jointhearumanati · 26 days
🐈Germanycat/ Name: Kartoffel(means potato) Fun Fact: Before Ludwig and Gilbert get up he patrols the house at exactly 6am then again in the at noon and then again at exactly 8pm. He also likes the laser pointer he calls it training. He's not very affectionate but he has his moments and hates catnip.
🐈Prussiacat/ Name: Fritz(named after his old king) Fun Fact: He's the type of cat that will steal your food, get into your trash, Jump on the Christmas tree, cupboards, and Doors, get stuck in the blinds, tease the dogs, and with meow with all his might until he's fed but loves pets and toys. The laser pointer makes him skid across the floor Gilbert has it on video. He's also strangely friends with Gilbird and loves catnip#Menace
🐈Italycat/ Gioia(means joy like Feliciano's name does) Fun Fact: He loves pasta even if it's bad for him Feliciano and Lovino decided to make him cat friendly pasta as a treat he can have it if he finishes his cat food. After he eats he takes a siesta and then plays and then takes another siesta. He also has a habit of getting stuck in strange places and loves cat wine and catnip.
🐈Romacat/ Giovanni(named after opera Don Giovanni) Fun Fact: He's the type of cat that let's you pet him from 3 seconds before swiping at you. He's the type of cat to get into your trash, and can't find his way out of a paper bag. He will meow at you as loud as he can at dawn in your face while headbutting it until you feed him. He gets stuck in random places and also loves his cat friendly pasta treat sometimes they make him cat friendly pizza on special occasions also likes cat wine.
🐈Japancat/ Name: Tama(official name) to be continued
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Grey Skies and Coats // Pet! Germouser x Owner! Reader // Relationship: Platonic
“Ludwig, my lil’ Deutschland! Lunch time.” The light sounds of a little cat bell sounded through the hallways of your home. It wasn’t long before the male feline made his way into the kitchen, tail high with an almost authoritative air. “Hanging out with the neighbor cats again? I heard quite the conversation.” Blue eyes turned down, as Ludwig looked almost guilty. When the neighborhood cats met they all had the tendency to get painfully loud.
Yowls and hisses suddenly erupted, the high pitched sounds worrying and quite painful to your ears. Panicked, you stood from your place, forgetting your current activity as you searched for Ludwig. He was normally close to your or in the same room. Hearing more distressed yowls, you immediately started running to the source “Ludwig, I’m coming!” The sounds of distress drew you to run faster, adrenaline clouded your rational, helping Ludwig was the only thing that mattered. Pain blossomed in your arm as you sharply ran into the gates of the park, your arm taking the blunt force of the blow. Pushing the gate open you could see a huge group of cats, your eyes trailed on every grey spot of fur until you could see his collar. The German flag collar you found him in. Ludwig seemed to hear your labored breathing as he looked up. He looked very agitated at the fighting cats, another cat trying to play with his tail before being promptly swiped at. “They are playing,” You thought with a grateful sigh, adrenaline seeping from your form you fell to your knees. “Oh god Ludwig, I can’t believe that was all you guys playing”
Remembering the first time you ran out to check on Ludwig drew a smile as well as a motherly warmth, after adopting Ludwig it was hard to get the poor cat to open up, much less start playful banter with the neighbors. Squatting you set Ludwig’s bowl down, tuna, the first food Ludwig ever had from you. Seeing the invite Ludwig dove into the food, almost with the same vigor as that day, the day you met him. The sky was grey, solemn, and unforgiving…
Cold bullet like droplets pierced your clothes as you ran for cover. Your measly bag was by no means coverage as you tried to find a branching roof or a bus stop. Finally stopping at an alleyway, you stopped to catch your breath, the miniscule coverage enough for the time being. Wringing your clothes you mumbled profanities, cursing yourself for not bringing an umbrella or a jacket. Today was about the worst day ever, your former boss fired you. The supposed cuts were going help the company. Still, you and many of your friends and coworkers were practically thrown to the streets like trash. At least they gave you a complimentary bag to keep your food from the company fridge in. The bag and the food inside were your only mobile makeshift umbrella to hide from the falling frigid drops. Feeling quite depressed you let out a sigh before leaning on the wall, near ready to give up, swears and unkind words spilled from your cold lips again. A small meow interrupted your sinful sorrowful spiel, turning to locate the origin of the weak noise. The cardboard boxes next to the dumpster caught your eye as you saw a furry tail sticking out next to it. Warily you made your way to the boxes, the heavy rain slowing to a drizzle. The grey tail flopped, as if it was trying to get away from the offending cold. A grey cat with a dirty collar was lying, it’s pelt was sleek and shiny with today’s downpour. Moving you tried to reach it, the poor thing was cold and starving. It let out a half-hearted hiss, trying to ward you off in its weakened state. It’s paw raised for a slow and weak swipe, contrary to it’s sharp claws. It’s blue eyes held a weak fire that the rain was diminishing. You pulled your hand back, the cat needed to trust you. Searching for ideas you rummaged through your bag, all your stuff soaked except for your tuna sandwich, the ziplock plastic and seal keeping the water away from the food. Mindful of it’s space you held out the good in your palm. The cat weakly lifted its head, shakily it rose to its feet. Electric blue eyes sparking, nose sniffing, evaluating the offering. Moments of uneasiness gave way to hunger as the cat took the sandwich piece into its mouth, practically swallowing on impact.
A soft round nudge brought you out of your flashback, looking down at your bent legs you could see Ludwig. He was butting your calf, a small low meow sounding after. Even after all this time the intensity of his blue eyes never diminished, still glowing with ferocity but now retained a soft comfort and safety. Tilting his head Ludwig seemed to ask a question, possibly for your pause, grabbing the now empty bowl you made your way to the sink. The shining basin was speckled with droplets of water, hearing a soft thump and the sound of the all too familiar bell you looked to the formerly empty counter space. Ludwig watched the water as you washed the dish, the poor cat still very wary of water unless you were with him. Quickly drying the now clean bowl of water you leaned on your hip, wondering what to do for the rest of the day. All of your work was done and the bake sale actually needed some baked goods on your side.
“Hey Ludwig, wanna bake some cupcakes with me? You are the best helper around,” The scarfed cat leapt to his paws, tail flicking in excitement. His warm soft head connected to you again, this time you pet his sleek coat earning a low purr. Taking the yes you started, giving Ludwig simple items to grab you began baking. With your grey pelted companion nothing could go wrong, no more grey skies.
// // // // //
Hey Guys!
K here! I always wanted a cat and my friend described her cat as a lovable troublesome little thing so i just had to express myself! Please tell me if you liked this and if and what i should improve :)
~ Stay Creative
Requests: Open
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gamer-logic · 3 years
Hetalia Platonic Ships Week Day 7: Free day Mochitalia and Nekotalia
In typical Hetalia fashion, The Japans once again get everyone to test out their new invention which inadvertently transports the mochi and nekos here. The most notable are the mochis and cats of the 2ps who managed to find a way out of their previous world, starving and dirty. After getting them all back up to full health, getting a quick lesson in Mochi care from Estonia, and giving them baths though in Lucicat's case forcing him to get one, they bond with their human counterparts. They also meet and greet their 1p mochi and neko counterparts. Strap in y'all, it's about to get cute!
Luciano: Lucicat is that one cat who thinks he's the king of everything. This doesn't sit well with his Luciano. Gets his knife stolen by an equally as devious Lucicat and tries getting it back while calling him a hairball. Lucicat immediately ain't having it and starts trying to claw everything in the vicinity starting with Luciano who's running around with a ticked-off demon cat on his face then trips over LuciMochi who also gets angry and starts chasing him, somehow doling his little swiss army knife despite not having hands. The world may not be ready for three Lucianos. Feliciano, Italycat, and Feli Mochi immediately try hug therapy on all three which seems to start working. It seems that after a little while, Luciano and Romano have started opening up more and liking the therapy a little.
Flavio: Immediately starts designing cat clothes while Flaviocat is being the best kitty model he can be. Mochi Flavio is also loving this and posing with him on Flaviocat's head. When not modeling, Flaviocat and Mochi Flavio love messing with Romacat and Lovi Mochi. Lovino will never admit it but they all look really cute.
Lutz: Doesn't care and starts a cuddle pile while he's napping on the couch. Lutzcat is lounging on his stomach while Mochi Lutz is on his face wearing his military hat. Strangely, Mochi Lutz is more of a soft cube shape than a stiff one like Ludwig Mochi. This confuses Ludwig to no end. Germanycat also immediately tries getting Lutzcat to train.
Klaus: Is a little nervous around Klauscat thinking he might get rejected but Klauscat immediately finds comfort in him and rubs himself up against him staking his claim on his person. Klauscat does the same to Klaus Mochi who's also shy and hiding under his Teutonic Knighthood. Prussiacat and gilbert Mochi doesn't let this stand and immediately try playing with him, though they tend to scare him.
Kuro: Thinks Kurocat is really cute though doesn't really show it. He's already bought a Nyan Cat costume for him. Japancat immediately gets him hooked on tuna as well. Kuro Mochi acts like a ninja and disappears often. No one can catch him. Unlike Mochi Kiku who seems to be a sakura mochi, Mochi Kuro is a wasabi mochi. Kiku loves getting pictures and is very curious about them and their origins.
Allen: Allencat is defiantly the jerky cat who likes causing trouble and punching things off of stuff. Allen learns this the hard way. after his shades go missing and it turns out Allencat stole them. They have a sort of love-hate relationship. Americat is instantly excited about a new playmate and gets really hyper. Alfred loves trying to give Allencat scratches though will end up with a scratched face. The only one's Allencat lets pet him or hold him are the states and acts like a guard cat with them, especially Hawaii and Alaska since they're the youngest. Allen Mochi is unlike America Mochi in how it's not able to grow limbs and isn't creepy. He carries around a mini bat but no one knows where he gets it just like Allen's. The first time Allen witnesses the little demon that is America mochi he gets really freaked out and even passed out the first time he saw it. Now he's extremely careful around him and is kind of scared of the 'little demon who's clearly plotting something.'
James: Basically has a starting contest with his Mochi self until they both just nodded in solidarity. Mochi James is a bit bigger than Mochi Canada and kind of acts like his bodyguard. At first one wouldn't think James would let a cuddly cat sleep on his lap but that's exactly what he let Jamescat do. Jamescat also likes sleeping in Mathew's lap or with the bears or provinces. They tend to rotate. Funnily, Jamescat is also easily scared by cucumbers which Allen likes to take advantage of but not without getting a face full of scratches. James Mochi has also taken it upon himself to try getting Canada Mochi and Mathew to be more assertive.
Oliver: The first time he sees Olivercat, he's lounging on the counter in his bakery. He does this often and helps attract customers with his cuteness. He also almost accidentally bakes Oliver Mochi until Arthur manages to stop him with Oliver profusely apologizing afterward. Oliver Mochi accepts his apology and quickly becomes a big help in the kitchen often sitting on Oliver's head in Rataoullie style. Olvercat and Oliver Mochi both try getting Britaincat and Arthur Mochi to be more happy-go-lucky. This works about as well as it does for their human counterparts. Meanwhile, Arthur is trying to figure out how they found their way here in hopes they may travel there to find any more survivors.
Luiz: He takes one look at his mochi and immediately assumes it's just another drunken haze. That is until he sees Mochi Luiz light a cigarette without opposable thumbs somehow. Luizcat is a really scruffy cat and Francis immediately tries to take him to the groomers while Francecat tries to groom him himself. Luizcat has successfully aided all attempts so far. Mochi Francis subtly unnerves Luiz with his super-realistic face.
Xiao: Unlike Mochi Yao, Xiao Mochi isn't censored thanks to Xiao's natural ability to bypass them. Mochi Xiao is really interested in Mochi China because of his censorship. Xiao mochi will also try to grab the pixels. Xiao Mochi has become Xiao's new mascot for his blog and the mochi even has the same dragon tattoo design as Xiao. Xiaocat also loves causing trouble, especially for Chinacat. He's definitely that one cat who'd get himself stuck in the blinds. Yao has to help him out a lot. They even have a scoreboard as la "The Office, "to keep track of how many days Xiaocat has stayed out of trouble. This always gets flipped and is never at zero for long.
Viktor: Doesn't know what to make of them but doesn't exactly trust their cute looks as evidenced by Mochi America. Mochi Viktor also does this as he doesn't quite know what to makes of them. Russia Mochi immediately tries to make friends and sometimes one can see them both curled up with their red and pink pile of scarves. Ivan also helps try to ease the tension by putting him in a sunflower patch. Mochi Viktor seems to really like this and this is one of the few times he's seen sleeping. Also, Mochi Viktor seems to have a sort of Cold War rivalry going on with Allen Mochi. Viktorcat seems to be more strict like his counterpart and could care less for toys. He'll humor Russiacat from time to time, but will inform him of when he's coming off a little strong when trying to make friends.
Everyone settles back into a good routine and the cats and mochi are welcomed by their counterparts. Though, in Luciano's case, it's more like he's forced to tolerate them. With these new additions who knows what kind of trouble the mochi and nekos will get up to!
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jarla-nordika · 5 years
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Nils im Kinderwagen #nils #cat #katze #katzeninstagram #catsofinstagram #kinderwagen #hauck #hauckbuggy #buggy #catphoto #catslove #catphotography #catoftheworld #catslife🐾 #catsinsinks #catsleeping #cats_of_instagram #catlovers #cats_for_love #catpics #garfield #garfieldkatze #garfieldcat #katzenliebe #katzenfotografie #katzenglück #katzenleben #sundayevening #sonntagabend #germanycat (hier: Aurich, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9w4IM-KlsP/?igshid=1uosh46550o1f
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Iggycat, Americat, Japancat, Itabby, Germanycat, and Russiacat
Push off a cliff: Americat (just one stair step, it's not that high)Kiss: IggycatMarry: JapancatSet on fire: Russiacat (no regerts (that was intentional))Wrap a blanket around: ItabbyBe roommates with: Germanycat( @americatsgooglehistory, @iggycatsgooglehistory, @japancatsgooglehistory, @russiacatsgooglehistory, @itabbysgooglehistory, and @germanycats-googlesearchhistory)
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grumpykawa · 7 years
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beautifulhetalia · 11 years
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ithinkcatsaresuper · 12 years
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Enjoy! I’m rather fond of the colouring, but Germany cat’s left eye, and Italy cat’s right foot are annoying me. oh well~
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kissakalapuikko · 12 years
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Pixiv ID: 951898
Member: 理人
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kuenstlerisch · 12 years
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Testing a new Photoshop brush. This is for Tara.
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g1ados · 12 years
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ithinkcatsaresuper · 12 years
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Two German kitties for the price of one? Yes please.
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