pyrachan · 9 years
I'm just thinking about Arc-V AU genocideshipping? … it's honestly more AU on Juudai's end than it is on Vector's. aka high ranking popular "princely" Academia member Judai decided that hey this prey would be more fun to keep as a pet than to card. Vector hates it and is reminded of his past self and may or may not inspire Juudai to attempt a coup
Yes good i like this
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tadieshi-hotmada · 9 years
Who asks the other on dates: Both, but it depends on what kinds of dates: Kiryu is more likely to initiate a more romantic date whereas Judai would likely ask for something a bit more laid back like a camping trip or a simple duel.
Who is the bigger cuddler: As with any ship involving Judai, it’s difficult to get the guy to stay still at night. He tosses and turns, steals the covers, and most of all seems to take up the entire bed somehow. It’s hard enough to get him to stay on his own side, let alone to get him to cuddle up to anything or anyone. Though, on occasion Kiryu does wake up to Judai temporarily using him as a heat source.
Who initiates holding hands more often: It’s an even draw, depending on what’s going on around them. Due to the similarities of their pasts and how both suffer from a similar form of PTSD, they’re very attuned to when the other seems to be upset about it, no matter how well they manage to hide it. It’s not something either of them like to talk about however, so they’ll often simply reach down between them and grab the other person’s hand as a silent show of support. It’s often met with a gentle squeeze that lets their partner know that they understand, and appreciate their support.
Who remembers anniversaries: Kiryu more often than Judai. He’s not exactly the most sentimental when it comes to that sort of thing.
Who is more possessive: Definitely Kiryu. Judai barely even notices when others frequently flirt with Kiryu. and even when he does it’s pretty comical, because he simply finds it awkward for the other party. 
Who gets more jealous: Again, probably Kiryu. Jealousy doesn’t particularly suit Judai, and at that point in the relationship he likely trusts Kiryu enough and treats their relationship like a partnership in those regards. 
Who is more protective: It depends. In the traditional sense? Kiryu. But we’ve all seen what happens when you tear someone that Judai loves or has a strong bond with away from him, so if any one managed to threaten Kiryu in anyway you can bet Judai will be toasting their asses in a duel.
Who is more likely to cheat: Kiryu unfortunately.
Who initiates sexy times the most: Again, Kiryu. Usually the only thing that gets Judai’s motor running is either the words “duel” or “food”.
Who dislikes PDA the most: Both of them. They’re not even really a mushy couple to begin with in the first place, and if things get steamy it’s usually behind closed doors.
Who kills the spider: Kiryu kills the spider, Judai just shrugs it off and lets the thing do what it wants.
Who asks the other to marry them: Kiryu. Judai is more of a “in the now” kind of guy, so proposing would not likely be a priority for him.
Who buys the others flowers or gifts: Both of them, though Kiryu’s tend to be slightly more meaningful to their relationship where as Judai simply sees fit to buy him a couple booster packs a few minutes before their anniversary date (likely after having forgot.)
Who would bring up possibly having kids: Well Kiryu already has Nico and West, and before he could even have a serious relationship with anybody they would have to be approved by his children already. (Cutest dad ever)
Who is more nervous to meet the parents: Well considering Kiryu’s parents are dead, probably him. Though, they’d likely settle down in the 5D’s timeline, so Judai’s probably are to at that point.
Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: Probably Judai, he’s not usually the type to get dramatic when they hit a bump in the relationship. It’s alright though, he can fall asleep pretty much anywhere, thankfully for Kiryu, since that means he actually gets to sleep that night without falling off the bed or freezing to death.
Who tries to make up first after arguments: Judai, but he does it simply by being his usual, uplifting self. That’s probably why Kiryu ends up forgiving him anyway.
Who tells the other they love them more often: It’s an equal thing.
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carmypen · 9 years
Genocideshipping (Juudai/Vector)
(I’ve not watched/read a significant amount of GX so I’m making stuff up about The Supreme King based off of a wikia article)
Warning for brief sword-related violence and death.
Vector didn’t like waiting in the war tent. It left him alone to focus on how feeble the tent’s walls were. Easy to escape, but also easy for someone to break through from the outside.
Or for an assassin’s arrow to fly through. Weren’t some of the archers positioned behind his tent? He always saw them talking among themselves. Were they talking about him? They had to be. 
He knew they all talked about his parents. Their deaths had been officially ruled an accident, but he could hear the entire kingdom whispering “murderer” behind his back. Calling him a cursed child the way his late father had.
Vector was thinking of ironic ways to execute the archers when a voice called from outside his tent.
“Your majesty,” it was one of his general’s messengers. “We have urgent news!”
Vector gave the word and two men entered the tent. Both of them were battle-worn and anxious.
“My Prince,” the first man said. “The head general requests more sorcerers be brought to the frontline,”
“What for?” Vector was usually more than happy to send out extra soldiers, but sorcerers were a more valuable and powerful part of his army. The idea of handing such power over to a general he didn’t trust made his stomach turn.
“The Supreme King’s magic is more powerful than we anticipated,” the second man said. “He can summon more gods and spirits than the sorcerers on the frontline. And he’s using a dark magic that our sorcerer’s cannot repel.”
Vector felt his body grow cold. He relied on his sorcerer’s magic for victory. It was what had allowed him to succeed in conquering where his father had failed. If this mysterious Supreme King had access to even stronger magic, then where did that leave Vector?
And if he sent all of the sorcerers to the frontline, what was stopping his general from abusing that power? He could destroy Vector and take the throne for himself if he wanted.
Vector’s breath shortened, and for a moment the room spun. The thought of defeat and betrayal both pushing down on his chest like heavy weights.
No. He wouldn’t allow it.
He grabbed the sword at his hip and in a flash of movement slashed the throat of the first messenger. Leaving the other to look on in horror as his partner fell to the ground.
Vector laughed and then pointed his sword at the man who was still standing.
“Go and gather the remaining sorcerers and archers and have them meet me on the plateau outside. I’ll personally bring the general more gods and spirits myself.”
The messenger raced out of the tent. Leaving Vector alone once again.
Vector smiled as he kicked at the limp body now laying on the ground. This Supreme King may have powerful magic, but Vector was willing to do whatever it took to win.
And he’d sleep easier once the archers were dead anyway.
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