#german cueto
youblogzz · 1 year
Dirk Nowitzki surprised by Filipino fans: 'I didn't know it was this crazy'
Dirk Nowitzki during the Fiba World Cup draw in Manila. MARLO CUETO/INQUIRER MANILA, Philippines—Dirk Nowitzki was thrilled to see a lot of Filipino Dallas Mavericks fans when he visited Manila for the Fiba World Cup 2023 Draw over the weekend at Smart Araneta Coliseum. The German national basketball team legend knew that the Philippines is a basketball-crazy nation but he was surprised to learn…
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industriamexicana · 3 years
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Playgrounds del México moderno, ya está disponible para descargarlo de forma gratuita, haz click en el link
Playgrounds of Modern Mexico, follow the link and download it for free
Link: https://www.academia.edu/68691731/Playgrounds_del_M%C3%A9xico_moderno
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Invitation to Art without Borders, 1950, Guadalajara.
Miro, Arp, Kandinsky, Picasso, Ferrant & Goeritz on exhibit. German Cueto, a Mexican avant-guarde artist since the 1920′s was also on exhibit.
Artwork is Paul Klee, ���The Snake Goddess and Her Foe.” 1940.
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joyslow · 7 years
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germán cueto
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unavidamoderna · 5 years
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Vista desde la calle, Entrada a una casa sin construir con una escultura en fierro policromado por Germán Cueto, Av. de Las Fuentes 230 (aproximadamente), Jardines de Pedregal, San Ángel, Ciudad de México 1948 (eliminado)
Arqs. Guillermo Rossell y Lorenzo Carrasco
View from the street, Entrance to an unbuilt house with a  painted iron sculpture by German Cueto, Av. de Las Fuentes 230 (approximately), Gardens of Pedregal, San Angel, Mexico City 1948 (removed)
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DMA Circle Preview of "México 1900–1950: Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, José Clemente Orozco, and the Avant-Garde"
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degolasdiy · 7 years
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ilustracion en solidaridad con la artista boliviana Rilda Paco #todosconlaimilla #RildaPaco #FestivaldeOruro texto de Marco Toxico
A la joven artista boliviana Rilda Paco se le ha iniciado un proceso penal por hacer público un dibujo de una virgen en tanga.
¿Quienes se unen para dar, alegrísimos, la lectura oficial del inicio del juicio?
- Secretario Municipal de Cultura German Navía
- Presidente de la Asociación de Conjuntos Jacinto Quispaya
- Presidente del Comite de Etnografía y Folklore Oscar Elías
- Secretario Departamental de Cultura Marcelo Lara
- y el representante del Obispado Rene Cueto.
Cinco hombres.
Cinco hombres que van a llevar a juicio a una mujer por dibujar el cuerpo de otra mujer.
En un país con altas tasas de feminicidio, en un país con constantes y escabrosas denuncias de trata de mujeres, en un país lleno de fotos de chicas menores de edad desaparecidas.
En ese mismo país el estado y la iglesia se unen para levantar un juicio a una mujer por dibujar a otra. Y lo dicen en serio, orgullosos de su brutalidad, su insensibilidad y su ignorancia.
A veces (casi siempre) el futuro se parece tenebrosamente al pasado.
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dulceanimal · 7 years
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A la joven artista boliviana Rilda Paco se le ha iniciado un proceso penal por hacer público un dibujo de una virgen en tanga. ¿Quienes se unen para dar, alegrísimos, la lectura oficial del inicio del juicio? - Secretario Municipal de Cultura German Navía - Presidente de la Asociación de Conjuntos Jacinto Quispaya - Presidente del Comite de Etnografía y Folklore Oscar Elías - Secretario Departamental de Cultura Marcelo Lara - y el representante del Obispado Rene Cueto. Cinco hombres. Cinco hombres que van a llevar a juicio a una mujer por dibujar el cuerpo de otra mujer. En un país con altas tasas de feminicidio, en un país con constantes y escabrosas denuncias de trata de mujeres, en un país lleno de fotos de chicas menores de edad desaparecidas. En ese mismo país el estado y la iglesia se unen para levantar un juicio a una mujer por dibujar a otra. Y lo dicen en serio, orgullosos de su brutalidad, su insensibilidad y su ignorancia. A veces (casi siempre) el futuro se parece tenebrosamente al pasado.
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infinityknight25 · 7 years
Lucha Underground: An Extreme Uprising part 2
Scene: Back in the temple
*****NOTE: This imagine may contain a spoiler or two for those who are currently watching season three. Read at your own risk.
Striker: Welcome back everyone to the Temple. Vampiro we are about to see a battle for the ages. A three way dance to see who will face Pentagon Dark for the Lucha Underground championship in our main event.
Vampiro: Yeah and this isn’t just any typical three way match. Its an elimination style match. And these aren’t just any typical wrestlers. These there’s guys are behemoths who feed on destruction.
Matanza’s music comes on first. He comes out accompanied by Dario Cueto.
Vampiro: I gotta tell you man Matanza is one scary dude. He is gonna use his mean streak to try and end this early.
Striker: No doubt there Vamp. Dario does not look happy.
Vampiro: Would you be if you lost your pride and joy?
Matanza enters the ring and Dario stands outside with a very unhappy appearance.Mil Muertes music comes on and he enters on the top level entrance with Catrina. Catrina is still smelling the black rose. Striker: The man of 1,000 deaths has entered the Temple. Mil being a former champion there’s no doubt he understands what’s at stake here. Im also sure he wants to get his hands on Pentagon Dark and show reteach him the feeling of pain. Vampiro: Mil looks very ready to lay into Matanza already. Striker: Yes there is no love lost there. Mil climbs into the ring as Catrina stands on the opposite side of the ring from Dario. Lesnar’s music starts. Heyman comes out the lower entrance first with Lesnar behind him. A cocky smile.
Striker: All three men are well known for their mean streaks and what they can do to people. Lesnar has made in name known in MMA as well as other places in the wrestling world. Now he has come to the temple to show the world what he can do against the best luchadors from all over the world. Vampiro: This man’s reputation proceeds him. He has so many accomplishments and his appetite for more is so impressing dude. This match is gonna be a fun one to watch. Lesnar jumps on the apron and both of the men charge him. He shoulders both men in the gut from in between the top and second rope. Striker: non of these men wasting time going after each other here in the early going. Vampiro: With all three being such big guys they aren’t gonna try to drag it out brother. They are gonna want to use their power and hit hard early and often. Striker: Lesnar now in the ring going after both men with punches. Lesnar then shoves Matanza into a corner. Now soley focused on Mil Muertes he give him a belly to belly suplex. Vampiro: Ohhhh next stop the mat. Striker: Funny I thought you were gonna say something else. Vampiro: You kidding no matter who owns this company I don’t think we have the kind of money to afford a team of lawyers to make that kind of reference. Striker: Very true. Oh! Matanza now with both hands around the throat of Lesnar, but here comes Muertes with a shot from behind. Matanza now turning his focus on Muertes for the moment. And wow! What a German suplex to Matanza by Lesnar! Vampiro: Lesnar isn’t messing around man. I told you, you gotta hit big and Lesnar is doing just that. Striker: But Muertes capitalizes on the big move with a soccer kick to the ribs of Lesnar. Vampiro: That will leave Lesnar sucking wind for a minute. Striker: Muertes now turns his attention to Matanza. Muertes picks up Matanza and lifts him up by the throat with both hands. Muertes then slams him to the mat. Striker: There you go Vamp. Another good shot from Muertes. Who now looks to be going for a cobra clutch on Matanza. Boom Lesnar with a spear. Lesnar getting back to his feet. And matanza hits Lesnar with a spear of his own! Vampiro: Man Matanza caught Lesnar good with that one. Thats like his first big move of the match. Striker: Lesnar doubled over in the center of the ring. Matanza runs to the ropes and is tripped up by Heyman. Vampiro: come on man don’t focus on the guys on the outside that’s how you get got. Striker: Matanza now turning his focus back on Lesnar who kicks Matanza in the mid section. And backs it up with a ddt. Muertes now charging Lesnar. And Lesnar counters with a belly to belly suplex. Vampiro: These guys are delivering a great match man. No down time between any of them. Just go go go. Striker: And Muertes and Matanza now both backing Lesnar into a corner. Both men punching his face back and forth. Now a whip to the ropes. A double arm drag from Matanza and Muertes. Matanza and Mil look up from Lesnar and look at each other. Vampiro: And the short lived duo is over. Striker: Matanza with a right Muertes blocks. Now Muertes with a right but Matanza blocks. Matanza holding the fist of Muertes. And Muertes kicks Matanza in the gut but he stands right back up. Vampiro: These guys man they have no quit in them. Striker: And Lesnar out of nowhere with a huge German suplex on Muertes. Matanza grabbing Lesnar by the throat. Up he goes. Massive chokeslam from Matanza. Matanza now looking at Muertes. Vampiro: Forget about him. Go for the pin brother. Strkier: I don’t think he’s listening to you as he sets up for a chokeslam on Muertes. Matanza starts taunting the crowd while holding on to Muertes. Vampiro: Your taking too long man. Striker: Mil Muertes grabs the throat of Matanza now. Pulls him in. The flatliner connects. Hes heading for the pin. But Lesnar grabs him before he can get there and tosses Mil Muertes out of the ring likes he’s a child onto Dario Cueto. Vampiro: It’s about to get real here for all these competitors. Striker: Lesnar’s focus is now on the grounded Matanza. He picks him up. Matanza now on the shoulders of Lesnar. F5!!!! A tornado has just touched down in Boyle Heights!!! Vampiro: That move shook the entire Temple dude. Lesnar has such force and violence behind his move set man it’s incredible. Striker: What’s even more impressive is the big man going onto the top rope. Matanza on the mat. Shooting star press from the massive Lesnar! How does a big man move like that. Vampiro: For a big guy, he sure is good with that move. Its very difficult even for some of the smaller guys. You cant knock his athleticism. Striker: One. Two. Three. It’s over for Matanza. And then there was Mil Muertes. Vampiro: Look at Dario man. He can’t believe what just happened the guy is I total shock. Striker: Some of that might be from being stuck under the large mass known as Mil Muertes. Who is now back in the ring locked in a stare down with Lesnar. Vampiro: This moment is so intense. Oh here we go. Striker: The tie up between the two. Lensar breaks it and goes for a bear hug. He squeezes hard once. Twice. Vampiro: I’ve seen this before brother what comes next isn’t good. Striker: Lesnar slamming Matanza in the mat like he’s a small child. Vampiro: I hate to say but this guy might be in a league of his own as far as strength goes. Pentagon might wanna watch out cuz Lesnar is coming for him. Striker:Lesnar picking up Mil Muertes a feeling of an end here perhaps. Vampiro: Check it out brother. Catrina trying to pull some slick moves here. Striker: Catrina on the apron trying to distract the ref. Lesnar isn’t phased as he hits Muertes with an F5! He covers. Now he sees it. He picks up Muertes again. Vampiro: Catrina’s plan is backfiring brother. I think her best course of action is to let this one go and let Muertes live to fight another day. Striker: Lesnar with another F5 on Muertes. Heyman has a mic now. Heyman:(talking to the ref) Hey! As the owner of the Lucha Underground Temple I order to ban here from ring side. Throw her out of here! Striker: The ref throwing Catrina out. Lesnar getting down and putting Muertes in a kimora. Striker: One.Two. Three. Yep Lesnar standing triumphantly. Ohh!!! Pentagon Dark comes out of nowhere with massive chair shots to the back of Lesnar. Vampiro: Well Heyman said all matches are no DQ. He brought this on himself. Striker: Well Pentagon has a mic now. Pentagon: Tonight you will watch as I break the arm of your beast! Striker: Strong word from Pentagon as he goes back to work with that chair. Vampiro: Man rough chair shot after chair shot. Thing is though each one improves his chances of staying champ. Striker: Pentagon backing off now Lesnar getting up and Pentagon throws the chair at Lesnar’s head. Pentagon showing no mercy here. Perhaps realizing the severity of the situation he’s in. Vampiro: No doubt a rough one cause if Lesnar gets a hold of him it could be bad. Striker: Pentagon off the ropes now. Goes for a tornado ddt and Lesanr throws Pentagon to the ground! Grabbing hold of Pentagon again. Goung for a powerbomb. He’s not letting go. Lesnar going for a second. Vampiro: Pentagon might be in a bad way here brother. Striker: That double powerbomb had to take a lot out of him Lesnar now picking Pentagon Dark up off the ground. Low blow by Pentagon! Vampiro: Again No dq. How’s thay rule working out for you Heyman? Striker: Pentagon with a kick to the chest followed by an insugiri. Now picking up Lesnar who counters with a shot to the mid section. Picking up Pentagon up on his shoulders. F5! It’s over, it’s gotta be over. Heyman: (shouting from ringside without a mic) Break his arm!!! Vampiro: Don’t think so bro. Lesnar is gonna do to Pentagon what he said he would to him. Striker: Pentagon in the Kimora. Trying to hold on as best as he can. He taps! We have a new champion in the Temple. And Lesnar isn’t letting go. Heyman: (without a mic) Break it Brock! Break his arm! Vampiro: Ahhhh. Thats it. Striker: My co host Vampiro has left the commentary table. He’s now in the ring. Oh!!!! Huge chair shot to the head from Vampiro. All to save his servant Pentagon Dark. Or former servant. I’m not sure which. Heyman: (With a mic toward Vampiro ) Ian!!! Your suspended!!! Get out of my ring. And Ian to show you I will be fair. It’s only for one night. Then you can come back and show me you can behave in MY Temple. Striker: An interesting and perhaps unfortunate turn of events. Ladies and gentlemen for Vampiro. I’m Matt Striker and this has been Lucha Underground.
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unavidamoderna · 5 years
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"Trabajadores" para Germán Cueto, metal laminado, ca. 1952
'Workers' by German Cueto, rolled metal, c. 1952
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JULIO RUELAS. Inaugura una estética más abierta y centrada en la psicología de los personajes modernos sometidos a la tentación, placer y deseo. Mujer alacrán, 1906.
SATURNINO HERRAN. Encontró en el pueblo y en las costumbres mexicanas temas de identidad mexicana de esa época. Celebra lo popular, por ello son obreros los que mayormente llenan sus cuadros. El fechador, 1916. Idealización de la belleza masculina.
MARIUS DE ZAYAS. Agnes Meyer, 1912. 
DIEGO RIVERA. Actitud ante lo moderno. Inaugura el arte moderno del siglo xx con Paisaje Zapatista, 1915. 
CARLOS MERIDA. Desarrolla una pintura más abierta, atrevida, radical. Dispersión de la imagen. Monografías indígenas.  Alcalde de Almolonga, 1919.  Él es el único que pinta abstracción en esta época. El pájaro herido, 1919.
GERMAN CUETO. Máscaras, 1928. 
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National League West – Wes The Sports Guy
Click here for More Olympics Updates https://www.winterolympian.com/national-league-west-wes-the-sports-guy/
National League West – Wes The Sports Guy
* – indicates new to team
+ – indicates injury
1. Los Angeles Dodgers
There’s no reason to think that they can’t make another trip to the World Series.
2. Arizona Diamondbacks
If their pitching staff can take another step in the right direction, they could contend for the NL West.
3. Colorado Rockies
They have possibly the best lineup in the National League and that will keep them in Wild Card contention.
4. San Francisco Giants
With all of their offseason moves to fix their lineup, they hope that will keep them out of the cellar.
5. San Diego Padres
By adding Eric Hosmer to a young roster, the Friars hope they can create some magic that Hosmer experienced with the Royals.
Player to Watch: 3B Nolan Arenado Colorado Rockies
Best Acquisition: 1B Eric Hosmer San Diego Padres
New Kid on the Block: 1B Ryan McMahon Colorado Rockies
Dodgers Lineup
1. CF Chris Taylor
2. SS Corey Seager
3. 3B Justin Turner+
4. 1B Cody Bellinger
5. LF Matt Kemp*
6. RF Yasiel Puig
7. C Yasmani Grandal
8. 2B Logan Forsythe
OF Joc Pederson
INF/OF Enrique Hernandez
C Austin Barnes
1. Clayton Kershaw
2. Alex Wood
3. Rich Hill
4. Kenta Maeda
5. Hyun-Jin Ryu
Josh Fields
Kenley Jansen
Dave Roberts
Diamondbacks Lineup
1. CF A.J. Pollock
2. LF David Peralta
3. 1B Paul Goldschmidt
4. 3B Jake Lamb
5. RF Steven Souza Jr.*
6. C Alex Avila*
7. 2B Ketel Marte
8. SS Nick Ahmed
INF Daniel Descalso
INF/OF Chris Owings
C Jeff Mathis
1. Zack Greinke
2. Robbie Ray
3. Taijuan Walker
4. Patrick Corbin
5. Zack Godley
Archie Bradley
Brad Boxberger*
Torey Lovullo
Rockies Lineup
1. CF Charlie Blackmon
2. 2B DJ LeMahieu
3. RF Carlos Gonzalez
4. 3B Nolan Arenado
5. SS Trevor Story
6. 1B Ryan McMahon
7. LF Ian Desmond
8. C Chris Iannetta*
OF Gerardo Parra
INF Pat Valaika
C Tony Wolters
1. Jon Gray
2. Tyler Anderson
3. German Marquez
4. Chad Bettis
5. Kyle Freeland
Bryan Shaw*
Wade Davis*
Bud Black
Giants Lineup
1. RF Andrew McCutchen*
2. 2B Joe Panik
3. C Buster Posey
4. 3B Evan Longoria*
5. 1B Brandon Belt
6. LF Hunter Pence
7. SS Brandon Crawford
8. CF Austin Jackson*
INF Kelby Tomlinson
C Nick Hundley
3B Pablo Sandoval
1. Madison Bumgarner+
2. Johnny Cueto
3. Jeff Samardzija+
4. Derek Holland*
5. Chris Stratton
Sam Dyson
Mark Melancon
Bruce Bochy
Padres Lineup
1. CF Manuel Margot
2. RF Wil Myers
3. 1B Eric Hosmer*
4. LF Jose Pirela
5. 3B Chase Headley*
6. 2B Carlos Asuaje
7. C Austin Hedges
8. SS Freddy Galvis*
OF Hunter Renfroe
INF Christian Villanueva
INF Cory Spangenberg
1. Clayton Richard
2. Luis Pedromo
3. Bryan Mitchell*
4. Robbie Erlin
5. Tyson Ross*
Kirby Yates
Brad Hand
Andy Green
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truesportsfan · 5 years
Fantasy baseball: Padres pitcher Dinelson Lamet primed for breakout
Fantasy owners are always searching for that unexpected success story for their rotation, the next breakout pitcher. It can be a highly touted youngster with a world of potential who finally puts it all together or a veteran who finds that magical pitch to suddenly give his career new life.
In 2018, Tampa Bay’s Blake Snell lived up to his hype, had a breakthrough campaign (21-5, 1.89 ERA, 221 strikeouts) and won the Cy Young award. Last year, St. Louis’ Jack Flaherty won a career-high 11 games, finished sixth in the NL in strikeouts (231) and was tied with Jacob deGrom for the lowest WHIP (0.97) during his breakout campaign. He also limited opponents to a .192 average, third-best in the majors behind Justin Verlander and Gerrit Cole.
So, who looks like a candidate to be this year’s breakout pitcher? How about San Diego’s Dinelson Lamet, who has pitched just 187 ¹/₃ innings (35 starts) in the majors while going 10-13 with a 4.37 ERA?
On the surface, Lamet’s numbers are nothing that will have fantasy owners screaming, “I need Dinelson Lamet!” But, the same could have been said about Snell after his first 43 starts (11-15, 3.83 ERA, 217 strikeouts) or Flaherty after his first 34 big league appearances (8-11, 3.71, 202 strikeouts). Dig a little deeper on Lamet and you’ll find a pitcher who has the stuff to become a key cog in your rotation.
After undergoing Tommy John surgery and missing all of 2018, Lamet returned to make 14 starts in 2019. He finished with an uninspiring 3-5 record and 4.07 ERA, but those numbers don’t begin to tell the story of the 27-year-old.
Though just four of his starts lasted longer than five innings, Lamet allowed three earned runs or fewer in 11 of his starts. He recorded double-digit strikeouts four times, including a 14-strikeout outing.
Dinelson LametAP
In 11 starts from July 18-Sept. 18, Lamet lowered his ERA from 6.30 to 3.84 by going 3-3 with a 3.41 ERA and 81 strikeouts over just 58 innings. He held opponents to a .221 average in that span. He also finished the season with a 3.91 FIP and 3.44 xFIP, indicating he got unlucky.
Lamet’s 12.95 strikeouts per nine over his 14 starts ranked third among starters who threw at least 70 innings, finishing behind Cole and Chris Sale. His 33.6 percent strikeout rate ranked sixth, ahead of Lucas Giolito and deGrom. He also held opponents to a .223 average, which ranked in the top 25, and a 14.1 percent swinging strike rate, which was in the top 15 (ahead of Flaherty, Stephen Strasburg and Charlie Morton).
Despite throwing a 96 mph fastball (a slight uptick from before his surgery), it’s his slider that is the real troublemaker for opponents. Of his 105 strikeout victims last year, 77 met their demise via the slider. Opponents also hit a pitiful .116 against the pitch. For his career, batters are hitting .129 against the pitch and have struck out 162 times, which accounts for 66 percent of his 244 career strikeouts.
Lamet’s walk rate remained far too high (3.7 per nine innings), but it was lower than his career average (4.04 per nine). If he can continue to bring that number down, while keeping balls in the park (his 19.7 HR/FB rate ranked 25th highest in the majors), and maintaining his strikeout and swinging strike rates, he will be fantasy gold.
More great news about Lamet: He’s a reasonable investment with his 129.33 average draft position or $15 auction price, according to Fantasy Alarm.
Do not think about Lamet’s Tommy John surgery. He’s healthy. Don’t think about the fact he is on a team that has finished dead-last in the NL West in three of the past four years and haven’t had a winning record since 2010. That doesn’t matter in fantasy. All that matters is his production, and he is a young arm with tons of upside who you’ll be glad to have on your side.
The 27-year-old Padre is being drafted between two other potential breakout candidates in Arizona’s Zac Gallen (128.76, $10) and Oakland’s Jesus Luzardo (132.20, $10).
In 15 starts with the Marlins and Diamonbacks, Gallen was 3-6 with a 2.81 ERA, 10.8 strikeouts per nine and a 12.8 swinging strike rate. He was a stud over four seasons in the minors — going 27-18 with a 2.87 ERA, including going 9-1 with a 1.77 ERA before being called up to the Marlins last year.
Luzardo has thrown 12 innings in the majors, all out of the bullpen. He struck out 16 (34.8 percent of the batters he faced), had a 0.67 WHIP and a 14.6 percent swinging strike rate. In the minors, he was 14-7 with a 2.64 ERA, 1.02 WHIP, 10.8 strikeouts per nine and just 2.0 walks per nine.
Other potential breakout candidates include Houston’s Jose Urquidy (227.39, $5), Cleveland’s Zach Plesac (336.8, $1) and 31-year-old Kenta Maeda (183.53, $9), who will not be tossed between the rotation and bullpen in Minnesota.
Starting pitcher rankings
1. Jacob deGrom, NYM 2. Gerrit Cole, NYY 3. Max Scherzer,Was 4. Justin Verlander, Hou 5. Stephen Strasburg, Was 6. Walker Buehler, LAD 7. Shane Bieber, Cle 8. Jack Flaherty, StL 9. Mike Clevinger, Cle 10. Blake Snell, TB 11. Luis Castillo, Cin 12. Noah Syndergaard, NYM 13. Charlie Morton, TB 14. Aaron Nola, Phi 15. Clayton Kershaw, LAD 16. Patrick Corbin, Was 17. Chris Sale, Bos 18. Chris Paddack. SD 19. Mike Soroka, Atl
Zac GallenGetty Images
20. Jose Berrios, Min 21. Lucas Giolito, CWS 22. Zack Wheeler, Phi 23. Tyler Glasnow, TB 24. Zack Greinke, Hou 25. Sonny Gray, Cin 26. Frankie Montas, Oak 27. Brandon Woodruff, Mil 28. Eduardo Rodriguez, Bos 29. Zac Gallen, Ari 30. Yu Darvish, ChC 31. Hyun-Jin Ryu, Tor 32. Trevor Bauer, Cin 33. Madison Bumgarner, Ari 34. Corey Kluber, Tex 35. Carlos Carrasco, Cle 36. Dinelson Lamet, SD 37. Jesus Luzardo, Oak 38. Sean Manaea, Oak 39. Robbie Ray, Ari 40. Mike Minor, Tex 41. Kyle Hendricks, ChC 42. James Paxton, NYY 43. Andrew Heaney, LAA 44. Max Fried, Atl 45. Jake Odorizzi, Min 46. Masahiro Tanaka, NYY 47. Jose Urquidy, Hou 48. Marcus Stroman, NYM 49. David Price, LAD 50. Lance Lynn, Tex 51. Matthew Boyd, Det 52. Shohei Ohtani, LAA 53. Lance McCullers Jr., Hou 54. German Marquez, Col 55. Mike Foltynewicz, Atl 56. Caleb Smith, Mia 57. Griffin Canning, LAA 58. Kenta Maeda, Min 59. Aaron Civale, Cle 60. Jake Arrieta, Phi 61. Dakota Hudson, StL 62. Michael Pineda, Min 63. Johnny Cueto, SF 64. Luke Weaver, Ari 65. Jose Quintana, ChC 66. Miles Mikolas, StL 67. John Means, Bal 68. Domingo German, NYY 69. Sandy Alcantara, Mia 70. Dallas Keuchel, CWS 71. Julio Teheran, LAA 72. Reynaldo Lopez, CWS 73. Mike Fiers, Oak 74. Jon Lester, ChC 75. Joe Musgrove, Pit 76. Jon Gray, Col 77. Anthony DeSclafani, Cin 78. Julio Urias, LAD 79. Zach Plesac, Cle 80. Yonny Chirinos, TB 81. Cole Hamels, Atl 82. Chris Archer, Pit
Steven MatzAnthony J. Causi
83. Steven Matz, NYM 84. Anibal Sanchez, Was 85. Nathan Eovaldi, Bos 86. Carlos Martinez, StL 87. Adrian Houser, Mil 88. Chris Bassitt, Oak 89. Tyler Mahle, Cin 90. Joey Lucchesi, SD 91. Dylan Bundy, LAA 92. Dustin May, LAD 93. Dylan Cease, CWS 94. Rick Porcello, NYM 95. Ryan Yarbrough, TB 96. Jeff Samardzija, SF 97. Ross Stripling, LAD 98. Kyle Gibson, Tex 99. Casey Mize, Det 100. Alex Wood, LAD 101. MacKenzie Gore, SD 102. Pablo Lopez, Mia 103. Justus Sheffield, Sea 104. Matt Shoemaker, Tor 105. Rich Hill, Min 106. Yusei Kikuchi, Sea 107. Michael Kopech, CWS 108. Kolby Allard, Tex 109. Tanner Roark, Tor 110. Forest Whitley, Hou 111. Brendan McKay, TB 112. Mitch Keller, Pit 113. Garrett Richards, SD 114. Marco Gonzales, Sea 115. Merrill Kelly, Ari 116. Justin Dunn, Sea 117. Kevin Gausman, SF 118. J.A. Happ, NYY 119. Zach Davies, SD 120. Josh Lindblom, Mil
Team Name of the Week
Kemp Crystal Lake
source https://truesportsfan.com/sport-today/fantasy-baseball-padres-pitcher-dinelson-lamet-primed-for-breakout/
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jasonheart1 · 6 years
Giants top Rockies to end 11-game losing streak
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — An 11-game losing streak wore on the San Francisco Giants, who had chances in many of those games and wound up on the wrong end.
Chris Stratton’s first career shutout couldn’t have come at a more opportune time to get his club out of a deep, weeks-long funk.
Stratton pitched a two-hitter, Austin Slater backed him with a two-run single, and San Francisco snapped its longest skid since 1951 by beating the Colorado Rockies 2-0 on Friday night.
“We’re trying to get wins. We’re not giving up,” Stratton said. “It’s just kind of been a tough little go right now but we’re doing all we can to win games.”
The NL West-leading Rockies had their division lead trimmed to a half-game over the Los Angeles Dodgers, who won at St. Louis. Colorado had its seven-game winning streak against San Francisco snapped.
Stratton (10-9) struck out seven and walked two, throwing 114 pitches to finish the 2-hour, 20-minute game. He allowed only one baserunner to reach second with Trevor Story getting there in the second.
“We just couldn’t seem to square it up consistently,” Rockies manager Bud Black said.
The right-hander has a career high in victories and became the Giants’ first pitcher with double-digit wins since 2016 when Johnny Cueto, Madison Bumgarner and Jeff Samardzija got there. Those three star pitchers have dealt with injuries this season.
Stratton, who worked with former Giants righty Ryan Vogelsong when sent back down to Triple-A Sacramento and will be a contender for the rotation in 2019, retired nine straight during one stretch then his final 12 batters. He pitched the first Giants’ shutout since Samardzija on Aug. 28, 2017, against San Diego.
While ending the longest skid of Bruce Bochy’s managerial career — he had a nine-game losing streak with San Diego in 2003 — the Giants earned their first victory this month.
“It’s great get off the schneid. I’m not going to lie, it wears on you, it does,” Bochy said. “It was one of those streaks, it’s hard to believe we were in the streak, to be honest, because we were in so many games.”
The Giants ended their worst winless stretch since moving to San Francisco. They avoided what would have been just the fourth losing streak of 12 or more games in franchise history since 1883. They did so in 1944 with a 13-game skid and also in 1902 and 1900 — all of them while playing in New York.
Tyler Anderson (6-9) hasn’t won in 12 starts since beating the Giants on July 4, going 0-6 during that span with Colorado posting a 2-10 record during his outings.
Anderson’s wild pitch in the second put runners on second and third before Slater’s single. Anderson then struck out the side in order the next inning.
“If I don’t throw a wild pitch there, we might still be playing,” he said. “I might throw a double-play ball and we could still be going. But overall, in general, better.”
He allowed two runs on seven hits in six innings, struck out six and didn’t walk a batter.
“Tyler threw the ball much better,” Black said. “I think you saw the command.”
San Francisco dismissed seventh-year strength and conditioning coach Carl Kochan in what could be the beginning of a series of moves as another losing season winds down.
Giants: 1B Brandon Belt exited in the top of the seventh and said afterward his tender right knee “just got worse.” He said he might need more days off, and Bochy agreed it could be necessary. “I’m concerned there,” Bochy said. “We’ve got to be smart about this and see where he’s at. You get caught in a diminishing return area, where you’re starting a guy then he has to come out of the game.” Belt felt considerable discomfort all day and said it won’t be right until he undergoes an offseason arthroscopic “cleanup” procedure — something he also did after the 2015 season. ... SS Brandon Crawford is encouraged his sore left knee has made progress the past four or five days. “Hopefully finish strong,” he said. ... 3B Pablo Sandoval, recovering from right hamstring surgery, is happy to be back around the team. He’s doing cardio work in his rehab for now, not yet able to lift weights yet. “I feel great,” he said. Sandoval hopes to be fully ready by spring training.
Rockies: RHP German Marquez (12-9, 3.94 ERA) is on a run of nine straight quality starts, Colorado’s longest streak since Ubaldo Jimenez had a franchise-best 14 straight in 2010.
Giants: LHP Bumgarner (5-6, 3.30) hasn’t allowed a run in his past 14 innings at home dating to Aug. 7.
from Local News https://www.thedenverchannel.com/sports/stratton-pitches-2-hitter-giants-top-rockies-to-end-skid
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investmart007 · 6 years
SAN FRANCISCO | Stratton pitches 2-hitter, Giants top Rockies to end skid
New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/san-francisco-stratton-pitches-2-hitter-giants-top-rockies-to-end-skid/170446/
SAN FRANCISCO | Stratton pitches 2-hitter, Giants top Rockies to end skid
SAN FRANCISCO — An 11-game losing streak wore on the San Francisco Giants, who had chances in many of those games and wound up on the wrong end.
Chris Stratton‘s first career shutout couldn’t have come at a more opportune time to get his club out of a deep, weeks-long funk. Stratton pitched a two-hitter, Austin Slater backed him with a two-run single, and San Francisco snapped its longest skid since 1951 by beating the Colorado Rockies 2-0 on Friday night.
“We’re trying to get wins. We’re not giving up,” Stratton said. “It’s just kind of been a tough little go right now but we’re doing all we can to win games.”
The NL West-leading Rockies had their division lead trimmed to a half-game over the Los Angeles Dodgers, who won at St. Louis. Colorado had its seven-game winning streak against San Francisco snapped.
Stratton (10-9) struck out seven and walked two, throwing 114 pitches to finish the 2-hour, 20-minute game. He allowed only one baserunner to reach second with Trevor Story getting there in the second.
“We just couldn’t seem to square it up consistently,” Rockies manager Bud Black said.
The right-hander has a career high in victories and became the Giants’ first pitcher with double-digit wins since 2016 when Johnny Cueto, Madison Bumgarner and Jeff Samardzija got there. Those three star pitchers have dealt with injuries this season.
Stratton, who worked with former Giants righty Ryan Vogelsong when sent back down to Triple-A Sacramento and will be a contender for the rotation in 2019, retired nine straight during one stretch then his final 12 batters. He pitched the first Giants’ shutout since Samardzija on Aug. 28, 2017, against San Diego.
While ending the longest skid of Bruce Bochy’s managerial career — he had a nine-game losing streak with San Diego in 2003 — the Giants earned their first victory this month.
“It’s great get off the schneid. I’m not going to lie, it wears on you, it does,” Bochy said. “It was one of those streaks, it’s hard to believe we were in the streak, to be honest, because we were in so many games.”
The Giants ended their worst winless stretch since moving to San Francisco. They avoided what would have been just the fourth losing streak of 12 or more games in franchise history since 1883. They did so in 1944 with a 13-game skid and also in 1902 and 1900 — all of them while playing in New York.
Tyler Anderson (6-9) hasn’t won in 12 starts since beating the Giants on July 4, going 0-6 during that span with Colorado posting a 2-10 record during his outings.
Anderson’s wild pitch in the second put runners on second and third before Slater’s single. Anderson then struck out the side in order the next inning.
“If I don’t throw a wild pitch there, we might still be playing,” he said. “I might throw a double-play ball and we could still be going. But overall, in general, better.”
He allowed two runs on seven hits in six innings, struck out six and didn’t walk a batter.
“Tyler threw the ball much better,” Black said. “I think you saw the command.”
GIANTS MOVE San Francisco dismissed seventh-year strength and conditioning coach Carl Kochan in what could be the beginning of a series of moves as another losing season winds down.
TRAINER’S ROOM Giants: 1B Brandon Belt exited in the top of the seventh and said afterward his tender right knee “just got worse.” He said he might need more days off, and Bochy agreed it could be necessary. “I’m concerned there,” Bochy said. “We’ve got to be smart about this and see where he’s at. You get caught in a diminishing return area, where you’re starting a guy then he has to come out of the game.” Belt felt considerable discomfort all day and said it won’t be right until he undergoes an offseason arthroscopic “cleanup” procedure — something he also did after the 2015 season. … SS Brandon Crawford is encouraged his sore left knee has made progress the past four or five days. “Hopefully finish strong,” he said. … 3B Pablo Sandoval, recovering from right hamstring surgery, is happy to be back around the team. He’s doing cardio work in his rehab for now, not yet able to lift weights yet. “I feel great,” he said. Sandoval hopes to be fully ready by spring training.
UP NEXT Rockies: RHP German Marquez (12-9, 3.94 ERA) is on a run of nine straight quality starts, Colorado’s longest streak since Ubaldo Jimenez had a franchise-best 14 straight in 2010.
Giants: LHP Bumgarner (5-6, 3.30) hasn’t allowed a run in his past 14 innings at home dating to Aug. 7.
By  Associated Press
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oneworldproductions · 6 years
The Purge- The ACTUAL Finale
Abigail continued to laugh as her monster made it’s way out through the curtain, the hulking beast known as Matanza Cueto, a monster Abigail rescued from his brother, Dario Cueto, when Abigail trained herself in the back allies of the slums of Mexico. The monster now held an undying loyalty to Abigail, and tonight, she was letting him out of his cage, and letting him loose to Purge! Abigail looked at her monster, directing his gaze towards her with a single finger. “Matanza!” She yelled out, before turning to the ring, and pointing a demanding finger towards those standing in it. “Kill!”
  Matanza marched his way down to the ring, towards the seven competitors in the ring. Jay White seemed to take a different approach, quickly diving under the ring apron to hide. Matanza got into the ring, and was immediately swarmed by all seven competitors in the ring. It looked like the seven of them were succeeding in getting the monster down, until Matanza suddenly sprang up to his feet, and shoved all seven of them away at once! Syn was the first to try and take the monster down, quickly on his feet, springboarding off the ropes to attempt Black Mirror, but Matanza swatted Syn right out of mid-air! Syn got back to his feet in a daze, and when he did, Matanza scooped him back up, before planting Syn with Wrath of the Gods! Matanza covered!
“Syn has been eliminated!”
Syn was the first to fall prey to the strength of the monster! Paige was the next one up, catching Matanza with a superkick to the jaw, but that didn’t even seem to phase the monster! Instead, he grabbed Paige around the waist, and delivered a brutal German Suplex, bridging for the cover!
“Paige has been eliminated!”
  Zack Sabre Jr tried to land a Penalty Kick on Matanza while he was getting up from pinning Paige, but Matanza caught Sabre’s leg! Zack was hoping on one foot, and Matanza threw him up into the air. However, Zack managed to catch himself, and grab Matanza into a guillotine choke! Zack held on for dear life, trying to choke out the monster. However, Matanza wrapped his own arms around Sabre, however, before charging forward, using Zack as a battering ram to knock both Aleister Black and Draven Taylor out of the ring. Matanza then broke Zack’s hold and flung Zack over his head with a Belly to Belly Suplex! Zack held his back as he made impact with the mat, and Matanza once again wrapped his arms around him, this time, delivering an unholy trinity of gutwrench suplexes to Zack, pinning him after the third!
“Zack Sabre Jr has been eliminated!”
Matanza had been in a very short amount of time, but he’d already claimed three victims! Matanza got back to his feet, but was suddenly smashed over the back of the head with a light tube by Pentagon Jr! The Monster fell down to a knee! Pentagon and Matanza have met many times in the past, Pentagon being one of the only people to ever defeat Matanza one on one! Pentagon grabbed another light tube, and mashed it over Matanza’s head again! Blood and broken glass flew everywhere, as the monster was down! Pentagon had gotten the monster down! Pentagon was quick to continue his schemes, grabbing three of the light tubes he’d grabbed from under the ring, and setting them up in the corner. Pentagon watched as Matanza got back to his feet, the monster not staying down for very long. Matanza got up and charged at Pentagon, but Pentagon hip topped Matanza right into the light tubes! The monster was in deep trouble, even Abigail’s face showed concern!
Pentagon reached into his pocket, and revealed a small, black bag, which he poured out all over the canvas, revealing it’s sinister contents- Thumbtacks! Pentagon was gonna try to put Matanza away! Pentagon dragged Matanza over on top of the tacks, before climbing up to the top rope! Pentagon threw a hand up, and the entire crowd in Los Angeles chanted along with him!
“Cero! Meido!”
Pentagon jumped off the top rope, looking to take Matanza out with a splash, but Matanza rolled out of the way! Pentagon crashed right down into the pile of thumbtacks! Pentagon’s entire front side was covered with the small, sharp tacks, and Pentagon was visibly shaking with the pain! Matanza scooped him up, and planted him with Wrath of the Gods, once again slamming Pentagon right down into the thumbtacks! Cover!
“Pentagon Jr has been eliminated!”
Pentagon fought valiantly, but at the end, he was just another one of the monster’s victims on his way through the field here in the Purge. There were five people remaining! Matanza got back up, and was instantly blasted by a running kick from Buddy Murphy! The kick appeared to stun the monster, but not for long, as he was quickly up, charging Buddy Murphy. Murphy pulled the top rope down, however, and Matanza rolled right over the top of it, out of the ring. Murphy was quick on his feet, getting up and quickly running off the ropes, before flying through them with an impressive Suicide Dive, pushing Matanza right back into the barricade! Matanza didn’t go down, however, so Buddy got back into the ring, and ran the ropes again, before flying through them again with another suicide dive into the monster! Matanza was looking a little more woozy after that one! Buddy Murphy rolled back into the ring, looking to go for a third, but he was suddenly cut off by a huge jumping boot from Draven Taylor, driving Buddy Murphy down into the mat! Murphy was out!
Draven picked Buddy back up, before planting him with the Camp Crystal Lake Driver! Murphy’s head was spiked right down into the mat! Draven covered!
“Buddy Murphy has been eliminated!”
Draven takes out Murphy! And now, The Monster and Draven were making eyes towards one another! Matanza had recovered on the outside, and Draven was getting back to his feet. Draven slithered out of the ring, knowing he wasn’t strong enough to take on the monster alone. Draven, however, found exactly what he was looking for- the barbed wire baseball bat, brought to the ring by Dave Crist. Draven grabbed the weapon, and slid back into the ring, just in time to be met by Matanza! Matanza tried to run into Draven at full force, but Draven quickly swung the bat, driving the barbed wire slugger right into the ribs of Matanza! The monster recoiled in pain, as the barbs of the bat stuck into Matanza’s shirt and skin. Draven continued to attack, hammering away with rabid elbows right to the top of Matanza’s head, until Matanza dropped down to a knee. Draven then grabbed one of the light tubes that Pentagon hadn’t used, and smashed it over the head of Matanza! The monster is down!
Draven slid out of the ring once again, looking for something that would put away the monster for good. Draven searched under the ring, until he found exactly what he was looking for. Draven grabbed a table and slid it into the ring… And then, Draven found lighter fluid, and a lighter!
Draven rolled back into the ring and set the table up, before grabbing the lighter fluid, and pouring it all over the table. Draven kissed the lighter, before lighting the table ablaze, a roaring inferno quickly consuming the top of the table. Draven discarded the lighter, and turned around, right into the mits of the monster! Matanza was up, and he’d wrapped a hand around Draven’s throat! Matanza lifted Draven up and planted him with a chokeslam, right through the flaming table! Additional refs on the outside of the ring were quick with the fire extinguishers, putting the fire on Draven’s skin out quickly. Matanza covered Draven!
“Draven Taylor has been eliminated!”
Draven did his best to put down the monster, but once again, the monster claims another victim. Matanza was now alone in the ring with Aleister Black, and perhaps this was the plan all along. Sacrifice Black and the rest of the roster to Abigail’s monster, and have the monster rule as champion, as Abigail ruled over the company from the desk. Aleister was still on the outside, trying to recover from everything he’d been through throughout this match. Aleister had been wrestling for over 45 minutes at this point, and had been attacked from every which way. Matanza would’ve been a challenge for a fresh Aleister, but right now, Aleister didn’t seem to have much of a chance. Matanza grabbed Black and tossed him back into the ring, before rolling in himself. Matanza lifted up Black and planted him with a overhead pumphandle suplex, causing Aleister to bounce off the mat. The champion was in a bad way, as Matanza lifted him up and threw him across the ring again. Black wasn’t moving, and it looked as if his championships was all but gone at this moment. Matanza lifted him for a third time, and looked to set Aleister up for Wrath of the Gods, spinning him around and looking to plant him. However, before Matanza could deliver the slam, Aleister slipped away and landed on his feet! The monster turned around, and was caught with Black Mass! The kick staggered the monster, but didn’t take him down! Aleister measured and spun again, landing a second Black Mass kick! Matanza dropped down to a knee! Aleister measured Matanza a third time, and looked to land the killing blow, a third Black Mass, but Matanza caught his foot! Aleister was stunned, as Matanza got back up to his feet, still holding Aleister’s leg as he stood up. Matanza scooped Aleister up onto his shoulders, before planting Aleister into the mat with a sit-out Powerbomb! Matanza covered!
  1…2… Kickout!
  Aleister manages to keep himself alive in this one! Aleister wasn’t done quite yet! Matanza got back to his feet, and grabbed a steel chair, wedging it in between the second and top turnbuckles in the corner. He then lifted Aleister up by the seat of his tights, before whipping Aleister into the corner. Aleister managed to catch himself before colliding with the chair, however. Aleister turned around to see Matanza charging him, and quickly rolled out of the way, Matanza running himself at full force, head first into the steel chair! Matanza staged out of the corner, stunned! He turned around, and Aleister caught him with a third Black Mass! The Monster was down! Aleister grabbed the chair, and placed it onto Matanza’s chest, before climbing up to the top rope! Aleister leaped off and drove both of his feet into the chair, and into Matanza’s chest, pulling out a move from his days as Tommy End! Blood Moon Stomp! Aleister drove his feet and the chair right through the heart of the monster! Cover!
  “Matanza Cueto has been eliminated!”
Aleister did it! Aleister survived The Purge! Aleister was still-…
  Jay White! Aleister had forgotten about Jay White, who had hidden under the ring when Matanza appeared! Jay White grabbed Aleister from behind, and planted Aleister Black with the Bladerunner! Jay White pinned Aleister!
      …. Kickout!
  Black kicked out of the Bladerunner! After everything he’d been through, Aleister Black kicked out of the Bladerunner! Jay White hadn’t won yet! White was incensed! Jay grabbed the referee, and argued that it had to have been three! The ref argued back that it had only been two, and Jay looked ready to rip his own hair out. Jay rolled out of the ring and pounded on the ring apron out of frustration, before looking under the ring. Underneath, he found his namesake, The Switchblade knife. Jay rolled back into the ring and took the knife to the ring canvas, cutting away at the mat and peeling it back, revealing the wooden shell of the ring. Jay looked down at the wood with evil intentions, before tossing the knife away, and turning back towards the nearly comatose Aleister Black. Jay made his signature cutthroat gesture, before picking Aleister up, looking for a second Bladerunner. Suddenly, Aleister sprang to life, and before Jay could plant him, Aleister rolled Jay White up!
  “Jay White has been eliminated! Your winner, and STILL the 1WPW World Champion, Aleister Black!”
Aleister Black had survived the Purge! Black sprang to his feet to celebrate, but was attacked from behind by Jay White! Switchblade was incensed, and humiliated! He’d picked his spot perfectly, and still fallen short to Black! White knelt over Aleister, and began to hammer away at the champion, beating his face in! The enraged Jay White then picked Aleister back up, looking to be going for another Bladerunner, but before he could, Abigail had slid into the ring and nailed Jay White with a big boot! White was knocked right out of the ring! White looked as if he was going to run back into the ring to fight Abigail, but appeared to think better of it, turning away from the ring, and walking to the back. Abigail knelt at Aleister’s side, appearing to be checking on the man she just saved. Abigail was actually helping Aleister to his feet… When suddenly, Abigail twisted him around, lifted him up, and planted him on the exposed wood with Baptism By Fire!
  Abigail stood over Black, before grabbing his championship, and resting it on his chest. Abigail demanded a microphone from the timekeeper, and she received it, sitting down in the corner and eyeing Aleister from across the ring.
“I’m sure everyone expects me to be angry, at the result of this match… But it is entirely the opposite. I’m proud. So very proud of our World Champion. This match simply proved that I was right. I was right that Aleister Black was a great champion, and I was right that there was no one else on the roster, more worthy of challenging him, than me. I proved Heyman wrong. Aleister proved Heyman wrong. There is nobody else in One World Pro Wrestling more worthy of challenging for that Championship, than me…”
Abigail chuckled to herself a little bit before sitting up straight, and crossing her legs, as Aleister usually sat. “If I didn’t like you, Aleister, I would make you defend that belt against me, right here, right now. But I am so very fond of you. In another life, I’m sure we were friends. Possibly even lovers. And I want you at 100% before I show you, that you, like everybody else, are beneath me. So… September 2nd. Chapter 4. The main event…. The Rematch… Aleister Black vs Sister Abigail. For the 1WPW World Championship… Try to run from it… Try to fight it… Destiny arrives all the same… And at Chapter 4… My destiny will be realized….”
Abigail dropped the mic…
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