#gerard of greenleigh you're such a real one
andi-o-geyser · 1 year
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i mean that's not wrong, that bird's pretty fucking big
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klowncrunch · 1 year
Terrible elody Gerard drabble
Elody placed her glass on the table, laughing a bit at Gerard's joke.
"You and Tom got real close over the years huh? " it hadn't been that long. But still.
"Yeah- he's like my best friend at this point" He shrugged. Taking a sip of his wine.
"Your only one." Elody said with a snicker. That got a cough and a returned snicker from the frog prince. He choked down a ribbit as he motioned towards the other.
"Well you're my friend!"
"I'm your ex wife Gerard"
"And I love you for it" Elody couldn't help but choke on her own wine when Gerard decided to add a wink to puncate. A terrible joke and terrible move. She sat down. Crumpling a bit in her seat and her jammies. In explicit contrast to Gerard's formal dress and perfect posture, Elody couldn't be bothered to change out of her Pajama pants and the world's most worn out tee-shirt.
"I love you too Gerard but Jesus christ- I Mean I suppose there is Ylfa. How is she by the way? I haven't visited her in a while..." Gerard stared at Elody. Brows raised. Raising his hand he made a `hurry on with it` motion. Which got a smile from Elody.
"She ask out Pinocchio yet? " Gerard Almost inhaled the rest of his drink before he sighed. Placing down the empty cup. Frustration and the demeanor of a tired dad could not be a more present force in this moment.
"She hasn't! And that's the most frustrating part! She's gonna be 16 this year, when is she going to ask that boy out!" Elody couldn't help but laugh yet again. It hadn't been very long since- what happened did happen. But age was already creeping up on the both of them. Grey hairs littered both their heads, and wrinkles a plenty. But those were mostly stress wrinkles.
"Don't bust a vein Gerard. Remember how long it took you to ask me out? " he hummed. Brows unfurrowing a bit.
"To be fair we are divorced. "
"And I do still love you after all this time" the sword of truth glowed behind Elody
"Yeah yeah- love you aswell" it glowed again.
"But I distinctly remember that when I asked you out? It was a disaster. I was stumbling. And could not stop- fucking croaking. I was slimey and all sweaty and- and I think I had fly guts on my face? "
"I thought it was weird. "
"It was very weird! I'm surprised you didn't get warts from kissing me. "
"Skincare Gerard, skincare"
"I literally had a whole vanity mirror Elody-"
Elody nodded again. That was true. But...
"I was a teenage girl with anxiety. Checkmate. "
"I- god damnit I'm not winning this am I? "
"No Gerard. No you arent. "
She got up. Grabbing the sword of truth and pointing it at Gerard.
"Gerard Greenleigh, should Listen to his super awesome friend and give those two some space to bloom"
It glowed intensely. Elody grinned at that.
"Yeah yeah, you got me, now Sword of truth, I should get another drink for having to put up with those two right? "
It didn't glow. Gerard frowned. Reaching out for Elodys glass, his fingers just grazing it before Elody swatted them away. Setting down the sword.
""Too drunk" isn't an excuse to stay here all The time Gerard"
"It's 7pm! And I've only had a glass"
"And you're a light weight. Now cmon. Up. You're trying out scrapbooking. " Gerard was yanked up. Immediately curling into glorious shrimp back and sighing as he took the others hand. "Why are you like this. "
"Cause I am"
"And I love that about you. But it's 7 pm! Lemme drink"
"After scrapbooking. " she smiled to herself. This was nice
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