#genki genki nontan
jetix · 3 months
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maleyanderecafe · 5 years
Healthier Yandere Relationships
When you think about yanderes as a concept, a healthy relationship is usually not the first thing that comes to mind. Many say that it’s impossible or extremely rare to have a yandere be in a healthy relationship, but it is possible to make them, at least to some extent, healthier for both parties. Today, we’ll be discussing how to write a healthier relationship with a yandere and their s/o. 
Before we get into how to write a healthier relationship, let’s talk more about what makes a healthy relationship. Now obviously, there are a lot of different factors to having a good relationship and some of them are disputed up, but for now, I’ll try to go into some of the basics to what would make it healthy. 
The first thing would be communication. Essentially what this means is that both parties are able to express to each other how they feel. They can set boundaries or tell each other how much they love the other person, etc, etc. This doesn’t necessarily have to be verbal, it can also be things like gifts, gestures or physical affection. In concept, this should be relatively easy, but some things tend to be harder to communicate than others. In terms of yanderes, it would be things like how they show affection, how they react to their s/o giving affection, how they talk about their problems, etc. The better the couple communicates, the stronger their relationships tend to be. 
Another factor is compromise. Again, setting boundaries, making decisions and setting aside differences. This usually has to tie into communication because it’s pretty difficult to compromise without talking about it with each other and helps the two become more equal in terms of what they wish to do together. In terms of yanderes, it can be setting boundaries for how comfortable the s/o is with having someone watch them at night, having rules for how to react to someone when they become jealous and what constitutes as way too much texting at the s/o. This can be difficult since a lot of times in yandere type couples, one of them tends to be more dominant, which may cause problems for the couple as a whole.
Finally, there’s commitment. Basically how much time the couple spends together, putting each other before themselves and others and working through challenges and difficulties they might face. In terms of yanderes, making sure they’re there for their s/o, working through problems like jealousy or rage, sacrificing time for each other. This usually is the easiest part for a yandere since part of their charm is their undying devotion to their s/o, but things like working towards difficulties they might have maybe a bit more difficult if they fall into the habit of them over and over again. 
Basically, when it comes to more unhealthy yandere relationship, compromise and communications are usually the bigger faults that are failed to be addressed. Assuming that the yandere and the s/o are in a relationship, or at the least know each other (because you can’t really have a relationship if one doesn’t know the other exists), either or both can be problems in creating unhealthy actions. Communication for instance, like a yandere not telling the s/o how uncomfortable he feels when she hangs out with other guys, or compromise like a yandere’s restraint on taking pictures of their s/o. Of course, this communication doesn’t necessarily have to be verbal, and if the s/o or yandere can accept certain behaviors through the way that they communicate, then it makes for a better relationship. For instance, Nontan from Akkun to Kanojo, understanding Akkun’s reason for ignoring her after he goes into dere-dere mode and allowing him to have distance, or understanding that he may want to hide things in his room that she may not want to see, even if she doesn’t know that it’s just an absurd amount of pictures of her in his room. Compromise is generally important to think of as well, especially if the s/o isn’t as comfortable with certain behaviors that the yandere has or vice versa. For instance, in Koharu No Hibi, when Torri tells Koharu that the messages she sends to his phone are too much, and that, while it still freaks him out a bit, she can still send one message to him a day. 
There are a lot of ways to make a more healthy relationship between a yandere and their s/o’s but one of the most common ones is to make a lighter, or more harmless yandere. This is most common in things like Shoujo, where everything is generally very light, a slice of life, where things more or less follow the rules of a normal world, or comedy, where some actions are usually seen in a more comedic lens.
 For Shoujos, like Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai or Miniamaru Kareshi, because the tone is usually shown in a lighter and fairly romantically sweet eye, the actions of each of the yanderes are not very extreme. In a lot of cases, the story will focus more on the dere dere part of the character, and occasionally show the more yan part of them, especially if they are talking to someone like a childhood friend. Usually, the “lovesick” part of them is displayed in something like jealousy, “light” threats or warnings, or going overboard when doing something for their s/o. Jealousy is usually tied with the warnings or threats, though in these cases, it’s more of a warning to stay away from their s/o rather than an actual threat of violence, though occasionally that is the case and the overboard actions are usually things like overpreparing for a date, or being extremely clingy. Usually what differs these from a simply clingy person is either because of some version of overcompensating (like they’re afraid if a date goes wrong, the s/o might leave them, or they believe they aren’t good enough for the s/o if they don’t go overboard) or a way of showing love that ends up going overboard and possibly hurting them (a good example being in Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai where Hananoi-kun tries to find Hananai’s ring in the snow for so long that his fingers started to freeze.), or being more jealous and clingy than appearence first suggests (like in Miniamru Kareshi attitude towards his love rival). Most obviously though, they will not have any intention of letting go of the person that they love, even if its better for their s/o. Usually the view is from the s/o’s perspective, viewing their yandere doing various things since the story is usually more focused on them and not on the yandere, though there are stories that go from the yandere’s pespective. Of course, that’s also not to say that the shoujo can’t have a dark turn, plenty of shoujos tend to do that, like in the case of Arisa. However, a huge part of this genre would be the kind of fluffy romantic atmosphere that tends to surround them. Comedic moments may also be sprinkled in as well, usually to downplay the more “extreme” that the yandere has. 
In terms of Comedy, like in Yankee to Yandere no Karera ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai, AntiStalker or even a parody like The Parodied Jokeland, yandere can go very extreme, from blackmail, stalking, aiming a gun at someone, etc, but the end result is pretty much always harmless. I’ve talked a lot about Comedic Yanderes in my post here, but an important part of a comedic yandere is how flanderized a yandere’s characters are. A lot of times, the point is to go overboard on how a yandere is portrayed, which means that a lot of really extreme actions can be taken within the story and they may not really amount to much of a reaction to the people in the story. The important part is usually, the idea of the unexpected and the downplaying/reacting of their actions.  Since this analysis is talking about couples specifically, I’ll be talking about a couple of different dynamics that are common. The dynamics are restraint, encouraging tolerance, mischievous, and oblivious. These of course can be mixed and matched. Restraint is the most common one, where the yandere usually goes off the handle and the s/o has to prevent them from doing things to people or calm them down. A good example is the first couple chapters of He’s Harmless, I Swear, where Tammy has to restrain Tomoya down when he threatens the carnival guy for scamming him, or in Oath, where Rina has to restrain Akira from threatening a fellow student. Of course, the two usually have a fairly good relationship, but sometimes the yandere needs to be calmed down in many cases. Encouraging is another one, where the yandere and the s/o usually are usually in kahoots on whatever extreme actions they decide to do, like hurting someone that tripped the s/o. The comedy would mostly come from either a friend or outside person, or it will revolve more about the various shenanigans they go through to finish their goals, whether it succeeds or not. Tolerance is the dynamic where the yandere often goes off to do something crazy, and the s/o is pretty much okay with it. It can be that they know what the yandere is going to do (perhaps harmless or not), don’t really mind what might happen or are just oblivious to what will actually happen. The comedy in this case usually comes from an outside person, like a friend, trying to stop the yandere and reacting to both his and his s/o’s reactions. With this kind of dynamic, there is more of an implication of trust and understanding between the couple, especially if the s/o is correct in what the yandere is about to do. They also often can restrain them pretty easily with a simple scolding or pampering. I’d imagine usually in this case, the s/o is very relaxed and dead pan, although they can also be very upbeat and genki like as well if written well. Mischievous is generally more on the behavior of the s/o side and less on the yandere. Usually in these cases, the s/o wants to do something like pranking, surprising or outdo the yandere in something but pretty much always fails, either because the yandere is a couple of steps ahead of them, they have a different (and often more affectionate) reaction than what the s/o expected or the s/o screws up on what they’re doing. A good example would be AntiStalker, where the main character always seems to fail at assassinating her target. Although in a relationship, it’s usually done more to mess with their boyfriend then it is to actually harm them. Finally, there’s obliviousness, which is when the s/o is dating a yandere, but aren’t really aware of their yandere actions. A good example is Akkun to Kanojo and  Yankee to Yandere no Karera ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai, where in both cases, the s/os of the yanderes are oblivious of the actions of their yandere lovers. Again, this is another case where having a friend or someone else watching the yandere is important to see the comedy come through. 
On the opposite end of the spectrum, another way to write a good yandere couple is to make the s/o okay with yandere’s behavior of killing. Usually this happens in more of a drama or thriller scene, where the s/o is also capable or doing what the yandere does, and basically makes them both a power couple. In this case, the s/o would be able to better restrain the yandere’s behavior and would be able to trust each other. Depending on how the story is written, they can be the villains or the heroes, like in a survival situation. Or, it could be a story of how the two come to trust each other in various situations. 
Finally, there’s something I call a healthy unhealthy relationship. It’s an oxymoron, yes, but thought it would be interesting to talk about. A healthy unhealthy relationship is one that is for sure, unhealthy but has all of the criteria of a healthy relationship. For instance, a s/o who dates a yandere because he looks like a former boyfriend and a yandere that dates the s/o so that he can be praised. Assuming that both parties know why they the other is dating them, all of the basics, communication, compromise and commitment can all be fufilled. Like a compromise to act like the s/o’s former boyfriend when cooking or a communicating how to praise the yandere and the commitment towards that. Technically speaking, this can be unhealthy because it can cause them to retain worse traits, like not moving on, believing that someone can replace someone else, believing that praise is all that they need to live, etc. While this may be “healthy”, the unhealthy aspect of it comes from the idea that this is not a stable relationship. If one of the parties messes up or decides to change, it can cause the whole delusion to fall apart and cause a lot of discord between the couple. Of course, there is also the possibility that they may actually fall in love and create a genuine relationship as well. 
Those are my thoughts on writing a healthier yandere couple. I wrote this in two days because I have a lot of assignments and such coming up, so I hope you enjoy. 
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athyrabunlord · 7 years
What characteristics and factors did you look at to sort the girls into the Hogwarts houses? (Aqours and muse, though you don't have to answer for both if you'd rather not)
This… is gonna get long, so put under the cut:
I used their SIF attributes as bases of consideration (Smile, Pure, Cool) but also took their subunits into account.
for Aqours:
Yoshiko - Slytherin has always been my top choice for her, because Cool Card, GK, and hello datenshi. She’s quite tech-savvy, so I see her as resourceful and cunning. She’s also ambitious (in proving self-worth) and certainly very determined. Her inner bravery did make me consider Gryffindor though. In the actual story, Sorting Hat announced Slytherin instantly - there is a reason, but I cannot reveal why yet 030
Hanamaru - well, Hufflepuff+++++++ laidback, patient and loyal zura. She’s also clever and creative enough for Ravenclaw, that’s why the Sorting Hat took a while to decide.
Ruby - another Hufflepuff ++++ loyal, hardworking and tolerant. She’s ambitious in a way, and also brave enough for Gryffindor. The Sorting Hat took a long time with her. To Sort her to Slytherin where all the past Kurosawas went, or Hufflepuff as Ruby herself fervently wished for?
Chika - lovable baka. Smile Card. Genki zenkai day! day! day! Instant Gryffindor
You - another lovable baka (Hetare zenaki you! you! you!). Yousorou. Instant Gryffindor, though the Sorting Hat did lament on the possibility of Ravenclaw for her creativity.
Riko - the Sorting Hat did consider her in Slytherin due to the Sakurauchi line and her drive to be as good as possible, but her disposition suits Ravenclaw more.
Dia - classic Slytherin. She’s intelligent enough for Ravenclaw, hardworking and loyal for Hufflepuff and certainly courageous for Gryffindor, but her leadership and ambition puts her in Slytherin, even without her Pureblood as factor.
Mari - Sorting Hat suggested Slytherin, she said no because she doesn’t want to sleep in the Dungeon. Quirky as she is, she has a way of seeing things that provides profound wisdom at times, and she certainly is quite clever, so Ravenclaw it is.
Kanan - baka#3. My first choice for her was actually Hufflepuff, when drawing the concept arts. But I wanted to put the childhood baka triko together, and she is certainly chivalrous and daring enough to be a Lion. Welp, her being in Gryffindor is part of an Interlude so I shall digress~
for muse - even though they’re staff here, I did have to think about their student days while jotting down the character info:
Eli - She is certainly intelligent enough for Ravenclaw, but she’s quite driven and born a leader, even tho she could be a dork so Slytherin it is.
Umi - my first choice was Ravenclaw, or even Slytherin due to reasons same as Eli’s, but I wanted her to be a contemporary of McGonagall. Also, in spite of how mellow and harmless I drew her in the concept art, let’s face it, Umi is a samurai through so chivalrous Gryffindor it is.
Hanayo - Hufflepuff++++++++++ my rice bby is precious and very hardworking and uber loyal. Actual angel. Can’t you just see her in the Greenhouse, cultivating magical rice?
Nozomi - when Sorting Hat was placed on her head, she gave it a riddle. To avoid solving it, the Hat quickly placed her in Ravenclaw. I did consider Hufflepuff for her but, nah, this is enigmatic nontan.
Maki - as stated in her concept art, she asked to be placed in Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin. She did consider Gryffindor because Umi was placed there, but one glance at Honoka and Rin and she squashed the idea. Ofc, she didn’t know Nozomi when she first came to Hogwarts. She very much regretted being in the same House as that imi wakan nai senpai.
Kotori - birb. printemps. Hufflepuff~ I did consider Ravenclaw for her because, birb and her creativity, but I wanted kotopana to be in the same House. Waifu duo after all.
Nico - though part of the sanbaka, she’s ambitious and driven and crafty. Slytherin it is (so nicoeli can be shit friends and develop their bromance)
Rin - nya = lion. baka maji angeh. Can’t see her anywhere else.
Honoka - faito da yo. The friggin’ sun. How can she not be a Gryffindor?
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jetix · 2 months
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jetix · 3 months
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jetix · 2 months
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jetix · 7 months
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Scarecrow Festival, 2019-09-13
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jetix · 1 year
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jetix · 3 years
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Genki Genki Nontan
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