#genuine birthstone necklace
metalicious-jewelry · 10 months
Unique Wrought Bezel Birthstone Necklace | Customized Jewelry by Metalicious
Explore our exquisite Wrought Bezel Birthstone Necklace at Metalicious. Crafted with precision, this custom birthstone necklace features a genuine birthstone set in a beautifully designed bezel. Shop Now the elegance of Metalicious birthstone jewelry, where every piece is a sterling silver masterpiece.
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eneablack · 1 year
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before the shift:
i watched hotel transylvania 4 with my cousin and my mind instantly went “i love these movies i really gotta shift there, it would be so cool” and i went to sleep making scenarios of me in that reality without actually trying or putting effort (mind that i had a script for that reality made like a year ago but i forgot about that so i just went into the shift while basically being blindfolded lol) but i mean, it worked.
the shift:
i didn’t realise i shifted till like one hour later, i woke up in my supposedly room and the walls were a darker shade with bricks/stones, as i said i didn’t notice the change because it was just normal to be there so i just went to change in some clothes and get ready to go downstairs. then i went to the dining hall and had breakfast with a friend called Victor (he’s not in the movies) and my sister Mavis (she’s my twin sister actually, we look a lot like each other but the difference is that she’s a girl with black hair and i’m a boy with white hair lol). after that i went back to my room and did my daily tarot reading, and when i was reading my cards that’s when i realised i had shifted (tarot cards are not like in this reality, they tell you way more and are like magical if you’re a witch).
some facts about that reality:
my name was Aineías Dracula and i was a half vampire half witch, son of Count Dracula and Martha Dracula (she was half witch too)
it was the 18th november 1840 when i shifted there so two days before my birthday (i apparently had to become 120 years old)
for some reason the hotel was in italy (where i live in cr)
i was friends with everyone in the hotel because, contrary to cr, i made my presence very seen and had good social skills. i had a best friend called Victor and he was the son of Frankenstein, he was around my age and he was very tall.
the young man i met:
the night of my birthday, the 20th, i sneaked out and went to a little village some kilometres away from the hotel, and there i met a boy. i was trying to fit in with the few humans that were there, even if i was lowkey scared but mostly excited, and i stumbled across this goldsmith shop. it had such amazing pieces of jewellery so i was with my palm all over the glass trying to get a closer look at a ruby necklace. but then i heard a gentle low voice telling me to step away from the glass and when i look over the dispay window i see this young man looking at me, so i excused myself but he asked something like if i was interested in any of the pieces and stood up to come closer to me.
i was unsure whether to stay there as my dad would’ve killed me if he found out, but i felt adrenaline at that moment and tbh the boy looked nice and genuine so i just stayed still and nodded, so he started showing me different necklaces with some beautiful stones. i was really interested in the ruby one but then i remembered i didn’t have anything to pay with, so i was about to leave when he asked if i wasn’t from there, and then we just started conversating.
he was named Ilya and he was a human of course, he told me he was half russian and had to migrate because of some illness infestation and his dad was italian so they moved here. he was around 24 years old and he had jet black long hair, with very dark eyes.
after some time i had to go back and as i was going he told me he could not give me the nacklace for free even if it was my birthday lol but instead i could decide for a small stone, but i didn’t really knew which one to choose so when i just let him decide he gave me a small malachite telling me it was my birthstone and it was his favourite when he was back in russia. then we said goodbye and that was it.
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austinsgirl · 6 months
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Rather Die Chapter 21
Christmas Morning
Victoria woke up to the smell of breakfast being made in the kitchen. Austin & Evelyn are currently frying up ham & making eggs. Evelyn seems to really be getting along with Austin, which makes Vic happy since that is the grandmother to Violet.
"Good morning, Vic." Austin smiles. "Merry Christmas."
"Good morning, Merry Christmas." she smiles back.
Austin walks up to her & talks quietly, "I was thinking we could tell everyone the baby's name during breakfast."
"Yeah, definitely." Victoria agrees happily.
"Merry Christmas, sweetheart!" Evelyn says coming behind Vic to give her a hug.
"Merry Christmas, mom!" she smiles. "Breakfast looks amazing. I had no idea you planning to do all this."
"Austin asked me last night if I'd help him. He wanted to surprise you."
"Oh?" she raises an eyebrow at Austin. "Did you now?"
"I did." Austin smiles & blushes a bit.
"That's really sweet of you, Aus."
"You deserve it, Vic. You did so much yesterday. You deserve to just rest and chill out today."
"Thank you. I appreciate it." Vic smiles again.
Once breakfast was ready, everyone sat down at the table to eat.
Austin speaks up, "So um, I have some news. Julie & I have made it official! We are now boyfriend & girlfriend. I asked her this morning with the necklace I got for her with my birthstone."
Every one was congratulating them & seemed genuinely happy except for Victoria.
She put on a fake smile as her heart sank when she heard the news, even though she saw it coming any day now.
"Vic & I also have some news..." Austin says, getting Victoria's attention, dragging her away from her thoughts. "Vic, wanna share the news?"
"So, we have decided on a name for baby girl. Her name is Violet Lorraine."
Austin's sister Ashley immediately started tearing up at hearing her middle name.
"Austin, is Lorraine after mom?" Ashley asks.
"Yeah, it is." Austin smiles.
"That's so beautiful, Austin. I love it." she says. "Mom would love it."
"Thank you." Austin starts to get teary eyed himself.
David speaks up, "Your mom would be so proud & so honored, son."
"Thanks dad." Austin replies.
After breakfast, everyone gathered in the living room to open presents as Home Alone played in the background.
Lots of gifts being exchanged, a lot from Austin as he loves to give & tends to over buy.
Vic opens her first gift from him which is a gift certificate to a local spa.
"Oooo this is so nice, Aus. Thank you."
"You're welcome." he replies. "This place has special messages for pregnant women, and you're always complaining about being sore so it should help. There should be enough on there for a facial & to get your nails done too."
"That sounds so amazing. I will be booking an appointment ASAP."
Mila opened up a gift from Austin next which was a gift certificate to the same spa.
"Ooo Vic! Girls day!" Mila says showing Vic the gift certificate.
"Ooo yes, definitely!" Victoria replies.
As they continue opening gifts, Austin & Ashley both open a gift from Victoria. She had gotten a drawing commissioned of them & with their mom. The siblings both started tearing up.
"Wow...this is um...beautiful." Austin says speechless. "Where did you even get this picture?"
"Your dad may have helped me with that." Vic looks over to David who is looking at her.
"This is so sweet. Thank you so much, Victoria." Ashley says getting up from her seat to give Vic a hug.
"You're very welcome." Vic replies, hugging back.
"Thanks, Vic. This means a lot." Austin says.
"You're so welcome, Aus. I'm glad you love it."
They continued opening presents until everything was unwrapped.
They also went through their stockings which was full of their favorite candies, travel size items, lottery scratch offs, little random things that they'd like, for example, Austin got guitar picks since he plays guitar. There was also beauty items for the women.
After a while, Austin's family said their goodbyes & headed home. Austin said his 'see you later's' before leaving to go to Juliette's parents house.
About a couple hours after Austin had left, he had texted Mila saying he forgot one of Vic's gifts in his closet and asked for her to give it to Vic just incase he didn't see her when he got home.
Mila grabbed a little velvet box out of one Austin's drawers in his closet & went back out to the living room where everyone was now watching The Santa Claus.
"Vic, Austin asked for me to grab this from his room for you. He wanted to make sure you had it today just incase you're in bed by the time he gets home." Mila says as she hands her the box.
Vic takes it from her, confused as to what it could be.
"Oh my gosh...he remembered..." Vic says shocked as she sees what's in the box.
"What is it, sweetie?" Evelyn asks.
"It was months ago. Austin & I had some time to kill before our doctors appointment. We had walked down to Starbucks to get something to drink, and on our way back we walked passed this antique store that had this Tiffany's pearl necklace and earring set in window on display & it was the exact set that-
"Your dad had gotten you for your fifteenth birthday before he passed, and you had lost it in the move..." Evelyn says cutting her off.
"Yes." Victoria says on the verge of tears. "We were running out of time to stop in there, and then completely forgot to go in afterwards because we were too distracted from seeing Violet on the ultrasound. Whenever we would be over there after that, the store was closed. But I guess he managed to go on his own to get it for me. I can't believe he remembered it, and how much I wanted it." she wipes away tears that are streaming down her cheeks.
Victoria feels herself adding on more love for Austin to the love she already has that she continues to try and suppress.
"That is the sweetest thing." Evelyn says. "He really loves you, huh?"
"What?" Vic asks getting caught off guard. "Noo. It's not like that, mom. He just loves me in a friend & the mother of his child kinda way."
"But this was months ago, right? He probably got it before he met Julie." Mila says.
"Juliette." Victoria corrects her.
"Whatever. He definitely did love you to do that."
"Emphasis on the 'did'. He's with Juliette now. It's not like that now."
"Honestly, you didn't hear this from me but, I think it's always like that with him now. I don't think this man will ever stop loving you in that romantic way." Mila says.
"You think?"
"Mhm. I just feel it."
"I hope you're wrong, Mila. I don't think it'll ever happen for us."
"Don't be so sure." Mila raises an eyebrow with a smirk. "I'm rarely wrong about these things. Also got the thought, what if Eliana stole your necklace from you? The one you lost?"
"You know what, she totally could have. I did catch her rummaging through my jewelry box once. She claimed she was looking for something I borrowed from her, which I never did. A pair of earrings were missing after that and she played it off like she hadn't seen them. That bitch." Vic says.
"Yeah, she probably did then." Mila replies.
Evelyn says, "It's sad how horrible of a person she turned out to be. But honestly not surprised. Her parents were always so snooty to us whenever they visited New Zealand."
"Her mom especially." Victoria adds.
Some time has passed. Everyone has gone to bed for the night except for Victoria. She waited up for Austin.
He finally walked through the door a little after 11pm.
"Hey, Vic. You're still up?" Austin asks, seeing her from the kitchen as he puts food away in the fridge he was sent home with from Juliette's mom.
"Yeah. I was waiting for you actually." she replies as she stuffs Sour Patch Watermelons into her mouth. AKA, her current pregnancy craving.
"Oh, you were?" he walks into the living room and sits down next to her on the couch.
"Yeah. I wanted to thank you in person for the necklace set, so thank you, Austin. You really didn't have to do that. It must have cost you a fortune."
"Oh, you're welcome. It's nothing."
"It's not nothing, Aus. It's everything. It's absolutely perfect & something I don't deserve."
"What do you mean you don't deserve it? You absolutely do." he grabs her hand in reassurance.
"I don't deserve it. Not after the way I treated you."
"I don't care about that anymore. You absolutely deserve it. After the shit I put you through, the shit Eliana put you through. The way you wanted this so bad because it was something your dad had gotten you that you lost. You need this."
"You're one of the sweetest people I have ever met, you know that?" Vic says starting to sob. "I'm sorry I ever treated you like you weren't."
"It's okay. I'm sorry for the way I treated you. That was something you didn't deserve."
"It's fine. You still piss me off and annoy me sometimes though." she chuckles.
"I can say the same about you, Vic." Austin laughs.
"How was meeting her parents?" she asked.
"It was good. They were really nice. Her dad was kinda scary & weary of me at first but he warmed up to me."
"That's good."
"Yeah. They got me a gift card to Barnes & Noble." he chuckles. "They figured I'd like it since I obviously shop there."
"Right, because you met Juliette there."
"Yeah." he laughs, stealing a piece of candy from her.
"Hey! Those are mine!" she snatches the bag out of her lap. "See, you're being annoying."
"What? You can't give up just one? It's Christmas!"
"No, I need these things to survive right now."
"You're so dramatic."
"I am an actress." she jokes.
"Oh speaking of, I don't remember if I told you. My publicist is already working with yours on getting us interviews for the movie. The trailer drops next week and then the movie is dropping in April."
"April?" she raises an eyebrow. "When in April?"
"Late April I think, but the premier is early April."
"And I'm due the 16th. Great. I hope we'll be able to make it to the premier."
"I'm sure it'll be fine. If we miss it, then oh well."
"I'd rather not, you know? It's my first movie."
"I know, I know. But whatever happens, it'll all work out."
"I know." she sighs.
"We should get to bed. It's been a long day."
"We should. Help me get up?"
"Of course."
Austin gets up and grabs onto her hands and pulls her up.
"Thank you. I'm only 5 months and it's already hard for me to get up sometimes."
"Well, the depth of the couch doesn't help."
"It really doesn't. And hey, thanks again." she smiles.
"You're very welcome." he pulls her into a big hug.
When he breaks away, he drops down to her belly and gives it a kiss. "Goodnight, Violet."
He stands back up, "Goodnight, Vic." he says, looking into her eyes with a quick glance at her lips.
"Goodnight, Aus." she notices the glance at his lips and holds herself back from kissing him.
They turn everything off and head to their bedrooms.
They shut their doors behind them & lean their backs against them, sighing.
Austin thinks, "No. You're in love with Julie, not Vic."
Victoria thinks, "Girl no. We're not doing this again. You are in love with Ash, not Aus."
They take a deep breath, tell themselves everything is fine, and head off to bed.
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americanjewelry · 2 months
Top 10 Jewelry Trends for 2024
Jewelry trends are constantly evolving, reflecting changes in fashion, culture, and technology. As we enter 2024, several exciting trends are set to dominate the jewelry scene. From sustainable choices to bold statement pieces, this year's trends offer something for everyone. Whether you prefer classic elegance or modern innovation, these top 10 jewelry trends will keep you stylish and ahead of the curve.
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1. Sustainable and Ethical Jewelry
Recycled Metals
Sustainability continues to be a significant trend in the jewelry industry. Recycled metals, including gold, silver, and platinum, are becoming increasingly popular. These materials are sourced from old jewelry, electronics, and other scrap metals, reducing the environmental impact of mining new resources.
Conflict-Free Diamonds
Consumers are more conscious than ever about the origins of their diamonds. Conflict-free diamonds, which are ethically sourced and certified, ensure that your jewelry is both beautiful and responsibly made. Look for certifications like the Kimberley Process to guarantee the ethical sourcing of your diamonds.
Eco-Friendly Practices
Jewelry brands are adopting eco-friendly practices, from using recycled packaging to reducing their carbon footprint. Many are also committing to fair-trade standards, ensuring that artisans and workers are paid fair wages and work in safe conditions. These practices make sustainable jewelry not only a stylish choice but a socially responsible one as well.
2. Bold Statement Pieces
Oversized Earrings
Big, bold earrings are making a significant comeback. From large hoops to intricate chandeliers, oversized earrings are perfect for adding a touch of drama to any outfit. They draw attention to the face and can be a focal point of your ensemble.
Chunky Necklaces
Chunky necklaces, including chain-link designs and large pendants, are set to dominate 2024. These pieces make a strong statement and can transform a simple outfit into a stylish look. Layering multiple chunky necklaces is also a trend, creating a unique and personalized style.
Cuff Bracelets
Cuff bracelets are bold, versatile, and can be worn alone or stacked. Whether sleek and minimalistic or adorned with intricate designs, cuff bracelets add an edge to your look. They are perfect for both casual and formal occasions.
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3. Vintage and Retro Revival
Art Deco Inspiration
Art Deco designs, characterized by geometric shapes and bold lines, are making a comeback. These vintage-inspired pieces are timeless and elegant, often featuring diamonds, onyx, and emeralds. Art Deco jewelry adds a touch of old-world glamour to modern wardrobes.
70s and 80s Styles
Jewelry inspired by the 70s and 80s is back in style. Think bold colors, oversized pieces, and playful designs. From statement earrings to vibrant bangles, these retro styles offer a fun and nostalgic twist to contemporary fashion.
Heirloom Pieces
Heirloom jewelry, whether genuine vintage or new pieces designed in a vintage style, is gaining popularity. These pieces often have a story or sentimental value, making them unique and meaningful. Investing in heirloom jewelry ensures that your accessories are timeless and can be passed down through generations.
4. Personalized Jewelry
Initial Necklaces
Initial necklaces continue to be a popular trend. These simple yet meaningful pieces can feature your own initials or those of loved ones. They are versatile, allowing you to wear them daily or layer them with other necklaces for a more personalized look.
Custom Engravings
Engravings add a personal touch to any piece of jewelry. From names and dates to meaningful quotes, custom engravings make your jewelry truly unique. They are perfect for commemorating special occasions or giving as thoughtful gifts.
Birthstone Jewelry
Birthstone jewelry is both beautiful and personal. Each month's birthstone carries its own significance and charm, making these pieces special. Whether set in rings, necklaces, or bracelets, birthstone jewelry adds a personal touch to your collection.
5. Minimalist Designs
Delicate Chains
Minimalist jewelry is all about simplicity and elegance. Delicate chains, whether worn alone or layered, offer a subtle yet stylish look. They are perfect for everyday wear and can easily transition from day to night.
Simple Studs
Simple stud earrings are a must-have for any jewelry collection. They are versatile, easy to wear, and complement any outfit. From classic diamonds to modern geometric shapes, stud earrings are timeless pieces that never go out of style.
Geometric Shapes
Geometric jewelry, featuring clean lines and simple shapes, is perfect for those who prefer a minimalist aesthetic. These pieces are modern and stylish, offering a fresh take on classic designs.
6. Mixed Metals
Combining Gold and Silver
Mixing gold and silver jewelry is a trend that continues to gain popularity. This combination offers a versatile and modern look, allowing you to experiment with different pieces. The key is to balance the metals evenly for a cohesive style.
Two-Tone Pieces
Two-tone jewelry pieces combine different metals within a single design. Whether it's a bracelet with both gold and silver links or a pendant featuring mixed metals, these pieces add interest and versatility to your collection.
Tri-Colored Jewelry
Taking the mixed metals trend a step further, tri-colored jewelry incorporates three different metals. This can include combinations of yellow, white, and rose gold, creating a unique and stylish look.
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7. Colorful Gemstones
Vibrant Sapphires
Sapphires, with their rich and vibrant colors, are a favorite in 2024. Available in shades of blue, pink, yellow, and green, sapphires add a pop of color and elegance to any piece of jewelry. They are often used in rings, earrings, and necklaces.
Emerald Elegance
Emeralds continue to captivate with their deep green hue. These gemstones symbolize renewal and growth, making them a beautiful and meaningful choice. Emerald jewelry adds a touch of luxury and sophistication to any outfit.
Playful Opals
Opals are known for their unique play of colors, making each piece of opal jewelry one-of-a-kind. These gemstones are perfect for those who want something different and eye-catching. Opal rings, necklaces, and earrings are all trendy choices for 2024.
8. Asymmetrical Designs
Mismatched Earrings
Mismatched earrings are a bold and playful trend. Whether it's different lengths, shapes, or designs, mismatched earrings add a quirky and unique touch to your look. This trend allows for creativity and self-expression.
Uneven Necklaces
Asymmetrical necklaces feature uneven lengths or different elements on each side. These designs are modern and artistic, perfect for those who want to stand out. They can be layered with other necklaces for a more eclectic style.
Irregular Rings
Irregularly shaped rings, whether with uneven bands or unique stone settings, are gaining popularity. These rings offer a fresh and contemporary look, breaking away from traditional symmetrical designs.
9. Nature-Inspired Pieces
Floral Motifs
Jewelry featuring floral motifs is timeless and feminine. From delicate flower pendants to intricate floral rings, these pieces add a touch of nature's beauty to your collection. They are perfect for both casual and formal occasions.
Animal-Inspired Designs
Animal-inspired jewelry, including designs featuring birds, butterflies, and other creatures, is a charming trend for 2024. These pieces can be whimsical or elegant, adding a unique touch to your accessories.
Organic Shapes
Jewelry with organic shapes, inspired by natural forms and textures, offers a fresh and artistic look. These pieces often feature flowing lines and irregular forms, creating a connection to nature.
10. Tech-Integrated Jewelry
Smart Rings
Smart rings combine technology with style, offering features like fitness tracking, notifications, and contactless payments. These rings are perfect for those who want to stay connected while maintaining a chic look.
Fitness Tracking Bracelets
Fitness tracking bracelets are becoming more stylish, with designs that can easily transition from the gym to daily wear. These bracelets monitor your health while keeping you fashionable.
Customizable Smart Accessories
Customizable smart accessories allow you to change the look of your tech jewelry to match your style. From interchangeable bands to customizable faces, these pieces offer both functionality and personalization.
What is the most popular jewelry trend for 2024?
One of the most popular jewelry trends for 2024 is sustainable and ethical jewelry. Consumers are increasingly seeking pieces made from recycled metals and conflict-free diamonds.
Are sustainable jewelry options available?
Yes, many jewelers now offer sustainable options, including pieces made from recycled metals and conflict-free diamonds. Look for brands that adhere to eco-friendly and fair-trade practices.
How do I mix metals in my jewelry collection?
Mixing metals involves combining pieces made from different metals, such as gold and silver. The key is to balance the metals evenly across your jewelry to create a cohesive look.
What are some unique personalized jewelry ideas?
Unique personalized jewelry ideas include initial necklaces, custom engravings, and birthstone pieces. These options add a personal touch and can be customized to reflect your style and preferences.
Can I wear bold statement pieces every day?
While bold statement pieces are often reserved for special occasions, you can incorporate them into your daily wear by balancing them with simpler outfits. For example, pair a chunky necklace with a basic top for a chic look.
Where can I find nature-inspired jewelry?
Nature-inspired jewelry can be found at many jewelers who specialize in artistic and unique designs. Look for pieces featuring floral motifs, animal designs, and organic shapes to add a touch of nature to your collection.
The jewelry trends for 2024 offer a diverse range of styles, from sustainable choices to bold statement pieces. Whether you prefer vintage-inspired designs, personalized jewelry, or tech-integrated accessories, there is something for everyone. Stay stylish and ahead of the curve by incorporating these top trends into your jewelry collection.
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shokorohandmade · 1 year
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Sapphire with Beautiful Colour Variety, It is known as September Birthstone. Let's find The Meaning Behind Sapphire Gemstone.
Visit us to find more about our Jewelry with meaning behind it
Website: Shokoro Handmade (Dainty Crystal Jewelry Brand Canada)
Shoko’s Blog: Subscribe to receive shokoro's blog 
( topic: Gemstone. Jewelry, Fashion, Life Style, Chakra stone, Angel Number…)
Follow Shokoro's Instagram
Etsy Store: Shokoro Design
Etsy Genuine Natural Gemstone Jewelry Store: From Earth by Shokoro
Shokoro's Blog about Crystal, Jewelry, Life Style, Fashion and more
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murdrdocs · 11 months
hi, hope you don’t mind that i’m messaging you anonymously lol
first of all, thank you for responding to my previous message with such care and attention to detail, i loved it :,)
you wanted me to update you about what pieces from regal rose i end up getting and i think it’s gonna be the necklace with the hands and a green heart because it kinda looks like peridot and it’s my birthstone so that would be super cute if mike picked it out :,) and also probably gonna get the smaller garnet studs- i was thinking i could put one in my conch piercing and another one maybe in my third lobe? or maybe second? idk. anyway, garnet is the birthstone of january and there’s kind of an agreement i think (as far as im concerned it wasn’t mentioned in the books) that peeta’s birthday would be in january
anyway, that’s my thought process, thank you so much again for answering! hope you have a wonderful day i love u <3
i don’t mind !! ofc i genuinely loved your question i’ve never gotten one like it and it actually made me think like on a few levels so thanks for asking my opinion!
ur choices sound phenomenal and i didn’t know peetas bday is theorized to be in january we’re meant to be fr (fellow jan baby)
hope u have a good day too pookums !! <3
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snowwhite-jewellers · 2 years
Genuine Ethiopian Opal Crystal Necklace, Birthstone Necklace, Crystal Necklace, Dainty Crystal Necklace, Healing Crystal, Adjustable Length,
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playboy-jewelry · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Playboy Necklace Miss June Bunny Pendant Gold Plated Birthstone y2k NWT RARE HTF.
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cburdelle · 22 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW Anthropologie Birthstone Pendant Necklace 14k Gold - Turquoise December.
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beautytreats · 26 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Gorgeous Garnet Gemstone Handmade Pendant Necklace.
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gembleu · 2 months
How to Evaluate the Quality of Paraíba Tourmaline Gemstones
Paraíba Tourmaline is one of the most sought-after gemstones, known for its vivid and unique neon blue to green colors. As a high-value gem, ensuring the quality of Paraíba Tourmaline is crucial when making a purchase. 
Here are essential tips to help you identify a good quality Paraíba Tourmaline gemstone.
1. Color
The most defining feature of a Paraíba Tourmaline is its color. The gem should exhibit a vibrant, neon-like hue that ranges from turquoise blue to green. The intensity and saturation of the color are key indicators of quality. Look for stones with a bright and vivid color, avoiding those that appear dull or washed out.
2. Clarity
While inclusions (internal flaws) are common in Paraíba Tourmalines due to their complex formation process, a high-quality gemstone should have minimal visible inclusions. Examine the stone under good lighting conditions to check for any inclusions that might affect its transparency and overall appearance. The fewer the inclusions, the higher the value.
3. Cut
The cut of the Paraíba Tourmaline significantly impacts its brilliance and overall appearance. A well-cut stone will reflect light evenly across its surface, enhancing its natural color and sparkle. Avoid stones that appear dull or have uneven facets, as these can indicate poor cutting quality.
4. Carat Weight
Paraíba Tourmalines are rare, and larger stones are even more so. While size does contribute to the value, it is essential to balance it with other quality factors like color, clarity, and cut. A smaller, high-quality stone can be more valuable than a larger, lower-quality one.
5. Origin
Authenticity and origin play a crucial role in determining the quality and value of a Paraíba Tourmaline. The finest stones come from the original Paraíba region in Brazil, though high-quality stones are also found in Mozambique and Nigeria. Ensure that you get a certificate of origin from a reputable gemological laboratory when purchasing a Paraíba Tourmaline.
6. Certification
Always purchase Paraíba Tourmaline gemstones from reputable dealers who provide certification from recognized gemological laboratories. A certificate will confirm the stone’s authenticity, origin, and quality attributes such as color, clarity, and carat weight.
7. Price
Price can be an indicator of quality. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. Paraíba Tourmalines are rare and expensive; a significantly lower price may indicate a synthetic or treated stone. Research the market prices for genuine Paraíba Tourmalines to ensure you are paying a fair amount for the quality you are getting.
Paraiba Tourmaline Ring
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Paraiba tourmaline, the birthstone for October, is best showcased in a ring, making it a perfect way to wear your birthstone. With a variety of designs available, your choice will depend on the occasion. Vintage paraiba tourmaline rings make stunning engagement rings, while cocktail rings with this striking blue gemstone can complement your formal attire. The vibrant blue hue of the paraiba tourmaline, reminiscent of a splash of water, makes it an excellent choice for beach parties.
Paraiba Tourmaline Pendant Necklace
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A paraiba tourmaline pendant necklace is an exceptional gift for loved ones, symbolizing the depth of your feelings with its oceanic blue color. A heart-shaped paraiba tourmaline pendant serves as a token of love, making it an ideal piece for anniversaries or engagements.
When identifying high-quality paraiba tourmaline, consider factors like origin, color, clarity, cut, and carat weight. We've provided insights to help you choose high-quality paraiba tourmaline. If you need further assistance in selecting the right paraiba tourmaline gemstone or jewelry piece, consult our on-staff gemologist.
 We're just a call away, ensuring you receive authentic, high-quality gemstone jewelry from GemsNY, complete with a guarantee and free shipping.
At GemBleu, apart from our extensive ring collection such as these, we also have a range of jewelry featuring other dazzling gemstones.
Browse the entire collection on our website, and make sure to follow us on social media for news, updates and offers. 
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swarishjewels · 3 months
How to Create a 925 Silver Jewelry Capsule Collection
A capsule collection is a curated selection of timeless, versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched to suit various occasions and styles. Creating a 925 silver jewelry capsule collection ensures you always have the perfect accessory to complete any outfit. Here’s a step-by-step guide to building your own capsule collection of 925 silver jewelry.
Why Choose 925 Silver for Your Capsule Collection?
925 silver, also known as sterling silver, is a popular choice for jewelry due to its durability, affordability, and classic beauty. Here are a few reasons why 925 silver is ideal for a capsule collection:
Timeless Elegance: Silver never goes out of style and can be worn with both casual and formal attire.
Versatility: Its neutral color complements a wide range of outfits and other jewelry pieces.
Durability: With proper care, 925 silver jewelry can last a lifetime.
Affordability: Compared to gold and platinum, 925 silver offers a luxurious look at a more accessible price point.
Steps to Create a 925 Silver Jewelry Capsule Collection
1. Assess Your Style and Needs
Before purchasing any jewelry, take some time to consider your personal style and the types of occasions you need jewelry for. Do you prefer minimalist or statement pieces? Do you need jewelry for work, casual outings, or special events? Understanding your preferences and needs will help you make more informed choices.
2. Start with the Basics
Every capsule collection should include a few essential pieces that can be worn daily and paired with almost any outfit. Here are some basics to consider:
Stud Earrings: Simple and classic, perfect for everyday wear.
Hoop Earrings: Versatile and stylish, suitable for both casual and formal occasions.
Pendant Necklace: A delicate chain with a small pendant adds a touch of elegance to any outfit.
Bangle or Cuff Bracelet: Sleek and minimalistic, ideal for layering or wearing alone.
Classic Rings: A few simple rings that can be worn alone or stacked for a more personalized look.
3. Add Versatile Statement Pieces
Once you have the basics, incorporate a few statement pieces that can elevate your outfits for special occasions or add interest to your everyday look:
Statement Necklace: A bold necklace that can transform a simple outfit into something stunning.
Drop Earrings: Elegant and eye-catching, perfect for dressing up.
Cocktail Ring: A large, striking ring that makes a statement on its own.
4. Mix and Match
Choose pieces that can be easily mixed and matched with each other and with the clothes in your wardrobe. Versatility is key to a successful capsule collection. For example, a simple chain necklace can be paired with different pendants, or hoop earrings can be worn alone or with added charms.
5. Consider Quality and Craftsmanship
Invest in high-quality pieces that are well-crafted and made from genuine 925 silver. Look for reputable jewelers and brands that offer quality guarantees. Well-made jewelry not only looks better but also lasts longer, making it a better investment in the long run.
6. Incorporate Personal Touches
Your capsule collection should reflect your personality and style. Include pieces that have personal significance or that you simply love. This could be a charm bracelet with meaningful charms or a ring with your birthstone.
7. Maintain and Care for Your Collection
To keep your 925 silver jewelry looking its best, proper care and maintenance are essential. Here are some tips:
Clean Regularly: Use a soft cloth and mild soap to clean your jewelry. Avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive materials.
Store Properly: Store your jewelry in a cool, dry place, preferably in a jewelry box or pouch to prevent scratches and tarnishing.
Avoid Water and Chemicals: Remove your jewelry before swimming, showering, or applying lotions and perfumes.
Sample Capsule Collection
Here’s an example of a well-rounded 925 silver jewelry capsule collection:
Stud Earrings: Simple silver studs.
Hoop Earrings: Medium-sized silver hoops.
Pendant Necklace: A delicate chain with a small silver pendant.
Bangle Bracelet: A sleek, minimalistic silver bangle.
Classic Rings: A couple of thin silver bands for stacking.
Statement Necklace: A bold silver necklace with intricate detailing.
Drop Earrings: Elegant silver drop earrings with gemstone accents.
Cocktail Ring: A large silver ring with a unique design or gemstone.
Creating a 925 silver jewelry capsule collection is a wonderful way to ensure you always have the perfect accessories to complement your style. By starting with versatile basics, adding a few statement pieces, and focusing on quality and personal significance, you can build a collection that is both timeless and uniquely yours. With proper care, your 925 silver jewelry will remain beautiful and cherished for years to come.
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