#georgenotfounf x m! reader
dasdast · 3 years
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will you be my boyfriend george henry davidson?
georgenotfound x male reader
who wouldve know how flirty jokes would be more than just jokes in a matter of time, not george!
(name) and George are both very oblivious that they crushed on each other. George was shy, not know for confrontation while (name) liked meeting new people. One of the qualities of being (name) is that he was smooth. He’d throw in a few flirty “jokes” at the Brit, but in the end they’d both laugh it off, leaving (name) a bit disappointed if it didn’t get at least one reaction from George. On the other hand, George although being known for being secluded, knew how to keep his emotions intact from ever breaking. He would scream himself internally every time (name) would make a flirty joke regarding him, laughing it off, but just like (name), feeling disappointed that those flirty jokes were nothing more than just jokes.
Just jokes?
(name) and George were both at the rocky beaches of Brighton. The sun was just about to set, perfect weather for a proposal, and much much more. (name) had invited George out because he’d needed a break from studying and taking his final exams. Very stressful for a senior college student. (name) would always bring up how lucky George was on that he had one more year till he needed to do all these stressful preparations, George was a 3rd year, junior in college.
“Ay George?” (name) wanted to pull another one of his flirty tricks again.
“Yes?” George turned.
“Let’s go swimming, right now.” (name) smirked.
“No- No way. It’s cold and we don’t have a change of clothes.”
“Aw c’mon! It’ll be fun!”
(name) sighed. He acted fast and felt the hands of his crush repeatedly beating his back, telling him to put him down. He ran across the rocky floors and in the process loosened up his and his friend’s shoes and even socks, getting ready to jump into the beach in his euphoric state.
“Ready?!” (name) exclaimed.
“Wait no (name)!-“
Before George could say anything else, he felt his body and head submerged into water. He clung onto (name), due to the fact he didn’t know how to swim, that also being one of the reasons he didn’t want to swim.
(name) also held onto George tight and swam further into the water. (name) was getting cold, but his state made him completely forget that feeling, radiating heat off of him.
“Woo!” (name) laughed and splashed.
He continued laughing, but stopped when he didn’t hear George reply back. Their positions only slightly changed. Instead of George being on the shoulders of (name), he was now at his front, holding him and his clothing tightly and his head laying on his shoulders instead. (name) still having one arm onto the Brit felt the shivers going down his spine. Not shivers of coldness, but shivers of fear. That’s when (name) realized what was going on, George had a fear of deep bodies of water.
“Hey man I-I had no idea y-you were actually..” (name) stuttered, now feeling the effects of the cold.
George didn’t reply, just kept on holding tight.
“I-I’m sorry George..” (name) replied.
He took his other hand and fully supported the Brit’s body, heading back onto the shore of rocks. George was able to stand properly. (name) pulled him to a part of the rocks, water dripping down their clothes and just sat.
(name) took of his top, squeezing it out of a water and layer it flat next to him. (name) hoped George would do the same to avoid any cases of hypothermia, but all he saw was the boy knees up and head on the sockets, shivering as well. (name) didn’t want to violate him, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to move because of the shock.
(name) scooter over, reaching for the ends of his friend’s shirt and quickly pulling it up.
“W-What the fuck are you-“ George exclaimed, trying to stop whatever was happening.
“You’re cold, you’re just gonna get colder with a wet shirt on you know.”
George scoffed at him, letting his arms be pulled up, remaining shirtless.
(name) squeezed the water out of George’s shirt, the same movements he did for his, and layed it flat right next to the shivering boy.
“Look.. I’m sorry.. You said to put you down and I didn’t and I just forcefully dragged you in the water without thinking if you had any bad memories with it..”
George didn’t reply, just continued staring at the sea, and the sun coming down the shore.
The mood was terrible.
“Hey, you know you’re pretty cute shirtless right?” (name) trying to see if a flirty comment would brighten him up.
George continued staring at the beach, unfazed.
He was still shivering.
(name) got up, walked behind him, sat down, and embraced him.
“W-What the fuck-“
“You’re cold.” (name) replied, still holding tight while George tried pushing his arms away.
“Fuck off leave me alone-“
“MOVE!” George exclaimed.
They were silent, only hearing the crowd fly and the water moving.
“I’m-“ Before (name) could say anything, George stood up.
“Just stop, stop. Stop apologizing, stop getting close to me, j-just.. just stop!”
George started walking away, but (name) held one of his arms before he could fully walk away.
“Let go!”
“I-I don’t understand.. where is this-“ (name) was a bit shaken at the events that just happened, but was cut off before he could finish his sentence.
“Coming from? Where is this coming from were you gonna ask?!”
“I’m so tired of your bullshit (name).”
Man oh man was (name) about to tear up.
“You’re so fucking annoying, you’re so fucking.. ugh let go!”
George forced his arm out of (name)’s grasp, walking away again but being stopped because of his other arm being held onto.
“Wait please-“
“Get away from me!”
“Wait please.. please don’t go..” (name) as George tried pulling away from his grasp.
“W-What did I do wrong..?” Feeling tear spike his right eye.
George saw this.
“You..” George looked to his side, stopped his tries at trying to pull away from you.
“You keep pushing me, just keep on pushing me.. You always say these jokes, these jokes that I wish were real, these jokes that I wish didn’t make me feel things for you..! It hurts.. And you keep on playing with me every single time, every single thing you say about me starts to hurt, a lot..”
(name) let go.
“And it hurts because.. I know it isn’t true. In my mind I keep wishing for it to be.. For you to actually having feelings for me, for you to actually think my hair looks cute when it’s messy, thinking that baggy clothes make me look adorable, thinking I’m actually attractive, thinking that.. I’m attractive.. to you...”
The stayed silent.
“I.. I-I should go..” George said.
He went back to where you both sat, picking up his damp shirt, and heading over to where you had tossed his socks and shoes.
Before he could put on his socks, he felt someone against his back.
(name) had embraced him.
“I love you.”
George’s body frozen from the words that he had just heard.
“I fucking love you.”
George started to get mad again.
“Shut the fuck up!-“
(name) let go of his embrace.
“I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU GEORGE HENRY DAVIDSON!” (name) you yelled out just loud enough for people to start looking.
“(name) what are you!-“
(name) took one last deep breath.
You heard people gasping and cameras recording you, but you didn’t care, you were saying all this to prove to George that this isn’t just some cruel joke, this is your true feelings.
On the other side, George was stunned. He felt every single part of his body about to pop off and fly all over the whole world. He felt like a microwave when you accidentally forgot that you left tin foil inside when turning it on and it explodes.
“Say yes!” You both heard a random person say.
You took deep breaths as you waited for George’s answer.
George walked up to you, dropped the two socks he was holding in his two hands, and held you close.
“Yes I will be your boyfriend, will you shut up now?” He whispered to your ear.
You felt ecstatic, happy, no more than happy, overjoyed. You were the luckiest person alive right now.
You picked up George and swung him around, not minding the small rocks under you slightly puncturing your foot.
“HES MY BOYFRIEND NOW EVERYONE!! HE SAID YES!!” You exclaimed gleefully as you held George tight, still spinning.
You giggled left and right while hearing the protests from George to let him down. People clapped at you both.
You stopped after feeling a bit dizzy.
“Would you mind me trying something?” You smirked.
George knew what was about to happen. He closed his eyes, ready for you.
You tilted him down a bit, bending down a bit, and kissed him.
You let go after a quick minute of holding that touch and stood him straight.
“God I must be the luckiest person in the whole entire galaxy to be dating George Henry Davidson.” You smiled as you embraced him once again.
“Oh will you shut up already..”
George wasn’t gonna let anyone know, especially not you, but he really didn’t want you to shut up.
George would disagree at your statement, because right now, HE was the luckiest person in the whole entire galaxy to have you by his side.
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