allfortheslay25 · 1 year
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Year of the rabbit
I hate this drawing with my whole being but since I’m too lazy to fix it 🤷‍♀️
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cyberobjectface · 1 year
male Bayonetta would be a swave twink, not a muscle daddy, cause like have you seen how thin she is? yes he would be assed up tho. like this build
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hollis-art · 5 months
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women !!
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caa-f · 1 year
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I’ve been uhhh rewatching One Piece
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yourlocalchaoticrat · 7 months
this little kid just asked @asherwentinsanelol if he had his gender bended
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Seymour Krelborn gender switch 🙂
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troonwolf · 2 years
I feel like a parent on the line with emergency services trying to find out the status of my son while they’re dancing around the issue and I’m screaming “WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BOY?” but it’s just morbid curiosity over what they could possibly have done with Armand in the show I’m not watching
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ariesmortis · 9 months
Okay I've been gone for a min but I'm back with something S.P.E.C.I.A.L ;]
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TADA!!!! A full list of fallout outfits to give to your very own courier, lone wanderer, or sole survivor!! 30 outfits from Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4, including some outfits from their respective DLCs!
Feel free to mix up the outfit a little or generbend it however you please, and PLEASE TAG ME IN THE ART YOU DO AND USE THE TAG #ARIESMORTIS30FALLOUTOUTFITS
I wanna see all of your beautiful characters dolled up and with their favorite companions or NPCs!!!
Have fun~ 💖
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littlemisscreator · 10 months
A generbend NPMD would be objectively funny if Max was still a jock. She doesn't care about Gender Roles but she does care about everyone fitting into the role SHE'S decided for them.
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reine-uls · 1 year
Could you draw generbend Douma and Iittle fox together so they can be a sapphic couple?
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losnordiquitos · 10 months
why does the hetalia generbends use the nyo- suffix for that au anywas what doeos it even mean
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anitalianfrie · 5 months
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as a general rule, all the riders/couples are tagged girl!(name/nickname) some of the most used on this blog are
girl!vale || girl!marc || girl!bez || girl!nando || girl!rosquez
but they aren't the only one! shoot your shots and check if the rider/driver you want to read about is there. if it isn't, and you reaally want to know my opinion, send me an ask. i love genderbending these dudes
generbended fics:
hot girl pink (rosquez)
sento il cuore a mille (bezzetti, series)
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skyetenshi · 8 months
Okay, alles was ich zu vor über den Spatort-Abschlusslacher gelesen habe, hat mich nicht darauf vorbereitet für das was kam. Nicht nur dass der den Drei ??? alle Ehre macht und darüberhinaus geht, Adam und Dino, haben mich da ein bisschen an diese Comic Szene denken lassen, in der der Joker Batman zum Lachen bringt, was seine ganze eigene Art von Panik bei mir auslöst.
Aber ... hatte irgendwer außer mir das Gefühl, dass diese Bande in dem Film eine Abgestürzte Version von TKKG sind?
Wir hatten den dunkelhaarigen Anführer, Tabeb, der ein bisschen zu sehr auf seine Blonde Freundin, Betty, fixiert ist, die wiederum ist diejenige, die sich am ehesten noch emotional verhält, und irgendwie auch nicht von Taleb wegkommt, selbst wenn er Scheiße baut. Dino, als selbstbewusstes Dickerchen, der sich auch kaum daran stört, dass seine Freunde ihn ständig darauf reduzieren, und immer wieder Humor beweist. Gleichzeitig ist er aber auch herzensgut und macht sich nicht viel aus Geld. Und dann sind da der Strich in der Landschaft, Luisa, die zugegebenerweise eine etwas nicht ganz in das Profil eines Generbend Karl passt, aber nicht gut mit Emotionen klar kommt und deswegen sich zu drogt. Karl versteckt sich mit seinem Wissen und seiner Logik vor Gefühlen, aber vielleicht muss er nur mal den Zugang zu Drogen haben. Luisa beweißt aber ein großes Wissen um ihre Freunde, kennt ihre Geheimnisse und kann sie gezielt einsetzten, um sie aus der Fassung zu bringen. Sogar mit vorausschauener Planung (siehe Schwangerschaftstest). Ich konnte mich dieses Eindrucks wirklich nicht erwehren. and... sorry if i broke anyones picture.
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jesseevelann · 1 year
Who are your favourite Characters to genderbend?
I don't really have a favourite?? I love to draw generbend characters and make distinct differences between male and female, and sometimes telling different stories with their already established ones. I like the design element of it and coming up with creative ways to show that they're the same, but also different. I do love drawing Obito as a woman though, so I guess he would be my favourite.
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theowritesfiction · 2 years
once every few months, I will get this PM on FFN saying "hi there like generbending"
And I'm like... why am I being asked this question? (if it's even a question, there's not a question mark) I have nothing against the concept, but if you'd actually looked through my body of work over the years, you would know that it's just not a feature in my stories?
Just weird. If you like genderbending, why not look at writers who have a history of having written such stories. Or if you have a specific character you want genderbent, you can always write it yourself?
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davekat-sucks · 2 years
since people are asking your opinion on stuff how about genderbending? i myself don’t have a problem with it i only have a problem with it when you try and force gender roles because forcing gender roles is very transphobic, now i know some people are gonna ask “but anon how is that transphobic?” well say you were born male but your parents didn’t want a boy and wanted a girl, they would force you to be female and force you to act all girl like force you to wear feminine clothes and force you to wear makeup, but like i said before i have no problem with genderbending but forcing gender roles into characters is what i have a problem with, you’re allowed to headcanon a character as trans just don’t be a creep about it and force it down people’s throat
I don't mind generbending. Just find it annoying some people think it is like transphobic to switch the gender for some reason. Is it because the genderbend would be a different character and not the same person? Because I find genderbends interesting that have a few tweaks from the original counterpart. Like maybe the male character is seen to be a coward, but his genderbend would not have this but shown to be short tempered. Or the female one would have an interest in sewing to make dolls and her male counterpart would be interested in knitting instead. Things like that to make the genderbends unique. We have seen examples of this with Adventure Time.
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