#geralt doesn't see himself as a heroic knight
samstree · 3 years
splash of the waves, and the sand castle crumbles (1/?)
Geraskier, Prince!Jaskier, fairy tale elements but with a twist, fluff and angst, 6.9k, rated T
Read on AO3
Geralt finds himself drawn to the prince despite himself. As he and Jaskier grow closer, war also looms on the horizon. It's the stuff of fairy tales, but can a witcher find his happily ever after in the time of heartbreaks and deaths?
“What happened next?”
“The farm girl became a princess and married the prince. They lived happily ever after,” she smiled, her eyes so warm in the candlelight.
“But what next?”
“Happily ever after, sweetie. It means there will only be happiness for the rest of their lives.”
She places a kiss on the top of his head and blows out the candle. Her hands are soft and gentle when she tucks him in.
“Will we live happily ever after?”
She pauses in the darkness.
“Of course, my darling. Now you need to close your eyes—”
“Like the prince and the girl?”
“Even better.”
“But she married the prince. How can it be better?”
She sighs. The warmth of her palm brushes across his forehead, making his eyelids droop heavily.
“Your future holds much more, my sweet boy. You will find out tomorrow when you wake up.”
Sleep overcomes him. Indeed, he dreams of fairy tales and royal balls, magic spells and grand weddings.
The next morning, he wakes up believing in those happy ever afters.
Sometimes, when stones are thrown and pitchforks raised, Geralt regrets ever doing so.
The crown prince of Aedirn is a beautiful thing.
His pale blue doublet shines under the bright morning sun, the silvery embroidery sparkling in the light. A big smile —that ever-so-friendly smile that Prince Julian is known for— spreads across his face as a man with blond hair riding next to him speaks. Windswept brown hair brushes over his eyes, obscuring his youthful features.
Everything about him screams royalty. Privilege.
Even his horse is the most nicely-groomed white stallion Geralt has ever laid eyes on.
Prince Charming needs the whole get-up. The witcher snorts behind the bush, observing the royal convoy. It’s too small and moving way too slowly. They must have let down their guard because of the proximity to the castle. If Geralt were to assassinate a royal, he would choose to do it here as well.
It doesn’t take long for the first one to approach from the side of the road, hiding behind the shrub just like Geralt. The man in black works silently and quickly, but not as quickly as a witcher.
Geralt strangles him from behind, gripping tightly until the man passes out. A crossbow falls to the ground. The convoy travels ahead, unaware of the witcher disposing of a deadly threat to their prince’s life.
The swoosh of an arrow pierces the air.
“Protect the prince!”
Two dozen assassins in the same black suit appear out of thin air, charging into the royal guards’ formation. In an instant, the heap of pale-blue is tackled to the ground. Swords clash as more men start yelling.
Dodging a stray arrow, the witcher rushes into the chaos. The small convoy being overwhelmed by the incoming force, they hardly notice one of the assassins circling around the battle and moving directly to the prince. With a few long strides, Geralt stops the man with a clean strike.
“What—” the prince scrambles back at the sight of blood, looking at the witcher’s towering form with disbelief.
“You need to come with me,” Geralt says, before hauling him up by the collar of his doublet.
He half drags the prince to the hide-out. It’s only a cave where he left Roach earlier, but it should be enough. The young man slumps down against the wall, breathing heavily.
“Why are you—”
“Shh.” The witcher quickly crouches on the ground and presses his palm over the prince’s mouth. Distant footsteps disappear in another direction, before he slowly lets go. “We should be safe for now.”
In the quiet of the cave, he can hear the prince’s pounding heart, his eyes blown wide like a startled deer. Specks of blood smear across his cheeks, making him appear even younger.
“My men?”
“These are hired assassins. They will disperse once you are gone.” Geralt is surprised at how gentle his voice comes out. “Are you all right?”
“I—” the prince swallows, and looks down to his bicep where the flesh is grazed by an arrow. The wound is shallow and slowly seeping blood into the torn fabric. Geralt reckons that it should be fine left alone. “I’m fine. I—I’m…fine, yes. I’m alive.”
He lets out a shuddering breath, both in shock and relief. The prince tries to appear unaffected but the overwhelming panic in his scent betrays his seemingly neutral expression.
“You are lucky it didn’t go through your heart.” The witcher leaves him to check on Roach. Sensing the danger in the air, the mare has stayed quiet this whole time. He pats her mane in thanks. “Didn’t think the prince of Aedirn was this careless.”
“I didn’t think witchers got themselves involved in political squabbles either.” Cornflower blues meet Geralt piercingly, despite his shakiness. “I know who you are,” he chuckles tightly. “The witcher, Geralt of Rivia.”
Geralt grunts.
“I didn’t get involved.”
The prince only gestures to himself, raising an eyebrow.
“I’ve saved your ass. Now you can return to your castle and pretend we’ve never met, your highness.”
“Please, call me Jaskier.” The prince stands, patting the blue silk to get off the dirt and wincing when the movement tugs at his arm. “Aren’t you curious as to how I learned about you? Your fame precedes you, witcher.”
The young man meets his gaze assuredly. There’s no trace of fear in his scent.
People usually learn about Geralt one way—his moniker is not something to be escaped. But the prince doesn’t act like everyone else who meets the Butcher. Or at least, he hides it well.
“Are you not scared for your life, prince?”
“It’s Jaskier. And no, I’m not scared by the Butcher, if that’s what you mean.” There’s a knowing glint in his eyes. “I know you from a… mutual acquaintance, let’s say.”
“Filavandrel mentioned you.”
“The elf king who hides in the mountains?” Geralt frowns. “I never really knew him. Not for more than a day.”
“No? He spoke of a white-haired witcher who was paid to hunt his people. Only that witcher left his own coin purse to them upon finding out about their circumstances. It showed compassion that no human had ever shown them, witcher. From his description, I thought the elven king and you shared a moment that day, or rather, an understanding.”
“Only of men.” He pauses. “Haven’t you come to the same understanding? Or why else would the prince of Aedirn make a target of himself by providing shelter to elven refugees?”
Geralt remembers his encounter with the elf king vividly, his anger and despair. The path took him back to Lower Posada years after that day. His curiosity drove him back to Dol Blathanna, only to find a much larger settlement and an exploding population of elves and other non-humans. Not only that, everyone there spoke of the kindness of the prince, who gave equal status to all sentient creatures on Aedirn soil.
“I see someone did homework on me.”
“People here sing your praises on the street day and night. It seems half the country has fallen in love with you,” Great admits begrudgingly.
“And the other half dislikes that I’m giving land away. Land that could have been providing for humans. The other half of my country believes I’m crazy just like all the other kings and queens in the north.”
The prince steps into Geralt’s space.
“You see, Geralt of Rivia, I cannot change the war that others deem just. I cannot stop the Lioness of Cintra from slaughtering elves and non-humans alike on the other side of the Yaruga. All I have is a piece of land in the Blue Mountains and, perhaps, I can provide them the means to rebuild. Those settlements are only a start.”
“It sounds like a noble cause, prince, but I’m not sure how much you can achieve.”
“Sometimes,” the prince’s attention shifts to Roach. “I wonder the same thing. The continent won’t change overnight just because one kingdom decides to show them a little bit of decency. The same decency that we humans are treated with all along.”
The young prince falls silent, his hand reaching out to touch Roach’s mane but retreats when she snorts anxiously. Geralt shushes the mare with a carrot from the pack.
“And I think, my friend,” the young prince continues. “Despite your claim of neutrality, you are on my side.”
“I’m not your friend.”
“No? But I wish to become yours. After all, you just saved my life so selflessly and gallantly,” he proclaims dramatically. “You should have seen yourself, Geralt. So brave with a sword, like a knight from the stories! If we were in a fairy tale, this is where I offer myself to you in eternal gratitude.”
“Are all princes this cheeky?”
“I don’t know. Are all witchers this heroic and beautiful?” Blue eyes roam up and down the witcher’s body, before meeting his gaze with clear interest.
Geralt grunts, ducking away from direct eye contact with the prince. Suddenly the air in the cave feels too warm. He clears his throat uncomfortably.
“Are you being shy, Geralt the witcher?”
The teasing comes so naturally for the prince. Gods, is that why all the maidens out there are so enamored with him? With those easy smiles and dreamy blue eyes, as soon as he throws in some flirtatious words, any inexperienced country girl would swoon upon meeting with him.
What fools they all are.
“We are not in a fairy tale,” Geralt says, palming his face. “Don’t expect a happy ending from this, my prince.”
“Jaskier,” the prince repeats insistently. “Although I do like the way you call me ‘my prince’. I’d certainly like it more if we were in a… different situation.”
He raises an eyebrow suggestively, and Geralt wonders if he can un-save this ridiculous man’s life.
“Fine then. Jaskier.”
The prince, who insists his name is a flower, smiles smugly for having gotten his way.
“But why?” he then faces Geralt head-on, his voice steady. “Why help me? If you don’t seek the favor of a prince, and the conflict never concerns you?”
Geralt blinks.
He’s not sure what drove him to the decision. The only emotion he had upon hearing about a price on the head of the crown prince was unease. The witcher has seen the war and how all the non-humans were killed with little reason, their corpses a feast for ghouls. The prince of Aedirn made himself an enemy to many realms by taking in all the refugees.
It wouldn’t sit right to let him die.
“I was in Cintra a month ago,” Geralt answers.
Jaskier tilts his head.
“So was I. I went to negotiate the relocation of the defeated elves with Queen Calanthe.” Something dawns on him. “You heard something, didn’t you? Was this assassination ordered by her? The negotiation ended up a complete waste of time, but never have I thought she could resort to such a dishonorable way of killing. No matter how much she must want to get rid of me permanently… Oh, I—I never thought…”
The prince—Jaskier trails off, his face drained of blood.
“I only learned about the bounty on your head,” Geralt explains, confused by the prince’s sudden show of weakness. “Hired swords get quite loose-lipped after a few drinks. As to where the order came from—"
“Wait, I…"
A pained grunt escapes the prince’s throat. He sways on his feet ever so slightly, but steadies himself with a hand on Geralt’s shoulder. They both look down to where the wound is still trickling slowly, soaking his sleeve with a patch of dark crimson.
“Wait, I thought…” Geralt reaches out to hold Jaskier’s arm. His palm comes away covered in blood. “Shit, it shouldn’t be bleeding this much.”
“You followed all the way from Cintra, just to stop them from killing m—" Jaskier breaks off for air as Geralt rummages through his pack for bandages. The prince clenches the fabric over his chest, as if something is hurting him from within. “So much for… n—not getting involved.”
“Shut up, prince.” Geralt’s fingers reach the bandage. “Or Jaskier, or whatever flower you prefer.”
A strained smile contorts into a grimace on the prince’s face, his knees buckling.
“Shit.” The witcher barely manages to catch his limp body before his head hits the ground. Blue eyes become unfocused as his head sags against Geralt’s shoulder. “Jaskier? Prince? Can you hear me?”
Geralt inspects the wound on his arm closely for the first time, and that’s when his witcher senses pick up on the faint trail of bitterness.
“It’s poison,” he mutters and curses under his breath.
Jaskier whimpers weakly upon hearing the words, his eyes filled with full-blown panic. For the first time that day, the witcher senses potent fear in the prince’s scent.
Or is it his own?
Geralt can’t tell.
Roach is almost at her limits. The weight of two grown men puts a lot of tires her way too quickly, but Geralt doesn’t dare to slow down, not until he can see the castle walls.
“Don’t die now,” the witcher murmurs into the prince’s ear, who is slumped against his chest, half-delirious and slurring nonsense. The make-shift tourniquet on his arm is soaked through with specks of blood.
The poison is attacking his heart, Geralt notices. It’s also speeding it up, disrupting its rhythm. It’s the vicious kind, one that is designed to make the victim suffer before they die.
Jaskier’s face is white as a sheet, and his lips are turning a sickening purple. The trembling comes and goes, making it harder to keep him in place. His blue eyes roll back, and for a moment, Geralt thinks he’s lost him.
“We are here, prince. Do you hear me?” The gate opens when the guards realize that their prince is brought back injured. A lot of people are shouting but it’s all a blur when Geralt carries the prince down from the mare’s back. “Just hang on, Jaskier.”
Jaskier clings, his heartbeat fluttering dangerously.
They take Jaskier away with force, his limp hand slipping from Geralt’s grip. Someone kicks the witcher behind the knees, sending him to the ground. Weapons suddenly appear at his throat, stopping him from going any further.
“G’ralt…” Jaskier protests, his hands grabbing blindly.
“He needs a healer!” he shouts at those guards who only seem to be interested in restraining him.
Cornflower blues are fixed on golden yellow. The prince’s skin is covered in sweat, his lips quivering, struggling to form words. It takes a second for the witcher to realize that he’s talking to the guards.
“He saved my life. Don’t… He saved…me,” Jaskier chokes out a breath, and Geralt feels those guards release him.
The witcher is left kneeling as more men surround the prince and rush him inside. They’re either fussing over Jaskier or calling for help. His faint heartbeat gets lost in the commotion.
“Wait, is he going to—"
The gate shuts in his face. The last thing he sees is Jaskier collapsing in someone’s arms.
No word about the prince comes out for months. Not about the assassination. Not about his poisoning.
Rumor says that he was gravely injured during the attack, and that he has been bed-ridden since returning from Cintra. Some even suspect that he’s already dead.
“…I opened the envelope and it was an invitation from the prince!”
“It was magical, wasn’t it? He doesn’t show up for ages and suddenly we are all invited to a ball! In his castle! A royal ball where anyone can attend, no less! I heard he will choose one to marry tonight.”
“Although I heard he’s sick for quite some time…”
Geralt ducks his head while listening in on the two women’s conversation. They are each dressed in a luxurious ball gown, their faces powered and lips painted. Like everyone else in the room, they are trying to impress the prince at his first outing in months.
But that is not why he is here.
Geralt has been lingering in Aedirn since that day, when he sent Jaskier back to the castle with poison coursing through his veins, not knowing what would become of him. Months of dead silence only make his stomach sink further.
A chance presented itself when news came out that the prince will hold a ball to the public.
It only makes sense that he should go and check, just to make sure Jaskier is all right. After all, he doesn’t want to put in all the effort to save someone only to never know if he will end up fine.
He will see for himself that Jaskier is well, and then he will leave.
He will not get involved.
Of course not.
Geralt takes another sip of the wine, surprised at the buzz it gives to his temporarily human body. When the mage sold him the potion that could hide all visible witcher traits, she did not mention it would also slow his metabolism to an ordinary human’s.
“The disguise will expire at midnight, when the bell strikes twelve.” Luckily she didn’t forget about this.
What a cliché.
It seems that no mage can resist a touch of dramatics.
For now, he looks like another random lord with dark hair and brown eyes. She also threw in a spell to turn his clothes into a silky ensemble in a muted black color.
“His royal highness, Prince Julian!” someone announces.
The crowd turns their eyes to the top of the stairs, where the heavy wooden doors open in everyone’s anticipation. One of the two women lets out an audible gasp as the prince steps out.
And there he is, Jaskier.
Those blue eyes are bright as the sky, those cheeks rosy-pink. He’s a picture of health compared to the last time Geralt held him in his arms. The witcher lets out a relieved sigh he never knew he was holding.
A smile spreads across the prince’s face. Suddenly the wine isn’t the only thing making Geralt all warm and fuzzy inside.
The prince descends the stairs with such elegance, his doublet a pristine ivory color under the chandelier’s sparkling light. The clothes sit perfectly on his frame, but with a heavy heart, Geralt realizes that he’s also lost weight.
It’s minuscule, and the puffy sleeves hide it well, but it’s there. Bed-ridden for a long time, they say. The witcher swallows the lump in his throat.
The crowd parts for the prince, retreating to the edge of the dance floor. No one dares to breathe as they await his invitation to the first dance.  Once the dancing starts, the music will be too loud and the people too busy, giving the witcher a window to easily disappear into the night. But Jaskier continues to search through the crowd as if he has a specific someone to look for.
Before Geralt can even react, blue eyes have locked with his. The piercing blue makes him instinctively want to hide, but the witcher is frozen to the spot. The prince walks directly towards him, the grin spreading even wider if that is possible.
“May I have the first dance?” Jaskier reaches out, his palm facing up.
Countless eyes fall on Geralt, making his skin prickle, but he pays no mind. All he can focus on is the prince’s expectant look. Even now, without his witcher hearing to know Jaskier’s heartbeat, he can see the tentative hope in the way Jaskier seems to hold his breath.
Geralt takes his hand.
The royal garden is quiet under the night sky. The cool breeze is nice on Geralt’s skin, the faint hum of cicadas a soothing balm to his ear after hours of music and dance.
“Apologies. I was getting a little… uncomfortable in there.” The prince leads the witcher to a bench. His hand rubs at his heart like it’s bothering him.
“Are you well, my prince?” Geralt helps him sit down.
“Please, call me Jaskier.”
Geralt pauses. Does Jaskier tell his preferred name to anyone? Even a stranger he just met at a ball?
“Why Jaskier?”
“It’s the person I dream to be,” he answers wistfully but adds nothing to explain. Geralt wonders why a prince could possibly dream to be another person.
“I see.” He nods. “Are you feeling alright, Jaskier?”
The prince’s eyes soften as he reaches out to tuck a lock of curly brown hair out of Geralt’s face. The movement is so gentle that the witcher can’t help but catch his hand, holding those slender fingers in his palm.
They are way too slender, he thinks. Repressed worry bubbles up in his throat again.
“I’m fine now.” Jaskier squeezes his hand reassuringly. “Although I haven’t been for a few months, as you already know.”
“Uh…yes.” Geralt splutters. This closeness, combined with the touch of skin, seems to be slowing his brain. “There are rumors, from outside the castle. It was an attack, wasn’t it? At least that’s what I heard.”
“It was. They used poison, no less. The healers told me that it weakened my heart, even stopped it for a few seconds.” He chuckles sadly, threading their fingers together and pressing both their hands over his chest. “The pain still comes and goes these days, but I cope.”
The thumping underneath Geralt’s hand is rhythmic. Calming. It feels so fragile, especially now that he knows how little it takes to stop it. To snuff out the light in those cornflower-blue eyes along with it. And yet, this heart keeps beating.
“I’m glad you survived, Jaskier.”
The name comes out reverent, like a prayer.
“So am I, my friend.”
“Is that what we are? Friends?”
Moonlight frames Jaskier’s fond expression, giving it a soft glow. Long lashes cast a shadow on his faint blush. A grin spreads across the prince’s face when he answers.
“I hope? Or maybe I can hope for more. After all, this ball is held so I can find my future intended in the crowd.”
The implication makes Geralt’s breath hitch. He blinks.
“You don’t even know my name.” 
Jaskier’s eyes darken as he leans in. His hand comes up to cradle Geralt’s chin. “Somehow, I feel like I’ve known you forever.”
The crisp night air is mixed with the fresh smell of grass, but on top of it is a floral scent that reminds him of spring and hope. Geralt lets his senses be overwhelmed by the prince, by his soft breaths ghosting over his skin and those enchanting lips well within reach.
Not getting involved, the back of his mind screams.
Despite himself, Geralt meets Jaskier halfway, their lips a hair’s breadth away when—
The bell strikes. Once, twice…
The noise is the loudest wake-up call, turning Geralt’s blood to ice. What is he doing? Is it midnight already? Fuck… he needs to get out of here before the magic expires.
“I need to go,” Geralt blurts out. “I have to leave right now. Ah… I’m so sorry.”
Jaskier’s brows knit together in confusion. “What is wrong? I thought you—”
“I came here to make sure you are all right, Prince Julian. Nothing more. It was never my intention to let you believe there could be anything else.”
The prince’s face dims at his apology. The dejection on his face tugs at something in Geralt’s chest. It leaves him wanting, but there’s no time. The bell counts down his sentence.
He takes Jaskier’s hand and places a simple kiss there, and turns to leave, only to be halted by the prince’s tightening hold.
“Wait, you don’t have to go."
“You don’t understand,” Geralt’s voice quivers with urgency. “It’s important that I leave.”
Those gentle fingers wrap around Geralt’s steadily, Jaskier’s skin cool against his. The prince continues to ignore his plea. If anything, he steps closer.
“Stay. Please.” Jaskier whispers, and it’s all it takes.
The witcher can break free easily, but for some reason he is unable. For some reason, he feels the weakest he has ever been under the intensity of Jaskier’s pleading gaze.
To his horror, the magic fades. Geralt can feel his hair change and grow longer, his teeth sharpening. The flow of chaos stings his eyes that are certainly turning back to yellow. His face crumbles.
And yet, Jaskier never wavers.
If anything, the adoration in those stormy blues only grows, ever so beautifully, as the swirl of magic circles around Geralt, revealing plain clothes instead of silk. 
The bell strikes twelve.
The sound still echoes in the air. Slowly, with the utmost determination, Jaskier’s fingers thread through what is now silver-white hair. Tears glisten in his eyes.
“You told me we were not in a fairy tale, and yet, you try to leave me at midnight. You tried to leave me here under the stars. Alone and heartbroken.” The prince lets out a wet chuckle. “Because you think I wouldn’t recognize the man who saved my life. You think I wouldn’t know the witcher who’s risking everything right now just to see that I am well. I’d know you anywhere, Geralt of Rivia.”
Jaskier’s feather-light touch continues to trace the shell of Geralt’s ear, the tiny scar under his eye, and then finally, the corner of his mouth. It’s not often, in his long life, that Geralt gets his breath taken away, least of all by a prince.
“I suspected,” Jaskier whispers. “Or rather I hoped when I saw you in the ballroom. I prayed. That it’s you.”
“You danced with me because—”
“Because I wanted to thank you properly. We were kind of in a hurry last time.” The prince teases, his palm tilting Geralt’s chin. “May I?”
He nods.
As if in a dream, soft lips press against his, tasting of salt and moonlight. Geralt lets out a tiny gasp as Jaskier opens him up patiently and draws it out like they have all the time in the world. Like he’s something to be treated with gentleness. Something to be treasured.
He pulls away panting, only to realize that tears are rolling down Jaskier’s cheeks freely, so he catches them with the pad of his thumb.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.” Geralt shushes him, but Jaskier sniffles with a smile.
“I’m not upset. Trust me when I say these are tears of joy.” Red-rimmed eyes sparkle like the stars. “But Geralt…”
“Will I see you again?”
Geralt blinks. He only sneaked into a royal court with one goal. Now that he has achieved it and more, there’s nothing that should bring him back to Jaskier again. His heart twists painfully at the idea, and words tumble out of his mouth. The last of his sanity screams against it, and yet his heart has made the decision.
“I hope, Jaskier. I can only hope to see you again.”
Jaskier beams as he presses another kiss to Geralt’s wrist.
“That is enough for me.”
“Your longing eyes grieve what is lost
But naught can change this parting harsh…”
Jaskier’s voice echoes hauntingly. In front of him, the elven family sits huddled together, listening intently. The two children are concentrating so hard that they are almost falling off their parents’ laps. Finally, as the soft strumming of the lute comes to an end, they start clapping with passion.
From a distance, Geralt can only see the prince from behind, but somehow he can sense the big smile Jaskier returns to those excited children. The wind in the Blue Mountains ruffles his brown hair. Jaskier continues to take off the strap and carefully hands the lute to the elven woman.
The witcher approaches quietly.
“…thank you so much! It is such a beautiful instrument.” Jaskier’s voice is warm and welcoming. She’s certainly charmed when they keep talking about music and folk songs.
Geralt stands there and lets Jaskier’s presence wash over him. In the end, it’s the other woman who notices him and gestures in his direction.
Jaskier turns his head and beams.
“Geralt! What brings you here?”
With a few long strides, the prince rushes over and slams their bodies into a bear hug. Anyone who’s not a witcher might have been knocked over by the force, but Geralt catches Jaskier steadily.
“Oh, how I’ve missed you!” Jaskier exclaims as he presses a chaste pack to the corner of Geralt’s mouth. “I haven’t seen you since the manticore hunt.”
“It was still weird that you would want to come with me on hunts.”
“What is life if not to see your favorite witcher in action?” Jaskier waves it off as if a prince getting monster gut all over himself is a common occurrence. He checks Geralt all over. “Anyway, how’s the path treating you, my dear? Any injuries? Exciting stories?”
“The path is fine.” His excitement is too contagious that Geralt feels his lips tug upwards. “And it hasn’t been long. Two months at most.”
“Nonsense. Any amount of time not seeing you feels like ages.”
The parents lead their children away, the girl still humming the song from Jaskier’s private performance.
“I didn’t know the prince could play the lute. Or sing,” he teases.
“Ha! I’m full of surprises, you shall see! Besides, I always thought—” Jaskier cuts himself off, ducks his head before continuing. “I always thought that in another life, I would have been a bard.”
“Would you?”
“Mm-hmm. I would travel the continent, write songs about heroes and adventures. With a lute on my back, I could go to the edge of the world and beyond. Maybe even meet some interesting people, find my muse, or… fall in love.”
He winks at Geralt cheekily when the witcher realizes something.
“So is Jaskier the stage name you picked? For this bard life?”
“Why yes.” Jaskier sounds so surprised. “How do you know? Oh, my dear witcher, you do understand me like no one else! Not even Valdo is a match to you, no matter how well he claims to know me.”
The mention of Valdo Marx’s name sends a pang of bitterness through Geralt, though he has learned long ago that it’s irrational. The prince’s life-long friend, now an important right-hand man, is the most devoted advisor in Jaskier’s council. He’s supported Jaskier in everything throughout his life, having done nothing wrong by the prince, and yet, Geralt can’t bring himself to like the man.
Maybe it’s because of his too-shiny blonde hair. It gives him a headache if he stares at it for too long. Maybe it’s his all-knowing eyes that tend to judge the witcher silently every time they meet. The distrust is too typical for politicians such as him.
Or maybe, it’s because anyone with eyes can see how Valdo is desperately in love with Jaskier, but apparently, it’s not that obvious to the prince himself.
“I know because only you will have a tacky name like Buttercup for your professional career.” The words come out more sour than Geralt expected.
Jaskier squawks with rightful indignation, and Geralt can’t help but snort out a laugh. It’s truly too easy to rile him up.
“It’s just hard to picture.” The witcher continues, while taking Jaskier’s hand. “Someone like you, with soft hands like these. It would take a lot of hard work if you want to make it as a musician. I’m not sure if my prince is up for that job.”
Jaskier slaps him on the arm offendedly. “I’ll have you know, Geralt of Rivia! I am perfectly capable of enduring hardship for the right cause! Now that was truly rude of you to assume that I am spoiled just because I’m a prince! Really, it’s very unbecoming of you!”
“Hmm.” Geralt tilts his head, amused. “And what is a right cause in your book?”
All jokes dissipate after that question.
The prince looks around to the new camps and make-shift houses, everything illuminated by the setting sun. Bonfires are lit where families are gathered after dinner, laughing and dancing together, despite the hardship that brought them here.
“I want everyone on my land to live happily, no matter how they came to Aedirn. I wish they could all see it as a home,” Jaskier says sadly. “That is the most important cause in my life, Geralt. Although I’m not sure if that’s just a fantasy.”
Geralt squeezes the prince’s hands gently. They are exceedingly soft, and cold to the touch. The witcher used to assume that Jaskier just runs a little colder than the average person. But later, to his dismay, he found out that it’s yet another result of the poisoning.
He never wants to see Jaskier’s chest pain flare up again. He never wants to see Jaskier bend over in agony, his hands turning into blocks of ice from the lack of blood flow, his face skin covered in sweat in an instant. Just witnessing it happen almost gives Geralt phantom pain. What’s worse is that there’s nothing he can do but wait it out, holding Jaskier close and rocking him back and forth slowly.
At least he’s now feeling contrite. Teasing Jaskier about not being strong enough was a low blow, when in fact, the young prince is the furthest from deserving such an accusation.
He doesn’t need swords or muscles to be strong.
Jaskier is strong for his stubbornness and his unwavering faith. The elven settlement around them is the best testament. He carried on despite being hated by all other kingdoms, despite the attempt on his life, one that was nearly fatal. One that still hurts him in the quiet of the night.
“Fantasy or not,” Geralt’s insides melt at the way Jaskier looks at him expectantly. “I’d like to see it through with you, if you allow me to.”
Blue eyes suddenly sparkle with renewed excitement.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying, Geralt?” Jaskier asks carefully as if he could spook the witcher. “Are you finally saying yes to my proposal?”
“I’m considering it.”
“You’ve been considering it since the first time I asked!”
“You asked on our third ever meeting, Jaskier.” Geralt chuckles in exasperation. “And you’ve been asking every time we see each other.”
“And you’ve been giving me the same response every time.” His pout is too adorable Geralt wants to kiss it away. “One might suggest it’s rude to string a prince along like this.”
Geralt hums while cupping Jaskier’s jaw in his palm, tilting it so their gazes meet.
“One might also suggest that our beloved Prince Julian is too good for a witcher like me.”
Ho only means to joke but the smile on Jaskier’s face falls, hurt immediately replacing the earlier chirpiness.
“Shit, Jask… Forget I said that.” Geralt closes his eyes, regretting having ruined the moment.
“Darling, we talked about this.”
“No, you’re right. Of course…”
Jaskier takes the witcher’s hand and places a kiss in his palm. “I won’t allow terrible things to be said about the man I love, and that includes you, my dear. I’d hate it if you joined those senseless folk who can’t see you for the good man you are.” He bites into his lower lip. “Now, I understand if you have reservations about us. I mean, what I am… or what I do, is a lot. I won’t rush you into a decision anymore. I never meant to pressure you.”
“That’s not what I’m saying, Jaskier.” Geralt pinches the bridge of his nose. “We are from completely different worlds. Anyone who has eyes will tell you we’re not compatible.”
“Did Valdo say something to you again? Or is that truly what you believe?” Jaskier takes a step back. “Do you wish to end things with me? I—I’ll understand if you want to—"
“No, Jask.”
“—I know how much I’m keeping you in Aedirn, and maybe you wish to be free of court rules and politics and—”
“Jaskier.” Geralt interjects, and cornflower blues meet him in earnest. He knows too well how the prince could spiral out of control, dredging up all the terrible scenarios hidden in the dark corner of his mind. Jaskier looks so lost right now and all Geralt wants to do is make it better, so he does it with action, as always.
He kisses Jaskier with a bruising force. It’s too rushed, too clumsy compared to the gentle caress they normally share, but it conveys everything Geralt cannot promise yet. Not out loud. Not right now.
Geralt threads his fingers into the hair at the nape of Jaskier’s neck, playing with the soft locks. He lets Jaskier lean against his shoulder when they break off the kiss.
“I’m yours, my prince,” he whispers.
“Have I told you how much I love it when you call me that.”
Geralt hides his amusement in soft brown hair.
“Many times, my prince,” he indulges Jaskier. “And yet I cannot help but worry. I fear that things will not work because of our differences. I am a witcher. I am the Butcher of Blaviken, no matter how noble you believe me to be. I will never become someone else. Not like in fairy tales, where a farm girl can transform into a princess and suddenly become worthy of her prince. I fear you’ll make too many compromises because of who I am, bear too many scrutinies, and you will end up resenting me.”
Jaskier shakes his head at those words, his hair ticking Geralt’s ear.
“You speak of my sacrifices, but what about you?” His hand rests between Geralt’s shoulder blades. “You’ve walked the continent for so long. Will you resent me for caging you in a castle because of who I am?”
“Jaskier,” Geralt breathes the name solemnly. “You promised to never trap me in the drudgery of court life. You promised that no matter what we become, I can always return to my path when my heart desires. I trust you on that.”
“And I trust you in return, that you won’t dishonor me. Not in ways that matter.”
They pull away. The sun is hanging just on the horizon, drawing a golden line around Jaskier’s hair.
“I will ask one thing of you, my prince,” Geralt says. “Allow me more time to be sure. Of myself and of our future.”
Jaskier’s eyes crinkle at the corners, taking the witcher’s hand and presses it over his heart, where the doublet is left wide open. The warmth of his skin seeps through the thin chemise and into Geralt’s calloused palm.
“Don’t you see, my darling? I’d give you the stars if you asked. What is a little more time?” His chest rises and falls. “Although I need you to promise something as well.”
“What is it?”
The last of the sunlight fades, darkening Jaskier’s eyes like a stormy night.
“Don’t break my heart in the meantime.”
The plea comes out desperate, vulnerable. Under his palm, Geralt feels the soft thumping that he knows to be fragile.
“I won’t,” he breathes the words reverently. “I promise.”
Jaskier’s heart is so full of the world and its sufferings, so full that there’s hardly room left for himself. So full that the witcher should build a shrine for whatever gods out there that it gives him any attention. To think that he has any power over it, that he can hurt it easily, makes his stomach turn.
He’d live out his life fulfilling that promise if allowed.
The witcher walks the path just like he’s done for the past decades. Temeria’s wind is as freezing as ever, and its secrets even more so.
Another dangerous contract is nothing new, and yet, something in him shifts. Somehow, the days ahead are no longer painted with monotonous black and white, but an unpredictable mixture of colors—orange like the setting sun on Jaskier’s long lashes, or rosy-pink like the too-easy blush that dusts over his cheeks when he’s pretending to be unaffected by Geralt’s attention.
More often than not, he sees in his future the blue of Jaskier’s eyes, deep and vast like the sea.
The same blue is what flashes across Geralt’s eyes as the striga’s teeth bury into his neck. With the crypt cold and hard against his back, the witcher would laugh at the irony of it if not for the blood choking in his throat.
Funny how the moment of revelation does not come in a whirlwind of poetry, one that is befitting to Jaskier. The moment Geralt realizes that he is finally ready to take Jaskier’s hand might just be his last moment.
He drifts into bottomless darkness and wakes to cool fingers on his forehead.
And here Jaskier is, sitting by his bedside, his frame so lonely in the Temple of Melitele. A relieved sigh by his lips and tired bruises under his eyes. Gone is his composed regality. Jaskier looks like he hasn’t slept in days, like he just rode all the way here with wind still in the tousled mess of his hair.
“Yes,” Geralt croaks.
The prince rushes forward to fuss over his bandages and splints, cooing with the most distressed frown. “What do you need, my dear?”
“Yes.” Geralt takes Jaskier’s hand, caressing those cool fingers. The stitches in his neck tug uncomfortably.
“Yes, I’ll marry you, my prince.”
Tagging: @rockysstupidity @flowercrown-bard​ @alllthequeenshorses @mothmanismyuncle @theultimatenerdd
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
Sending for the “thoughts on __” ask meme! Dunno if you've written about this before, but what are your thoughts on Geralt's and Cahir's relationship?
overall: cahir is the lancer of the five-man band, a foil to geralt, the leader. geralt's bitter age is contrasted with cahir's naive youth. we can even see it in their white/black hair. they both initially wished to do good and be heroic, as geralt wanted to save people from monsters (see voice of reason part 4) and cahir wanted to win honor for and defend his family (see lady of the lake chapter 9) but they quickly learned this world is not one for a hero.
they both embody nobility and are two different inversions of the idea of a 'knight in shining armor' - this is even more apparant when geralt is knighted by queen meve, and also they arrive in toussaint and geralt begins to spend time with reynart.
in baptism of fire: i love their rocky, difficult relationship. i love how bloodthirsty and antagonistic geralt is towards cahir throughout the book because of how they become 'brothers in arms' (as in the dire straits song, as quoted by sapkowski at the beginning of the book) in the end. but it makes me love geralt for his defense of ciri, still seeing cahir as a threat to her, holding her nightmares against him, because of how much he loves his daughter, he wants to absolutely wring cahir's neck with both his hands, when he speaks of him he grits his teeth so much that sparks fly, and when he spits, it hisses! (as milva describes him in chapter 5).
but geralt's inability to kill cahir reminds me of how sensitive and tied to humanity geralt is at his core, because despite his own hatred for cahir, he cannot bring himself to kill him... he, who is, after all, just a terrified young man himself not more than twenty-five! i love that in the fish soup scene in chapter 5, cahir offers geralt a knife from his boot in order to peel the vegetables, and geralt has no choice but to accept. it's symbolic of their broader situation, and also - it's just funny.
in the end they hold the bridge over the yaruga together, united... that scene and its prose is utterly gorgeous. and again - brothers in arms!
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additionally, i think it's amusing how cahir is greatly amazed by geralt's ability to deflect arrows, as he defends dandelion:
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in tower of the swallow: i'm not a fan (to put it mildly) of how cahir reveals that he's attracted to ciri... and that somehow, this is put within a bonding moment between geralt and cahir. i won't go into depth now about why i dislike this, i wrote this post a long time ago but a tl;dr is that cahir already has more than enough character motivation to join the company, become loyal to ciri, renounce nilfgaardian allegience, etc., 'turn towards the light,' as it were. he doesn't have to be in romantic love with her to do any of these things, he's already a complete character with depth!... and moreover... it's creepy :)! don't be in love with a child you kidnapped at the age of 11-12!
otherwise... getting that out of the way... i love how their relationship develops over the tower of the swallow. i initially felt like, and sometimes still do feel like, the climax of chapter 7 of baptism of fire felt so final and absolute of a united company that any distrust between them should have already been eliminated by this point and that sapkowski was padding for time by creating more drama... but the storytelling which resulted from it was enjoyable and beautiful, so i don't care. also, to argue with myself, it's not really implausible, because we know how much geralt loves ciri, and it's only expected that he would hold a grudge and wariness against cahir until he could be absolutely certain of his loyalty.
i love how geralt flies into a pointless rage against schirru, how angouleme has to call his name to get him to stop, and the trouble they land in because of geralt's unbridled seething, seeing red, hatred against any who dare harm ciri... ring a bell? and because of his lack of restraint, cahir is injured terribly and he has to look out for him. and it would have been so easy for geralt to kill him, or even kill him and lie about it to the rest of the company - sorry guys, cahir died of shock and fever, whoopsies... but what kind of person would that have made geralt? the thought did not even cross his mind, despite threatening his life without condition in the previous book, and accusing him of treachery just a chapter ago. it blends with the themes of humility and sacrifice of tower of the swallow - what's more humble than tending to the life of someone you just accused of being your enemy?
i love how cahir talks about his fear during the massacre of cintra. after all, it was his first time seeing war, as well, and he was groomed into soldierhood... confessing that a soldier does not question orders, he had no idea why they wanted a princess... it blends so, so well with the fact that earlier in chapter 6, we learn that the local banditry have teamed with the nilfgaardian invaders, the colorful piecemeal armor and black armor forming one wall - we learn that banditry and the state are not dissimilar at all, actively functioning as one! and it blends well with angouleme also being a defector, being from banditry, nightingale's hanza...!
he describes how he was not a hero, how he almost lost his mind and broke under pressure, that they found him running around senselessly crying like a wolf until his superiors tied him up. that he was not a winner over the loss of ciri. no one won. no one wins in war.
in lady of the lake: i love how cahir comes to toussaint and begins to, within the company, speak a little bit of his own and venture from his carefully constructed soldier's script. in baptism of fire, he "remains tactfully silent," he often does not speak in order to avoid geralt's ire, and he is polite, really only contributing in the broader company when he has a way to demonstrate his intelligence and worth. but in lady of the lake, he speaks out, he acts like... a normal young man. you can practically hear his eyeroll when he comments in chapter 3 that they must tell geralt, when he's not busy, when he tells geralt to his face "look who's talking!" when geralt comments that they've been idle in toussaint for too long. he's truly become part of the company, interjecting before the malheur pass that the horse tracks are probably that of an ibex, or moufflon... before angouleme mocks him in an absolutely siblinglike manner that he is a moufflon himself!
they really grow with one another and the trajectory of their character arcs cannot be imagined without one another. the company without cahir would not be a company, and geralt would not have had to face the repercussions of his character flaws. cahir on his own would not have survived, much less become a different person with completely challenged and changed morals and allegiences.
can y'all send some asks that are like “thoughts on __” (ask meme)
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