#george adamski
retroscifiart · 1 year
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Art by Richard Jennings from Eagle Annual 1963
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frank-olivier · 11 months
Eli Watson (Mysteries and Monsters)
The George Adamski Story
Part 1: The Man From Venus (June 2023)
Part 2: Secrets in the Skies (July 2023)
Monday, July 10, 2023
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rootsinthefuture · 1 year
When Scandinavian rock was inspired by space
It was the 1970s and it was fashionable in Scandinavian countries for alternative rock bands to be inspired by aliens, the ones from the close encounters told by Billy Meier and George Adamski.
Here is a round-up of those bands
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Midnight Runners:
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Northern Rebels:
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skygodz · 1 year
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Recreated blueprint of the famed 1950's contactee Adamski's UFO. Note: I believe Adamski made it all like most contactees for fame and fortune. But still a fun story...
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lapseudosphere · 3 months
6. Troisième type (pseudossier : le phénomène ovni)
À lire avant pour ne pas être trop perdu :
1. Petit historique - Partie 1
Pseudocomplément : l'affaire Roswell
2. Petit historique - Partie 2
3. Petit historique - Partie 3
4. Caractéristiques générales
5. Comportement et lieux d'intérêt
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Je remercie les chercheuses et chercheurs cité·e·s dans ce pseudossier pour leurs travaux. Pour réaliser ce pseudossier, je me suis appuyé sur des films documentaires, des interviews vidéos, des ouvrages, des articles de presse ou de sites internet. Je remercie les pseudosphéristes passionnés qui en sont à l’origine.
Principales pseudosources :
Historique du phénomène des RR3 : Eric Zurcher, Les apparitions mondiales d'humanoïdes, JMG Éditions, 2018 (pages 43 - 44, 71-72, 97-98, 153-154, 209-210 et 265-266)
Men in black : Ovnis, contact avec les extraterrestres, Éditions Atlas, 1996 (pages 42 à 52)
RR3 de style "vitrine" : Eric Zurcher, Les apparitions mondiales d'humanoïdes, JMG Éditions, 2018 - Aubagne (Cas n°13) - Duncan (Cas n°25) - Cylindre qui devient transparent (Cas n°80)
Rencontre en Alaska : Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, Rencontres avec le peuple des étoiles, les éditions Atlantes, 2020 (pages 63 à 74)
RR3 s'étant déroulée au Québec : Eric Zurcher, Les apparitions mondiales d'humanoïdes, JMG Éditions, 2018 (cas n°78)
RR3 japonais : Ovnis, contact avec les extraterrestres, Éditions Atlas, 1996 (pages 81 à 87)
Cas du lac de Constance : Eric Zurcher, Les apparitions mondiales d'humanoïdes, JMG Éditions, 2018 (cas n°41) www.mufon-ces.org/fileadmin/downloads/berichte/mufon-ces_bericht04_043-130_brand-schneider.pdf
Nains velus du Vénézuela : https://www.parlons-ovni.fr/histoire-les-extraterrestres-exotiques-les-hombrecitos-du-venezuela (en espagnol) https://www.iiee.cl/r_ovnis_venezuela.html Jacques Lob et Robert Gigi, Ceux venus d'ailleurs, Dargaud éditeur, 1973 (pages 18 à 23)
Cas de Paul Miller : (en anglais) https://www.ufoinsight.com/ufos/cover-ups/men-in-black-who-what#The_Encounter_Of_Paul_Miller
Cas de Rosa Lotti : Eric Zurcher, Les apparitions mondiales d'humanoïdes, JMG Éditions, 2018 (cas n°10)
Contactés : Thibaut Canuti, Histoire de l'ufologie française, Le temps des soucoupistes, Éditions Le Temps Présent, (pages 151 à 185)
Georges Adamski : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Adamski
Billy Meier : (en anglais) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Meier Elisabeth de Caligny, Rencontres avec des Humains d'Outre-Espace, Éditions Le temps présent, 2019 (chapitre 6)
Rose C. : Elisabeth de Caligny, Rencontres avec des Humains d'Outre-Espace, Éditions Le temps présent, 2019 (chapitre 10)
Prédiction d'Orfeo Angelucci : Thibaut Canuti, Histoire de l'ufologie française, Le temps des soucoupistes, Éditions Le Temps Présent, (page 155)
Raël et Heaven's gate : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABl https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven%27s_Gate_(secte)
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eksopolitiikka · 7 months
’Kerroin sinulle totuuden, en vain kaikkea sitä’
kirjoittanut Håkan Blomqvist Otsikossa oleva lainaus amerikkalaiselta kontaktilta George Adamskilta löytyy Glenn Stecklingin kirjasta The U.F.O. Reality – Can Truth Prevail? (s. 145) Se on suurelta osin omaelämäkerta, jossa kerrotaan hänen osallistumisestaan George Adamski Foundationin (GAF) työhön. Glennin monet kokemukset avaruusolentovierailijoiden kanssa ja väitteet heidän toiminnastaan planeetallamme ovat tietysti kiistanalaisia, ja niitä tullaan varmasti kyseenalaistamaan […] https://eksopolitiikka.fi/eksopolitiikka/kerroin-sinulle-totuuden-en-vain-kaikkea-sita/
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playitagin · 1 year
George Adamski Date of Death
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George Adamski (17 April 1891 – 23 April 1965) was a Polish-American author who became widely known in ufology circles, and to some degree in popular culture, after he displayed numerous photographs in the 1940s and 1950s that he said were of alien spacecraft, claimed to have met with friendly Nordic alien Space Brothers, and claimed to have taken flights with them to the Moon and other planets.
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realidadovni-blog · 1 year
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ubu507 · 1 year
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The dizzying excesses of female flesh Reminiscent of the beautiful Venusian Offering her disconcerting charms
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mynzah · 2 years
Know Thyself...God...Within...Otherworldly...
Know Thyself…God…Within…Otherworldly…
The conception of ‘We are our brother’s keeper’ applies to all everywhere. It is in this role that we come to you and say, ‘Let the Supreme Being of the Universe be the guiding word for your world that your troubles may vanish as darkness before light.’ What would humans be without the breath of life? And who giveth unto humans? Is it not to be found everywhere for the benefit of all? Then let…
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claudiosuenaga · 6 months
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Caso da Amizade: Os alienígenas que se deixaram fotografar dentro de um disco voador na Itália [Matéria de Cláudio Suenaga na Revista COSMOVNI, nº 07, dezembro de 2023]
Este é o único caso de contatismo em que os alienígenas teriam permitido fotos  deles mesmos e do interior do disco voador em que viajavam – cabe  lembrar que nem mesmo George Adamski (1891-1965) teve esse privilégio. "O Caso da Amizade", como ficou sendo chamado, começou em Pescara, comuna italiana da região dos Abruzos, entre 1956 e  1957, e o que seriam as primeiras fotos de "autênticos" alienígenas dentro de um disco voador foram obtidas em outubro de 1957 na  fronteiriça Francavilla al Mare, nas costas do Adriático. Os contatos com os "amigos" que viviam em gigantescas bases subterrâneas se prolongaram por 22 anos, após o que caíram no esquecimento e só voltaram à tona em 2007 com a publicação do livro Contattism di Massa, de Stefano Breccia. O que haveria de verídico nisso tudo?
Se você é meu Patrono no Patreon, pode ler esta matéria completa aqui:
"Caso da Amizade: Os alienígenas que se deixaram fotografar dentro de um disco voador na Itália", in Revista COSMOVNI, Pato Branco (PR), Publicação do Grupo Ufológico Pato Branco (PATOVNI), nº 07, ano 04, dezembro de 2023, p.3-33 [ISSN 2675-8466].
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frank-olivier · 2 months
Michael Hesemann
This documentary film features interviews and footage related to the early UFO "contactee" movement in the 1950s. It focuses on the claims and experiences of George Adamski, one of the most prominent figures in that field at the time and one of the first people to claim extended, friendly encounters with extraterrestrial beings, including a man from Venus named Orthon. Howard Menger is another central figure in the early contactee phenomenon who claimed to have had numerous encounters and interactions with extraterrestrial beings. Menger stated that the extraterrestrials he encountered were native to Venus. However, later in his life, Menger acknowledged that he may have misunderstood the origins of these beings, and stated that they may have actually had bases on Venus rather than being native Venusians. Both Adamski and Menger asserted that these beings were part of the Galactic Federation. Their accounts of meeting and interacting with these Venusian and other extraterrestrial representatives of the Galactic Federation were central to their contactee narratives. They believed the Galactic Federation was working to guide and assist human civilization, often through direct contact with selected individuals like themselves.
UFOs - The Contacts: The Pioneers of Space (1990/2006)
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
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thedurvin · 1 year
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This 1952 photo by the occultist, Theosophist, and wine-maker George Adamski was a huge influence on what people thought flying saucers looked like, despite the fact that it is really obviously a lamp
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skygodz · 2 years
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The Integratron was created by contactee George Van Tassel in 1954 to be an energy center. It is still there.
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saucerlife · 2 years
Eugene Drake
Today, we’re going to take a look at a Contactee named Eugene Drake. Never heard of him? Neither had I. What’s his claim to fame? Um…. He might have been the source for the original Contactee-style account, years before George Adamski or Truman Bethurum did their thing. It’s a strange story. Much thanks to The Saucers that Time Forgot for their work on this story, as well as Håkan Blomqvist for…
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chaotic-polymath · 1 year
"If the UFO intelligence(s) have been trying to establish contact, then clearly it is not a top-down type of contact meant to involve appointed representatives of government institutions. The reports we’ve gathered tell us it is far more egalitarian: a grass-roots type of contact involving individuals from all walks of life, which only seems to make sense if we accept two propositions: 1. The intelligence(s) have little use for traditional social structure; and 2. it or they are possibly not bound by the constraints of space and time the way we are. If time is no issue, then perhaps the best way to establish a dialog with humankind is on an individual basis.
Of course, such a non-protocolary development would never sit well with governing authorities. The CIA-sponsored Robertson panel of 1953 concluded that reports of Unidentified Flying Objects were themselves more threatening to the stability of the country than the actual possibility of an extraterrestrial intervention. It recommended a smear campaign to minimize or ridicule close encounters in the press, and the monitoring of UFO groups for fear that they could easily be manipulated by Soviet agents. The same approach was taken with self-proclaimed “contactees”—individuals from all walks of American society claiming direct contact with the flying saucer occupants, whom they fondly regarded as our “space brothers.” In his 2010 book, Contactees, Nick Redfern writes how the most prominent figures in the contactee movement were closely monitored by FBI operatives who attended their lectures and made reports on what the speakers said to their audience. Imagine the consternation of J. Edgar Hoover when reading that George Adamski’s Venusian friends regarded socialism as the most perfect form of human government. It is my opinion the Cosmic Love propagandized by the Contactees of the 1950s paved the way to the Free Love counterculture of the 1960s, and the governmental authorities viewed both grassroots movements in the same manner: as a threat, graver and more insidious than an open confrontation with the communist bloc."
Anarchy in the UFO! - Red Pill Junkie
Essay from UFOs: Reframing the debate by Robbie Graham
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