up hills and across valleys and winding paths, you walk through it all. You never stray from the path, and you never stay in the woods past sundown.
Max doesn’t think you know about her, about the nest of nagas that stay hidden from human eyes, but even without that knowledge you seem to understand the woods can hold dangerous things.
Dangerous things that’d like to hurt you, that’d like to eat you.
Not that she wants that. She doesn’t want to hurt you.
But she sees your face, the pretty expressions as you breathe heavily after a tough hill, the sweat dripping from your heated flesh, and she wants --
Your face, maybe?
The taste of your flesh, muscles taut with fear and the salt on your skin, and she shivers at the thought of you trapped in her coils, unable to run, unable to struggle.
She tries carving you into the dirt, into stones. All reproductions are flawed.
They don’t look right, they don’t look like you.
It’s frustrating.
When the weather gets colder, you stop coming as often.
Max panics, and she doesn’t mean to, she tries to stay level-headed.
But it’s been one, two, three weeks without seeing you, and she fears for you, for your safety.
What if you got hurt, and she never found out? What if she wasn’t there for you? Wouldn’t it be better, so much better, if she could be there? So she could protect you. So she could keep working until she managed to get that perfect expression.
And your scent in the forest is barely even there, but it’s just enough for her to follow, and find you.
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lover4st · 1 year
eddie munson x crime show lover!reader
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sorry i havent been posting at all recently. sorry.
sorry if it not as much as yall want.
Eddie at first didn’t know how to comprehend that your favorite shows are crime shows. Some are fake and some are real fucking stories.
That blew his mind.
He thought you were psycho.
You are the first significant other he has had. Like ever.
Eddie didn’t know that one could get addicted to crime shows. Some of the episodes that you are watching scare him a lot more than horror movies do. 
And Eddie with his dumb self, decided to ask the Hellfire club of what he should do.
Some of them said that he should leave you before he gets murdered, and the others said that he shouldn’t leave you because then that is when he will get murdered. 
Dustin pointed out that some people just watch them for no specific reason, they just think that it is school, or maybe they like the bad guy’s getting caught. He pointed out that his own mother, the wonderful Ms. Henderson watches them late at night and sometime Dustin even joins her because they seem kind of cool.
But everyone gets back to talking and completely ignores what he said.
When Eddie came over to your house unexpectedly, like always so at this point it's almost expectable. 
And once again you were watching your crime shows, and Eddie just accepted at this point.
You are always his perfect sweetheart. You are his darling. You are his perfect disaster. You are his extraordinary chaos. You are his doll. You are his everything.
So, he will love you despite your weirdness, because you love him despite his.
Maybe a few days later it doesn’t bother him anymore because now he has started to enjoy them with you. He will ditch going with his friends somewhere just so he can stay home with you and watch some random guy killing people.
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