#gesutres are the screen
jazz-kity · 5 months
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holy freaking badass... i knew they were freaky but this is NEXT LEVEL STUFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Part 1 (Here) Part 2 Part 3
An AU where Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze don’t die and raise wwx to be a rogue cultivator, but wwx breaks into Cloud Recess the night after the guest disciples arrives.
Short fic under the cut.
Getting caught sneaking into Cloud Recess wasn’t Wei Wuxian’s brightest move. It was probably one of his dumber ones to be honest. But he was so curious. His parents talked of Cloud Recess, of the Clan within that had and held to 3000 rules. It was interesting.
And they were supposed to be asleep. It was nearing midnight when Wei Wuxian snuck in, and according to Fuqing, all good Lans would be in bed by nine. Which meant his Fuqin lied, or the Lan dragging him through Cloud Recess was a naughty one. Considering he was taking Wei Wuxian to get punished, it was probably the first. Or, they were up to something that allowed them to be up so late. Which was a curious thought.
Wei Wuxian wasn’t entirely sure what punishment he would get, since he wasn’t a visiting disciple, nor of the GusuLan sect. And his parents would just laugh and drag him home with the promise of punishment never followed through. So, he wasn’t sure what would happen, and he was kind of curious.
Also, he’d appreciate it if the Lan would take this goddamn silence spell off him.
So rude.
“Wangji.” A man who looks a lot like the Lan who dragged him into the building greets.
“He was sneaking in.” The Lan who brought him in, Wangji apparently, states.
The other Lan, turns to Wei Wuxian with an expectant look on his face. Wei Wuxian just gesutres to his mouth. The other Lan smiles and turns to Wangji, who releases the silence spell after a moment.
“I wasn’t sneaking in. I was looking in. I was just curious. Why are you awake at this time anyways? I thought one of your rules dictated you should be in bed by nine?”
“That,” a new voice, an older man appears beside the other Lan, having previously been hidden from Wei Wuxian’s view by a screen, “is none of your business.” The tone, the posture, the goatee, Wei Wuxian knows exactly who this man is.
“Forgive me, Grandmaster Lan.” Wei Wuxian says with a near perfect bow his father had taught him. Muqin had been more concerned in the kicking ass department than the polite department. “I did not mean to interrupt or cause you trouble. I heard of a clan with three thousand rules and became curious, please forgive this one for his intrusion.” Wei Wuxian remains bowed for a couple seconds longer before righting himself. Lan Qiren was looking at his curiously, as if he was trying to figure out a puzzle. The other Lan was glancing between Wei Wuxian and Lan Qiren as if trying to figure something out.
“What clan are you from?” Lan Qiren asks eventually.
“I have no clan. Only my parents, who are rogue cultivators and are teaching me to be the same.” Wei Wuxian states.
Lan Qiren closes his eyes for a moment before asking, “And who are your parents?”
“My father is Wei Changze, my mother is Cangse Sanren.” Wei Wuxian bites back a smile as Lan Qiren’s grip on his goatee gets a little tighter, “Forgive my manners, I am Wei Wuxian.” Both Wangji and the Unnamed Lan are looking to Lan Qiren with something akin to confusion. Barely. Neither of them seem to show much emotion.
Lan Qiren has looked away from Wei Wuxian, clearly thinking for a minute before he turns back to Wei Wuxian and asks, “Do you have any way to contact your parents?” Wei Wuxian hands over a butterfly note. Well, a teleporting butterfly note. He and his Muqin made it together a couple years back so they could quickly contact one another. Lan Qiren writes something on it before sending the butterfly away. Wei Wuxian assumes it’s a notice of punishment until Lan Qiren orders, “Wangji, take Wei Wuxian to the guest quarters. He will join us this lecture period.”
“What?” Wei Wuxian asks, and judging by the expression of Wangji out of the corner of his eye, he’s silently echoing that question.
“I have notified your parents. You will receive guest disciple robes in the morning.” Wei Wuxian opens his mouth to protest, but it snaps shut on its on. He turns to glare at Wangji who ignores him. He bows to Lan Qiren and swiftly turns, gesturing for Wei Wuxian to follow. “One more thing, Wei Wuxian, there are three thousand five hundred rules, and your punishment for sneaking in after curfew is to write them three times.”
Wei Wuxian whines petulantly but lets Wangji drag him from the building instead of actually protesting. He’ll figure something out.
Lan Qiren’s goatee was looking far too long.
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cheekymochiiii · 6 years
100 Year’s Quest Chapter 18-20 Tea Time
*camera pans to me sleeping on loveseat only to be woken up by my producer throwing a mug at my face*
Me: Mother*beep*! damn it Craig you *beep*! throw that at my mother *beep* face again and I’ll cut your *beep* off and shove it up your—
*screen displays message that says: please stand by*
*screen returns and shows me sitting with my cup of tea cool as a cucmber*
Me: *clears throat* Sorry about that. I haven’t been getting much sleep lately and as a result I’ve been *says through gritted teeth while glaring at Craig* very irritable.*relaxes* I realize I haven’t aired any shows since Chapter 17, but if you haven’t read the new chapter of Fairy Tail’s 100 Year Quest then that is your fault and I’m not bothering to put a spoiler warning right now. Despite my doubts to having a guest on today’s tea time, production—I mean I thought it would be best to have one anyway. Today we’ve got someone who is on Team Natsu and has had a front row seat to all the exciting *beep* that’s been happening in chapters 18-20.
Me: *gesutres to side of stage* Please audience give a warm welcome to the little braveheart Wendy Marvell!
Wendy: *walks in waving with her cute smile* Hi everyone it’s good to see you all!
Me: *admiring her adorable innocence and then remembers I have a show to shoot * Thank you so much for coming on the show Wendy it means the world to me.
Wendy: Well I heard from Panther Lily and Carla that you’re really...*hesitates to find right word* passionate.
Me: Awe that is a very accurate word to describe me, especially considering I’m a Pisces but sometimes I’m an Aquarius. It depends which website you read but for the most part I identify myself as a Pisces more than an Aquarius.
Wendy: *confused* you don’t look like two fish to me or like the terrifying Aquarius I know.
Me: *laughs at her innocence* actually Wendy here in my world our zodiac signs are given to us based on the month and day we are born in. Each zodiac is given a season in the year.
Wendy: then what happens?
Me: absolutely nothing. zodiacs are basically there just to make excuses for ourselves and how we act.
Wendy: so it’s like...alcohol?
Me: *considers this and shrugs* I mean you’re not wrong. Anyway we’re getting way off topic. Let’s focus back on what’s been happening in your world or at least in chapters 18-20. Most of these chapters were pretty *beep* short so there’s that but I’ll take whatever dose of Fairy Tail I can get.
*production tells me in my ear piece I need to stop cursing due to Tumblr restrictions and reminds me I could get flagged for being inappropriate again*
Me: *states outloud* that’s what the beeps are for you mother *beeps*
*production slaps forehead*
Me: Sorry for that interruption Wendy. My producers are being a bunch of *beep*
Wendy: *stunned at language*
Me: *continues casually* I’m not going to focus too much on Chapter 18 because I’ve already briefly talked about it in my last show. I want to give a simple summary of it. For starters I want to talk about you Wendy and what a bad *beep* you were for being able to find a spell that allowed the non-dragon slayers of Team Natsu to actually do some harm to the dragons y’all will be fighting. Naturally, I’m curious about how obtained this spell but I’m assuming you nor the creators will be willing to share that information with me.
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Wendy: *genuine tone* I’m really sorry but I can’t share that.
Me: Coming from you, I’m okay with it. So Team Natsu is officially in the battle with the Water God Dragon and boy are y’all struggling. He’s just really letting y’all have it with his magic and this is still only the first dragon y’all have to defeat for this quest.
Wendy: This Quest will definitely be the hardest one I’ve ever had to do.
Me: You guys have been through so much you barely got a breather.
Wendy: I like the adventures with my friends though. It makes my life more full.
Me: Awe
Audience: Awe
Readers: Awe
Me: You are so precious Wendy and you need to be protected at all times. I’m getting off topic again. Chapter 18. Team Natsu. Battle with Water God Dragon. *stops short statements* I mean, that’s basically it. *remmebers* oh yeah Touka defeated all of your guild mates back in Magnolia.
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Wendy: I know I was worried about them too. I still am since you guys haven’t figured out what happens.
Me: *waves and says nonchalantly* I’m sure by the next chapter we will. *wonders internally have I been spelling Touka’s name wrong this whole time?*
Wendy: What makes your so sure?
Me: We’ve been focused a lot on Team Natsu these last few chapters, so I’m going to assume with the screaming-into-pillow ending the creators gave us. The scenery will most likely change come next chapter. Anyway, now it’s Chapter 19 and we are still worried about the favorite team in the world, Team Natsu. Y’all are putting up a good fight but it’s not doing much good. In fact, Natsu tries very hard with all kinds of new and secret spells he’s been holding back from us to defeat the Water God Dragon. However, it nearly becomes too much for our favorite pink haired weirdo hero and he begins to be sucked up into a deadly looking whirlpool created by the Water God Dragon.
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Wendy: *nods at the memory* I remember. We were all worried about what was going to happen to Natsu.
Me: *sideglances* even Lucy?
Wendy: *doesnt get what I’m hinting at* yes of course she’s always worried about Natsu on missions and if he might get hurt. Natsu too. They both want to protect each other.
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Me: *grinning* most interesting *sips tea* Natsu nearly gets sucked into the whirlpool when ta-dah! *makes spirit fingers* a scaley hand snatched Natsu from it. I had a strong feeling from that ending that the hand was extremely reminiscent of a certain dragon we all love...loved.
Wendy: *nods solemnly* Natsu’s father Igneel. All of us lost our parents that day too unfortunately but not in the same way Natsu lost his tragically.
Me: *trying not to cry* I hear that *sniffles* so that’s how we are left in Chapter 19 those bastard creators. *pauses* hey why wasn’t that bleeped?
*production informs me that bastard isn’t that bad of a word compared to the ones I had been using and reminds audience that this show is for mature audiences only despite the bleeped out words because beeping everything is a struggle for the editing team*
Me: okay now it’s on to the most recent update, Chapter 20. We find out that scaley hand that rescued Natsu is indeed a dragon! We, being the readers, also notice how incredibly and unmistakingly similar this dragon and Igneel look.
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Wendy: We were all honestly terrified when this dragon revealed himself. We didn’t know whether he was there to help or hurt us.
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Me: Understandable I mean look at that thing. However we find out he’s mostly there to motivate Natsu to defeat the Water God Dragon and ultimately decides the best way to help Natsu is to set the fish city on fire using its own fire. While this seemed discouraging the dragon wants Natsu to consume the fire so it will help him defeat the Water God Dragon. The dragon also says he wants to fight Natsu at his best himself. So why does this mysterious Igneel-looking dragon want to help Natsu and also fight and defeat Natsu? Well that’s what the big reveal of this chapter was.
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Me: *takes dramatic pause*
Wendy: *smiles knowingly*
Audience: *holds breath*
Readers: *yawns*
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Wendy: *nervously sips her tea and realizes why Panther Lily and Carla called Me intense*
Me: *still raging* I JUST CANT BELIEVE IT! I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING AND IVE GOT A FEELING ITS GONNA BE GOOD *relaxes and sits back down* Just wow Wendy I cant wait for what this Quest has in store for us because we are only 20 chapters in and it’s been ridiculous.
Wendy: *still smiling* I know it’s an exciting quest and adventure that truly tests the feelings, will, and strength of our team.
Me: *tearing up* I can only imagine. I can’t wait to get to the end of this long and winding road but I also want it to last forever because I don’t want Fairy Tail to end.
Wendy: *stunned* what do you mean, end?
Me: *saddened* we originally weren’t going to find out what happened to y’all on the 100 Year’s Quest but then, thanks to this super cool and awesome fandom, we were able to push the creators to continue the manga.
Wendy: Wow we really owe a lot to our fandom then
Me: *nods respectingly* yes yes we do. I know I owe a lot to my followers here on the blog, er, show.
Wendy: Why’s that?
Me: Apparently 500 people like my blog, I mean show, enough to follow me for every time I post something new. *begins meaningful speech* I couldn’t be more happy or thankful for every single one of them. I never imagined I would have this many followers because I started with 0 followers and had no connections or friends on here who already had followers and give shout outs to me, right away of course, but now people seem to like what I post and I literally couldn’t be more thankful for them. I post for them.
Wendy: *tearful* that was a really lovely speech.
Me: thanks Wendy. I suppose I should make an edit dedicated to all of them.
Wendy: that’s a nice gift and very kind of you.
Me: no *shakes head and looks off into the distance* how kind of them.
To be continued...
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